If your hands are frozen in cold weather, it is important for you to know how to warm them. Stages of frostbite on the hands and fingers and recovery time Frostbite on the toes

When the snowstorm subsides, driving along a deserted road is a pleasure even at night. The headlights of the warm car inside illuminate the road surface, scrubbed to blackness, and the endless snowy steppe that frames it. A light blowing snow, like a light white Orenburg scarf, spreads along the highway, running somewhere into the steppe and dissolving the headlights. Romance!

But if the wind is stronger, there is more snow, there will be trouble. These are the laws of the winter Orenburg steppe. However, under the starry “spotlights” I want to think about the lofty, for example, about Pushkin, who wrote his “The Captain's Daughter” in these parts. The severe frost immediately refers to the scene in which Petrusha Grinev gives Pugachev her warm hare sheepskin coat. The thing is irreplaceable and almost allegorical in the current frosts...

But our road to Orenburg is inspired not by the classics, but by a real tragedy that took place here in the first days of the new year. The increased security measures that have been preserved to this day in the form of a large number of traffic police officers on the road are proof of this.

In the wake of tragedy

We are going to meet Danila Maksudov, a senior police sergeant from Mednogorsk. It was he who, while saving people on the highway near Orenburg, received the most severe injuries. He gave his peacoat and hat to the frozen girl, and his mittens to the child. Another barefoot guy (he lost his sneaker in the snow) was also brought “to the light.” Today, these unwitting fellow travelers of the elements are being treated in the same hospital. And then they walked, holding hands tightly, under gusts of freezing wind and zero visibility.

Let us remind you that on the night of January 3, on the 207th kilometer of the Orenburg-Orsk highway, traffic came to a standstill due to snowfall: 50 cars with people could not move in conditions of strong wind, snowfall and frost. People waited for help for 15 hours. In total, during the rescue operation, 84 people were rescued from the emergency zone, 14 were hospitalized. One died from hypothermia.

Whether all motorists were massively notified of the impending bad weather that day, how coordinated the emergency services acted, whether they had enough hands and special equipment - these questions still need to be answered by the investigation. In the meantime, the opinions of officials and ordinary residents on this matter vary greatly. But one thing is already certain: ordinary police officers, rescuers and doctors did everything in their power to save human lives.

Exceeding authority

The first to go to the aid of people “locked” on the road was a team of rescuers and police officers from Mednogorsk, which is closest to the highway. Danila Maksudov was also among its members.

An exceptionally decent and modest guy, I have known his family for a long time: his mother teaches at school, his father works at a copper and sulfur plant. Our town is small, everything is in plain sight,” says Anton Nemakin, head of the Mednogorsk police department. - On January 2, Danila was on duty, and when an emergency happened on the highway, he was supposed to accompany the KamAZ shift worker, who was going to help. The duties of the patrol officer did not include participation in the rescue operation, but he could not stay away.

The 25-year-old policeman himself recalls the events of that day not from the reports of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but from every cell of his frozen body and the faces of people: tired, desperate, doomed, hopeful. It was not possible to approach the Vakhta truck in distress: the road was not only heavily covered with snow, but also blocked by abandoned cars. Therefore, they decided to walk and lead people to the shift site in a chain, so there was a better chance of holding on in the strong wind. But at some point during the rescue operation, in complete snow blindness, Danila Maksudov suddenly realized that he could only hold on to the man who was walking behind. Lost in the snowstorm, the two of them wandered around the field for a long time.

“People, there is no need to collect any funds for my treatment! Your moral support is quite enough!!!”

Suddenly I saw a white light ahead, realizing that these were not headlights, not lanterns, I simply trusted it, this light. And when the glow disappeared, we noticed the emergency lights of a standing Toyota. There was a young family with two children inside. We began to wait for help together,” says Danila.

In the car, which seemed so close to salvation, he then sat for a long time practically in the snow: already without outer clothing, which he gave to the victims, and earnestly dialed numbers on his cell phone. But the "Vakhta" with its people had already left for the city, and the wind tore out the gearbox of the all-terrain vehicle, for which there was still hope. The equipment could not withstand the weather.

I will continue to work!

Only at 8 a.m. on January 3, Danila called his wife Olga, and even then only to reassure him. (They got married just recently, in November.)

He asked not to go to work, but to spend this day with them. In between, he asked how to provide first aid for frostbitten hands, saying that it was not for him, but for those injured on the road, says Olga.

“I didn’t want her to be upset,” the guy admits, looking at his wife, who has been with him all these days in the hospital, first in the Mednogorsk Central District Hospital, and now in Orenburg. - But when I got to the hospital, there was nowhere to go, I had to admit. Olga burst into tears. When my mother found out, she was also upset and said, “You don’t need to work in the police.” But I don’t see myself anywhere else; I’ve been serving here since 2012.

“He has been so persistent since childhood,” admits Danila’s mother Nelly Aleevna, “he went in for sports, served in the Airborne Forces, and therefore his choice of profession was not an accident. I myself, who grew up watching Soviet films about officer honor, always repeated to my sons: no matter what evil tongues say about the police, the majority of decent people there are.

Presented to the Order

The head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Orenburg region, Mikhail Davydov, welcomes his subordinate’s attitude to continue serving in every possible way.

If further service does not harm his health, he will be able to continue working in the police. Documents have already been prepared to nominate Danila Maksudov for a state award. In addition, the issue of awarding departmental awards to seven more employees who also assisted in the evacuation of people is being decided,” he notes.

But for Danila there are more important things, for example, health.

The decision on surgery will be made in the next 3-4 days: Danila has severe frostbite on the 4th and 5th fingers of his left hand. We are doing everything possible to avoid amputation,” explains the deputy. Denis Davydov, head physician of Orenburg Clinical Hospital N4. He also says that now they have 5 victims with frostbite of the upper and lower extremities. Among them is a 13-year-old girl.

Popular recognition

The whole country learned about the action of a senior police sergeant from the Orenburg region. The phone doesn’t stop ringing (you even have to turn it off to get some rest), and on Danila’s VKontakte page there are dozens of posts thanking him and his parents. Not only friends, but also strangers offer their help, including money for treatment. For example, an auto electrician from Krasnodar, Roman Panov, sent a letter to the editor of one of the local sites: “I want to provide a little financial assistance in the treatment of Senior Sergeant Maksudov, who saved people on the highway. He is a real man, I really want to help him restore his hand and am ready to donate two thousand rubles.” . Danila thanked him for the help, but refused the money. “People, there is no need to collect any funds for my treatment! Your moral support is quite enough, thank you!!! I didn’t even expect it,” he wrote on his website.

We really don’t need money, all treatment is free and medicines too. Relatives and colleagues help, says Danila.

The main thing for him now is faith and hope. He had already almost died twice on that road, saving others, but an invisible force extended a helping hand to him. Perhaps there is the highest support in that in his speech after the service in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, Patriarch Kirill mentioned the name of policeman Danil Maksudov, calling on the people of Russia to follow his example. And although Danila is a Muslim, as he himself admits, he was touched by the words of the Patriarch.

By the way, the girl to whom Maksudov gave his peacoat that blizzard night has almost recovered and now calls often to inquire about the health of her savior. It is noteworthy that the story of Asel, that’s the girl’s name, is similar to dozens of other victims on that winter road.

On the evening of January 2, when there was still no sign of bad weather, she went by taxi from Orsk to Mednogorsk, but already at 20.00 the car got into a snow jam. She sat in a taxi until midnight, until the car stalled, then got into a nearby tow truck. At three in the morning, the “watch” of rescuers arrived, in which Danila worked. The girl’s snow-covered fur coat instantly became wet from the warmth, and she was overcome with cold and fear. Maksudov gave her his pea coat, knowing for sure that he would have to lead people out through the icy snowstorm more than once. Didn't do it according to instructions.

Already saying goodbye, I asked Danila:

If at that moment you knew that you could lose your hands, would you become a hero?

He replied:

I did everything right - I saved people, and they are all alive.

Birth of Man

Natalya Netesova on the snowy road of a baby born prematurely to a resident of the village of Novo-Pototsky, Kvarken district of the Orenburg region.

On January 3, the expectant mother fainted, and paramedic Netesova was called to her house. Having given the pregnant woman an injection, she took her to a medical outpatient clinic in the neighboring village of Kulminsky, which is 5 km away. There, after an examination by a doctor, a decision was made: to send the woman in labor to the district hospital. But the Niva, which was supposed to be met by an ambulance on the way, left the road due to a snowstorm and poor visibility.

I had to take full responsibility upon myself, although this was not just the first birth that I had in such extreme conditions, but also the first in my practice,” Natalya admits. - At 7 am on January 3, a boy weighing 1 kg 860 grams was born. And I acted according to the instructions - I gave injections, cut the umbilical cord, treated the newborn.

To prevent the baby from freezing in the cold Niva, the paramedic warmed the newborn wrapped in the hood of her jacket on her chest for 10 hours before the rescuers arrived. Their car was first discovered by local men, who went to help in their cars, in impassable snow hummocks and on foot. Only then did the rescue vehicle arrive.

Natalya has been working as a paramedic for 12 years, and all these years her village of Komintern and its neighboring settlements with a population of 180 to 400 residents are considered unpromising for both local authorities and business.

“That’s why we don’t even have a cellular connection; in a snowdrift we found ourselves completely cut off from the world,” she laments and admits that after her forced heroism she is seriously thinking about packing her suitcase and moving to a city in which the technological 21st century has long since has arrived.

website. The evidence collected by the Churapchinsky interdistrict investigative department of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Yakutia was recognized by the court as sufficient to pass a sentence against a 25-year-old resident of the Tattinsky district of the republic, found guilty of committing a crime under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - causing death by negligence, reports the senior assistant to the head for interaction with Media of the Investigative Directorate of Russia for Yakutia Nadezhda Dvoretskaya.

The investigation and court established that on the night of November 17, 2016, the accused, after drinking alcohol, left home and put her two young children to bed.

The next morning, the grandmother discovered the body of her one-and-a-half-year-old grandson on the floor of the apartment with the front door open, while the door to the street was open. A three-year-old boy, wrapped in a blanket, lay in bed. During a medical examination, doctors determined that he had a cold injury. The child was hospitalized in the surgical department of the Tattinsky Central District Hospital with frostbite of the skin of both hands and feet.

Investigators found that the three-year-old child opened the door at night, which was not locked with a locking device, and wandered barefoot near the house in search of his mother. Not finding her, he returned home, but could not close the door.

At the time of inspection of the scene of the incident, the temperature in the room did not exceed + 7 degrees Celsius.

A forensic medical examination established that the cause of death of the youngest of the brothers was general hypothermia of the body under the influence of low temperature. The outside temperature that night was about 30 degrees below zero.

During the preliminary investigation and court hearing, the defendant fully admitted her guilt in the crime and repented of what she had done.

Based on the results of the trial, the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to 1 year and 2 months of restriction of freedom. According to Art. 53 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes the following restrictions for a woman: with the exception of the day of work, she is not allowed to travel outside the Tattinsky district from 20:00 to 07:00; at the same time, do not visit places of mass and cultural events; do not change your place of residence or place of work without the consent of the specialized regulatory body, and report to the specialized regulatory body once a month. On March 3, 2017, the verdict came into force.

During the investigation of the criminal case, a request was made to the head of the Tattinsky District Municipality to eliminate the circumstances that contributed to the commission of the crime. After considering this submission, the three-year-old child was placed in kindergarten. Currently the boy lives with his father.

The cold weather has arrived and the days are becoming increasingly frosty. Even if you wear gloves or warm mittens, this does not mean that you are not at risk of frostbite on your hands. Therefore, below we will talk about what to do if your fingers are frostbitten in order to quickly bring them back to normal.

Saving hands from the effects of cold

Did you have fun with your friends skiing or sledding? Or did you just have to spend a long time in the cold waiting? And now you feel a tingling, strong burning sensation in your hands or fingers, your hands have become insensitive and white. With severe frostbite, there is usually severe pain.

In such cases, you should not hesitate, but you should know what to do if your hands get frostbite. Since the consequences of severe hypothermia of the hands can be negative: tissue death and even damage to bones and joints can occur.

If you observe the above symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, then first of all you need to immediately go to a warm, heated room. First aid largely depends on the degree of frostbite. If you have mild frostbite on your hands, no special treatment is required. In this case, baths with warm water are ideal (the water temperature should first be 30-35 degrees, and then you can increase it to 40-45 degrees).

If you have more serious frostbite on your fingers (sensitivity has disappeared, blisters have appeared), then it is better to seek help from doctors, as serious treatment may be required.

Basic and dangerous mistakes

You already know how to treat frostbite on the hands of adults. However, you should definitely read about what you should not do if you have frostbite on your hands, as some erroneous actions can cause significant harm to your health.

Absolutely forbidden
Rapidly plunge frozen limbs into very hot water.
Rub your hands with snow or apply cold to them, as vascular spasm may occur and blood circulation will worsen.
Apply ointment, rub with oil or alcohol (this is especially dangerous in case of severe frostbite).

You should not take any therapeutic action on your own if your child’s hands are frozen. It is important to provide first aid (warm the baby, make warm hand baths) and go to a medical facility.

Here we will briefly explain what you need to do to prevent hypothermia in your hands. Before going out into the cold, be sure to drink a cup of hot tea. This will improve blood circulation. Also apply hand frostbite cream, which will keep your hands from freezing longer.

Take care of your hands and your health. And if suddenly your fingers are still very cold, then be sure to use our tips and share them with your friends. Also, be sure to read about it to know how to treat yourself more economically in winter!

Every winter, after the air temperature drops below zero, people with frostbite begin to be admitted to hospitals. The parts of the body that are located on the periphery are always the first to suffer: the nose, ears, feet, hands and fingers. The degree of damage and the speed of first aid determine whether it will be possible to restore the functionality of the organ. In this article, we’ll look at how to deal with frostbite on your hands and fingers, one of the most common injuries.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

Frostbite is a type of cold injury, its local form. Most often, the lesion develops when exposed to cold air, although there are other options: contact with snow and ice, water, metal.

The effects of cold are sometimes worse accompanying circumstances:

  • Peripheral circulation disorders due to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc.;
  • Vibration disease, osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy, Raynaud's syndrome. These pathologies lead to disruption of the conduction of nerve signals, so a person does not feel that his fingers have already become frostbitten;
  • Alcohol consumption. Under its influence, blood vessels dilate and the body quickly loses heat. In addition, the person does not adequately assess the environment;
  • Wearing wet clothes (gloves, mittens), excessive sweating. Water, evaporating, additionally cools the skin;
  • The imperfection of the thermoregulation system in young children - they are the most easily injured;
  • Combination of cooling with blood loss (for example, road accidents in winter).

Fingers are predisposed to frostbite by their anatomical features - a thin layer of muscle and fatty tissue that almost does not prevent heat loss through the skin.

The first signs of frostbite

You should be attentive to your own feelings in the cold so as not to miss the onset of hypothermia, and when walking with a baby or a very elderly person, monitor the condition of your hands more often.

The following signs indicate the onset of frostbite on the fingers:

  • Pale, marbling of the skin;
  • Cold skin;
  • Difficulty bending joints;
  • Feeling of tingling, burning, aching in the fingertips;
  • Feeling of partial loss of sensitivity.

When you notice the first signs of freezing, you must immediately begin warming your fingers.

It is better to immediately move to a warm room, after placing your hands under your clothes closer to the body - partially unbutton your outer clothing and press it to your stomach and armpits. It is recommended to squeeze/unclench with your fingers and move actively.

Degrees of frostbite

The degree (stage) of damage depends on the depth of freezing of the fingers. The process proceeds quickly, so there is no time to waste.

The first stage is damage to the stratum corneum and granular layer of the epidermis. After warming up, skin restoration occurs quickly and without consequences.

The second stage is damage to the papillary layer of the epidermis. In this case, blisters filled with fluid form on the skin. Healing takes longer; dressings and special treatment will be needed.

The third stage is damage to the subcutaneous fat tissue (poorly developed on the hands) to its full depth. This is a serious injury and cannot be completely cured. The consequences remain for life - scars that impair movement, deformation of the fingers, contractures, impaired tactile sensitivity.

Fourth stage– damage to all soft tissues up to the bone, complete cessation of blood circulation, necrosis. The injury ends with the amputation of dead tissue; it cannot be restored by any conservative methods.

Clinical symptoms of frostbite

Manifestations of frostbite are determined by the degree of tissue damage:

1st degree. Numbness and pallor of the skin, loss of sensitivity in the fingers. After warming up, severe swelling appears. The tint of the fingers is blue-purple, violet-red, the skin is hot. You feel tingling, itching, burning. Later, the top layer of skin peels off. After a person has frostbitten hands, sensitivity to cold remains for life.

2nd degree. The person does not feel the fingers even with strong pressure and cannot move them. The skin is blue and icy to the touch. Later it peels off with the formation of bubbles. Their contents are liquid, sometimes gel-like, yellowish or reddish in color. When warming up, unbearable pain occurs, requiring painkillers. Sometimes they go away, but then the nails grow back.

3rd degree. Darkened areas of necrosis appear on the fingertips - yellowish-blue, grayish. Bloody contents are visible in the blisters due to ruptured capillaries. The legs come off and don't grow anymore. The remaining nails grow incorrectly. Burst blisters become inflamed, often accompanied by a purulent infection.

4th degree. Dry gangrene develops - frostbitten hands mummify, shrink, and turn black. In other cases, wet gangrene is possible (due to infection) - the hand swells greatly, becomes blue-greenish-black, and emits a putrid odor.

There are two periods in the frostbite process: pre-reactive and reactive. The first is characterized by severe vasospasm, leading to disruption of the oxygen supply to tissues (freezing itself).

The second is the period after the fingers warm up. It is characterized by inflammation, severe pain, intoxication of the body due to toxic products of tissue breakdown entering the bloodstream, and the risk of infection.

First aid rules

If a person’s fingers are slightly frostbitten, he can help himself. To do this, you need to go into a warm room, change cold clothes for warm and dry ones, and drink a hot drink.

Then warm the brushes in a bowl of water at 20 °C, raising the temperature to 40 °C for 40 minutes. If this is not possible, gently, with light movements, rub your fingers with a woolen cloth from tips to base, then wrap them warmly. If your fingers hurt badly, take an aspirin/analgin tablet and two no-shpa/papaverine tablets.

Criterion for the success of assistance: the limb became warm, skin sensitivity and finger mobility returned.

At stages 2-4, you need to immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital as quickly as possible.

You can't deal with trauma on your own!

Before the doctors arrive, warm the person by wrapping him up and giving him a hot drink. Apply an insulating bandage to your hands: a layer of bandage, a thick layer of cotton wool, another layer of bandage, on top - foil, oilcloth, bag. Immobilize the injured limb by taping it to plywood, board, or cardboard. Give painkillers.

What not to do

When dealing with frostbite, it is important not to aggravate the situation by providing assistance incorrectly.

  • Rub the skin with snow;
  • Warm up by the fire (stove, fireplace), lean against hot objects;
  • Place your hands immediately in hot water;
  • Rub with fat (alcohol, essential oils). In general, massaging a limb is allowed only in the first degree of frostbite.
  • Drink alcohol “to warm up.”

How to act correctly in case of frostbite on your hands and fingers

Treatment methods for frostbite

At the first and second stages, treatment is conservative. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Painkillers (ketorolac, nimesulide, naproxen, etc.). Taken orally or administered intramuscularly.
  • Antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine, etc.). They are also given in tablets or injections. Expand capillaries, improving microcirculation in tissues.
  • Antihistamines(chloropyramine, cetirizine, etc.) – relieve inflammation and burning of the skin, reduce swelling.
  • Local remedies: ointments and creams for skin healing (frostbite balm Spasatel, Bepanten, D-Panthenol, etc.).
  • Antiseptic drugs for the treatment of inflamed blisters (tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, Shostakovsky balm, etc.).

For first-degree frostbite, recovery time is about a week; treatment occurs at home.

In the second degree, children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with serious chronic diseases must be hospitalized; the rest - depending on the circumstances.

At grades 3-4, surgical intervention is necessary - excision of nectrotic tissue, treatment of associated infection.

Traditional methods of treatment

To cure frostbite of 1-2 degrees, you can additionally use folk remedies:

  • Baths with herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, oak bark). Reduce inflammation and itching;
  • Baths with a solution of potato starch (1 tsp per 200 ml of water). Soften the skin, relieve irritation and peeling.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - smear it on the skin to speed up regeneration 3-5 times a day, under a bandage;
  • Compresses with aloe juice provide a regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect.


Frostbite is no less dangerous than a burn, and is fraught with serious consequences. It is important to follow safety rules when being outside in frosty weather, and if your hands are numb, immediately warm them up. Left without fingers - the main organs of manipulation, a person turns into a helpless disabled person, falling out of active life.

What folk remedies are effective for frostbite?

Severe frostbite

Doctors consider frostbite to be an injury. But unlike other injuries, frostbite may not be painful or immediately visible.

Frostbite to the toes usually occurs in winter, and frost can be very insidious to your feet.

With frostbite, a person may not feel pain at all. After all, cold is an excellent pain reliever!

Therefore, if you are walking down the street in the cold, and at the same time wearing narrow and not very warm shoes, be careful to prevent frostbite on your toes.

  1. With the first, mildest degree of frostbite, itching, tingling, numbness or burning is felt in the toes. The skin in the affected area is pale and dry. After exposure to heat, the fingers become warm, the skin color changes to red or purple, and tissue swelling is visible. Then the legs begin to peel, recovery occurs within a week.
  2. The second degree is characterized by the appearance of bubbles, their contents are transparent. In the warmth, the blisters begin to itch unbearably, and the skin hurts greatly. Recovery will take longer - about 2 weeks
  3. In the third degree, all layers of skin die, this is called necrosis. The blisters are filled with blood. Recovery takes a month, sometimes longer. Scars remain on the skin.
  4. The fourth, most terrible stage of frostbite (you see it in the picture) is when the fingers no longer feel anything, because deep tissues and nerves are destroyed.

Treatment of frostbite toes

Treatment depends on the stage of frostbite.

First stage of frostbite

The first stage does not require treatment; the skin recovers on its own.

Second stage

In the second degree, the blisters are opened by a combustiologist surgeon (a specialist in burns and frostbite). Combustiologists are only available in large hospitals and burn centers, so frostbite is treated by surgeons or traumatologists.

The blisters must be opened correctly, treating the surface to prevent infection. Next, an antibacterial ointment, most often Levomekol, is applied to the wound surface. Cover the top loosely with a sterile napkin.

Antibiotic injections are prescribed intramuscularly. After a week, you can begin physical treatment - ultraviolet irradiation, UHF therapy, darsonvalization.

Third stage

First, the blisters are removed and the boundaries to which the skin has become dead are determined. Then bandages with hypertonic sodium chloride solution are applied. During the first week of treatment, dead tissue is removed. After healing, physical therapy is also used.

Fourth stage

It is treated only by removing dead tissue (in surgical terms - excision). In extreme cases, only amputation can save the patient's life.

Every person should know what to do in a situation where someone is very cold. After all, trouble can happen to your friends or family, you need to be able to help them.

See how it's done:


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    Hello. My husband, after a long stay in the cold (-30, about 2 hours), got frostbite on his feet - the toes and sides, partially the soles near the toes and fingers. I didn't go to the hospital. They were treated at home. The next day after frostbite, dense blisters appeared with clear liquid, and even with blood on the arm, the legs were swollen, the joints were crunching. We carefully opened the blisters, did not remove the skin, treated them with Depanthol ointment - we applied loose napkins, treated the swelling with gel 911 with badyaga and leech extract, took antibiotics - Ciprolet, painkillers - Nimesulide, vitamin Aevit and calcium glucanate. After 10 days, the rejection of dead tissue began, healing went well, the swelling went down. A month has passed - new thin skin has grown, we lubricate it with a rich cream so that it does not crack, but in general the arm is already in good condition, the legs too. The concern is that the pain in the joints does not go away, the mobility of the joints is preserved. I'm going back to work soon after vacation, tell me how to speed up the recovery of my joints. Thank you in advance.

    • Olga, going to the hospital would give you at least sick leave. Your case is not the simplest, although you did everything right. How to speed it up? Do you know how to speed up the birth of a child? This is from the same series - you cannot deceive nature.

      Hello, my husband got blisters on his feet from frostbite on the second day, and his blue skin, one of his fingers was swollen, he doesn’t want to go to the hospital, what should I do?

      • You have to force him to the clinic if you don’t want to lose your fingers.


        I live in America, Rescuer ointment is not here. I was skiing and frostbitten the tips of my big toe on both feet; there are no blisters, but there is a darkened area the size of a small pea near the nail. A slight numbness in the fingertips is also present, maybe you know any American medications or ointments that can help?

        • Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the American pharmacy market.


          I went to the dacha in January and was very cold there, especially my feet, plus my feet got wet. I got sick. When I returned home, my feet were warm, but the feeling of numbness persisted for two weeks. Then it passed. But yesterday (March) on the subway I developed a feeling of numbness and tingling in both legs from the toes to the middle of the calf. It took 2-3 hours. It appeared again today. Both times my feet were warm.
          Please tell me what this could mean.

          • Hello, Natalia. It's difficult to answer your question without objective research.
            I recommend visiting the clinic, your general practitioner.
            Let him write out a referral for a general blood test and a separate sugar test (as usual - the first test at 8 a.m. on an empty stomach, the second at 10 a.m. after breakfast).
            These tests, at a minimum, will give an objective picture of what is happening.


            Hello. Help me please. My husband works at a construction site and, of course, in winter...he got frostbite on his feet. We took hot baths with different herbs, but today I noticed that a blister had formed on his thumb. Very hard and feet are cold all the time. When we keep our toes in hot water, our toes swell and give a blue-red tint...please help with respect to Takhmin..

            • Takhmina! If you have frostbite on your feet or hands, you should absolutely not take HOT baths! The temperature of the herbal infusion should be no higher than body temperature, that is, no more than 36.6. Allowed up to 37-38, but no more.
              Already below it was written about the “Rescuer” balm. Look at the pharmacy. This balm is completely herbal. Its price is quite reasonable - in our pharmacy it costs 110 rubles. Its properties make it possible to normalize the skin in case of wounds (even open ones) and frostbite. Tested!

              • Takhmina

                Thank you for your help...I wanted to ask something else, the tips of his toes are painful, sometimes he complains that he cannot feel them and the nails on his big toe begin to crumble, maybe you can advise something, otherwise I read the comment and, to be honest, I terrified...please advise something...

                • First of all, from a distance it is difficult to see, or rather to feel, the whole picture. However, imagine that in the soft tissues of the finger there are many tiny vessels through which blood flowed. Why in the past tense? Because blood is a liquid and in case of frostbite in such thin vessels the blood simply froze, as a result of which the vessels became unusable and the blood supply to distant areas of the finger was disrupted. Naturally, the nerve endings record this lack of nutrition and signal with painful sensations (otherwise they cannot, cannot scream, but scream with a feeling of pain). Now you need to take care of your fingers ("Rescuer" balm or some similar ointments that are available in the pharmacy - it is better to make them to order) and wait for new blood vessels to recover and grow, that is, the blood supply is restored. This process is not quick.

                  • Takhmina

                    Thank you very much....GOD grant you health and all the best..you help us and we are grateful to you for this THANK YOU SO MUCH;;;;,


                    Hello, I have the following story: I was at the skating rink for about 3 hours, I went there to warm up and my toes began to go numb (this happened, the sensitivity disappeared, but then everything was “ok”). I came home and noticed that sensitivity on both big toes of both feet had disappeared again, I did not attach any importance to this, but then sensitivity appeared on 1 foot, but not on the other. I noticed that the finger became slightly gray and sensitivity did not appear, it felt like being through a plastic bag. It kind of hurts and burns and tingles.. no blisters, nothing like that... just slightly gray and tingling.. I took a bath to increase t, what should I do next? I want to stay with my fingers.. please help..
                    P.S. I walked home in very tight shoes!

                    • I will say right away that this is the result of tight shoes, either on boots with skates or on shoes in which I walked home. In cold conditions, shoes should be adjusted so that they can be worn with warm socks. Otherwise, you can expect trouble.
                      What to do?
                      Below we have already written about the “Rescuer” balm.
                      Only in this case, this balm should be used as a massage cream. That is, smear your fingers with balm (this herbal balm) and massage with careful movements, dispersing the blood through your fingers. You can massage several times a day - even if possible, every hour for five to ten minutes, until a feeling of stable warmth appears.
                      After the massage, work with your fingers in a standing position, as if kneading them on the floor (preferably standing on a soft mat) in a circular motion.
                      Let's hope everything works out.
                      Good luck.

                      • Konstantin

                        Thank you for the quick answer, it’s good that everything can be easily managed, but here’s another question: I live in Alt. Krai, our pharmacies are closed late, I have “911” or “Travmalgon” ointment on hand, I don’t remember the exact name can I use it? It has a pretty good warming effect!?

                        • In principle, today it is possible. Just massage very gently so as not to damage the skin. But tomorrow morning it is very advisable to go to the “Rescuer”, which will allow you to eliminate possible damage during the massage with a different ointment. Warming ointment assumes healthy skin. This is the problem.

                          • Konstantin

                            Thank you very much, I just noticed that there are also tingling sensations on the second leg, but they are not so noticeable.. Because my right leg is more frozen, there are minor tingling sensations on the left one.. That’s why it’s all shoes.. I’ll definitely take measures.. Thanks for the support!


                            Good afternoon, please tell me, my brother is in the hospital with 2-3 degree frostbite on his fingers. In the hospital they don’t really do anything other than bandages and the system. Does it make sense to go to a burn center to improve the healing process and preserve the affected areas? Thank you.

                            • Rinat, the pharmacy sells a balm called “Rescuer” (for us it costs 110 rubles). Excellent healing of fresh wounds, including burns. You can simply add to the procedures that are done in the hospital. This will significantly speed up the process.

                              • Rinat

                                Thank you for your quick reply. Please also tell me what can be done to restore blood flow and the consequences of deep frostbite, in order to avoid serious surgical interventions and save the fingers. Thank you. .

                                • Rinat, unfortunately, only the attending physician can answer this question. In this case, just wait. I can’t offer any obvious ways to restore blood flow. It all depends on the strength of the brother’s body. Of course, in the burn center there would be specialized specialists and contacting them would speed up the process. If there is such an opportunity, go for it.

                                  By the way! I know of a case (it was a long time ago). A young girl received a serious burn to her face while bending over a fire that puffed up when flammable materials got into it. Doctors predicted plastic surgery. But.. The local healer used a steep solution of silver. The best option is a device consisting of two argentum (silver) electrodes. Once upon a time such devices were on sale.
                                  Main. The girl was given gauze compresses (medical gauze soaked in a saturated solution of silver - silver water). After three weeks, the skin was as good as new and there was no question of any surgery.


                                  Good afternoon.. My husband 5 years ago worked at a sunflower oil production plant... In winter, he cleaned fuses in tanks (fus temperature -5 -10, he spent the whole day knee-deep in rubber boots in this slurry). Since then, his feet have been very cold... they are constantly icy and wet... even in the summer... they twist a lot, regardless of the weather... Please tell me what can be done to help him? Natalia.

                                  • Dear Natalia! Very simple procedures will help relieve aching pain and aches. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt to a bowl of warm (not hot) water and soak your feet there for 10 minutes. After this, it is necessary to massage the feet, and attention should be paid specifically to the fingers and soles. These places contain many special points, massage of which leads to an improvement in the general condition of the body. These procedures will help if done regularly. Otherwise, the effect will be only temporary relief of the person’s condition. In addition, it is important to prevent repeated hypothermia of the legs, otherwise the pain may become permanent. It may also be recommended that your husband undergo an ultrasound examination of his kidneys. Hypothermia of the legs is often the cause of diseases of this organ, which for a long time can be hidden or unnoticeable.


                                    Hello. Well, everything is standard, I got frostbite on my hands, neglecting gloves, looking for a lost thing in the snow, at -20 and windy, dug for about 7 minutes, ran home when a strong and very painful tingling began in my fingers, during the warming up process it was very, very painful, on There were only hints of blisters, some rudiments in the form of round pieces, but they passed without a trace, my hands completely warmed up in a couple of hours without heating pads, rubbing, ointments and other unnecessary actions.
                                    But... Those fingers with which I dug the snow (right hand), even after 5 days have reduced sensitivity, and now it feels as if I had rested my fingers well, tingling when touched, the second hand was also in the snow as a support (left), but it was at rest, and everything is fine with her, but on the fingers of the “digging” right palm, which worked in flexion-extension, sensitivity does not appear even after almost a week.
                                    Maybe some nerve was torn due to the cold? Or what could it be and how to treat it? Outwardly, everything is fine with the palms and fingers.

                                    • Eugene! If you are in the cold for a long time, in this case your hands were in the snow at a low temperature - frostbite is inevitable. It should be borne in mind that this term refers not only to the blackness of the frostbitten skin surface and external manifestations in the form of blisters, scars, etc. Frostbite of the hand has several degrees.
                                      In your case, this may be the first degree. With it, the skin surface in the cold has a pale or bluish color and lacks sensitivity. When warmed, the skin becomes purple and painful. Subsequently, the color of the hands returns to normal, and within 7-9 days sensitivity returns. You should be prepared for the fact that when you are outside in cold weather, your fingers may again lose sensitivity (this occurs periodically over several years). You should not allow repeated hypothermia - this is the best advice in this case. It is useful to rub your sore hand with oil (vegetable or butter) at least once a day.


                                      Frostbitten fingers. The next day, blisters appeared on one hand. What does this mean?

                                      • Valentin, it is very advisable to see a doctor. The fact is that the symptoms of 2nd and 3rd degree frostbite are approximately similar. However, the second degree allows the body to restore tissue with a little help, but with the third degree, the blood supply to frostbitten tissues stops and they simply die. Only a doctor, during a PERSONAL examination, will be able to draw a conclusion about the degree of frostbite, that is, give effective recommendations. Unfortunately, at home it is unknown how the situation may end.
                                        I hope it's clear.


                                        Hello, Anna. Eight days ago, my 20-year-old son had slight frostbite on his left arm and left leg, he feels a tingling in his little fingers, ring and middle fingers, he says the sensitivity is like through a plastic bag. The doctor said it will go away, he didn’t prescribe anything. So maybe Should I apply some kind of ointment, please advise, otherwise my son is a thousand kilometers away from me, I can’t control it))

                                        • Hello, Elena! Judging by the description, your son has mild frostbite. The skin is not damaged, the color is not changed, there are no blisters. Sensitivity will gradually recover. Your doctor is right, there is no cure for such disorders, they go away on their own in a few weeks.
                                          Regards, Anna


                                          Hello! My husband had a fracture of his right ankle. While he was in a cast, his feet became hypothermic. The plaster has been removed, but both legs are numb and painful. The doctor says that there are no signs of frostbite, that it is post-traumatic. The color of the skin on the feet is either very pale or red-blue and the pain does not stop. He is in the hospital, diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, they are putting on IVs, They do physio but there is no improvement. The doctor says it will pass, but there is no improvement or relief.

                                          • Hello, Natalia! If the doctor says that there are no signs of frostbite, it means that your legs hurt and the skin changes color. Vascular disorders, unfortunately, often accompany fractures, especially during the rehabilitation period, when the plaster is removed. This period is difficult, you need to get through it. Just because there is no improvement yet does not mean that the medications are not working. Recovery can proceed at its own pace, because everyone’s body is different.
                                            However, if you are not satisfied with the methods used to treat your husband, then it makes sense to seek advice from another qualified specialist. Why expose yourself to worry, let another doctor take a look and make his decision. Who makes sense to contact - a vascular surgeon, a traumatologist or a combustiologist (a specialist in frostbite and burns). The main thing is that you do not doubt the doctor’s competence.
                                            Regards, Anna


                                            Good afternoon
                                            Frostbite of the feet 1-3 degrees in the hospital for a week, fed with analgin and bandaged. They say that I will behave well and they won’t cut anything off. Tell me when it will be possible to switch to home treatment for bandaging only in the clinic. Being sick in our time is not profitable; sick leave is paid only for the first three weeks, more or less, and then it’s just pennies. I'm already tired of lying down. You can’t get up, your fearless legs are twisting, especially at night. I’m 26, my immunity has always been good, I’ve been sick extremely rarely. Doctors, like fish, don’t say anything. Thanks in advance!

                                            • Hello, Sergey! I understand your concern, but the doctors are silent because they cannot say anything definite. They are clearly watching how your legs heal after frostbite, because they do not just bandages, but with a healing substance (I don’t know which one, but in such cases it’s usually Levomekol). You just have to be patient and follow the regime, because frostbite is a very serious matter, especially if grade 3 is suspected. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to tell you exactly when you will be released for outpatient treatment. One thing I can say for sure is that they will not keep anyone in the hospital for extra time.
                                              In general, you have to shake the attending physician in order to say anything definite.
                                              Regards, Anna

                                              • Sergey

                                                Thanks for the info! Recently there was a visit to the head doctor and they said that they thought everything would go away on its own. Tell me, are there any other medications that can be taken to speed up the healing process? The first five days they gave injections, IVs, etc. (BY THE WAY, IT HELPED A LOT). And now 2 aspirin tablets and dressing once every 3 days. Or there is an opportunity to move to a good paid hospital. What do you advise?

                                                • Hello, Sergey. Without seeing the whole picture, it is difficult to give advice. Perhaps you just need time to heal. It is unlikely that anything can speed up the process of natural tissue regeneration. The droppers helped at the very beginning, because the healing process was just beginning. Now they won’t help like that anymore, that’s why they were cancelled, that’s what they always do.
                                                  But if you are not satisfied with the hospital and doctors, of course, there is always the option of going to a paid clinic or even not going to bed, but getting a consultation with a combustiologist (this is a specialist in frostbite and burns). You may also be prescribed vascular medications and vitamins.
                                                  So the choice is yours.

                                                  • Sergey

                                                    Please) Get well soon!


                                                    And tell me another moment. If my fingers slowly turn brown, I can move them, it feels as if they are made of wood, the sensitivity is almost zero, they constantly burn, twist, and sting (unbearable). Are these good or not so good signs (in terms of amputation)?

                                                    Sergei, the signs, frankly speaking, are not very good. Apparently the nerves are damaged (zero sensitivity), a brown tint to the skin and severe pain are signs that you should definitely pay attention to your doctor. If gangrene begins to develop, it is better to amputate the toes than the entire leg. I’m not scaring you in any way, just be alert and bother your doctor. It’s okay, it’s their job, let them be angry, but you still ask questions – it’s your health!


                                                    Anna thank you! After your message, I crawled to the head of the department, he assured me that everything that was happening was quite normal. And he is surprised at how quickly the situation has changed for the better. Because Initially, upon admission, they wanted to cut off half of the foot on each leg, but now there is a high probability of saving all the toes (i.e., without surgical intervention at all). And the fact that his fingers hurt so much, he said that it was very good (that it seemed like there were nerves left, something to hurt). True, the timing, as I understand it, is not entirely clear yet. The dead tissue has not yet completely separated. This is how much panic the diagnosis itself and the lack of information from doctors can lead to. So I behave well and hope for an optimistic diagnosis; I really don’t want to lose my fingers (I don’t even care about money). They dissuaded us about the paid hospital because... at the Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and where I am, the doctors are the same. And actually, he doesn’t observe any complications, although frostbite is still 3rd degree, as I understand it. Thank you again for your advice. In general, ignorance is an evil thing.

                                                    Sergey, you are great, you have achieved your goal and received the necessary advice. You can calm down) I am sure that everything will be fine for you!

                                                    Hello! I had frostbite on both toes. The toes turned red, swollen, pain appeared, and blisters with clear liquid appeared. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with frostbite of the 1st degree. They did not open the blisters, they prescribed treatment: pain-relieving injections, nicotinic acid, warm baths with manganese and vitamin injections. Did they correctly determine the degree of frostbite and prescribe treatment? What should I do?

                                                    • Hello, Ilya. Apparently, you are confused that the doctor gave the 1st degree of frostbite, although there were blisters... But it’s not a matter of degree, the main thing is how to treat such frostbite. In my opinion, the treatment was prescribed quite correctly and there is nothing to worry about.
                                                      Regards, Anna

                                                      I played football in the winter on the street in summer shoes, naturally my feet got wet and began to freeze, I didn’t feel any pain in the street situation, when I came home and took off my shoes I felt pain coming to the big toe of my right foot, the nail became dark blue in color, pain appeared when walking and in general, with any impact on the finger (putting on shoes, moving the foot and any kind of contact). After 8 hours, dark blood began to come out and the pain became terrible, please tell me what this is frostbite or a bruise (the bruise could have been caused by the fact that he could have hit poorly soccer ball, and in the cold at that moment you won’t feel pain).

                                                      • Hello, Danil. It looks like a severe bruise and even a fracture, without examination and x-rays it is impossible to say for sure. You should not hesitate, but see a traumatologist, otherwise an infection may develop (Blood is being released, which means the skin is damaged, bacteria are penetrating there). In such a situation, you may need to take antibiotics. I’m not scaring you in any way, there were simply situations when, due to a simple fracture, a person lost a finger and even a foot. And if there is also cold tissue damage... You definitely need to see a doctor, Danil.
                                                        Regards, Anna


                                                        Good afternoon! I had frostbite on my toes last year, but there was no opportunity to go to the doctor, but now they are dark blue and the skin around the nails has become hard, and the nails have become some kind of yellowish color. This year the same thing happened, but not like last year. I don’t know how to treat them and what to do.

                                                        • Hello Yasmin. You definitely need to see a doctor (combustiologist or dermatologist). The yellowish color of the nails may indicate a fungal infection; this happens after frostbite when the blood vessels on the toes are damaged. You cannot cure this condition on your own; you need the help of a specialist.
                                                          Regards, Anna

                                                          For peace

                                                          Good afternoon! I had grade 2-3 frostbite on the toes of my left foot. On December 21, 2012 I was admitted to the hospital and on January 10, 2013, all my toes were amputated. After the stitches were removed, they discovered Pseudomonas aeruginosa, they removed it after 8 days! But after that the wound did not heal, there was swelling it doesn’t go away! We bandage it with levomekol twice a day! Tell me what to do? Maybe I should go to the hospital again?

                                                          • Hello Zamir! Be sure to see a doctor because the infection may spread further. You may be prescribed an additional course of antibiotics. And the doctor must examine the wound and determine why this is happening. Go to the doctor immediately!
                                                            Regards, Anna


                                                            Denis Kochetov
                                                            Good afternoon. Please advise: I have frostbite on my fingers of the 3rd degree, there was no injury. After discharge, I developed my fingers and am now working on them. After 2 months of frostbite, the range of finger movements has not increased at all; I cannot make a fist. What could this be? Thanks in advance!

                                                            • Hello, Denis. Unfortunately, after frostbite, it is long and difficult to restore joint mobility. When the tendons of the fingers are damaged, mobility suffers. You have to work hard - do exercise therapy (physical therapy) and physiotherapy. In extreme cases, surgery is performed. But for now, you need to consult with a physical therapy doctor - they are available in every physical education clinic. Physiotherapy is prescribed by a physiotherapist (sometimes after a visit to a local therapist). If no measures help, you will have to go to a hand surgery center and have tendon plastic surgery; sometimes this is the only way to restore finger mobility.
                                                              Regards, Anna

                                                              • Hello, Anatoly. Apparently you have mild frostbite. You need to take warm baths and lubricate with Levomekol ointment.
                                                                Regards, Anna


                                                                Thank you, Anna!
                                                                Of course, I will not receive treatment (recovery) over the Internet. I will definitely contact a combustiologist!
                                                                Maybe I didn’t quite correctly describe my feelings about sensitivity, but I feel touches, it’s just that my fingers seem to be “inflated” from the inside, they seem hard, although in fact they are soft and warm…. exactly the fingertips.


                                                                Hello! On December 23, 2012, I got frostbite on my little toe. It was -30 outside, and I stayed there for more than 3 hours in thin shoes (ski shoes). I went to the doctor (surgeon) and he told me to take warm baths and rub my finger, lubricate it with troxevasin and levomekol. I did everything, now almost 3 weeks have passed since that day, the finger has acquired a normal color (before it was a little bluish-purple), sensitivity has returned. But for some reason it is slightly swollen, just a little more than a similar toe on the other foot. But that would be fine, what bothers me is that when I put my foot in a basin of hot water, it turns blue! Although once you rub it, it becomes normal. In everyday life, he looks healthy, apparently there is still insufficient blood supply inside. By the way, new skin appeared and the old one fell off. So should you worry? After all, it turns blue only when exposed to hot water!

                                                                • Hello Dmitry! When you put your foot in hot water, the veins expand and show through the thin skin, so you shouldn't be afraid of this if nothing else is bothering you.
                                                                  Regards, Anna


                                                                  Good afternoon On 12/16/12 I had frostbite on my fingers, was without gloves + 1st degree circulatory disorder, smoked... Diagnosis – second degree frostbite on my fingers. At the moment, the skin on the fingers has completely changed, the nails seem to be growing, there are no scars, but the sensitivity of the fingertips is almost completely absent and the knuckles of the phalanges are much darker than the rest of the skin (although the new skin on the fingers looks like after a bad tan). The nail on the middle finger of the left hand is blackened. When I try to trim my nails, they simply crumble... I was treated only with ointments and baths, there was no drug treatment. Please advise whether there are any “technical” procedures for restoring the effects of frostbite??? Any ultrasound or similar procedures. Will the skin color on the fingers and their sensitivity be restored?
                                                                  P.S. finger motor skills are almost 100%... I tighten the tendons a little, but there is no particular discomfort.
                                                                  Thanks in advance!

                                                                  • Hello, Maxim! Judging by the description, you have serious frostbite, so I would not advise you to get treatment over the Internet. A blackened nail is scary (in the sense that dying tissues turn black, and this in some cases threatens gangrene). There is no need to joke with such things; see a traumatologist, surgeon, or, best of all, a combustiologist (a specialist in burns and frostbite). From afar, no one will tell you how to properly treat in this case, because you need to see your hands from all sides, palpate (feel) your fingers, determine the level where the sensitivity of your fingers ends. This can only be done face to face.
                                                                    Regards, Anna


                                                                    Hello! I froze the little toe on my left foot on 12/28/12, when I came home, two toes were blue: the little toe and the one next to it, but they were only partially blue, half of them... I immediately gradually began to warm them up, one toe went right away, the other (little toe ) sulked, blushed and didn’t feel anything... I went to the doctor, he said there’s nothing wrong, take Trental and apply Troxevasin... I do that, now my finger doesn’t feel well, the swelling has subsided, but there’s some kind of liquid under the skin! Recently I washed myself and saw that my finger had turned blue!!! Then when I dried it, it became normal again!!! What kind of miracles??? I understand that I have frostbite between degrees 1 and 2... So what should I do?

                                                                    • Hello, Pavel! These are not miracles, but the body’s reaction to frostbite. Liquid under the skin is not a very good symptom; I would still advise you to go to a combustiologist or surgeon, because frostbite is an insidious thing. If the finger turns blue, tissue death is possible, and this is very serious and threatens (I’m not scaring you, there have been real cases) with amputation.
                                                                      Of course, no one likes going to the doctors, but this is not the case for you to hope for chance.