Treatment with zyuznik - medicine within walking distance. Collection for thyroid nodules. Indications and contraindications

A little-known medicinal plant with unique healing properties. Zyuznik normalizes activity thyroid gland and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system.

An inconspicuous plant up to a meter high, with a powerful tetrahedral stem. The leaves are oblong lanceolate, entire with teeth along the edges. The flowers are small, white, and cover the base of the leaves in a dense ring.

The plant is very common throughout Russia, except for the northern regions. loves damp places and can be found along the banks of rivers, swamps, and lakes. Coastal bushes and water meadows favorite places his habitat.

Properties of the herb zyuznik

Zyuznik is an excellent anti-inflammatory and strong depressant, superior in effectiveness to valerian and. But not because of these properties in Lately it is becoming more and more popular. The ability of European sage to normalize the activity of the thyroid gland - main reason popularity of this plant.

In addition to the listed properties, this wonderful herb has properties to stop bleeding and relieve pain. When including sage grass in multicomponent preparations, it should be taken into account that this herb reduces blood pressure and has diuretic properties.

Application of zyuznik

Preparation of zyuznik

As I mentioned above European zyuznik a very common plant. But when collecting, you need to take into account that tall zyuznik is also very common (its height can reach two meters). ABOUT healing properties this type of information is not available. But if only this species grows in your area, then it can be a good replacement for European grasshopper. It is not difficult to distinguish these two species. They have exactly the same flowers, but the leaves are different. The European one has solid oblong leaves, while the tall one has complex, split leaves. this is clearly visible in the photograph.

Among the riot of summer colors, the European sage grass seems inconspicuous, and many people who are not familiar with the subtleties medicinal herbs, they confuse it with nettle. Indeed, this perennial is popularly known as marsh nettle. He also has other notable nicknames: forest hemp, wolf's paw (for the similarity of the flowers to the shape of a wolf's footprint). The generic name itself (Lycopus europaeus) comes from the Greek lycos - wolf and pous - leg. Literally - “wolf legs”. In Russian, the word "zyuzya" means a person who gets wet in the rain. Since this plant prefers to settle in marshy places, it releases excess moisture through special water stomata located on the leaves. Hanging from the leaves, the drops seem to flow from a wet raincoat.

Among the riot of summer colors, the European grasshopper seems inconspicuous, and many people confuse it with nettles

Zyuznik - perennial herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae. It has a tetrahedral stem that can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. The plant is erect, the leaves are oblong, rough, with a jagged edge. The flowers are small, white, with purple specks, collected in false whorls at the base of the stem. The fruit of the flowering is a small nut. The plant reproduces vegetatively - by rhizomes spreading from the stem within a radius of 20 cm. The root of the plant is creeping, spindle-shaped, and emits a specific smell.

To grow, the grasshopper chooses exclusively moist soils and settles along the banks of ditches, reservoirs, and in marshy areas. Widely distributed throughout Russia.

Zyuznik is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family.

Gallery: Zyuznik (25 photos)

Chemical composition and medicinal properties

At the European zyuznik medicinal properties due to his rich chemical composition. The most valuable thing in this plant is lithospermic acid, which has miraculous property in the treatment of the thyroid gland. The grass also contains organic acids such as malic, citric, tartaric, phenylcarbon derivatives, as well as tannins, flavonoids and coumarins, essential oils, carotene, carbohydrates, resins, alkaloids, manganese, fluorine and others useful components. It is worth noting that the final composition of the zyuznik has not yet been determined. Research aimed at studying what medicinal properties and contraindications this has, without a doubt, useful plant, continue to this day.

Properties of zyuznik:

  • effective for thyroid diseases;
  • has a cardiovascular and hemostatic effect;
  • used as an antipyretic and antifever agent;
  • relieves pain of various origins;
  • It is used as an antidiarrheal, astringent and diuretic component.

To grow, the grasshopper chooses exclusively moist soils and settles along the banks of ditches, reservoirs, and in marshy areas.

This plant has become most widely known as a remedy for combating thyroid diseases associated with its increased or decreased function. Medicinal action The drug is so strong that patients begin to feel significantly better after just two weeks of using medications with zyuznik. This has not only been proven in theory, but has also been successfully tested in practice.

European zyuznik (video)

Methods of application

To prepare potions, both fresh grass (in season) and dried grass are used. The grass is harvested during the growing season; the entire above-ground part of the plant is suitable for treatment. Dry the raw materials in a well-ventilated area until brittle. Store in glass containers with tight lids.

For hyperthyroidism, zyuznik tea is prescribed - take 2-3 tbsp per 200 ml of boiling water. l. fresh raw materials, brew and drink 0.5 cups before meals 3 times a day.

A common remedy that can relieve heart pain and tachycardia is an infusion. Experts believe that it can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition when vegetative-vascular dystonia. For preparation, use fresh herbs - for 300 ml of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials. Leave for 2 hours in a dark place and strain. You need to drink the infusion 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals. Treatment should be carried out in courses - 3 weeks on, 1 week off.

This plant has become most widely known as a remedy for combating diseases of the thyroid gland associated with its increased or decreased function.

An alcohol tincture can be prepared from dry herbs. For 5 parts of purified vodka, take 1 part of dry raw materials. Shake the mixture well and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Strain the finished solution and take 20-30 drops, dissolving in small quantity water, several times a day on an empty stomach. During the season, the tincture can be prepared for future use from fresh herbs. The main thing is to store it in the refrigerator. This tincture helps well with tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Zyuznik is often included in herbal preparations that can significantly improve health.

Composition of the collection for hyperthyroidism

Take 2 parts each of blueberry, plantain, strawberry leaves, hawthorn fruits and 1 part each of mistletoe, lemon balm and sage. Grind all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Pour 15 g of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and place on high heat. After boiling, cook for 7 minutes, remove from heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Additionally, you need to prepare the following mixture from ready-made pharmaceuticals: mix alcoholic tinctures of motherwort, hops, hawthorn, valerian and mint in one container. The resulting preparation should be shaken and added with a pipette 100 drops to the cooled herbal infusion which was prepared earlier. Pour 10 g of string tincture into the resulting mixture and add 1 tbsp. l. fresh honey. Take 100 ml of the healing drug half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day and before bed. Experts say that, in addition to improving the function of the thyroid gland, thanks to its components, the drug will improve the cardiovascular and nervous systems, normalize blood pressure, improve mood and sleep.

Composition of the collection reduced function thyroid glands

For 3 parts of sage grass you will need: 1 part each of eleutherococcus root, Echinoid seeds, gorse herb and dandelion root, as well as 2 parts of cocklebur. Pour 15 g of well-mixed mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-7 minutes, strain after infusing for 1 hour. Add tincture to the decoction walnut- 100 drops. For 1 dose, take 100 ml of the mixture and eat 0.5 tsp. dry seaweed. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day.

Both recipes for mixtures (at reduced and increased function thyroid) are prescribed in courses: for 1.5 months of treatment - 1.5 months of rest. The treatment period is long - up to three years, but experts believe that this method can, if not completely cure diseases, then bring them into a state of long-term remission.

Medicinal properties of zyuznik (video)

Contraindications for use

Like any medicine, drugs containing zyuznik also have their contraindications. Despite the general harmlessness of the plant, it should not be taken by pregnant women under the age of 14 to avoid the development of allergies in the fetus. This plant should be prescribed with caution to patients with low blood pressure and patients with diffuse goiter. In other cases, it is believed that taking medicinal products from the sage is justified and leads to positive results.

An outwardly unsightly, ubiquitous plant actually turns out to be a good healer and effectively helps in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular and genitourinary system. It is important to know the basic rules and not to overdo it in treatment.

European sage has medicinal properties that have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. The product is quite potent, so contraindications must be taken into account. Use should be in consultation with the attending physician who is monitoring the patient. For thyrotoxicosis, toxic goiter and other diseases endocrine system European zyuznik is used as an additional therapeutic agent rather than as primary treatment. The medicinal properties are due to the chemical composition of the plant juice. European zyuznik contains:

  • essential oils and coumarin;
  • organic acids: tartaric, malic, ursolic, citric and others;
  • bitterness and resins;
  • alkaloids and tannins;
  • saponins and flavonoids.

The herb in dry and crushed form is suitable for preparing decoctions, infusions and solutions for external use. The main areas in which medicinal properties operate:

  • normalization of the thyroid gland;
  • restoration of the pituitary gland, normalization of the level of follicle-stimulating hormone, prolactin and luteinizing hormone in women;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and;
  • relief from ailments elevated temperature, reduction of headaches and intoxication;
  • calming effect on the nervous system, sedative effect.

Application for serious illnesses heart and blood vessels should be carried out in small doses, with caution and under the supervision of a cardiologist. The effect that European sage grass has on the cardiovascular system may cause deterioration in health in some patients. Contraindications include unstable heartbeat, bradycardia, that is, the heartbeat is slower than normal. If the dosage is exceeded, poisoning and adverse consequences for the pancreas.

European sage has a stem from 20 to 120 cm and is distributed everywhere in Russia except the Far North. Prefers nitrogen-rich and boggy soil. The rhizome is usually submerged in water. The leaves are dark green, rough, triangular shape, dissected. It blooms with small pale flowers; the flower petals have red or pink dots. Flowering occurs from June to August depending on the climate zone. External similarity and specific place of growth served as the reason for popular name this plant. In some herbalists you can find recipes that use “swamp nettle” instead of the correct botanical name “European grass”. It is better to entrust the collection to professionals, and for treatment, purchase ready-made and well-dried herbs at the pharmacy.

Beneficial features

The herb contains carboxylic and phenolic acids, which affect the functioning of the pituitary gland. This gland in women regulates the production of sex hormones:

  • prolactin;
  • follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • luteinizing hormone.

The work of the pituitary gland is closely related to the work of the thyroid gland, therefore healing herb It is also used for thyroid diseases. Main uses:

  1. for tincture take 1 tbsp. for 250 ml boiling water, maximum daily dose– 1 glass in 3-4 doses with an interval of 3 hours;
  2. for the decoction take 2 tbsp. for 250 ml of water, drink no more than ½ glass per day;
  3. for tea 2 tsp. raw materials per 500 ml of water, no more than 1 liter of tea per day with intervals between doses.

All doses must be agreed with your doctor. At severe pain show vigilance in the heart and call ambulance. The herb has a shelf life of no more than 2 years. After this time, the raw materials lose beneficial features and acquires harmful ones.

What does it treat?

Diseases of the endocrine system: thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism, caused only by dysfunction of the thyroid gland, and not by any other reasons.

Gynecological diseases: unfavorable hormonal background for prolactin, FH, LH, mastodynia.

Diseases of cardio-vascular system: tachycardia, high blood pressure due to psycho-emotional stress, especially in older women.

Diseases nervous system and psyche: overexcitation, insomnia, increased anxiety, obsessive-compulsive syndrome (as a sedative).


Do not stop use abruptly remedy. The dose reduction should be carried out gradually. Possible allergic reaction on the organic substances that the plant contains. European zyuznik is used only as an additional herbal medicine and does not replace the medications that are selected by the doctor to control hormonal disease. Contraindications:

  • age up to 12 years;
  • bradycardia, hypotension or hypotension (slow heart rate, decreased blood pressure and vascular tone);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

For any disease of the thyroid gland, herbal medicines are used in consultation with the attending physician. For diffuse or toxic goiter, hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis and others serious violations It is imperative to consult a doctor, otherwise no one guarantees progress in recovery. The properties of the plant affect the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, so exceeding the dosage is not safe.

The perennial grass has an above-ground part 20-120 cm high. Characteristic is the formation of underground shoots, represented by stolons, no more than a quarter of a meter long. The foliage is serrated and rough.

Upper leaves lanceolate type, oval shape. The lower foliage is serrated and deeply dissected. Cymose multi-flowered inflorescences of axillary type are collected from radially symmetrical, four-membered flowers with white petals, on which there are purple spots. The fruits are represented by a single nut.

Plant raw materials contain phenolic carboxylic acids, which have proven antigonadotropic and antithyroid-tropic effects on the human body. Among other things, such chemical components can reduce the amount of prolactin in the blood. The plant also contains essential oils, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins “C” and “E”, and tannins.

Medicinal properties of European rosemary

Medicinal characteristics due to chemical composition:

  • pronounced sedative effect in pathology of the nervous system;
  • normalization of the thyroid gland, reduction of hormonal production in thyrotoxicosis;
  • activation metabolic processes in organism;
  • protecting the body from toxins and free radicals;
  • warning premature aging and cellular destruction;
  • normalization of everyone's work internal organs;
  • stimulation of regeneration processes;
  • stabilization of hormone synthesis;
  • regulation of the permeability of capillary walls;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • pain relief for mastopathy,
  • treatment of irritable bowel syndrome;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • antiseptic properties.

When using plant materials, it is possible to significantly speed up the healing process of wounds and abrasions, as well as minimize the risk of developing purulent inflammation.

Benefits of European sage grass (video)

Collection and storage of medicinal raw materials

European zyuznik is distinguished by a fairly wide area of ​​​​geographical distribution. The medicinal crop grows not only in the European part, but also mainly in the black earth regions, as well as in the Far East and Central Asia. IN folk medicine The above-ground part of the “wolf’s paw” is used very widely. It is necessary to prepare plant raw materials throughout summer period.

The flowering period is optimal for collecting. During the harvesting process, the apical part is cut off. It is here that the stem is not yet too rigid compared to bottom. Plant materials should be dried in the usual way, tying the cut parts into bunches and hanging them in a fairly shaded but well-ventilated area.

The use of marsh nettle in folk medicine

Used for hyperthyroidism alcohol tincture, for the preparation of which the above-ground part is crushed and placed in a glass container, after which the plant material is filled with 40% alcohol and left for a couple of weeks in a dark place. The finished tincture is filtered. You need to take fifteen drops of the medicine, diluted in water, three times a day, half an hour before meals. The treatment period is one month, after which a two-week break is taken.

Neurological conditions and insomnia respond very well to treatment water tincture, which is prepared from a tablespoon of dry herbs and a glass of boiling water. The crushed plant material is poured with boiling water and infused for a couple of hours in a dark place. The tincture is filtered and taken ½ tablespoon before meals. within three weeks

At functional disorders cardiovascular system is used medicinal decoction, prepared from a couple of tablespoons of chopped dry herbs, poured in a glass of boiling water and boiled for five minutes. The decoction is cooled and filtered and used for a month before meals.

Tea from medicinal plant has a calming effect and slows heart rate. To prepare it, add 300 ml of boiling water to a teaspoon of dried herb, then leave for a couple of hours and consume warm, strained.

Contraindications and precautions

With proper use and use in accordance with the recommended dosage, no side effects are observed, but in mandatory it is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications.

Apply in medicinal purposes such a healing herbaceous perennial is strictly forbidden frequent downgrades blood pressure or if there is a history of hypotension. Also, severe individual intolerance is a contraindication to the use of folk remedies based on such a plant. active ingredients grass and diffuse toxic goiter.

It is highly undesirable to use plant raw materials of this type during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and for children under the age of fourteen. Important to remember, which is completely unacceptable to independently increase both the duration of treatment and the dosage. The result of this may be disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas.

How to store European zyuznik (video)

Reviews of European zyuznik

Quite often you can find the medicinal plant European grasshopper under less common names, including:

  • wild queen plant;
  • marsh nettle;
  • heart grass;
  • water horehound;
  • wolf's paw;
  • wolf leg;
  • clean;
  • forest hemp;
  • speckled;
  • speckled;
  • zyuzik.

According to reviews from those who use folk remedies And medicinal fees based on forest hemp, their consumption significantly improves general state health. When treating diseases associated with thyroid pathology, it decreases constant feeling heat, and shortness of breath decreases. Herbal infusions help get rid of panic attacks and general nervousness, and also normalize sleep and fight insomnia. Tannins, which are part of such plant raw materials, have proven themselves in the presence of diseases of the nasopharynx and gynecological diseases.

However It is very important to follow the dosage when preparing medicines and their subsequent use. Can not use herbal preparations based on European sage for a number of diseases. Before starting treatment with such drugs, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Varieties of medicinal herbs (video)

Grass medicinal plant"wolf's paw" contains flavoin glycosides and is also distinguished by the presence essential oil, choline-like substances, saponins, bitter substance lycopene, resin, traces of alkaloids, thanks to which I found wide application in the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. Zyuznik can be used both as a monocomposition and with other medicinal plants.