How to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels: recommendations and folk recipes. The best ways to cleanse blood vessels with folk remedies How to clean the blood vessels of the body without pills

In our article we will talk about such a procedure as cleaning blood vessels. After all, it is no secret that it is precisely because of the blockage of the circulatory systems that we often suffer from various diseases. Therefore, many are interested in how to effectively clean vessels at home. Read the article and you will learn how to clean vessels using various methods and preparations.

Why do you need to clean your vessels?

Before you fight the enemy of your health, you must first study and understand it. So, let's get started?

Blockage of blood vessels, or, in scientific words, embolism, is a fairly common and dangerous human disease that is distributed throughout the world.

This disease is a narrowing or “clogging” of blood lines with certain substances, which can lead to oxygen starvation of tissues, and in particularly advanced cases, to gangrene or even death.

The following are the causes of blockage of blood vessels:

  • Nicotine.
  • Excess body weight.
  • High cholesterol levels.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Eating junk food.

It is also worth noting that the “clogging” of blood vessels begins from a young age - harmful substances accumulate on the walls of blood vessels throughout life, which can subsequently cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaques or blood clots.

Below we will look at what types of vascular blockages there are and how to deal with it.

How to clean the vessels of the lower extremities

Blocked blood vessels in the legs are the most common problem worldwide. This disease is most often observed in women and men over 50 who smoke.

This disease leads to pain in the legs due to the lack of sufficient oxygen, due to which the tissues of the lower extremities begin to die. Subsequently, you may lose your limbs altogether.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Pain in leg muscles. This type of pain occurs when moving. As soon as the moment of rest comes, the pain goes away and occurs immediately as soon as you start walking again.
  • Cooling your feet.
  • Numbness in toes.
  • The presence of pain even during rest.

Folk recipes

In order for you to effectively cleanse the vessels of the lower extremities, you can use the following folk remedies:

1. Lemon + garlic.

An affordable and effective method of cleaning blood vessels is a tincture of lemon and garlic. To do this, you need to make a mixture of four medium lemons and the same number of heads of garlic. It’s worth noting that the smaller the ingredients, the better! This entire mixture must be mixed until smooth and filled with 2.5 liters of water.

Please note that the water must be boiled and cooled! Then pour the tincture into a jar, seal with a nylon lid and leave for three days.

The tincture should be taken once a day, preferably in the middle of the day, for 9 months (autumn-winter-spring).

2. Juice from white cabbage.

Grate the cabbage and squeeze the juice out of the grated cabbage. This remedy should be taken 25 minutes before eating.

3. Decoction of leaves.

Take apple, sea buckthorn, cherry, plum and rose hip leaves. Pour boiling water over all this and leave for 30 minutes. After which this tincture can be consumed instead of tea.

All these recipes are very effective and useful, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain

The brain is our unique center, which works like a perpetual motion machine at any time of the day or night. It constantly guards our lives, but, like any organism, our brain is often subject to various diseases and even blockage of blood vessels in the form of atherosclerotic and cholesterol plaques.


In order to begin cleansing the blood vessels of the brain, you need to highlight the main symptoms and causes of blockage of blood vessels:

  • Active memory loss.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Unstable functioning of the entire nervous system.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Low performance.
  • Low concentration.
  • Decreased hearing and vision.

Are you asking if there is any point in cleaning? If you completely ignore cerebral atherosclerosis, then in the future there is a possibility of developing such incurable diseases as:

  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke.

Cleaning Methods

To the great joy of many, modern medicine knows effective methods of how to quickly clean the blood vessels of the brain. And below we will also talk about these methods.

1. Drug therapy.

This method is based on the use of large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin B2. A variety of drugs are also used that promote vasodilation and destruction.

2. Herbal medicine.

At the same time, it is important to understand that after cleaning, restorative therapy for your blood vessels may be required. In this case, you will need to take tablets that contain a large amount of vitamins A, E, C, and are also enriched with magnesium and zinc.

And do not forget that to cleanse blood vessels, it is important not only to take decoctions, tablets, medications, but also to eliminate factors that can cause blockage of blood vessels.

Cleaning the blood vessels of the heart

Perhaps one of the most important actions is cleaning the blood vessels of the heart from blood clots. It is the thrombus that is the most dangerous part of any blockage of blood vessels.

And if this formation “breaks away” from its place of formation and gets into the channels that supply the heart with blood, and, consequently, the entire body with oxygen, then this state of affairs often leads to death. We will tell you below how to clean the blood vessels of the heart.

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic

Take 350 grams of honey and 250 grams of garlic. Mix all this thoroughly and place in a dark place. Take one teaspoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is 45 calendar days.

Citrus fruits to the rescue

Take two pieces of medium oranges and lemons. Grind all this without peeling. Add a couple of spoons of liquid honey. Take the resulting juice one teaspoon three times a day.

Herbs for cleaning blood vessels

There is no doubt that nature has not deprived man and has created many medicinal herbs. It is this factor that makes it possible to cure and prevent many diseases using the medicinal properties of plants.

In order to clean the vessels, you can use herbs such as:

  • Young bark of viburnum and raspberry.
  • Hawthorn (fruit).
  • Medicinal chamomile.
  • Ginseng (root).
  • Sea buckthorn (berries and oil).
  • Schisandra.
  • Rose hip.

Let's sum it up

After considering all possible problems, you learned how to clean vessels at home, with folk remedies, medications, as well as what the symptoms are in various cases, and what the consequences are.

All this is important, and you should not ignore this or that disease. After all, our health is the greatest wealth we have. And do not forget that self-medication can cause harm. Be sure to get advice from qualified doctors.

With improper nutrition, the body becomes polluted. Various foods contain a lot of cholesterol, which can be deposited on the walls of destroyed large vessels, creating plaques. They block the passage of the flow, disrupting normal blood circulation, causing an increase in pressure. Cleansing is necessary, otherwise the nose may bleed, other heart diseases may appear, and the person will suffer.

Cholesterol also clogs small blood vessels, reduces the supply of oxygen to the cells of our body, does not supply nutrients, and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. It is recommended to clean the vessels at home.

Given the environmental climate, young children are in many cases susceptible to suffering from accumulated cholesterol. Plaques deposited on the walls of blood vessels land children in a hospital bed. In such cases, the circulatory system cannot cope with the delivery of blood to the most remote parts of the body.

Vessels covered with cholesterol plaques (atherosclerosis) are unable to contract due to a decrease in the elasticity of the vessel walls, their pumping function is weakened, and the blood flow begins to slow down, which leads to stagnation. Blood circulation in the vessels decreases.

Regular overload of the cardiac system leads to exhaustion of its muscles. Cleansing of the circulatory system is required. If you engage in vigorous physical exercise and go on a diet, then cleansing the blood vessels will bring positive results, and hardening the body will also help.

Proper nutrition

Food will be your medicine. Cleansing the body should occur with a diet containing 10% calories from fat and low sugar. You can consume no more than 20 grams of butter per day, and one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

When treating with folk remedies, the diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables, with the use of fish oil, which can clean the blood vessels and stop their destruction. Garlic and lemon will reduce the presence of cholesterol. Eat all types of fish, including sea fish, in large pieces, the size of your palm, three times a decade.

Low-fat fermented milk products, hard cheese 20% fat, eat potatoes before 14 hours. For meat, eat turkey; its composition is similar to fish products. Eat walnuts in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time. Pomegranate juice will not cause any harm; there will be a gradual cleansing of the blood vessels.

Replace salad mayonnaise with lemon juice and spices. The above products contain little fat and a lot of healthy fiber; consume them regularly in any form. Eat a piece of bran bread with horseradish, adding garlic and lemon, to cleanse the blood vessels in the brain.

Necessary prevention to restore health:

  • walk, as this brings oxygen into the blood and cleanses the body;
  • on fasting days, eat lemon with barley or buckwheat porridge 4 times a month;
  • use a contrast shower in the morning and evening;
  • do exercises for your feet.

Folk remedies for cleaning blood vessels

Use folk remedies from a decoction of pine needles with oats. This will lead to the restoration of blood circulation even in small vessels. Drink the decoction for four months, 1.5 liters per day.

To prepare it, mix the same amount of onion peel with chopped pine needles and oat grains, pour in 500 grams of the prepared rosehip infusion. Let the mixture stand for 10 hours, drink strained. Remember that treatment with folk remedies helps with brain diseases.

Garlic and lemon can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and avoid stroke. The tincture is prepared as follows: garlic, 200 grams of lemon, pour 0.4 liters of vodka. Leave in the cold for ten days, then strain. After 2 weeks, dilute with liquid and take 30 minutes before meals, 10 drops 3 times a day, on the 11th day increase the dose to 30 drops.

For another method of making tincture, you should take garlic and lemon, chop everything, add clean water, leave for three days in a cold place, and drink all of this strained, 50 grams at a time, once a day before meals.

Gradually, the blood vessels of the brain will recover and return to working condition. Treatment with folk remedies is a long and natural process. Therefore, cleaning blood vessels at home is an effective method of treatment.

Cleaning blood vessels with folk remedies has long become a mandatory procedure for many on the path to health. The need to cleanse blood vessels occurs with high cholesterol, which is also called atherosclerosis. In the process of excessive accumulation, atherosclerotic plaques block the patency of blood vessels and contribute to the development of blood clots and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Cleansing blood vessels is a comprehensive measure that is aimed at reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and destroying the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.

At the slightest disturbance in the patency of blood vessels, oxygen starvation begins to develop in the body, which is especially dangerous for the brain, which especially suffers from blood clots in older people. Due to blockage of blood vessels, a sufficient amount of oxygen is not supplied to the brain, which is why serious brain diseases and irreversible processes begin to develop. Cleansing of blood vessels is often carried out in a hospital setting or with the use of medications for blood clots, and in this case, cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies is only an auxiliary remedy. The fact that it accumulates in the body is evidenced by various symptoms, which are associated not only with impaired brain functionality, but are also accompanied by pain in the heart. Preventive cleansing of the vascular system from blood clots at home will help protect yourself from diseases of the heart, brain and circulatory system.

Why is high cholesterol dangerous?

Cholesterol is a fatty alcohol compound that comes in two types in the human body: low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins. For "frightening, because everyone knows that its excess leads to the formation of blood clots, which can be fatal. But cholesterol is not just desirable, but vital for the body. Cholesterol is involved in the structure of cell membranes, produces and synthesizes hormones and normalizes metabolism in the body.

But high-density lipoprotein is responsible for these processes in the body, while low-density lipoprotein contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the formation of blood clots, and the development of heart and blood flow diseases. To ensure that the body does not suffer from a lack of HDL and at the same time does not accumulate LDL, there is a concept called “total cholesterol,” which regulates the normal level of cholesterol in the body. This objective indicator largely depends on the gender and age of the person, and you can find out total cholesterol in the clinic after blood testing. With elevated LDL, the source of which is food, atherosclerotic plaques begin to accumulate in the body on the walls of blood vessels in the brain, heart and throughout the body.

Elevated cholesterol levels can lead to the development of atherosclerosis

They contribute to the development of multiple pathologies:

  • Myocardial infarction. A common disease caused by plaque blocking oxygen, which provokes the development of blood clots in the coronary artery of the heart.
  • A disease associated with excessive accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the heart.
  • Angina pectoris. A disease that causes chest pain due to lack of blood.
  • Stroke. A disease caused by the movement of a clot of plaques through the vessels of the brain.
  • Coronary heart disease. Pathology caused by depletion of the walls of the heart vessels responsible for transporting oxygen.

How to remove cholesterol from the body: effective methods

It is noteworthy that good cholesterol is produced in the body while LDL enters the body through food. The largest source of LDL is fatty and fried foods, which contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels in the brain, heart and whole body and cause the formation of blood clots. Atherosclerosis and its source, bad cholesterol, can hide for a long time behind the symptoms of heart and brain diseases not associated with the formation of plaques, but you can understand that the bloodstream should be cleared of blood clots if you have the following symptoms:

  • headache with throbbing feeling in the temple area;
  • burning and pain in the chest;
  • rupture of capillaries and hemorrhages on the skin;
  • blue skin;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • slurred speech;
  • blurred vision.

An infusion of garlic and lemon cleanses the walls of blood vessels well.

The reasons why high cholesterol is observed are associated with:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Cleansing blood vessels is a comprehensive measure for removing cholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques, waste and toxins from the entire body.

Cleansing blood vessels using traditional methods

There are many folk recipes for cleaning vessels at home. Most folk methods are based on simple recipes from available ingredients that help to effectively cleanse blood vessels and restore blood flow disorders to the brain and heart. Before starting the cleansing procedure, consult a specialist to ensure there are no contraindications.

    There are many variations of preparing garlic and lemon infusion, but this method is considered one of the most effective for cleaning the blood vessels of the brain. You can make an infusion in several ways:

    • Take 4 lemons, peel and grind in a food processor or meat grinder. Squeeze 5 heads of garlic into the pulp. Pour boiling water and leave for 4 days. Drink 250 ml. within a week to clean the vessels.
    • Grind 7 lemons and 7 heads of garlic in a meat grinder. Pour 500 ml. liquid honey and leave for a week in a closed container, constantly stirring the mixture. Take 1 tbsp. spoon for 4 weeks.
    • Grind 1 lemon and 6 heads of garlic. Add 100 grams of chopped walnuts. Pour 200 ml. hot milk. Leave in the refrigerator for several days. Take the mixture 1 tbsp. spoon a day.
    • Grind 4 peeled lemons in a meat grinder and add 8 chopped heads of garlic. Pour 250 ml. vodka. Leave for 14 days in a dark place. Strain and store in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day to safely cleanse the vascular system.
  1. Decoction of lemon with garlic.

    An excellent and tasty way to cleanse not only the blood vessels of the brain, but the entire body of toxins. Pour 8 chopped lemons into 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Squeeze 5 heads of garlic. Cook for 7-10 minutes. Cool and strain. Take a decoction of 250 ml. in a day. You can add a little honey for taste.

  2. Potato peel decoction.

    A decoction of the peel is an effective means of cleansing the body. 200 grams of peeled peel should be poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 5-7 minutes until light brown. Take 250 ml. 3-4 times a day for a week.

  3. Cleansing vegetable juice.

    Grind fresh carrots, beets and potatoes through a meat grinder. Take 250 ml of squeezed juice. in a day. You can add honey.

  4. A tasty and effective way to cleanse.

    Grind 2 oranges and 2 lemons together with the peel in a meat grinder. Give the pulp and mix with liquid honey. Take the resulting mixture 2 tbsp. spoon a day.

  5. Bay leaf decoction.

    A decoction of bay leaves is a simple but very effective way to cleanse the body. 1 package of whole leaves should be filled with 2 liters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes and then pour into a thermos. Drink 2-3 glasses a day.

  6. Cleansing herbal decoction.

    Mix burdock, dandelion, linden and licorice root. Pour in 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Set aside for the broth to cool. Take 250 ml. 3-4 times a day.

  7. Cleansing herbal tea.

    To prepare a herbal mixture to cleanse cholesterol, you can also add chamomile, immortelle St. John's wort, mint, viburnum and flax seeds. Pour water over all ingredients and cook for 25 minutes. Place the resulting broth in a thermos and leave for 24 hours. Drink 1 glass on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.

  8. Before you finally choose a method of cleansing from atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots, consult with a specialist to select the appropriate method and determine the duration of the course based on individual indicators. And remember that traditional methods of treatment are only an accompanying remedy. If you have severe symptoms of atherosclerosis or diseases of the brain and heart, you should consult a doctor.

Of course, nature arranged it so that the entire body cleanses itself. But, taking into account the quality of modern products, their “environmental friendliness”, clean air, etc., the body is sometimes simply not able to independently cleanse and remove all toxins and impurities.

Therefore, the question of how to clean blood vessels is being asked by more and more people who consciously and intelligently approach their health.

For what and why?

Let me start with the fact that contamination of blood vessels leads to their blockage. All of you have probably heard about thrombosis, atherosclerosis, etc. All this is associated with such unpleasant moments as contamination and blockage of blood vessels. The very concept of “blockage” already indicates that some kind of failure has occurred and the blood stops circulating normally, supplying vital nutrition to the organs.

Blockage of some arteries can lead to tissue death. And if normal blood circulation in the main arteries is blocked, then everything ends in death.

What are the symptoms of this problem?

  1. Frequent seizures;
  2. Nausea;
  3. Unreasonable dizziness;
  4. Paleness of the skin;
  5. General malaise and chronic fatigue;
  6. Headache;
  7. Hair loss;
  8. Impaired nail growth, etc.

If you begin to notice these symptoms, you should, of course, consult a doctor immediately. You may also need medication. But no one is stopping you from cleaning your vessels using folk methods at the same time.

Where should you start cleaning blood vessels?

Cleaning blood vessels, no matter what method you choose, is already at a higher level. The program should begin with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. If you do not cleanse your stomach and intestines, you will not achieve the desired effect.

It's like cleaning one shelf in a closet while the whole room is dirty. This is exactly the same with our body. Toxins that have accumulated in your intestines for years will sooner or later penetrate the blood again and spread through the vessels.

Timely cleaning of blood vessels will help restore elasticity to the walls, normalize blood circulation, which will improve the external condition of the skin, hair, and general well-being. Headaches and heaviness in the legs will go away, blood pressure will normalize, and your performance will significantly increase.

Many people do not even realize that sometimes the cause of fatigue, blues and apathy is the most common contamination of blood vessels.

Traditional cleaning methods

This product probably ranks first in popularity among all folk remedies. If you don’t know how to quickly clean vessels, then this method is one of the simplest. The action is based on its antioxidant properties.

So, let’s prepare a lemon-garlic infusion and get ready for the forty-day program. A mixture of 4 heads of garlic and 4 lemons is placed in a three-liter jar. You need to twist it all in a meat grinder and fill it with warm water.

It is necessary to infuse this cocktail for three days, then strain and put it in the refrigerator. Then this mixture, 100 grams, is taken three times a day for 10 days. At the next stage, repeat the procedure.

Many people probably perked up after reading the name of this method :) Pass 1 lemon and 2 heads of garlic through a meat grinder or blender, add 5 bay leaves and mix with 1 bottle of vodka. It is infused for a month and then taken three times a day, after meals, 2 teaspoons.

  • Herbal collection

Chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, and immortelle must be ground in a blender and allowed to settle. Next, pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon. After the broth has cooled, you need to strain it and add 2 tsp. honey Divide into 2 parts and drink: one before bed, and the other in the morning, on an empty stomach.

By the way, this method guarantees that you won’t have to return to this problem for 5 years, after which you need to repeat it again.

  • Decoction of pine needles and rose hips

A simple decoction of pine needles and rose hips will perfectly clean the blood vessels and return your health to normal. You can collect this fee yourself. Chop the pine needles and dry them lightly on a paper towel. Grind with either a knife or a blender, and pour 5 tablespoons into 700 ml of boiling water.

Stir and add 2 tablespoons of rose hips (fruit). Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and wrap in a warm towel. Let it brew for 8-9 hours. Then strain and drink the resulting decoction every day (at least 3-4 glasses). The duration of the course depends on the contamination of the vessels, but it should be at least 20-24 days.

How to prevent vascular contamination?

It is very important, in addition to talking about how to clean the blood vessels of the body, we also need to focus on prevention. Remember that prevention is based on following three basic methods that allow you to cleanse your blood vessels:

  • Physical education classes;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Rejection of bad habits.

As for physical education, everything is clear here. At any age, regardless of gender and health status, it is necessary to introduce at least minimal physical activity into your life: morning jogging or walking in the park, morning exercises, breathing exercises, etc.

As for proper nutrition, this means, first of all, avoiding fatty foods that contain animal fats: pork, bacon, sausages, chips, etc. If you do not rebuild your nutrition system, then it is useless to arrange fasting days and cleansing programs for yourself.

You must understand that each cleanse is like a strict diet for the body. He's stressed. Therefore, in order not to subject your health to additional stress and not to clean your blood vessels every month, normalize your nutrition system.

  • The daily diet must necessarily consist of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume clean water daily. We are not talking about general fluid. Tea, coffee or other drinks will never replace pure spring water. The daily norm is at least 2 liters. At first it will be very difficult to switch to such a large volume, especially since not everyone is able to drink pure water. You can add lemon juice to a glass of water. This way the water will be much tastier, and you will also add vitamin C to the body to maintain immunity.
  • Avoid fried foods completely. If you like your steak or chicken with a crispy crust, then no one has canceled the grill. But it is better to gradually remove dishes such as fried potatoes in oil, bacon, etc. from the diet. It is this kind of food that first clogs the blood vessels, after which they need to be cleaned.

Many people, when mentioning proper nutrition, are very skeptical about it, thinking that this is some kind of system and constant self-limitation. And food lovers mistakenly believe that proper nutrition means very meager food.

But in fact, in order not to have to constantly return to cleaning the blood vessels, it is enough to rebuild the nutrition system within a few weeks and you will notice visible improvements. Moreover, these changes will affect your appearance and inner well-being.

The diet must be balanced and include lean soups, nuts, cereals, boiled beef and fish (can be grilled or steamed), cauliflower, nuts, eggplant, legumes and berries.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive and you don’t have to limit yourself every day.

If you want to cleanse your blood vessels quickly, simply and effectively, then I would like to recommend you an excellent healthy lifestyle school . In an accessible and understandable form, you will be taught the basic rules that will allow you to start a new life filled with joy and well-being.

As always, in conclusion, watch this useful video:

I hope I was able to convey to you in a fairly simple and accessible form the meaning of the need to clean blood vessels and told you about effective methods for cleaning blood vessels.

If you know other ways, be sure to share them in the comments. I'll be interested to read it. Share a link to this article with those whose health you care about and subscribe to blog updates.

Hello, friends!

Unfavorable environmental factors, changes in people's eating habits in recent decades and other conditions of modern life have led to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases not only among the elderly, but also among young people.

And that’s why even doctors recommend cleaning blood vessels. There are many methods, including medication. But you and I are interested in cleansing blood vessels using folk remedies; I collected material on this topic and read people’s reviews.

Is it necessary to cleanse blood vessels?

It is not for nothing that blood vessels are compared to peculiar transport highways of such a complex biosystem as the human body. Through these tubes, endowed with flexibility and elasticity, blood moves, and with it oxygen and other nutrients, supplying tissues and internal organs. Metabolic products and carbon dioxide leave the body through them.

According to many people, our tubes-vessels (capillaries, veins, arterioles and others) are hollow, but in fact this is not the case; their structure is much more complex. The work of vessels is still studied by large scientific institutes.

The vessels have several layers, and a very complex biochemical factory operates inside them.

The upper layer of endothelium performs several important functions:

  1. homeostasis - blood clotting and thinning
  2. permeability – allows only useful and necessary things into the blood, filtering out harmful ones
  3. angiogenesis – supplies blood to newly formed small vessels
  4. fight inflammation
  5. regulation of tone.

This is why the vessels perform their service so well and are so vulnerable. For example, in our body there are capillaries with a radius of 4 microns. They are so thin that the red blood cells simply stand in a row and push through one by one. These vessels are more susceptible to plaque formation, blockage, and other adverse events than larger veins.

An epidemiological analysis of international and domestic cardiological associations officially provides terrifying data: mortality from problems with the cardiovascular system has been in first place for many years.

The number 1 factor in these studies is the formation of plaques; if they are present in the brain, a stroke is likely and even irreversible. If the aorta becomes clogged with plaques, this is a direct path to heart attacks, etc.

Factor No. 2 – the consequences of smoking. Nicotine, or rather the 700 harmful products it produces, simply kills endothelial function. A smoker clogs his vascular system so much that by the age of 60 he has atherosclerosis, and many cannot walk vigorously, since the limbs suffer the most.

Factor #3 – Excessive salt intake. Salt accumulates in the vessels, which leads to swelling of the vascular wall.

That is why it is believed that it is necessary to cleanse blood vessels regularly: once or twice a year. But it is impossible to clean the walls of blood vessels once and for all, according to Dr. Myasnikov. And in general it’s not very correct to say that. It is important to understand that the words “cleansing blood vessels” only means cleansing the blood of plaque and cholesterol.

But even if you clean the blood vessels from plaques, and then continue your previous lifestyle, after a while homeostasis will be restored, because these are its protective forces, this is how the body works.

You can cleanse blood vessels only with a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, physical activity, and controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

So I even began to doubt whether it was necessary to do this. Although reviews from people who cleanse blood vessels using folk remedies at home are mostly very positive.

So decide for yourself, as always, everything is very individual, and I will write the recipes for you.

Cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies

Detox - a program for the vascular system includes many methods of cleansing blood vessels. It was formed as a result of centuries of healing experience in Western and Eastern practices. A modern person can only take the best and adjust it to his diagnosis, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

The most popular cleansing method for people with blocked blood vessels is Tibetan techniques, as well as cleansing with honey, garlic, lemon and other products included in the list of superfoods. Some, for example, cleansing the blood vessels of the brain, solve local problems, others cover the entire circulatory system and restore order in the vessels from small (capillaries) to large (veins and aortas). Let's consider the most popular folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels.

Tibetan traditions of vessel cleansing

The inhabitants of Tibet are an ancient people who have preserved wise recipes that are still relevant today. Alpine herbs, herbal compositions based on garlic, mountain honey - these are the main medicines on which Tibetan vascular cleansing is based.

Recipe 1. Garlic tincture


  1. Select healthy heads of garlic (350 grams). Preference is for the autumn harvest: these fruits are valued for the highest concentration of nutrients.
  2. Peel and grind into pulp. It should be approximately 200 grams. The ideal utensil for this process would be wooden, so the garlic juice will not oxidize and will retain its primary medicinal properties.
  3. Transfer the garlic pulp into a dark glass bottle, fill with pure high-quality alcohol (vodka) in a volume of 200 grams.
  4. Let stand for 2 weeks, strain in a convenient way. Store cool and dry; the refrigerator is not suitable for this.

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic in Tibetan involves a course of 10 days, taken three times a day. The first dose is one drop, the second is two, the third is three. This is the first day program. The second day will begin with four drops of garlic elixir. The increasing regimen (adding a drop at each dose) lasts 5 days. From the sixth day the reverse scheme applies (see table).

From the first to the fifth day (in drops) From the sixth to the tenth day (in drops)
Morning Dinner Evening Morning Dinner Evening
1 day 1 2 3 6 days 15 14 13
2 days 4 5 6 7 days 12 11 10
3 days 7 8 9 8 days 9 8 7
4 days 10 11 12 9 days 6 5 4
5 days 13 14 15 10 days 3 2 1

Garlic detox - the program has a beneficial effect on the body and cleanses the entire system of blood vessels. Tibetan tincture for cleansing blood vessels serves to prevent the buildup of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and helps to minimize the risks of existing problems of clogging and blockages of the vascular system.

The one we already love also gives good results both for cleansing and for general well-being.

Recipe 2. “Royal collection in Tibetan style”

The collection recipe has an ancient history of use. For its healing and cleansing power in Rus' it was called “royal” and was considered traditional for domestic alternative medicine. But in 1970, the original source was discovered - an ancient document in one of the Tibetan monasteries. The herbs needed to cleanse blood vessels in this way can be found in every pharmacy.


  1. Mix dry birch buds, chamomile and immortelle inflorescences, St. John's wort collection, taking equal parts.
  2. Pour into a bag made of canvas or craft paper to better preserve the beneficial qualities.
  3. For each appointment, brew fresh herbal tea: 1 large spoon for 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse each portion for 2 hours under a warm towel, so it is advisable to prepare the infusion in advance.

The course is designed for 2 weeks, aimed at cleaning the arteries.

Dosage regimen: a glass in the morning and evening.

Treatment condition: the morning portion completely replaces breakfast, any snacks before lunch are canceled. The evening dose is taken before bedtime.

Honey detox for blood vessels

The usefulness of honey for blood vessels is undeniable and does not cause criticism even from the most ardent opponents of folk methods. Honey improves blood flow, increases the tone of the heart muscle, acts as a blood pressure stabilizer and a source of glucose - the only monosaccharide that does not harm the vascular system. For heart failure, it is recommended to supply the body with 30 grams of the product daily for a month. The most digestible form for vessels is dissolved honey; many recipes have been developed on its basis.

Pasta Amosova

Pour boiling water over raisins and dried prunes, apricots, figs (200 grams of each type), dry, blend or grind in a meat grinder.

Chop walnuts (200 grams) with a knife.

Rinse and chop 1 fresh lemon using any available method.

Mix everything, pour a glass of semi-liquid honey.

Cleansing blood vessels with honey and Amosov paste is useful not only for normalizing the functions of the circulatory system, but also for ensuring reliable immunity and replenishing necessary vitamins.

Garlic tinctures for cleansing blood vessels with honey

Recipe one: Mix 200 g of garlic pulp with liquid honey (350 g). Leave for a week and eat 2 dessert spoons before each main meal. Helps with varicose veins and blockage of blood vessels.

Recipe two: Mix garlic pulp (250 grams) with honey (60 grams) and pour in a glass of high-quality vodka. Drink 1 small spoon before meals for 3-4 weeks.

Recipe three: Using the previous technology, process 10 medium-sized heads of garlic and mix with a liter of honey. Wash 10 lemons, grind them, add to the honey-garlic mixture. Leave for 10 days, then transfer to the refrigerator. The course is 2 months, a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Cleansing blood vessels with lemon

Concentrated lemon juice perfectly breaks down fat, so this citrus fruit is successfully used in the fight against cholesterol plaques.

Recipe with lemon and orange

This is the most “delicious” method I’ve ever come across. Take 4 citrus fruits, crushed in a blender - 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 60 grams of honey. The components are mixed in a glass container and stored refrigerated. The aromatic medicine should be eaten three times a day, 2 teaspoons, the course is unlimited. The main contraindication is an allergy to citrus fruits and pollen.

Recipe with lemon, garlic, bay leaf

Followers of cleaning blood vessels using folk remedies praise the recipe in their reviews, which I found interesting. This is a tincture of bay leaf and vodka with the addition of lemon and garlic. You will need:

  • 1 lemon fruit
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf
  • 0.7 liters of vodka.

Peel the garlic, cut the lemon and remove the seeds, puree everything together in a blender, pour in vodka and season with bay leaf. Let it brew for a month, and then take 1-2 teaspoons after meals.

Herbs for cleansing blood vessels

Herbal teas also do an excellent job of removing cholesterol plaques and can be very effective in cleaning blood vessels.

Phyto - collection

This recipe is from herbalist D.V. Oleinikov.

This tea not only cleanses blood vessels and blood, but also the kidneys and liver, normalizes blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. It is useful for everyone to drink from time to time, even those who consider themselves completely healthy.

The collection includes:

  • hawthorn (fruits and flowers)
  • rose hip
  • Rowan
  • mistletoe
  • birch
  • coltsfoot
  • yarrow
  • elecampane (root)
  • currant leaf
  • Jerusalem artichoke
  • sweet clover
  • walnut leaf.

How to cook:

A spoonful of herbal mixture is brewed with boiling water (250 ml) and boiled for another 2-3 minutes. Leave for half an hour and drink in small portions throughout the day.

  • Approach the matter comprehensively, start with cleansing the intestines. Imagine that your body is a large closet that needs to be put in order. You can’t remove one shelf and leave the rest in chaos. Therefore, the procedure is as follows: first we clean the intestines, then the liver, followed by the kidneys, and only then do we take on the vascular system.
  • Taking tinctures for cleansing is carried out in courses of 30-40 days and no more than once or twice a year.
  • Keep in mind that tinctures based on garlic and lemon, according to people’s reviews, are difficult to drink; you should start taking them in small portions to see the body’s reaction. In addition, they are contraindicated for anyone who has gastrointestinal problems.
  • Whatever method of cleansing blood vessels (tinctures, herbs, teas) at home you choose, first consult a doctor.

I hope that this information and recipes for cleansing blood vessels with folk remedies will be useful to you.

But do not forget that the main guarantee of health is a correct lifestyle.

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