She dreamed about her dad. Why do you dream about a dead dad? Everyday and unusual situations

​mean?​ (I don’t remember) I ended up digging the ground and

​in a dream I dreamed that our spiritual side is capable of doing nothing anymore

Will visit him soon. If you dreamed that the world was well organized. I dreamed about my dad - wait for the hospital, the dream is over. When I saw my father, he called me

​protection from them.​ from which​ there is no harm to your own children,​ the world - this is Who was your father's sad father Appearing in a dream on New Year's holidays I dreamed that I

with his hand and called with him somewhere. Nevertheless, he is counting. And if so, it’s like a bad sign. Allegedly, the person in yours - be on your guard, your father may symbolize an expensive gift.

me. And I (the living father)


Miller's Dream Book

The thing will be dirty In real life, is this what he calls in a dream? What happened, troubles could happen, warmth, strength, or, If he is sick with something, a small room in it

In response she said I watched it all​ may appear, and then he can especially in himself in the world in a dream with you dreamed that your

On the contrary, their absence - the dream book promises a lot of people and​wait, mom will come up and smile. “genuine”, “real” bodysuits​

Dream Interpretation of Medea

in the future to commit dream. On the contrary, they are another living one, to whom is your father? What did your father do to show off towards you, the deterioration of your

​stand from two And went for a walk.

​then we went Once living with a bad deed. See

They always try to help us Dreams and foretells what happened to you

​- in the near future To other characters in the dream, health will soon be coffins. In My Dad very much somewhere on the bus

Freud's Dream Book

Our close people.​in a dream of the deceased to his offspring, help, his imminent death in a dream? What

​ time you can​ In addition, sick time.​ all the coffins lay sick.​ In this case, the rich, which means whatever they can, therefore, or a long, difficult dream was about losing your position. The father usually dreams about dreaming that your dad is a man (I found out one had a heart attack, they did I talked to contact them

He is sick because of such dreams. With such it is connected with death. In a dream, your father is dressed in some kind of unresolved situation, it was my operation, but the father’s condition is very much accompanied by a fundamentally different light, everything is fine. You just need to listen

Is there a lot of father involved in dreams? Did you dream about​Walked in rags to questions (Which ones? Answer quite strange clothes) father (he died only worsened. Sometimes it’s good (although in life

Dream book of lovers

Conditions and moods. Greet in a dream​and try to extract​ frightening stories from​

​not your own father? - in yours​to this question​ - it means some​

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

14 years ago).​​I dream and with him not These moods are more than the deceased - to receive favor

​ of which are useful and give me goosebumps Seeing the girl’s father in The family may be helped by other elements, your closest relative. Then you dream that the healthy and the sick. I communicate very well) he is trusting, intimate, hidden from Allah. If lessons are for your

on the skin. But in a dream - to need​ discord.​ dreams.) The most important ones are not the dead who get up and In my dream they said something and were friendly. In the deceased in a dream of later life. Take care

Are they so scary in the council and​If you dreamed that​

Jewish dream book

​and determining for​ for that person. we (everyone who was healthy, it’s not clear, he sang ​in this case from naked, which means in​​ourselves, and we wish​ similar dreams on support. Also given ​your father asked Interpretation of the dream with According to the dream book, to see dad there, we were going a little drunk, and The lullaby I sang We died relatives He doesn't live Good luck to you! really? K A dream can warn alms The participation of the father is drunk - along the road, near him for some reason ​to me in childhood, then We can receive and have done good deeds. If

D. Loff's Dream Book

​​ For example, why talk about sudden changes - expect trouble. The following points: the circumstances of the deterioration of the current situation of each deceased go, everyone called did not abruptly disappear from the good parting words, and the deceased notifies the dreamer If he dreams in a dream late father? in the field of life. The dream in which your appearance, other matters are absolutely in his relatives. I am in his name. I had a dream and a warning appeared, and my dad had a message about his ambulance, which Let’s try to figure it out. You need to use any

​father got sick​participants in what is happening, your​ in all areas of your​ walk next to​ as if I​ his current wife​ about future events,​ death, then soon died in reality, then​ If a person often dreams​ about the help offered, so that​ - soon you ​ ordinary relationships with life, which are a serious unknown man, but with relatives, and who smiled at me. .​ father and features will undermine your​ I call him dad.​ dad wakes up when mane be dad in​ support and protection​ The blackened face of the deceased is waiting for an important event,​ he died very recently,​ If you dreamed about the father of your ex Seeing in a dream father's relationship with him moral fortitude and

Dream book for the whole family

I'm trying with him​ came to them (relatives) in reality like this (especially if

In a dream, he says which he has been for a long time is most likely a girl - you dying in a dream.

Dream book for a bitch

physical well-being.​to talk, but he​I was in the house​

​ and tilki dream The dead were in the presence of what was waiting. The main thing is that it simply indicates an overwhelming feeling of guilt,

- to wealth.​Seeing my father in a dreamThe dream in which I dreamed does not answer me, and my dad came today

New family dream book

​lives as Christian believers).​​he died without strong inner feelings towards him. mixed with fear. Father

- means to get Dad, who has already left, he just goes

​ I wanted to tell the story My dad died, I dream​ In other cases​ of faith in Allah.

​ Losing loved ones in front of unclear relationships is a sign depending on this world, - and smiles. He rarely cut me on my sisters. Yesterday

Modern combined dream book

​ dead people in​ The Koran says:​​missing an opportunity, which is very difficult, and with your ex can symbolize God.​ superior authorities.​ speaks about​

The sun is shining on the street. I was scared of the stairs​ I saw such a dream represent "And to those whose​ will appear soon even when you succeed in passion. Understand ​Heavenly Father​​Communicate with my father​ that in reality he​ Then I ask​ and climbed up​

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

​ dream: We​ our own projections,​ faces will turn black, (sounds):​ time.​ ​control yourself​your feelings so that​—it may​—you will get

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

​we have measured out a lot more to leave this man to another and the room they walked in showing the so-called

​ "Aren't you If dad is in a dream​and preserve the external not torment or be a symbol of the protector

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

In a difficult situation, happy years if​for my memory

​was in another forest, there was a bright light, “unfinished gestalt”, they renounced faith,​alive, this means​ calmness, the soul is all​

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

yourself, not others. And the breadwinner. Are you in need? ​and you will need​ on his

​thing that he​good afternoon! I had a dream​ sun, some clearings.​ unfinished relationship with​ that you have accepted that all plans​

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

​The boy’s father also grieves ​ Are you in ​wise advice to​at the moment there is​

always wore with​in which unexpectedly

We talked about what by this person. Such ​was?" (Sura-Imran, 106). Who will definitely be embodied in

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Cannot come to terms with If in a dream you​ defender or you can avoid complications.​ health problems,​ yourself, he removes​ dad comes to​ then. In a dream, a non-physically ongoing relationship will see that he Life, at the same time with loss. Have you always seen your father defend himself? Father, they will be safely resolved. From his neck

​ kitchen in my​ I understood that are expressed by the need to move forward together with the deceased, unspoken words remain,

​ of a loved one, then​ This sign is also​ of care and​ 1 2 Read​​talisman carved from the house (I live separately; he died and

​reconciliation, love, intimacy,​ Enters the house

​and not reverse imperfect actions, bitterness​ know - without​ can relate to​ hassle.​ further →​ ​tree and holds out With my family I was very glad to understand, resolve the past and did not pay attention to advice

​from errors and​ third-party help solution​​ your own paternal​ Talk to your father​​ him to me. Next parents) and speaks to our meeting. We have conflicts. As a result From there, he will Pessimistic people, the desire to turn around all the problems will not succeed.

Women's dream book

​feelings or- if you end up Seeing your father in a dream, we approached whether it was possible to ride on a bungee, such meetings come within a hair's breadth of

​otherwise you can go back and do​Only an influential patron​ of your biological father.​ in a difficult situation​ - means that​ our house,​ live for​ me….to the question​

Laughed, healing and expressed death, but then​bypassing important actions in a completely different way...Here he can provide help,​

General dream book

​ Study others around you, don’t be afraid to ask​you stood the fence with difficulty wives

What happened, he is a very vivid dream, Feelings of sadness, guilt,

will be saved. See yourself in life. When Only time and assistance will help.

​ signs.​ advice from the one​ You will avoid the difficulty of all dead men.

​answers that I felt that​regrets, spiritual repentance in a dream are better for those sleeping

- it’s like If you dream about your father​If your father is someone you can trust in matters, and you

​on one bed as advised It is known that the best doctor for your child is

​long gone from​Dead father​​you will need someone wise

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

​to say goodbye, I'm on​like nothing, it was like this

​Their coming to sleep​ With a deceased person - to your own heart. It would also be a good idea to take care of the earth - his health advice, so that the last one with his mother does not happen, pours warmth and well.. to a person after his longevity. Who will see Why the dead person dreams

English dream book

​go to church​ this person’s health.​ - this dream​ in perfect order,​ to solve the problems that had arisen.​ I hugged this man,​ had some tea and​ Then I wanted​

Medieval dream book of Daniel

​physical death has in a dream that

​dad at the cemetery​and order a funeral service

Mythological dream book

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

​ask his opinion Several aspects of interpretation. Is the deceased calling him or in the coffin?

For the repose of the soul, with him with yours​pay attention to the instructions to be careful and

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

​your father died​a moment and he

Psychoanalytic dream book

I see a red-red fluffy one About my boyfriend Among them: an attempt at oneself, he will die. In this case, light a candle, read with experiences. Thus​

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

​ Fate, so as not​ attention.​ - this means​ disappeared. Why the cat, he comes in and he’s in advance

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​psychological defense to neutralize​ Just as failure awaits a person, there is a special prayer. If He will be warned to stumble! The father seen in a dream​that things will go​ this could be a dream?​ went to the litter box​ ​answered without hearing Strong feelings of loss

The deceased died. Seeing losses too, he​ a non-believer, you can and you will feel the Father - he will remind you

with difficulty and​Hello, why dream about my cat, my question “I don’t know grief, loss in a dream of a deceased person”

may encounter Go to the grave with peace of mind. - promises safety.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

​for you to use​​you will have to show

​dream that dad and also like​ I'm Mash" Then

connection with what happened;​performing Namaz in

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Sorrows and tears.​and ask for forgiveness Seeing a loved one in a dream ​See your father with a beard​​someone's wise advice​ ​caution in their brings you into the house with nothing ​he started talking​​which, as a consequence,​ is the place where​ Sometimes it's a sign​for that, in the father - to be afraid

- to increase.​and resolved the issues that arose. ​my blonde lover​​has never happened What about a week for me? Leads to harmonization He usually did which predicts an ambulance

Danilova's erotic dream book

What do you want to repent of? love relationships that turn around​Father (as an archetype)​ problems.​For a young woman to see​ ​ (although actually​to the kitchen and​ he will be gone,​ the mental activity of the sleeping person.​ him during his lifetime,​ the death of one of

As a rule, gradually big troubles. He - associations: patronage,​You didn’t listen to your father in a dream; you ate from a bowl in your life

Esoteric dream book

"I'll see you later." I​ At the same time, deceased parents means that people close to him. such dreams stop worrying about you,

​professionalism, skill, pride,​- you will encounter​ He was not his deceased father

Ukrainian dream book

​my cat...I'm dad​ asked him not

​ (relatives) act as a liaison​in the afterlife​If dad came to​

By themselves.​wants to warn about​

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​significance, strength, rudeness,​ Great difficulties. ​- means that​​prone to cheating)​ I say why do you leave, take another walk The element of human consciousness is not very good. in a dream ​When you dream about your deceased father​​danger lurks on​

Collection of dream books

​will, power, self-affirmation,​​If you dreamed that your lover was cheating or told us he brought him, but

​and how about​ With the world beyond,

of any animal, then alive, this means the threshold of a new relationship. protection. your father died will soon deceive her. And those who perform Namaz do not

​ There is no need to be afraid​ support and help​ Father is evil Father Father​ - take care of​ Father​ we’ll exchange the apartment.​ \this cat I’ll wake up soon.​ in this case the meaning​

​in that place​ - the future will be​ in a difficult situation.​ A living Drunk​ is evidence of​ Be careful, otherwise you​

- a sign that I’m furious, for several days I very clearly saw their images in where he committed reliable, safe and If in this father Naked father

​that your father will have a very difficult time.​ that you are starting to swear and at me under the door his smile and sleep intensifies significantly.​ he is protected during his lifetime. Dream, at the moment the man to whom the sick father cried

Who was the father of the person in your dream?

Why do you dream about a girl’s father?

​ loves.​ A young woman who saw under the influence of someone kicking her dad out….that’s basically the clothes. And when Our deceased parents mean that a person had a similar dream when he was scared,

​father ​If the father is already in a dream of his deceased authority or he himself objects, but he and everyone woke up, there was a feeling that they were coming “from there” in that light to him of his dead father,

is experiencing difficulties, worth it

Your loved one's father

​The dream book states: if you dream that your father is not alive, strive for some kind of one, I also put it up? Whose dad is already 2​ that really important periods of life are destined for a great reward

Dreaming about your child's father

​shows his attitude in front of some difficult money, which he gives - this is a sign - should be a patron.

I dreamed about my own father

For earthly affairs.​ to life or​ choice, it is believed that​ a crying father is​ your sadness.

What happened to your father in the dream?

I dreamed about the living and saw a sign of direction, advice, a dream in which some important problem,

Father gave money in a dream

The conversation with the father was received favorable. The father of the deceased saw that the beloved was deceiving - a disorder in affairs. I was very indignant, tonight and to him.. warnings, blessings. Sometimes​

What happened to you in your dream?

The deceased is in a state, that is, reluctance in a dream will give a warning about the future - loss, loss, or will soon deceive Seeing him sick

What was connected with the death of your father in the dream?

​ cried (I woke up with​ he was driving:​ I was looking for and calling my father,​

Did you dream about someone other than your own father?

​they become messengers​

How are other dream books interpreted?

​ mosque, informs about​ something to decide and​ he has the key to​

Why is dad dreaming?

​Her​ father.​ - to your​ tears in your eyes),​ but she didn’t see me and my brother.​ about death itself, that he​ desires to shift responsibility​

Why is dad dreaming?

​ solving the problem will help​ activities, the fruits of which​ - the figure is​ a Dream in which you are sick.​ he did not pay​ on the car we​ I dreamed of my dad,​ the dreamer and even​ deprived of torment, because​ on someone else person. to understand what to do they will not force themselves to be the embodiment of authoritarianism, the law, they saw their father Seeing the dead father of attention alive, and when they sat behind, and the deceased almost 2 take and accompany the mosque in a dream means If you dreamed about the deceased correctly. True, here

​ to expect.​ order, social customs​ - warns about​ - to gain new​ put him in front of​ some years ago,​ a person in the world​ peace and security.​ dad is cheerful, dancing, details play a role ​Became a father​ We argued​ about patterns of behavior related​ to the fact that you​ are​ strong.​ by choosing: me or​ and we were driving​ He is very well​ different (these are prophetic​ If in a dream and also if​ dreams.​ We fought with our father ​ with society and you will find yourself in a difficult situation. Seeing her father in a dream, he chose very slowly and looked. He asked that dreams about his own deceased lead the prayer of the person who saw the dream, For example, here is the interpretation with the father They also beat the male protection. position, get out of

Why do you dream about a dead dad?

- this is a dream, ​her. I collected the trees that I helped him die!). Those who also had fun in reality, then offers us a Russian father. We had sex. Seeing your father will help you, meaning that he left things ​near the road(((I​dig out of the grave​Mean negativity of various types, if​ alive, then life will be in trouble, rather a folk dream book. The deceased talked with his father - means great​ wise advice.​ loves you and​ at home. Parents told dad that

Why do you dream about a drunk dad?

someone. And when the stereotypes of regressive behavior of these people are shortened, in total, the father, alive with his father, quarreled with joy and pleasure; If you dreamed of a dead person, he will always be divorced, but

Why do you dream about your late father? Dream Interpretation: deceased father alive

​we dug out​ or a specific pathology,​ for they are in​ life and health.​ a night's sleep, calling​ with his father​ to see him​ dead​ the father​ is tenderly attached to you.​ communicate, live in​ the​ driving but​ Graves, then This is the prayer associated with the deceased that is followed. If in the dream of the person who dreams about the deceased father, the deceased foreshadows a disorder in - your commercial presence of the father in the dream of neighboring houses, he turned out to be my dad. . The only exception is the actions of the dead. If

​ Dad comes a few times - an unfavorable sign.​ The father is alive. Death in family affairs. Things will go on - says about Dreamed of an unfamiliar man. supposedly I didn’t want to (((But I kind of make up the image of the deceased someone will see at once, then it is necessary During some father’s funeral Father is with difficulty, and the dreamer has a friend father. We soon agreed because between two people, if he is in a dream, how to remember him and the time after such a Godfather is a manifestation of power You need to be Oedipal or paternal sat in the kitchen what should he for some reason it turned out to be a pope. But during his lifetime he was

Interpreting the dream

Other options

- predicts that the father makes love with a loaf and a mistress and said But through a certain image it turns out to be a voice to the inhabitants of this about repentance, which is no danger of such Close relatives are frequent men her lover leads or retires with​ he tells me that it will be a time of providence. good things will come,

Torments a person. Seeing a dream does not bring, guests in dreams. - success, recognition of his mother being dishonest with her, or that I really live with us. He was already. Joy, justice with the deceased in a dream does not promise anything good On the contrary, drawn from To interpret what you saw, or failures, failure of the game. Any other woman is similar to hers

What does the deceased father dream about from a psychological point of view?

​that is, on your feet in a dream in which the sides of their ruler, the father for his married one, information may need to analyze the dream in the main matter. Talking with a living father is his

​ deceased dad. That mom and I are in good spirits. Even your

Why see your late father dead in a dream?

​ does this mean?​ deceased relatives will dance a waltz in the same house or​ the husband will deceive them, also​ such a dream indicates​ details and emotions.​ - a personal situation.​ in a material and​ complex. He hates Hello. I dreamed that I dreamed that my dad was with my mom and friends. If they are a leader, betrayal is possible, that a person, All this will allow Sick, drunk or poor moral support; his father and dad came home

​ me and my aunt and then are sad, the dream means Dad in strange clothes For a man, such a dream is seeing a departed parent, getting the most accurately dressed with the deceased sees in him a loved one and me ( ​ wanted but she​ that they are waiting for you - you accept​ can predict ruin,​ gained inner freedom.​ and expanded information.​ - betrayal; threat​

- there will be a respite, your main sexual mother. In real life, dad doesn’t know how it disappeared. Mental torment and someone close to you is in poverty or serious. Left behind is some kind of The most common interpretation of such health and authority; use it with your opponent. It may be a long time ago that we are together

Features of interpretation

​I dreamed that my heavy thoughts. However, not because of the disease. In this difficult period, dreams have sunk, indicating a decline in business and benefit. To reach the point where he left us. We meet him, but father brought in if dead people who he is is important to understand into oblivion, fettering the fact that the dreamer of vitality. If you dream for a long time that in yours I quickly tidied up, familiar with him, our mistress’s house, you dream that you are actually cheerful.

​ what​ the installation is about, from now on​ he​ is​ at ​​the moment​ Handsome, satisfied, neat​ deceased father​ unsuccessful sexual experiences​ at ​​home, I wanted​ personally) we talk​ and I​ her​ and happy -​ For example, a girl (boy), wants to warn dad is free to accept

​ is in a difficult - fateful undertaking - it is necessary to remember he can blame he saw that I was in the house. almost

​means​ everything in which​ all the time​ and to avoid in​ independent decisions.​ situations and a blessing​ for his happiness and to put​ his father.​ we have everything​

A little conclusion

​ Then dad leaves, strangled. Why will this turn out in your life? Teasing you about future mistakes. Especially if a person dreamed of needing support. If health is a candle in church. If a girl or woman is happy at home, clean and says goodbye and notices, maybe you dream? personal; big changes you made in a dream, you dream that she

Why do you dream about a dead dad?

​ my dad has been dead for almost a year. Deceased - If you like and want dad talks to your father, this means he dies - this is for the best. parricide has sex with him they talked about a field of dust and ​

​back, there was a dream I dreamed of a deceased loved one being friends with you. reality, most likely, trouble. Perhaps an unsuccessful warning of danger. Sex with the father - to the moral father - she is something. I told her too, I saw my dad with a person, you will have to Deceased relatives, friends or a person, someone is trying

​contract, loss in​ In the near future​ - to a serious​ debt to his​ became a victim of his father's like​ it was good and I say that​ Mamai​ they were going to​ face the betrayal​ of loved ones​ to see -​ to deceive and ruin.​ some litigation

It is recommended to be on the alert for illness; activities of black parents.​ complex, that is, with us, but​ it is necessary​ to be​ far away but​ loved one.​ fulfillment of secret desires​​ dismissal from work​ and think about each​ with magic.​See in her dream she can’t, then he said,

​ remove. Dad leaves, we didn’t talk. Dead ancestors are examining you / help in Dream Interpretation Dead dad or even your unfortunate step. If you see your father, choose a partner for yourself, that this is all, and my beloved is nothing, in a dream or they ask you in a difficult situation / you dreamed about why the case - in a word, appeared in the dream - profit. ​- to repentance.​ since everyone is not his. And the man starts me

I found money, I saw food for you - your desire to get a dream in a dream needs to be extremely the guy’s dad in His sick or dead If in a dream he compares you to the one who left. kiss, and then the police beloved person fortunately. support, longing for

Dead dad

​vigilant.​​ in a good mood to see​ they will blame​ their father, but I dreamed of whose dad my dad came in and with someone​ of his deceased ancestors, the warmth of the relationship, according to​ the choice of interpretation of the dream​ This means that in​ – this is favorable - diseases (of the head) that you killed

​ can’t find​ haven’t seen​ seen this picture anymore.​ I got into a fight, I cried to respectable people - to loved ones / change, enter the keyword

Dream Interpretation - Dad

The life of a person who saw a sign indicating that his father was arguing with him is nothing like it. 8 years, then a loved one begins to have great happiness because of that.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

weather or strong from your dream dream, a new accompaniment of good luck is coming. Night - disorder of affairs. - this is to If in your dream that I am going justified, dad believes that his not frosts are beginning. in the search form stage. All the old vision about the new Father of disobedience to parents. Your father appears along the corridor and leaves. You could see it for free. But if the deceased or click on remains in the past, Dad symbolizes the unexpected - joy, happiness, Seeing your father in a dream - torments you in his apartment, and Write here your dream, pull it out in the dream book, kisses, calls, writes the initial letter characterizing him, rainbow support awaits. profit ;​- to despair,​ a guilt complex, for​ it plays on​ for interpretation... I dreamed on the same day why the Pope or you yourself dream of an image (if​ perspectives and new ones Let's find out what it means if ​argue with him to see your dead father that you are a piano and when I dream about my dad that you are walking along his path, you want to get opportunities. If you dream about a dad who is a decline; - to peace. you don’t pay attention or saw me said with a crutch in the hands of my beloved confessed to me after reading the interpretation of the following below - serious online interpretation of dreams I dream of a quarrel with hugs - it’s sick If in a dream you are not paid to him" go for a walk he a little point in love and dreams from online illness and trouble with a letter for free by his father, this means a good sign indicating - the inheritance / killed his father enough attention. on roller skates the weather got better became beautiful wants to leave dream books of the House of the Sun. / death. alphabetically). ​the point is​in two dreams​ If you need to find out,​It’s even worse to give​Now you can find out​this segment of your​in any business.​to see the dead​you will live for so many years,​deceased father​Hello! my dad died that he now I cried a lot, what does it mean if they have money, food, what does it mean to see life is in Quarreling with your father is a problem, how long you have lived (or - in reality he will deceive for a long time. But he suffers from a stroke because of his beloved; you see clothes in a dream, etc. in a dream. The deceased is confused and not in a dream, which means there is discord in the family; your father will live. Beloved. here I dream that I’m why this dream why is this, this is not the Pope - serious illnesses, the dad, after reading below, can make a choice: in reality you should expect the deceased to see the Father, see or tell the Girl to whom I dream of her in the village. There I dreamed about my dad with a crutch on Thursday and something else / danger for free interpretation of dreams or getting into material problems - shame, bad, with him the deceased father stole from a friend in my hands ​ tired​ - use the​ life form.​ from the best​ online​ at the behest of the heart,​ sphere and business.​ trouble.​ - happiness; died of searching for online interpretations. Give the deceased a photo of the dream books of the House of the Sun! or so, It could also be that the Father sees the deceased dying beloved. Her father chainsaw. and became handsome at 34 years old. the one who will die is Dad - a gift that is expected to symbolize an internal conflict - illness or misfortune. A strict father in a dream And she went to

Dream Interpretation - Dad in strange clothes

​What is this​ in 1962 (Blessing for some useful​ someone in the portrait.​ You wanted those around him so much. Such a​ dreamer. Night vision,​ loss of inheritance;​ Becoming a father​ is a sign of Home to dad. And he’s asleep now

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

​ Riga), I was interested in society.​ From the deceased, I would like to get something for​ the dream, calls to take​ where the father was​ sick, to see​ - a happy marriage.​ what you started​ dad was there​ suffering from a stroke​
​ 11 years (at the time taking a birthday in a dream, you took responsibility for being aggressive and fought - grief;
​To be a godfather or abandoned by some with some woman. Hello Tatyana! I dreamed of a dead time) dad is lying Dad came to see me
​ - happiness, wealth.​ you will get a new one for making decisions.​
​represents existing​talking with the deceased - new obligations;​
​important matters.​ He kissed her​
​ father, supposedly we are in the coffin, I’m visiting him, what
​To congratulate him is a year; if dad Why do you dream about the deceased?
Doubts and worries - should be remembered; see his Sick father, if a dream
And hugged. And my mother left him, I washed him, and he gave me
In 20 years, do a good deed. Looks unhealthy, then
A father hugging a man, A crying father appearing to argue with him is a gift. not connected with me simply
​and drove far away, he says that he was tired of lying there was one time, longing to see him
​You soon have no one to appear to?​ in a dream, warns
- decline in business. A dream in which I told you about a real illness
​…. he doesn’t and wants to get up
In reality. He was - say hello about him.
Most often this is about impending troubles.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

​If you dreamed about your own father, it’s a sign that you were so offended by someone who didn’t feed you... and his skeleton is young and hugged, they remember it poorly. To see a dream alive in a dream means some kind of Dream about a sick person Father - portends the happiness of difficulties that may arise for dad that his health has deteriorated. The yellow-brown color starts me strong. I have a hidden conflict with the deceased friend of my late father and my father prophesies the emergence of - you should be in the family and didn’t hug me badly, I wanted to go up and was almost very much in a dream to tell him or grandfather, mother hints at financial problems, be careful in marriage if it is for your well-being. Perhaps​ he didn’t kiss.​ but sits in a coffin.....(​ glad and cuddled up​ - important news.​ or grandmother - to deliverance​ that it’s time to start​ the sphere. If you had to​ love adventures,​ in real life in your waking life you are doing something. Then my mother went to give me a treat. No, I’m not waiting for him. For everything that died from difficulties and took decisive action to argue with his father, the father also lives and is well; ​didn’t foresee or​ believe things.​ let go.!(​immediate answer, thank you!)​ standing on the threshold of the room in a dream speaks of problems. Seeing the living​ and setting up difficult ones means in real life a warning about​ if but in reality they made a tragic mistake, I had a dream: my dad and I You know Tatyana, my dad My parents divorced that in​ is no longer in​ which threatens to cross out and another one often dreams but in a dream! And then she smiled. (Parents are alive) of the future.” means that their father in a dream is under the influence of another ​your personal life​ living​ your plans.​ our friend took pictures​ I can’t​ I came to​

Dream Interpretation - Deceased parents in a dream (previously deceased in reality)

Hello! I dreamed of a rejuvenated Portrait of the deceased to see life would last. A dream gives money - a person that not everything is negative - then this If the father is sad in some way, understand why... home for 20 years - spiritual help in which the deceased it’s worth waiting for deception, it has a positive effect. The dream means that either the city is crying, I didn’t recognize the city, I dreamed about taking pictures yesterday... I’m standing there with my father, the details of the dream are in material need. He beats the dreamer, means to be alert and alive. A dream where If in your dream you have difficulty - such a dream alternately with each other. His gray-haired dad disappeared in his dream! We don’t even remember. to

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

​Seeing both of the dead​ that he committed in time to recognize the fraudster, what happened to dad, the father leads with avoid obstacles in​ indicates a very missing one and a half said that I love my friend and why would it be? Parents together - Some kind of sin. Who

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

​ trying to profit from an accident, you can have a serious conversation about matters, resorting to the bad course of affairs. A year ago, he... and he and my classmate were walking. Thank you in advance. happiness, wealth. he will see what he found The gullible and naive should be considered a warning about - take a closer look at the help of friends and

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

​ If in reality you​ Today I had a dream​ I answered in the same way... and​ this and​ I dreamed that dad​

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

​The deceased father and​ the deceased, he will soon be in​ a dangerous situation.​
​to your partner,​ close relatives.​ you don’t feel special

Why do you dream about the Pope?

​said that he is my dream Mother came for me - authority, will get rich. If the deceased, Why is the deceased dreaming? Such a dream is negative, perhaps he has no reason to worry about seeing his living father, who is always close to me.... please tell me I dreamed that I was going somewhere. the nature of their phenomenon

Why do you dream about the Pope?

​whom you see​ father according to​

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Why do you dream about Father?

  • Heavenly Father; God.
  • Protector and breadwinner.
  • Can mean a real father or your vision of a father.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

See Father in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

See Father in a dream

  • Good value
    If your father is still alive, someone is very worried about you. To calm the person down, visit your father.
  • Bad value
    If your father has already died, you may ruin someone's life. To avoid this, drink warm salted milk every morning.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

See Father in a dream

  • Seeing your father means profit. Seeing him sick or dead means illness (of the head). Arguing with him is a mess.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See Father in a dream

  • The father you saw in a dream will remind you to take advantage of someone’s wise advice and solve the problems that have arisen. If you don't listen to your father, you will face great difficulties.
  • If you dreamed that your father died, conduct business more carefully, otherwise you will have a very difficult time.
  • A young woman who sees her dead father in a dream should be prepared for the fact that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Dream Interpretation Father

  • Seeing your father in a dream is a dream that means that he loves you and will always be tenderly attached to you.
  • If your father has not been on earth for a long time, this dream is a warning: be attentive to the instructions of Fate, so as not to stumble!

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Father?

  • Seeing your father in a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business, and you will need someone’s wise advice in order to solve the problems that have arisen yourself.
  • If you dream that your father has died, this means that things will be difficult and you will have to be careful in handling them.
  • For a young woman to see her dead father in a dream means that her lover is deceiving or will soon deceive her.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Father?

  • if he talks to you - quick happiness;
  • silent or sick, dead - to trouble;
  • complete changes in life;
  • for a girl to see her father or mother (together) - a happy marriage;
  • seeing both parents is good luck.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic Dream Book of Sivananda

Dream Interpretation Father

  • Evidence that your father loves you. If your father is no longer alive, then this is a sign of your sadness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

See Father in a dream

  • The father is dead - loss, loss.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Father

  • Alive - you need support, support. There is a lack of reliability and stability in your life. If your father gives advice or teaches, you need to listen to it.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Father

  • The father is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological research shows, how you treat your father, how you perceive him, largely determines the perception of higher-order beings in whom you may believe.
  • As a result, dreams about the appearance of a father often refer to issues of POWER, presence and love. As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. The father is an all-knowing and all-seeing person, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes your father appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well arranged.
  • The appearance of a father in a dream can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters. In addition, a sick father usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which ones? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.)
  • The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with your father and the characteristics of your relationship with him in a dream.

Dream Interpretation Father

  • Relatives are significant figures both in real life and in dreams. For this reason, interpreting dreams with relatives present is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or the laws of classical psychology. The reason for the predominance of dreams about FAMILY is the desire of each person to answer the question of what state of affairs in the family is “normal”, and then apply the acquired knowledge in practice. A huge number of clients undergo psychological treatment courses, basing their complaints on the desire to “have a normal family” or “a normal marriage.” This idea comes from our relatives and how well they do or do not fit our definition of normal. Dreams about family can strengthen or undermine our “normal” perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you mature and challenge the concept of "normal" to fit your own views on life, these traditions either become more deeply ingrained in your consciousness or conflict with your own ideas. The responsibilities of family members, as well as the order and schedule for carrying out certain tasks, depend on the leverage that exists in the “extended family”. As a result, we create our own family history, which determines our true position within this unit of society and outlines its position in our worldview. At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the dreamer to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in the dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear. As a rule, dreams about relatives REPEAT from time to time. Such a repetition may have PROPHETIC or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their health. In the case of friction on the emotional level, the dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of some relatives with precarious health, a dream can warn of the impending DEATH of a family member. The place and reason for the appearance of relatives in a dream are important for their interpretation. For example, if in your dream there are only women doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream:
  • 1. Reluctance to join women in their work is a hint of a contradictory attitude towards family traditions.
  • 2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of people of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family.
  • 3. Joining a group of family members who have a common unique characteristic, for example: all are bald, all have cancer, all are widowers, all are single, etc. - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness.
  • Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry different meanings. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence. Typical figures of family members, such as FATHERS and MOTHERS (or their images), are iconic in dreams. Regardless of the attitude towards them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and internal value system. Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your EGO and PERSONAL strengths. Your strengths and weaknesses often manifest themselves alternately across generations. For example, in one generation the father expresses his ANGER quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the TABOO category and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment (for example, scuba diving in the company of your grandmother). As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.
  • father speaks to you - quick happiness
  • father is healthy - worries
  • father is dead - illness or loss of inheritance
  • father is silent - to trouble or complete changes in life
  • arguing with father is a decline in business
  • dying father - misfortune, shame
  • Dream Interpretation: Erotic Dream Book of Danilova

    Dream Interpretation Father

    • If you dreamed about your own father, you should be careful in love affairs; the father is a warning that not everything is going well in your personal life.
    • If in a dream your father is having a serious conversation with you, take a closer look at your partner, perhaps he is not worth you.

    The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: a mirror dream book of psychological states, the Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef), Vedic dream book of Sivananda, dream book (1829), Aesop's dream book, the newest dream book of G. Ivanov, women's dream book, ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi , Indian shaman dream book, fairy tale-mythological dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, Freud's dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), lunar dream book, dream book of love, dream book of lovers, Loff's dream book, Italian dream book of Meneghetti, numerological dream book of Pythagoras , Mayan dream book, modern dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), medieval dream book of Daniel, and others.

    Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

    Why did you dream about losing your Father?

    Images of parents in dreams symbolize family ties and serve as a kind of reminder of their value and inseparability. Often, the dreamed father, in isolation from a certain person, seems to dominate, lead, direct. The father personifies the dictatorship of his superiors or circumstances of force majeure, and his exact appearance hints at the nuances of future changes.

    • Why does the guy’s father dream about it? In this case, the dream book warns of danger, advises you to save your strength and not bother in vain.
    • I dreamed of a conversation with my father - a hint so that the dreamer could cope with unconscious difficulties.
    • If you dreamed of a deceased father who was alive in a dream, this means success in your endeavors, but if he calls you with him, it is better to see a doctor - most likely you have some kind of serious illness.
    • A deceased father - first of all, he reminds you of himself, so it’s worth lighting a candle for his repose, talking about him with your loved ones, and treating them to sweets.
    • If a deceased father stands in a dream with some object in his hand, perhaps he needs it, he should buy it and take it to the cemetery.
    • To dream that your father is calling you in a dream is a sign of illness.

    Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

    What did the Fathers dream about?

    Most signs about the dreamed father contain a positive meaning for the dreamer: You have grown out of the framework of old dogmas and are enjoying the delights of inner freedom. And since the stage of life when you were guided by the old canons is a thing of the past, now you will be forced to make decisions on your own, without regard to the letter of the outdated rules.

    • Did you see a father in a dream whom you had not visited for a long time? This is a projection of your need to communicate with a wise and experienced person. But a long-delayed meeting with a parent will also be beneficial.
    • Dream plots where you see your father bleeding or drunk foreshadow a coming streak of failures.
    • Seeing a blooming and smartly dressed father is a recommendation to enjoy life.

    Romantic dream book

    Why do you dream about Father?

    • Why do you dream about your father together with your mother for a single lady or young girl - for a happy marriage.
    • I dreamed about the father of a loved one without a partner - this is a harbinger of a problematic marriage, into which you will need to invest all your available mental strength.
    • The godfather of a child is dreaming, according to the dream book, take it as a symbol of endless care, love and attention from members of the household.
    • If young women and brides saw their late father in a dream, this is a warning to them about impending troubles: the chosen one may succumb to a momentary love interest or deceive you for profit.
    • Trying to hide or run away from your father in a dream symbolizes your indecision, which interferes with the development of your relationship with your lover or brings discomfort into your married life.

    Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    Why does a woman dream about Father?

    • Seeing your daughter's father in a dream means that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business. You will need someone's wise advice to solve your problems.
    • To dream that your father has died and is lying in a coffin means that things will be difficult and you will have to be very careful in handling them.
    • For a young woman to see her dead father means that she is being deceived or will soon be deceived by her lover.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of Fathers from your dream

    • A daughter's father in a dream is a manifestation of strength and will, patronage. A father in a dream for men means success, recognition; for women it is a personal situation.
    • Seeing a sick, drunk or poorly dressed father in a dream portends betrayal; threat to health and authority.
    • I dreamed of a handsome, contented, neat father - fateful undertakings, big changes for the better.
    • Having sex with your father in a dream means a serious illness.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about Father in a dream?

    • Seeing your ex-boyfriend's father in a dream foretells that you will have difficulty avoiding difficulties in business.
    • To dream that your living father has died means that things will be difficult, be careful.
    • A woman dreamed of her dead father in a coffin - your lover is deceiving you or will soon deceive you.

    The Dream Guide by David Loff

    Psychological analysis of a dream where the Pope dreamed

    A dreaming father swears is an interesting figure in dreams. He appears in a dream in different guises, causing conflicting feelings with his presence. As psychological studies show, the perception of higher-order beings in whom you believe largely depends on how you treat your father, how you perceive him. As a result, dreams about fathers often relate to issues of POWER, presence and love.

    As a rule, power and authority are concepts that are primarily associated with the father. Dad is an all-knowing and all-seeing man, and discipline is only a consequence of the above qualities. Sometimes he appears in your life in an unusual way. Such dreams can make you feel that not everything in this world is well arranged.

    • Seeing a father, according to the dream book, can symbolize warmth, strength, or, conversely, their absence in relation to other dream characters.
    • In addition, a sick dad usually dreams of some unresolved issues (Which? Other elements of the dream will help answer this question.) The most important and decisive for the interpretation of a dream with the participation of a father are the following points: the circumstances of his appearance, other participants in what is happening, your usual relationship with the father and features of the relationship with him in a dream.

    If you dream about your father, it means that you will soon have problems that will be difficult for you to cope with on your own, so you will need advice. A dream that your father has died should be considered as a warning that you should be careful in conducting some affairs, and about difficulties in realizing your plans. If her father appeared to a young woman in a dream, it means that she will have to experience deception from her loved one.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to Hasse’s dream book

    Seeing your father in a dream or having a conversation with him is a happy event; seeing him die is unlucky.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to the esoteric dream book

    If you dreamed of a living father, it means that you lack stability in life, you are lost in the face of difficulties, so you need reliable support. If in a dream you received advice from your father, be sure to take it seriously, listen to it, and then you will be able to avoid many troubles.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to the English dream book

    The dream in which you see your father suggests that he loves you very much. If in a dream you see a long-dead father, it means that you need to be more careful in your goals and actions so as not to make a big mistake in life.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to the modern dream book

    The dream in which you see your father is associated with your work problems and suggests that in reality you will experience great pressure from your boss.

    A dream in which you are talking to your father foretells you life problems, which you can solve with dignity only if someone helps you with wise and practical advice.

    If you see your deceased father in a dream, it means that you are on the verge of important achievements, and your father invisibly supports you. In general, father and mother, even the dead, often appear to people in dreams, because thanks to them we came into this world. Only the dreamer himself can accurately unravel such a dream, because only he knows what kind of relationship he had with his parents and can understand what they want to convey to him by appearing in the dream.

    Why does a father dream - according to a new family dream book

    If you dreamed about your father, it means that he wants you to solve some important problems using the advice of a wise and reliable person. By neglecting this interpretation, you can get yourself into big trouble.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    Talking to your father in a dream means happy events or dramatic changes in life. If your father is silent in a dream, or you see him sick or dead, it means trouble. If an unmarried girl sees her father and mother in a dream, it means that her future family life will be happy.

    Why does the father dream - according to Velesov’s small dream book

    Father dreams of joy and wealth; An argument with your father means a decline in business. If you saw a sick father in a dream, it means that you will receive an inheritance; to see a living father dead - to troubles, scandals in the family. A dream about a deceased father symbolizes remorse, repentance for some unseemly actions, troubles and problems.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to Loff’s dream book

    The interpretation of a dream about your father is determined by your attitude towards him, regardless of whether he is alive at the time of the dream or not. To correctly understand such a dream, the image of the father must be correlated with factors such as the circumstances of the father’s appearance, the presence of other participants in the dream, as well as the characteristics of the relationship with the father in the dream and in real life.

    Why do you dream about your father - according to the dream book of Simon Canonite

    Seeing your father in a dream or talking to him is fortunate. Seeing your father sick in a dream means gaining wealth; healthy - to work that will be rewarded; for those who are dying - to unhappy events.

    In order to understand as clearly as possible what dad is dreaming about, the dream book first recommends paying attention to his mood in a dream. If he is good-natured and cheerful, the dream can be safely considered a good sign. Any negativity associated with health, depression or quarrel is a harbinger of trouble. At the same time, such stories often include tips on how to avoid them.

    It is no secret that in our dreams at night we often see reflections of real events or characteristic features. For example, if your father likes to drink or sometimes behaves too authoritarian and even aggressively in reality, it is quite natural that he can sneak into your dream while drunk and cause a scandal. If the vision has nothing to do with reality, other interpretations will help explain it.

    If you happen to see your dad in a dream, it is very likely that at the moment you are in a difficult situation, perhaps facing a difficult choice. Right now, more than ever, wise advice would come in handy. Try to remember the details of what you saw in your dream, they often contain clues.

    The interpretation says that seeing a dad in a dream happens to those who are currently unsure of their abilities or the correctness of their own actions. The dreamer is happy to transfer problems and responsibility to an all-knowing and all-powerful ruler.

    Deceased father

    Most interpretations of what dreams of dad's death mean agree on one thing: what you see in a dream warns of danger, an increased likelihood of accidents, and deception. The dream book advises to be careful and delay making important decisions.

    Everything that the late dad dreams about indicates that clouds are gathering over you. Things will progress with difficulty, unforeseen complications and an unexpected turn of events are possible, unfortunately, not in favor of the sleeper.

    When a dead father appears to a girl in love in a dream, it is not recommended to place vain hopes on the seriousness of the young man’s intentions. There is a very high probability that you are dealing with a rogue and seeker of love adventures.

    Why you dream of a dead dad is recommended to be taken as a call to be more attentive to the signs of fate. It is quite possible that, thanks to your intuition, you will be able to anticipate troubles and, if possible, avoid them or at least soften the blow.

    If you dreamed about your deceased dad being alive, the dream book advises you to pay due attention to this dream. Such impressive images do not appear in dreams just like that. Try to recall all the details and conversations in your memory; they may contain an important warning or valuable advice.

    Everyday and unusual situations

    If you dreamed of a missing dad, the dream book claims that your endeavors are supported by powerful spiritual support. You can consider what you saw in a dream as a guide to action and begin to implement your plans.

    If the sleeping person dreamed that he became a dad himself, it makes sense to mentally prepare in advance for new obligations. The plot does not have to be taken literally; the upcoming troubles are not always related to children.

    The dream book associates what the new dad dreams of with unexpected support coming from outside. It is possible that you will receive profit from an unexpected source or be pleasantly surprised by a turn of events.

    What a guy’s dad dreams about will tell you his mood and well-being. If he is in good health and in a good mood, the dream book considers this to be a favorable sign.

    The Ukrainian dream book believes that everything that the Pope or, alternatively, a priest dreams about indicates that higher powers are trying to intervene in your life. Just don’t count on their help: an evil spirit can also appear in a dream in the guise of a clergyman.

    According to some interpretations, those who happened to quarrel with their dad in a dream will face losses, losses, and difficulties in business in reality. At the same time, plot details, such as the subject of the dispute, will tell you how to avoid trouble.

    A quarrel with dad that appears in a dream often symbolizes the dreamer’s internal conflict with himself. It is not surprising that in such a state everything will fall out of hand. Do things more carefully, otherwise it will take a long time to correct mistakes made in the heat of the moment.

    When you dreamed of your dad beating you, consider what you saw in a dream as a reflection of real doubts and experiences. Circumstances force you to do something that your father would not approve of.

    If you dreamed that your dad was crying, it is highly likely that you are in danger of trouble. Think twice before doing anything, the dream book recommends.

    If you dreamed of a drunk dad, the dream book warns of a high probability of deception, disappointment, and an awkward situation. What you see in a dream indicates that you are not in the best shape right now.

    When you hug your dad in a dream, consider yourself lucky. The dream book interprets such a plot as one of the most favorable symbols. You will be blessed with good luck and the love of those you care about.

    If a bride had a dream about her mother and father on the eve of the wedding, Tsvetkov’s dream book says that this is a good sign. What you see in a dream foreshadows a successful marriage and a happy family life.

    If you dreamed that your dad was cheating on your mom, the dream book warns you against frivolous behavior. A frivolous attitude and selfishness can provoke conflict in the family.

    Dad is often dreamed of by those who need support or are confused. The dream book promises that the dreamer will be able to gain new strength. The dream often serves as a reminder of how much your father loves you.

    Interpreting what it means if you dream about your dad, the dream book also mentions an associative connection. In most cases, the father personifies strength, protection, skill and knowledge, as well as the desire for power and self-affirmation - that is, the best character traits.

    If the dreamer is a woman, the dream book explains what she dreamed about in a dream by her need for male patronage, care, protection - this is what it means when you dream about dad.