Dishes for diet food for weight loss. Delicious dietary food: selection of products, methods and secrets of preparation

In the minds of those losing weight, diet food is something tasteless, but necessary to lose weight. Let's try to dispel this myth and prove that dietary dishes are not only healthy and help you lose weight, but also tasty. You can even prepare dietary desserts for those with a sweet tooth without harming your figure.

  • Dietary nutrition prescribes what is necessary and beneficial for the body. Fatty, smoked, refined foods, sweet juices and carbonated water are excluded from the diet.
  • The calorie content of dietary food is usually 1300-1500 kcal per day. It is recommended to adhere to the following rule: consume more calories than you take in with food.
  • In your diet, preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to prepare dietary dishes by boiling, baking or steaming. These cooking methods can significantly reduce the calorie content of food.
  • A full meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) allows for 2-3 small snacks between main meals. Small portions and fractional meals allow you to avoid “hunger” attacks.
  • For better metabolism and removal of toxins, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water.

Diet food: recipes with photos

When preparing diet food, recipes for weight loss are not difficult and do not require much time. We offer several simple dietary recipes to normalize weight.

Healthy dietary “Orange” smoothie for breakfast

Mix yellow or orange bell peppers, carrots, persimmons, 100 g of low-fat kefir or yogurt in a blender. Pour into glasses. A healthy dietary vitamin breakfast is ready.

Tuna salad: diet food, simple recipe

  1. Leafy green salad is laid out on a large platter.
  2. Pieces of canned tuna and quartered boiled eggs are placed on top.
  3. Tomatoes are cut into slices and placed evenly throughout the dish.
  4. sprinkle with soy sauce, garnish with olives, chopped green onions and herbs (dill, parsley, basil).

Diet celery soup with meatballs

  1. Chopped vegetables are dipped into boiling water: stalks of stalked celery, sweet bell peppers, carrots.
  2. Meatballs are formed from ground turkey or chicken and placed in boiling vegetable broth. Salt the soup to taste and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. You can add your favorite spices and finely chopped dill or other herbs to the finished soup.

Diet vegetable casserole

  1. For the casserole, you can use any vegetables: sweet bell peppers, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, carrots, eggplants, pumpkin.
  2. Vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into a bowl into large pieces. Add black pepper and other spices to taste to the vegetable mixture. Add a little salt and pour over a small amount of vegetable oil.
  3. The baking dish is greased with vegetable oil and filled with vegetable mixture. Cover the vegetables with foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
  4. Beat two eggs with milk and add salt. The mixture is poured into a mold with vegetables, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for another 10-15 minutes until fully cooked without foil.

How to lose weight with maximum results?

A slender body, lightness, grace, beauty, excellent health - isn’t this what each of us dreams of? It is difficult to achieve everything at once, but certain success can be achieved with the help of dietary dishes that form the basis of dietary nutrition. For some reason, when you hear the words “dietary dishes,” plates of unsightly-looking food, bland, but, as we all understand, very healthy, immediately appear before your eyes. Most of us have such associations. However, dietary dishes can be not only healthy, but also appetizing, beautiful, and tasty. Learning to cook such dishes is a completely doable task.

The Culinary Eden website will be happy to tell you how to prepare delicious and simple dietary dishes. We offer several recipes that you can use as a basis for the first time, and then, once you get the hang of it, come up with your own, because this is an exciting activity that gives positive emotions, and in the end - an excellent result. By the way, if you want to speed up the process of losing weight, do not add salt to your dishes!

Perhaps the most difficult thing in any diet is to strictly adhere to the diet. Therefore, you can afford to have a snack sometimes. This could be, for example, a salad. Every salad you eat is a step towards health and beauty. By the way, salads can act not only as a snack, but also as an independent dish - for example, meat salads with vegetables. Eat them without bread or side dishes. Both tasty and healthy at the same time.

Salad "Grace"

½ celery root,
1 apple,
1 red sweet pepper,
1 sweet green pepper,
40 g sour cream,
ground black pepper.

Cut the celery root and sweet green pepper into strips, the sweet red pepper into rings, and the apple into slices. Mix everything and season with sour cream and black pepper, add salt to taste.

Warm Macedonian salad

25 g green beans,
1 carrot,
2 small onions,
1 sweet pepper.
1 tomato or cucumber
vegetable oil, ground black pepper.

Boil carrots cut into slices, small onions and finely chopped green beans in salted water and strain. Peel the baked pepper, chop and mix with boiled vegetables. Salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil, stir and garnish with tomato or cucumber slices.

Egyptian salad

2-3 tomatoes,
1 onion,
60 g pistachios,
ground red pepper.

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, finely chop the pulp and mix with chopped onions, crushed pistachios, salt and pepper. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.

Chicken and celery salad

150 g boiled chicken fillet,
150 g celery,
50 g cheese,
150 g sour cream,
100 g tomatoes.

Cut the chicken fillet and celery into thin strips, grate the cheese. Combine all ingredients, season with sour cream and salt. Garnish with tomato slices.

Vitamin salad with squid

250 g squid fillet,
1 apple,
100 g white cabbage,
1 carrot,
sour cream.

Boil the squid fillet in salted water until tender and cool. Cut fresh apple, cabbage, carrots and squid fillet into thin strips and season the finished dish with sour cream.

Salad "Health"

200 g boiled beef liver,
3 cucumbers,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
lemon juice,
vegetable oil.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into half rings and marinate with lemon juice and salt. Cut the cucumbers and boiled carrots into slices. Combine with liver and pickled onions. Season the finished salad with vegetable oil.

Discussing dietary dishes, One cannot fail to mention soups, which are easy and quick to prepare and are ideal as lunch.

Carrot soup with semolina

3 carrots,
1 celery root,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. semolina,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
½ cup low-fat sour cream.

Cut the carrots, celery and onion into cubes, simmer until soft, adding ½ cup. water and vegetable oil. Pour in hot water and add semolina, previously dried in a frying pan until golden brown. Cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes over low heat and season with sour cream.

1 kg bean pods,
½ cup tomato paste,
1 onion,
1 bunch of dill,
1 sprig of cilantro,
1 sprig of basil,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
ground chili pepper.

Free the beans from coarse fibers, wash, cut and cover with hot water. Chop the onion, heat slightly in vegetable oil, add tomato paste and simmer a little. Add this mass to the beans and cook until tender, add salt, season with chili pepper and serve, sprinkled thickly with chopped herbs.

Mushroom soup with zucchini

500 g chanterelles,
500 g zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 onion,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
greens, sour cream.

Finely chop the mushrooms and simmer them in their own juices in a frying pan with a little oil. Then add chopped onions and carrots to the mushrooms and simmer until tender. Grind the vegetables and mushrooms in a blender and place this mass in boiling water at the same time as the diced zucchini. Cook over low heat until the herbs are done, tied in bunches. Serve with sour cream.

The main thing in any diet is a variety of dishes. Cereals are the main components of a proper diet. Eating only cabbage is not much healthier than eating only hamburgers. It is necessary to use a nutritional scheme called the “Food Pyramid”. Focus on the widest part of the triangle - whole grain foods. And add a variety of legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables

6 tbsp. buckwheat,
350-400 ml water,
½ zucchini
1 small celery or parsley root
1 carrot,
1 onion,
1 sweet pepper,
1 clove of garlic,
vegetable oil,

Pour the washed group into a pan of boiling water and cook, stirring, until the cereal absorbs the water. Then cover with a lid and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Cut the zucchini, celery, carrots and onions into cubes, fry in vegetable oil and simmer. 5 minutes before readiness, add pieces of sweet pepper, and then chopped garlic. Place the finished porridge on a plate, add the prepared dressing and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

6 tbsp. millet cereals,
350 ml water,
300 g chopped pumpkin,
40 g butter.

Pour the washed cereal into a pan of boiling water and cook, stirring, until the cereal absorbs the water. Leave the porridge to rest for 15 minutes. Cook the pumpkin over low heat at a low simmer, adding a little water. Combine the finished porridge with boiled pumpkin, season with oil, place in a preheated oven and leave in it until ready.

Oatmeal porridge with raisins and walnuts

1 stack whole oat grains,
3 stacks water,
½ cup raisins,
1 handful of walnuts,
1 tbsp. honey,
1 tbsp. butter.

Soak the grain overnight, drain, add hot water, bring to a boil and drain again. Add more boiling water so that the water is 2 cm above the porridge, and cook for 15 minutes. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them and leave until they swell. Drain the water and place the raisins on a paper napkin. Scald the walnuts with boiling water, then heat them in a frying pan and chop them. Add raisins to the porridge and place in the oven for a short time to completely absorb the water. Add honey, butter to the finished porridge and sprinkle with nut crumbs.

There are many delicious things in the world. Often they are also useful. This can be said with complete confidence about vegetables. vegetables amaze with their exquisite taste and ease of digestion.

Baked eggplants

500 g eggplants,
4 cloves of garlic,
ground cumin,
several black and green olives,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Bake the eggplants in the oven for 30 minutes. Take them out, peel them, crush them with garlic and cumin, add a little salt, put them in a salad bowl, pour over vegetable oil and garnish with olives.

Potatoes with vegetables in a pot

150 g potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 celery or parsley root
1 onion.
2 cloves of garlic,
20 g vegetable oil.
bay leaf, coriander.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Cut the carrots, celery root or parsley into small slices, and the onion into half rings. Place the vegetables in a ceramic pot in layers: a layer of onions, then a layer of potatoes, then carrots and celery or parsley. Repeat everything in the same order and sprinkle the dish with chopped garlic and coriander, pour in 2 tbsp. water, add bay leaf, vegetable oil and close the lid tightly. Place the pot in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Potatoes with green beans

300 g potatoes,
300 g fresh or frozen green beans,
3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,
1 bunch of cilantro,
1 pinch of ground chili pepper.
1 pinch of coriander.

Peel the potatoes and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. Wash the beans and cut into small pieces. Heat the chilli and coriander in oil. Then place the potatoes and beans in a ceramic oven-safe dish. Add salt, add heated spices, a little water, cover with a lid and simmer for 1 hour. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

white cabbage leaves,
½ cup rice,
1 onion,
2 carrots,
2 tomatoes
1 clove of garlic,
vegetable oil,
sour cream (low-fat).

Boil the rice for 15-20 minutes, rinse well, mix with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, carrots and simmer for 10 minutes with a small amount of vegetable oil. Place 1 tbsp on each cabbage leaf. filling, wrap and place in a saucepan, add water and cook for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream, sprinkled with herbs and grated garlic.

Potato and carrot cutlets

250 g potatoes,
1 carrot,
1 tbsp. flour,
ground crackers,
vegetable oil,
dill or parsley.

Boil peeled potatoes and carrots in salted water until tender and drain. Rub hot vegetables through a sieve, mince or mash. Cool, add flour and mix well. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

If you feel hungry, include dietary meat dishes in your menu. Protein takes a long time to break down, and for some time you will not experience hunger pangs. But be sure to add raw vegetables and herbs to the meat - this will help digest food and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. Replace meat dishes with fish more often. They are no less satisfying and more healthy.

Homemade chicken

1 chicken,
2 carrots,
1 onion,
2-3 tomatoes,
4 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
dill or parsley.

Divide the chicken into pieces and fry until golden brown. Chop the carrots, onions, and tomatoes and place them together with the chicken in a thick-walled bowl. Pour in hot water so that it barely covers the chicken and simmer over low heat under the lid until cooked (about 50 minutes). 5 minutes before the end of stewing, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped garlic, and when serving, with herbs.

Baked fish

1 kg of large fish,
50 g vegetable oil,
lemon juice, pepper.

Rub the cleaned fish inside and out with pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and grease the outside thoroughly with oil. Place on a baking sheet or frying pan. Add 2-3 tbsp. water and place in an oven preheated to 180ºC. When the fish is browned, reduce the heat and bake until cooked, basting several times with the juice formed during baking.

For those with a sweet tooth, you can prepare healthy sweets.

Nut candies

20 walnuts,
100 g dried apricots,
100 g seedless raisins,
100 g dried prunes,
100 g dried apples,
zest of 1 lemon,
honey - to taste.

Shell the walnuts and bake in the oven for crispiness and flavor. Then grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. Wash and soak dried fruits, then squeeze and grind in a meat grinder along with lemon zest, add honey and mix thoroughly. With a damp hand, roll into candy-sized balls and roll in chopped nuts.

Aren’t such dietary dishes capable of diversifying your diet and making it brighter and more interesting? Cook with pleasure and live in style!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Recipes for dietary dishes for weight loss that any housewife can prepare at home! Diet recipes for weight loss - it's simple and delicious!

Low calorie diet– the best way to lose weight without compromising your health. Unlike express methods aimed at rapid weight loss, the weight comes off slowly but steadily. At the same time, the body does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies and the person feels well. Most recipes leave out the salt and sugar, but the seasonings make up for the flavor. The recipes below allow you to make sure that you can get gastronomic pleasure from dietary nutrition.

The principles of healthy eating force us to adhere to certain food preparation technologies. Frying food is not permitted.

The priority is for dishes baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker, smoothies, fresh salads, hot and cold soups without heat treatment.

First meal

Light soups burn fat well. Seasonings not only add flavor, but also boost metabolism.

Vegetarian pumpkin soup

Finely chopped orange cubes, peeled, are thrown into boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, grind with a blender. Fans of spicy tastes add fine black pepper and half a glass of low-fat cream. Instead of pepper, many people throw in cinnamon and a spoonful of cheese.

Broccoli soup

Place an unpeeled large onion, 200 g of broccoli, carrots, celery root, and bay leaf in a liter of cold water. The head is removed from the finished broth, the mass is crushed until homogeneous, and sprinkled with herbs. Garlic and a few peppercorns are added for flavor. For taste - a spoonful of vegetable oil.


In hot weather, it is better to prepare cold Spanish soup. Ingredients:

  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • sparkling water;
  • spoon of lemon juice;

The pepper is placed in the oven or kept over an open fire until blackened, then the top film is removed. The fleshy part is cut and placed in a blender bowl with tomatoes and cucumbers without skin. Pour 2 glasses of water, throw in the garlic and press the machine button. Add herbs, lemon juice, a spoonful of oil, pepper, and oregano to the whipped mixture. Served with rye crackers.

Turkish okroshka - delicious soup in 3 minutes

2 cucumbers are grated on a coarse grater, combined with dill, a sprig of mint or fresh basil, garlic, mixed with 2 cups of kefir or yogurt. The result is a mass similar in consistency to a smoothie.

Second courses

Veal, poultry breast, rabbit, lean beef are boiled with spices or baked with vegetables.

Chicken casserole

100 g of chicken breast contains approximately 100 kcal. The dish requires 500 g. In the recipe:

  • onion, carrot, pepper - 1 piece each;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • a glass of yogurt;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • egg.

Place chopped vegetables at the bottom of the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with chicken spices. Place fillet pieces on top. Pour in a mixture of fermented milk product and beaten egg, scatter the cheese evenly. Select the “Baking” program for 30 minutes. If the dish is prepared in the oven, bake at 180°C until a crust appears.

Stewed fish

Calorie content depends on the type of fish. The energy value of the dish varies between 110-150 kcal. The bottom of the frying pan is thickly covered with onion rings, pour a spoonful of oil and turn on the heat. Place a layer of tomato mugs on top, cover the dish with a lid, and simmer the contents for 5 minutes. Then lay out the fish, which has been marinated in oil, lemon juice, and spices for 60-30 minutes. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Served with vegetable salad.

Mackerel in foil

There are 130 kcal in a protein dish. Products: 1 fish, 2 l. yogurt, orange, spices. To prevent the juicy fish from turning dry and tasteless, it is soaked in sauce and wrapped in double foil. First, the middle is cleaned, and deep cuts are made on the sides every 5 cm.

Zest a small orange and squeeze out the juice. Prepare the dressing: mix yogurt with squeezed garlic, citrus peel, pepper, and juice. Then generously coat with sauce, seal hermetically in foil, and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Served with watercress, Chinese cabbage, spicy carrots.

Boiled beef

Calorie content – ​​350 kcal in 2 servings. Place 250 pieces of meat in cold water and skim off the foam after boiling. Boil for 1 hour with parsley root and carrots. 10 minutes before readiness add bay leaf, garlic, and seasonings. Eaten hot or cold with vegetables or celery plakia.

Vegetable dishes

Plakia recipe. Calorie content - 130 kcal/100 g.

  • 200 celery root;
  • large onion;
  • 2 liters each vegetable oil, lemon juice.

Peeled roots and onions are cut and placed in layers in a bowl. Season with oil, pour boiling water with lemon so that the liquid covers the vegetables. Simmer until the water evaporates.

Zucchini casserole

100 g - 115 kcal .

  • flour – 50 g
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

Melt a spoonful of butter in a frying pan and mix with flour. After 2 minutes, pour in the milk. The mixture is kept on fire until thickened. While the sauce is cooling, cut the zucchini into strips.

Add eggs, seasonings, and half the amount of cheese to the cooled milk-flour mixture. Place 6 vegetable plates overlapping on the bottom and pour a spoonful of sauce on top. The zucchini is laid in layers until the slicing is finished. Sprinkle cheese on top and place in the oven for 40 minutes.


To prepare a low-calorie dish (90 kcal) you will need:

  • 1 zucchini, pepper, eggplant;
  • 4 medium tomatoes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Vegetables are cut into circles, alternately placed in a frying pan. The onions and peppers are simmered in a frying pan, and 1 chopped tomato is added at the end. Cover the vegetables with the mass, pour in half a glass of water, and put in the oven for an hour.

What to prepare for tea

Cottage cheese casserole perfectly satisfies hunger and speeds up metabolism. Calorie content - 95 kcal/100g.

  • cottage cheese 1% - 200 g;
  • a spoonful of bran and yogurt;
  • 1 egg and 1 apple;
  • a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon.

Add the remaining ingredients to the mashed mass, knead, fill the mold, and bake over medium heat for 45 minutes.

Chocolate cheesecake

The dessert contains only 95 kcal. Take:

  • 15 g agar-agar or gelatin;
  • 2 full spoons of cocoa and honey;
  • 400 g village cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml low-fat milk.

The gelling agent is poured with water and left to swell. Then the container is placed on the fire, milk is poured in, heated until completely dissolved, and cooled. Beat the cottage cheese with a mixer, pour in gelatin in a thin stream in portions. In the process, cocoa, honey, and vanillin are added. The liquid mass is poured into a springform pan and placed in the refrigerator. After hardening, decorate with fresh berries.

Fat burning cocktail recipes

Choose from 6 recipes. The ingredients are taken per glass of liquid.

  • Kefir + half a spoon of cinnamon and ginger, a pinch of hot pepper.
  • Kiwi + 2 slices of lemon, mint.
  • Mint leaves + 7 parsley branches.
  • Apple + ¼ lemon + 50 g zucchini + 2 cm ginger root + cucumber + celery stalk.
  • Yogurt + ½ grapefruit + 4 large slices of pineapple + 30 g raw pumpkin seeds.
  • Apple cider vinegar + spoon of honey, cinnamon stick.

Preparation technology: the ingredients are thrown into a glass of a blender and whipped. Fasting days are spent on smoothies, and cocktails are consumed instead of snacks. Fiber and liquid fill the stomach and create a feeling of fullness.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and almost complete lack of physical activity, more and more people are suffering from obesity. Some people solve this issue by visiting gyms, others by purchasing sports equipment. Also, delicious dietary recipes for weight loss will help you achieve a slim, harmonious figure. Therefore, solving problems with excess weight begins with drawing up an individual menu.

Diet food. Recipes for weight loss

The daily calorie requirement of an average adult should be 1200 units. But no less important is the content of essential vitamins and minerals in the foods consumed, so the daily menu of a person losing weight should contain as many fruits and vegetables as possible. If these conditions are met, diet food will only bring pleasure and increased vitality to a person losing weight. Recipes for weight loss are very diverse, original and quite easy. At first, you don’t have to bother creating your own, successfully using existing ones. It is often said that it is extremely expensive. But there are also those based on the daily diet of the average person. Below are just such options.

Calorie content is calculated per 100 grams of finished product.


If you add cinnamon, lemon zest, curry, ginger, cloves or any dried fruits to the prepared porridge, its taste will change significantly. By varying the supplements, you can eat oatmeal at least every day. Each time it will have a new, fresh taste.

For lunch: Ural cabbage soup (30 kcal).

You will need half a kilogram of fresh cabbage, 80 grams of pearl barley, 1 onion, 1 carrot, one and a half liters of broth or water and salt to taste. Wash the pearl barley, pour boiling water over it, and cook for 20 minutes. We drain the water. Prepare one and a half liters of broth or just boiling water, add the cereal into it and cook it for another 10 minutes. Add pre-peeled cabbage, cut into small cubes, into the broth. Cook our cabbage soup for another 15 minutes. Season the boiling brew with carrots and onions sautéed in vegetable oil. Cook for another 10 minutes. Add some salt. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

We take 0.4 kg. cauliflower and broccoli (can be frozen), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 150 grams of hard cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, half a liter of 10 percent cream or sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Boil the washed cabbage, disassembled into inflorescences, in salted water until half cooked. Place in a colander and let the water drain. While the cabbage is cooking, make the sauce: fry the flour in butter, gradually adding cream (sour cream). Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add pre-grated cheese to the sauce. We wait until the cheese melts. Place the cooked cabbage in a special baking dish and pour in the sauce. Bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Dinner: oven-baked chicken with boiled potatoes and carrot and garlic salad (197 kcal/82 kcal/102).

To prepare the salad, take one large or 2-3 small carrots, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, salt and pepper (to taste). Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Add chopped garlic. Season with pepper and salt. Season with vegetable oil or lemon juice.

Comment 1

1. Remember, the more fat drains from the chicken during baking, the better. Dietary recipes for weight loss are distinguished by the fact that among their components there is a minimum of animal fat.

2. Season the salad with vegetable oil. Fat filling is a must. Without it, the vitamin A contained in carrots will not be absorbed.

3. It is advisable to supplement the cabbage soup with a small piece of fish, meat, cheese or poultry. Then the optimal combination of proteins and carbohydrates for lunch will be achieved, for which recipes for delicious dietary dishes for weight loss are famous.


For breakfast: oatmeal (127 kcal).

Take 1 chicken back, 1 carrot and onion, 150 grams of spaghetti, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 4 potatoes. Cook the chicken in 2.5 liters of water for 1 hour, remove and remove the meat from the bones. Finely chop the onion and three carrots onto a coarse grater, sauté the onion and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown. While the onions and carrots are sautéing, peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes. Add the chopped potatoes to the boiling broth and boil for another 10 minutes. Add meat and spaghetti. Cook for another minute. After adding the frying, cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off. Salt. We wait 10 minutes for it to brew.

For an afternoon snack: baked broccoli and cauliflower (107 kcal).

For dinner: fish cutlets (59 kcal).

Take 400 grams of white and red fish fillets, 3 small zucchini, 1 medium eggplant, a pack of basil, 100 grams of heavy cream, 50 grams of light bread crackers, 30 grams of butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to taste. Cut the first zucchini into small cubes, blanch for 3 minutes in boiling water, and cool. Grind the fish in a blender, mix with cream, a third of the mass of blanched zucchini and breadcrumbs. Salt and pepper. Using special metal rings on parchment, we form small round cutlets. Heat the frying pan, place the cutlets directly on the parchment, fry them for 3 minutes on both sides. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for five minutes. Next, we start preparing the side dish. We cut the eggplant into circles, lightly coat each with oil and place on a baking sheet. Bake in grill mode for 5-7 minutes until golden brown. Cut the remaining zucchini into strips and fry in oil until golden brown. Squeeze 1 garlic clove onto them, add salt and pepper. Let's start preparing the sauce. Using an immersion blender, puree the remaining blanched zucchini with basil. Add butter, bring to a boil, salt and pepper. And we proceed to the final moment of preparing the dish. We assemble the pyramid on a large plate. First, put in the fried zucchini, then 1 slice of eggplant and cover it all with a cutlet. Then add the eggplant and cutlet again. And so on until the mugs run out. The eggplant circle should be the first on top. Pour sauce over the resulting pyramid and garnish with basil.

Comment 2

  1. Why cauliflower and broccoli again? Because they are very rich in vitamin C and other beneficial microelements. Don't like roasted vegetables? Boil them. Dietary recipes for losing weight at home are good because they can be changed and varied if desired.
  2. Fish is the perfect dinner. It is easily digestible and contains a lot of useful substances.


For lunch: vermicelli soup with chicken (63 kcal).

Take 1 kilogram of not dry, but not very wet cottage cheese, 2 large eggs (if small, then 3), 6 tbsp. spoons of fat sour cream, butter and sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of semolina, 200 grams of raisins or other dried fruits, salt and vanillin (to taste). Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. Melt the butter and beat the eggs with sugar. Wash and dry the raisins. Grease a special baking dish, mix eggs with cottage cheese, butter, raisins and semolina. Add salt and vanillin. Mix all this constantly with a wooden spatula. Place the resulting mass in the mold, level it and evenly grease it with sour cream. Bake until a light brown crust appears. Serve topped with sour cream.

For dinner: fish cutlets cooked in a dry frying pan (59 kcal).

Comment 3

  1. It is better to cook porridge with milk or with the addition of it. Milk promotes the absorption of proteins contained in cereals. Dietary recipes allow this. There will be no problems with calories for weight loss, and in the near future you will achieve an extremely pleasant result.
  2. We prepare cottage cheese casserole with minimal sugar content.
  3. We supplement the menu with at least two different fruits per day.


For breakfast: millet (125 kcal).

Take 6 small potatoes, 250 grams of herring fillet, 4 tbsp. spoons of universal soup dressing. Boil 2.5 liters of water, peel the potatoes, cut into strips. Add universal soup dressing to the water, boil for 5 minutes, add fish fillet cut into pieces in advance. Cook for about 15 minutes. Taste, if there is not enough salt, add. Turn it off. Sprinkle with herbs.

For afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole (243 kcal).

Notes: to cook, take two-thirds of a glass of rice, 800 grams of mixed (pork and beef) minced meat, a carrot and a medium-sized onion, 500-700 grams of cabbage, 4 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce, half a liter of sour cream, a teaspoon of salt, half a spoon of ground black pepper and breadcrumbs. So, take the minced meat, add finely chopped onion into it, add some salt and pepper. Mix. Add pre-boiled and dried rice. Finely chop the washed carrots and pour them into the minced meat. Chop the cabbage as finely as possible, dip it in boiling water and leave it alone for 3 minutes. Next, mix the cabbage and rice into the minced meat. Salt and pepper. We form large cutlets. You should get about 18 pieces. Roll the resulting cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry over high heat until golden brown. Let's start preparing the sauce. Mix sour cream with tomato sauce, add salt, and add half a glass of water. Place the previously formed cabbage rolls on a (deep) baking sheet in the oven, pour in the sauce. Bake for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Comment 4

Recipes for weight loss dishes with calories per weekly diet should also be selected based on their minimum salt content. Its consumption should be reduced to 7 grams per day.


For breakfast: barley porridge (96 kcal).

For lunch: herring and potato soup (89 kcal).

For afternoon snack: rice babka with sliced ​​apple (92 kcal).

Take a liter of milk, a glass of rice (round), 3-4 apples, 10-15 grams of butter, 1 egg, sugar and salt (to taste). Cook the rice porridge in milk, stirring constantly, until it thickens, add oil to it a minute or two before it is ready. Cut the apples into slices. Take a special baking dish and grease it with butter. Spread half of the cooked porridge and level it out. Place apples on top of the porridge and cover them again with the remaining porridge. Beat the egg, mix with 50 grams of milk, pour the resulting mixture over the babka. Place it in the oven for a maximum of half an hour, until the apples are well browned.

Dinner: lazy cabbage rolls and radish, celery and cucumber salad (147kcal/48kcal).

You can create a low-calorie menu in a variety of ways. Dishes baked in the oven, stewed in a slow cooker, steamed, fried in a dry frying pan without oil are perfect for dieting. The main secret of preparing dietary dishes for weight loss is not only in controlling the fat content of foods, but also in the proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Dietary meals for weight loss for every day with calorie content

When compiling a daily menu, it is best for those who are on a diet to pay attention to dishes baked in the oven or steamed. Both methods of heat treatment make it possible to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the products used and only slightly increase their calorie content.

Oven recipes

Baking in the oven is an ideal way to cook meat or vegetables so that they turn out tasty, aromatic, but not greasy. Cook in the oven using foil or a special baking bag to retain all the juices in the dish.

Stuffed zucchini – 70 Kcal

A complete diet must contain meat as a source of animal protein, iron, and potassium.

When choosing meat, give preference to the one that has more protein but less fat. The ideal option is turkey, it contains 22% protein.

You can also take lean beef, veal, rabbit or chicken breast. Cook meat with a variety of vegetables. For example, with zucchini.

For zucchini stuffed with meat, prepare in advance:

  • 500 grams of young zucchini;
  • 250 grams of lean beef;
  • 200 grams of tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of lettuce pepper;
  • 75 grams of onion;
  • 75 grams of carrots;
  • dill;
  • clove of garlic.

First, prepare the minced meat. Grind the meat, carrots, onions, tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper and stir. Wash the zucchini and cut lengthwise, remove the seeds with a spoon. Place the minced meat into the resulting “boats” and place the zucchini in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Lasagna with zucchini – 53 Kcal

Another secret that will help you prepare delicious diet meals for weight loss is the usual, everyone’s favorite recipes, in which high-calorie ingredients can be replaced with more dietary analogues. For example, make lasagna in which zucchini serves as sheets of pasta.

For this lasagna take:

  • a couple of zucchini;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 100 grams of Mozzarella;
  • 40 grams of Parmesan;
  • a few basil leaves.

Prepare light lasagna this way:

  1. Using a paring knife, cut the zucchini into thin, long strips. Rinse them in salted water and dry on a paper towel.
  2. Finely chop the basil, mix with cottage cheese and raw egg.
  3. Grease a small baking dish with olive oil and place the first layer of zucchini leaves. Spread a little curd filling on top of them, pour a little sauce over it and place pieces of Mozzarella.
  4. Make 3 or 4 more such layers (as long as there is enough food). At the end, sprinkle the lasagna with Parmesan, grated on a fine grater, and bake the dish for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Dietary dishes in a slow cooker

A faithful assistant for modern busy housewives is a multicooker. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes in it, including dietary ones.

Squid in sour cream – 87 Kcal

Seafood is ideal for the diet table, as it has virtually no calories, but is very tasty and healthy.

Squid is a great way to add protein to your diet.


  • half a kilo of squid;
  • onion;
  • 50 grams of dill;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable vegetable oil;
  • 75 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt.

Prepare like this:

  1. Clean the squid and cut into strips. Chop the onion and dill.
  2. Set the multicooker to “Stew” mode and simmer the onion in vegetable oil until transparent.
  3. Next, add the squid to the onion and cook the products together for another 5 minutes. Do not simmer them for too long, otherwise the seafood will become “rubbery”.
  4. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add sour cream into the bowl, salt its contents and sprinkle with dill. Mix everything and keep under closed lid for a couple more minutes.

Serve the squid with steamed rice or couscous.

Lazy cabbage rolls – 112 Kcal

You can cook regular cabbage rolls, but without adding sour cream and using lean meat. And this will be a completely dietary dish. However, we will prepare quick cabbage rolls with chicken.

For them take:

  • 300 grams of cabbage;
  • half an onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 50 grams of rice;
  • 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt;
  • 100 grams of minced chicken breast;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.

The cooking algorithm is almost primitive:

  1. Grate the carrots and chop the onion finely.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it and place vegetables and minced meat in it. Simmer them for 15 minutes on the “Baking” mode.
  3. Add chopped cabbage, washed rice, spices and yogurt, fill everything with water so that it covers the food.
  4. Set the “Stew” mode and cook for 40 minutes.

Simple Stovetop Recipes

Be sure to include soups in your daily diet. Both traditional and puree soups. These dietary dishes are very tasty and, moreover, filling and healthy for the digestive system.

To make soups low in calories, do not fry in oil, do not cook thick and fatty meat broth and do not add a lot of potatoes or legumes.

Pumpkin puree soup – 65 Kcal


  • 200 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 grams of cauliflower;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • salt, paprika, turmeric, Italian herbs.

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Throw pumpkin cubes and cabbage inflorescences into boiling water. Boil the vegetables for 10 minutes, then chop them with a blender.
  2. Dilute the puree with vegetable broth to the desired consistency, add salt and season with spices.
  3. Add cream to the soup, return it to the stove and warm it up a little. At the end, you can add a pinch of grated cheese, but remember that cheese is a high-calorie product and will increase the number of calories in each serving.

In addition to soups, you can prepare any hot dishes for weight loss on the stove by stewing in a saucepan or quickly frying in a wok. This type of heat treatment allows you to avoid a large amount of fat in dishes.

Stewed fish – 110 Kcal

The calorie content of the dish will depend on the fish chosen. Take red for example. One steak is enough for one serving. You will also need half an onion, cut into rings, one tomato, a little olive oil and lemon juice, salt, and white pepper.

  1. Pour the fish fillet with oil, lemon juice and season with spices. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes, or better yet, an hour.
  2. Place a little oil in a saucepan and place onion rings tightly in it.
  3. Spread the tomato slices over the onion and cover the saucepan with a lid.
  4. Let the vegetables simmer for 5 minutes and then place the fish on top. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer all ingredients for another 15 minutes.

Diet foods for weight loss for breakfast

The breakfast of any person who wants to eat right should be complete, correct, quite plentiful, but balanced.

Porridge is ideal for breakfast, as it is rich in fiber, or eggs, as a source of protein.

Wheat-pumpkin porridge – 104 Kcal

Ingredients for three servings:

  • 375 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 100 grams of millet;
  • 35 grams of butter;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • glass of water.

When everything is prepared, let's proceed:

  1. The pumpkin needs to be peeled, cut into cubes and chopped in a blender until smooth. In a ladle or in a multicooker bowl, it should be fried in butter. You can immediately add half the sugar to the pumpkin mixture to caramelize it.
  2. Then pour the washed millet into the bowl, pour in milk, water, add salt and the remaining sugar. Mix the ingredients and cook, setting the timer for 50 minutes. After this, let the porridge stand for another half hour on heating.

If you are confused by the sugar in the recipe, then replace it with a sweetener based on stevia or another sweetener. You can also take cane sugar.

Stuffed omelet – 47 Kcal

To diversify egg dishes, prepare a unique and tasty omelet from:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 300 grams of lettuce pepper;
  • basil and parsley.

Heat the butter in a frying pan and slightly simmer the diced peppers in it. Mix eggs with milk and salt in a cup and pour over pepper. Chop the greens and place in the middle of the omelet. Lift the edge with a spatula and wrap it towards the center. Then do the same with the second edge and carefully turn the omelette over, seam side down. Cook for another minute.

Lunch recipes for losing weight

At lunchtime, try to diversify your menu as much as possible. Cook fish, meat, poultry, offal. Don't forget about vegetables, grains and legumes. Use root vegetables too, but not just potatoes, although potatoes boiled steamed or baked directly in the skins are an excellent option for a dietary lunch.

Complement your lunches with fresh salads, but do not use mayonnaise or rich sour cream as a dressing. Use quality olive or flaxseed oil, Greek yogurt, unsalted soy sauce, lemon juice, rice vinegar.

Steamed chicken cutlets – 145 Kcal

  • 1 kilogram of minced chicken breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 celery;
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons white yogurt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • spices for chicken, salt.

Using the finest grater, grate the onion, celery and cheese. Mix everything with minced meat, add salt and season. Add eggs and form into small patties. Cook them in a steamer for 20 minutes. Serve the dish with steamed rice or a vegetable salad.

Okroshka – 200 Kcal

This traditional summer dish is an excellent option for a diet menu, and not only in the warm season. If you don’t like the sharp taste of kvass, make okroshka with mineral water, kefir, whey or ayran - it’s both tastier and healthier. Also, do not put sausage in okroshka, but replace it with boiled meat or tongue. Or even make a vegetable version of this cold soup by swapping the full-fat sour cream for Greek yogurt.

For dietary okroshka, take:

  • 2 liters of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 boiled chicken breasts;
  • greenery;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt.

Cut all ingredients into cubes, add salt and pour kefir. Serve with a spoonful of chopped herbs.

Also a great option is Turkish okroshka. For it, grate the cucumber, mix with chopped mint, basil, squeezed garlic and herbs.

What to cook for dinner for weight loss

In a properly designed weight loss menu, dinner should always be light. Vegetables, kefir, low-fat fish are the best ingredients for organizing an evening meal.

Hummus – 166 Kcal

If you have never tried hummus, fix that urgently. This is not too high in calories, but very tasty and healthy snack option, which can be an alternative to salad or even completely replace dinner.

For hummus take:

  • dry chickpeas 300 grams;
  • 100 grams of sesame seeds;
  • half tsp cumin;
  • lemon juice – 5 tablespoons;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • olive oil;
  • salt.

Prepare the snack like this:

  1. Wash the chickpeas and soak in water for 12 hours. Drain the water, add fresh water and cook for 2 hours.
  2. Heat the cumin grains in a dry frying pan and grind them in a coffee grinder.
  3. In the same frying pan you need to fry the sesame seeds and chop them in the same way.
  4. In a blender, mix sesame powder, garlic, salt and olive oil until smooth. Add chickpeas and chop again.
  5. By adding chickpea broth to the blender bowl, you can adjust the thickness of the hummus. Also, during the process of grinding the ingredients, you should add lemon juice and oil.

Serve prepared chickpeas with vegetables, cut into strips, or diet bread.

Ratatouille – 90 Kcal

For vegetable stew baked in the oven, take:

  • 1 zucchini;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • onion;
  • a head of garlic;
  • sprig of rosemary.

Cut all vegetables except tomatoes into slices. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place vegetable pucks one after another. Peel and chop the tomatoes, add salt, pepper, garlic and pour this mixture over the vegetables. Pour a little water on top, add a sprig of rosemary and bake the dish in the oven for an hour at 180 degrees.

Lenten diet dishes for those who are losing weight

Fasting is a time when not so much the body is cleansed as the soul. But nevertheless, this is a great time for losing weight, since the diet during this period mostly consists of vegetable and low-fat dishes.

Onion soup – 32 Kcal

For a variation on French soup, take:

  • 3 onions;
  • half a head of cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • tomato;
  • spices and herbs to taste.

Chop all the vegetables very finely and let them boil in water. After 10 minutes of active boiling, reduce the heat, cover the soup with a lid and simmer for about another half hour. You can serve the soup with melted cheese dissolved in it.

Vegetable spring rolls – 172 Kcal

This is a classic variation of traditional spring rolls, but without deep frying.

For them take:

  • 8 sheets of rice paper;
  • 50 grams of funchose;
  • half a carrot;
  • half a cucumber;
  • 4 lettuce leaves;
  • greenery;
  • Sesame oil.

Cut the vegetables into strips, brew funchose with boiling water, and moisten sheets of rice paper with water and place on a towel to remove excess moisture. Mix the noodles with vegetables and oil, add a little salt and place on a sheet of paper. Roll into rolls and serve with soy sauce.

Dietary options for children

A diet menu can also be very useful for children, since the problem of childhood obesity is very acute today. And in principle, light, not too high-calorie dishes are more beneficial for a growing body.

However, it is worth remembering that dietary menu options for adults are not suitable for children. They require more calories to grow and develop.

Meat souffle – 196 Kcal

  • boiled beef – 500 grams;
  • low-fat cream – 300 grams;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt pepper.

Boiled beef should be ground in a blender, mixed with eggs, cream and spices. Place the resulting mixture in a baking dish and place in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until cooked. dill;

  • salt pepper;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • Peas must first be soaked for 2 hours in cold water. Then put it in a saucepan, add two liters of fresh cold water and cook until half cooked.

    1. Grate the carrots. Chop the onion. Fry vegetables in butter.
    2. Boil the rice separately until half cooked and mix with the minced meat. Season with salt and pepper and form into meatballs.
    3. Place them along with the onions and carrots in the pan with the peas and cook for another 15 minutes. At the end, add salt and pepper and serve with chopped dill.

    Low calorie salads

    To make boring diet dishes more interesting, add spices to them. Their varied flavors make your meal colorful and interesting. In addition, hot seasonings improve digestion and in themselves speed up metabolism.

    So, a spicy dressing will be an excellent decoration for any, even standard, salad.

    Spicy salad with vegetables and rice – 190 Kcal

    • 200 grams of rice;
    • 100 grams of tomatoes;
    • 90 grams of olives;
    • 50 grams of carrots, bell peppers, canned peas;
    • 15 grams of chili pepper;
    • spices, herbs, olive oil.

    Boil the rice, preferably steamed. Chop all vegetables finely. Mix everything well and serve as a side dish or a separate dish.

    Vegetable salad with eggs – 75 Kcal

    • 400 grams of broccoli;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 100 grams of tomatoes;
    • a couple of cloves of garlic;
    • for dressing: olive oil, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar;
    • greenery;
    • salt, spices.

    Boil the cabbage in salted water for 5 minutes, hard-boil the eggs. Cut the eggs and tomatoes into slices and combine in a bowl with the cabbage. Mix the dressing ingredients and pour it over the salad. Season it with salt and spices.

    Dietary dishes made from cottage cheese

    Cottage cheese, especially low-fat cottage cheese, is an indispensable attribute of any diet menu. It is rich in protein, calcium and can be eaten plain with Greek yogurt or fruit, or as a topping for desserts and baked goods. You can also prepare dietary dishes from cottage cheese by adding herbs, garlic and cheese to it. Spread this cottage cheese on a piece of bread and you will have the perfect breakfast.

    Stuffed apples with cottage cheese and raisins – 85 Kcal

    • 1 kilogram of apples;
    • 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • sugar to taste.

    To prepare such a dessert, follow this algorithm:

    1. Cut off the top of the apples, remove the membranes and seeds. Scoop out some of the pulp from the center with a spoon.
    2. Cottage cheese should be rubbed with a blender or through a sieve, mixed with raisins, eggs and sugar. You can also rub the middle of the apple here so as not to throw it away.
    3. Place the resulting mass in the center of the apples and bake in the oven at 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Cottage cheese casserole – 95 Kcal

    • one percent cottage cheese – 200 g;
    • spoon of bran;
    • a spoonful of low-fat unsweetened yogurt;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 apple;
    • vanillin, cinnamon, sugar to taste.

    Even a child can prepare this dish. Mash the cottage cheese, mix with the remaining ingredients, place in a baking dish and place in the oven (160 degrees) for 45 minutes.

    In addition to properly prepared food with a low calorie content, for a complete diet you need to follow a number of recommendations. The main ones are to eat not a lot and it is better to eat more often, but in small portions. It is also very important to drink enough liquid - pure water, green tea with mint or a drop of honey. It is then that you will achieve the expected lightness that all nutritionists endlessly talk about.