Ultrasound per month for the child. Ultrasound of a newborn: mandatory tests in the first year of life

Every new mother knows what an ultrasound procedure is. She had to deal with it at least twice during her pregnancy. In some cases, such diagnostics are also necessary for babies already born. Ultrasound of a newborn is usually performed for special indications. About in what cases this type examination is necessary, and how to properly prepare the baby for the procedure, further in more detail.

Ultrasound of a baby follows almost the same principle as research internal organs in adults. For newborns, the importance of ultrasound diagnostics is extremely high, because only timely detection developing pathologies allows you to start therapy as early as possible, thereby preventing the progression of the disease, stopping the symptoms that complicate your well-being.

Having missed the chance to get rid of pathology in early age, it is not always possible to stop the course of the disease in the future, which does not guarantee a positive prognosis for recovery.

In many ways, the type of ultrasound that needs to be performed to infant, is determined by the course of pregnancy and the consequences of childbirth. Most often, the child’s brain, heart and main blood arteries, organs are subject to diagnosis abdominal cavity, liver and kidneys.

Statistical data confirm the feasibility of performing a study of newborns. Thanks to the introduction diagnostic procedure The survival rate of babies who were diagnosed with suspected pathologies or anomalies of intrauterine development in the prenatal period has increased significantly over the past few years.

Types of ultrasound diagnostics for infants

In the first month of life, research ultrasound procedure carried out in certain cases. However, a distinction should be made: during pregnancy, a woman undergoes 2-3 routine ultrasound scans; there is no similar need to examine the baby. Among the diagnostics that make it possible to recognize the most common diseases of infants, the most often prescribed are:

  • neurosonography;
  • diagnosis of the hip joint;
  • examination of the abdominal organs and heart.

Our country has not yet introduced the practice of mandatory ultrasound examination in the first week of a child’s life, but it is advisable to additional procedures, in addition to examination by a doctor, is obvious. Not all pathologies manifest themselves symptomatically. For example, hip dysplasia in a child manifests itself only when the child makes his first attempts to walk. In advanced cases, avoid surgical intervention It's simply impossible.

Main indications for prescribing neurosonography for a newborn

Indications for ultrasound in newborns determine one or another specific type of procedure. The purpose of the study falls within the competence of pediatricians, neonatologists or specialized specialists, if available. specific symptoms. Thus, indications for neurosonography in infants are:

  • premature birth;
  • deep prematurity;
  • intrauterine oxygen starvation;
  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • low Apgar score (less than 7 points);
  • muscle hypotonicity;
  • convulsions.

For both rapid and slow head growth, neurosonography is an indispensable stage of examination. In addition, it is also prescribed in the presence of such anomalies in the development of infants as fused fingers, short neck etc. The procedure is much easier to carry out, and its maximum information content is explained by the large fontanel that has not yet closed.

Neurosonography in a baby: an unclosed fontanel allows the doctor to see a lot

To detect congenital anomalies requiring urgent treatment, disturbances in the blood supply to areas of the brain, blood circulation, neurosonography is also prescribed. In case of ischemic damage to organ tissue caused by intrauterine hypoxia or stroke, the likelihood of developing severe and often irreversible consequences for the patient is incredibly high. Therefore, in addition to a detailed inspection cerebral hemispheres worth studying the condition large arteries base of the skull, neck. This will avoid the development of complications caused by damage during childbirth.

In what cases is an ultrasound of the abdomen prescribed?

It can also be performed according to plan, in the first month of life, or carried out unplanned, taking into account complaints from the digestive system. For such children, screening is often the only gentle and minimally invasive way to identify pathologies and make a diagnosis. Among the indications for the procedure it is worth noting:

  • routine examination congenital anomalies intrauterine development;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • lack or decrease in monthly weight gain;
  • progressive congenital jaundice, suspected nuclear form;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • with increased reflux reaction, suspected pyloric stenosis;
  • in case of stool disorder caused by a non-infectious functional disorder.

An ultrasound examination will be a mandatory step in examining the baby after an injury to any internal organ, severe pain and screams when touching the abdomen or light pressure.

Other types of newborn screening

In addition to studying the state internal systems and organs of the child, no less often ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed for heart defects confirmed in the prenatal period. Most often, cardiac ultrasound is performed from 1 to 3 months of a baby’s life.

For research hip joints As a rule, infants with suspected pathologies such as dysplasia and hip dislocation are referred. The first disease is one of the most common and can significantly affect later life child in the future.

An examination of the hip joint in a child is usually prescribed by a pediatric orthopedist, who will help draw up a competent treatment regimen to fix the diseased joint.

How to prepare a baby for a research procedure?

Screening of the hip joints, brain and heart does not require additional preparation. For maximum information content, ultrasound of the digestive organs, kidneys and liver must be preceded by some restrictions.

If infant is located artificial feeding, That preparatory measures can be considered short-term restrictions in feeding. It is important that the baby's gastrointestinal tract is as free from food as possible, given the minimum duration between feedings.

If the newborn is feeding breast milk mother, the main preparation for abdominal screening will fall on her shoulders. She should radically reconsider her diet 2-3 days before the expected date of the baby's examination. The main thing is to exclude allergens and any products causing flatulence, bloating, upset:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • black bread.

Other types of ultrasound (for example, pelvic organs, kidneys and bladder) imply maximum fluid filling. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult for newborn babies to control the process of urination, filling it bladder You can only give him a drink of water or children's tea 30-40 minutes before the start of the study.

Before ultrasound, the bladder must be filled with fluid. Give your baby enough to drink half an hour before the test.

How is ultrasound examination performed in infants?

The ultrasound examination itself is harmless. The decision to prescribe ultrasound for newborns often serves as an alternative to radiography, which can carry dangerous consequences for human health. Unlike MRI, which is recognized as the most informative type of diagnosis, ultrasound does not require anesthesia to completely immobilize the child.

Ultrasound research involves the use of high-frequency waves that have low levels energy. To heat tissue using ultrasound, high equipment power is required, tens of times higher than standard. When performing Doppler ultrasound, there is still no risk of danger to the child’s body, despite the fact that this procedure requires large hardware power.

During the examination, a sensor is used, the child is placed on a prepared surface lined with a diaper. An examination using an ultrasound machine lasts on average 10-15 minutes, while diagnosing the brain - up to half an hour. After the screening, parents are given the answers or have them sewn into their outpatient card baby.

Conclusion of the study: deciphering the results

The results of the study are interpreted by the attending physician (neurologist, pediatrician, orthopedist, gastroenterologist and other specialists). For example, if the neurosonography report contains the following indicators, means the state of the newborn’s brain is within normal limits:

  • symmetrical brain structures with the ability to visualize sulci and convolutions;
  • homogeneous ventricles and cisterns of the brain;
  • there are no displacements of brain structures;
  • the size of the ventricle and cisterna magna is not exceeded.

Among the diseases that a child can develop, the most common are benign cystic formations, not requiring treatment, signs of hydrocephalus, expansion of the subarachnoid space.

About the dangers of ultrasound for infants

Thus, we can draw a line. About whether ultrasound harms the baby, we can only say the following: screening according to indications, no matter how often the doctor prescribes it, carries with it a priori more benefit rather than imaginary harm.

Timely examination of the child’s body allows one to begin the fight against serious illnesses in their initial stage, then when a baby can be cured conservative methods, without operations and serious consequences.

Call ultrasound absolutely safe for human body, and especially for a child, it would be wrong. But to say that is also incorrect. Screening equipment operates at a power level that in no way negatively affects the baby’s tissues or internal systems.

An ultrasound of a newborn should be performed in the maternity hospital in the first month after birth. Early screening in the maternity hospital will allow us to identify possible pathologies on their initial stage development. It follows that, if necessary, their treatment will be much simpler and more effective.

At the same time, any one specific screening test is not carried out; such diagnostics are approached comprehensively. All the most “vulnerable” organs and systems of the baby are subjected to screening diagnostics.

In this article we will talk about how a screening test is carried out for a newborn baby in the maternity hospital, what it reveals and when to do it. We will also tell you all the nuances of these surveys.

Ultrasound screening of a baby in the maternity hospital is an important and mandatory method early diagnosis possible pathologies. It is usually carried out in the first month after birth.

Wherein various organs baby are studied in different terms. First, doctors examine the child's hip joints and brain. It is important to remember that for the hip joints, a repeat screening is carried out a month after the first examination.

Many mothers refuse to conduct ultrasound screening of their baby in the maternity hospital, citing the unsafety of the method. But this is a misconception, since numerous experiments have shown that an ultrasound test does not in any way affect the child’s body.

It is much more dangerous not to conduct such a study in the first month after birth. For example, missed hip dysplasia will subsequently lead to disability in the child.

Failure to perform a brain ultrasound in the first month could potentially result in aneurysms or vascular malformations in the child being missed. In the future, this, unfortunately, can lead to death.

Brain Research

An ultrasound test of a baby's brain in the first month of his life is called neurosonography. It is carried out for assessment anatomical structure child's brain.

Neurosonography can be used to detect congenital diseases brain, and acquired (birth trauma, hypoxia, and so on). The study can also diagnose hydrocephalus.

The list of diseases recorded on neurosonography is long. It is worth noting the most dangerous of them:

  1. Vascular malformations and aneurysms.
  2. Hydrocephalus and encephalopathy.
  3. Disorders of the blood supply to the brain of a newborn.
  4. Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  5. Brain damage during childbirth.
  6. Liquororrhea.

This diagnostic procedure does not require specific preparation. The study itself is carried out through the child’s fontanel, which is relatively small area skull, consisting of cartilaginous tissue.

Ultrasound of the hip joints

This procedure is very important for children aged 1 to 3 months. With its help, you can detect dangerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system on early stages.

This is important because undetected joint diseases can lead to disability. In addition, diagnosing early stages development of the disease will allow its treatment to begin immediately. This will significantly increase the likelihood of cure and reduce the duration of therapy.

If you ignore the advice on performing an ultrasound of the hip joints in the first weeks of pregnancy, you can expect the manifestation of diseases such as dysplasia and joint dislocation. Naturally, only if the child had them.

Subsequently, this will lead to the fact that ultrasound will no longer be able to provide objective information, which means that X-rays will have to be used. Moreover, treatment will become much more aggressive, and sometimes even impossible.

Fortunately, ultrasound of the hip joints is an absolutely painless procedure for the child. In addition, it does not require special preparation.

Kidney examination

An ultrasound test of a baby's kidneys in the first month of birth can prevent several dangerous diseases. Among them are pyelonephritis and cysts of the urinary system.

Many mothers refuse this type of study, citing the fact that the likelihood of kidney pathology in infants is close to zero. Alas, this is far from the case. Diseases of the urinary system in children under one year of age are observed quite often.

And moreover, among all developmental defects in newborns, diseases of the urinary system account for 35-45%. Such pathologies not only lead to disability of the child, but also pose a threat to his life.

Pathology detection genitourinary system in children in the early stages gives a very good prognosis. Most pathologies can be cured within a week. In general, ultrasound of the newborn's kidneys can detect the following diseases:

Although the human abdominal cavity has huge size and includes a large number of organs, its diseases in newborns are relatively rare. However, this does not mean that abdominal ultrasound should be neglected.

By using this study You can absolutely painlessly examine the baby’s spleen, liver, pancreas and gallbladder. But this procedure requires preparation.

It consists in the fact that the child should not eat for three hours before the study. Ignoring this rule will lead to significant distortion of ultrasound results.

Among the most frequently diagnosed diseases of the abdominal cavity in newborns, the leader is reactive pancreatitis. This disease can lead to serious consequences, but, fortunately, it is reversible and can be successfully stopped in the early stages.

This is why it is so important to carry out ultrasound examination baby in the first weeks of his birth. With the help of quick ultrasound examinations you can protect your baby from huge amount diseases.

Your baby is born. To make sure that the child’s health is in order and there are no developmental disorders, already in the first months of his life, doctors conduct a number of examinations, including ultrasound examination of internal organs. Ultrasound diagnostics allows us to identify hidden diseases The child has. Some of them could arise before birth, others during childbirth. For pediatrician Ultrasound is always preferable to others instrumental methods research ( CT scan, nuclear magnetic resonance, x-ray), because this method is the safest for the child.

The timing of the ultrasound and which organs are examined first may differ slightly depending on the region in which the baby was born, on the technical equipment of the maternity hospital and clinic.

Ultrasound of the brain

On days 3-5 of the baby’s life (still in the maternity hospital), an ultrasound of the brain or neurosonography is performed. In a newborn baby, the bones of the skull do not close tightly, leaving spaces between them - fontanelles, through which ultrasonic waves can pass. Most often, an ultrasound of the brain is performed through the large fontanelle - even parents can easily find it on the baby’s head. Normally, the hemispheres of the brain and all its structures should be symmetrical. There should be no foreign formations or changes in the ventricles of the brain.

The ventricles are several cavities in the brain that communicate with each other and spinal cord. They contain cerebrospinal fluid, which nourishes the brain and protects against damage.

Ultrasound can detect brain diseases such as cysts (fluid-filled cavities), hydrocephalus (water on the brain), intracranial hemorrhages, ischemic lesions brain (occur due to lack of oxygen), congenital disorders of brain development. Depending on the type and severity of the detected disease, the doctor will plan further treatment child, will decide whether surgery is required or whether monitoring of the baby’s condition is simply necessary.

Congenital kidney diseases are quite common - in approximately 5% of newborns. One of the most common problems is pyeloectasia - expansion renal pelvis. Quite often, the kidneys return to normal without additional interventions, but specialist supervision and repeated ultrasound are necessary in the subsequent months of the child’s life.

If, during an examination in the maternity hospital, a pediatric neonatologist reveals a murmur in the baby’s heart, the child will have an electrocardiogram and, if necessary (and possible), an ultrasound of the heart. Until the baby is born, its lungs are not working, and it receives oxygen from the mother's blood, so the fetal heart works differently from the baby's heart. It has an additional hole ( oval window) and blood vessels that should close over a few days after the baby is born. Sometimes this doesn't happen.

Often the oval window remains open for a long time and this can only be detected by ultrasound. In the future, the child should be under the supervision of a cardiologist and regularly undergo repeated examinations to make sure that nothing threatens his life.

If a more serious heart defect was discovered in the maternity hospital, the child will be sent for treatment to specialized center. In cases where it is not possible to perform an ultrasound of the brain and heart in the maternity hospital, these examinations will be carried out at the clinic.

Hip dysplasia is treated primarily with the help of various orthopedic devices. In addition, they carry out therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and massage.

In this article:

From the first moments of life, a newborn is faced with many medical procedures. Even healthy baby This fate does not bypass him - from birth he is constantly monitored, body parameters are measured, and the development of organs and systems is studied. Doctors try to identify all pathologies in a child’s 1 month of life. children's body: congenital malformations and incipient diseases. Many problems diagnosed at an early stage are easier to treat.

After leaving the walls of the maternity hospital, the newborn comes under the close attention of a pediatrician and a local nurse at home. The first examination of the child at 1 month will take place in the children's clinic. The pediatrician will not only examine little patient, but will also tell young parents which doctors newborns need to see at 1 month.

Medical examination of a newborn in the first month of life

The newborn's first visit to the doctor occurs the day after discharge from the hospital. The pediatrician will come without a special call: he will inform the clinic about the arrival of the newborn at the place of residence medical staff maternity hospital In the first month of life, a specialist will visit the baby once a week. If the child’s condition raises any concerns (for example, the baby has a cold or has trouble latching), visits will be more frequent. Also, the newborn will be visited by a local nurse - also up to 4 times during the month.

You need to prepare in advance for the pediatrician’s arrival, write down all the questions that interest the young mother. this moment so as not to forget anything. The doctor should be comfortable examining the child. As a rule, during the examination the baby should be completely undressed, since the specialist needs to assess his condition. skin and mucous membranes, heart rate and breathing, muscle tone and reflexes.

During the visit, the doctor advises the young mother on nutrition and baby care. Later, the specialist will invite the parents and the baby to the clinic for a routine examination of the child at 1 month.

The first examination by a pediatrician in a clinic is most interesting for young parents. During it, the doctor will not only examine the baby, but will also carry out control measurements and weigh the child. Most often, in the first month of life, babies gain 500-700 grams and add 2-3 cm in length. After the examination, the local nurse writes out referrals for consultations with specialists, tests and additional examinations, as well as to the vaccination office.

What doctors should I see?

The list of doctors that a newborn needs to see at 1 month is not small.


The main task of a neurologist is to monitor the neuropsychic and mental development child, as well as control over his physical activity. At 1 month, a neurologist checks the presence of congenital reflexes and their gradual extinction. The baby may have an increased or, on the contrary, decreased tone muscles, which will be the basis for prescribing a baby massage.

If in doubt, the doctor will write a referral for an ultrasound scan of the brain. You need to undergo an examination immediately, while the child’s fontanelle remains open. IN further doctor will evaluate the baby’s mastery of new skills, for example: the ability to smile, roll over, sit, get up on all fours, and much more.


For the first time, an ophthalmologist will examine a newborn in the maternity hospital for congenital eye pathologies. Scheduled inspection a child at 1 month will allow a specialist to examine the baby’s fundus, the condition of his lacrimal glands and assess the tendency to strabismus and other visual impairments. The doctor will check whether the baby can focus his eyes on separate subject. During the examination, the eyelid and obstruction of the tear ducts are most often diagnosed.

Often the diagnosis of a neurologist depends on the diagnosis of an ophthalmologist - in last years Many children in the first year of life have certain problems with the vessels of the brain and fundus of the eye.


A child's medical examination at 1 month necessarily includes a visit to an otolaryngologist. A child at this age will undergo otoacoustic testing for the first time. It is not painful at all and is safe for the baby. A specialist will use a special device to check the child’s hearing and also perform an examination. palatine tonsils and nasal passages.

During an examination, an ENT doctor can identify the following problems in a baby::

  • hearing impairment, complete absence any reaction to sound stimuli;
  • sulfur plugs;
  • difficulty or absence of nasal breathing;
  • ear pain, otitis media;
  • foreign bodies in the ENT organs.

Also, a specialist can advise a young mother about why her baby is poorly or refuses to suck from a bottle: perhaps this is due to ear pain. If everything is in order, then the next examination by an ENT doctor will not be coming soon for the baby - at 12 months.


The surgeon assesses the reflex development of the child, the presence of hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscles, diagnoses the umbilical and inguinal hernia. In male infants, the external genitalia are carefully examined to exclude such pathological conditions, such as cryptorchidism, dropsy and non-descent of the testicles into the scrotum, hypospadias.

The surgeon may also note abnormalities in the structure of the newborn’s body. Most often, anomalies such as lymphangioma, damage to blood vessels and internal organs are detected. If necessary, the specialist gives a referral to baby massage or explains how to exercise with a child at home, which muscle groups are important to pay attention to.


An orthopedist examines a 1-month-old child in a clinic, assessing his development musculoskeletal system. The doctor may detect diseases such as clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hip joint, dysplasia or underdevelopment of the hip joints. Dysplasia needs to be identified as early as possible, before the baby learns to stand on his feet. To exclude this diagnosis, almost all children are prescribed additional ultrasound of the hip joints.

During the examination, the orthopedist will carefully examine the newborn, actively bending and spreading his legs to the sides and performing other manipulations. The baby may not like this approach, but this is important, since the doctor can detect the most various pathologies development of the musculoskeletal system. For example, torticollis, in which the child can only turn his head in one direction. The specialist will also give recommendations on home gymnastics and treatment of dysplasia, which must be performed.

Vaccination room

If everything was done to a newborn in the maternity hospital necessary vaccinations, then in 1 month you need to do another one - for hepatitis. The vaccine is injected into the baby's large muscle - the buttock or lower leg. Before visiting vaccination room It is necessary to show the child to the local doctor. The pediatrician will assess the body’s readiness for vaccination and rule out the presence of infections. Vaccination can only be carried out if the newborn is in absolute health.

Additional examinations

Newborns must undergo tests at 1 month of age. Typically this is general analysis blood and urine. To carry out tests for a newborn at 1 month, you need to collect any portion of urine, preferably the first morning.

Unfortunately, this is not always possible with such young children, since newborns urinate more often than adults. Therefore, it’s okay that the portion of urine for testing in newborns at 1 month will not be the first, no. The most important thing is to wash your baby well before collecting urine. For convenience, you can use a special urinal. Blood for analysis of a 1-month-old newborn can also be donated at any time, regardless of food intake.

As additional examination For a newborn at 1 month, the doctor prescribes an ECG (electrocardiogram), the purpose of which is to diagnose diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in particular, to exclude heart defects, cardiopathy and much more.

Screening of a child at 1 month must include ultrasonography brain and hip joints.

Prescribed to all children over 1 month of age to identify abnormalities in work nervous system. The first ultrasound examination is mandatory; in the future, they can be prescribed by a neurologist at his own discretion.

Ultrasound of the brain is most relevant in patients after complicated pregnancy and childbirth, with low results, with neuropsychic and physical developmental delays, with hypo- or hypertonicity of the muscular system.

Ultrasound examination of the hip joints is also mandatory for all newborns. The study helps to diagnose congenital hip dislocation and hip dysplasia in a timely manner. Treatment of these pathological conditions is effective only in the first year of life, while the baby has not yet begun to stand up and walk independently.

Of course, observing a newborn in the first month of life and his first visit to the clinic to a pediatrician and specialists is very important point in the life of the baby and his parents. The latter may Once again make sure their child is growing and developing appropriately for their age.

If any deviations are detected, there is no need to panic or sound the alarm. Most pathological conditions can be successfully treated in the first year of life; the main thing is not to delay the prescribed treatment and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Useful video about examining a baby by a pediatrician

When the baby turns 1 month old, he often undergoes an ultrasound. This is necessary to examine the health of the baby and proper development its internal systems. Typically, this study is carried out to diagnose congenital pathology of the joints of the pelvis and hips, to promptly detect abnormalities in the development of the baby’s brain, and to examine the kidneys, abdominal cavity, and genitourinary system.

Ultrasound can detect developmental disorders of the internal organs of the baby, congenital and acquired diseases. This technology for diagnosing pathologies is the most accessible, safe, and is also not characterized by the presence of radiation.

During screening, the ultrasound wave interacts only with a separate area of ​​the body; it is not reflected and does not harm tissues.

Ultrasound one month old baby do for 20 minutes. And interaction with the sensor occurs for 7 minutes: during this time, the state of the internal organs that were examined is displayed on the screen. To ensure tight contact of the device with the children’s body, doctors use a water-based gel.

An ultrasound can be performed on the same day as other procedures to diagnose the baby’s health.

Types of ultrasound examination

There are several types of ultrasound that are performed on children aged 1 month.

Hip examination

This study is carried out after the child is 1 month old, but not later than he reaches 2 months. At this time, disorders are often discovered that were not noticed immediately after birth.

This procedure allows you to diagnose dysplasia of the hip joint, as well as conditions of its dislocation, which appeared during the development of the baby in the womb and during childbirth.

The sooner the pathology is diagnosed, the easier it is to correct the disorder, which helps to fully restore musculoskeletal system children. If treatment was started in the first month of a child’s life, it can be completely cured by six months. If healing procedures began to be performed after 3 months, the pathology may subside only after 12 months, and surgery is often necessary.

If the parents did not provide necessary treatment of your child, over time he may develop movement disorders, and sometimes early arthrosis develops.

Brain research

This is a routine examination that is required for all children aged 1 month. The purpose of this study is to diagnose pathologies that appeared after fontanel closure. In infants, the cranial bones are not yet fully formed; they do not touch each other tightly and form fontanelles that can easily transmit ultrasonic waves. Ultrasound promotes active research into the structure of the child’s brain, reveals congenital pathologies, as well as diseases that were acquired during intrauterine development or during labor.

This study allows you to diagnose:

  • increase in intracranial pressure;
  • the appearance of cysts;
  • presence birth defects development;
  • formation of hydrocephalus;
  • the appearance of intracranial hemorrhages.

Abdominal examination

For diagnosing pathologies congenital type Ultrasound is prescribed routinely for all babies. The procedure performs a proportionality analysis age characteristics pancreas, liver, spleen, duodenum, gallbladder.

Also diagnosed congenital diseases and the appearance of neoplasms in the abdominal cavity in children.

Kidney examination

The need for a kidney examination is determined by a physician. This procedure is sometimes carried out until the baby is one month old. This is due to the fact that infants sometimes develop hydronephrosis of the kidney, which requires immediate surgical intervention. Also, the baby may additionally be prescribed screening of the abdominal cavity and stomach if he suffers from frequent regurgitation or lacks body weight.

Heart study

Such diagnostics should be carried out for every child until he reaches the twelfth month of life.

This type of ultrasound provides complete information about the health of the heart valves and blood vessels and developing cardiac pathologies.

Spinal region examination

If a birth injury is suspected, an ultrasound scan is prescribed cervical spine spine. This type of spine diagnosis is performed on babies every month. Also, examination of the cervical spine is necessary for muscular torticollis.

Cervical spine screening – complete safe process, which has no radiation exposure.

This procedure can be carried out several times to precise setting diagnosis without harm to the baby.

Typically, the cervical spine screening procedure should be done:

  • to identify birth injuries upper section spine in children in the first month of life;
  • in the presence of decreased muscle tone in the upper extremities;
  • if during childbirth the fetus was entwined with the umbilical cord;
  • if you have regular headaches;
  • when unpleasant pain in the area of ​​the cervical spine with light pressure;
  • if you suspect early osteochondrosis;
  • in the presence of domestic injuries in the area of ​​the cervical spine.

Cervical spine screening does not require special preparation. Typically the procedure takes up to 20 minutes. Ultrasound of the cervical spine helps to make a high-quality examination of bone tissue.

Preparation rules

Most types of ultrasound do not require special preparation, but to make it easier for a child to undergo this procedure at the age of one month, you should use several tips.

  1. Parents must know the exact weight and height of the baby so that the doctor can immediately make proportional calculations of the internal organs in accordance with the stage of development of the baby.
  2. You need to dress your child in comfortable clothes that are easy to remove.
  3. If your baby is only a month old, you should definitely take a pacifier and his favorite toy with you.
  4. If the baby begins to cry, you should try to calm him down before seeing a doctor.
  5. Parents should remain calm so that the feelings are not passed on to the child and more time is not required for research.
  6. If the baby is a month old, diagnostics can be done while sleeping.
  7. Screening of the kidneys and genitourinary system is carried out only with a full bladder. Therefore, you should give your baby something to drink within 40 minutes. You can also breastfeed your baby instead of water. After 40 minutes, by the time the diagnostic procedure begins, the child’s bladder should be full.
  8. Stomach screening is done at least 3 hours after feeding. It is worth considering that after the procedure, the baby should be fed immediately. At breastfeeding Feeding occurs immediately, in the doctor's office. If the child is fed formula, parents should be sure to take a bottle with them.

Other studies do not require additional preparation. Compliance with these simple rules will allow parents to facilitate the research process, and also save good mood and emotional peace of the child.