What improves blood vessels. Complexes of minerals and multivitamins. Drug treatment of venous and vascular diseases

A quarter of deaths in the world occur due to problems with blood vessels. Many people live without even suspecting that their circulatory system needs help. Therefore, they are not interested in ways to improve the situation.

Signs of vascular pathologies

The most characteristic symptoms are:

  • frequent throbbing headache;
  • sudden fluctuations in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • it becomes dark in the eyes if you stand up suddenly;
  • constantly cold extremities;
  • aching joints;
  • bruises appear even from light blows;
  • the nose often bleeds;
  • capillaries appear through the skin.

The presence of at least some of the signs from the above list gives cause for concern.

Who belongs to the risk group

There is a high likelihood of problems with blood vessels in people who lead sedentary lifestyle life. Availability bad habits is also a contributing factor to increased risk.

Which doctors treat problems with blood vessels and veins

In addition, those who want to take care of the health of the circulatory system should know what worsens its condition:

  • deficiency of vitamins E, C, P;
  • the presence of certain blood diseases;
  • high emotional stress;
  • predisposition to infectious diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • kidney diseases accompanied by inflammation;
  • weak tonsils;
  • high blood pressure.

All these reasons can lead to deterioration of the circulatory system. Vessels become weak and their walls easily lose their integrity. Regular checks with specialists will allow you to identify the problem and begin its treatment in a timely manner.

Foods that are good for blood vessels

For prevention, it is necessary to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is preferable to eat them in fresh. Various nuts, honey, and dried fruits will also be beneficial for the circulatory system. Required saturated fats– they are found in abundance in fish and leafy greens.

Regular consumption of various cereals will also help in improving the health of blood vessels. Instead of potatoes, it is better to use side dishes from:

  • rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn grits;
  • buckwheat

Legumes will help provide the body with many vitamins. Lentils can lower blood pressure, and beans perfectly remove bad cholesterol. It is also better not to neglect citrus fruits. Garlic will also be useful.

If you change your diet in this way, you can be sure that your condition will quickly improve.

Products harmful to blood vessels

Animal fats help increase bad cholesterol. It is known to be harmful to the blood vessels of the heart and brain. Consumption of fatty foods should be kept to an absolute minimum. meat products, smoked products. An excess of margarine or butter or lard in the daily menu provokes problems with blood vessels. Do not overuse sweets, baked goods and salt. Go to balanced diet- This is something that anyone can do.

How to help blood vessels at home

Other ways to improve the condition of blood vessels involve the use of a number of procedures. In particular, cold and hot shower enough effective method improve the health of the circulatory system. People who regularly visit the bathhouse, as a rule, do not have problems with blood circulation.

Proper rest will also help. It's about not about lying on the couch while watching TV, but about a full walk in the open air, physical exercise, etc. It is important to get a good night's sleep. The sleep period should be at least 8 hours. Oversleeping is also not welcome.

Many problems are caused by problems with blood vessels located in the brain. Typically, the disorder occurs in adulthood. Over time, blood vessels lose their elasticity. At the same time, the lumen in them narrows due to cholesterol deposits.

The vessels of the legs usually suffer from the same reasons as everyone else. In this situation they can help physical exercise. They help to activate blood circulation, which, in turn, helps restore elasticity to blood vessels and strengthen them. Even a regular walk at a fast pace has a beneficial effect.

If you have problems with the blood vessels in your legs, you should avoid the elevator and walk everywhere. If you have to sit most of the time at work, it is important to straighten your legs at least sometimes. It will be useful to place them on the edge of the table for a few minutes. Very effective exercise– Roll from toe to heel for several minutes.


The pharmacological industry produces quite a lot of drugs that can actually be used to improve blood vessels. It is extremely important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe this or that medicine.

If there are problems with the blood vessels of the legs, the doctor will prescribe medications with diosmin. These include the following medications:

  • Vasocket;
  • Detralex;
  • Phlebodia 600;
  • Venolek;
  • Venarus.

If you have varicose ulcers, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, the doctor will prescribe:

  • Troxerutin;
  • Ginkor gel;
  • Ginkor fort.

To improve elasticity, products containing rutoside are best suited. The most popular now:

  • Venoruton;
  • Anavenol.

Garlic tincture with vodka for cleaning blood vessels

Folk remedies

You can improve the condition of blood vessels by resorting to ancient remedies. Hazel bark mixed in equal proportions and mountain arnica, in the amount of 6 tablespoons, is brewed with a liter of boiling water. You need to infuse the drug overnight in a thermos. The infusion should be taken three times a day, half a glass, shortly before meals.

The blood vessels present in the legs will help strengthen horse chestnut. One hundred grams of this product must be infused for 14 days in vodka, where it does not reach sunlight. The tincture should be shaken every day. You need to take this remedy 120 drops per day, dividing the dose by 3-4 times. After 4 weeks you need to take a break from taking it.

Brain - most important organ, which controls all functions of the body. Its work directly depends on the state of the vascular system. If there are cerebral vascular lesions, the risk of developing serious illnesses: neurological disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis and stroke.

Modern medicine offers various drugs for the treatment of vascular diseases - improving blood circulation, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. They are prescribed by a cardiologist or vascular surgeon, depending on the established diagnosis. There are also effective folk methods, with the help of which you can also improve the condition of the blood vessels in the brain, and blood vessels in general, and cleanse them of cholesterol deposits.

How to support normal condition brain due to good vessels and our conversation today will take place on this page “Popular about health”. In addition, let's talk about proper nutrition, which will help long years support vascular system V healthy condition:

Treatment of blood vessels - folk recipes

If you use folk remedies regularly, for a long time and complete the treatment you have started, the effect will definitely be achieved. We offer you the most powerful and effective recipes that healers use in their practice:

For strengthening, elasticity of blood vessels, normalization of blood supply

Combine a glass of fresh olive oil in a clean glass jar lemon juice independently squeezed and natural honey. Stir everything well. To improve your condition, take the product in the morning, before breakfast, 1 tsp.

For better blood circulation, improve memory, healers suggest using the herb St. John's wort: pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp of dry herb. When prepared in a thermos, the infusion will be ready in a couple of hours. It needs to be strained, and only then taken - a third of a glass, regularly, before meals. However, this infusion should not be used if you have liver diseases. In this case, choose another remedy. For example, this:

Combine 5 tablespoons of clover leaves, flowers and wormwood in a bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of myrtle leaves, 1 tablespoon of marjoram and 1 teaspoon of garden parsley seeds. Mix everything well. Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, insulate, and leave for an hour. Drink the strained product a quarter glass, 5 times a day, preferably before meals.

To improve the elasticity of blood vessels, prepare a decoction from the roots of the cinquefoil herb: 1 tbsp per glass of boiling water. Simmer at a gentle simmer for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink the broth one sip at a time throughout the day.

Vessel cleansing V

Very popular and effective means is the following mixture: put in a 3-liter jar the pulp of 10 lemons with peel (remove the seeds), 6 peeled heads of garlic, minced in a meat grinder. Pour in 1 kg of high-quality honey, stir. Eat 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture on an empty stomach, in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.

Chop finely fresh root valerian (need 2 tbsp), put in a jar. Add 1 cup dill seeds. Place in a saucepan, pour in 2 liters of filtered water, boil and immediately remove from heat. Insulate well, leave for a day in a warm place, but after a few hours, when the product has cooled to 35 degrees, pour in a glass bee honey. Drink a sip in the morning, on an empty stomach. The state of the brain will gradually return to normal, have no doubt!

There is a very good, good old remedy for cleaning vessels: pour a glass of alcohol into 200 g of finely chopped garlic cloves. Close the lid and keep in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then we begin treatment according to the scheme:

The first day - one drop per quarter glass of fresh milk, the second day - two drops, the third - three, etc. After 25 drops, start taking the tincture in the reverse order, 1 drop less every day.

Thus, the course of treatment will be 1 month. Be sure to take on an empty stomach, before meals. As the healers say, this remedy reduces bad cholesterol, cleanses and strengthens blood vessels. This recipe cleans blood vessels well and can improve brain life, so use it no more than once every 5 years.

Diet for vascular health

To maintain your vascular system in good, healthy condition, you should eat right. Experts recommend eating more plant food, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Eat beets, carrots, apples, parsley root and celery. Drink fresh juices of them.

Increase your intake of garlic and lemons. Cereals are also useful, in particular buckwheat, as well as dairy products, garden greens.

Prepare decoctions from rose hips and hawthorn. Eat honey regularly, little by little. Increase your consumption of fatty ocean fish, seafood, and seaweed.

These products help break down cholesterol deposits, improve immunity, and restore energy balance.

Be sure to include vitamins in your diet. Vitamins A, C, E and group B contribute to healthy blood vessels. Be sure to take fish fat.

Don't indulge in cholesterol-rich foods. Reduce your consumption of lard, fatty pork, and lamb. It is harmful to eat more than three eggs in a week. Limit smoked foods, canned food, mayonnaise, butter. Reduce your salt intake by half.

Remember that alcohol and smoking increase the fragility of capillaries and blood vessels. Therefore, bad habits should be abandoned. Try to be less nervous, watch emotional state. Be sure to visit a doctor for preventative purposes, especially if your close relatives have vascular diseases. Be healthy!

Atherosclerosis, varicose veins, disorder mental activity, heart problems - all this can be a consequence of decreased tone of capillaries, veins and arteries. To prevent development serious complications, monitor the condition of the circulatory system. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels is possible not only medicines, but also vitamins, proper nutrition, folk remedies and special gymnastics.

To avoid diseases, monitor the condition of your blood vessels

When are vasoconstrictor drugs needed?

Blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques, decreased elasticity and tone of the walls, and fragility of the veins develop gradually. Long time a person may not be aware of pathological disorders in the circulatory system.

The following can be a signal to strengthen blood vessels:

  • sudden rises from bed are accompanied by dark spots or goosebumps before the eyes;
  • appeared frequent dizziness without apparent reason, occasionally accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • poor reaction to hot weather and increased meteosensitivity;
  • appears It's a dull pain in the joints, the fingers of the upper and lower extremities become cold;
  • regular surges in pressure (decreases or increases), which are accompanied by a rapid pulse;
  • fatigue and constant feeling fatigue.

At frequent changes pressure, take vasoconstrictor medications

No need to wait for complications pathological condition circulatory system. It is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Effective means for strengthening blood vessels

Appearance unpleasant symptoms, which have not been observed before, should prompt a person to see a doctor.

Usually when similar conditions it is necessary to strengthen the vessels of the entire circulatory system:

  • capillaries of the nose, eyes;
  • blood vessels of the brain, heart;
  • capillaries on the face;
  • leg veins

Strengthening the blood vessels of the whole body helps restore the tone of weakened walls, restore their former elasticity and normalize blood circulation.

Treatment of veins and capillaries is a long and painstaking process, which consists of several components:

  • drug therapy (tablets, injections, external medications);
  • taking vitamins;
  • gymnastics for blood vessels;
  • nutrition adjustments;
  • traditional methods.
Only an integrated approach will thoroughly strengthen blood vessels and prevent heart and brain diseases.

Vascular strengthening medications

Venotonics for systemic and external use will help increase the elasticity of vascular walls and reduce their permeability and fragility.

Table “The best vascular-strengthening drugs”

Drug name Characteristic How to use Contraindications
Fraxiparine Thin the blood, eliminate stagnant processes, saturate the heart and brain with oxygen. Often used for heart disease and circulatory disorders Injected subcutaneously once a day for 5–7 days Poor blood clotting


Individual intolerance

Ulcerative processes in the digestive tract

T tablets based on rutin or diosmin
Askorutin They reduce the fragility of capillaries, in particular the nose and eyes, reduce the level of distensibility of veins (especially in the legs), and increase the tone of the vascular walls of the whole body. Effective for VSD ( vegetative-vascular dystonia), hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypotension and hypertension Adults – take 1–2 tablets up to 3 times a day

Children from 3 to 12 years – ½ tablet 3 times a day

Duration of treatment 3–4 weeks

Children under 3 years old
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
Diosmin 1 tablet at lunch and evening

Course of treatment – ​​7–12 days

Children under 18 years old
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
Breastfeeding period
Ointments, creams, gels
Venorutil Restore blood circulation in surface layers skin and mucous membranes, strengthen the walls of deep vessels, eliminate swelling, saturate the capillaries and veins with oxygen, and accelerate the recovery period. They help support thin blood vessels in case of hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins. Apply to injured areas 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment is at least a month (further adjusted by the doctor) Hypersensitivity to ointment components
Injured areas of open skin (wounds, abrasions, burns)

Treatment with medications should be under the supervision of a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate therapy, taking into account the characteristics and severity of the disease.

Vitamins for maintaining blood vessels

Improve the condition of the circulatory system and support weak blood vessels possible through systematic intake of vitamins.

  1. Directs (vitamins B1, B6, B12) – 1 tablet once a day (take with food). The course of treatment is 30 days.
  2. Duovit – 1 tablet once a day for food. Duration of admission is a month.
  3. Folic acid – 1 tablet twice a day for 30-45 days.
  4. Vitrum Cardio – 2 tablets with each meal.

Regular intake of vitamins helps prevent accumulation cholesterol plaques, strengthen fragile arteries, eliminate vascular fragility.

Will direct - vitamins to strengthen blood vessels

How to improve blood vessels using folk remedies

Folk recipes will help strengthen and make blood vessels clean.

Walnuts for brain vessels

Pour 350 g of walnut partitions with hawthorn tincture. The liquid must infuse for at least 15 days, after which it must be filtered and treatment can begin. You need to take the product 1 tsp. after meal. The course of therapy is 21–30 days.

Tincture from walnut will help strengthen blood vessels

Herbal tincture for weak veins in the legs

Grind ginseng root, lemongrass, rhodiola herb and mix in equal quantities(60 g). Herbal collection pour 300 ml of alcohol or vodka and leave to infuse in a dark place for 14 days. The strained elixir should be drunk 3 times a day, 15-25 drops, for at least a month.

A decoction of ginseng and herbs is beneficial for the body

Parsley to increase the tone of capillaries on the face

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 2 handfuls of chopped parsley and leave for half an hour. Strain and mix with 200 ml warm milk. Moisten a small piece in the prepared liquid soft fabric, squeeze and place on the face. Do similar compresses 2 times a day for 30 minutes. The course of therapy is 20 days.

Parsley decoction is good for blood vessels

Rosehip decoction to strengthen eye vessels

Start the day every day with a glass of warm rosehip infusion with 1 tsp. honey.

Rosehip decoction has healing properties

It is useful to apply lotions around the eyes. To do this, you need to brew 30 g of rose hips in 300 ml of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Soak cotton pads in the cooled broth and apply to eyelids.

Yarrow juice to strengthen capillaries in the nose

Grind a few leaves of a fresh plant and squeeze out all the liquid. A small amount of drop juice into the nose 2-3 times a day. In addition, drink 1 tbsp of fresh yarrow daily. l. within a month.

To strengthen blood vessels you need to drink yarrow juice

Tincture of young chestnuts to strengthen blood vessels throughout the body

Collect chestnuts in their green skins, peel and fill a liter jar with such fruits, pour vodka. The product is infused for at least 2 weeks, then filtered. You need to take the medicine in the morning before meals - 1 hour. l. mix with honey and eat. Full course- 3 weeks.

Chestnut tincture is good for blood vessels

Collection of herbs to increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Grind and mix in equal parts (30 g each) Japanese sophora, barberry branches and bark, red clover leaves and dried grass. Place 1 tbsp in 500 ml of boiling water. herbal mixture and cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink the strained broth 50-60 ml once a day. The consumption of such liquid should not exceed 1 month.

Branch decoction healing trees will increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Foods to strengthen blood vessels

To keep the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic, you need to limit the use of preservatives, animal proteins, alcohol and nicotine.

The best options that will help maintain circulatory system Normal food is the following:

  • vegetables rich in vitamin C (tomatoes, spinach), A (carrots), K (cabbage, lettuce), PP (beets);
  • legumes (beans, beans);
  • cereals – buckwheat, wheat porridge, oatmeal;
  • dietary meat (beef, rabbit, chicken) boiled or stewed;
  • fish dishes;
  • fruits (apples, apricots, bananas, citrus fruits) fresh and baked, dried fruits, nuts.

Boiled meat is good for vascular problems

Vegetable salads need dressing olive oil. It is recommended to limit sweets and baked goods. Need to drink herbal infusions, green tea, milk.

Dietary and balanced diet- an important component in comprehensive strengthening walls of blood vessels throughout the body. Thanks to an adjusted diet, you can maintain the circulatory system and control the tone of the veins.

Gymnastics for weak blood vessels

To improve the health of bad blood vessels, simple gymnastics are used. It is useful to perform exercises in the morning and before bed on a daily basis.

  1. Vibration. Lying on the bed, raise your arms and legs up. Shake your limbs for 1-2 minutes. The rhythm should be frequent and fast. This will allow you to perform vibration massage on all vessels and provoke the removal of toxins from the body.
  2. Head rotation. You need to stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Make rotational movements of the head clockwise and reverse side. The duration of the procedure is 2–3 minutes. Exercise helps strengthen the blood vessels in the brain.
  3. Wave your arms. Bend your knees slightly and rotate your left arm in one direction and your right arm in the opposite direction. Change directions. Perform the exercise for 2–3 minutes.
  4. Birch stand. Lie on your back, raise your legs up and support your lower back with your hands. Stand in this position for at least 4–5 minutes. Exercise helps blood circulate better to the heart and brain.
  5. Rocking. In a standing position, smoothly roll from toe to heel and back. Do this with both legs at the same time for 5-10 minutes. Restores blood flow in the legs.

Special exercises will help strengthen blood vessels

Leg swings in a sitting position, foot rotations, and scissor exercises can also help strengthen weak venous walls. Main. Perform all movements smoothly and do not overdo it.

How to train blood vessels at home

In order to increase the tone of the vascular walls and restore their elasticity, it is not necessary to be in the hospital.

Train weak veins You can also do it at home:

  1. Usage medications. Ascorutin takes especially good care of blood vessels. In addition, it has virtually no contraindications.
  2. Application of external agents. Pharmacy gels and ointments (Lioton, Troxevasin) act locally on problem areas.
  3. Recipes traditional medicine. It is recommended to drink decoctions, tinctures and apply lotions to sore spots. These are good auxiliary methods.
  4. Taking vitamins. To strengthen blood vessels, vitamins K, A, B, E, group B (B1, B6, B12) are required. They are found both in pharmaceutical vitamin complexes and in food products (vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish).
  5. Proper food. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sweets, flour and baked goods. It is not recommended to eat preservatives and fatty foods. Diet food, steamed, baked or boiled - here main principle nutrition.

Avoid sweets if you have problems with blood vessels

Helps keep blood vessels toned healthy sleep, active image life, walks fresh air and special gymnastics.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the whole body is a long and complex process that requires integrated approach. Main drug therapy You definitely need to supplement with vitamins, exercise and proper nutrition. Traditional medicine methods will not interfere with the treatment of thin vessels. The main thing is to strengthen blood vessels under the supervision of a doctor and not self-medicate.

The circulatory system is the most important functional organ human body. It, like all organs, tends to wear out and become susceptible to disease. Let's look at how to improve the condition of blood vessels at home.

Causes and symptoms

Negative changes are caused by poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, age-related changes, external factors impact.

To normalize and improve the condition of blood vessels, it is necessary to carry out prevention and control any even minor changes in health.

Symptoms of vascular pathologies:

- headaches, pulsating in nature;

sharp changes pressure;

- dizziness and loss of consciousness;

- nosebleeds;

- frequent traces of bruises, even with minor blows.

Even if there is one of listed symptoms or conditions, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for improving the condition of blood vessels

A healthy circulatory system is the key wellness. Maintaining this condition is important at any age, at any time and in any place, including at home.

Rule 1: Healthy eating

Impairment of blood flow and destruction of vessel walls is largely associated with the formation of cholesterol plaques. An excess of fatty and salty foods leads to blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to the most disastrous consequences.

The diet of a person who monitors his health should be correct and varied. It excludes the use of smoked meats, pickles, semi-finished products, fried and spicy foods.

It is possible to improve the condition of the circulatory system if foods contain sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, and E.

Sources of vitamin E: spinach, peas, tomato, greens.

Vitamin C: parsley, bell pepper, citrus fruits, black currants.

Vitamin A: fish oil, oil, dairy products.


Active substances contained in large quantities medicinal plants, participate in cell renewal.

Thanks to bioflavonoids, it is possible to maintain the elasticity of capillary walls, as well as improve their elasticity.

Useful herbs that hold the record for bioflavonoids content:

- motherwort;

- series;

- St. John's wort;

- hawthorn.

All these medicinal herbs grow under our feet, and they can also be easily purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

Decoctions and infusions from such medicinal crops will be an excellent disease prevention. They are easy to make at home:

Brew 2 tablespoons of the dry form of the medicinal plant with 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Use 3-4 times a day. Herbal treatment should be strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Rule 2: Hardening and physical activity

In order for blood to circulate freely and actively throughout all internal organs, it is necessary to give it a certain “shake-up”. For example, a contrast shower not only perfectly invigorates, but also makes the blood rush intensely through the capillaries.

Introduce this procedure gradually, day by day reducing the degree cold water and increasing the temperature hot.

After such a shower, it will be useful to rub with a terry towel until the skin becomes slightly red. This excellent home procedure will help improve blood flow to all organs.

Physical activity is important at any age. This doesn't mean you have to lift dumbbells or lift heavy weights.

People suffering from vascular diseases should enter a sports regime carefully and gradually to prevent muscle overstrain. Once the body gets used to regular training, your health will become much better, and headaches and other problems may disappear altogether.

The most favorable activities for vascular pathologies Swimming, cycling and skiing are considered. In old age, it is necessary to take at least short walks every day, forcing the whole body to work and function as a whole.

Rule 3: Massage

Massage, which can be done not only in medical office, but also at home.

Massage each finger of your hand, starting from its base to the pad and vice versa, while pressing lightly on it.

Massage each foot using the same principle of movement. Using an elastic massage ball will help improve blood circulation.

It is rolled over the palms and soles, forcing the blood to move in all directions.

Rule 4: Getting rid of bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine are the worst enemies of the circulatory system and the body as a whole. Their harmful influence on all human organs has long been a proven fact.

First of all from bad habits the brain and central nervous system. The consequences of exposure to them may be irreversible.

Increase blood pressure, headaches with hangover syndrome, dizziness and weakness are just a few options for the harmful effects on the body’s circulatory system.

Rule 5: No stress

At stressful situations a person most often experiences a surge of a hormone such as adrenaline. Its excessive production in the body leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart and a decrease in capillary tone.

Sudden surges in pressure experienced by a nervous person also contribute to blockage of blood vessels and deterioration of their elasticity.

Helps improve the condition of the body in such cases breathing exercises, which can easily be done at home. A calm nervous system is a guarantee of well-being and healthy functioning. internal systems body.

If there are problems associated with blood vessels, the main treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It is primarily medicinal. But at home it is possible and even necessary to carry out supportive procedures:

  1. Traditional medicine recipes. First of all, the use of those medicinal plants that help relieve characteristic symptoms in case of illness. It is recommended to use such “medicines” both internally (decoctions, tinctures) and externally (lotions, compresses)
  2. Proper food. Balanced dietchief assistant in the fight for vascular health. Improving your nutrition is not difficult: you just need to focus on healthy food instead of familiar products of dubious origin.
  3. Reception vitamin complexes. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects everything internal organs. They lack the resources to function normally. Blood circulation also needs to be “recharged”. Complex necessary substances improves blood flow, strengthens walls, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.