Can pregnancy occur with late ovulation? Who is most likely to conceive? How to calculate the yield of an egg when it matures late

Pregnancy directly depends on a process such as the release of a mature egg from the follicle, which is fully prepared for fertilization. This process is called ovulation, which usually occurs in the middle of the cycle. But sometimes the egg is delayed in maturation and release. The reasons for late ovulation may be different, but the main thing is that such shifts can make it difficult to conceive if a woman follows the ovulatory calendar. Why do such disturbances occur and how to eliminate them, can such a deviation be the norm, how to correctly determine the date of ovulation if it is delayed - we will tell you everything below.

Ovulation refers to the period when a mature female cell is released into abdominal space. It is difficult to say in advance exactly when day X will come, but approximately it falls approximately in the middle of the cycle. When it is 28 days old, the follicle matures on the 13-14th day, and when it is 36 days old, on the 18th day. If, with a 28-day cycle, maturation occurs on the 18th day or later, then late ovulation is suspected.

A similar condition occurs when various reasons. Moreover, it can be detected with equal probability in sick and relatively healthy patients. Doctors say that menstruation is closely related to ovulation; the longer the cell matures, the longer the cycle will be and the more abundant the periods will be. Late ovulation is extremely rare, but it still happens.

Why is ovulation delayed?

As already mentioned, quite a variety of reasons can affect late ovulation. Sometimes they are caused by female physiology and are considered the norm, but there are also pathological factors. The most common factors why ovulation is delayed are:

  • Infectious pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • Recent childbirth, induced termination of pregnancy or spontaneous abortion;
  • Excessive stress of a psychological or physical nature, therefore, it is recommended to avoid such overloads during planning;
  • Hormonal disorders in the body;
  • Little weight. A deficiency of adipose tissue negatively affects estrogen production, causing a delay in maturation and output. female cage;
  • Uncontrolled reception emergency contraceptives in past. Similar drugs contain loading doses hormones, which means that these drugs lead to hormonal imbalance, leading to various ovulatory disorders;
  • Hard training and sports activities, strength training coupled with taking steroid medications.

In addition, factors such as menopause, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. can provoke a delay in cell maturation.

Signs of delayed ovulation

Signs of late ovulation usually frighten patients because they begin to think that something is happening in the body. serious violations, or there is a certain pathology. Signs of late maturation of a female cell are closely related to the reasons for such a deviation. Since one of common factors stands stressful state or overwork, then similar states - characteristic features delayed arrival of ovulation. If a girl is planning to conceive, then it is better for her to refrain from worries, categorically avoid stressful environments and nervous overstrain. Unnecessarily frequent flights with shifts are not recommended climatic conditions and time zones, you need to avoid any overwork, not only moral, but also physical.

Hormonal imbalance or imbalance of pituitary hormones also refers to late ovulatory manifestations. To clarify the ovulatory state in the first half of the cycle, the patient is recommended to undergo a hormone test. If a woman suffers from reproductive infectious lesions, then a delay in the ovulatory period is inevitable. In addition, against the background infectious processes various menstrual irregularities, there are often delays that make you think about pregnancy. That's why infectious pathologies genital area – characteristic signs and reasons for the late onset of the ovulatory phase.

Gynecological pathologies such as cystic processes, infections and absence of menstruation are also characteristic companions to the late arrival of ovulation. Girls should also expect ovulatory delays during the 3-month post-abortion period and a year postpartum period, as well as ladies over 40 years of age.

How to calculate ovulation if it is late

It is quite possible to calculate such a state yourself. For this they use basal measurements, a woman’s internal sensations and special ovulation tests. Each of the methods is simple in its own way, but requires certain conditions to be met in order for the data obtained to be as reliable and correct as possible.

To determine the exact date the onset of ovulation is necessary professional help doctors They spend gynecological examination And laboratory research levels of pituitary hormones, as well as ultrasound monitoring. Similar procedures are also carried out over several cycles, which allows you to most accurately determine all the manifestations of late ovulation. Such measures are necessary only for those patients who are trying to get pregnant, because against the background of the late ovulatory period, various deviations can occur, which prevents conception.

How does late cell maturation affect pregnancy?

Having figured out what it is late onset ovulation, patients often worry whether they will be able to conceive and give birth to a baby during similar condition. Yes, it is quite possible to get pregnant in such a clinical situation, but it is quite difficult. This condition is quite often associated with various difficulties in conceiving. Why does this happen? If this ovulatory shift occurs only in rare cycles against the background of completely harmless factors, then such a feature will not be an obstacle to conception. In the first or second cycle, pregnancy will indeed be impossible due to temporary hormonal disorders, but by the third cycle the condition has stabilized and nothing prevents pregnancy.

If late ovulation is a regular occurrence, then this is a more serious problem for pregnancy, but it is also completely solvable. For many women, a cycle of more than 30 days is considered normal, while the egg matures only on the 15th day or later. It's theirs physiological norm, in which there are no deviations, and reproductive system completely healthy. IN similar situation There will also be no problems with conception, the main thing is that the second, postovulatory phase is no shorter than 13-14 days.

If late ovulation is due to pathological disorders, then such factors can cause serious problems with the onset of pregnancy. This is usually observed with ovulatory delays against the background gynecological ailments or serious hormonal imbalances, sexual infectious lesions And age characteristics like post-menopause. Miscarriages and abortions, flu and colds, Not regular cycle- all this also affects ovulation and leads to problematic conception.

When ultrasound diagnostics will show conception with late ovulation

If the patient knows for sure that her follicle is growing and maturing longer than usual, and ovulatory period comes later, then you need to inform your gynecologist about this feature, otherwise he may give inaccurate pregnancy dates, which will entail a variety of worries, worries, and sometimes unnecessary appointments, which you can completely do without. But a woman can say for sure that ovulation is late only if, from cycle to cycle, the patient experienced a late onset of this period. basal charts or when measured by ovulation tests.

  • When such mothers are registered with the LCD, their card indicates two probable dates: one according to the date of their last menstruation, and the other according to the date of late ovulation.
  • After the patient has passed ultrasound examination, it will be possible to accurately determine at what stage of pregnancy a reference point should be taken.

An ultrasound examination can detect a fertilized egg in the uterus at about 4 weeks of gestation. Before this time ultrasound diagnostics pointless. If the gynecologist has established approximate period according to the last menstruation, then you need to add 2-3 weeks to this period, then you can go for an ultrasound.

Sometimes women during pregnancy are prescribed maintenance treatment that is not necessary. The reason for this error is some features of late ovulation. For such patients, the gestation period is often incorrectly determined, so further doctor reveals some delay in fetal development. Sometimes a pregnant woman is misdiagnosed as anembryonia only because real time pregnancy does not correspond to obstetrics.

How to restore a cycle

Before determining the need for treatment, the patient needs to be fully examined. There is no specific therapy to eliminate late ovulation, since this is not a pathology, but a consequence of certain processes in the body. Therefore, to eliminate it, you need to identify the cause of the deviations and neutralize it. Usually to therapeutic activities they start if a woman wants to conceive, but late ovulation prevents this. To do this, they resort to stimulating ovulatory processes with the help of medications, diet therapy and lifestyle correction.

There is no pregnancy without ovulation. In order for conception to occur, a mature egg is needed. The timing of its maturation and release from the ovarian follicle is different for everyone. They depend on many reasons and primarily on the duration of the menstrual cycle.

Ovulation during a normal cycle

Menstrual cycle, or MC, in ideal lasts from 28 to 30 days. This is how much time passes between the first days of two consecutive menstruation.

It consists of two phases, the boundary of which is ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This usually occurs in the middle of the MC, on days 13–4. If a married couple is planning a baby, then maximum efforts to conceive it should be made during this period.

However, in life, things don't always work out perfectly. Ovulation may occur earlier or later than two weeks, even with a MC of 28–30 days. In this situation, it will, accordingly, be called early or late. And if early maturation germ cells more often leads to unplanned pregnancy, then the second option may cause problems with conception.

Late ovulation

By this term, doctors mean the release of an egg 10–11 days before the start of the next menstruation. However, this is only true for MCs, the duration of which ranges from 28 to 30 days.

If a woman has a menstrual cycle of less than 28 days - for example, 24-26, then ovulation will also shift. But in this situation - with constant and regular MC - this is considered as a variant of the norm.

There are also long women's cycles– over 30 days, usually 33–35. In this case, the midpoint falls not on 14, but on 16–17 days. But this option is not attributed to late ovulation, but is considered a physiological process. You don't need to do anything with it.

With true late exit eggs, the first phase of the cycle turns out to be longer than the second, which does not benefit the female reproductive health. There are many reasons for this.


Late ovulation may be a transient phenomenon, and over time the MC returns to normal without any treatment. But sometimes such a violation is persistent even without specific therapy not enough.

It is very important to determine in time what is causing the menstrual cycle irregularities and what can be done to correct them. In the case when the late release of the egg repeats from month to month, the next stage may be complete anovulation. Pregnancy cannot occur in such a situation.

Only a doctor can understand the causes of this pathology after a detailed examination. As a rule, this is done by gynecologists together with endocrinologists.

Physiological reasons

A reversible shift in ovulation is a consequence physiological processes. With normal MC at 28–30 days, it most often occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Prolonged stress. It can occur due to constant overwork or against the background of strong psycho-emotional experiences.
  2. Climate change. Moving or vacationing in another country can cause not only late ovulation, but also prolongation of the MC (more than 30 days) or its shortening. In this situation, violations are adaptive in nature.
  3. Time zone change. Frequent or long flights significantly affect the characteristics of the menstrual cycle. This does not occur in all women and usually does not require treatment. Over time, the MC recovers on its own.
  4. Concomitant diseases. Colds, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, exacerbation chronic pathologies can cause not only a delay, but also complete absence ovulation. However, this phenomenon disappears after complete recovery.
  5. Postpartum period and lactation. Very often at this time various changes in the menstrual cycle and egg release are observed. The need for treatment is rare.

Physiological changes occur in a woman’s body and in menopause. Late maturation of the egg, disruption of the MC are natural stages of extinction reproductive function. However, no treatment will affect this situation I can't.

The reasons for the persistent delay in the release of germ cells are attributed to pathological processes, they are all a consequence serious illnesses reproductive system.

Pathological causes

The female reproductive system is not only the external and internal genital organs. Glands internal secretion and various hormones directly affect the ability to become pregnant and bear a child.

The release time of a mature egg is regulated by ovarian and adrenal hormones. It also depends on the condition of the genital organs. Pathological late ovulation can develop due to the following reasons:

  1. Acute and chronic inflammatory diseases uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes.
  2. Endometriosis and adenomyosis.
  3. Sexual infections, this is especially true in relation to chlamydia, trichomoniasis and ureaplasma.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  5. Various endocrine diseases leading to hormonal imbalance.

A woman may not be aware of late ovulation for a long time. This disorder is usually detected during an examination for infertility. Occasionally, such delayed maturation of the egg is an individual feature. In most cases, some kind of disease is detected.


To determine the reason for the late release of the egg, it is necessary to accurately determine the day of ovulation. Some women clearly feel this moment. Not unusual severe pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle, which are called mittelschmerz. Sometimes this may be discomfort in the lower back.

However, pain is not always associated specifically with ovulation, so more informative methods examinations. These include daily measurements basal temperature.

The moment when a mature egg leaves the follicle is accompanied by an increase in temperature, which persists throughout the second phase of the cycle. However, to obtain reliable results thermometry must be performed daily for at least 30 days.

You can also confirm ovulation with a special test. But for this it is necessary to at least approximately assume when it occurs.

From instrumental methods Ultrasound is most often used to confirm the release of the egg.


Is pregnancy possible with late ovulation? Yes, the time of maturation and release of the egg itself does not affect the ability to conceive a child. However, it is necessary to take into account why this feature of the body arose. In the case of reversible factors, late ovulation and pregnancy are quite compatible. But if it was led to its appearance gynecological diseases or endocrine disorders, then conception may become difficult.

In addition, if pregnancy is planned, it is necessary to take into account the delayed maturation of the egg. Her life expectancy is no more than a day, and only this time will be optimal for conception.

It is also important to remember that the delayed release of the egg will affect the diagnosis of pregnancy.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

The later the egg matures and leaves the follicle, the later fertilization occurs. This means that the usual calculations when using pregnancy tests do not apply here. What to do in this situation?

Diagnostics successful conception based on level determination human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG).

Most often it is tested in urine using pharmacy tests. The most highly sensitive tests react to hCG 3-5 days before the delay. But this is only true for MCs lasting 28–30 days with equal phases.

If a woman knows that the maturation of her egg is delayed, it is better to use a pharmacy test no earlier than 3-5 days after the expected delay. However, even in this case there is a possibility that he will show negative result. If the test is low-sensitivity, it is better to use it after a week of delay.

When hCG is determined in the blood, late ovulation must be taken into account, otherwise the doctor may suspect impaired fetal development or fading pregnancy.

Ovulation is not only the central event of each menstrual cycle in physiological terms, but also almost the most important process in the lives of almost all women planning a pregnancy. Ovulation time they track a variety of accessible ways and begin to worry if its onset is late, believing that pregnancy in this case is impossible. But that's not true.

When is ovulation considered late, and why might it be late?

Ideally, the release of the egg should occur around day 14 of the cycle. Late ovulation is considered to be ovulation that occurred after the 18th day of the cycle, and this is not a pathology if the woman is healthy. At the same time, there are a number of reasons why ovulation may occur later than expected:

Thus, it can occur both in absolutely healthy women and in women whose body is exposed to various factors, capable, one way or another, of shifting ovulation to more late date. Therefore, late ovulation itself cannot cause a woman’s infertility, since it is quite possible that this is individual feature body. Late ovulation can be associated with the inability to get pregnant only when it is a clear sign and consequence of some disorder in the body. For a healthy woman, late ovulation, provided its timing is determined, will not become an obstacle to achieving the cherished goal, namely, pregnancy.

How can you reliably find out the day of late ovulation?

Late ovulation can be determined using standard methods:

  • Ovulation tests.
  • Measuring basal temperature.
  • Ultrasound monitoring, or folliculometry.
  • Lab tests blood to measure the level of individual hormones.
  • Home examinations of urine and saliva using a microscope or a special device.

You need to know that a conclusion about the presence of late ovulation can be made only on the basis of a study of several menstrual cycles.

Late ovulation and pregnancy - the likelihood of conception

According to examinations of many women and approximate statistics, late ovulation most often does not in any way affect the possibility of fertilization of an egg by a sperm and its further development. The only downside is that women with late ovulation have a slightly less chance of conceiving a child than others, since the egg does not mature every month, but once every 35-40 days. Meet healthy women and with more rare ovulation - once every one and a half to two months.

What should women with late ovulation know?

Firstly, it is extremely important to make sure that there are no internal or external, direct or indirect reasons for delayed ovulation. Your doctor will help you sort this out. IN otherwise You can plan for a child for a very long time and unsuccessfully, because such violations as hormonal imbalance or inflammatory processes in reproductive organs rarely go away on their own.

Secondly, it would not be out of place to mention that with late ovulation, the gestational age according to ultrasound will be noticeably less than the period that is usually established according to last menstrual period. On average, the difference can be 2-3 weeks, depending on what day of the cycle ovulation occurred. We must not forget about this so as not to be once again nervous about the discrepancy in the size of the embryo.

And thirdly, among other things, it is extremely important for women planning a pregnancy to know that the length of the cycle of the “exemplary” 28 days is not so important. Much more important indicator A physiologically normal cycle is the fact that ovulation occurs 13-14 days before the onset of “critical” days. If this period is significantly shorter or longer, then a menstrual cycle disorder has already occurred.

If the results of the examination reveal that ovulation is delayed for any specific reasons, then the good news is that in most cases, with timely application V medical institution, everything can be corrected and a regular cycle can be established, provided that the treatment prescribed by a good specialist is followed.

Late ovulation and pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts for some women. In our article we will consider the passage of all processes to confirm that, regardless of the day of release of the germ cell, fertilization is possible, since the main principle is its full maturation, and not the timing of release.

Late ovulation - features, causes

To begin with, let us recall the process itself and the timing of cell formation. With a standard rhythm of 28 days, ovulation and, with favorable conditions, conception occurs on the 14th day. This means a cell appears every 28 days. Due to differences in the way the body works, this day may cyclically repeat after 21-30 days. If cell maturation is recorded later than the 18th day, and the doctor determines pregnancy after late ovulation, most often this phenomenon is observed in women with an irregular rhythm or normal maturation, but every 30-35 days.

Causes of cycle disruption

Deviations in deadlines may occur for the following reasons:

  • at gynecological diseases;
  • the onset of 40 years of age (premenopausal period);
  • after giving birth - almost a whole year
  • after an abortion (artificial or miscarriage) – up to 3 months;
  • with imbalance of hormone levels;
  • under stress;
  • when changing climate or place of residence.

Signs of what the test will show and when

If you suspect any disruption in the rhythm of the process, you should contact a gynecologist and undergo necessary examinations, find the cause of the problem and fix it. If it is established that there is no ovulation, undergo a course of stimulation. To pre-determine the date of ovulation, you can use tests at home, donate blood for hormones, or undergo an ultrasound.

Measurement of basal temperature can be used to establish delayed cell release. In this case, it is advisable to observe at least 3 cycles in a row. The graph will show a decrease and then an increase in indicators that will indicate the date when late ovulation occurred; pregnancy will show a temperature above 37 degrees, with a possible daily decrease after 5-7 days, confirming the fact of embryo implantation. Then it rises again to the same value, and does not change further, being in the range of 37.1-37.4 degrees.

When can pregnancy be detected?

If late ovulation and pregnancy are expected, we’ll try to figure it out when the test shows positive result. In this case, fertilization occurs almost before menstruation, accordingly there is a delay, and if the impatient lady immediately uses the strip, the answer will not please her, since all the dates have shifted. fertilized egg lasts only a few days, at which time the level of hCG in the urine is still insignificant and is not determined by conventional tests.

When to take the test

The calculation for when to take a pregnancy test if you ovulate late is as follows:

  • It is necessary to calculate the moment of ovulation (previously confirm it with tests, analyzes or with my own feelings).
  • During fertilization, the embryo reaches and strengthens on the uterus only after a week.
  • After the embryo has consolidated and its development has begun, constant growth hCG level, which is getting higher every day.

It turns out that 2-3 weeks after the release of the cell, or 2 weeks after the delay of the critical days, hCG increases to the level fixed by the reagent.

In some cases, when late ovulation occurs at the end of the cycle, pregnancy and menstruation do not interfere with each other. Regardless of the meeting with the sperm, critical days come at the appointed time or pass in the form of spotting bloody discharge. This is explained by the fact that the fetus has not yet reached the uterus at the time of menstruation.

The first signs of pregnancy and how to calculate the due date

It is more difficult to calculate the gestational age during late ovulation. We know that the gynecologist takes the first day of menstruation as a basis, and if he did not observe this woman and starts counting as usual, he will receive an error of 2-3 weeks, which will create difficulties in observation. The fetus will be smaller and the due date will be delayed.

When late ovulation is suspected, an ultrasound will show how to calculate the gestational age, which will establish the exact parameters of the baby and the degree of its maturity. You will need to focus on them later.

Signs of pregnancy during late ovulation do not differ from the standard ones: there may be some sensitivity to pain in the area of ​​the uterus during embryo implantation (due to tissue stretching), swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands, toxicosis, etc.

For conception to occur in right time and within the time frame you have planned, you must:

  • be less nervous;
  • eat healthy food;
  • lead normal image life, giving up alcohol and other hazardous substances;
  • Regularly schedule sexual intercourse with a regular partner and then there will be no obstacles to having a child.


The menstrual cycle and ovulation are very individual. Despite existing standards, there are always failures and deviations. In our article we will try to understand what late ovulation is, on what day of the cycle it can occur and what causes it.

What ovulation is considered late?

As we know, normal cycle lasts 25-29 days. But on average, the values ​​can vary within 21-35 days, which is not a significant deviation. The time of cell release is 14 days before menstruation. This is a static quantity that rarely changes. Thus, normal time for ovulation at different cycles– 7-21 days from menstruation. Based on this, it is clear that it will be considered late for each case.

Let's try to figure out the calculations using the example of one of the cycles. We know that a period of 28 days is considered ideal and the cell matures on the 14th day. Late ovulation will be considered if the cell is released after the 18th day. This shift is not pathological; pregnancy is also possible when the woman is healthy and this phenomenon is temporary. Using a similar principle, you can calculate for other cycles.

If we try to figure out what day of the cycle late ovulation occurs on, we come to the conclusion that there is no standard due to the individuality of processes in the body. For some it will be 18-19 days, for others it may be 21. Experts agree that optimal interval There should be at least 11-12 days between ovulation and the next menstruation, then conception will not be a particular problem. When this gap is shorter, the egg matures once every 35-40 days, which creates additional difficulties in the fertilization process.

How normal is late ovulation?

So, we looked at which day of the cycle is the latest for ovulation, now let’s find out what contributes to this. The reasons that can cause such a delay are usually quite understandable and can be observed in almost everyone:

  • change of climate or time zones;
  • constant stress;
  • various gynecological or infectious diseases;
  • violation hormonal balance when a decrease in estrogen in the blood can slow down the growth of the follicle;
  • the period after childbirth or abortion;
  • time before menopause.

If a woman has late ovulation, on what day exactly this event will occur can be found out using various methods:

  • tests that analyze urine;
  • rectal measurements and charting;
  • examination and ultrasound.

Don't forget about physical changes. In particular, at this time there is soreness in the chest, pulling painful sensations or tingling in the area of ​​the ovaries , as well as abundant stringy discharge, odorless and transparent.

When might late ovulation be a warning?

If pregnancy does not occur when the cell is released late, it is necessary to look for the cause of infertility. First of all, make sure that there are no diseases or other factors that can affect the processes. The most important thing is to make sure that there are no serious illnesses. It would be a good idea to get tested for hormone levels, in case the reason lies in a deficiency of one of them. All other reasons are completely removable, you just need:


By the way, smoking or alcohol can prevent the egg from maturing in time, so you should renounce them if you want to become a mother.

So, we figured out what day of the cycle late ovulation occurs on. It can be caused by many reasons. If expectant mother healthy body, she's watching proper nutrition and avoids bad habits, conceiving during late ovulation will not be a problem for her.