Symptoms of chronic intestinal colitis: treatment with folk remedies. Chronic intestinal colitis: symptoms, treatment Chronic severe colitis

is an inflammation of the wall of the colon, accompanied by “intestinal” symptoms (diarrhea, flatulence, rumbling, constipation, pain). To diagnose the disease, scatological analysis, x-ray and endoscopic examination of the large intestine (irrigoscopy, colonoscopy) are used. The principles of treatment of chronic colitis are based on diet, the use of anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs. An important element in the complex treatment of pathology is physiotherapeutic procedures.


K52 Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

General information

Chronic colitis is the most common form of inflammatory damage to the mucous, submucosal and muscular layers of the large intestine, accompanied by secretory and motor disorders. The course of the pathology has a wave-like character with alternating exacerbations and remissions. Quite often, this pathology is combined with the development of inflammatory processes in other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, chronic colitis is diagnosed in 50% of people with problems with the digestive system. In women, the disease develops between the ages of 20 and 65 years, in men a little later - at 40–65 years. Colitis is predisposed by decreased immunity, dysbiosis, lack of plant fiber in the daily diet, or inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


The reasons that can initiate the development of chronic colitis are varied. Factors contributing to the onset of the disease may include poor diet, hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, and the use of alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs. The leading position among the main causes of pathology is occupied by previously suffered acute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, foodborne illness or dysentery). In addition to bacteria, fungi or protozoa (giardia, balantidia) can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process. Severe forms of long-term intoxication (including alcoholism) also lead to inflammatory-dystrophic processes that contribute to organ dysfunction.

Not the least important role in the development of chronic colitis is occupied by the harmful effects of human habits: for example, the intake of nicotine through cigarette smoke contributes to a deterioration in the blood supply to the wall of the large intestine, a decrease in immunity, and, as a result, the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the mucous membrane. Drug-induced colitis is usually associated with prolonged and uncontrolled use of laxatives, antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. One of the reasons may be allergies, both food and drug, chemical, or even the body’s innate sensitivity to certain types of bacteria.

Enzyme metabolism disorder is another factor whose action can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. Excessive use of rectal suppositories and enemas also increases the risk of developing chronic colitis. As a result of circulatory disturbances in the large intestine, ischemic colitis develops.


There are three main links in the pathogenesis of chronic colitis: intestinal dysbiosis, immunodeficiency and intestinal dyskinesia. With dysbiosis, the total number of pathogens increases, acting directly on the wall of the large intestine and subsequently leading to the development of severe inflammatory processes. Immunodeficiency in the chronic form of colitis manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes. Intestinal dyskinesia causes the main clinical symptoms - pain and stool disorders.


Depending on the cause of development and the nature of morphological changes in modern proctology, chronic colitis is divided into the following forms: catarrhal, atrophic, ulcerative, erosive and mixed. There are three degrees of disease severity: mild (accompanied by mildly expressed transient symptoms), moderate (manifested by extensive intestinal disorders) and severe (characterized by signs of damage to the intestines and other gastrointestinal organs).

Symptoms of chronic colitis

The disease is characterized by a pain syndrome in the form of aching and dull pain, localized in any part of the abdomen, having both a cramping and diffuse character. Abnormal bowel movements, rumbling, flatulence, painful tenesmus or dyspeptic disorders are a number of specific symptoms characteristic only of pathological processes affecting the gastrointestinal tract. A distinctive symptom of chronic colitis, which allows us to differentiate it from other pathologies, is increased pain immediately after eating, cleansing enemas, abdominal tension and relief after bowel movements, release of accumulated gases or the use of antispasmodics. Quite often, with this pathology, the process of defecation occurs 6-7 times a day with the release of mucus or streaks of blood. During palpation of the abdominal organs, pain is determined along the course of the colon.


To confirm the diagnosis of chronic colitis, laboratory and instrumental studies are performed. A general blood test usually reveals a slight increase in ESR, neutrophilia and leukocytosis. Scatological analysis of feces (coprogram) allows for microscopy of the resulting material and its chemical analysis to determine the amount of fiber, protein, fat, starch, organic acids and ammonia.

Prognosis and prevention

Prevention of chronic colitis is based on preventing the development of the acute form of the disease; prescribing treatment aimed at eliminating etiological factors contributing to the occurrence of pathology; balanced diet, observing basic rules of personal hygiene. Timely provision of assistance to patients with the acute stage of colitis and the often exacerbating chronic form is also one of the stages of disease prevention. If you follow all the recommendations of proctologists, the period of remission lasts for a long time.

A disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the colon. Chronic colitis is a pathological condition of the colon as a result of various diseases. Or as an exacerbation of an acute process in the large intestine.

Chronic colitis may be a secondary disease. In this case, the fact of damage to other organs and systems is of great importance. Mainly respiratory organs, or as a result of previous illness.

Chronic colitis has a peculiar course. This process is characterized by a wave-like flow. This implies the presence of exacerbations and remissions. Also, this disease is characterized by a long course.

The long course of chronic colitis leads to various pathological conditions. Since with a long course vitamin deficiency develops. This in turn leads to malnutrition.

Disturbances in the digestive processes lead to weight loss. There is no appetite, anemia occurs. Anemia is caused by insufficient supply of microelements to the human body.

What is the etiology of the disease? The cause of the disease is associated with a decrease in the immune properties of the body. And also with poor nutrition. Mainly when using protein foods or fatty meat in the diet.

Lack of plant foods and fruits in the diet leads to various inflammatory processes in the large intestine. It is imperative to eat plant foods. The reason may be a change in intestinal microflora.

It is known that the intestines must contain a large number of beneficial bacteria. If an imbalance occurs in the intestinal microflora, then this organ is susceptible to various inflammations. First, acute inflammation occurs, then the chronic stage.

Lifestyle is of great importance. Bad habits contribute to various inflammatory processes. The intestines are no exception! In addition, the disease may be associated with drug use.

Drugs are the enemies of the whole body. The etiology of the disease involves the presence. Intestinal infections are diverse. But most often the development of chronic colitis is facilitated by:

  • salmonellosis;
  • food toxic infection;
  • dysentery


As mentioned above, chronic colitis has a wave-like course. This type of disease course is characterized by a change in exacerbations for periods of remission and vice versa. The main symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • aching and dull pain in the abdomen;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • flatulence;
  • stool with mucus;

Chronic colitis is also characterized by inflammation of the rectum. That is, the inflammatory process in the colon is perfectly combined with pathological disorders in the rectum. The patient has proctitis.

What factors contribute to the development of proctitis? The most common cause of proctitis is constipation. That is, a violation of the act of defecation. Constipation leads not only to the formation of fissures in the anus, but also to hemorrhoidal dilatation of the veins of the anus.

With the most serious complication of the large intestine, blood-streaked bowel movements are observed. This is a fairly common symptom of exacerbation. Especially with proctitis and other inflammations of the rectum.

Various disorders also occur on the part of the central nervous system in chronic colitis. Therefore, chronic colitis is also characterized by the following symptoms:

  • malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • neuroses

The patient may worry about trifles, experience panic and increased anxiety. Various complications are also possible in severe cases of the disease. The following complications are characteristic of chronic colitis:

  • narrowing of the intestinal lumen;
  • necrosis;
  • intestinal bleeding

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Diagnosis is characterized by taking an anamnesis. But in this case, it does not provide an accurate diagnosis. Hereditary history is of great importance. However, the disease is often an acquired pathology.

When diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to take into account the patient’s complaints. But complaints are usually not enough. Therefore, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics are carried out. Laboratory research plays a big role.

Laboratory tests include urine and blood tests. In this case, leukocytosis and an increase in ESR are detected in the blood. To conduct a study of stool, a coprogram is used.

A coprogram is necessary to confirm this diagnosis. This allows you to determine the nature of your diet. Namely, what contributed to the development of chronic colitis.

Instrumental examination includes colonoscopy. This type of research is very appropriate. Since this study can detect the presence of ulcers, erosions and other pathological conditions.

An additional research method is irrigoscopy. This type of instrumental diagnosis allows you to identify changes in the colon mucosa. Therefore, this technique is used for chronic colitis.

Other research methods are also carried out. Since it is necessary to exclude various diseases. Including . Or simple appendicitis.


The development of chronic colitis can be prevented. To do this, it is necessary to cure the manifestation of acute colitis in time. Since acute colitis can often develop into a chronic stage.

It is also necessary to eat right. Meals should include plant foods. Mainly with a predominance of vitamins and microelements. Nutrition should be complete.

A nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle are two categories for preventing inflammation of the large intestine. It is also necessary to lead an active lifestyle. With a moderate combination of a healthy lifestyle and sports, any gastrointestinal disorder can be successfully cured.

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and drug addiction are often significant prerequisites for the development of colitis. It is also necessary to prevent intestinal infections.

It is known that intestinal infections are transmitted through the food chain or through water. Frequent abuse of personal hygiene rules can also contribute to the development of intestinal disorders. Unstable stools, vomiting and other manifestations of dyspepsia may occur.

It is necessary to harden the body. This nonspecific prophylaxis can prevent various diseases. Up to chronic colitis.

The immune system needs to be strengthened. A prolonged state of a weakened body leads to the addition of various infections. They, in turn, contribute to inflammatory processes in the intestines.

For intestinal imbalances, it is important to use prebiotics and probiotics. These are beneficial bacteria that can improve intestinal health. A healthy intestine means a healthy stomach.


Chronic colitis is cured using various techniques. But the most important thing in the treatment of colitis is the cured underlying disease. In this case, the underlying disease is associated with an infectious process and other pathologies.

Treatment measures include hospitalization of the patient. Mostly the patient is hospitalized in the proctology department. Since proctology specializes in this disease.

Dietary measures are of great importance in the treatment of chronic colitis. They are based on the following provisions:

  • diet No. 4a;
  • steam cooking;
  • White bread;
  • broths;
  • rosehip decoction

If the inflammatory reaction is stopped, then preference is given to diet No. 4b. This diet allows you to switch to more lenient foods. These include:

  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • apples;
  • milk porridge;
  • butter

If dyspepsia is observed in the form of persistent diarrhea, then enveloping agents are used. As well as stool strengthening drugs. For example, bismuth nitrate, copper sulfate, herbal tinctures.

For bloating and cramps, activated charcoal and herbal mint tinctures are prescribed; for diarrhea, imodium is prescribed. For proctitis, treatment with suppositories is indicated. A large role is given to the use of physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy allows you to prevent the inflammatory process with a therapeutic effect. Especially if used in combination with antibiotics. If antispasmodic pain is significant, then heat is used. For example, heating pads are used directly to reduce spasms.

In adults

Chronic colitis in adults is quite common. Especially if this disease arose from acute inflammation of the colon. Men and women are equally susceptible to the disease.

This disease usually occurs in adulthood. For women aged twenty and above. For men - much later. This trend depends on many factors.

The etiology of chronic colitis in adults may be associated with acquired underlying diseases. A pathology such as tuberculosis or dysentery. Much depends on nutrition.

Errors in nutrition can be the cause of the disease. As we get busy, we often don’t pay attention to the nature of our diet. Therefore, various inflammatory reactions occur.

Chronic colitis even in old age can cause a lot of complications. Proctitis is a common complication of colitis. With proctitis, reactions from the rectum worsen.

There are a large number of techniques used in diagnosing the disease in adults. The main method is observation by a proctologist. This is especially appropriate in the presence of proctitis.

Usually the disease can begin in childhood. Therefore, ignoring any inflammation of the colon in childhood leads to the manifestation of colitis in adulthood. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out treatment at an even younger age.

In children

Chronic colitis in children manifests itself as a series of symptoms. From the mildest to the most severe clinical signs. What is the main cause of illness at a young age? Most often, this disease is caused by acute colitis.

Congenital pathology also plays a role in the etiology of childhood colitis. This pathology concerns the digestive glands. As well as features of intestinal development.

If the disease is observed in adolescence, then the following reasons occur. This is a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and eating habits. Teenagers do not understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. And when this factor is abused, pathological processes occur in.

The use of medications plays a big role. With uncontrolled use of drugs, the child receives various complications. It is also appropriate to read the instructions.

Chronic colitis is often a secondary symptom. That is, not an independent disease, but as a consequence of the underlying pathology. Therefore, it is most important to monitor your health in childhood.


In chronic colitis, the prognosis largely depends on the course of the disease. But it is known that the course of chronic colitis is wavy. Therefore, the process is quite lengthy. And accordingly, the prognosis is not reassuring.

The prognosis can be favorable only in cases of complex medical therapy. Especially if the disease is characterized by the manifestation of the remission stage. But remission can also develop into an exacerbation.

With exacerbation, the prognosis is unfavorable. Especially if complications have already formed. For example, proctitis. Which is not uncommon in this case.


Death still occurs in rare cases. Only under the condition of the most severe course of the disease. Especially if local necrosis has developed.

Necrosis is a severe process of death of organs and tissues. Therefore, this disease is fatal. In turn, necrosis leads to the development of bleeding. This is quite a serious process.

Recovery may come. But only if there are no serious complications. Therefore, complex therapeutic therapy is required. And hospitalization of the patient is required.


Naturally, life expectancy decreases with the development of exacerbations. But adequate treatment and treatment of concomitant diseases help establish the remission stage. In turn, remission can be prolonged with the help of nutrition and diet.

With proper nutrition and adherence to the dietary regime. And also in combination with drug therapy, life expectancy increases. And its quality improves significantly.

Be sure to strengthen your immune system. It is an integral part of our health. And the intestines are the face of immunity!

Chronic colitis is a long-term inflammatory process in the large intestine.

Symptoms of chronic colitis are present in 50% of patients who come to see a gastroenterologist. Statistics of requests confirm the established fact that the male population suffers more often at the age of 40 and older, and in women, intestinal disease develops already at 20. Children practically do not get sick with this form of colitis.

What causes the disease

To treat intestinal disease, it is necessary to identify the causes and, if possible, eliminate them. Main reasons:

  • long-term effects of medications (laxatives, antibiotics, sulfonamides are absorbed in the intestines, excessive exposure can disrupt the flora and cause inflammation);
  • any nutritional disorder: addiction to alcohol, frequent consumption of fried and smoked meat, long-term starvation diets and overeating;
  • chronic occupational poisoning with metal compounds, mercury, arsenic;
  • damage to the integrity of the intestine or disruption of its blood supply due to abdominal injuries or surgical interventions;
  • intestinal atony in old age;
  • toxic substances released during the development of kidney failure, liver failure, gout;
  • food and drug allergic reactions;
  • deterioration of intestinal blood supply with severe atherosclerosis or thrombosis of mesenteric vessels;
  • malformations and intestinal structure.

Conditions for exacerbation of chronic colitis

The disease occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission. Treatment of chronic colitis differs during these periods. Exacerbations are caused by:

  • anxiety, any stressful situations;
  • general decrease in immunity after infectious diseases;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet;
  • transferred low-calorie diets;
  • drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of colitis often occur secondaryly, against the background of existing other lesions of the digestive organs (gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis).

Symptoms of chronic colitis

Symptoms of exacerbation are characterized by:

  • prolonged dull pain after eating, shaking in transport, stressful situations;
  • changes in stool (alternating constipation and diarrhea);
  • bloating and rumbling stomach;
  • tenesmus (futile urge to defecate);
  • discharge of mucus from the rectum during bowel movements;
  • nausea, frequent belching;
  • bitterness in the mouth in the morning;
  • general weakness, malaise:
  • sleep disturbance.

All disorders are associated with the failure of the large intestine to absorb essential vitamins, microelements, and protein, which affects metabolic processes in the body. During periods of remission, symptoms of intestinal damage are mild and disappear quickly.

Symptoms of major complications

Complications are caused in the fibrinous and ulcerative stage of pathological changes, when there is damage to the muscular layer of the intestine. Of particular note are:

  • Perforation of the ulcer, in which feces enter the peritoneum, acute peritonitis develops. A patient with chronic colitis experiences severe abdominal pain, bloating and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall. The general condition suffers: pallor, chills with high fever, dry tongue with a coating, severe weakness.
  • Gangrene of areas of the colon - occurs due to thrombosis or as a result of prolonged ischemia of the mesenteric vessels. The clinic is dominated by pain, high fever, and increasing weakness. Blood pressure decreases.
  • Infection from the large intestine can spread with the blood to other organs and cause: general sepsis, abscess of the liver or subhepatic space, chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms include pain in the right hypochondrium, fever, lower back pain, and frequent painful urination.
  • When the vessels are destroyed by an ulcer developing deeper, intestinal bleeding occurs: blood in the stool, loose stools, general weakness.

Treatment problems

Treatment of chronic colitis is difficult in the selection of medications. After all, we need medications that have maximum effect at the level of the large intestine and do not damage the stomach, duodenum and small intestine.

On the other hand, anti-inflammatory treatments can be performed locally through therapeutic enemas, since absorption through the rectum provides a good effect on the lower intestines and does not affect the stomach.

Particular attention is paid to the follow-up treatment of acute infectious colitis due to dysentery and various poisonings. Even with complete recovery of health, blood and stool tests are necessary to ensure the absence of pathogenic intestinal bacteria. This is also necessary to eliminate bacterial carriage, when a completely healthy person becomes the cause of the spread of infection at work and in the family.

Basic treatment requirements

To combat possible causes of exacerbations and the inflammatory process in the treatment of colitis, the following are used:

  • strict regime changes;
  • constant restrictive diet;
  • medicines that destroy infection;
  • drugs that restore local immunity and intestinal flora;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes are required.


Bed rest and hospitalization are required only for severe and complicated forms of the disease.

During periods of remission, an active life with non-strength physical exercise is recommended. Exercises associated with increasing the tone of the abdominal muscles are contraindicated. Long walking, Pilates, and swimming are always recommended.

Drinking alcohol and smoking should be stopped. These habits will negate all other strict measures.

You will have to use any means to restore good sleep and calm: yoga classes, evening walks, warm soothing herbal teas with lemon balm and mint.

To improve blood supply to the intestines, it is not recommended to wear compressive underwear, a belt, or a corset. When intestinal prolapse, a special bandage is indicated. It does not compress the blood vessels, but helps reduce pain.

Restrictive diet

In case of exacerbation of colitis, fasting is indicated in the first day; this is the only way to ensure maximum rest for the intestines. It is recommended to drink liquids: herbal and green teas, rosehip decoction.

On the second day, you can eat often (up to six times), but in small portions. A diet for chronic colitis requires sparing the intestinal mucosa, so prepared dishes should not cause fermentation and rotting, or increase gas formation.

The diet includes low-fat soups, steamed meat and fish cutlets, and meatballs are made from chopped meat. Shown are liquid porridges cooked in water, grated low-fat cottage cheese, boiled vegetable puree, and jelly.

The following should be excluded from the diet: fatty dairy products (cream, butter, sour cream, high-fat cottage cheese) and milk. All products prepared by frying and canning, salted foods, flour products with cream, sweets, vegetables that cause flatulence (cabbage, legumes, beets). Replace fresh fruits and berries with boiled ones (compote).

Gradually, white bread, raw pureed vegetables, fruits are allowed (grapes should be excluded forever, this also applies to figs and prunes if you are prone to diarrhea), hard cheese, a spoonful of butter.

For patients with chronic colitis, nutritionists recommend following a diet throughout their lives; slight relaxations are possible depending on how they feel.

How do medications help?

If the infectious nature of chronic colitis is established, short courses of antibiotics and sulfonamides have to be used. Their ability to cause dysbacteriosis is known; the doctor prescribes a minimally short course, taking into account the sensitivity of the infectious pathogen.

In order to maximally cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, inflammatory elements, it is recommended to take sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel).

Severe spasms in the intestines are eliminated by antispasmodics (No-spa, Platifillin, Halidor).

If colitis is part of a common lesion with other digestive organs, then enzymes (Creon, Pancreatin, Festal) may be required.

Probiotics and prebiotics are necessary to restore the bacterial composition of the intestine (Linex, Normobakt, Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin, Collibacterin).

Vitamins B, C, A, E help restore immunity and enhance the healing process of ulcers.

All drugs can have side effects, so only a doctor can prescribe them correctly.

Non-drug treatments

For chronic colitis, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated. The best resorts for treating the digestive system are rightfully considered the sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, and Kislovodsk. In addition to drinking mineral waters, they use baths, intestinal lavages, and treatment with microenemas enriched with active biological substances.

Those who are familiar with a disease such as colitis also know about the possibility of it becoming chronic. What are its features? What should be done to prevent this from happening? What treatments are there for this form of colitis?

Chronic colitis: features

In medicine, colitis refers to inflammatory processes occurring in the colon. The mucous membrane of this internal organ is exposed to them. Chronic colitis is characterized by the presence of dystrophic and strophic changes in the mucosa, and this leads to disturbances in motor and secretory functions.

But chronic colitis can develop in different ways (its symptoms in the patient depend on this):

  • infectious (as a result of a previous illness associated with infections, for example, dysentery, salmonellosis);
  • pseudomembranous (develops from the standard form in cases of excessive use of antibiotics);
  • ischemic (against the background of circulatory disorders);
  • radiation (it is also called radiation, or post-radiation, because it occurs after appropriate therapy for malignant tumors);
  • medicinal (this type of colitis most often develops in patients who self-medicate using the wrong medications);
  • eosinophilic (caused by a peculiar allergic reaction to certain foods);
  • lymphocytic (the mucous membrane of the colon is subject to mononuclear inflammatory infiltration of the lamina propria);
  • collagen (inflammatory processes in this case are caused by the intensive development of collagen);
  • ulcerative (characterized by a complication such as the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane affected by the disease);
  • unilateral (depending on the location of pain, it can be right-sided or left-sided);
  • total (has a widespread nature and covers the entire mucous membrane of the colon).

Such a variety of types of chronic colitis is associated with pathological processes that occur in the colon. Each named type of this disease has its own causes and, accordingly, symptoms.

Chronic colitis: symptoms

Experts identify symptoms of chronic colitis that are common to each type.

  1. Painful sensations are dull and aching pains in various parts of the abdomen (depending on the location of the inflammatory process) or diffuse, without clear localization limits, very similar to contractions. This pain syndrome can worsen after:
    • eating;
    • intense physical activity;
    • cleansing enemas, discharge of gases;
    • bowel movements;
    • applying a warm heating pad;
    • taking antispasmodic drugs.
  2. A disorder of the functional activity of the entire intestine, which is manifested by alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  3. Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  4. Nausea progressing to vomiting.
  5. Flatulence or bloating, accompanied by loud rumbling in the intestines. These symptoms are most often associated with dysbiosis and obvious signs of digestive disorders.
  6. Frequent bowel movements often reach six times a day (in addition, the feces may be mixed with mucus or bloody streaks).
  7. A constant urge to defecate due to a persistent feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  8. In case of palpation, symptoms of “splashing” are observed at the site of inflammation (along the colon), and its noticeable pain.
  9. The undulation of the course of the inflammatory process (deterioration of the condition is periodically replaced by remission).

In addition, most gastroenterologists classify diseases such as proctitis and proctosigmoiditis as chronic colitis. This is based on the fact that their symptoms are very similar to each other. But there are some differences:

  • Proctitis is an inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • Proctosigmoiditis also covers the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the sigmoid colon.

The following symptoms are typical for these diseases:

  1. Pain in the left iliac region, in the anus.
  2. Painful urge to defecate.
  3. Flatulence.
  4. Light stool (like “sheep feces”), with mucus, bloody or purulent discharge.
  5. With diarrhea, rumbling and spastic contractions of the intestines are noted.

Therefore, to establish an accurate diagnosis of “chronic colitis”, a thorough medical examination will be required to exclude false symptoms or symptoms similar to other diseases.

Chronic colitis and methods for diagnosing it

If you experience the above symptoms and suspect chronic colitis, do not hesitate and consult a qualified doctor for advice. In this case, a gastroenterologist will help you.

Mandatory diagnostic measures:

  • collecting anamnesis of the course of this disease;
  • initial examination of the patient;
  • scatological examination, including laboratory analysis of stool;
  • biochemical and clinical blood tests;
  • carrying out irrigography - radiography of the colon using a contrast agent, which is administered by enema;
  • endoscopic examination of the large intestine, or colonoscopy;
  • endoscopic examination of the rectum, or sigmoidoscopy.

All these diagnostic measures are necessary and help the gastroenterologist exclude other intestinal diseases that have similar symptoms.

Chronic colitis and its treatment in various ways

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the attending physician will prescribe treatment for the patient according to an individual regimen. It depends on the symptoms of what form this chronic colitis has.

  1. Dietary nutrition includes a special eating regimen. To do this, those foods that are poorly digested and have an irritating effect on the walls of the colon are excluded from the patient’s diet. The following dietary principles are encouraged:
    • divided meals (6-7 times a day);
    • mechanically gentle food (pureed slimy soups, homogenized purees, steamed dishes);
    • low content of protein and light fats of vegetable origin (up to 100 g);
    • increased amount of carbohydrates – up to 500 g.
  2. Medications:
    • antibacterial drugs - sulfonamides and broad-spectrum antibiotics (Tetracycline, Biomycin);
    • painkillers antispasmodics (Papaverine, Platyfillin);
    • vitamins (group B, A, ascorbic acid);
    • astringent and enveloping drugs for diarrhea (Tanalbine, Tansal);
    • anticholinergics (Belladonna, Metacin);
    • preparations of digestive enzymes (Festal, Pancreatin).
  3. Physiotherapy:
    • intestinal irrigation;
    • mud applications;
    • diathermy.
  4. Folk remedies include the use of medicinal herbs, as well as their preparations, in the form of decoctions, tinctures, teas:
    • flowers – chamomile, immortelle;
    • roots - licorice, wild chicory, common dandelion, cinquefoil, snakeweed, calamus;
    • herbs - St. John's wort, celandine, oregano, yarrow, pepper and kidneyweed, burnet, jasmine;
    • leaves – peppermint, senna, stinging nettle, plantain;
    • bark – buckthorn, oak;
    • fruits – rose hips, fennel, bird cherry;
    • seeds - flax, alder (cones);
    • berries - blueberries.

The final stage of digestion occurs in the large intestine. The absorption of water, the formation of feces, and the production of vitamins B, PP, E, and K occur primarily in the long colon. Colitis, or inflammation of the large intestine, manifests itself with specific symptoms and can be treated in adults and children. Intestinal colitis disrupts the natural processes of digestion, worsens well-being, and limits life opportunities.

What is the course of colitis?

Intestinal colitis is inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the large intestine with signs of dystrophy and functional disorders. It is an independent disease with a variety of symptoms that occur acutely or chronically. Signs of colitis depend on the form of the disease, the localization of the pathological process, the nature of destructive changes in the mucous membrane of the colon.

Signs of acute course

– this is such a rapid development of the disease. Occurs after powerful exposure to a damaging agent (infection, poisoning) or as an exacerbation of chronic inflammation. Symptoms of colitis in the acute course are intense and obvious.

During an acute process, the patient experiences the following sensations:

  • pain in colitis is sharp, spastic - sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. The pain intensifies after eating, after minimal physical activity;
  • elevated temperature with colitis more than 38°C;
  • frequent diarrhea (up to 20 times a day) and bloating;
  • mucus, pus, and blood are found in the stool;
  • the constant desire to go to the toilet does not end with normal bowel movements. Small lumps of feces with mucus come out;
  • increased gas formation, rumbling in the stomach;
  • The stomach is constantly twisting, there is heaviness and discomfort in it.

The pain manifests itself in different ways: it can have a clear localization or spread throughout the abdomen, radiate to the back, below the belt. Symptoms of intestinal colitis in women are externally similar to pathologies of the uterus and ovaries. If abdominal pain is accompanied by discharge from the genitals that is not associated with menstruation, then the disease is gynecological in nature.

Signs of chronicity

The acute phase of the disease without proper treatment degenerates into chronic colitis. Sluggish symptoms, either subsiding or appearing with renewed vigor, become the main signs of the disease.

Chronic intestinal colitis is accompanied by:

  • alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea, with stool retention occurring more often than diarrhea;
  • 1-2 hours after the main meal, the stomach begins to growl, the pain is usually dull, aching, and not severe;
  • stool retention leads to bloating and increased production of intestinal gases;
  • stool smells rotten or sour, contains mucus, streaks of blood, strands of pus;
  • penetration of toxins into the blood during intestinal inflammation causes nausea, bad breath, skin rash, coated tongue;
  • the patient sometimes feels a loss of strength, dizziness, weakness;
  • Metabolic disorders lead to anemia, weight loss, and hypovitaminosis.

Symptoms of intestinal colitis in men intensify after physical work, smoking, and drinking alcohol. The pain radiates to the chest and is mistaken for cardiac problems.

Types of colitis by location in the intestines

The large intestine is conventionally separated from the small intestine by the bauhinian valve. The thick section consists of the cecum, colon and rectum. The colon is the longest and is divided into ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid parts. The total length of the large intestine of an adult is from one and a half to two meters.

According to the anatomical principle, the types of colitis are distinguished:

  • damage to the entire large intestine, or pancolitis;
  • if inflammatory manifestations are noted only in the cecum, they speak of typhlitis;
  • when the transverse part of the colon has undergone changes, transversitis is stated;
  • the manifestation of inflammation of the sigmoid colon is called sigmoiditis;
  • With inflammatory pathology of the rectum, proctitis occurs.

In real life, neighboring parts of the intestine are affected, for example, the sigmoid colon and rectum. The result is rectosigmoiditis. In practice, there are such varieties as left-sided and right-sided colitis, as well as diffuse, covering both the large and small intestines.

Right-sided inflammation

Inflammation of the cecum and adjacent ascending colon is conventionally called right-sided colitis. Occurs in approximately 20% of diagnosed cases of the disease. Manifested by diarrhea and pain on the right side. After defecation, temporary relief occurs. Leads to disruption of water-electrolytic metabolism and dehydration.

Left-sided inflammation

Damage to the left side is noted in 60% of patients. Left-sided colitis is diagnosed with inflammation of the descending colon, sigmoid and rectum. Rectosigmoiditis accounts for the bulk of inflammation. It is associated with constipation and increased secretion of mucous secretions from the rectal walls.

It is the irritation of the rectum by mucus that leads to the phenomenon of tenesmus. The patient feels the urge to defecate, but goes to the toilet with the same mucus with small lumps of feces mixed with strands of blood and pus.

Diffuse inflammation

It is very difficult due to the extensive inflammatory process that covers the entire thick section. The stomach hurts everywhere, and the pain can intensify on one side, then subside and spread to the other side. An aching, dull pain radiates either in the sacrum or in the sternum. The patient may mistakenly suspect problems with the kidneys or heart. Areas of spasmodic intestine alternate with an atonic intestinal wall. The urge to go to the toilet is frequent, but the volume of feces is small, they are mucous, foul-smelling, and greenish in color. There is an “alarm clock” syndrome when the desire to have a bowel movement wakes the patient up at 5-6 o’clock in the morning.

Types of colitis according to the nature of damage to the mucosa

In addition to the form of the disease and the topography of the pathology, the nature of the damage to the wall of the colon is distinguished. Inflammation can be catarrhal, erosive, fibrinous, ulcerative.

Catarrhal type of disease

Or superficial, colitis occurs in the initial phase of the disease. Superficial colitis has an acute course and manifests itself after food or chemical poisoning or intestinal infection. It lasts for several days, affecting only the top layer of the mucous membrane. Then it is either cured or goes into another stage of the disease. Superficial intestinal colitis has the most favorable prognosis for recovery.

Erosive type of disease

The next stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of erosions on the mucous membrane - damage reaching small capillaries. The destruction of blood vessels ends in bleeding. A characteristic metallic taste is felt in the mouth.

Atrophic type of disease

At this stage of the disease, a long-term chronic process reaches the intestinal muscles. Muscles lose tone and can be either unnaturally compressed or completely relaxed. Peristalsis is impaired, constipation stretches and thins the intestinal walls. Constant contact with rotting feces leads to ulceration of the intestine, fistulas and wall perforations are possible.

Fibrinous type of disease

It is characterized by the presence of a dense film of fibrin threads on the surface of mucous defects. Classified in the literature as pseudomembranous colitis. It arises from the suppression of beneficial microflora by antibiotics or other medications and the activation of pathogenic strains of clostridia against this background.

Ulcerative type of disease

With ulcerative colitis in adults, numerous bleeding defects appear on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Another name for the disease is nonspecific or undifferentiated colitis. Perennial undifferentiated colitis has a high risk of developing into cancer. In the ulcerative process, the colon and rectum are affected. In women, undifferentiated colitis is diagnosed 30% more often. It occurs chronically, with wave-like periods of exacerbation and remission. Patients suffer from cramping attacks in the abdomen, diarrhea with blood, and signs of general intoxication.

Why does colitis occur?

The causes of colitis are varied and not fully understood. The reasons can be conditionally grouped according to the principle of “microbiological and therapeutic”.

Toxins released during the life of microbes, fungi, protozoa, and helminths irritate the intestines. Inflammation, pain, swelling, and intoxication occur.

Non-microbial causes of intestinal inflammation:

  • lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet when eating fatty, fried, spicy, sweet foods;
  • a common cause is poor circulation in the intestines associated with age-related changes, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and liver;
  • long-term therapy with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • uncontrolled use of laxatives, addiction to cleansing enemas, rectal suppositories;
  • radiation exposure;
  • poisoning with chemical or plant poisons, including alcohol and nicotine;
  • hereditary predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases;
  • chronic stressful situations.

In life, a person is influenced by a complex of reasons. For example, a genetic predisposition is superimposed on poor nutrition and chronic stress, aggravated by antibiotic therapy.

How to identify colitis and distinguish it from other diseases

Diagnosis of intestinal inflammation consists of determining the stage of the process, localization of the disease and the degree of damage to the mucosa. It is necessary to distinguish the symptoms of colitis from the signs of gynecological, urological, and cardiac diseases.

The following will help to establish an accurate diagnosis:

  • external examination, palpation;
  • general blood test, urine test, as well as blood biochemistry, stool examination, worm eggs, calprotectin;
  • plain radiography;
  • radiography with barium sulfate;
  • intestinal endoscopy with collection of material for histology;
  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT.

Examination and tests provide insight into the functioning of internal organs, the presence of tumors, diverticula, perforations, and fistulas. Intestinal tone and ability to peristalsis are determined.

Treatment of colitis

Treatment of colitis begins with eliminating the causes of the disease: a diet is prescribed, the infection is cured, blood circulation is improved, the list of medications is revised if constant medication is necessary. Before treating colitis in women, they find out if she is pregnant or if she has gynecological diseases.

Therapeutic diet for colitis

An integral part of the treatment of intestinal colitis in adults is a specially designed nutritional system. The purpose of the diet is to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the healing of the mucous membrane, and normalize peristalsis. On the first day of the acute process, therapeutic fasting with plenty of clean water is prescribed. After acute inflammation is relieved, you need to take food in small portions up to 6 times a day. The food is steamed, stewed in water, baked under foil, ground and served pleasantly warm. The diet consists of boiled porridges in water, pureed soups, and steamed products made from lean minced meat. Fresh vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, nuts, and seeds are exceptions to the diet. Avoid spicy, sour, fatty, sweet, rich and gas-forming foods. As you recover, the list of products expands in agreement with your doctor.

Antibacterial agents for colitis

Colitis of an infectious nature is treated with antibacterial medications. The doctor treats intestinal inflammation with drugs:

  • group of nitrofurans – Enterofuril, Furazolidone;
  • group of sulfonamides – Phthalazol;
  • rifampicin group – Alpha Normix;
  • group of fluoroquinolones – Tsifran;
  • group of polymyxins – Polymyxin-v sulfate, Polymyxin-m sulfate;
  • broad spectrum antibiotics - Tetracycline, Levomycetin, Oletetrin, Streptomycin, Neomycin, Monomycin.

Before using antibiotics, an analysis of the sensitivity of the flora to drugs is carried out to prescribe the most effective remedy. Take in the dosage indicated by the prescription, strictly observing the time intervals.

Anthelmintics for colitis

The following can cure helminthiasis in colitis:

  • Vermox;
  • Albendazole;
  • Dekaris;
  • Praziquantel;
  • Pirantel.

Tablets and suspensions for worms are highly toxic. Treat helminthiasis carefully, following the dosage and doctor's instructions.

Antispasmodics for colitis

Antispasmodic drugs are intended to treat colitis with painful spastic pain. They will relieve pain by relaxing tight muscles.

Spasms are treated with medications:

  • No-Shpa;
  • Spasmol;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Dicetel;
  • Buscopan;
  • Papaverine;
  • Papazol.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, folk methods will help relieve pain from illness. Decoctions of mint, chamomile, oregano, and calamus will relieve pain, relieve spasms, and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Brew a teaspoon of dry herb with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml between meals 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to a month.

Diarrhea remedies

Diarrhea threatens with dehydration and impaired water-electrolyte metabolism. You can stop diarrhea with Smecta, Enterosgel, Imodium. To replenish moisture, drink more water, weak tea, compote, or rosehip decoction.

Herbal decoctions will be effective for colitis with diarrhea:

  • infructescences of gray alder, rhizomes of snake knotweed;
  • oak bark, cinquefoil rhizome.

Take a teaspoon of dry ingredients mixed in equal parts, pour in 300 ml of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool, filter, take 2 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals.

Remedies for bloating and gas formation

Excess intestinal gases cause great inconvenience to those suffering from colitis. The solution to the problem is simple - you need to prepare a decoction according to the recipe:

  • chamomile flowers, oregano herb, caraway fruits;
  • calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, peppermint leaves, valerian root.

Brew a teaspoon of the mixture in equal parts of dry plants with 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml of decoction an hour after meals three times a day.

Constipation remedies

A herbal remedy will have a mild laxative effect for colitis with constipation:

  • leaves of senna holly, buckthorn bark, fruits of joster laxative, anise fruits, licorice root;
  • alder buckthorn bark, caraway fruits, sweet clover herb, trifoliate leaves.

Mix a teaspoon of each type of dry herbs. Take a teaspoon from the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, take at night for light morning stool.

Intestinal colitis begins in an acute form, which progresses to a chronic form. The entire large intestine or its individual parts are affected. Colitis can be cured forever by following a diet, taking medications, and supplementing with herbal decoctions.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.