Home gymnastics for weight loss. It's never too late to learn acrobatics

Which are designed to improve motor skills, as well as overall health. Regular exercise helps develop muscle mass, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, increase the flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, and strengthen cardiac activity.

Gymnastic exercises amaze with their diversity and accessibility. They are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels. Thanks to this, you can choose the optimal set of workouts for yourself and engage in such activity anywhere at a convenient time. Let's talk about what gymnastic exercises for children and adults exist.

Benefits and types of training

Regular activity will help you stay in excellent physical shape. The main feature of gymnastic exercises is that they have an excellent tonic and training effect. Such exercises speed up metabolism, develop flexibility and mobility of joints, strengthen and tone muscle mass, without overloading the body on a physical level.

Performing gymnastic exercises has a great effect on the functioning of all internal organs. As a result of exercise, the body's energy reserves are activated, blood circulation is stimulated, and the activity of the human respiratory and nervous systems develops and improves. Gymnastics will help you get a boost of energy in the morning, and in the evening it will relieve stress and psychological tension after a hard day.

According to the structure of motor activity, health-improving gymnastic exercises are:

  • general developmental;
  • tonic or rhythmic;
  • athletic;
  • medicinal.

When creating your own training set, choose those elements that will help you achieve your goal from playing sports. For example, regular general developmental gymnastics improves physical fitness and has a healing effect. You can increase muscle tone and endurance with the help of athletic elements. Rhythmic activity promotes weight loss, improves physical fitness and endurance, and gives an excellent boost of energy. Therapeutic gymnastic exercises will help correct posture and restore flexibility and mobility of joints. Let's talk about each type in more detail.

General developmental gymnastics

The largest and most popular group of exercises are general strengthening (basic) gymnastic elements. They are used to increase performance, improve and maintain physical fitness, and improve human health. As a result of regular training, blood circulation is activated, the respiratory system is stimulated, and the psycho-emotional background is stabilized. By doing this kind of gymnastics regularly, you will significantly strengthen your muscle mass and increase the tone of your entire body.

General developmental gymnastic exercises are performed without objects or using various sports equipment. There are many options for such training with a ball, jump rope, hoop, sticks, wall bars or bench. They are widely used as a warm-up before more intense physical activity. Performing general developmental exercises does not require special training or sports skills, unlike other types of gymnastics, for example, rhythmic or athletic. These elements have proven themselves to be the main means of maintaining the performance of older people.

A set of exercises without objects

General developmental gymnastics without the use of apparatus is a convenient training option. You do not need any sports equipment to complete this program. You can exercise both at home and in the fresh air. The entire load in these exercises comes from your own weight. It is recommended to perform the program at least 3-4 times a week, gradually increasing the load.

Let's consider a set of gymnastic exercises.

1.Strengthening arm muscles.

The workout is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders straightened, shoulder blades retracted, back straight. We do 5 variations of arm swings, 2-3 sets of 20 times: through the sides up, lifting in front of you, cross swings at chest level, wheel forward and backward. These exercises perfectly develop the shoulder girdle, increase joint flexibility, relieve tension from the upper back, and improve posture.

2.Training the muscles of the trunk.

Let's move on to exercises for the abdominal and back muscles - bending and turning the body from a standing position. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. We perform 2-3 sets of 20 times: bending forward and backward, left and right, circular movements of the body. Breathing is even and calm.

Such gymnastic exercises for the spine strengthen the muscle corset, restoring flexibility and mobility of ligaments and joints. Remember to control your sensations during training. If any discomfort occurs in the spine, reduce the amplitude of rotation or reduce the number of repetitions, even stopping the exercise completely.

3.Strengthening leg muscles.

The final part of the complex is exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities. From a standing position, we perform 2-3 approaches 10-15 times: deep squats, raising the knees to the chest, swings and lunges forward with alternating legs. These exercises improve blood circulation in the lower extremities, increase the tone of the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and are an excellent prevention of venous insufficiency.

If you find it difficult to perform exercises in the specified volume at the initial stage, reduce the number of repetitions to an acceptable level. With regular training, you will quickly achieve these goals.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

Training with a gymnastic stick helps to perfectly work out the shoulders, arms and back, and has a beneficial effect on strengthening the muscles of the core and lower body. Regular general developmental exercises with this apparatus allow you to restore the mobility of ligaments and joints, improve plasticity, and help relieve tension after sedentary work.

We offer you effective exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  • Working out the shoulder girdle and legs. We hold the apparatus with a straight grip at chest level, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and keep our back straight. The exercise consists of 2 cycles: inhale - raise the stick up, exhale - place the projectile behind the head, lowering it as close as possible to the shoulder blades; inhale - the stick goes up, exhale - lower your arms to chest level, while squatting.
  • Development of flexibility of hand joints. We hold the gymnastic stick in front of us at chest level. We make circular movements at maximum amplitude, first away from ourselves, then towards ourselves.
  • Spinal twist. We fix the stick on the bend of the elbows behind the back, legs shoulder-width apart, feet pressed tightly to the floor. We make rotational movements with the body in different directions. During the exercise, try to keep your body strictly vertical, without lifting your feet from the floor, with your chin raised and chest straightened. Body movements are performed only by the muscles of the back and abdomen.

For training you will need a stick 120 cm long. We do each gymnastic exercise 2-3 approaches 20-30 times at a moderate pace. In the future, gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions. These simple but effective gymnastic elements are easy to perform at home. By doing just 10-20 minutes every day, you will quickly achieve flexibility and flexibility throughout your entire body.

Exercises with a gymnastic roller

The gymnastic roller is an effective sports equipment. Regular training perfectly works the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, back muscles, abs, and legs. Simple at first glance, gymnastic elements give a colossal load on almost the entire body.

Consider exercises with a gymnastic roller:

  • Stretching. We kneel down and hold the roller in front of us. As you exhale, we begin to roll the projectile forward until the chest touches the knees, and as we inhale, we return back.
  • Abdominal and oblique abdominal muscle training. We stand on our knees, holding the roller in front of us. As you exhale, roll the projectile away from you, lowering your chest to the floor as much as possible, but without touching it. As we inhale, we come back. We make three movement options: straight, right, left.
  • Working out the core muscles. We lie down on our stomach, our arms with the roller are extended in front of us, with our toes resting on the floor. As you inhale, pull the roller towards you, bending at the lower back, and as you exhale, return to the starting point.

The number of approaches is determined based on your current physical form. If you are just starting to train, then perform 1-2 sets of 15-20 times. In the future, it is recommended to increase the intensity of the load to the maximum, increasing the number of repetitions and approaches. By devoting 20-30 minutes a day to such activities, you will significantly improve your physical fitness.

Exercises with a gymnastic bench

General developmental exercises using a bench train balance, sense of equilibrium, and improve coordination. This projectile can be used not only to develop the vestibular apparatus, but also to develop strength and endurance. By regularly performing various exercises on a gymnastic bench, you will quickly achieve good physical results.

Use this apparatus as a jumping bar, push-up support, or leg raise to work the major muscle groups in your body. Walking with different steps (side-step, cross-step, on toes) perfectly develops a sense of balance. If you play sports with a partner, then organize a small joint fight while standing on a gymnastics bench. This will help you not only diversify your workout, but also give a good load on all muscle groups.

General developmental gymnastics for children

Active outdoor activities strengthen the baby’s respiratory and cardiovascular systems, help improve immunity, and strengthen the child’s body. Regular training will help your child develop well physically. When choosing types of activity from a wide arsenal of general developmental gymnastics for children, pay attention to the balance of the load.

  • gymnastic exercises for the back, promoting the formation of correct posture;
  • dance elements that help develop plasticity and a sense of rhythm;
  • acrobatic exercises that improve flexibility;
  • cardio training to increase endurance;
  • game elements to develop concentration and focus.

A varied gymnastics program is the key to the full development of your baby on a physical and psychological level. If you have the opportunity, study with your child. Then you will show by your own example that physical education is an important part of life, which should be given maximum attention.

Rhythmic gymnastics for weight loss

Rhythmic gymnastics is a great way to improve physical fitness, get rid of extra pounds, and activate the functioning of the whole body. Regular exercise to energetic music combined with dietary nutrition will give you a slim figure and a wonderful boost of energy. By performing gymnastic exercises for weight loss 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes, you will get rid of excess weight, increase muscle tone, and improve your body shape.

The training complex should include a warm-up, exercises for different muscle groups, stretching accompanied by musical accompaniment, which will set the desired pace of intensity. Any physical exercise with an aerobic effect, such as step or dance moves to energetic music, is suitable as a warm-up. The main part is gymnastic training for problem areas at a moderate pace: squats, walking in place, cycling, leg swings, raising the body, working with dumbbells. Stretches while listening to relaxing music.

Athletic gymnastics

Exercises using various weights are called athletic gymnastics. It perfectly develops physical parameters, trains strength and endurance, and forms a beautiful body silhouette. Weights, barbells with removable discs, rubber bands, expanders, and block training complexes are used as sports equipment. Gymnastic exercises with weights are popular among both sports fans and professional athletes. Accessibility and a wide selection of training allow you to choose a program for any level of physical development.


It is recommended to do general developmental gymnastics not only at home or in the gym, but also while walking in the fresh air. Regular exercise will help you maintain good physical shape, be toned and in a great mood. It is enough to devote half an hour a day to such training to achieve good results.

How to do gymnastics?

Nowadays, leading a healthy lifestyle, including active sports, is becoming fashionable. You just need to choose the sport that you like.

If you liked gymnastics, but you do not have special training, then you should familiarize yourself with the basics of gymnastics for beginners.

At the beginning, you need to decide where you want to train, at home or in a special room with a trainer. If you don’t have a goal to set records, then doing gymnastics at home will be a useful physical activity.

How to do gymnastics at home?

If you have a child, then from early childhood you can accustom your child to sports by playing together. To practice gymnastics at home, you will need:

  • 30 minutes of time, every 2-3 days;
  • exercise mat;
  • comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement.

Doing gymnastics once or twice a month does not bring any benefit or result. Regular exercise is a guarantee of your health.

If you decide to practice at home, then you can watch a video training program on the Internet on how to do gymnastics. At the beginning of your workout, you need to do a warm-up.


Warm-up consists of:

Gymnastic exercises

Gymnastic exercises consist of:

Here is a basic series of gymnastic exercises for beginners at home.

It doesn’t matter where they do gymnastics, because what matters is the desire and the goal. Of course, if possible, it is worth attending several classes with a trainer so that your exercise performance is corrected.

How do you do rhythmic gymnastics?

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most beautiful sports. To practice rhythmic gymnastics you must:

  • good flexibility;
  • gracefulness;
  • plastic;
  • good sense of rhythm.

You can start doing gymnastics at any age. However, those who start training in early childhood practice gymnastics professionally and achieve success in competitions. The best age to start rhythmic gymnastics is approximately 4 years.

Rhythmic gymnastics consists of a logical chain of tricks with a gymnastic ribbon, ball, hoop, and jump rope, performed to music. The presence of tricks of varying complexity leads to the need to practice this sport under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

The gymnast spends 60 to 90 seconds on performing the exercise, and the end of the exercise must strictly coincide with the end of the musical accompaniment. Evaluation is carried out on a 20-point scale.

To make the whole day successful, you need to start the morning with something pleasant - for example, by smiling at your own reflection in the mirror. But what to do if the “picture” is not pleasing, the fat folds are visible to the naked eye, and there is no money, time or desire to go to the gym?

An excellent way out would be easy weight loss exercises, which will not take much time, but will allow you to “tighten” your figure, make it slimmer and neater. What exercises are the most effective, how to perform them and what rules to remember when training? This will be discussed further.

What you need to know about such gymnastics

Trainers in different countries are actively arguing which gymnastics is best for losing weight: some argue that you must train for at least an hour, others focus on cardio or strength training. However, the presented complex differs from popular programs in a number of ways advantages:

If you have chronic diseases of the joints, heart, diabetes, or high obesity, consult a doctor before starting training. If you feel unwell, reduce the intensity of your workout or cancel it.

Please note that the complex should be performed regularly: in this case, the muscles will become more resilient, stronger, but not more prominent (without the effect of a “pumped up” body). Fat tissue will gradually “dissolve” (since energy is required to nourish muscles even at rest).

To ensure maximum benefit from your classes, follow these simple steps: recommendations. First of all, adjust your diet: reduce the amount of fat, sweet or fried foods. Add more protein and greens to your diet. Drink at least two liters of water.

It is important to exercise every day, only on weekends you can make an indulgence. Choose the time for training depending on your schedule, but no earlier than forty minutes after a meal and no later than half an hour before it. Try not to overeat after training.

Start with the minimum number of repetitions and only then gradually add load.

Where to start gymnastics for weight loss

In order for the exercises to be beneficial and not cause injury, it is necessary to warm up the muscles before performing the exercises. To do this, do a warm-up. It takes three to five minutes, but allows you to prepare your muscles for intense work.

Exercise "Heron"

Keeping your posture straight, walk in one place. Raise your knees higher, and your arms, bent at the elbows, should move freely and actively. The gaze is directed forward. Take 60-100 steps.


Lie on your back, bend your knees. Place your hands on your stomach. Tighten your abdominal muscles (while pressing on them with your palms), then relax. Repeat 20-30 times.

Vigorous arm swings

Alternately: one hand goes forward, the other back, then spread your arms to the sides. At the same time, do not forget to maintain your posture. Repeat the swings 15-20 times on each hand.


Stand straight, hands on your waist. Bend to the sides, then forward and backward: 15-20 times in each direction.

The best gymnastics for weight loss

Many people believe that morning exercises are most effective for losing weight, but you can perform the exercises at any time of the day. The main thing is to take a pause between training and meals, and also get muscular joy from every movement.

Gymnastics for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Exercise No. 1

Lie on the floor on your back, clasp your palms at the back of your head. Bend your legs at the knees, rest on the floor. As you exhale, lift your upper body, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. At the top point, fix the position for two to three seconds and slowly lower while inhaling. 30-45 times in 2-3 approaches.

Exercise No. 2

Sit on a bench or chair, hands on your belt or clasped at the back of your head. Turn to the sides, you can lean a little to the side. Repeat 30-50 times, 2-3 approaches.

Exercise No. 3

Lie on the floor, press your lumbar area against it. Bend your knees and your elbows, placing your palms behind your head. Inhaling, lift your pelvis, head, arms and shoulders. Freeze at the top point, slowly relax as you exhale and lower down. 30-45 times in 2-3 approaches.

Effective gymnastics for losing weight on legs


Take a long step forward with each leg in turn, bending it at the knee and transferring your body weight to the front leg. Note that the thigh of this leg should be parallel to the floor. 30-60 times on each leg for 2-3 approaches.

Side lunges

Stand straight, keep your feet together. Alternately, take a wide step to the side, squatting and trying to reach the floor with your palms.


An exercise that will help tidy up your hips. Stand straight, bring your heels together, and turn your toes as wide as possible. Squat down slowly (knees pointing out to the sides), while maintaining a straight posture.

Gymnastics for losing weight buttocks at home


From a standing position, slowly lower your pelvis down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. After this, return to the starting position. Repeat 40-80 times.

Gluteal Bridge

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, and stretch your arms straight along your torso. Tightening your abdominal and buttock muscles, lift your pelvis until your stomach and legs form one straight line. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds and slowly lower down. 15-30 times in 2-3 approaches.


Lie on your back, clasp one knee with your hands, pull it towards your chest. Stay in this position for half a minute. Perform 10-12 times on each leg (in 1-2 approaches).

Gymnastics for the back and arms

Reverse push-ups

To work your triceps, do reverse push-ups: rest your hands on a bench and your toes against a wall or other support. Slowly lower your torso by bending your arms. Repeat 20-40 times for 2-3 approaches.

Parallel Pulls

Get down on all fours. Slowly straighten one arm and the opposite leg, extending them to a straight line. At the top point, fix the position for one and a half minutes. Repeat ten times.

Jumping "Star"

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Jump by clapping overhead and spreading your legs wide. Repeat 30-60 times for 2-3 approaches.

In order for such gymnastics for quick weight loss to bring results, complete each session hitch. It is best to perform stretching exercises: slow bends forward with your palms touching the floor, static poses that stretch a specific muscle group. This will calm your muscles and restore your heart rate.

Gymnastics at home for weight loss - reviews


“Great complex! I started with abdominal exercises and gradually added all the others. I feel slim, there is lightness in my body! And the scales show a plumb line of 4 kg per month.”


“I have long been looking for gymnastics for the lazy that would be effective for losing weight. This complex perfectly toned muscles in just half an hour of daily training. In two months I lost 8 kg.”


“A simple complex that can be performed at a time, or in the morning and evening. In seven weeks – minus six kilograms.”

“I’ve only been doing these exercises for two weeks, but I’ve already noticed how my abdominal muscles have strengthened and my thighs have tightened a little. And the scales showed a plumb line of 3 kg.”


“Starting with such exercises in the morning, I literally recharge with energy for the day! The plumb lines are also pleasing - in three months 8 kg were “lost.”

Gymnastics for weight loss - video

If you want to add a few more exercises to the above list, pay attention to the complex presented in the video below. By doing it, you can be proud of your flat stomach, slender hips and toned figure. The trainer not only shows you the exercises themselves, but also tells you how to perform them correctly.

To have an impeccable figure, you don’t have to work your ass off in the gym: just regularly perform a simple set of exercises at home, and you can give your body the ideal shape.

Have you tried home exercises for weight loss? What exercises do you like best? What results have you achieved? Share your results in the comments!

Some parents consider exercise unnecessary (“why, there’s physical education at school!”), others don’t have an extra 15-20 minutes for their children, “because it’s work!” And only a few mothers and fathers understand the importance of exercise for the child, and specifically get up half an hour early in the morning in order to have time to cheer up together with the child and prepare the body for the school/work day.

If your children sleep in class and are constantly shirking physical education lessons, this instruction is for you!

When is the best time for a younger student to do exercises? How to prepare for gymnastics?

Man by nature must move a lot. It’s not for nothing that they say that movement is life. The less a child moves, spending all his free time near the TV, the more health problems he gets.

Children's specialists are sounding the alarm and reminding parents that children's bodies should be actively moving at least 10 hours a week, and for younger schoolchildren this minimum increases to 3 hours a day. Moreover, it is desirable that this happens in the fresh air.

Naturally, parents have too little time, but still dedicating 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening for exercise is not that difficult.

Video: Gymnastics for primary school children

What does charging do?

  • Prevention of obesity.
  • Prevention of problems of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, etc.
  • Elimination of nervous tension.
  • Returning the body to normal tone.
  • Increasing your mood is a psychological setting for a good day and a boost of energy in the morning.
  • Complete awakening (the child will come to lessons with a “fresher” head).
  • Activation of metabolism.
  • Etc.

How to prepare a child for exercise?

Of course, it’s difficult to get a child out of bed ahead of time, especially “for some kind of exercise.” This wonderful habit must be instilled gradually.

As you know, for a habit to become established, it takes about 15-30 days of regularly repeated actions. That is, after 2-3 weeks of such activities, your child will already be drawn to them.

Without attitude - nowhere. Therefore, the most important thing in forming this habit is to tune in and.

In addition, it is important that the child’s exercises change periodically (children at this age get tired of the same type of training too quickly).

And don’t forget to praise your child and encourage any physical activity in every possible way.

Video: Morning exercises. Charging for children

15 best exercises for children 7-10 years old - correct posture and increase muscle tone with a daily set of exercises!

If you do not have the opportunity to go out into the fresh air to exercise, then open the window in the room - training should not take place in a stuffy room.

So, here are 15 exercises for younger students:

The first 5 exercises are to warm up the muscles. It is strictly forbidden to do complex exercises immediately after sleep.

  1. We take a deep breath and rise on our toes. We pull the handles up as high as possible, as if we are trying to reach the ceiling. We lower ourselves to the full foot and exhale. Number of approaches – 10.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, return to the starting position for a couple of seconds and then tilt your head to the right . Next, we make circular movements with our heads - to the right side, then to the left. Execution time – 2 minutes.
  3. Now shoulders and arms. We alternately raise one shoulder, then the other, then both at once. Next, we swing our hands upward - in turn, now with our left hand, now with our right hand. Then make circular movements with your arms, as when swimming – first breaststroke, then crawl. We try to do the exercises as slowly as possible.
  4. We rest our hands on our sides and bend over – left, right, then forward and backward. 5 times - in each direction.
  5. We walk in place for 2-3 minutes, raising our knees as high as possible . Next, we jump 5 times on the left leg, then 5 times on the right leg, then 5 times on both, and then jump with a 180-degree turn.
  6. We stretch our arms forward, interlock our fingers and stretch forward - as far as possible . Then, without losing the lock, we lower our hands down and try to reach the floor with our palms. Well, we finish the exercise by trying to reach the ceiling with our clasped palms.
  7. We do squats. Conditions: keep your back straight, legs shoulder-width apart, hands can be clasped behind your head or extended forward. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  8. We do push-ups. Boys, of course, do push-ups from the floor, but for girls the task can be simplified - you can do push-ups from a chair or sofa. The number to repeat is from 3-5.
  9. Boat. We lie down on our tummy, stretch our arms forward and slightly up (lift up the bow of the boat), and also put our legs together, lifting up the “stern of the boat.” We bend the back as hard as possible. Execution time – 2-3 minutes.
  10. Bridge. We lie down on the floor (children who know how to lower themselves onto the bridge from a standing position, lower themselves straight from it), rest their feet and palms on the floor and, straightening their arms and legs, bend their back in an arc. Execution time – 2-3 minutes.
  11. We sit on the floor and spread our legs to the sides. We alternately reach out with our hands to the toes of our left foot, then to the toes of our right. It is important to touch your stomach with your leg so that your body lies with your leg - parallel to the floor.
  12. Bend your left leg at the knee and lift it up, clapping your hands under it . Then repeat with the right leg. Next, we raise the extended left leg as high as possible (at least 90 degrees relative to the floor) and clap our hands under it again. Repeat for the right leg.
  13. Martin. We spread our arms to the sides, move our left leg back and, slightly tilting our body forward, freeze in the swallow pose for 1-2 minutes. It is important that the body at this moment is parallel to the floor. Next, we repeat the exercise, changing the leg.
  14. We hold a regular ball between our knees, straighten our shoulders, and rest our hands on our waist. Now we slowly squat, keeping our back straight and the ball between our knees. The number of repetitions is 10-12.
  15. We rest our hands on the floor and “hover” above it in a “push-up” position. Now slowly, using our hands, we “go” to a vertical position. We rest a little in the “ostrich” pose and “stomp” our hands forward to the original position. We walk back and forth with our hands 10-12 times.

We finish the exercise with a simple exercise for relaxation: we stretch “at attention” while inhaling, tensing all the muscles – for 5-10 seconds. Then we sharply relax at the command “at ease”, exhaling. We repeat the exercise 3 times.

Motivating a junior schoolchild to perform daily gymnastics at home - useful tips for parents

Even an adult finds it difficult to force himself to do exercises in the morning, let alone children - you need to try hard to accustom your child to this useful ritual. You can't do without motivation here.

Where to look for this motivation, and how to entice a child to exercise so that the child enjoys it?

  • The main rule is to do exercises all together! Well, if dad categorically refuses, then mom should definitely participate in this process.
  • We turn on upbeat and cheerful music. Doing exercises in silence is boring even for an adult. Let the child choose the music!
  • We are looking for an incentive in each specific case. For example, an incentive for a girl can be a beautiful, toned figure that everyone will envy, and an incentive for a boy can be muscle definition that he can be proud of. Losing weight if the child is overweight will be no less of an incentive.
  • We are looking for those we can imitate. We do not create idols (!), but look for a role model. Naturally, we are looking for him not among bloggers and bloggers with beautiful bodies and emptiness in their heads, but among athletes or heroes of films/movies that the child loves.
  • Exercise is needed to become stronger. And you need to be strong (strong) to protect your younger brother (sister).
  • In addition to 5 exercises to warm up the muscles, you need to choose another 5-7 exercises for direct exercise. No more is needed for this age, and the workout itself should take no more than 20 minutes (twice a day). But it is important to regularly change the set of exercises so that the child does not get bored! Therefore, immediately make a large list of exercises, from which you will pull out 5-7 new ones every 2-3 days.
  • We talk with the child about health more often : why is exercise so important, what does it give, what happens to the body without physical activity, and so on. We are looking for thematic films and cartoons, which we watch, of course, with the child. We often watch films in which young athletes achieve success - often these films become powerful motivators for a child to enter the world of sports.
  • Arrange a sports corner for your child in his room . Let him have personal parallel bars and rings, a Swedish barre, a fitball, a horizontal bar, children's dumbbells and other equipment. As a reward for each month of training, make it a trip to a trampoline center, play climbing, or another sports attraction.
  • Use his own preferences to attract your child to exercise . For example, if a child loves a ball, consider a set of exercises with the ball. He loves parallel bars - do exercises on the children's playground. Etc.

Video: Fun exercises for a child

Remember that it is impossible to force a child to exercise like hard labor. It is important that he himself wants to work with you. Therefore, first of all, we demonstrate the importance of charging with our own example.

Children at this age are already excellent at thinking and analyzing, and if you are constantly lying on the sofa, growing a belly, then you simply will not be able to force your child to study - personal example is more effective than all other methods.

Schools and kindergartens let children go on vacation, as did sports clubs. Of course, advanced young athletes have sports camps, but what if the child is involved in some kind of general strengthening sport “for health”, or is still too young to go to the camp? How not to lose your sports uniform during the holidays? Similar to the summer reading list, we offer a set of exercises for children that can be added to their daily summer activities.

Why special exercises if in the summer children are always on the move - riding bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, climbing horizontal bars in playgrounds, jumping on a trampoline in the country or in a children's park, chasing a ball or playing basketball?

Yes, courtyards and sports grounds in large cities today stimulate the physical activity of children, and in the countryside, many parents consider it necessary to install a sports complex with a rope, rings, a rope ladder, a trampoline, and a swimming pool.

But a lot depends on the child himself and the situation. If he prefers quiet activities to active games, or there is no one to run and play with at the dacha, parents should spend time doing useful gymnastic exercises that will help maintain physical fitness, stretch, improve strength and flexibility. This will take no more than 30 minutes two to three times a day. All these exercises can be performed outdoors, placing a mat on the grass, or at home.

Jumping rope - forward/backward on two legs, on one leg. At first, children will need their parents' help to understand the essence of jumping rope. Then they can do this exercise on their own.

Jump on two legs, rotating the rope forward and then backward, perform 50 times. Jumping on one leg, rotating the rope forward, 20 times on each leg. If a child is over 10 years old and is in good athletic shape, then the number of jumps on two legs forward/backward can be increased to 100, and on one leg - 30-40 times on each.

Jumping hoops for children under 4 years of age. This exercise will help young children, starting from 1.5 years old, learn to jump on two legs. Buy 5-7 pieces of medium-sized colored hoops, place them on the path one after another and show the children how to jump from one ring to another.

If children do not know how to jump, then parents should help them by holding them by the waist. If the child is already jumping confidently, then increase the distance between the hoops so that he can jump long.

Squat jumps (“frogs”). Starting position: crouching - squatting, keeping your knees together, resting on your hands. Jump high up, straighten your back and straighten your arms up, then immediately squat down to the starting position and immediately repeat the next jump. 2 approaches with rest 15 times.

Lowering/raising the back from a sitting position. Starting position: sitting on the floor, fix your legs under the sofa or your parents should hold them, palms crossed at the back of your head. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, keeping your head on your chest the entire time, and then rise to the starting position without using your hands. Perform 2 sets 15-20 times with a short rest interval.

Raising legs while lying on your back. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. Raising straight legs up to a vertical position and slowly lowering down. The legs must be stretched and tense (2 sets of 15 times with a short rest interval).

Back exercise

Raising your back up from a lying position on your stomach. Starting position: lying on the floor on your stomach, your legs should be fixed under the sofa or your parents should hold them, your palms crossed at the back of your head. Raise your back from the floor to the highest possible level, then slowly lower to the starting position and immediately repeat the task. When performing the exercise, the eyes should look down. 2 sets of 15 reps with a short rest interval.

Plank. Starting position: emphasis lying on the floor, i.e. rest your straight arms and legs on the floor so that your body is parallel to the floor, your shoulders are directly above your palms, your back is slightly rounded, your legs are together. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

One arm plank(first on the right, then on the left). Starting position: lying down, press your straight arm to your thigh along the body, do not turn your shoulders, do not spread your legs. 2 sets of 20 seconds.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Externally assisted pull-ups- i.e. the parent holds the child by the stomach and helps him pull himself up. Gradually reduce assistance. It is important that when doing pull-ups, the child maintains a straight body position, does not bend his legs and pulls himself up to the chin (i.e., the chin is higher than the bar). Perform: 2 sets of 10 times.

Emphasis on straight arms on a low bar- these can also be parallel bars. Starting position: standing on the crossbar with straight arms, shoulders slightly forward, back rounded, emphasis on hips, legs together. Perform 2 sets of 10-20 seconds.

Walking on hands on the bar while hanging- find any long high bars, stairs (there are many of these on playgrounds) where the child can hang on his hands and move in different directions without the help of his legs.

At the end of your workout, these exercises will help you relax your muscles and gradually develop flexibility. Children under 3 years old are recommended to complete all tasks except the splits.

Fold the legs together and apart with the help of parents. Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs together, hands reaching towards the legs. Parents lightly press on the back. 2 sets of 10 times.

"Ring". This exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and front thigh. Starting position: lying on your stomach, lean on your straight arms, which are close to your stomach, and stretch your head up. Then bend your legs and stretch your toes towards the back of your head, trying to touch it. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest and repeat again.

The article was prepared by the club "European Gymnastics Center"