The basic rule for conducting any telephone conversations. First conversation with the employer

You are interested in a vacancy posted on an employment website. What to do next? Job search specialists offer 2 options:

  • send your resume immediately and call back in 15–20 minutes;
  • Call the company immediately to clarify some information.

One way or another, a call to the employer's representative is inevitable if you really want this position. An active applicant always has an advantage over one who is passively waiting for a job offer.

So, calling about a job advertisement is a mandatory step on the way to the workplace.

How to carry out this step correctly? Let's consider both options.

Option 1. Call after sending your resume.

This option is acceptable if the job advertisement provided complete information about the company, vacancy, working conditions and wages. The applicant does not need to obtain additional information; he is ready to actively seek the specified position.

Purposes of the call:

  • check whether you have received your resume;
  • find out the relevance of the vacancy. It happens that recruiters form a database of candidates for a promising position, in which case a passive, unhurried search is conducted. If the vacancy is hot, then the recruiter will promptly invite a suitable and active applicant for an interview;
  • receive additional attention from the recruiter to the resume itself (the recruiter will not be able to casually look through the resume, because the applicant is waiting for a reaction to it during a telephone conversation);
  • receive an invitation to an in-person interview.

Option 2: Call before sending your resume.

The information about the vacancy interested the applicant in principle, but some information needs to be clarified before the person submits his resume.

  • clarify the relevance of the vacancy (hot or potential);
  • ask clarifying questions to find out: the name of the company (if not indicated), the location of the workplace, the level and system of remuneration (official salary, bonuses, bonuses), the availability and volume of the compensation package, etc.

Example of a telephone call from an applicant

Conventionally, the entire telephone conversation can be divided into 6 stages:

1. Greeting: “Good afternoon / Hello.”

At the same time, let there be a slight smile on the applicant’s face; it will give the desired timbre to the voice.

2. Message about the purpose of the call: “My name is Ivanov Ivan. I am calling you regarding the vacancy of a sales manager. Can you spare me 10 minutes on this matter?”

It is always worth determining whether the interlocutor can talk to you now. If he is busy, then ask when you can call him, and be sure to stick to the exact time of the agreement.

3. Receiving answers to your questions.

For option No. 1: “I would like to clarify whether you received my resume? I sent it to the email address ... (name the sender's address) 20 minutes ago ... ".

There are work situations when the address of the recipient of a resume from the site is indicated by one person, and the telephone number of the person responsible for filling the vacancy is indicated by another. In this case, the resume could simply be technically lost. To do this, you should specify the address for sending your resume.

For option No. 2: “I am interested in the vacancy of a sales manager, but before sending my resume, I want to clarify some details...”

4. Answers to questions from the employer’s representative: “If you are interested in any information before our meeting at the interview, I am now ready to provide it to you...”

5. Discussion of a personal meeting (interview): “I am ready to come for an interview tomorrow at 16:00. How can I find you?

6. Farewell: “Thank you for your time. See you!"

Stages 3, 4, 5 can change places and wedge into each other. We must be prepared for such a turn of events. The dynamics of telephone conversations and their results also depend on the interlocutor.

Active interlocutor. The person who finds out the reason for the call immediately takes the initiative in the conversation, showing sincere interest in the dialogue. He is actively working on the 4th stage of negotiations and is immediately ready to move on to an invitation to a personal meeting. The applicant should not be confused and direct the dialogue towards discussing their questions and getting answers to them. After all, it may happen that some conditions are not suitable for the applicant. In this case, it is better to clarify them over the phone and not waste either time or effort on an unsuccessful personal meeting.

Passive interlocutor. An employee who finds out the purpose of the applicant’s call does not show any interest in it. He answers questions sluggishly and reluctantly; negative intonations (irritation, dissatisfaction) can creep into his voice. In this case, the applicant must take the initiative. It’s good to have at hand a list of questions that he wanted to ask in preparation for the call. You should boldly and confidently move on to stage No. 3 and ask all the main questions one by one, clarifying them if necessary, waiting for a complete answer to them.

There are cases when the employer's representative is so passive that the applicant has only one thing left to do - say goodbye to him and cross this employer off the list of potentially interesting places to work.

So, the employer found your resume on the Superjob website, became interested and wanted to invite you for an interview. A job interview is the culmination of the hiring process. An interview with an employer is stressful even for professional and experienced applicants, so it is important to think in advance about how to behave during the interview and how to answer the questions asked by the recruiter during the interview. Do you know how to successfully pass a job interview and what to be prepared for? Superjob will help you find answers to these questions!

1. Telephone conversation with the employer

A telephone conversation is your first personal communication with a future employer, and it is important to make a good impression at this stage. Even if the secretary makes the appointment, he will definitely tell his immediate supervisor or the person who will be interviewing you about how the conversation went.

What do you need to do during the telephone conversation preceding a job interview?

Clarify what position you are being invited to, ask the necessary questions about the vacant position. If the position is not initially suitable for you, politely report this and refuse the interview, providing reasonable arguments. You should not waste precious time (yours and your employer’s) on unpromising meetings.

Write down the name of the company, the first and last name of the person with whom you spoke, and the contact number where you can contact him in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Find out who exactly will be interviewing you and what his name is. You will make a good impression if you address him by his first and patronymic when you meet him.

Find out the exact address of the interview location. When discussing a meeting time, plan it so that no other business interferes with you. It may turn out that you have one or more interviews scheduled with other employers that day, then the interview schedule should be planned so that the time between successive interviews is at least 2-3 hours. Remember that you are waiting for not a minute conversation, but a detailed conversation; during the interview you will be asked questions about your work experience and professional skills.

Find information in advance about how to behave during an interview. Find out how long a job interview lasts, whether you will have to fill out a questionnaire, take written tests, or complete practical test tasks.

2. Preparing for the interview

So, you have agreed on the time of the meeting with the employer, now it’s time to start preparing for the interview. What needs to be done?

First, prepare documents that may be needed at the interview:

  • resume in duplicate;
  • passport;
  • diploma of education with insert;
  • diplomas of additional education, certificates of completion of courses, certificates, etc. (you should not take with you documents that are not related to the position for which you are applying).

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with information about the company you are going to for an interview in advance. Connect all possible channels: go to the company's website on the Internet, use business directories, the press or other sources. Familiarize yourself with the areas of activity and history of the company (year of formation, stages of development), study the names of divisions, remember information about the company’s achievements, etc. Thus, during a conversation with the employer, you will be able to demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions. Moreover, even if you are not hired by this particular company, you will in any case expand your horizons.

Map out the route for your trip to the interview, calculate the time you need to spend on the road, add another reserve of time (30 minutes) in case of possible transport difficulties that you may encounter on the road. You can first go to the interview location if you doubt that on the appointed day you will be able to quickly and easily find the right building.

Think over the answers to the employer’s questions during the interview, which in one form or another will definitely come up during your conversation:

  • why did you leave (decided to leave) your last job; where do you work now?
  • why do you want to work in our company?
  • How can your activities as an employee benefit our company?
  • name your greatest strengths and weaknesses as an employee;
  • name your greatest achievements as a specialist; Have you had any failures in your professional activity, and what were they?

Be prepared to give truthful answers to interview questions (during the interview or after, lies will definitely come up). When answering the question: “Why did you decide to change jobs?” — you should not give negative feedback about colleagues and managers, limit yourself to neutral statements: lack of opportunities for professional growth, irregularity in receiving monetary remuneration, distance from home, inconvenient work schedule, etc.

When talking about a possible future job in a new company, make it clear to your interlocutor that you are interested in working in this particular company, you can be useful to it as a specialist, but at the same time you must have a clear idea of ​​what the company does so as not to get into trouble. If you manage to behave correctly in this matter, your chances of being hired by this company will increase several times.

When answering questions about your strengths and especially weaknesses, about your achievements and failures, be careful. Show sufficient self-criticism towards your person, this will raise your authority in the eyes of your interlocutor. When talking about your omissions, it is not necessary to cite your biggest mistakes. The main thing here is that you can show that you yourself corrected your mistake and saved the company from troubles or reduced them to a minimum.

Be prepared for tests or practical tasks (both psychological and professional) that the employer may ask you to take.

Prepare in advance the questions you would like to ask the employer.

Think about the clothes you will wear to your meeting with your employer. Everyone is familiar with the proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, you are seen off by your mind.” Let the first impression of you be the most favorable. Naturally, clothing must correspond to the position for which you are applying. Perhaps a formal business suit is not appropriate for every position, but neat business-style clothing, clean hair and nails, and polished shoes will certainly make the necessary positive impression on your interlocutor. There should be no shopping bags, shopping bags, greasy grocery bags, or backpacks in your hands!

3. Passing an interview

The time has come for an interview that could change your life! What should you remember when going through an interview?

Try to arrive at the meeting a little earlier than the scheduled time. It is better for you to wait 10 minutes in the reception area than for the employer to wait for you for half a minute. Being late for a meeting, even due to circumstances beyond your control, will 99% ruin all hopes of getting a job in this company.

If suddenly such a situation occurs, you feel that you are not on time for the appointed time, be sure to call the contact number, apologize, explain the reason for your lateness and find out whether the employer can see you a little later on the same day or if there is an opportunity to reschedule the meeting for another time.

If you decide not to go to an interview at all (you changed your mind about working in this company, you have other urgent matters, etc.) ALWAYS call the employer and inform about it, after apologizing for disturbing his plans. Let the good impression of you received during the preliminary telephone conversation not spoil anything!

When entering the office, be sure to say hello and ask the employee with whom you have an interview to be informed of your arrival. If you are asked to wait a little, do not be indignant and take it as disrespect for yourself. Be patient and do not lose the feeling of goodwill with which you went to the meeting.

Turn off your cell phone in advance so that nothing can interfere with your conversation.

When entering the office, say hello by first and last name to the employee with whom you will be talking. Be sure to smile. Say that you are very pleased to be invited to an interview with this company. This way you can win over your interlocutor in advance.

Sit so that your face is facing the interlocutor. Move your chair if necessary. Do not lounge on the chair, do not cross your legs under it, do not tuck them in; Don’t fiddle with the handle nervously.

Listen carefully to the questions they ask you, while looking at the other person's face. Start answering only when you understand what you were asked. If the question is not entirely clear, then apologize and ask to repeat it again. However, do not overdo it - in no case should you ask almost every question again.

When answering a question, try not to talk for more than 2-3 minutes. This time is quite enough to generally cover the most important information on the most complex issue. Monosyllabic answers “yes” and “no”, a quiet voice will create the impression of your lack of self-confidence and inability to explain your point of view.

If you are asked to talk about yourself, you should not go into lengthy conversations about your autobiography. Moreover, it is unacceptable to answer that everything is already written in the resume. Tell us about your education and work experience. This will once again demonstrate your professional skills and qualities.

At the interview, you will have the opportunity to ask both those questions that you prepared in advance and those that arose during the conversation.

If you are interested in a career opportunity, it is important to be able to ask this question correctly. Keep in mind that you are invited to the company for a specific position, to solve a certain range of problems. Not all positions provide career advancement. In addition, it is difficult for employers to discuss this issue without knowing your capabilities and abilities. Nevertheless, it is quite appropriate to ask the employer whether the company practices personnel rotation, whether there are opportunities for growth in this position in the long term, and be sure to ask what is needed for this (additional education, advanced training courses, experience, or something else) . Find out what training or employee development programs exist in the company. Then you will look like a serious and focused person. And this is another plus in your favor.

An open smile, a little good and unobtrusive humor, and then small mistakes will definitely be forgiven. A smile does not interfere with a business conversation; on the contrary, it leaves the impression that you are an experienced and therefore confident person.

When saying goodbye to the employee who conducted the interview at the end of the interview, be sure to thank him for giving you the opportunity to have an interview at this company, regardless of the final choice the employer makes.

Good luck with your interview!

Much is determined by the fact how exactly you speak in these first seconds. If you are confused and do not know the answers to counter questions, your chances, alas, are sharply reduced. And how often do we then exclaim - oh, it’s a pity, I didn’t think of saying this or that...

Of course, it’s impossible to foresee everything, but the most common mistakes that applicants make during their first telephone interview with an employer can be easily avoided if you follow a few simple rules.

So, start with such a seemingly small thing as pen and notepad - they must be at hand.

Here’s a simple situation: you get through by phone and ask a question about employment, and they immediately tell you another mobile phone number, as well as the first name, patronymic, last name (foreign!) of the person who is recruiting personnel, and finally, in a tongue twister, they tell you the day of the week and the exact time, when should this gentleman call back.

Think about whether your interlocutor will wait patiently while you run into another room and, after breaking everything upside down, find a pen that, as luck would have it, turns out to be faulty?

And it goes without saying that you should not try to remember this information by ear. What if you make a mistake and, having called the HR manager back at the specified time, you shamelessly distort his last name.

Needless to say, in this case it will be much more difficult for you to make a winning impression. But all these real risks and their sad consequences can be eliminated very simply: when starting a telephone interview about a job, place a pen and notepad on the table next to the phone.

The next step that will bring you closer to an invitation to an interview is Find in advance documents that are in one way or another related to your work activity. This is a work book, a passport, and a diploma of education.

In addition, it is very useful to have on hand during a conversation own resume, which will allow you to name all the main dates of your work history without hesitation.

In principle, the more documents you have at hand, the better, because it is possible that the detailed information that you promptly provide during the first conversation will present you as a neat, pedantic person, capable of answering questions posed comprehensively.

The main thing is that all documents are intelligently laid out and any of them can be used quickly.

Often, in the first telephone conversation with an employer, job seekers hastily interrupt the interlocutor. This is, firstly, impolite, and secondly, unreasonable: allow the employer to calmly ask you about everything that interests him. Perhaps then you won’t have to waste time on your questions - you will be rejected right away.

If you are invited to a job interview, do not hesitate to ask about what interests you. However, do not try to find out unimportant details over the phone - ask only about what is really important.

Let's say you can only work part-time, but it is not clear from the text of the advertisement what kind of work is offered. Ask if there are such vacancies.

It is likely that in this case we are talking about a full-time vacancy, in which case, of course, you should not waste time on further actions.

When asking questions, remember that your interests are part of your image, and an important one at that.

Many job seekers prepare for a telephone conversation as if they expect to get a job immediately after the interview. But the main task at this stage is to receive an invitation to an interview.

Therefore, you should not show excessive interest. Agree - few people like people who ask a lot of questions. And among managers involved in personnel selection, there are the fewest such people. After all, every day, due to their line of work, they have to answer phone calls from applicants. Therefore, the fewer questions you ask, the more likely you are to please the employer.

So it's best Write down all the necessary questions in advance on a separate sheet of paper. This will help you feel more confident, which means your tone will be more calm and personable.

If the telephone connection is bad, Don't try to shout - it's better to call back. A screaming person does not endear you even when he is forced to do so.

Never start a conversation with questions like: “Where did I end up?” First, of course, say hello, then you can clarify: “Is this company such and such?” And only after that you can say the sacramental phrase: “I’m calling about work...”.

If you immediately reach the HR manager, state your name and try to find out, but unobtrusively, the name of your interlocutor - if a company employee introduced himself to you, he will already feel some personal responsibility for communicating with you.

Deserves a separate comment question about salary. Often it is not indicated in advertisements, and it is possible that you will come to the interview in vain - the offered salary will not suit you. Therefore, it makes sense to ask such a question over the phone. However in any case, he should not be the first. Don't forget that you need to talk to people not about what interests you, but about what interests them. The employer is interested in his work, not your salary.

And he offers you, in fact, a job, and not a salary, which, to be honest, the employer pays not from the bottom of his heart, but involuntarily. Therefore, if you want to find out over the phone how much you will be paid, first clarify what exactly you will have to do, what knowledge is necessary in order to do the work efficiently. Once an employer sees that you care about their problems, they will be more receptive to discussing things that interest you.

It often happens that work, for some reason, has become unsatisfactory for you. In this case, you have to start looking for a new job. You start sending out resumes with the desire to get a good position. Finally, the employer accepted your resume and responded.

So, you have been invited for an interview. At first you thought it was so great, but then a constant thought began to swirl in your head: how to behave correctly at an interview. And that's okay. The first impression is the most important thing.

It is worth remembering that during an interview it is 98% important how you behave, and 2% what you say.
Therefore, the most important thing is to have the right mindset and think positively!

Preparing for an interview

Before you go for an interview, you need to prepare for it. Many people think this is complete nonsense, but it is not. This is a very important step and should not be skipped. To do this you need:
  • Go to the company's website and see what it is about.
  • Study how many employees are on staff and working hours. View internal photos and videos of the company, if they are available on the website.
  • See who is the head of the company.
  • Study the professional qualities required for the proposed vacancy.

Next, you need to study the responsibilities that you will have when applying for a job. If you know the position, then look on the Internet what its responsibilities are. Also think about what you can do for the company that will benefit the company.
Then you need to collect all the documents that may be useful at the interview. Such documents include: certificate, diploma, various certificates, resume, etc. Everything needs to be put in a folder and taken out only if the employee who receives you has asked for it.

“5 minutes before...”: psychological technique

Many psychologists recommend the “5 minutes before” technique before an interview. It may seem funny, but you shouldn't neglect it. 5 minutes before the start of the meeting with the employer, go into an empty room (a toilet, for example) and stand in a hero’s pose. Straighten your back, push your shoulders back, lift your head and chin, and place your arms at your side. Just try it. This should give you energy.

Before the interview itself, you will have a telephone conversation. This is also an important stage. Here you have to communicate with a company representative, usually a recruiting manager, who then passes on the necessary information to the manager.
When speaking, show yourself to be a polite person. Be sure to specify the place and time where you need to go. It would be a good idea to write down your phone number just in case.

How to behave at a job interview?

The first thing to remember is that you should never be late. It's better to come early and wait a little. This will show your punctuality, which is important in any job. It is very important to be able to listen and not interrupt the employee. Answer questions clearly and to the point.

So, when you come to the interview, adhere to the basic rules:
  1. Don't forget to smile.
    She will create the very first impression. There is no need to force it out of you, it must be sincere. If there is a lot of tension and you don’t want to smile at all, then try to remember some funny incident from your life and a smile will “draw” itself on your face.
  2. Try not to suppress your voice.
    Voice suppression occurs due to tension and stress. If there is tension, warm up your voice before coming to the office. Remember - a clear and confident voice.
  3. Gesticulation and posing.
    You need to sit calmly in front of your employer and not touch anything with your hands near you. If the stress does not go away, then try placing your hands on the table. You should also not cross your legs. Swagger is also not inherent. Eye contact must be constant. If you can’t look directly into the eyes, then you can find some point on the employer’s face and concentrate on it. Maintain a moderate and calm look. You should also not wave your arms, behave calmly.
  4. Pauses.
    Learn to take pauses. If you finish answering a question and the employer does not move on to the next one, then don’t worry, wait. This could just be a test.

Video: How to behave correctly during an interview

Questions and answers

The most important thing in an interview is the employer's questions and your answers to them. This is worth dwelling on in more detail.
Any interview is not complete without the usual questions that need to be answered correctly. Before answering a question, listen to the end. If a question seems unclear, it is better to ask again than to sit and remain silent. To do this, you can say: “Did I understand you correctly?” This will show your tact.

Say only what the employer asks you about. Some details may simply not interest him. If something seems necessary to him, he will definitely ask you again. Eliminate the following phrases from the conversation: “I don’t know,” “maybe,” “probably,” etc.

If the question comes up about wages, then speak openly about how much you need, do not underestimate yourself. You may hear questions that have nothing to do with work. This always happens. This is done in order to understand how much you can react to non-standard situations. These could be questions such as why you left your previous job or why you divorced your husband. Many managers read the form and know that people are preparing for interviews, so they can confuse you. For example, ask this question: how long could you work at your previous job if you removed several people you don’t like from the team? Or what if you were paid three times as much?

In addition to career-related questions, you may be asked about hobbies and interests, food preferences, and so on. This is required in order to find out how adequate you are.
When asked about your personal qualities, don't praise yourself. Don't talk about yourself in the first person. You can say that you easily learn new information and love reading books. This will help them understand that you can easily settle into your new job.

Naturally, you will be asked about your disadvantages. There is no need to say that you are too lazy to get up from the couch and leave the house on the weekend. In this case, a white lie. As an example, we can say: I get so involved in my work that sometimes I forget about time. You need to talk about your disadvantages as if you were your advantages.

Often employees ask about children. For example, they may ask how much children interfere with your work.

I adore children, sir. In fact, I was a child too when I was a child.
- Is it true?
- Is it true!
- Strange...
Dance for a chance (Chance Pe Dance). Samir

Once the interviewer has run out of questions, he will give you the opportunity to ask him anything. You may ask the following:
  • What is the main task at work?
  • How well did the employee who worked before me do this job?
  • Is there an opportunity to communicate with the boss? (In case it’s not him sitting in front of you)
  • What are the operating hours?

Naturally, these are not all the questions. The question that interests you most concerns wages. But this must be done carefully. But everyone understands that you are going to earn money, and not just sit around. It happens that the employer himself names the salary level. If you are not satisfied with it, then you can ask if there is an opportunity to improve your position. When asked how much you would like to receive, there is no need to remain silent and hesitate. You name the number directly. Naturally, within reasonable limits for this position.

At the end of the interview they will tell you that they will call you after a while. Find out when to expect a call or not at all.

Correct answers to common questions

Let's look at some of the most common interview questions and how to answer them correctly. Questions in the form of a dialogue between the interviewing employee (I) and you (you):
  1. AND: - Do you have any weaknesses?
    Naturally, every person has disadvantages. By asking this question, the employer wants to find out how open a person you are. You should not talk about all the shortcomings, otherwise it may cause negative consequences. The best answer to this question is:
    You: - Of course, everyone has shortcomings and I am no exception, but they will not affect the work in any way.
  2. AND: - Tell us about yourself.
    The first thing you need to talk about here is your professional skills. You can talk about your studies, hobbies, and so on. You can ask a counter question to the employee.
    You: - Should I tell you about all my interests or only those related to work?

  3. AND: - Why did you leave your previous job?
    This question is asked by any employer. If you had problems with your boss, then you don’t need to tell the truth about it. Say that you were promised a promotion for a very long time, but it never happened. Or, for example, it was not convenient to get to work, since it was far from home, or the schedule was unsuitable, or the monotony of work, and so on. But this is worth saying only in cases where there are no such problems in the given vacant position.
  4. AND: - Desired and undesirable salary level?
    Add +30% to the previous salary level and name the resulting figure. As a minimum, indicate (if asked) the desired salary is +10% more than the previous one.
  5. AND: - For what period would you like to work with us?
    You can say that you will always work here, but this is not true, because you have not even settled down and did not understand the meaning of the work. You can answer that you want to work for a month first, decide on the position you will occupy, and get to know the team. Very often the atmosphere in the team forces people to leave their jobs.
  6. AND: - Do you have achievements that make you proud?
    You can tell me that you had an interesting thesis topic and you defended it perfectly. Boast a little that your friends value you very much and consider you the life of the party.
  7. AND: - How do you look at recycling?
    Please consider this issue carefully. Find out how many hours it lasts, whether work on weekends is paid additionally. Answer with confidence that you are ready for this, but only if it does not harm your personal life.
  8. AND: - Why did you choose our company and work in it?
    This question will allow the employer to find out what attracts you to the job. Maybe you have heard about good wages or additional bonuses. But it’s better to mention this last. Say that the office is located near your home or that you have heard about a good opportunity for professional growth.

By the way, very often an employer checks an applicant’s erudition by asking for non-standard situations. Here is one example of such a situation:

  • I: - You are going to important negotiations. Having successfully carried them out, you can get a profitable deal. But on the way to this meeting, your car breaks down. What will you do in this situation?
  • You: - I’ll get out of the car, catch a passing vehicle or taxi and get to the appointed meeting point.
  • And: - The road passes through a dense forest, where there are no rides or taxis.
  • You: - I will determine my location using the navigator and call a taxi.
  • And: - You don’t have a navigator and the battery on your phone is dead.
  • You: - I’ll try to fix the problems with the car on my own and move on.

What to wear to an interview?

Naturally, it will be better if you come in a business suit, but you should not buy an expensive suit that does not suit your status. Also, don't wear the newest and most expensive shoes and gold watch. This will not impress the employer. The color of the suit should be black or dark blue. This is about men.

The requirements for women are basically the same. Don't wear a skirt that is too short. Optimally - to the middle of the knee or slightly below. You should not wear open shoes. There is no need to dress provocatively and vulgarly, as this will not be appropriate for an interview. If you have tattoos, you shouldn't show them. Also, you don’t need to wear a lot of jewelry, keep everything to a minimum.

It is not at all necessary to buy an expensive classic suit for an interview. You can wear clothes that are familiar to you, choosing them correctly. For men - jeans and a jumper in light colors and black suede boots. For women - do not wear shiny belts, transparent blouses, high-heeled shoes, and so on.

Clothes must be clean and ironed. An expensive suit that is not ironed looks unacceptable. Also, girls should not wear dresses with deep necklines, torn jeans, T-shirts and sweaters with unclear inscriptions. If you have a bright manicure, do not wave your hands in front of your employer. Accuracy and a sense of proportion come first. You shouldn't pour a whole bottle of perfume on yourself, especially with a strong smell. This will definitely not make those around you happy.

Clothing must be appropriate for the vacant position. For example, you are going for an interview for a position as a credit specialist. Naturally, if you wear shorts and a red T-shirt for this, the employer will be at a loss. Specialists should dress casually: jeans, shirts, jumpers. Middle managers should already be in business style: a suit, polished shoes and a briefcase. The designer and photographer should not adhere to a business style at all. There is no need to try to stand out from the group and divert attention to yourself. Be like the people around you.

Remember that when going to an interview, you should pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to what you will say there. Set yourself a clear goal and answer to the question why you are applying for this vacant position. Be sure to practice with a friend before this, especially if you are going to a large company.

Often, instead of a regular interview with a manager, companies conduct interviews in a different way. For example, an interview via Skype. Recently, this form has become quite common. Having learned about this, many candidates relax, thinking that it is much easier than coming to the office and communicating in person. But that's not true. This type of interview has exactly the same requirements as a regular interview with an employer. Questions are also no different from a personal conversation.

Another form is a group interview. It is divided into two types: a group of candidates and a group of interviewers.
If the interview is conducted in a group of candidates, then try to notice everything that happens, but do not be distracted from your own tactics. There is no need to try to surpass everyone and jump over your head. All of the above principles also apply to such interviews.

When you come to an interview, it’s worth remembering that you didn’t come to ask. You are a professional and have come to find out whether the proposed conditions are suitable for you or not. In other words, you have been made a business offer and it is up to you to accept it or not.

List of common mistakes

To summarize all of the above, we can highlight several common mistakes that candidates for a vacant position make:

Thus, when you come to an interview, you need to behave calmly and confidently. Be sure to think about your words and behavior. There is no need to hide your excitement; if you are very worried, then say so directly. You don't need to speak too fast or too slow, you need to find a middle ground and stick to it in everything. Gestures should also be used sparingly.

When telling about yourself, try to focus only on what will be of interest to the employer and what concerns the vacant position. Try not to lie.

Are the other points on your resume as close to the truth as this one?
- There is as much truth in them as you like. If the summary suits you, it is truthful. Otherwise I'll rewrite it.
Julian Barnes. "England, England"


Remember that an interview is an opportunity to present yourself. Everything is important here - from words to appearance. The employer does not know what kind of person you are in life, it all depends on the first impression.

In the end, I would like to say that if you were rejected at the end of the interview, then you don’t need to be too upset. Look at everything from a positive point of view. If you didn’t succeed with this job, then another one awaits you, even better than this one. Instead, analyze your interview from start to finish: what you did and how you did it, what you did right and what you did wrong, etc. This will help you in future interviews.

Hello dear friend!

First, let's debunk one myth.

Perhaps when you asked yourself the question "K What is the correct way to speak at an interview?”, you came across data from so-called “scientific research”:

The most important thing in communication is how you look (55%). Next is how you sound (38%). And only in third place is what and how you say (7%).

This data circulates widely on the Internet and wanders from article to article.

I have news for you: This is nonsense. You can't rely on these numbers. Just take my word for it. From the series “I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is...”.

7% is out of the question. What and how you say is extremely important.

So how to speak correctly during a job interview?

Clarity comes first.

Some candidates speak as if they were at a party meeting in the last century.

"I would like to show you a project... that was

developed by our department... and approved by the General Director... The main goals of this project are...In accordance with it, a procedure must be carried out to track the following...

- Hello! I'm here! You’re not reading out a report... (interlocutor)

To speak in this style requires enormouseffort: As a result, the person mutters something, talking all sorts of nonsense.

We subconsciously want to hide individuality behind the fog of official expressions. We are afraid of not being liked, of seeming unprofessional.

And now a little surprise: Even inveterate bureaucrats do not particularly like this manner. They, of course, want the conversation to be in their professional language. But you will have a better chance if you speak common language.

Speak for the people. If the average person understands your words, then the employer will understand them too. Your thoughts may be complex, but your language is not, it should be simple.

This is especially true when talking with recruiters, and HR in general. Your professional terminology will not impress anyone. The recruiter is not required to understand your bird language.

It is your task to explain it in a way that is clear not only to the recruiter, but to any person.

God forbid explaining something with a condescending smile, saying “you don’t understand.” They will simply tell you that you yourself do not understand the topic because you cannot express yourself in ordinary language.

2. Regulations

Usually you are given 10-15 minutes to talk about yourself. It's enough. Try to meet the allotted time, but don't worry too much about it.

If your time is up, it's okay - say it first. Chances are your partner will let you finish.

3. Speech speed

The issue is not so much speed as it is vagueness and monotony. If the other person cannot understand the words, whether you speak quickly or slowly does not matter.)

If you don't vary the tempo of your speech, it will sound monotonous and your partner will nod off.

4. Voice

  • From my head. Usually people speak from their heads.

The head thinks, the head has its own self and... from this state we talk all sorts of nonsense. In the feeling that we should be listened to, but they don’t want to listen to us. And we must speak very quickly, because we have very little time and if we do not have time to say everything, then they will not understand us.

  • From the throat. When we speak from the throat, our speech becomes so fabulous, beautiful things appear in it. This is information presented in a tasty way.
  • From the heart.Words spoken from the heart are perceived by the heart. Truth, truth, depth.
  • From the navel area.

If we want to be perceived as a confident person, we need to speak from the navel area . The speech may seem somewhat peremptory, but no matter what you say, it feels like you have something behind your soul.You are responsible for your words and you just need to negotiate with you; there is no point in putting pressure on you.

  • If the spotlight below the pubic bone, - your speech takes on a sexual connotation.

For some candidates this question)

It is clear that without training it is quite difficult to vary your voice, especially at an important meeting.

Choose someone from your friends, family and talk to him on different levels. See how he reacts to your messages from a cordial, confident person, or simply transferring information from his head.

Try it, if you don’t find anything useful in it, don’t worry too much.

You don't have to be an artist. Speak as usual.

Relax and allow yourself to talk to your partner as if you were a friend. This will happen

enough - today people no longer expect declamation and pathos.

5. Eye contact

Eye contact is the clearest indicator that your dialogue is going on.

Most Europeans are suspicious of those who look away.

Don't let your partner out of focus.

But... You'll only be able to focus on your partner if you don't have to remember what to say. This is why careful preparation is so important..

Some candidates say they don't feel comfortable making eye contact. They are either embarrassed or afraid. But when you start looking into your eyes, it turns out there is nothing to be afraid of. This is a psychological limitation.

If you feel that contact is being lost, you can simply ask:

- I've been talking for 15 minutes, is this normal?

-Are you still listening to me?

6. Strong expressions, humor. Pros and cons

Whether to use strong language during an interview depends on the partner. This usually becomes clear during the conversation.

This is not about swearing, of course. For example, using the word “damn” is quite acceptable.

The fact is that strong words can be perceived as a manifestation of naturalness and temperament on the part of the speaker.

You may seem rude, but if you swear, it means you care. Such a language may be an alternative to meaningless speeches, said with a straight face and a blank look, which we often hear in our lives.

Humor. You don't need to make jokes on purpose. WITHthe situation can become funny in itself. You will notice this. The best jokes always come spontaneously. Is not it?

7. Authenticity

We are, of course, not talking about the authenticity of some documents, etc.

Famous computer game developer Jesse Schell once exclaimed:

“We live in a bubble of fake bullshit!”

The need and interest in authenticity and naturalness is a real trend.

At the heart of this trend is the need for trust. A total lack of trust is an identifying sign of our days, unfortunately.

It used to be that you had to appear flawless. And now such candidates are found. They know everything in the world. Everything about them shines and sparkles.

But today it doesn’t make much of an impression. An experienced leader understands that this is a game for the public.

Today it is quite acceptable and, to some extent, even fashionable to not be perfect.

First of all, you need to look natural.

Let us remember the words of Mark Twain:

"Tell the truth and you won't have to remember anything"

As he noted:

“I have never been able to give a good impromptu speech without spending several hours preparing it.”

The problem is that we try to control our brain and every word that is about to come out of our lips. This slows down the flow of speech and reduces its naturalness.

The best cure for this disease is rehearsals.


The benefit of rehearsing is that you will gain confidence, which will help you get out of the situation, even if you forget the words.

Record yourself on video and watch the recording.

Have you ever seen yourself on video? It’s possible that you won’t like yourself very much at first.

Butit will pass with time. Correct what you don’t like at all, otherwise accept yourself as you are and relax.

It wouldn’t hurt to remember the techniques we talked about in the articles: And

Common mistakes

  • Familiarity. It’s clear that he wants to shorten the distance, but it doesn’t work. Mikhail goes straight to Misha. Here from the client - if he goes to shorten the distance, we respond in the same way
  • Don't get carried away with exclamation marks - this is emotional immaturity. Even in conversation
  • Don't talk about the client's problems- it spoils the mood. Again from the client - if he starts talking about problems, we discuss
  • Don't talk too much. If you talk more, it is clear that you are “selling” and such a sale may not happen,
  • Don't talk too loud, it's annoying

Playing up awkwardness

Awkwardness, as a rule, is associated with forgotten words, with unsuccessful postures such as crossing arms, withsome randomly spoken stupidity.

For many people, admitting a mistake is not easy. But to disguise it, to pretend that everything “is the way it should be” is a typical automatic reaction. It usually turns out pretty awkward.

You need to build into your plans the possibility of making mistakes. Mistakes are part of the job.

There is a bright side to mistakes: they are usually funny.

Don't be afraid to get confused. Your speech is not a circus performance andnot a performance. This is a dialogue, an exchange of opinions.

In addition to helping you pass the interview, these skills will stay with you and serve you well as you build your career. Isn't it worth it?

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