Medicine for otitis media in adults. The best antibiotics for the treatment of otitis in adults: getting rid of ear diseases. Suppurative otitis media

For self-treatment ear pain people use the most effective and accessible remedy- drops. They are convenient to use and easy to buy without a prescription. Let's find out which children's ear drops for otitis are safe, which will help adults cope with the disease. Let's try to understand the names and composition of the medications offered, find out which drops to use for ear pain, and what to give preference when being treated with antibiotics.

Drops in the ears for inflammation

All ear drops for otitis are divided into four types:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medications with antibacterial effect;
  • combination drugs with glucocorticosteroid hormones;
  • medicines against fungus.


On initial stage inflammation, the inexpensive and safe “Albucid” (sodium sulfacyl) is effective. When the disease is prolonged or complicated, combined anti-inflammatory drugs or non-steroidal drugs are prescribed. The latter are alcohol-based and include phenazone and the anesthetic lidocaine. Drops in the ears for inflammation have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect:

  • "Otinum" (analogues - "Brotinum", "Holycaps");
  • "Otipax";
  • "Ototon";
  • "Droplex";
  • "Otosporin";
  • "Oticaine."

List combination drugs For effective treatment purulent inflammation:

  • "Garazon";
  • "Dexona";
  • "Dex";
  • "Sofradex";
  • "Anauran";
  • "Otipol";
  • "Polydex";
  • "Combinil Duo";
  • "Genodex";
  • "Pledrex";
  • "Dexon"
  • "Aprolat".

With antibiotic

Ear antibiotics are drugs that contain antibacterial substances. wide range actions (rifampicin, chloramphenicol, etc.). The use of such medications quickly stops the spread of the infection that caused the inflammation. Antibiotics for otitis in adults and children prevent the release of pus and possible perforation eardrum. Effective drugs:

  • "Otofa";
  • "Tsipromed";
  • "Ciprofloxacin";
  • "Normax";
  • "Norfloxacin" (analogue of "Normax");
  • "Fugentin";
  • "Ofloxacin";
  • "Dancil";
  • "Rifonat".

Separately, it is worth noting the combined drug “Candibiotic” with the active antimycotic component clotrimazole. Experts believe this medicine is the only one effective means treatment of ear inflammation caused by fungus. The drug is effective for the treatment of allergic, infectious inflammation, thanks to the antibiotic chloramphenicol and the glucocorticosteroid hormone beclomethasone included in its composition.

What to put in your ear for pain

Is it possible to drip hydrogen peroxide into your ear when it hurts? Yes, but the solution will only help clean ear canal from pus, dissolve the sulfur plug. It does not have a long-term analgesic effect, so it is necessary to use medications with an anesthetic (lidocaine). When using medications, you need to pay attention to contraindications, because not all medications are approved for children and have restrictions for adults.

For adults

For adults, there are no contraindications to the use of ear drops. A number of drugs are prohibited for use by pregnant women, breastfeeding and intolerance to individual components of the drug. For example, lidocaine can cause an allergic reaction. Of the popular painkillers, preference should be given to the following ear drops for otitis media:

  • "Candibiotic";
  • "Otipax" (allowed during pregnancy);
  • "Anauran";
  • "Viotik".

To kid

Not all ear drops for otitis media are approved for use by children. Only medications with local influence, which do not enter the bloodstream provided the eardrum is intact. Pediatricians recommend using the following ear drops for otitis media in children:

  1. "Otipax" and "Otirelax" are effective painkillers that are approved for children from birth.
  2. "Otofa" is a product with a pronounced antimicrobial effect, but not able to relieve pain. It can even be used for infants.
  3. "Otinum" - for children from 1 year.
  4. “Candibiotic” is a combination drug with an anti-inflammatory effect. Do not use for children under 6 years of age or with a damaged eardrum.
  5. "Garazon" - antibiotic products, allowed from 8 years of age.

Video: how to properly drip into your ears

Watch the video instructions on how to properly instill the medicine into the external auditory canal. Experienced nurse shows on a mannequin the order and features of the instillation procedure, accompanying his actions with detailed comments. Find out what additional tools you may need, what mistakes are often made when using ear drops for inflammation, and how to do it so as not to harm yourself or others.

Inflammatory diseases of the middle ear are an important clinical and social problem. This is due to their prevalence among all age categories, untimely contact with an ENT doctor and frequent attempts at self-medication, which significantly increases the risk of intracranial complications and irreversible hearing loss varying degrees gravity.

Properly selected antibiotics for otitis, procedures that improve the drainage function of the auditory tube, elimination of foci of primary and chronic infection, provoked inflammation, qualified surgical care(if necessary), allow us to minimize the number of consequences dangerous to life and health.

The frequency of this pathology, the severity of the course and the variety of development mechanisms are determined by anatomical and physiological characteristics.

In adults, the auditory tube has a relatively larger lumen than in children, and is located above the nose at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the ear. It opens into the nasopharynx at the level of the inferior turbinate.
When the mouth is opened wide, swallowing and yawning, the mouth of the tube opens, which is a predisposing factor for the spread of infection from the nasal cavity or throat.
Hypertrophy of the tubal and pharyngeal tonsils also complicates normal ventilation tympanic cavity and can cause a serious inflammatory process.

For otitis, a risk factor is also: general sensitization of the body, chronic, and, in children, adenoid vegetations.

The inflammatory process is usually associated with bacterial flora, less often the cause is fungi or viruses.

Therefore, antibiotics for otitis in adults and children form the basis of treatment. Beginner course carried out empirically, antimicrobial agents wide spectrum of action, covering the entire range of suspected pathogens (pneumo-, streptococci and staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae).

Further adjustment, if it is necessary to prolong therapy, is based on the results of flora cultures for sensitivity. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, the condition immune system, the presence of complications and concomitant pathologies.


  1. By duration:
  • acute otitis media - up to three weeks;
  • subacute - from three weeks to three months;
  • chronic - over three months.
  1. By type of inflammatory process:
  • exudative;
  • purulent.
  1. By localization of inflammation:

You can also join:

  • myringitis (the eardrum is affected);
  • mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process);
  • labyrinthitis (damage to the inner ear is added).

Main complications

  • intratemporal (rupture of the eardrum, sensorineural hearing loss - type of damage to the sound-conducting apparatus, tympanosclerosis, facial nerve paralysis);
  • intracranial (meningitis, epidural abscess, subdural empyema, otogenic encephalitis, brain abscess, lateral sinus thrombosis, otogenic cerebral hydrocele).

As a rule, the inflammatory process affects the tympanic cavity, the auditory tube and the mastoid process. Damage to structures can be combined, therefore, when making a diagnosis, the predominant localization of the pathology in one or another department is taken into account.

Let us consider methods of treating the disease depending on its established form.

Antibacterial therapy for exudative otitis media

The disease manifests itself as a persistent serous inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and the eardrum.

Antibiotics for ear pain in an adult, prescribed for early stages inflammation (before perforation appears), help prevent further progression pathological process and avoid permanent hearing loss.

Four stages of the disease

  1. Catarrhal stage (eustachitis). Clinically, it manifests itself as mild tinnitus and mild hearing loss.
  2. At secretory phase mucus accumulates in the tympanic cavity. Patients complain of a feeling of fullness and pressure in the ear, a sensation of iridescent fluid in the ears when tilting and turning the head.
  3. In the mucosal stage, the secretion becomes viscous and thick. Symptoms of hearing loss are evident. When the membrane is perforated, sticky, sticky contents are released from the ear, trailing a cotton swab.
  4. IN fibrous stage There is a pronounced irreversible hearing loss, and adhesive otitis media is formed.

Treatment of otitis media with antibiotics in adults, accompanied by exudative inflammation

Therapy begins with restoring patency and normal functioning of the pipe. They use the Politzer ear blowing method or using a catheter. The eardrum is massaged according to Siegl.

Blowing the ear canal using the Politzer method

During the procedure, hormonal drugs (hydrocortisone ®), antibiotics, enzyme agents(trypsin ®, chymotrypsin ®). Electrophoresis with lidase ® or proteolytic enzymes is effective.

A mandatory component of treatment is general antihistamine therapy and application vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages.

General strengthening measures are indicated: vitamin therapy, the use of immunocorrectors (polyoxidonium ®).

Antibiotics for ear pain in adults they are used systemically and locally.

  • The drugs of choice for systemic administration are penicillins with an extended spectrum of action (and Amoxicillin ®) and inhibitor-protected ones (Amoxicillin/clavulanate ®, Ampicillin/sulbactam ®).
  • Ampicillin ® for oral use is prescribed 500 mg, four times a day. At intravenous administration- up to 6 g, for four injections.

Amoxicillin ® for otitis in adults


Schematic representation of the actions during paracentesis (puncture) of the eardrum.

Paracentesis of the tympanic membrane is prescribed according to the following indications:

Paracentesis is the puncture of the eardrum, followed by suction of pathological fluid through a needle from the middle ear cavity.

Myringotomy is usually performed after paracentesis. The procedure includes dissection of the membrane, removing pathological secretion products from the cavity. The cavity is washed with antibiotics.

2. Perforated

A rupture of the eardrum is accompanied by otorrhea, a decrease or even disappearance of pain, an improvement in well-being, and persistent hearing loss. Suppuration may persist for up to five days.

Antimicrobial therapy is prescribed according to indications.

Drops for otitis in adults with antibiotics are effective in the perforated stage

Antibacterial drops on water based instilled into the ears after performing a dry toilet of the external auditory canal:

  • Anauran ® .
  • Effective antibiotics for purulent otitis for adults when sowing Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Normax ®,).

Combined aerosol preparations of oxytetracycline and hormonal substances:

  • Oxycyclosol ® .
  • Levovinisol ® .
  • Vinizol ®.

Local agents with anti-inflammatory action, in the nasal passages:

  • IRS – 19 ® .
  • Rinofluimucil ® .

Vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Nazivin ®.
  • Nazol ® .
  • Rinorus ® .
  • Otrivin ®.
  • Tizin ® .

3. Reparative

It is characterized by scarring of the damaged part of the eardrum and the complete disappearance of otorrhea and pain. The patient's well-being returns to normal, and hearing gradually returns.

Ventilation and catheterization are used to speed up recovery. auditory tubes, pneumomassage of the eardrum. It is effective to prescribe UHF physiotherapy, electrophoresis with lidase - endaurally.

Basic antibiotics for otitis media

Often antibiotics for otitis media in adults and children are taken without taking into account the data of the antibiogram, in insufficient one-time and daily dose, too short a course, which leads to the transition of the process to chronic stage, relapse or development of severe complications.

Answer to the question: what antibiotics should I take for otitis media in adults? — is based on the principles of rationality and validity of antimicrobial therapy. Drugs for initial empirical treatment are selected taking into account the main pathogens. Preference is given to semi-synthetic broad-spectrum penicillins. Amoxiclav ® for otitis media is the drug of choice.

Otitis is a disease that almost every person has suffered from at least once in their life. This inflammatory disease of the ears often occurs against the background of a cold, sinusitis, prolonged runny nose and other infections of the nasopharynx. Quite often, antibiotics form the basis of treatment for otitis media. To speed up recovery, include complex therapy also include drops for otitis media in adults and children.

Benefits of ear drops

Ear drops– very convenient form of release medicines for the treatment of otitis. They have many advantages:

  • act directly in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • have virtually no systemic effect on the body;
  • quickly remove the symptoms of the disease or reduce its severity;
  • most drops can be used in the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, patients with liver and kidney disorders;
  • minimum contraindications and side effects;
  • ease of use at home;
  • affordable price;
  • most drugs can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor;
  • economical use.

Types of ear drops

On pharmaceutical market A wide variety of ear drops are provided. However, if you experience pain or discomfort in your ears, you should not go to the pharmacy for a bottle of ear drops, but rather contact an otolaryngologist to get qualified help. Self-medication of otitis media and other ear diseases can be very Negative consequences. This includes the transition of the disease to a chronic form, the development of complications of the disease, and even hearing loss.

Depending on the effect exhibited by the active substances of the drug, drops for otitis media in adults and children are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • drugs containing antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory medications for the ears;
  • combination products containing glucocorticosteroids;
  • antiseptics;
  • drops with antifungal effect.

Antibiotic drops

The main components of these products are antibiotics, which destroy pathogenic microflora in the area of ​​the inflammatory process, which contributes to speedy recovery. This group includes many drops: Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Anauran, Tsipromed, Otofa, Normax, Uniflox, etc.


  • Norflox,
  • Normax.


The drug is also named after the active substance. The drops exhibit antibacterial activity against bacteria that cause otitis media. Ciprofloxacin is not used if there is hypersensitivity to it, under the age of 1 year, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are many ear medications with a similar active substance available:

  • Ciproxol,
  • Phloximed,
  • Tsipromed,
  • Ciloxane.


The basis of these drops is the antibiotic rifampicin sodium, which exhibits antimicrobial activity against most microbes that cause otitis media. This drug is used to treat purulent otitis media. Its advantage is the possibility of use in cases of violation of the integrity of the eardrum. The drug can also be used in children of any age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


This drug contains 2 antibiotics (neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B) and local anesthetic(lidocaine hydrochloride). This combination active substances allows the drug to destroy a wider range of pathogenic microbes and at the same time exhibit an analgesic effect. Anauran is prescribed for external and otitis media, as well as in the postoperative period.

The drug is well tolerated, only local irritation reactions are possible. Used in adults and children from 1 year. Treatment of pregnant and lactating women is allowed after assessing the risks to the child.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drops

Drops with an anti-inflammatory effect are also very popular for otitis media. They help quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, and many of them additionally exhibit an analgesic effect. Representatives: Otipax, Droplex, Otirelax, Otinum, Otizol.


This drug has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties due to the presence of 2 active ingredients - phenazone and lidocaine. The use of drops can significantly reduce pain and prevent the spread of inflammation. The drug is approved for children from infancy, as well as for women during pregnancy. Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity and perforation of the eardrum.

The following drugs have a similar composition and effect:

  • Droplex,
  • Otibru,
  • Ototon,
  • Otix,
  • Otirelax.


Active component The drug is choline salicylate, which exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the glycerin contained in the composition softens earwax and helps cleanse the ear canals.

Prescribed for otitis in adults and children over 1 year of age. The use of the product is not recommended for intolerance to the components, perforation of the membrane, during lactation and pregnancy.


The medicine contains 3 active components (antipyrine, benzocaine and phenylephrine), due to which it exhibits anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasoconstrictor effects. At the same time they are quickly removed painful sensations, swelling of the ear canal is eliminated and the severity of inflammation is reduced. Allowed for use by adults and children from 6 months of age. Do not use if the eardrum is damaged or if you are hypersensitive to the ingredients of the medicine.

Combinations with glucocorticoids

  • Sofradex,
  • Polydexa,
  • Aprolat,
  • Combined Duo.


These drops contain 2 antibiotics (polymyxin B and neomycin) and a glucocorticosteroid (dexamethasone). The special composition provides pronounced antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the presence of a hormonal component, the medicine has large quantity contraindications, but at the same time stands out for its effectiveness. Polydex is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to components, viral infection ear canal, damage to the eardrum. The drug has no age restrictions.


The drug also contains 2 antibiotics (gramicidin and framycetrin) and a glucocorticosteroid (dexamethasone). Shows antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antipruritic properties. The drops cope well with external otitis, but have a number of contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components, damage to the tympanic septum, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Drops with antifungal effect

Drugs in this group contain an antifungal component and can be used to combat otitis media of a fungal nature.


The active ingredient of these drops is an antiseptic. Therefore, classifying the drug as an antifungal agent is very conditional. Auridexan is effective against most pathogenic microbes, fungi and viruses. It is due to the presence of an antifungal effect that the medicine is classified in this group, because very few drugs have such properties. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of otitis of a bacterial, viral and fungal nature only for adults and children over 12 years of age.


The drops exhibit antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antiallergic properties due to the content of several active ingredients from different pharmaceutical groups. Compound:

  • chloramphenicol – antibiotic;
  • beclamethasone – glucocorticosteroid;
  • lidocaine – anesthetic;
  • Clotrimazole is an antimycotic agent.

Candibiotic is used for various otitis in adults and children from 6 years of age.


These drugs are intended for washing the ear canals, as well as treating uncomplicated otitis media. Representatives: Auridexan, hydrogen peroxide solution, boric alcohol, Miramistin, etc.

Boric alcohol

This drug is prescribed less and less today, as there are more advanced and effective modern drugs. Boric alcohol has an antiseptic effect and helps speed up recovery. It can be used after reaching 1 year.


This drug is a very effective remedy for the treatment of otitis media of any nature. Miramistin exhibits antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties. It can be used from 3 years of age.

What are the best drops for otitis media?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. After all, the effectiveness of a medicine primarily depends on the correct selection of the medicine, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease. An important factor is correct use drops, as well as following all doctor’s recommendations.

Most people believe that treating otitis with drops is absolutely harmless and cannot harm health, but this is absolutely not the case. Each individual product has its own characteristic properties, which must be taken into account when choosing it. For example, having bought antibacterial drops, no improvement will be observed if the otitis media is of a fungal nature. So for choice effective treatment First of all, you need to determine the source of the pathology, they will help differentiate its type.

Therefore, the best drops for otitis are those prescribed by the otolaryngologist. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of the disease and the severity of its course. If necessary, not only ear drops will be prescribed, but also concomitant treatment which will enhance their effectiveness.

Cheap ear drops

Ear drops are presented on the pharmaceutical market in different price categories. Typically, drops from foreign or well-known manufacturers, as well as those that consist of many components, are much more expensive.

The cheapest solution for ear diseases is a solution of peroxide and boric acid. However, treatment with these drugs is not always possible.

Inexpensive ear drops include antibacterial and antiseptic drugs: Auridexan, Norfloxacin, Ciprofloxacin.

Also available to the general public are Sofradex, Otinum, Otirelax.

How to properly drip ears

In order for the drops to exert their maximum effect, you should adhere to the rules for their use. Below are general recommendations, which fit all ear drops. But anyone separate drug may have its own characteristics, so before starting treatment you should carefully read the instructions for it.

General rules:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the doses and frequency of use of drops indicated by the attending physician.
  • To bury your ears, it is better to take a lying position on your side so that sore ear was on top.
  • Immediately before use, warm the drug in your hands until it reaches body temperature. This will avoid discomfort during the procedure.
  • It is advisable to clean the ear canals with a solution of hydrogen peroxide before instilling the drug.
  • During instillation, it is necessary to pull the earlobe slightly down and back, and then press on the tragus of the ear.
  • Some doctors recommend closing the ear canal cotton swab to achieve the best effect.
  • After instillation, you need to continue to lie down for another 5 minutes. If necessary, instill in the second ear, after this time you need to turn to the other side and repeat the procedure.
  • If the eardrum is damaged, then drops are introduced into the ear through a cotton wool tube inserted into the ear canal.
  • During treatment and after its completion, you need to protect your ears from drafts and hypothermia.

Ear drops usually last 3-7 days. In this case, the use of systemic drugs is often required.

Inflammatory process localized in different parts ear, must be comprehensive and systematic. Otolaryngologists prescribe ear drops to their patients for otitis media to relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory process, as well as destroy pathogenic microflora.

What drops to put in the ear for otitis media and externa in adults

All ear drops for otitis, depending on their spectrum of action, can be divided into the following main groups:

Anti-inflammatory. Medicines whose action is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process that occurs in different parts of the ear. Anti-inflammatory drops are used in the treatment of otitis media and external otitis.

Painkillers. Drugs intended to eliminate pain that usually accompanies the inflammatory process. You can buy painkillers for children and adults at the pharmacy. When using drugs from this group, it should be understood that therapeutic effect they don't provide.

Antibacterial. These are drops that contain , they are intended for the treatment of purulent processes.

Combined. In otolaryngology, in the treatment of this disease of the hearing organ, they are widely used. medical supplies wide spectrum of action. They are called combined because they contain several active substances that simultaneously have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effects.

Only a specialist can tell you what drops to put in the ear for otitis media. Before prescribing a drug to treat a disease, the otolaryngologist studies clinical picture, patient complaints and condition.

First of all, what ear drops to use for otitis media to cure the disease depends on the nature of its origin. Each has its own pharmacological action, which is important to consider when choosing a medicine. When choosing ear medications for the treatment of this disease, it is important to know in which part of the ear the inflammatory process occurs - external, middle or internal.

Most often, otolaryngologists prescribe drugs such as Otofa, Anauran or Otipax to their patients. The list of drops for otitis media, which have also proven themselves well in the treatment of the inflammatory process, also includes the drugs Sofradex and Normax.

Anti-inflammatory ear drops for otitis media and externa

Experts call good drops for otitis, having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in such cases:

  • otitis media, especially initial stage development of the inflammatory process;
  • otitis externa;
  • acute catarrhal inflammatory process occurring in the outer and middle sections of the ear;
  • pain syndrome;
  • sulfur plugs.

Anti-inflammatory ear drops are prescribed for the purpose of symptomatic treatment. They have a local anesthetic effect, relieving swelling. You should know that such drugs do not have an antibacterial effect, so they cannot be used during purulent processes. In these cases, combination drugs will be effective.

At internal otitis and eustachite drops, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, are ineffective.

The fact is that in this case, the source of inflammation is located far from the external auditory canal, where the drops are instilled.

What ear drops will help with external and otitis media: list of drugs

The most effective anti-inflammatory drugs are the following ear drops for otitis media in adults:

Otinum. The active ingredient of this medication is choline salicytate. The drug is available in 10 g polyethylene bottles with a dispenser for convenient use. The medicine is also available under other trade names - Brotinum, Holipax. Otinum is indicated for acute catarrhal forms of external and otitis media. It is also instilled into the external auditory canal when removing sulfur plugs by washing method. In this case, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and effectively softens accumulated sulfur. You need to use the medicine 3-4 times a day, instilling 3-4 drops into the ear.

Otipax. The drug contains phenazole and lidocaine. Prescribed when acute form otitis media, also with ear inflammation that arose as a complication after suffering from the flu. Thanks to this composition, the drug has a long-term anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The course of treatment is 10 days, you need to drip 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops each. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to lidocaine, hypersensitivity to other components and perforation of the eardrum. Otipax will best help in treating the inflammatory process in the early stages of its course.

Otirelax. This anti-inflammatory drug is an analogue of Otipax. It differs from it only in auxiliary components. Prescribed for the treatment of external, medial, barotraumatic otitis.

Good ear drops for otitis in adults

Anauran- drops in the ears for otitis media, which have a local anesthetic and antiviral effect. The most effective remedy is in the treatment of acute and chronic form otitis media without signs of perforation of the tympanic membrane. The product is used to treat ear diseases in children and adults. Adults take 5 drops twice a day, and children - three drops three times a day. Sometimes there may be side effects when using Anauran, this is peeling of the skin near the external auditory canal, burning and itching.

To relieve the inflammatory process in different parts of the ear, combination drugs are also effective. The most commonly used drug in otolaryngology is Candibiotic. The medication contains the corticosteroid beclomethasone, an anesthetic, an antibiotic and clotrimazole. Such a rich composition of Candibiotics has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effect, therefore it is prescribed for all types of inflammatory process in the ear cavity. These drops are prescribed in the ears for otitis media in adults and children over 6 years of age.

Typically, the inflammatory process in different parts of the ear is accompanied by severe pain, so treatment should consist of the use of medications that have an analgesic effect.

What ear drops should I use for otitis media to relieve pain? Otipax and Otinum have proven themselves best as painkillers.

Moreover, in addition to the analgesic effect, they also have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In otolaryngology, such ear drops for otitis media for children and adults as Sofradex are also known. The drug has a pronounced antibacterial, hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, Sofradex is used for otitis media; experts recommend taking three drops 4 times a day. It is important not to overdose the drug, otherwise you may experience allergic reactions local origin - redness and peeling of the skin around the external auditory canal, itching and burning.

Antibiotic ear drops for purulent otitis media

In the case where the cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the ear cavity was the penetration pathogenic microorganisms, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Ear drops for purulent otitis containing an antibiotic are an effective remedy in the fight against the disease.

Drops such as Garazon are often prescribed for purulent otitis media. This is a combination drug containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic - gentamicin, and an active glucocorticosteroid - betamethasone. Betamethasone has advantages over other corticosteroids because it is more effective when using a smaller dose of the substance.

Polydexa- another drops in the ears for otitis with an antibiotic, which are often prescribed to children with this disease. In addition to the antibacterial effect, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. The medication contains two antibiotics - neomycin and polymyxin B. These drops are prescribed in the ears for otitis externa, as well as an inflammatory process occurring in the middle ear. The use of the drug becomes impossible in case of individual intolerance to their components and perforation of the eardrum.

What children's ear drops will help with ordinary and purulent otitis?

Children also often suffer from otitis media; for their treatment, only medications prescribed by a specialist can be used. Otipax ear drops are most often prescribed for children with otitis media; they can be used in the treatment of even newborns. Treatment can be carried out for no more than 10 days.

Sofradex ear drops, used in otolaryngology to treat young patients, are considered effective for otitis media. Therapy can last no more than 7 days; violation of treatment deadlines often causes unpleasant side effects. Sofradex is contraindicated in children under one year of age.

For children over the age of 1 year, Tsipromed ear drops are prescribed for otitis media. The drug also shows its effectiveness in cases of external otitis resulting from injury to the hearing organ.

Normax ear drops will also help in treating children, although only after 12 years. Indications for use - various shapes otitis media and external otitis.

To alleviate the child’s condition with severe pain syndrome Pain-relieving children's ear drops for otitis Otinum or Otipax are used.

Use ear drops for both adults and children in the treatment of ordinary and purulent otitis It is possible only with a doctor's prescription. Self-medication can cause deterioration in the health of the hearing organ and cause many complications.

In order to remove congestion or inflammation in diseases of the eyes, ears and nose, use different shapes medications: sprays, tablets, drops. A local remedy for relieving ear pain and congestion in adults or children is ear drops. They are indicated for acute or chronic otitis media, but a doctor must still prescribe a specific remedy. Not every drop can be beneficial, although they are considered a safe medicine. They can also cure suppuration, infections, inflammations and even injuries. Depending on the problem, drops with a specific effect are selected. These may be drugs from the group of antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic or combination drugs.

What are ear drops

This is a remedy for local therapy by instilling a solution of the drug into the ear canal. They can be prescribed for otitis media, which is manifested by pain and congestion in the ears, itching, tissue inflammation, the appearance of pus, and sometimes an increase in body temperature. If these symptoms occur, you should contact an otolaryngologist, who will confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.


Drops are a very convenient form of release, especially for the treatment of otitis media different departments ear cavity. The medicine has the following advantages:

  • does not have a systemic effect on the body;
  • act directly on the affected area of ​​the ear tissue;
  • quickly relieve inflammation and others unpleasant symptoms diseases or at least reduce their severity;
  • have very few contraindications and do not cause side effects;
  • have an affordable price;
  • sold without a doctor's prescription;
  • economically used due to small dosages.


Classification is based on differences in composition, pharmacological action and indications. Based on the number of drugs in the composition, they are divided into combination and single drugs. The first contain several components. Monopreparations include only one medicinal substance. Regarding the principle of operation, the following main groups are distinguished:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, reducing the manifestations of inflammation and having analgesic and drying effects. This includes non-steroidal drugs and medications with the glucocorticoid hormone. It is prescribed with caution, because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory substance and is used strictly according to indications. Contraindicated for use for a long time.
  2. With antimicrobial action. They have an antibacterial effect.
  3. Antiseptic. Preparations with antimicrobial effect, applicable if available purulent inflammation. This includes hydrogen peroxide, drugs based on miramistin, boric and furatsilin alcohol.
  4. Antifungal. Helps with fungal and inflammatory infections.
  5. Vasoconstrictors drops. Prescribed for a feeling of congestion in the ears, but no pain.


Drops in the ear for inflammation are used in different cases. More often they are prescribed as part of complex therapy with other medicines in case of acute moderate or edematous acute otitis media. Inflammation resulting from sharp increase or a decrease in atmospheric pressure that causes damage auditory canal. These ear drops are prescribed for ear pain to reduce it. These include:

  • Ototone;
  • and its analogues Holikaps and Brotinum;
  • Droplex;
  • Oticaine;
  • Otosporin;

In case of prolonged illness or complications, the doctor prescribes combined anti-inflammatory or non-steroidal drugs. The latter include lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect. TO hormonal drugs relate:

  • Garazon;


Good antibiotic ear drops contain broad-spectrum antimicrobial substances, for example, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, rifampicin. Such drugs have antibacterial effect, therefore they are indicated for diseases caused by bacteria entering the ear canal. This often happens with a cold, the complication of which is otitis media internal, media or external. The disease is an inflammation accompanied by the discharge of pus from the ear canal.

Drops in the ears for otitis media are almost always prescribed. They help stop infection, prevent pus formation and possible damage eardrum. To the list of the most effective drops With strong antibiotics includes:

  • Fugentin;
  • Riphonat;
  • Dancil.

Single drugs

This special means with one active ingredient in the composition. They are indicated to eliminate the source of infection. Along with this, they have complex analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, but they cannot be used for perforation of the eardrum. Among these, the drugs Otinum and Otipax stand out. They are able to reduce the synthesis of prostaglandins that accompany the pathogenic process. For this reason, Otipax or Otinum are the first to be used. In addition, they have a gentle effect, so they are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.


Drops from this category have a wide antibacterial spectrum of action. Although they are not prescribed for every disease, they provide good pain relief and antiviral effect, help destroy infections. For catarrhal otitis media or inflammation of the external ear, the drug Anauran is popular. Although suspicion of perforation of the eardrum may be an indication for discontinuation of such a drug. Other prominent representatives of this group are Sofradex and Garazon drops.

With antiseptics

In the treatment and prevention of purulent otitis it is prescribed antiseptic drops. They are often used before and after ear surgery. A prominent representative of this group is Miramistin, which belongs to the group of cations. This drug has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The following antiseptics are similar in principle of action:


In the antiseptic group, there are several drugs with an antifungal component in their composition. Such remedies cope with the treatment of fungal and inflammatory diseases. These include:

  • Candibiotic;
  • Fugentin;
  • Sangviritrin.

Drops for children

IN childhood From each group of drugs listed, only some can be used. Drops for ear pain from infancy - Otipax. Otinum can only be used for children over one year of age. To save a child from ear plugs, it is recommended to use Aqua-Maris Oto (from 1 year) and A-cerumen (from 2.5 years). Already from birth it is allowed to instill Remo-vax in infants. Used in the treatment of otitis the following medications also from a certain age:

  • contain antibiotics– Tsipromed (from 15), Nomrax (from 12), Otofa (from 5);
  • anti-inflammatory– Sofradex (from 7), Garazon and Anauran (from 6), Polydex (from 5);
  • antiseptic– furacilin alcohol (with 6), Okomistin (with 1).

Drops for ear pain during pregnancy

Especially safe medicines should be during pregnancy. Otitis during this period can be caused hormonal imbalance and reduced immunity. It must be treated with medications with minimal risk to the child. The following are considered dangerous during pregnancy:

  • Otofa;
  • Polydex;
  • Anauran;
  • Normax.

Sofradex contains a hormonal substance, so it is also not safe. If the ears hurt, and otitis media is not complicated by perforation of the eardrum, then Otipax drops are used for treatment. This is one of the few products that is considered safe for pregnant women. At purulent form Otipax should not be used for otitis under any circumstances. In case of membrane perforation, antibacterial therapy with and in drops. Otitis externa is treated with drugs containing hydrocortisone, which is not toxic to the fetus.

Effective drugs for treating inflammation

For ear inflammation of any nature, local remedies are more effective. Moreover, they are easy to use. Among the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs We can highlight a few of the most effective ones. These are the following means:

  • Orlavax;
  • Flavaco;
  • Panotile;
  • Otinum;
  • Otipax.


This tool Today it is very difficult to buy from an online store or order from a regular pharmacy. Orlavax is considered an analogue of Otipax, so it has almost the same indications. The dosage is also the same. The medicine itself belongs to the combination category and is based on lidocaine and phenazone. The medicine has several actions:

  • local anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant.


Ear drops for colds or otitis from the combined group. The drug contains antibiotics that complement each other, a local anesthetic and a steroid substance. The latter has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. Along with them, the anesthetic helps reduce pain. You need to drip 4-5 drops into each ear up to 3 times throughout the day. Repeat the procedure throughout the week. Indications for use of Flavaco are:

  • rehabilitation after middle ear surgery;
  • acute or chronic external otitis media;
  • Otitis media without perforation of the tympanic membrane.


This is another analogue of Otipax. Panotile is tradename of this drug in pharmacy catalogs abroad. It is popular not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The difference between the medicine is the absence age restrictions. Panotile is allowed even for the youngest patients. Mild inflammation They are treated by instilling 2 drops into each ear. For adults, the dosage should not exceed 4. Indications for the use of Panotile are rehabilitation after surgery and the prevention of inflammatory diseases.


Main active substance Otinuma is a choline salicylate. The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has analgesic and inflammation-reducing effects. Indications for use are:

  • softening the wax in the ear canal before washing or cleaning;
  • acute non-perforative otitis media;
  • myringitis;
  • otitis externa

For treatment inflammatory processes adults need to instill 3-4 drops up to 4 times daily into the middle or outer ear. The course of treatment is about 2 weeks. A burning sensation may be felt upon injection. Otinum should not be used for perforated otitis media. In the future, this can lead to hearing loss. Children are not recommended to use Otinum, as there is no data on the effect of the drug on them.


The active components of Otipax are the anesthetic lidocaine and the anti-inflammatory substance phenazone. This drug due to its safety, it is allowed for children from the first day of life and pregnant women. Contraindication is traumatic or infectious damage to the eardrum or an allergy to the components in the composition. Indications are barotraumatic, moderate or complicated after influenza otitis. The drug is instilled 3-4 drops up to 3 times a day.

How to put drops in your ears

When using ear drops for otitis or other inflammation, you must first warm them in a water bath or hold them in a clasped hand for a couple of minutes. This is necessary to warm the drug to body temperature, which will help avoid vestibular reactions. You need to drip the medicine according to following instructions:

  • lie on your side with your affected ear facing up;
  • pull up, out and back the top pole auricle;
  • instill the medicine in the amount indicated in the instructions; it is better to administer it with a pipette;
  • press on the tragus, massage so that the substance can be evenly distributed;
  • lie down for 10 minutes, plug the ear canal with a cotton swab, which will absorb the remaining oily liquid.

How to choose

The medicine is selected depending on the characteristics of the treatment and the cause of the disease. An equally important factor here is how the patient will use the drug and how correctly he will do it. It is necessary to select drops according to their indications and the cause of inflammation. If it is caused bacterial infection, then a drug with antibiotics is required, and if it is a fungus, then antifungal. You should not prescribe your own medicine. It is better to leave this to the doctor, who, depending on the symptoms, can prescribe the right drugs.


The cost of drugs is determined by the manufacturer, pharmacological action and place of purchase. The cheapest ones are boric acid and hydrogen peroxide solution. Inexpensive drugs are Ciprofloxacin, Auridexan, Norfloxacin. Sofradex, Othiorelax, Otinum drops are available to the general population. Their cost is slightly higher compared to others. You can find out more about the prices of different ear drops from the table.

Place of purchase

Name of medicine

Bottle volume

Price, rubles

Pharmacy IFC


Otinum 20%





Otinum 20%