Severe sinus arrhythmia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms and treatment of sinus arrhythmia

  • What are the features of sinus arrhythmia?
  • What are the principles of treatment for arrhythmia?

Sinus arrhythmia represents unequal intervals of heart contractions. The uneven nature of heart contractions can sometimes be pathological, associated with cardiovascular diseases. Sinus arrhythmia is often provoked by a disorder of the electrolyte composition of the blood, a lack of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. A lack of some elements can lead to an excess of others, including water, which leads to disorder contractile function, disturbances in heart rhythm and heart function, heart failure. It is necessary to take a closer look at the question of what sinus arrhythmia is.

What are the features of sinus arrhythmia?

Bradycardia may constitute sinus arrhythmia; Rare and increased heart rates in these disorders are associated with a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. They usually do not require primary therapy. The occurrence, for example, is characteristic of myocarditis, which causes a heart disorder. represents an alternating change, which is caused by the respiratory cycle: when inhaling, the heart rate slows down, when exhaling it becomes faster. This condition is associated with innervation, i.e. the communication of all tissues and organs with the central nervous system with the help of nerves; it does not require treatment. If such a disorder is detected, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, since this state sometimes observed when the body is exhausted. The causes of sinus arrhythmia are as follows:

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart occurs when the activity of the sinus node, located in the right atrium, fluctuates; this node sets the heart rhythm. Its dysfunction leads to malfunctions in the conduction system of the heart, which has a detrimental effect on human health.

Sinusoidal arrhythmia manifests itself with various symptoms. When the heart rate increases, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pulsation in the temples and heart;
  • pain in the left side of the chest, which is caused by a high load on the myocardium;
  • feeling of lack of oxygen.

When the heart rate decreases, the following appear:

Signs of a pathological decrease in heart rate are due to large gaps between them, the manifestation of blockade at the exit of the atrial node. Sinus arrhythmia occurs in adults and children. Sometimes it develops after strokes, surgical intervention, stress, psycho-emotional stress. If a child is diagnosed with sinus arrhythmia, this means that the child has problems with the heart muscle.

Both adults and children can experience sinus arrhythmia. Such a violation heart rate found in different people and only in half a percent of cases is it a pathology. Let's look at what this problem is and who usually has it.

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart is so wrong sinus rhythm, which is characterized by a changing heart rate.

Sinus rhythm is the heart rate imposed by the pacemaker (sinus node) with equal intervals between them. If coordination in the work of the heart remains, but the intervals between its contractions differ from each other, then we are talking about sinus arrhythmia.

To a certain extent, this condition can occur in any healthy person, since the heart cannot constantly contract with equal frequency: sometimes the rhythm accelerates, sometimes it slows down. Minimal changes frequencies are usually associated with the breathing process.

If pronounced sinus arrhythmia is not associated with the act of breathing, then this may indicate a malfunction autonomic system or problems with the cardiovascular system.

Diseases and conditions which are accompanied by this pathology:

  • hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, endocrine disorders);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine (hernias, osteochondrosis, etc.);
  • stress and emotional overload;
  • liver diseases;
  • impact low temperatures;
  • and etc.

The causes of sinus arrhythmia can be varied, but in most cases this pathology does not cause serious problems for the patient.

Sinus arrhythmia in children

Parents, after performing an ECG on their child, can often see this diagnosis in the conclusion line. Usually, adults are frightened by any incomprehensible concept, and they begin to pester the doctor with the question: what is sinus arrhythmia of the heart and how dangerous it is for the child.

The baby's heart may beat different frequencies depending on age. Thus, in babies during the first days of life, a heart rate within the range of 120-140 beats per minute is considered normal. Every year it decreases and at the age of 13-15 years it becomes equal to the norm adult (60-90 beats per minute).

This type of rhythm disturbance in a child is absolutely normal and in most cases is associated with breathing processes.

Sinus arrhythmia in children is due to the fact that at the moment of inhalation the heart rate reflexively increases, and when exhaling it slows down. In addition, the heart rate can be affected by the process of placing sensors ECG for a child and at the beginning of the procedure, the heart rate increases sharply, and as the baby calms down, the rhythm slows down.

This is due to the immaturity of the baby’s nervous system and imperfect regulation of vascular tone. As the child grows and develops, episodes of such sinus arrhythmia become less common, and it disappears on its own.

Other causes of this pathology in children not related to breathing:

  • Genetic predisposition. If someone in the family suffers from a similar problem, it can be passed on to the child.
  • Congenital or acquired (rheumatism) heart defects.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by severe intoxication of the body. These diseases are usually accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, increased sweating and lead to dehydration. The baby changes quickly water-salt balance, and disruptions in the functioning of the heart begin.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. A disease associated with imperfect regulation of vascular tone: they either expand or contract, which leads to a number of characteristic symptoms.
  • Inflammatory process and heart tumors. They are rare.

Important! Sinus arrhythmia is not a contraindication for sports. In these cases, the child is simply monitored more often and an ECG and other studies are performed every few months.

Sinus arrhythmia is most often not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, since it does not have a significant effect on hemodynamics (blood movement through the vessels). If this type of arrhythmia is combined with another cardiac pathology, the patient begins to experience pain in the heart area and other symptoms.

There are several types of sinus arrhythmia, depending on the heart rate:

1. Tachyarrhythmia. Accompanied by a rapid heartbeat over 85-90 beats per minute. During physical activity, stress, or injury, this condition is regarded as a variant of the norm. If it occurs at rest, it may indicate the presence of heart disease, endocrine organs or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

2. Bradyarrhythmia. The heart rate slows down significantly (below 60 beats/min). With this form the patient is worried unpleasant symptoms in the form of dizziness, weakness, tinnitus. He may faint.

3. Extrasystole- extraordinary contraction of the heart. It may be a one-time thing, in these cases they do not pay attention to it. If constant extrasystoles are detected, comprehensive diagnostics and select treatment.


ECG for sinus arrhythmia, photo

The key diagnostic method is an ECG in combination with Holter monitoring. With this diagnostic method, a portable ECG device is attached to the patient for a day, which constantly records changes in the functioning of the heart.

At the same time, the patient keeps a diary, where he writes down all the events that happen during the day and his reaction to them.

On an ECG, this type of arrhythmia appears as a normal sinus rhythm with a difference in the P-P or R-R intervals. Other indicators remain within normal limits. Of auxiliary importance is the appearance of arrhythmia during deep breathing, and its disappearance after holding your breath.

  • See what they mean.

About the treatment of sinus arrhythmia

If the difference between cardiac fluctuations is 10% or less, then such a rhythm disturbance is considered physiological and does not require special treatment.

For elimination possible symptoms the patient is given a diet, moderate physical exercise and learn to avoid stress. I include foods rich in potassium and magnesium in my menu.

  • If sinus arrhythmia is caused by another disease, then drug treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying problem.

Sinus arrhythmia is one of the favorable rhythm disturbances that can occur both normally and in pathology. Special therapy for this type of arrhythmia is usually not required.

Do you ever feel like your heart wants to jump out of your chest for no apparent reason? If this sounds familiar to you, you may want to pay attention to other symptoms. You may have an arrhythmia. What is it, can there be a cough due to arrhythmia, how to deal with it - you can learn about this from the article.

Symptoms and causes of arrhythmias


To begin with, it should be explained that arrhythmia is a whole series various symptoms which indicate a heart rhythm disorder. Bradycardia is a slow heartbeat, with a contraction frequency of no more than 60 beats per minute. This is the norm for trained athletes, but for most people this indicator indicates problems with the main organ of our body and can cause heart failure. Bradycardia is accompanied by pain in the heart area, increased fatigue, dizziness, frequent changes blood pressure and semi-fainting state.


This is also a type of arrhythmia in which the number of heart beats per minute increases (up to 90 beats). This can also be the norm, but only with increased physical or emotional stress. The interesting thing is that due to physiological characteristics, tachycardia also normal phenomenon in children under 7 years of age. In a healthy adult, it can appear when strong increase air temperature, after taking certain medications or alcoholic drinks. This is no cause for concern. But if tachycardia is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, a feeling of shortness of breath, problems sleeping, pulsation of neck vessels - these may be signs of a serious illness that needs treatment.

Causes of extrasystole

Extrasystole is a type of arrhythmia in which there are interruptions in the heart rhythm, caused by extraordinary contractions of the entire heart or a certain part of it. With absence timely treatment, the disease can lead to angina pectoris. Most often, this type of arrhythmia occurs in people over 50 years of age and manifests itself as a sensation of a sharp heartbeat, its inversion. Extrasystole is accompanied by dizziness, fainting, weakness, excessive sweating, feeling of anxiety and insufficient air.

Atrial fibrillation

This is one of the most common types of arrhythmia. This is a heart rhythm disorder in which the contraction phase of the atria falls out, as a result of which the muscles do not work synchronously, and the ventricles contract and excite irregularly (300-700 beats/min). The causes of this disease are often heart defects, its infectious lesions, ischemia, heart attack, surgical interventions.

Heart blocks

The blockage often may not have specific tangible symptoms and can only be detected when special studies. ABOUT does not occur if the behavior of the cardiac impulse in a particular area is disrupted. This happens with any heart disease, congenital pathology, sometimes due to improper use or overdose of medications. If you are often bothered by the feeling that your heart is “freezing in your chest,” you should consult a doctor.

Treatment options

Treatment of arrhythmia

As you can see, heart rhythm disturbances have various reasons, the treatment of which is necessary for later life person. There are several ways to eliminate arrhythmia:

  1. Medication. Since arrhythmia is often caused by other heart diseases, you need to get rid of them first. For this, the patient is prescribed various drugs, which improve heart function.
  2. Surgical. This method used if drug treatment has not given the desired result. This could be the implantation of a pacemaker or defibrillator, which helps rhythmically contract the heart fibers, or radiofrequency ablation, which involves stimulating the organ with specific radio waves.

Diet and special diet

Treatment of arrhythmia includes not only medications, but also an appropriate diet. You need to exclude from your diet the consumption of excessively fatty, salty, smoked foods, alcohol, and do not abuse coffee. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day. If you are nervous or overexcited, it is better to postpone eating. The majority of the diet of a person with arrhythmia should consist of foods plant origin(50 - 60%), carbohydrates up to 25%, protein up to 30%. Good impact pears, apples, raspberries, watermelon, melon, beets, red peppers, tomatoes, grapes, pomegranates, and fish have a positive effect on the heart. These products normalize the metabolic process, remove cholesterol, and tone the heart muscles.

Folk remedies: herbs and mixtures

Folk remedies for cardiac arrhythmia

Folk remedies are often used for arrhythmia. But you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult your doctor.

It is recommended to add fresh milk, celery, parsley to the diet, but it is better to remove coffee and tea, especially strong ones. Adonis springum has a good effect on the heart, the tincture of which is taken 15 drops three times a day. But the course of such treatment should not exceed two weeks and it is imperative to take diuretics.

Another one of folk remedies - pansies. The plant is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for two hours and taken three times a day, 1 - 2 tablespoons. A similar infusion can also be made from the inflorescences of sorrel or hawthorn. Before use, you should consult your doctor.


  • 1) Drug treatment for heart rhythm disturbances can only be prescribed by a qualified doctor after a full examination of the body and analysis of the causes of this disease. It can be sedatives, which contain valerian, motherwort, mint and other herbs. Such medicines include Antares, Persen, Novo-passit.
  • 2) Tranquilizers are drugs that not only calm, but also directly affect the heart muscle. They are taken only on the recommendations of a doctor. This could be Xanax, Diazepam, Phenazepam.
  • 3) Antiarrhythmic drugs. Prescribed to treat the heart, regulate rhythm, and not to reduce pain. This could be “Amiodarone”, “Ritmonorm”, “Pulsnorm”.
  • 4) Homeopathic medicines. They help improve metabolism, calm down the fight against cholesterol in the blood, and also relieve vasospasm. These include “Nervohel”, “Kralonin”.

Drugs and medicine for the heart

Breathing exercises

Heart muscles, like any other, need training. Correct breathing Helps the heart pump blood and contract properly. Doctors recommend initial stage and to prevent the disease, use special breathing exercises Streltsova. It consists of exercises “palms”, “shoulder straps”, “pump”, “head turn”, “shoulder hug”, cat and others. Each of them must be done while inhaling, 8 times and in 12 approaches.

How dangerous the disease is: possible consequences

If arrhythmia is detected in time and its treatment is started immediately, there may be no consequences. But often we trigger this or that disease and it turns into dangerous form. Arrhythmia also leads to complications. These are diseases such as thromboembolism, heart failure, stroke, and heart attack. To avoid such dangerous consequences, watch your health and do not ignore even the slightest symptoms.

Constant overwork and frequent stays in stressful situations increases the load on the heart muscle, which leads to disruptions in its functioning. Sinus arrhythmia is considered the most common consequence of the influence of these factors. It happens different forms and flow, but does not cause significant harm to the body. The exception is advanced types of failure that can cause complications without timely intervention. A cardiologist treats this type of heart rhythm disorder. He must conduct a comprehensive diagnosis to identify the causative factor and draw up a treatment regimen.

Sinus arrhythmia of the heart is caused by a disruption of the natural pacemaker (sinus node), what this means can be found out by understanding anatomical features organ. The information below will help with this:

  • a signal occurs in the sinus node, causing contraction of the atria;
  • the impulse enters the atrioventricular node and the His bundle;
  • Having reached the Purkinje fibers, the signal causes contraction of the ventricles.

If the pulse sent is too weak or too pronounced, then malfunctions will occur. Sometimes they are a consequence of a blockade, for example, damage to one of the legs of His. The last factor can be combined with more dangerous species heartbeat disturbances.

Sinus arrhythmias, which arise due to a violation of the patency of excitation through the myocardium, are also popularly called sinusoidal, sinusoidal and sinus. They are assigned ICD-10 revision code I49. The description says that these types of failures belong to the group of “other heart rhythm disorders.”

Types of failure

You can understand what sinus arrhythmia is not only by the mechanism of development, but also by the heart rate (HR). By this criterion it is divided into the following types:

  • Tachycardia is considered the most common form of arrhythmia, which is manifested by a rapid pulse up to 90 beats per minute and above. Because of it, the heart muscle is not filled with blood in the proper volume, which leads to serious violations hemodynamics (blood flow). The development of such arrhythmia often indicates the presence of malfunctions thyroid gland. IN adolescence it occurs due to surges in hormones and vegetative-vascular dystonia. In adults, tachycardia is more associated with stress and heart pathologies.
  • Bradycardia is characterized by a decrease in heart rate to 60 or lower. If she shows herself moderately, then we're talking about about arrhythmia caused by strict diets or fasting. A decrease in heart rate to 40 beats per minute or lower most likely indicates the presence of heart pathologies, disruptions in endocrine system And negative impact certain drugs. An advanced form of the malfunction has a bad effect on hemodynamics and can lead to loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest.
  • Extrasystole is manifested by premature contraction. Arrhythmia is typical for people who are constantly in stressful situations, abuse bad habits and have heart pathologies. At the time of the attack, there is a lack of air, panic attack and heartbeat.
  • Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (physiological) does not manifest itself as severe deviations from the norm. It is characterized by an increase in the frequency of contractions during inhalation and a decrease during exhalation. The problem is diagnosed more often in children than in adults, especially if the teenager suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia. Specialist assistance is required only in in rare cases, for example, when combined with other types of heartbeat disturbances.

Arrhythmia caused by other pathologies can be of any type (tachycardia, bradycardia, extrasystole). It is the most dangerous and can lead to serious complications.

Arrhythmia in children

Minor irregularities in rhythm are typical active children. They do not have much impact and actually do not appear. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to give the baby a rest and protect him from stress.

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky believes that the detection of baby's lungs forms of sinus arrhythmia are a completely natural phenomenon. According to him, it would be strange not to meet her at that age. The baby’s body is not yet fully formed, so it cannot adequately respond to external factors. Drug treatment is required only in severe cases, when a pronounced form of sinus arrhythmia is diagnosed or it is combined with other types of failure.


Sinus arrhythmia develops in stages, depending on causative factor. You can see its stages below:


Disruptions in hemodynamics caused by abnormal contractions provoke dysfunction internal organs and the development of other pathological processes. You can understand why the sinus type of cardiac arrhythmia is dangerous using the list of complications below:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • heart failure;
  • the appearance of blood clots;
  • breathing problems;
  • stroke;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation);
  • heart failure.

The development of complications can be avoided with timely diagnosis. Based on its results, the doctor will create an effective course of treatment.

Reasons for development

Can affect the sinus node various factors. The most significant of them are diseases of the cardiovascular system. Their list is given below:

  • Malformations of the heart muscle are abnormalities in its structure. They lead to the emergence various forms cardiomyopathies, due to which failures occur in the conduction system. The excitation impulse cannot fully spread throughout the myocardium, resulting in arrhythmias.
  • Cardiac ischemia, caused by lack of nutrition, ranks first among all diseases that cause heart rate failures. The second is followed by myocardial infarction and its characteristic cardiosclerosis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle leave behind scars. They consist of connective tissue, which is not able to transmit impulses, which leads to the development of arrhythmia.

Diseases of the internal organs have a negative effect on the sinus node:

  • With thyrotoxicosis, the production of thyroid hormones increases, which negatively affects cardiovascular system. The disease manifests itself due to autoimmune malfunctions and the development of nodular goiter.
  • The development of an adrenal tumor (pheochromocytoma) provokes an increase in the synthesis of adrenaline and norepinephrine. They increase heart rate and constrict blood vessels.

Cardiac dysfunction is often caused by pathological conditions. Their list is as follows:

  • anemia, which is characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin levels.
  • feverish condition;
  • exposure to high and low temperatures;
  • diseases caused by infections;
  • sudden change in body position;
  • intoxication caused by chemicals or alcohol.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia often causes sinus arrhythmia in children. It is characterized by predominance sympathetic division over the parasympathetic, or vice versa. In the first case, the heartbeat quickens, and in the second it slows down.

Clinical picture

Sinus arrhythmia in children and adults is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of heartbeat (interruptions, freezing);
  • pulsation in temples;
  • pain and compression of the chest during an attack;
  • lack of air.

In infants, signs of an abnormal heart rhythm are usually the following:

  • lethargy or excessive excitability;
  • blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle (cyanosis);
  • shortness of breath that occurs even in the absence of physical activity;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • excessive sweating;
  • weak appetite;
  • insufficient body weight growth.


If signs characteristic of arrhythmia are detected, the patient should consult a cardiologist. The specialist will conduct a survey and examination of the patient to find out the points of interest and refer him for electrocardiography (ECG). The essence of the examination is to assess the condition of the heart muscle and its performance. Decoding the results obtained will allow you to find out the form of the failure and its severity.

During the procedure, the patient is asked to lie on a couch and electrodes are applied to the chest and limbs. The electrocardiogram will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Throughout the entire time, the device records the frequency of contractions and records failures. Are different normal indicators from sinus arrhythmia by shortening or lengthening R-R intervals. In the first case, a rapid heartbeat is diagnosed, and in the second, a slow heartbeat. The resulting fluctuations may be associated with the phases of breathing. They are usually greater than 0.15 seconds.

A cardiogram is a reliable way to diagnose arrhythmia, but sometimes it is not enough. In this case, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations:

  • coronary angiography;
  • daily ECG monitoring;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the heart;
  • chest x-ray;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Course of therapy

Sinus arrhythmia is a symptom, not a pathology, so it cannot be completely cured, but causative factors can be eliminated in a timely manner. The course of therapy usually depends on the severity of the malfunction:

  • If the arrhythmia manifests itself moderately (attacks bother the patient extremely rarely), then special treatment not required. Elimination of the malfunction will follow the principle of “more rest, less stress,” but you need to be examined to exclude serious pathological processes.
  • If there are heart diseases, the essence of therapy is to eliminate them. If it is not possible to completely cure the pathology, then it is necessary to stop its manifestations and alleviate the patient’s condition.
  • Neurological and psychological factors, which provoke disruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle, are eliminated by following the rules of prevention. Launched forms must be entrusted to a neurologist or psychotherapist.

If irregularities in the heart rhythm occur daily and are accompanied by a fairly bright clinical picture, then the risk of complications increases. The course of treatment for such an advanced problem may look like this:

  • drug therapy;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • surgical intervention.

The choice of methods will depend on the severity of the cardiac arrhythmia and the patient’s condition. Doctors try to focus only on the first 3 points, avoiding surgical intervention. They resort to it only when necessary.

Drug treatment

Drugs with a mild sedative (calming) effect do not cause severe drowsiness or decreased reaction. They are prescribed to reduce heart rate, eliminate feelings of anxiety and as a means of combating insomnia. The following medications are most in demand:

If sinus arrhythmia is caused by severe disturbances in the psycho-emotional background, then the doctor will recommend tranquilizers. They help relieve anxiety and reduce heart rate. This group drugs are also prescribed in case of intolerance antiarrhythmic drugs. The most popular tranquilizers are:

In the presence of organic lesions hearts that cause arrhythmia, it is better to use antiarrhythmic drugs:

  • "Aymalin" refers to blockers sodium channels. The drug is used for hypertension in combination with tachycardia. Due to the effect, the pressure and excitability of the myocardium are reduced. It is not recommended to use Aymalin if there are severe pathological processes or foci of inflammation in the heart. In rare cases it causes nausea, general weakness and headache.
  • "Lidocaine" is local anesthetic and sodium blockers. It is used to eliminate pain and reduce myocardial excitability, thereby stopping an attack of arrhythmia and its characteristic symptoms. The medication is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Sometimes it provokes nausea, depression and increases heart block.

It is advisable to combine medications with sedative, anti-anxiety and antiarrhythmic effects with drugs containing the necessary normal operation heart and nervous system substances. The most popular tablets are the following:


You can use the products at home traditional medicine to combat sinus arrhythmia. They have minimal amount contraindications and side effects, due to which a long course of use is allowed. The following recipes are most effective:

  • Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and mix with 200 g of dried apricot pulp. Pour 150 ml of honey on top and add 30 g of raisins and kernels walnuts. Mix everything well and close the lid for several hours. Accept medicine after waking up, 50 ml for 30 days.
  • Grind 200 g of walnut kernels and mix with 1 liter of honey. Drink ready-made product 20 ml are needed 3 times a day. Stop the course after the condition improves.
  • Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 50 g of chopped asparagus. Place the container on the fire and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then remove it from the stove and add another 50 g of the main ingredient. Mix the broth well and leave to infuse for at least 2 hours. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day for 1 month.
  • Carefully cut 1 onion and mix with grated apple. Use the prepared pulp in the morning and evening for no more than 4 weeks.

Electropulse treatment

Sometimes, to eliminate advanced arrhythmia, it is necessary to undergo electrical pulse treatment. It is mainly used when several types of failure are combined or complications develop. The essence of this method is to apply electrodes to chest and launching electric current. Achieved positive result quite often, but it is more difficult to keep it.

Electropulse treatment is carried out in medical institutions, as may be required resuscitation measures. After completion of the procedure, the patient is prescribed maintenance therapy consisting of antiarrhythmic drugs (Quinidine, Cordarone). Its duration varies from 2-3 weeks to 2 months.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are selected depending on the primary factor, as well as the type and severity of the arrhythmia. The following methods are mainly used:

  • acupuncture;
  • water procedures;
  • magnetic and laser therapy.


Sometimes sinus arrhythmia becomes persistent. If it cannot be controlled with medications, then minimally invasive operations are used. Depending on the form of the failure, they can be as follows:

  • In case of advanced bradyarrhythmia, a pacemaker is preferably implanted. It is used in the form of an artificial pacemaker. If the heart rate drops below 40 beats per minute, the device will begin to send signals to the myocardium, helping the sinus node to perform its functions.
  • Tachyarrhythmia resulting from the formation of ectopic foci is eliminated by radiofrequency ablation. The essence of the procedure is to insert a catheter into the femoral artery and direct it to the heart. Having reached the source of false signals, it is cauterized. The patient is kept under observation for a couple more days to assess the effectiveness of the operation, and then sent home.

Preventive measures

Prevention of sinus arrhythmia allows you to avoid its relapses and speed up the recovery process. It is enough for the patient to follow these rules:

  • exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods from the menu;
  • saturate your diet with vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • meat, fish and fermented milk products choose low-fat;
  • limit salt intake to 5 g per day;
  • give up strong tea, energy drinks and coffee;
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • monitor your weight;
  • increase resistance to stress (yoga, hardening);
  • monitor blood pressure and pulse levels;
  • follow all recommendations of a specialist;
  • be fully examined once a year;
  • rest more, take breaks at work;
  • undergo sanatorium-resort treatment annually;
  • play sports (running, swimming).

Sinus arrhythmia has many varieties, but rarely provokes serious disruptions in hemodynamics. An exception is an abnormal heartbeat due to organic damage. Similar problem develops gradually and can lead to dangerous complications. To avoid this, it is recommended to go through full examination to identify the causative factor. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will advise effective ways treatment.

It is for the purpose of early detection of diseases and their prevention that medical examinations are carried out annually in clinics; you can also take tests and have an electrocardiogram done, reflecting the work of the heart, in private medical centers.

The possibilities for examination today are very wide, if there is a desire. But it is not always possible for a person, after undergoing an examination, to be clearly and intelligibly explained what this or that indicator in the analysis means, or what the interpretation of his cardiogram means. When reading the ECG conclusion “sinus arrhythmia,” the patient does not always understand what this wording means, what is happening with the work of his heart, is sinus arrhythmia of the heart subject to treatment? Meanwhile, the patient’s primary right is to know what is happening to his health.

1 What is sinus arrhythmia?

If you read “moderate sinus arrhythmia” or “sinus respiratory arrhythmia” in the transcript of your electrocardiogram, you should not immediately panic and classify yourself as a cardiac patient, especially if before conducting an ECG You felt completely healthy and had no heart problems. You should know that this definition does not always signal a disease; it can also be a physiological condition.

Sinus arrhythmia is an irregular heart rhythm that is characterized by a periodic increase and decrease in electrical impulses in the sinus node with varying frequency. Sinus node, which normally rhythmically generates impulses with a frequency of 60-90 beats per minute, under the influence of certain factors, ceases to maintain the correct rhythm and begins to “be lazy” - produce impulses less than 60 beats per minute with the development of bradyarrhythmia, or “hurry” - produce increased production impulses more than 90 beats per minute with the development of tachyarrhythmia.

2 Disease or physiology?

There are two forms of sinus arrhythmia: respiratory (cyclic) and not associated with breathing (non-cyclical).

Respiratory arrhythmia is not a pathology, it does not require treatment, does not cause clinical symptoms. Doctors associate its occurrence with insufficient maturity and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the heart. With this form, the predominance of the influence of n.vagi or vagus nerve on cardiac activity.

Sinus respiratory arrhythmia is characterized by an increased heart rate during inspiration and a slower heart rate during expiration. It often occurs in children, young healthy people, in adolescents during puberty, in athletes, patients with a tendency to neuroses, in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The non-cyclic form indicates the presence of some disease that is accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia. This form is more serious in prognostic significance, especially if it is severe sinus arrhythmia.

3 Reasons for the occurrence of a non-cyclic form

Non-cyclic moderate or severe sinus arrhythmia can occur under the following conditions:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (myocarditis, rheumatic lesion valves arterial hypertension, congenital and acquired defects);
  • hormonal disorders (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland or insufficient production of thyroid hormones, kidney and adrenal diseases, diabetes mellitus);
  • blood diseases (anemia of various origins);
  • underweight, cachexia;
  • mental disorders (neuroses, depressive states, mania);
  • infectious diseases (rheumatism, tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • intoxication with alcohol, nicotine;
  • electrolyte disorders (lack of potassium, calcium, magnesium in the blood);
  • overdose of antiarrhythmics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs.

All these diseases can cause disorders in the sinus node and, as a result, arrhythmia. Also, the non-cyclic form is a common occurrence in older people; it occurs in them when waking up after sleep or when falling asleep. This is connected on the one hand with age-related changes in the heart muscle, and on the other hand, with a reduced controlling influence of the central nervous system during periods of transition from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa.

Knowing the cause of rhythm disturbances is very important to determine further tactics treatment.

4 Clinical symptoms

The respiratory form or moderately severe non-cyclic arrhythmia may not manifest itself in any way and can only be detected on an ECG. Severe sinus arrhythmia is characterized by such symptoms as palpitations, if there is a tachyarrhythmia, or interruptions in the work of the heart, a feeling of heart failure, if a bradyarrhythmia occurs. Often with bradyarrhythmias, dizziness, vestibular disorders, and fainting are observed. Symptoms such as weakness, shortness of breath, and pain in the heart area may appear. Symptoms will be predominantly associated with the disease that caused the heart rhythm disturbance.

5 How to determine sinus arrhythmia?

The doctor, after a thorough interview and collection of complaints, will begin the examination. The pulse in the radial arteries will be irregular; when listening to heart sounds, irregular contractions are also noted. With respiratory arrhythmia, a relationship with breathing will be heard: when you inhale, the heart rate will accelerate, and when you exhale, it will slow down. In a non-cyclic form, such a connection will not be traced.

Assistants in making a diagnosis - instrumental and laboratory methods examinations:

  • Holter ECG monitoring,
  • EchoCG
  • general clinical, biochemical tests,
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, kidneys, adrenal glands,
  • Electrophysiological study of the heart.

6 How to distinguish respiratory arrhythmia from pathological one?

There are medical methods and techniques that can easily distinguish between the two forms of arrhythmia.

  1. The respiratory form disappears on the ECG when holding the breath; the pathological form does not disappear after holding the breath;
  2. Respiratory arrhythmia increases after taking beta-blockers, but non-cyclic arrhythmia does not change;
  3. The non-respiratory form does not disappear under the influence of atropine, but the respiratory form does.

7 How to treat sinus node rhythm disturbances

The respiratory form does not require treatment. Treatment of the non-cyclic form depends on the treatment of the disease that contributed to the occurrence of the rhythm disorder. Often after adjustment electrolyte balance blood, cure anemia, hormonal disorders, the arrhythmia disappears and normal heart rhythm is restored.

In case of severe tachyarrhythmia, beta-blockers, antiarrhythmics, antithrombotic drugs are used to reduce heart rate; in case of severe bradyarrhythmia, atropine-based drugs, electrical pulse therapy can be used, or if ineffective drug treatment— surgical: implantation of an electrical pacemaker. Treatment of sinus arrhythmia is carried out in the presence of clinical symptoms and hemodynamic disturbances.