Canned pink salmon: benefits and harms. Pink salmon: properties, calorie content, benefits and contraindications for eating pink salmon. The most delicious recipes for pink salmon fish. The benefits of pink salmon for women

Pink salmon is one of the most common fish of the salmon family. This fish got its name because of its characteristic growth on the front of the body, which in appearance resembles a hump. This hump appears in males only before spawning.

Fish is an extremely valuable seafood because it is great for preparing a wide variety of dishes. culinary dishes: ranging from soups to salted, smoked or fried pieces of fish.

Composition and calorie content of pink salmon

This fish is rich in a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Among them are vitamins PP, B1, B2, B12, E, C, A, as well as such mineral components, like iodine, zinc, fluorine, potassium, sulfur, copper, phosphorus, etc.

100 grams of pink salmon contain only 150 kcal.

The benefits of pink salmon

The benefits of pink salmon are based on its unique composition. The proteins contained in fish are extremely valuable and are very easily absorbed by the human body.

A huge number of different mineral elements have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole and normalize its functioning.

Invaluable contribution to human health makes an unsaturated fatty acid Omega-3. It has a rejuvenating effect on the body and also helps protect cells and tissues from harmful effects environment. Thanks to this, a person’s vitality increases significantly, and the aging process in the body slows down.

Vitamin PP helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Fluorine, sodium, potassium and zinc affect bone tissue and put the work in order nervous system.

Pink salmon helps maintain in the body water balance, fat metabolism and normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Pink salmon is useful if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Then you should definitely eat the meat of this fish regularly. After all, its composition is optimal for normalizing the functioning of the heart muscle.

Phosphorus-rich fish increases the reaction rate in cells, which leads to faster metabolism. Therefore, pink salmon will be useful for people who want to lose weight excess weight and change your appearance.

For those who suffer from illnesses thyroid gland, you definitely need to add this fish to your diet. After all, a large amount of iodine in it will help you fight the disease.

Harm to pink salmon

Pink salmon may be contraindicated in cases where you are allergic to this fish or have an individual intolerance to its individual components. If you are not recommended to abuse phosphorus and iodine, it is better to avoid eating pink salmon.

The most valuable breed of fish is salmon, and pink salmon is one of the representatives of this species. The fish got its name from the hump that protrudes above the spine, just behind the head. Despite its not very attractive appearance, pink salmon has a second name - pink salmon. But one can argue with this opinion, because pink salmon tends to change its color. And this is not strange, when fish moves from fresh waters to the sea and back, the color tends to change slightly. This type fish are migrants, first they live in the river, then they move to the sea, and then spawning returns to the fresh river. The lifespan of pink salmon is approximately 3 years. The benefits and harms of pink salmon are important.

Properties and composition of pink salmon fish

Like any product that is eaten, pink salmon also has both benefits and harm to the body. Pink salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals, and is famous for its high content proteins and virtually no fat. An ideal product for those who want to lose weight, isn't it?

In addition to all the beneficial properties inherent in each fish, pink salmon is also distinguished by the presence of rare vitamins PP, phosphorus, sulfur, huge amount iodine, chromium, cobalt. It's hard to imagine what's in this familiar product such quantity useful microelements. Pink salmon is famous for the presence of unsaturated fats, which are beneficial for the body, especially women. Even canned pink salmon retains its beneficial features.

Calories in pink salmon

The amount of nutrients in pink salmon is off the charts. It doesn’t matter whether it’s stewed, baked, fried or steamed - the satiety and benefits of fish are undeniable. And for those losing weight, this is a real savior, which will satiate you 100% and at the same time there are only 140 calories per 100 grams of fish. But, despite this, the high amount of protein in fish, which is a little more than 60%, allows you to quickly and for a long time get full. How dietary option You can just put it out. Fish takes a long time to digest, so if you eat pink salmon for dinner, you definitely won’t want to eat it before bed. And most importantly, even a large portion of fish will not leave fat on the sides and waist; the main thing, of course, is not to overeat until you lose consciousness. Low calorie content and canned pink salmon.

The benefits and harms of pink salmon

If you take it apart chemical composition pink salmon, we can conclude that it is primarily beneficial for the health of the skin, mucous membranes of the body, the digestive system and the central nervous system. Doctors recommend adding pink salmon dishes to the diet for those who have reduced immunity and general body tone, because this fish contains almost the entire table chemical elements Mendeleev. More precisely, exactly what the human body needs. And if it’s obvious for those losing weight, then for others important properties should be told in more detail. The antioxidants contained in the composition help control and normalize blood sugar levels. Of course, their content in pink salmon is not so high, but they still exist and perform very important function, in addition to sugar control, acids provide rejuvenation, this real source youth. The amazing benefits of pink salmon and the harm that is virtually absent - that’s what makes this fish ideal.

It is necessary to mention phosphorus, which is present in pink salmon as phosphoric acid, and its task is the formation of enzymes that regulate and accelerate chemical reactions in cells. Due to this, metabolism is accelerated, which is very important for the proper functioning of the body. The second phosphorus compound is phosphate salts, which are involved in the construction of skeletal tissue.

Pink salmon - indispensable product on the menu for those who suffer from thyroid diseases. This is because fish contains a large amount of honey. It is impossible not to mention that pink salmon is an indispensable product for the full functioning of the circulatory system of the brain. This is all thanks to the fact that the cells are saturated with pyridoxine, which is known to improve metabolism in brain cells. Due to this, performance increases, not only memory, but also mood improves. Pyridoxine helps sugar to be distributed evenly throughout the body, thereby improving the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, pink salmon is the number one product during sessions, exams and difficult situations. Maximum benefit and the harm of pink salmon, which is minimal, attract nutritionists.

Harm and contraindications

You can often hear that pink salmon has absolutely no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other, doctors still recommend using pink salmon with caution for those who have peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract, chronic pathologies liver. It is not recommended to eat a lot of fish for those who have individual intolerance to phosphorus and iodine. Don't forget that fish can... beneficial influence on the body and cause harm. So that pink salmon can preserve maximum amount useful elements, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. Which recipes are the most popular?

Homemade salted pink salmon

  • First you need to clean the pink salmon from scales and gut it. You should get rid of everything except meat.
  • Next you need to treat the fish with salt both inside and outside.
  • Don't forget to wrap the pink salmon in a slightly damp cotton napkin. You need to roll the fish very tightly with a napkin so that it is completely wrapped, without open places. After the napkin, you need to wrap the pink salmon in a towel and place it in a bag, which is again wrapped in paper.
  • Now, finally, you can put the fish in the refrigerator and say goodbye to it for three weeks.

And after the designated time has passed, you can enjoy the taste of freshly salted pink salmon, which has retained its beneficial properties by almost 100%. Housewives loved this recipe because it can be modified as you please, adding various spices, and experimenting with taste.

Pink salmon in the microwave

How to cook pink salmon fillet? The simplest and quick recipe who saves housewives in critical situations. After the fish is cut and prepared, you should cut it into pieces, pepper them, salt them and you can begin further cooking:

  • Cut the tomato and onion into rings and place on top of each piece of fish.
  • Place mayonnaise on top and add grated cheese.
  • Place the fish in the microwave for 20 minutes and you are ready to serve.

Here's a recipe that doesn't take more than 20 minutes to prepare and will become... a real find for those who never have time.

Wet salting of pink salmon caviar

And if the classic recipe for salting pink salmon is simple and clear, then with pink salmon caviar things are a little different. The recipe is also easy to make, but has a slightly different technique. For standard recipe You will need 250 grams of pink salmon caviar, 250 grams of water, a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. So, how to cook pink salmon caviar at home?

  • The caviar needs to be separated from the film, washed and dried, at which time you can put water on the fire.
  • When the water boils, salt and sugar should be dissolved in it.
  • The brine needs to be strained through a sieve; if you don’t have one, you can use ordinary gauze.
  • The brine must cool, and only after that can the caviar be sent into it.
  • The caviar should be infused in the brine for two hours, no less.
  • It is important not to injure the eggs and drain the brine through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Now the caviar can be transferred into containers and served to guests.

Baked pink salmon

For classic recipe baked pink salmon will need one and a half kilograms of fish, 100 grams of butter, one onion, a tablespoon lemon juice, a teaspoon of wine vinegar, mayonnaise, spinach, parsley, salt, pepper - everything to taste. The fish is prepared as follows:

  • Clean, gut and cut up the pink salmon, rinse it and dry it.
  • Make several transverse cuts, which should be a few centimeters apart from each other.
  • Cut the onion into rings butter thin strips and push the butter into the slits. If there is something left, you don’t have to throw it away, but put it in the belly, and the onion goes there too.
  • Finely chop the greens, add vinegar, mayonnaise, lemon juice and blend with a blender. This will be the sauce that you need to coat the pink salmon with.
  • Wrap the fish in foil and place it on a baking sheet, place the pink salmon in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

The fish is baked for about half an hour and served whole, decorated with lemon slices.

Pink salmon is a fish of the salmon family. The second name of this fish is pink salmon.

Pink salmon got its name from the hump that appears on the backs of males during the spawning period. It is found both in seas and in fresh water in cold climates. Average length 40 cm, average weight 1.2 kg.

During the spawning period, it is not advisable to catch pink salmon, since its meat is tasteless. If pink salmon is caught on time, then its meat is amazing. taste qualities. Like all salmon, pink salmon is considered a red fish. It is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and microelements.

Calorie content of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a high protein product. The calorie content of raw pink salmon is 116 kcal per 100 g. Boiled pink salmon contains 168 kcal. And in 100 g fried pink salmon contains 281 kcal. The energy value of baked pink salmon is 184 kcal. Excessive consumption of pink salmon can lead to excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon meat is balanced and nutritious, it is a source of vitamin PP, pyridoxine, sodium and fluorine. The fish also contains fatty acid and fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins B12. It is not without reason that many peoples of the North have eaten this fish from time immemorial and were distinguished by amazing health.

This fish delicacy is regular use in food can compensate for the lack of many microelements and vitamins in the body.

The most valuable in this regard are Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in abundance in the meat of this fish. These acids are also called vitamins of youth, since they are responsible for the aging process. They have a beneficial effect on the structure and activity of cell membranes Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid quite difficult to find in other foods, it is a trace element necessary for proper operation

higher nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Sodium is indispensable in the functioning of the circulatory system and water metabolism, and without fluorine the processes of hematopoiesis and bone metabolism are impossible (this is also prophylactic against caries). Therefore, pink salmon should be included in the diet of every person who cares about their health. Scientists from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) discovered that omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in fatty varieties fish have a positive effect on areas of the brain associated with emotions. Regular consumption of these fish prevents cardiovascular diseases

, hypertension and accordingly

sudden death
from strokes and heart attacks.
100g of pink salmon contains:
Water: 54.1 g
Proteins: 22.1 g
Fat: 9 0 g
Unsaturated fatty acids:1. 5 g
Cholesterol: 83.0 mg
Ash:14. 8 g
Vitamin B1: 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.2 mg
Vitamin PP: 4.6 mg
Iron: 0.7 mg
Potassium: 278.0 mg
Calcium: 40.0 mg
Magnesium: 29.0 mg
Sodium: 5343.0 mg
Phosphorus: 128.0 mg
Chlorine: 165.0 mg
Molybdenum: 4.0 mcg
Nickel: 6.0 mcg

Fluoride: 430.0 mcg

Chromium: 55.0 mcg

Zinc: 700.0 mcg

Calorie content of pink salmon: 169.4 kcal. Dangerous properties of pink salmon Pink salmon is contraindicated for those who are allergic to fish.

Salmonids are a large family of valuable fish species. One of the representatives of this glorious species is pink salmon, so nicknamed for the peculiar “hump” that protrudes above the spine near the head. Despite its not very attractive posture, it is called romantically: “pink salmon.” However, this name can be argued because pink salmon change color when they move from freshwater rivers to the sea and back. This type of salmon is one of the migrants - fish that first live in the river, then in the sea, then go back to the river to spawn. They live for about three years. And if about pink salmon If you had to write a riddle, you could ask: which fish is blue on the outside and red (pink) on the inside? True, then it again acquires gray scales, so it’s difficult to solve such a riddle. One way or another, we are not interested in the appearance of the fish, but in its internal content, aren’t we? This is what we'll do.

Properties and composition of pink salmon fish

Like any other product, pink salmon has a certain chemical composition. And when we look at this variety of minerals, vitamins, proteins and other components, we will be very surprised, because it is difficult to imagine that such a familiar product contains such a variety of everything beneficial to health. In addition to the most common substances, there are such rare ones as vitamin PP, phosphorus, sulfur, a lot of iodine and chromium, as well as cobalt. Pink salmon contains all the essential minerals and vitamins, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which are known to be very beneficial for the body.

Calorie content of pink salmon

This is where the most interesting moment comes. After all, everyone knows how satisfying and nutritious pink salmon- even stewed, even fried, even salted. However, pink salmon contains only 140 (kcal). But due to the high protein content (almost 60%), rapid saturation is achieved and digestion occurs slowly, so after dishes from pink salmon I don’t feel like eating for a long time. That's why even the largest portion of this fish will not bring extra fat deposits to the one who will use it for its intended purpose.

The benefits of pink salmon fish

Chemical composition pink salmon says it is good for health skin, mucous membranes of the body, as well as the nervous system and digestive tract. Dishes from pink salmon will help in strengthening general well-being, because it contains almost the entire periodic table - that is, absolutely everything that our body needs. Among other things, unsaturated fatty acids help regulate blood sugar and act as an antioxidant. True, in fairness it must be said that their content in pink salmon not so large (just over 1%), but they are still present here. And everyone knows that these acids are the source of youth.

An interesting element is phosphorus, which is also found in pink salmon, as phosphoric acid, is involved in the formation of enzymes, which, in turn, affect chemical reactions in cells. Enzymes accelerate these reactions, increasing the metabolic rate. Another phosphorus compound - phosphate salts - is involved in the construction of our skeletal tissues.

Pink salmon is also good for those who have thyroid disease because it contains a lot of iodine. Among other things, pink salmon is good for the circulatory system of the brain, because... The pyridoxine it contains helps improve metabolism in brain cells. It increases performance, improves memory and mood. Pyridoxine is also involved in the normal distribution of glucose throughout the body, which improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Contraindications to eating pink salmon

They say that this product has virtually no contraindications. Of course, if a person is not allergic to fish. And yet we note that eat with caution pink salmon people with peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, and also with chronic diseases liver. Also, if phosphorus and iodine preparations are contraindicated for someone, one should remember that food can be medicine, but it can also cause harm.

And one more thing: everything that has been said about pink salmon, refers mainly to fish prepared without very strong cooking. After all, as you know, many substances when heated are destroyed or transformed into other, less useful forms. And this is of no use to us. Therefore, the first thing you can do is salt the pink salmon yourself. And for this you need a recipe. Well, shall we get started?

The most delicious recipes from pink salmon

Home-salted pink salmon: how to salt pink salmon

We clean the fish from scales, gut it well (remove everything except the meat). Then sprinkle plenty of salt inside and outside, wrap the fish in wet wipe(preferably cotton). The twist must be very tight so that there are no voids left. Then the wrapping process continues: wrap the fish in a towel, then put it in a plastic bag, then wrap it in thick paper. After that, we put the fish in the refrigerator and forget about it for three weeks or a month. After the appointed time, you can enjoy freshly salted pink salmon, which has retained all its beneficial properties.

Note: Another good thing about this recipe is that it can be modified countless times. If you have a craving for culinary creativity, you can try adding various spices to the fish to suit your taste. Mostly they take onion, sometimes the fish is lubricated with vegetable oil. However, we will not set limits to creativity, since everyone has their own taste. We only note that to speed up the salting process, you can cut the fish into pieces - then it will be ready in literally a day or two.

Pink salmon in dough. This dish is good both cold and hot.

Cut the fish, remove the bones, cut into small pieces. Then put them in the marinade: 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. Let it sit for 30 minutes, during which time you can prepare the dough. To do this, take flour, salt and water, and stir the dough until it becomes thick like sour cream. Dip the marinated pieces into the dough and into a hot frying pan, onto which a lot of vegetable oil has already been poured. When prepared in this way, pieces of fish inside the dough retain almost all their beneficial properties, and it turns out very juicy.

Pink salmon in the microwave

After cutting the carcass, prepare portioned pieces of fish, pepper and salt them. Cut the tomato into rings and place on top of each piece. We do the same with the onions, put mayonnaise on top of the onions, and grated cheese completes the whole structure. We put the dish with fish in the oven - in 20 minutes everything is ready. Those who like it crispy will choose their own cooking time. The good thing about this recipe is that the vegetables give the pink salmon extra juice, and the mayonnaise and cheese prevent it from evaporating, and everything remains in the fish. It turns out juicy.

Pink salmon is a fish of the salmon family. Today this type of salmon is the most numerous, therefore pink salmon is considered a commercial fish, which is caught in large quantities. The name of the fish comes from its physiological feature, which is the hump. The hump is located directly behind the head of the fish exclusively in males, and it appears only before spawning.

Pink salmon breed in rivers where fish swim from the oceans - the Arctic and Pacific. But since males are larger than females, it is more difficult for them to get to the spawning site. It is the hump that allows them to swim distances on their sides.

Pink salmon, as pink salmon is also called, has a short lifespan - only 2 years. During this time, the fish manages to grow to 68-70 centimeters and gain weight up to 1.5 - 2 kilograms. IN exceptional cases The weight of the fish can reach 5 kilograms. The body of the fish is covered with small silvery scales, and there is an adipose fin on the back. Pink salmon are caught before a hump grows on its back, as old fish have rusty and tough meat.

Useful properties of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a fish that, along with others, has many beneficial properties. These beneficial properties of fish are due, first of all, to the presence of meat in its composition. unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Such acids are vital for the human body, but they are practically not found in any other food product, especially in such quantities as in pink salmon.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids prevent the body from aging and protect cells and tissues from the harmful effects of free radicals. Antioxidant effects acids protects the structure of DNA molecules, preventing free radical make changes to them. At the same time, the risk of developing malignant tumors is significantly reduced.
  • Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family, which differ increased content fat But pink salmon contains several times less fat, which allows it to be included in the group of products intended for dietary nutrition .
  • Pink salmon meat is high in amino acids which are very easy to digest human body. Eating fish meat is useful for sick and weakened people, children and the elderly, since pink salmon can provide the body with building material in abundance, without requiring extra energy costs for protein digestion.
  • Pink salmon meat has a beneficial effect on circulatory system person due to the content in him large quantity minerals, including fluorine. An element such as fluorine is usually found only in fish. And this is an essential substance necessary for dental health. To keep your teeth healthy, you need to regularly include fish in your diet, including pink salmon.
  • Pink salmon contains substances that are responsible for the functioning internal glands person. They are normalize lipid and water metabolism in organism.
  • Fish has a beneficial effect on external condition person. With regular consumption, the appearance of skin, hair and nails improves. Antioxidants prevent the destruction of skin and hair cells, providing them with smoothness and a healthy shine. The skin is smoothed, which indicates rejuvenating effect of pink salmon. Pink salmon is useful for the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.
  • Pink salmon meat contains many vitamins included in group B. These vitamins are responsible not only for carbohydrate, lipid, protein and water-salt metabolism, but also participate in the processes of blood formation. They also regulate the functioning of the nervous system, affecting mood and performance. When regularly included in the diet, pink salmon improves intellectual abilities and human memory.
  • Pink salmon has a good effect on digestive system person. General strengthening effect fish is that it contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for human health. It is useful to regularly arrange fish days to increase the body's resistance to external influences. negative impacts and provide it with building materials.
  • Pink salmon is one of the few sources of iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. With a lack of iodine, numerous diseases develop.

Contraindications for pink salmon

Pink salmon is a product that has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of some cases. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of iodine and phosphorus, it is contraindicated for people suffering from an excess of these minerals in the body.

Salted pink salmon should not be eaten by people with kidney disease or urinary system disease. It is better for pregnant women to avoid it to avoid swelling.

In isolated cases, pink salmon meat causes allergic reactions due to its individual intolerance. Therefore, people sensitive to pink salmon meat should exclude it from their diet.

Nutritional value of pink salmon

Pink salmon is not only a source easily digestible by the body protein, but also elements such as fluorine and iodine, which are rarely found in other products. High content proteins and low fat content allows you to include fish in your diet, including diets based on low carbohydrate consumption - fish does not contain them at all.

100 grams of pink salmon contain only about 140 kilocalories, which is approximately 5% of the average daily norm energy for humans. Also, 100 grams of fish meat includes:

The same amount of fish contains the following vitamins:

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B3 (niacin equivalent)

Vitamin B4 (choline)

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

Pink salmon meat contains the following minerals (per 100 grams of the edible part of the product).