What causes anxiety in the body. How to Get Rid of Worry and Anxiety with Medication. Using psychotherapy for anxiety disorders

All people experience anxiety from time to time. For example, you might feel nervous when you have a fight with a loved one or before taking an exam. Anxiety itself is not a very pleasant emotion, but it is completely normal.

Sometimes anxiety becomes persistent and uncontrollable. In situations where it interferes Everyday life, becomes permanent or excessively acute, the problem cannot be ignored. It’s worth contacting a specialist and figuring out what anxiety means in your case. Perhaps you need qualified help.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illness V modern society.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in modern society. Usually a person cannot understand what anxiety means that it is impossible to get rid of. The disease makes you feel scared and anxious for no apparent reason. If left untreated, it becomes a long-term problem and significantly reduces quality of life. At the same time, no matter what form of anxiety disorder the patient suffers from, experienced specialist will always select therapy that will help cope with the disease.

What is anxiety like?

General signs anxiety disorders, which you need to pay attention to:

  • Feelings of nervousness and uncontrollable anxiety that are inappropriate to the situation;
  • Unreasonable panic, premonition of disaster or death;
  • Increased vegetative activity nervous system: dizziness, sweating, trembling, rapid breathing, palpitations, pain in the heart, dry mouth, nausea, stool disorders;
  • Sleep and appetite disorders;
  • Problems with concentration, inability to distract from the object of concern;
  • Emotionality, irritability;
  • Strong, uncontrollable feeling fear of ordinary situations (phobias).

Anxiety, whatever it may be, always has character traits and the causes of occurrence. The concept of “anxiety disorder” is a general one and corresponds to several diagnoses, each of which has its own characteristics. It is important to distinguish one from the other in order to correctly diagnose and choose the correct treatment. Experience and high qualifications will allow a specialist to do this without difficulty.

When to urgently seek help:

  • When the condition interferes with work, relationships and other areas of life;
  • If a person cannot control his fear or obsessive thoughts;
  • If a person feels constantly depressed, has trouble sleeping and concentrating, uses large quantities alcohol to cope with anxiety;
  • There are suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of an anxiety disorder do not go away on their own. This serious problem, which, without specialized assistance, progresses over time. To avoid this and return to full life Without painful fears, you need to consult a specialist. The sooner the patient begins therapy, the faster and easier it will be to get results.

The concept of “anxiety” was first identified by Sigmund Freud, describing it as emotional condition, which includes the experience of expectation and uncertainty, a feeling of helplessness. Unlike fear (a reaction to a specific danger that threatens a person’s life), anxiety is the experience of a vague threat. Anxiety can occur without apparent reason: It seems like there is nothing to be afraid of, but my soul is restless. Such experiences develop into anxiety and become distinctive feature of a person and the characteristics of his character.

All our worries come from childhood. At first we are afraid of the Serpent Gorynych and Baba Yaga, as we get older - dark room, spiders, snakes and cars. At school we are afraid of bad grades, at work - conflicts with the boss and/or dismissal, in the family - misunderstandings and disappointments. Everyone has their own Achilles heel. However, absolutely all of us tend to worry about the health and well-being of ourselves, our children and loved ones.

However, the absence of reasons for concern frightens some people no less: if everything is fine now, it means that something unpleasant will certainly happen soon. However, it is important to understand that the basis of all our anxieties is fear of the future, and all people, without exception, are susceptible to it, even the strongest and most fearless in appearance. The difference is only in relation to anxiety and the degree of experience.

How she is born

The development of anxiety in a child is not sufficiently promoted competent behavior parents. Increased demands with an inadequate assessment of his real capabilities can cause a child constant fear that he does not meet the expectations of his parents and does not deserve their love. Anxious child, as a rule, is passive, not sufficiently independent, he tends to dream rather than act, live in an imaginary world, and finds it difficult to build relationships with peers. With this behavior, parents begin to worry even more, thereby provoking his self-doubt.

On the other hand, a child can become anxious even with overprotective parents - in an atmosphere of excessive care and precaution. Then he gets the feeling that he is insignificant, his opinions and desires are actually not needed or interesting to anyone. And if so, then the world seems unpredictable and filled with continuous dangers.

The next scenario is the conflicting demands of parents: when the father approaches the upbringing process harshly, and the mother lowers all his demands. Torn between one pole and the other, the child is unable to make decisions, which increases his level of anxiety.

– Not long ago in psychology the concept “ family anxiety", says psychologist Zhanna Lurie. – It refers to a state of often poorly understood anxiety experienced by one or more adult family members. Anxiety may be caused by doubts about the continuation of the relationship, problems with money, different views for upbringing... All this, of course, is passed on to the child, very often he becomes an indicator of problems in the family.

In addition, on psychological level anxiety can be caused internal conflict associated with misconceptions about own image"I", an inadequate level of aspirations, insufficient awareness of the goal, the need to choose between various areas activities and so on.

Universe of Threats

What happens to a person when he is in a state of anxiety?

- One of characteristic featuresmuscle clamp, in which it tenses certain group muscles - usually collar area, says Zhanna Lurie. – Often a person is not aware of the tension, feeling only some discomfort. If this happens constantly, the clamps threaten to become chronic and turn into a kind of armor that will limit freedom of movement and can lead to loss of sensitivity in this area. Periodic massage of the collar area, of course, will relieve tension for a while, but will not get rid of the problem if the person continues to live in stress.

An anxious person becomes nervous, irritable, on the verge of a breakdown, gets scared easily, cannot concentrate, suffers from insomnia, and gets tired quickly. The world is perceived by him as a universe of dangers and threats, and this state can subsequently turn into neurosis, says Zhanna Lurie. “He often hears what is said to him differently, reacts sharply and painfully to harmless messages, and perceives any words from his boss as a personal insult. Such a person is very afraid of making a mistake, perceiving it as the ruin of his entire life.

However, anxiety also has positive sides. She warns us of real dangers, of the possibility of injury, pain, punishment. It is normal for a person to feel anxious when going on a first date or speaking in front of an audience if they are worried about being on time for an important meeting.

We fight and win!

Experts say: anxiety almost always arises when a person is forced to make some decisions, when he is not sure that he can implement them, and when the result is very important and valuable to him. That is, in fact, anxiety accompanies us most of our lives. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to deal with them and how to direct your experiences in the right direction.

● It is important to understand the nature of the anxiety tormenting you: is it real or imaginary. To do this, ask yourself a few questions: how important and necessary is what I am afraid of? What's the worst thing that could happen if everything turns out exactly as I fear? What will happen if it happens differently? This will help separate what is important from what is not.

● Try to think positively. Calm down and tune yourself to the fact that there is more in the world good people and not everyone in this life wishes you harm.

● Rest and relax more often, do not push yourself: in an exhausted state, all reactions are experienced much more acutely.

● Be prepared to cope with the situation that is causing you anxiety or at least, try to do this. But it is advisable not to slip into auto-training: in this case, the person does not realize real dangers and does not evaluate his strength to combat them, but pretends that the problem simply does not exist.

If you are tormented constant anxiety and you can’t say what exactly you’re afraid of, ask yourself: what worries you so much about this moment? What can you do right now? If you can't find the answer, try to imagine something positive. And don’t put off visiting a specialist: he will help you figure out the reasons and understand what to do next.

By the way

If anxiety goes through the roof, it can develop into panic. Here are its main symptoms: inability to breathe full breasts, dizziness, fainting/fainting, clouding of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, trembling throughout the body, severe sweating, choking, vomiting. As well as stomach upset, numbness or tingling in the body. A person is thrown into cold, then hot, he feels the unreality of what is happening (the body seems not mine), pain or oppressive feeling in his chest, it seems to him that he is about to die or go crazy. At least three or four signs from this list are enough to understand that panic attacks have begun. And here you can’t do without a specialist.

Personal opinion

Alexey Romanov:

– Feelings of anxiety are common to everyone. But you don't need to give in to him. I recommend distracting yourself: opening a bottle of champagne or re-reading The Marriage of Figaro. Try to think positive. It's not as difficult as it seems. It helps me out. For example, you are walking down the street, you hear some bad music coming from a stall, it will definitely cling to you and spin around in your head, then with an effort of will I force myself to remember something good from the music. And it drives out nonsense. Same with feelings of anxiety. Gloomy people on the streets think about bad things. This bad habit, but it is very easy to fight. You just need to make an effort. WITH strong emotions difficult to cope with, requires enormous training under experienced guidance. IN at a young age super-emotions helped in creativity, now I avoid them. A wise figure itself avoids stress, this is simply a property of an adult organism. There is no escape from experience, it turns you into an armed ship when you foresee - armed, forewarned and not getting involved in anything.

How to get rid of anxiety? This is a very exciting and very popular question among people of different generations. A particularly common request is that people have a feeling of anxiety for no reason and they don’t know how to get rid of it. Fear that cannot be explained, tension, anxiety, causeless worry - many people experience it from time to time. Unreasonable anxiety can be interpreted as a consequence of chronic fatigue, constant stress, recent or progressive diseases.

A person is often confused because he has been overtaken for no reason; he does not understand how to get rid of the feeling of anxiety, but prolonged experience can lead to serious personality disorders.

Feelings of anxiety are not always pathological mental state. A person may experience anxiety quite often in his life. The state of pathological causeless occurs regardless of external stimuli and is not caused by real problems, but appears on its own.

A feeling of anxiety can overwhelm a person when he gives complete freedom to his emotions, which in most cases paints extremely scary pictures. In an anxious state, a person feels his own helplessness, emotional and physical exhaustion, in connection with which his health may deteriorate and he will fall ill.

How to get rid of the feeling of anxiety and worry inside

Most people know unpleasant feeling, the symptoms of which are, heavy sweating, obsessive thoughts, a feeling of abstract danger that seems to be stalking and lurking around every corner. Approximately 97% of adults experience periodic bouts of anxiety and inner restlessness. Sometimes a feeling of real anxiety provides some benefit, forcing a person to act in a certain way, mobilize his strength and predict possible events.

The state of anxiety is characterized by difficult-to-define sensations that have a negative connotation, accompanied by the expectation of trouble, a feeling of uncertainty and insecurity. The feeling of anxiety is quite exhausting, taking away strength and energy, devouring optimism and joy, preventing you from having a positive attitude towards life and enjoying it.

How to get rid of the feeling of anxiety and worry inside? Psychology will help you figure it out using certain methods.

Method of speaking affirmations. An affirmation is a short optimistic statement that does not contain a single word with a “not” in it. Affirmations, on the one hand, direct a person’s thinking in a positive direction, and on the other hand, they calm well. Each affirmation must be repeated for 21 days, after this time the affirmation will be able to gain a foothold, as good habit. The method of affirmations is a means of getting rid of feelings of anxiety and restlessness within; it helps even more if a person clearly understands the cause of his anxiety and, starting from it, can create an affirmation.

According to the observations of psychologists, even when a person does not believe in the power of statements, then after regular repetition, his brain begins to perceive incoming information and adapt to it, thus forcing him to act in a certain way.

The person himself does not understand how it happened that the spoken statement is transformed into a life principle and changes the attitude towards the situation. Thanks to this technique, you can redirect your attention and wait for the feeling of anxiety to decrease. The affirmation technique will be more effective in overcoming feelings of anxiety and worry if it is combined with breathing techniques.

You can focus your attention on something positive, such as reading educational literature or watching motivational videos. You can daydream or occupy your thoughts with an interesting activity, mentally create a barrier to penetration anxious thoughts to the head.

The next method to decide how to get rid of constant feeling anxiety is quality rest. Many people are concerned about their financial condition, but do not think at all that they need to rest and relax from time to time. The lack of quality rest leads to the fact that physical and mental health the person is deteriorating. Due to the daily hustle and bustle, tension and stress accumulate, which lead to an inexplicable feeling of anxiety.

You just need to set aside one day a week for relaxation, visit the sauna, go out into nature, meet friends, go to the theater and so on. If you can’t go somewhere outside the city, then you can play your favorite sport, take a walk before bed, get a good night’s sleep, and eat right. Such actions will improve your well-being.

How to get rid of anxiety? Psychology in this regard believes that first you need to establish the source of anxiety. Often, feelings of restlessness and anxiety arise because a person is simultaneously bombarded with many small things that need to be done on time. If you consider all these things separately and plan your daily list of activities, then everything will appear much simpler than it seems. Many problems from a different perspective will seem even insignificant. Therefore, using this method will make a person calmer and more balanced.

Without unnecessary delay you need to get rid of small but unpleasant problems. The main thing is not to let them accumulate. It is necessary to develop the habit of timely resolution of urgent matters, for example, such household things as rent, a visit to the doctor, rent thesis And so on.

In order to understand how to get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety and worry inside, you need to want to change something in your life. If there is a problem that for a long time seems unsolvable, you can try to look at it from a different point of view. There are sources of anxiety and feelings of anxiety that cannot leave a person alone for some time. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously solve financial problems, buy a car, pull a friend out of trouble, settle family problems. But if you look at things a little differently, then you will be more able to cope with stress.

We need to do everything possible to improve the situation. Sometimes even talking to other people can help reduce anxiety and clarify the situation. For example, a financial consultant will help you cope with financial problems, a psychologist will help you with family matters.

Between thinking about the main problems, you need to set aside time for distracting activities (walking, playing sports, watching a movie). The main thing is not to forget that the problems that need to be solved remain in the first place, and you should keep your distractions under control so that they do not provoke difficulties with time pressure.

Another method for determining how to get rid of constant feelings of anxiety and worry is mental training. Many have proven that meditation helps calm the mind and overcome feelings of anxiety. Regular practice improves mental health. For those who are just starting to practice, it is advisable to enroll in courses in order to correctly master the technique.

During meditation, you can think about an exciting problem. To do this, you need to focus on it, spend about five or ten minutes thinking about it, but not think about it again during the day.

People who share their anxious thoughts and feelings with others feel much better than those who keep everything to themselves. Sometimes the people with whom you are discussing a problem can offer ideas on how to deal with it. Of course, first of all, the problem should be discussed with the closest people, with a loved one, parents, and other relatives. And not if these people are the source of that very anxiety and concern.

If there are no people around you whom you can trust, then you can use the services of a psychologist. A psychologist is the most unbiased listener who will also help you sort out the problem.

To get rid of the feeling of anxiety and restlessness inside, you need to generally change your lifestyle, in particular your diet. There are a number of products evoking feelings worries and anxiety. The first of these is sugar. A sharp rise in blood sugar causes anxiety.

It is advisable to reduce your coffee consumption to one cup per day or stop drinking altogether. Caffeine is a very strong stimulant for the nervous system, so drinking coffee in the morning sometimes does not cause wakefulness as much as a feeling of anxiety.

To reduce anxiety, you need to limit your alcohol consumption or stop drinking it altogether. Many people mistakenly assume that alcohol helps relieve anxiety. However, alcohol after short-term relaxation causes a feeling of anxiety, and problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems can be added to this.

The food must contain foods that contain elements that cause good mood: blueberries, acai berries, bananas, nuts, dark chocolate and other foods with high content antioxidants, potassium and magnesium. It is important that your diet contains plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.

Exercise can help reduce feelings of anxiety. People who regularly exercise are much less likely to experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Exercise stress improves blood circulation, increasing the level of endorphins (hormones that bring joy).

Each person can choose a suitable workout for themselves. Cardio exercise can include cycling, running, brisk walking or swimming. You need to maintain muscle tone by doing exercises with dumbbells. Strengthening exercises include yoga, fitness and Pilates.

Changing your room or work environment can also help reduce anxiety and restlessness. Very often, anxiety develops under the influence of the environment, precisely the place in which a person spends the most time. The room should create a mood. To do this, you need to get rid of the clutter, arrange books, throw out trash, put all things in their place and try to maintain order all the time.

To refresh the room, you can make small repairs: hang wallpaper, rearrange furniture, buy new bed linen.

You can get rid of feelings of anxiety and restlessness through travel, opening yourself up to new experiences and expanding your mind. Not even here we're talking about about large-scale travel, you can simply go outside the city on the weekend, or even go to the other end of the city. New experiences, smells and sounds stimulate brain processes and change your mood for the better.

In order to get rid of the haunting feeling of anxiety, you can try using sedative medications. It is best if these funds have natural origin. The following have calming properties: chamomile flowers, valerian, kava-kava root. If these remedies do not help cope with feelings of restlessness and anxiety, then you need to consult a doctor about stronger medications.

How to get rid of anxiety and fear

If a person regularly feels a feeling of anxiety and fear, if these feelings, due to too strong a duration, become a habitual state and prevent the person from being a full-fledged individual, then in this case it is important not to delay, but to consult a specialist.

Symptoms for which you should consult a doctor: seizure, feeling of fear, rapid breathing, dizziness, pressure surges. The doctor may prescribe a course drug treatment. But the effect will be faster if, along with medications, a person undergoes a course of psychotherapy. Treatment with medications alone is not appropriate because, unlike clients on two treatments, they are more likely to relapse.

The following methods tell you how to get rid of constant feelings of anxiety and fear.

To get rid of feelings of anxiety and fear, you need to make a lot of effort. As you know, fear and anxiety arise at a certain time and the reason for this is some very impressive event. Since a person was not born with fear, but it appeared later, it means that one can get rid of it.

The surest way would be to visit a psychologist. It will help you find the root of feelings of anxiety and fear, and help you figure out what triggered these feelings. A specialist will help a person understand and “process” his experiences and develop an effective strategy of behavior.

If visiting a psychologist is problematic, then you can use other methods.

It is very important to learn to correctly assess the reality of an event. To do this, you need to stop for a second, collect your thoughts, and ask yourself questions: “How much does this situation really threaten my health and life now?”, “Could there be something worse in life than this?”, “Are there people in the world?” who could survive this? and the like. It has been proven that by answering such questions to himself, a person who initially considered the situation catastrophic becomes self-confident and comes to understand that everything is not as scary as he thought.

Anxiety or fear must be dealt with immediately, not allowed to develop, and not allowed to get into your head. obsessive thoughts, which will “swallow” consciousness until a person goes crazy. To prevent this, you can use breathing technique: do deep breaths nose and long exhalations through the mouth. The brain is saturated with oxygen, the blood vessels dilate and consciousness returns.

Techniques in which a person opens up to his fear and goes towards it are very effective. A person who is determined to get rid of fear and anxiety goes towards it, even despite strong feelings of anxiety and anxiety. At the moment of the most intense experience, a person overcomes himself and relaxes; this fear will not disturb him again. This method effective, but it is best to use it under the supervision of a psychologist who will accompany the individual, since, depending on the type of nervous system, each person reacts individually to shocking events. The main thing is to prevent the opposite effect. A person who does not have enough internal psychological resources may become even more influenced by fear and begin to experience unimaginable anxiety.

Exercise helps reduce feelings of anxiety. With the help of a drawing, you can free yourself from fear by depicting it on a piece of paper, and then tear it into pieces or burn it. Thus, fear spills out, the feeling of anxiety goes away and the person feels free.

Surely every person has experienced a feeling of anxiety and fear at least once in his life. These are normal emotions that help protect against the dangers that sometimes occur in the world. life path. However, if anxiety increases in scale, becomes constant and painful, it begins to cause inconvenience and suffering. Vivid manifestation This condition is a panic attack (or in other words, a panic attack).

Why there is a constant feeling of anxiety and fear

The reasons for the appearance of feelings of anxiety and fear can be different. These include constant stress that a person experiences in everyday life, complex unforeseen situations, genetic predisposition etc. As practice shows, these disorders occur in people with a special character (usually those who have an anxious-suspicious personality type).

Often increased anxiety associated with a person’s experiences regarding his health and life. The patient begins to pay Special attention one or another sensation in the body, carefully monitors the work of the heart and the breathing process. It seems to him that he is developing some kind of disease that will certainly lead to death. This is how it develops panic attack.

As a rule, this disorder is accompanied not only by painful anxiety and fear, but also by unpleasant somatic symptoms: feeling of lack of air, increased frequency heart rate, excessive sweating, trembling in the body. All of these are manifestations of an anxiety disorder. In many cases, a person considers these sensations to be the cause of feelings of anxiety and fear: I don’t have enough air, I can’t breathe, so I have a feeling of anxiety. In reality, everything happens exactly the opposite: it is anxiety that leads to unpleasant autonomic disorders.

How to get rid of constant feelings of anxiety and fear

Therapy for anxiety disorders should, first of all, be individual and comprehensive. Best result achieved by combining drug therapy and psychotherapy. From medicines tranquilizers, antidepressants and adjuvants are commonly used.

Among the psychotherapeutic methods, cognitive behavioral therapy is used. Its goal is to convince the patient not to be afraid of danger. A person must not only know how to cope with anxiety, but also must learn to face dangers. This is the only way he can cope with anxiety disorders.

Feelings of causeless anxiety, irrational fear, tension and anxiety occur at least sometimes in every person. Anxiety is often caused by chronic lack of sleep, overwork and permanent stress, as well as progressive somatic or mental illness. The patient feels that he is in danger, but does not see the reasons for this condition.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, in addition to everyday situations, capable of triggering the occurrence of unaccountable anxiety, there are main reasons - genetic and biological. It is known that a child is more likely to inherit a tendency to an anxiety disorder if one of the parents had it.

Influenced severe stress Certain areas in the cerebral cortex are activated. When the fear passes, all changes disappear and the brain returns to normal functioning. However, in some cases everything is different, and reverse changes do not occur. Under influence constant stress the cerebral cortex forms new neuron fibers, which contain a peptide that has the property of increasing anxiety.

This is proven by the fact that due to its excellent adaptive properties human body, the brain tries to independently fight unaccountable anxiety and. But it is not always possible for a person to get rid of the problem on his own, since fear constantly nests in the head and grows in any stressful situation.

Diseases accompanied by anxiety

The state of anxiety is characteristic of many mental and somatic diseases. For example, sudden anxiety may accompany without reason hormonal imbalance during menopause, pregnancy or hyperfunction thyroid gland. It may also indicate an incipient myocardial infarction or a hypoglycemic crisis in diabetes.

Many mental illnesses are characterized by constant internal alarm, which may occur at one or another stage of the disease. Thus, in schizophrenia, anxiety disorder is often a harbinger of exacerbation or occurs in the prodromal period. Clinical picture neurosis is also characterized by increased anxiety and restlessness at the very beginning of the disease. Anxiety disorder is often combined with sleep disturbances, depression, nervousness, phobias, delusions or visions.

The list of diseases that can cause anxiety and restlessness is quite extensive:

  • schizophrenia and others;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • diabetes;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • cardiogenic pulmonary edema;
  • inflammation of the meninges;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • neurosis;
  • Parkinson's disease and others.

If strong feeling anxiety lasts more than 3 days and is accompanied by general ill health, you should consult a therapist. He will write out directions for laboratory and instrumental examinations, since this is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. If any deviations in health status are detected, the therapist will refer the patient for additional consultation with a specialist in the appropriate profile.

If somatic pathologies not identified, then with a high degree of probability the patient will need consultation with a psychotherapist or psychologist. The specialist will determine the factors that caused the anxiety. A patient who, in addition to anxiety, experiences depression, inappropriate behavior, delusions, or visions should be immediately referred to a psychiatrist.

In a state of depression, the patient does not always understand how to cope with this condition on his own and how to relieve the unbearable feeling of anxiety without the help of a specialist. Often such experiences lead to suicide.

In cases where anxiety and nervousness are accompanied by even a single loss of consciousness, tachycardia, cold sweat, shortness of breath or hand tremors, it is necessary to accompany the patient to medical institution. Similar condition may indicate the onset of a hypoglycemic coma or heart attack. This may also indicate the progression of psychosis, in which the patient poses a danger to himself and the people around him.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

In most cases more anxious state person does not require drug therapy. In this case, sessions with a professional psychologist to identify internal reasons that led to the occurrence of this symptom.

A conversation with a psychologist should help the patient overcome anxiety and phobias by rethinking behavior and identifying the factors that caused them. And only in case severe course treatment of the disease may include the following:

  • Antidepressants. If the patient is severely depressed, the specialist may prescribe mood-enhancing medications such as Atarax, Prozac or Anafranil. For severe irritability, the prescription of antipsychotics (Tioxanthene, Sonapax, Haloperidol) is indicated.
  • Nootropics. Besides sedatives patients are recommended to take medications that improve blood supply to the brain and increase performance (Nootropil, Pantogram, Piracetam).
  • Tranquilizers(Phenazepam, Relanium, Rudotel, Mezapam). These sedatives reduce patient anxiety. Some of them have a pronounced hypnotic effect, which makes it possible to use them against insomnia, which often accompanies anxiety. However, taking tranquilizers excludes activities that require concentration and attention (for example, managing vehicles). If the patient’s work is related to such activities, you should ask your doctor about the possibility of using daytime tranquilizers (Grandaxin, Rudotel). These tablets do not cause drowsiness, but relieve the patient from anxiety.

As auxiliary treatment can I have a drink folk remedies. Herbal infusions cannot provide a lasting result, but in mild cases they are quite applicable, and they practically do not cause side effects.

Pharmacological treatment can only help in combination with psychotherapy sessions. The specialist will help the patient master breathing and relaxation techniques, which the person can subsequently use independently to overcome emotional agitation.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

In order to completely take control of their emotions, the patient needs to rethink a lot and, possibly, change their lifestyle. Strong personality is able to overcome anxiety on her own, but there are no general recipes. A believing patient in moments of anxiety is helped by prayer, and a person of an esoteric bent can use the technique of repeated affirmations.

There are several main methods that are used for such patients:

  1. Method of confrontation. The principle of this method is to simulate an alarming situation in which the patient feels fear in an environment that does not pose a threat to him. The patient must learn to master his emotions and take control of the situation. Repeated repetition of a situation with a positive outcome increases the patient’s confidence and reduces the level of anxiety.
  2. Anti-anxiety psychotherapy. The essence of the method is to rid the patient of negative mental patterns that enhance a tense emotional state. To reduce anxiety, on average 5-20 such sessions are needed.
  3. Hypnosis. This has been used for a long time and effective method treatment of anxiety disorder. It consists of working with the patient’s subconscious attitudes.

In addition, it is important physical rehabilitation sick. For this purpose a complex is used special exercises, which help reduce stress, anxiety, relieve fatigue and improve the patient’s well-being. Also important is the daily routine, sufficient sleep, healthy food- source building materials to restore the body.