Ammonia-anise cough drops. Features of the use of ammonia-anise drops for coughing

Ammonia-anise drops the instructions call it a secretolytic, which promotes expectoration of sputum. Assign this remedy in the presence of inflammatory processes in the patient's upper respiratory tract. Read more about the medicine below.

Brief description of this medicine

The above product is a colorless liquid, sometimes slightly yellowish, which has an ammonia and anise smell. The instructions describe ammonia-anise drops as the strongest expectorant. The latter refers to stimulants secretory function upper respiratory tract and to secretolytics.

The product contains the following substances:

  • anise oil;
  • ammonia solution 10%;
  • ethanol.

This drug has excellent ability reflexively influence the bronchial glands and bronchi. Thus, it stimulates the motor function of the bronchioles and ciliated epithelium. As a result, the process of removing mucus from the respiratory tract is successfully carried out. In addition, the secretion of the bronchial glands increases. The viscosity of the sputum itself also decreases.

Drops are intended for oral use. This medicine is available in dark glass bottles (25 and 40 ml). The latter are packaged in a cardboard box with instructions.

This product should be stored at normal room temperature. It is advisable to limit access to the above drug to children.

The instructions allow you to buy and use ammonia-anise drops without a special prescription. The price of the medicine is on average 55 rubles per bottle (40 ml).

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

The instructions suggest using ammonia-anise drops for therapy inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

This medicine also has some contraindications. The instructions do not recommend using ammonia-anise drops in medicinal purposes if the patient has symptoms of the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients that are part of the above drug.

IN in some cases drops may cause some health problems. These are vomiting, nausea, allergies.

You should be very careful when using ammonia-anise drops for treatment. The instructions and expert reviews warn that if you use the above remedy undiluted, it can actually cause serious problems with health - burn of mucous membranes.

Method of use

For adult patients, the instructions suggest next dose of the above drug: dilute 10-15 drops in ½ glass of water. This medicine should be taken every 8 hours, that is, no more than three times a day.

The instructions suggest giving ammonia-anise drops to children in the following quantities: one drop for each year of the baby’s life (for example, a 5-year-old child is allowed to take no more than 5 drops). Patients should also be prescribed plenty of warm drinks during the course of treatment with the above drug.

The instructions prohibit the use of the product in complex therapy with antitussive drugs. This may make it difficult or difficult to cough up thin mucus.

It is very important to always strictly follow the dosages indicated in the instructions. If you exceed the intake limit of this medicine, then signs of nausea may occur. Treatment of overdose in most cases is symptomatic.

Special instructions for taking the drug

This medicine should be used exclusively in diluted form. It should be remembered that it contains 90% ethyl alcohol.

The maximum single dose contains about 0.18 g of this substance. The patient takes about 0.54 g of ethyl alcohol per day. Therefore, the instructions advise refraining from driving on the days when therapy with the above drug is carried out. vehicles.

During the treatment period, it is also important to be careful when exercising dangerous species activities that require fast thinking and special concentration.

Ammonia-anise drops are used against cough, are fixed combination drug antispasmodic action. Anise oil and ammonia are the active components that contain ammonia-anise cough drops, how to take the drug, what side effects are described below.

Release form, chemical composition of the product

From the very name of the drug you can find out active ingredients, which are ammonia solution and anise oil. The auxiliary substance included in the drops is ethanol.

The anise plant contains an aromatic substance called anethole in its seed. It is anethole that promotes expectoration of sputum and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Oil from the anise plant stimulates the secretion of the bronchial glands. In addition, it helps improve the digestive system, prevents bloating (flatulence), works as a carminative, antiseptic. Ammonia promotes the release of phlegm when coughing.

The drug is a clear or slightly yellowish liquid with a strong, distinct odor of anise oil and ammonia. In Ukraine, the medicine is produced in darkened bottles, the size of which is 25 ml. 25 ml of product contains:

  • 0.7 ml anise oil;
  • 3.75 ml of ammonia solution;
  • up to 90% ethanol.

It is also worth noting that the drug slightly reduces the temperature. It enhances the effect of antibiotics on the body and effectively fights infections.

The price of the drug ranges from 10.05 to 12.25 hryvnia.

Indications for use of the drug

  • inflammation of the tracheal mucosa (acute and chronic tracheitis);
  • disease of the respiratory tract, the process of which involves the bronchi (bronchitis);
  • acute (chronic) inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis);
  • chronic illness lower sections lungs, accompanied by a suppurative process (purulent endobronchitis);
  • acute inflammation of the walls of bronchioles (bronchial pneumonia or bronchogenic pneumonia).

For which cough should I take the medicine? The remedy is often prescribed for whooping cough in children. The use of drops clears the airways of inflammatory products. The drug is prescribed for dry and wet cough. Ammonia-anise drops are prescribed to a child for sputum with purulent discharge.

Contraindications when using drops and side effects

The drug cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the components. Particular caution should be taken when taking the medicine during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Before using the drug, consult your doctor. The specialist will check the form and severity of the woman’s disease and give recommendations regarding dosage, taking into account the level of risk to the fetus.

The drug has Negative influence on reaction speed when operating cars (motorcycles). Due to this factor, they cannot be taken while driving, at work that requires fast response and concentration.

It is not recommended to take the medicine for children under the first year of life. After the child has reached the age of one year, only pediatrician may prescribe ammonia-anise drops. The pediatrician also decides how to take it for children and what dosage to follow.

In most cases, the active ingredients do not cause an allergic reaction and are well tolerated. Several cases of central nervous system inhibition, allergies to anise oil, skin rashes, nausea, and vomiting have been recorded. There are known cases of bronchospasms.

Scheme for the correct use of medicine in children

The drug is taken orally. Instructions for use (medicine dosage according to age):

  1. Children aged one to two years are prescribed 1-2 drops 3 times a day. They should be diluted in a teaspoon of water.
  2. Children aged 3 to 4 years are prescribed 3-4 drops 4 times a day. The drug is diluted in a tablespoon of boiled water.
  3. If the child has reached the age of 5–6 years, then the dose is increased to 5–6 drops.
  4. Adult patients and children over 14 years of age are recommended to take 10–15 drops at a time. At this age, ammonia-anise drops do not need to be diluted with water, but if such a need arises, dilute the drug in 1 tbsp. l. chilled boiled water. The product should be taken 3-4 times a day.

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. Pay attention to the age and dosage of the drug. The dosage is 1 drop per year of the child’s life.

Important! Adults need to take this medication big amount water.

How to take the drug correctly, before or after meals? The correct answer is that they are taken 30–40 minutes after meals. And you can’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours. Even regular distilled water.

Interaction with other drugs

The pediatrician should warn parents about the dangers of using ammonia-anise drops with other cough medicines. This is because the drops thin the mucus, allowing it to be expelled through a cough. Cough medicines, on the contrary, retain it in the bronchi. Which can cause complications.

You can take ammonia-anise drops with cough tablets only if they are expectorants that have an antispasmodic effect. How to prepare a cough remedy from Thermopsis tablets and ammonia-anise drops is written below.

Important! The drug goes well with antibiotics and preparations containing marshmallow or thermopsis.

Recipe combined agents on plant based requires:

  • 2 Thermopsis tablets;
  • a dessert spoon of ammonia-anise drops;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hot water.

Before using this product, you will need to grind Thermopsis into powder, dilute it with ammonia-anise drops and combine with water. How to drink cough medicine prepared at home? Take the mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours before bedtime.

Analogues of the drug

Below is a list of drugs that can replace drops if they are not available in city pharmacies.

  • Ambroxol;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Bronchosan;
  • Bronchophyte;
  • Ingalin;
  • Muqalitan;
  • Pertussin;
  • Lorkof;
  • Eucalyptus.


Before changing your medication, consult your doctor.

Results of using drops

Positive reviews about the drug confirm the effectiveness of the remedy for coughs, accelerating recovery after a cold, even in the most difficult situations. Alina

: “My husband used to buy other cough remedies, but after buying ammonia-anise drops, and feeling relief after two days of use, we only buy them. Already on the second day I feel the cough calm down and my throat stops hurting. I used to not like them because of the unpleasant taste, but the main thing is efficiency, not taste.” Igor : “Definitely best drug

From cough. It is not very expensive and is always available. Wonderful soothes the throat." Nadia : “I like these cough drops, I haven’t found a better one yet. Get rid of mild cold

, help with sore throat. A huge advantage is their availability, even if there is little money left in your wallet to survive until payday.”

    We will be glad if you leave your review at the end of the article and share how you used ammonia-anise cough drops and how quickly your child recovered.

    In fact, anise was often used before, and now it is not forgotten. Here I took Gedelix for my daughter, and I looked and it contained the same anise. If a product is effective, it only proves its effectiveness over the years.


    In fact, anise was often used before, and now it is not forgotten. Here I took Gedelix for my daughter, and I looked and it contained the same anise. If a product is effective, it only proves its effectiveness over the years.

I have been using ammonia-anise drops all my life. I treated myself, my children, and my grandson. A very effective remedy. It removes phlegm well. It calms the cough. For myself, I pour half a teaspoon with water. After meals, 3 times a day. HEALTH to everyone! Ammonia-anise drops are often used in the development of colds, they allow you to quickly remove phlegm and relieve inflammation. Natural base The drug makes it indispensable in the treatment of children. When the first signs of illness appear, it is useful to know: ammonia-anise cough drops, how to take them with maximum benefit

for the body.

The use of the medicine is approved for use in children with dry and wet cough. Ammonia-anise drops exhibit the following Effect:

  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • stimulate the secretion of secretions from the bronchi;
  • dilute and remove phlegm;
  • clears the airways;
  • eliminate painful sensations and residual effects of the disease.

Parents need to know how to take their children this drug. The dosage is determined taking into account the number of years of the patient (each drop corresponds to 1 year). According to standard scheme, drops are taken in the following quantities:

  • patients 1-2 years old - 1-2 daily three times;
  • at the age of 3-4 years – 3-4 daily up to 4 times;
  • age 5-6 years – 5-6 three times during the day;
  • from 14 years old – 10-15 three times a day.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor in each individual case, taking into account the severity of the disease. The drug is fully compatible with other drugs, with the exception of antitussives, and enhances the effect of antibiotics. When using the product, you should drink plenty of warm liquid.

Important! The drug should be used with caution to treat cough in children, and only in consultation with your doctor.

Take before or after meals?

For maximum effectiveness of ammonia-anise drops, you need to know how to take them correctly, before or after meals? Both adults and children use the drug 30-40 minutes after eating. It is also necessary to refrain from consuming any foods or drinks for two hours after taking the medicine.

During treatment you will need to know: ammonia-anise cough drops, how to take orally? The product is consumed diluted with water or on a small piece of sugar. Before swallowing medicine children add it to a teaspoon or tablespoon cool water. Take the product with a sufficient amount of water.

Recommendations for parents. Before starting treatment with this drug for children, it is necessary to obtain competent advice from a specialist. Only a doctor can decide on the advisability of its use and optimal doses.

Ammonia-anise drops have wide range actions. In adult patients, the use of drops is recommended for the development of:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • whooping cough in children.

The drug exhibits high efficiency in relation to these diseases that are in various stages development. It can be used equally successfully in acute or chronic forms.

After reading the information “ammonium-anise cough drops, how to take”, it is important to follow the recommendations regarding the frequency of administration. This medicine intended for oral administration up to 4 times during the day. The minimum time interval between them should be 4 hours. Maximum dose drug for adults – 60 drops per day.

Contraindications to treatment This remedy is gastritis and peptic ulcer digestive organs. Drops are prescribed to adults with caution in the presence of traumatic brain injuries, impaired liver function, or at any stage of alcoholism. Due to the presence of alcohol in the drug, patients driving vehicles should be as careful as possible during the treatment period.

The additional therapeutic effect of using this drug manifests itself in the form of improved digestion, normalization of intestinal and stomach motility, and reduction of flatulence. This effect is noted due to the presence of anise in the product.

Possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation

Safe use of ammonia-anise drops during pregnancy remains controversial issue. Some experts consider their composition completely harmless for the unborn child, despite the presence of ethyl alcohol in it. At the same time as reducing coughing attacks, the drops help with vomiting and nausea, and effectively eliminate constipation, which is often observed in pregnant women.

Other half of doctors categorically prohibit the use of this drug, arguing that clinical trials its effects on the fetus have not been studied. There is no exact information about how the fetus may react to the active components of the product.

If a woman taking the drops feeds her baby with her own breast milk, doctors recommend closely monitoring the baby’s reaction. After admission with meals to children's body Anise oil can provoke various allergic reactions.

Prescribing ammonia-anise drops during pregnancy and lactation is possible in cases where the expected benefit from taking them may be higher potential harm. The treatment process must be strictly controlled, and if adverse reactions stop.

Current product price

The price of the drug remains affordable for any budget. The cost of a glass bottle with drops of 25 ml ranges from 70-100 rubles. Thus, depending on the manufacturer and the terms of sale, the discrepancy in price can be ten or more rubles.

The product for oral administration is available in the form of a transparent, colorless or yellowish tint solution. The drug is characterized by the presence of a specific odor. Per 100 ml of drops there are 2.81 g of anise extract and 15 ml of 10% ammonia solution. An additional component is ethanol. The shelf life of the drug should not exceed 2 years if it is kept in the refrigerator.

Despite its low cost, the product enjoys well-deserved popularity and is distinguished by its pronounced therapeutic effect. One bottle of drops will be more than enough to pass full course therapy. The drug can be used independently or in combination with various expectorants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications.

To purchase drops you do not need to have a special doctor's prescription with you. This once again confirms the safety of their use in patients of different ages.

Popular analogues for cough treatment

If it is not possible to purchase the product in the form of drops, numerous analogues will help replace it. Cough can be treated with the following medications:

  • Alteykoy;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Gedelix;
  • Bronchophyte;
  • Ingalin;
  • Mukalitan;
  • Pertussin;
  • Lorkof;
  • Makrotussin.

The listed remedies are also used in the complex treatment of colds of the respiratory system with expectoration disorders.

Anise oil can be a good replacement for ammonia-anise drops, available in bottles and capsules. In addition to the emollient and expectorant effect, it exhibits antipyretic properties, relieves headache, relieves hyperexcitability in children. The use of this product should not exceed 3 weeks and is contraindicated in pregnant women and patients under 3 years of age.

In search effective remedy from a cold they will become important information: ammonia-anise cough drops, how to take for adults and children. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

For the treatment of dry and wet cough, a product proven over the years based on anise oil is perfect. This medicine was once used to treat adults and children. Nowadays there are many synthetic drugs in the pharmacy. medicines. Few people know what ammonia-anise cough drops are, how to take them, and how effective the medicine is.

Drops are a two-component preparation. Main active ingredients Anise essential oil and a 10% ammonia solution are used. The drug contains diluted ethanol as an auxiliary component. One drop of solution consists of 70% alcohol.

The medicine can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The 25 ml bottle, made of frosted brown glass, contains a clear or yellowish liquid with a specific anise and ammonia odor. The drug costs about 80 rubles.

How it works

Ammonia-anise drops are a very effective expectorant. It is recommended to take it for coughs and various colds. Essential oil Anise has a stimulating effect on the secretory activity of the bronchial glands. The amount of sputum produced increases sharply.

Another active ingredient– ammonia, it affects the structure of mucus. Thanks to ammonia, the bonds between glycoproteins are destroyed, causing sputum to become more liquid. This accelerates the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Anise oil in the composition of the drug has an antiseptic effect. Medicine in moderate degree influences dangerous microorganisms. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes local microcirculation, and relieves swelling. In addition, anise oil has positive influence on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This is a good laxative that eliminates flatulence.

The main property of the drug is secretolytic. Thanks to its use, the viscosity of mucus decreases and it comes off easier. Drops are recommended for bronchitis, laryngitis, whooping cough, tracheitis, pharyngitis and even pneumonia. The drug is prescribed in combination with other drugs to combat dry and wet cough. Monotherapy with drops is effective only on early stages colds.

Important! Ammonia-anise drops reduce painful sensations, arising from frequent attacks nonproductive cough. At wet cough viscous sputum is liquefied and the bronchi are cleared of mucus.

Directions for use and dosage

The medicine is poured drops into a spoon with water. Take 15 ml of liquid (water, tea, compote) and drop cough medicine. Then the mixture is taken orally. Take the medicine with water (200 ml). If someone does not know how to take the medicine correctly - before or after meals, you need to remember that the drug is taken only before eating.

For children

According to official instructions According to application, drops are allowed for children starting from 12 years of age. This limitation is due to the alcohol contained in the composition. But, despite the warnings, the drug is used to treat children under 12 years of age. In this case, a single dose for a child is calculated using the formula: number of years = number of drops. It is imperative to monitor the baby’s body’s reaction to taking the medication.

Dosage for children (number of drops per dose):

  • 1–2 years – 1–2;
  • 3–5 years – 3–5;
  • 6–9 years – 6–9;
  • 10–12 years old – 10;
  • 12–14 years old – 10;
  • 14–16 years old – 10–12.

If the baby is 4 years old, then you can give him 4 drops at a time. The child should take the medicine three times a day. Dilute it in 15 ml of water (1 tbsp.). Treatment of cough with ammonia-anise drops is carried out for 5 days. If the attacks do not go away, the patient’s condition does not improve, the medication needs to be changed.

For adults

Adults are prescribed 10 or 15 drops three times a day. Take in pure form medicine is not allowed. Be sure to dilute the drops in water (1 tablespoon). Maximum daily dose– no more than 60 drops.

While taking the medicine, you need to drink as much warm tea or compote as possible. The doctor will tell you how to take the medicine and what is the duration of treatment, but adults should not take this drug for more than one week.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The effect of the drug on the developing fetus in the mother's body has not been studied. Infants may refuse milk if the nursing woman took a drug based on anise and alcohol the day before.

You should not drive a car while taking ammonia-anise drops, because they contain alcohol. If you have an individual intolerance or allergy to any component, their use is prohibited.

Do not use this medicine if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers. In case of alcohol dependence or liver disease, the use of the drug is prohibited. You should not take drops along with tablets that suppress the cough reflex.

When the dosage is increased, pain in the stomach, vomiting, dizziness, and agitation may occur. On the background alcohol intoxication there is a disturbance of consciousness.

If the drops are taken undiluted, a burn to the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus may occur. If you are allergic to anise or ammonia, itching and rashes occur on the skin. Sometimes taking drops provokes swelling and bronchospasm.

Important! So that there is no adverse reactions, before using the medicine, you should definitely consult your doctor. Treatment will be more effective if you add inhalations, alkaline drinking, massage and hot foot baths.

Interaction with other drugs

Ammonia-anise drops can be used with other expectorants. For example, with thermopsis and marshmallow preparations. Cannot be used together with antitussive medications such as Glaucine, Codeine, Butamirate.


In addition to ammonia-anise drops, you can use similar medications to treat cough. They all have identical composition and approximately the same pharmacological effect.

  • Anise oil – expectorant, antipyretic and diuretic (price – 90 rubles);
  • Breast Elixir – inexpensive remedy for removing sputum (costs about 20 rubles);
  • Dry cough syrup - powder for preparing a solution (price - 10 rubles).

When a cough occurs, it is necessary to take medication to get rid of obsessive attacks. A dry cough must first be converted into a wet cough. When it is wet, the mucus accumulated in the bronchi should be removed. To do this, you can use ammonia-anise drops or their analogues.

Fast-acting medicines based on natural ingredients helping in short time get rid of cough and remove phlegm, are valued at all times. These drugs include ammonia-anise drops - a well-known and proven remedy for years, which has a small list of indications for use.

Ammonia-anise drops - composition

The composition of the medicine is already indicated in its name. 100 ml of the drug contains: about 3 g of anise oil - a natural component extracted from the seeds of the plant, and 15 ml of ammonia solution (15%), as well as Excipients: divorced ethanol 90%. The last ingredient is the reason that the breast elixir ammonia-anise drops has some contraindications. The remaining ingredients are safe and complement each other:

  1. Thanks to the medicine it strengthens positive action antibiotics, which is important in the treatment of respiratory diseases with bacterial and infectious origin. Anise oil has a thinning effect.
  2. Ammonia - an ammonia solution - helps to dilute bronchial secretions and remove them from the respiratory tract, irritating the receptors.

Ammonia-anise drops - indications for use

For colds, wet and dry cough an effective drug Ammonia-anise drops are recognized as having expectorant properties, the indications for which are: complex treatment respiratory organs. These are diseases such as:

  • bronchitis (chronic or acute);
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • infantile whooping cough.

Drops are used when it is detected in the lungs inflammatory process any kind. Acute infection– whooping cough – has a bacterial nature and manifests itself in the form of spasmodic coughing attacks. Ammonia-anise drops for children are used to treat it only if the age of the patient exceeds one year. In other cases, the “breast elixir” is not given to children 12 years of age and younger.

Ammonia-anise drops - contraindications

No matter what good composition drug, it has contraindications. In some cases, it should be taken with caution, as prescribed by a doctor, in others it is recommended to prohibit it completely. Ammonia-anise cough drops should not be taken for:

  • allergies or intolerances to any of those present active substances and ethanol;
  • pregnancy and lactation - especially in large quantities;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (erosive and ulcerative);
  • gastritis;
  • risk of internal bleeding.

The medication is well tolerated by patients, but when prescribing it, doctors require close attention for conditions such as alcohol addiction or sensitivity to alcohol, pathologies of the brain, liver and kidneys, traumatic brain injury (especially in history). Ammonia-anise medicinal drops have and side effects: call allergic reaction, rash, nausea, burns of mucous membranes (if taken undiluted). You should be careful if you plan to engage in activities that require attention and reaction.

Ammonia-anise drops - application

For the medicine to work, you must follow the rules and dosage specified in the instructions. Those who purchased the drug at the pharmacy are interested in how to take ammonia-anise cough drops correctly so as not to harm the body and get rid of the disease in a short time? The main rule: drops should be taken diluted. They are diluted in liquid, usually water, according to the recommended dose. It is different for each category of patients.

How to take ammonia-anise drops for adults?

The instructions say that ammonia-anise drops are taken orally, three or four times a day. A single dose for adults varies from 10-15 drops at a time. The product is diluted in a small amount of water - 50-100 ml (0.25 cup or tablespoon). You are allowed to put a few drops on a piece of sugar and eat it without drinking it. After this, it is recommended to refrain from eating food and liquid for 1-2 hours. Knowing how to take ammonia-anise drops, you can significantly reduce the risk of contraindications and alleviate the condition.

Ammonia-anise drops during pregnancy

Pregnancy – difficult period when many medications are prohibited. How to drink ammonia-anise drops at this time? The period of bearing a child is one of the existing contraindications, but not strict. If necessary, you can take the medicine, but always under the supervision of a doctor and with his permission. The components of the drops are harmless, but ethyl alcohol is dangerous.

How to take ammonia-anise drops for children?

For the same reason – the presence of ethanol in the composition – it is not recommended for children to take ammonia-anise cough drops. But the medicine is sometimes prescribed as prescribed by the pediatrician. According to the rules, they are, as before, bred in water, perhaps in larger quantities than is customary for adults. The dosage is determined by the doctor, and the amount of medication added approximately corresponds to the age of the child:

  1. Up to two years the norm is 2 drops. medicine diluted in a teaspoon of water.
  2. Children 3-4 years old – up to 4 drops, 3-4 times a day.
  3. For preschool children 5-6 years old, the dose is increased to 6 drops of medicine. And with age, the dose increases.
  4. How to drink ammonia-anise cough drops for children under 14? They are allowed to take an “adult” dose of the medicine – 15 drops.

Ammonia-anise drops - use in everyday life

Besides direct use– getting rid of dry and wet cough– the medicine can be used for household purposes and with great success. Frequent assistant to all housewives - ammonia, available in the composition of the medicine, is used as an effective detergent and not only. Ammonia-anise drops are used in everyday life in the following cases:

  1. The medicine can be added to carpet and window cleaners, or diluted in water and then applied wet cleaning surfaces.
  2. Ammonia-anise drops help when cleaning stoves, microwaves, and hoods. A small amount of The products are applied to a sponge and wiped over contaminated objects. Ammonia is easily eliminated greasy spots and soot, anise gives a pleasant smell.
  3. Fishermen sometimes add “breast elixir” to the bait (no more than 5% of the total volume). The smell of anise is especially attractive to crucian carp.
  4. But the smell of drops repels mice. If you thoroughly wipe the favorite places of rodents in the house with the solution, the animals will leave the home.

How to make ammonia-anise drops at home?

Proper medication intake is the key to the success of the chosen therapy. Patients are interested in the question: how to prepare ammonia-anise drops from pharmaceutical drug and dilute it correctly? The medicine dissolves in boiled water(warm). It is necessary to drop a certain amount of the drug into a spoon of liquid. Medicine You can prepare it yourself from ammonia and anise oil squeezed from the seeds. But it is much easier to purchase ready-made ammonia-anise drops; a prescription is not required at the pharmacy for purchase, and the cost of the product is only 60-80 rubles.

What can replace ammonia-anise drops?

Any medicine has analogues, similar in composition and directional action. They may vary in price, have different components in their composition, but in the same way influence the processes in the body. Ammonia-anise drops are no exception, the analogues of which are as follows:

  1. Breast Elixir or chest cough drops, which contain anise and ammonia, extract, but no alcohol.
  2. Children's dry cough syrup, sold in powder. Ingredients: anise oil, licorice, marshmallow extract, ammonium chloride salt, etc.
  3. Non-toxic drug Ambroxol Based on the plant Justice Vascular. Has an expectorant effect.
  4. Bronchosan, which contains many medicinal herbs, including anise and mint.
  5. The most popular analogue is overslept. Syrup based on ivy leaf extract has mucolytic and bronchospasmolytic effects.

Ammonia-anise drops have contraindications, but their popularity is justified. Inexpensive and effective, they help eliminate annoying coughs and make breathing easier. Compared to other medications with the same properties, the drops compare favorably with the price. The range of expectorants is wide, but this remedy still remains in demand.