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The FSB license for encryption and cryptography is a permitting document that allows business entities to carry out their activities in the field of information security. Such a license is necessary for companies that perform work or provide services related to the creation, storage and provision of access to databases, equipment, information and telecommunication networks, the functioning of which involves encrypting information.

Procedure for obtaining a FSB license for cryptography, documents

The licensing procedure takes place in two stages. The first is the preparation of the necessary package of documents, the second is the certification of the premises (workplace), as well as the employees who will be responsible for compliance with information security requirements.

Obtaining a FSB license for cryptography is a rather serious and tough procedure. To successfully pass it, the licensee must:

  • Availability of premises and special equipment that have been tested and calibrated by the Russian FSB;
  • Availability of a license, as well as permission for the organization’s personnel to work with information that is a state secret;
  • Availability of specialists (minimum 2 people) with specialized engineering and technical education and skills in working with information and telecommunication networks, information security tools;
  • Drawing up a number of internal documents that will determine the procedure for encrypting information, providing services, providing information to third parties, etc.;
  • Compliance with a number of other requirements of the Federal Law “On the FSB”, “State Secrets”, “On Information, information technology and information protection" "On licensing", etc.

Accordingly, you must submit documents to the licensing authority that confirm your company’s compliance with all licensing requirements. The period for consideration of documents by the FSB of Russia is about 45 days. The list of required documents to obtain an encryption license includes great amount certificates, forms, copies. Therefore, going through all licensing procedures is not an easy task even for professionals.

Cryptography licensing – we will help

Our company has been successfully helping companies obtain licenses for over 20 years. Resolving complex issues is our specialty, and obtaining an FSB license for encryption is one of the most difficult procedures.

Our specialists in short term will help you collect everything Required documents, prepare employees for successful certification.

We offer our clients the following set of services that are necessary for successfully obtaining a license:

  • Providing all necessary information and advisory assistance according to regulatory requirements for the licensee;
  • Preparation of the necessary documentation that will regulate the procedure for working with information and cryptographic equipment within the organization;
  • A preliminary check of the organization’s compliance with the requirements, during which all existing deficiencies will be eliminated;
  • Preparation of employees and premises for certification;
  • Providing all necessary operational assistance during the licensing procedure.

Given the objective difficulties, the preparation of all documents takes more than one month. However, our specialists will do everything necessary measures to quickly prepare you and your company to successfully complete all licensing procedures. We work efficiently, quickly and efficiently.

License – what any legal entity needs to know

In accordance with the norms of the Federal Law “On Licensing”, an encryption license is issued once and is valid indefinitely. A license can be canceled through a court; it can be suspended or revoked by the licensing authority if there are gross violations of licensing requirements in the course of business activities.

Carrying out activities that are licensed without the appropriate permit (license) is illegal. Financial sanctions may be applied to violators, and the head of the organization may also be brought to criminal liability.

Obtaining an FSB license for cryptography is necessary for those who are going to engage in activation, troubleshooting and maintenance of tachographs and other devices that have a direct connection with the cryptographic protection segment. There are several types of FSB licenses for encryption and cryptography:

  • Activities of legal entities that involve processing information that is a state secret.
  • Obtaining an FSB license for cryptography will be necessary for companies developing technical means on the protection of information and information that is state-owned. secret.
  • Conducting operations, as well as providing services in the government protection segment. secrets (legal entities), i.e. opening of the RSP for the protection of information and data.

FSB license for the production of cryptographic tools

Those who develop, produce, distribute encryption cryptographic tools, information and telecommunication systems, the purpose of which is to protect information, also need to obtain an FSB license for cryptography. These devices are necessary to perform work and provide services for encrypting information, maintaining encryption tools and other systems that are protected in this way. An FSB encryption license will be required when creating, producing, selling and purchasing devices that are needed to secretly obtain information. The exception is the case when such work is needed to satisfy the internal needs of a legal entity. persons or individual entrepreneurs. Obtaining a FSB license for cryptography is necessary for the creation and production of protective equipment, fulfilling the purpose of maintaining the secrecy of information.

In order to obtain a permit, the organization must engage in:

  • installation and troubleshooting of problems related to the operation of the tachograph on trucks and other vehicles.
  • An FSB license for cryptography, the price of which depends on its type, will be needed by companies involved in the maintenance and repair of cash registers, as well as companies that produce electronic digital signatures.
  • implementation of such types as installation and repair of specialized radio equipment.
  • Various IT companies that create specialized software with encryption need an FSB license to distribute encryption tools.
  • it is also necessary when building document management security systems in electronic format using encryption.
  • supply, installation and maintenance of cryptographic protection devices with certificates must also be licensed.

Federal Law No. 99 and relevant government regulations indicate the need to license the type of activity in question. Without receiving a license from the FSB for the production of cryptographic tools, the company does not have the right to engage in this type of activity. You need to know that you should not try to forge this document, because all information about legally issued permits is entered into a special register of FSB licenses for cryptography. And therefore the authenticity of the document can be verified without special labor. You also need to know that only the FSB, as a regulatory body, has the exclusive right to issue FSB licenses for the distribution of cryptographic tools. And, of course, remember: carrying out these types of work without the appropriate permit is punishable very strictly and can cost you a pretty penny.

This document can be obtained by a representative of the organization independently. To do this, you will need to collect the relevant documents, including: a statement that indicates your desire to undergo the licensing procedure and a document that confirms that you have all the conditions to maintain confidentiality in the mode of carrying out your activities. Also, obtaining an FSB license for cryptography will require confirmation of the qualifications of the employees who make up your staff. In order to prove their competence, you will need to present the employees’ educational diplomas and their work records. In addition, obtaining a FSB license to distribute cryptographic tools will require the preparation of a package of documents, which should be submitted for consideration to the appropriate commission. After this, all you have to do is wait until the authorities consider your application and make a decision on it. It can be not only positive. Unfortunately, very often it is not possible to obtain a license the first time due to missing documents or non-compliance with the requirements. However, nothing prevents you from finding out the reason for the refusal, eliminating it and subsequently trying again to obtain permission for activities related to encryption.

At unsuccessful attempt completing paperwork on their own, many feel very sorry for the wasted time and effort. After all, in order to collect the entire package of information and then run around the offices with it, you will have to spend a lot of time and precious nerves. And it’s such a shame when all your efforts are in vain. You may not even want to start all this bureaucratic red tape again. However, there is no other choice: after all, it is simply impossible to work in this area without a license. But, in order not to make a mistake again and not waste time to no avail, it is better to immediately, without making unsuccessful attempts on your own, turn to specialists. The FSB license for encryption and cryptography, the cost of which at the Center for Emergency Situations will pleasantly surprise you, will be issued as quickly as possible if you contact us. Our specialists will be able to ensure that you prepare the necessary documents and after that you can start working in the segment related to cryptography and encryption. You will be able to get positive result and at the same time you will not waste time.

Important provisions that licensees (applicants) need to know when obtaining an FSB license for cryptography

Need it? You cannot do without knowledge in the field of information security. Without a diploma that confirms your knowledge, you cannot get approval from the intelligence services. This requirement is specified in the law. Therefore, there is no choice: to study or not to study. The only question is where to get this education. Check out the capabilities of Bryansk State Technical University on this website.

License of the FSB of Russia: who needs it, why and how to get it

This license is issued Federal service security of the Russian Federation. It is needed by all organizations, enterprises, institutions and others. legal entities, which:

  • We intend to provide information security services;
  • Work with state secrets;
  • Work with personal data and confidential information;
  • We intend to distribute tools and equipment for cryptography.

If you want to urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to immediately begin fulfilling all necessary conditions. The period for consideration of the issue of issuing a license lasts from 1 to 3 months. Among them is checking the qualifications of personnel.

A legal entity must be represented by at least 2 specialists whose work experience is more than 3 years. Another requirement is education. To urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to get an education in the specialty “information security” (over 500 hours) as quickly as possible. If you do not have such education, you will have to take special courses.

What documents are required to obtain an FSB license?

To obtain, you must submit an application for a license and provide a certain list of documents:

  • Copies of constituent documents;
  • A copy of the charter of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the lease agreement and other documents for the premises;
  • A copy of the document confirming your registration with the tax authority;
  • Copies of all work records all employees;
  • A document that confirms the fact of payment of the state fee for the provision of a license;
  • Copies of employment orders for each employee.

If at least one document is missing, it cannot be issued. In addition, you need a diploma in information security courses. You can get it at our university. It is enough to devote 1-2 hours to classes every day. All lectures, assignments and other learning materials are available 24 hours a day. You decide when and where you study.