Do Britons shed or not? Baby shedding, or When Scottish kittens change their fur. Seasonal shedding of Scottish cats

Dropdown cat hair can cause a lot of inconvenience, because it tends to penetrate literally everywhere. It is especially unpleasant if the cat sheds a lot. What to do in this case? How to distinguish normal from health problems?

Shedding in different cat breeds

All animals lose hair. This is a natural process and cannot be avoided. But the intensity of shedding greatly depends on the breed of cat. The question often appears on animal lovers forums: “The British cat sheds a lot. What to do?" After all, problems with shedding are often expected from long-haired breeds, and not from short-haired British breeds. But this approach is incorrect, since it is the fluff that falls out the most.

British, Persian, Siberian cats and Maine Coons have a thick fluffy coat with a rich undercoat, which causes so much trouble for owners. The Scottish cat often sheds heavily. You will learn what to do in such cases from this article.

If you like long-haired cats, but the prospect of spending a lot of time cleaning furniture is scary, then pay attention to the Sacred Burma, Turkish Angora, Somali, and American Curl.

Are you worried about shedding a lot? What to do in this case? This situation should alert you, since Siamese have no undercoat, and guard hairs normally fall out in small quantities. Shedding is less intense in Burmese, Abyssinian, Bengal, Bombay, and Singaporean cats.

Of course, Cornish and Devon Rex and Sphynx dogs will not have problems with shedding.

How to reduce the amount of wool?

It happens that a cat sheds a lot. What to do in this case, how to reduce the amount of hair falling out? The first assistant to the owner of a shedding cat with a thick undercoat is the Furminator. To prevent the formation of tangles and gently get rid of fallen fluff, cats with long hair needs to be brushed daily.

Using it will also help. special shampoos and air conditioners. They moisturize the skin and restore damaged coat. It is worth noting that the furminator and cosmetics can only eliminate the consequences of excessive shedding. And to optimally eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. Let's figure out why a cat sheds a lot and what to do to solve this problem.

Causes and solutions to problems: season

At the age of about six months, the kitten's fur is completely replaced by that of an adult. Molting can last up to two months. The soft baby fur is replaced by a coarser permanent one. The pattern on the wool becomes brighter and more saturated. During this period, the animal especially needs proper balanced diet. A well-groomed and healthy kitten will shed faster, and the new coat will be better.

Normally, a cat sheds twice a year. With the arrival of spring light summer the fur coat replaces the fluffy winter one. Fluffy cats can continue to shed all summer, freeing themselves from excess undercoat; by autumn this process stops. Short-haired cats shed hair equally in spring and fall. Seasonal molting can last from several weeks to two months. To speed up the process, the animal needs to be combed.


Health problems can also cause shedding. Change hormonal levels may lead to hair loss. Cats shed hair after giving birth, and this is normal. But changes can also be caused by the proximity of an animal of a different sex. Even if the intended partner lives in next door, a cat or cat can smell it. Inability to satisfy the sexual instinct or, conversely, exhaustion from frequent matings or childbirth may cause shedding. Veterinarians recommend sterilizing animals not intended for breeding. This avoids hormonal surges, reduces the likelihood of tumor diseases.

The reasons for molting can be various diseases. Severe loss wool maybe alarming symptom along with unpleasant smell from the mouth, coughing, scratching, lethargy, etc. The veterinarian must understand what the pet is sick with and prescribe treatment. Shedding caused by the disease will only go away after the animal has recovered.


It often happens that a cat that never leaves the apartment sheds little by little. all year round. She doesn't feel the seasons change. The problem worsens in winter, when heating dries out the air. Low humidity is harmful not only for the cat, but also for its owner. Raise it up normal level Air conditioners, humidifiers, and aquariums without a lid will help. For a domestic cat, you need to choose the right diet and care for its coat using special products. Anti-molting vitamins will also help, but courses can be carried out no more than twice a year.

Even with ideal conditions hair loss can be caused by constant stress. A cat may be attacked by a child or another animal at home or on the street. In such a situation, you need to try to remove the source of stress. In advanced cases, the veterinarian may prescribe a mild sedative.

Care and feeding

Your cat sheds a lot. What to do if she is healthy and calm, but her fur continues to fall off? Pay attention to the quality of shampoos and conditioners for fur coat care. Cheap low-quality cosmetics may cause shedding. In addition, shampoos must be used according to the instructions and the concentrate must be diluted correctly. Brushing not only helps to get rid of lost hair, but also improves blood circulation and nutrition of the hairs.

The cat sheds a lot. What to do? Finally, one of the most common reasons leading to hair loss is poor nutrition. Cheap dry food cannot provide your furry pet with everything it needs. Choose quality products famous manufacturers. A natural nutrition The menu should be balanced and varied. It is wrong to feed a cat food from your table or only one chicken breast. She needs lean meat, fish, offal, eggs, raw vegetables, fruits, greens.

In conclusion, a few tips:

  • comb your pet, avoiding combs with sharp teeth;
  • wash your cat only with high-quality shampoo;
  • use vitamin supplements with natural feeding;
  • Buy special conditioners for cat fur.

The British have an instinct for cleanliness at the genetic level. But in order to achieve lasting and positive result in the behavior of these pets, it is very important to raise them correctly. In this article we will tell you what is needed to keep a British cat in an apartment, how to train him to use a litter box, and also how to wash and comb British cats. By following the basic rules of caring for the mustachioed inhabitant of the house, you will raise a truly luxurious animal with the manners of an aristocrat.

Raising British cats

Note! All bad habits British people are formed and consolidated in childhood. Therefore, it is very important to have time to raise an animal up to 2 years old.

Conventionally, the entire training process is divided into 2 stages:

Stage 1.

Establishing a strict chain of command between you and the kitten. At this stage, the British cat must clearly understand who is in charge in the house and who should be obeyed. Outline all acceptable limits of pet behavior in relation to you and your home.

If the rules are followed well (for example, you saw that the animal is sharpening its claws on the scratching post that you showed it), reward the cat with a tasty treat. If a Briton stubbornly does not follow the rules, punish him severe reprimand, but without the use of force. The pet should respect you and recognize your leadership, and not be afraid.

Stage 2.

Cleanliness training. As a rule, British cats love a clean house and take good care of themselves. But caring owners we must help them in this and educate them properly. First of all, you need to tame your pet. Little kitty must freely endure all daily manipulations to care for eyes, ears, coat, etc.

If your Briton breaks out, bites or scratches, grab him by the scruff of the neck and, looking into his eyes, make a hissing sound with a menacing look. Raising an animal in this way will not be difficult for artistic people with a sense of humor! If the British cat does not believe your “cat’s voice” and still struggles, continue to persistently hold your pet. It may be difficult to train a cat this way, but if you give up, the animal will remember it and it will happen again next time.

How to train a British dog to use the litter box

Caring for British women

Cat care British breed cannot be called special, and keeping these plush creatures is not at all difficult. However, you still have to take some nuances into account, especially if you want your pet to shine at exhibition events and participate in breeding.

Wool The coat is the main advantage of the British, so it should be looked after very carefully. Get ready to brush your pet 1-2 times a week with a special massage brush called a slicker brush. With its help, you can remove all the dead hair that is creeping in, and also give a great massage, even when cats sleep on their backs. The structure of the coat and its condition largely depend on the pet’s diet. It must include everyone nutrients, calcium, vitamins and microelements. It is enough to wash a short-haired blue cat 1-2 times a year.
Claws Any domestic cat does not have the ability to sharpen her claws properly, even if she has a scratching post. Therefore, a Briton’s nails need to be trimmed 1-2 times a month. Cut them carefully, about half the entire length, no more.
Eyes The British eyes are looked after at least once a day, since they should not accumulate dark discharge. Wipe your pet's eyes with a damp cotton swab, starting from the outer corner and ending with the nose.
The ears should be examined 2 times a month. Contaminants are removed using normal cotton swab, soaked in boiled water. The exposed ear surface can be wiped with a small amount of Vaseline or cosmetic cream.
Teeth Inspect daily oral cavity British. Due to the fact that at home the cat cannot chew twigs and grass to clean its teeth, over time it may develop tartar. To prevent this from happening, try early years accustom the kitten to the procedure of brushing its teeth using special means. Ready-made dry food also helps dissolve plaque. It is worth noting that feeding in in this case should occur regularly, and not just to remove dental plaque.

If British kittens have everything they need for full development, and the owner takes care of them on time, no problems will arise in keeping these animals.

What does a British cat need in an apartment?

Before bringing your Briton to a new place of residence, prepare all the necessary accessories for him:

  • Sleeping area. Decide in advance where your pet will sleep. Representatives of the British breed are quite independent and like to be alone, so it would be advisable to buy your pet its own bed or cat house.
  • Tray. For the toilet, it is better to use a closed plastic tray. When purchasing, you should take into account the large dimensions of the British - the tray should be high and as comfortable as possible. It is better to use silica gel or wood filler; they absorb moisture well and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors.
  • A bowl. A special drinking fountain or ceramic bowl is perfect for water. And for food, you should choose a tall metal bowl with a wide bottom.
  • Scratching post. British cats do not want to spoil your furniture at all, they just love freedom very much. However, we all know how dangerous the street is for purebred animals. In order for your pet to be able to independently care for its claws in the apartment, it needs to purchase a scratching post or a play set.
  • Comb. For the plush fur coat of the British, massage slicker brushes or oval rubber combs, which can remove static electricity, are best suited.
  • Cloth. An additional accessory for your pet can be cool clothes that will not only emphasize an important appearance British cat, but will also warm you up during a walk in the cold. After all, short-haired cat breeds have a hard time withstanding frosty winters. Clothing for a British person should be comfortable, high quality and easy to wash.

Create a cozy atmosphere for your pet in your home, and then he will be able to feel at ease.

British cat hair care

The famous plush fur of the British cat evokes a lot of positive emotions from simply touching it. But to achieve such a result, the owner has to properly care for his pet.

Important! The coat of a British Blue cat can be combed infrequently - 1-2 times a week.

The main principle of care is to remove guard hairs as thoroughly as possible with minimal trauma to the thick undercoat. To do this, the cat is combed according to the growth of the hairs, periodically changing direction. First of all, scratch the back, sides and chest of the animal, and then move on to the paws, tail and muzzle. The necks and chubby cheeks of the British Shorthair are always combed against the grain.

By the way, representatives of the British breed are one of the few who enjoy this procedure - they begin to purr loudly and prop up their back to continue the massage.

How to brush British cats

  1. An ordinary metal comb with rounded teeth mid frequency. It is advisable for her to comb the British first, slowly and strictly in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Rubber massage brush or slicker brush. This great option comb British cats without electrifying their fur. It is recommended to brush the animal vigorously with such a brush, massaging all areas of the body.

Shedding in British cats

A British cat sheds its first coat at 7-8 months.

During this period (usually about a week), it is necessary to more carefully and carefully care for your pet's fur. Perform massage movements using two brushes daily. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the vulnerable skin and undercoat of the British cat. Next, walk a damp rubber glove over the animal’s body and collect all the hair that falls out.

Each Briton's next molt begins individually. Its intensity and timing can be affected by factors such as age, health status, quality of nutrition, etc. In addition, sudden hair loss in a pet can be caused by an allergy to any medical supplies, food, vitamins, shampoos, etc.

As a rule, most allergic reactions manifest themselves in the fact that the fur begins to come out very much. Moreover, a lot of hair comes out from the undercoat. In this case, try changing any animal care products. During shedding, also keep in mind that the nutrition of a short-haired cat should be as balanced as possible. This is also very important if you do not want your cat to be allergic.

How to wash Brits

To bathe a British cat, take water into a low bowl and dilute it in a small amount of shampoo, and wash the animal with massage movements. Please note that the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. After the procedure, thoroughly wipe your body british cat dry towel, wrap it in a blanket and place it in its own corner. Make sure there are no drafts in the house.

British haircuts

Lovers of British breed cats are divided into 2 types:

  1. The first of them believe that pets need to be cut regularly. They explain this by the fact that a short-haired Briton leaves much less hair in the house, and also by the fact that it is difficult for animals with a thick undercoat to tolerate the heat. Some of them simply want their trimmed pet to stand out from others or have its own style.
  2. The second category of British lovers is categorically against cutting, since they consider the coat of this breed to be the main advantage, which in no case should be spoiled.

There are so many people, so many opinions, so it’s impossible to say for sure whether grooming can be done this way.

But if you still decide to cut your British cat’s hair, use a few tips:

  • The procedure should only be carried out by a professional technician who is well acquainted with the anatomy of cats. Do not try to trim the animal yourself - you may injure it or introduce a dangerous infectious disease!
  • Make sure that the haircut process takes place in a calm and friendly place, without the use of force. The pet should not suffer psychological trauma.
  • Pay attention to how other cats in front of you are groomed - cats should not accept any sedatives before the procedure.
  • A qualified master must be able to find individual approach to any animal. Your Briton's behavior will tell you whether he liked the master. IN good hands the cat will never behave aggressively.

In fact, it is not so important whether your pet will have a haircut or not - the most important thing is that the cat has a neat or even smart appearance.

Take care of the health of your British cat, pay him as much attention as possible. Caring for a British dog is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. An animal that feels love and care will never remain in debt to its owner!

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Cats are perhaps the most beloved of pets. Any changes in a pet’s body, including molting, cause owners not only fear, but sometimes even panic. Especially if we're talking about about the British Shorthair breed.

Features of the British cat

The British cat was bred artificially by man. Using the selection method, almost “plush” animals were obtained that bring indescribable bliss to the owner. However, such cats have lost part of their resistance to diseases and the endurance inherent in their wild relatives. Therefore, they need to be given more attention and care.

Causes of shedding

There are several reasons:

  1. Seasonal molting occurs - in autumn and spring within one month. It `s naturally;
  2. Weakened immunity;
  3. Experienced stress;
  4. Pregnancy or postpartum period;
  5. Poor nutrition;
  6. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  7. Allergic reaction to change the type of feed. For example, switching to dry food;
  8. Infection with one of the types of skin fungi;
  9. Hormonal imbalance due to missed mating period or use hormonal drugs in the treatment of any disease;
  10. A serious disease that can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

What to do?

First of all, take care of the coat. Wash the cat with shampoos intended for this purpose, comb it and keep it in a room with a comfortable temperature. The coat should be smooth and shiny.

When changing these parameters, if the fur becomes dull and ruffled, immediately pay attention to nutrition. Is it complete and varied, are there all the vitamins and microelements your pet needs in different periods life, are present. After all, during pregnancy and especially after childbirth, you need a more carefully selected diet.

Apply special drugs and complexes, of which there are now plenty in veterinary pharmacies, making the coat delightfully soft and silky.

All are eliminated possible factors stress. Abrupt temperature changes, unexpected loud sounds, meeting other animals.

Even showing up in the house strangers may cause anxiety. British cats become very attached to their owners and experience serious shock in the presence of a stranger.

If the above conditions for caring for a British shorthair cat are met, the owner may not even notice how the seasonal shedding has passed.

If all necessary precautions are met, the threatening factors have been eliminated, but the animal continues to experience hair loss, then you just need to run to veterinarian in order to prevent more serious consequences for your pet's body.

A healthy cat living outdoors sheds twice a year, in spring and autumn. By summer, cats actively shed their fur in preparation for the hot season. In autumn, on the contrary, they increase their fur coat in anticipation of the winter cold. Animals living in an apartment are also subject to shedding, but often this process is delayed or becomes uncontrollable when the cat sheds heavily almost all year round.

What causes excessive hair loss in a cat?

If your pet is an apartment dweller, without access to “free range”, then most likely he is prone to increased hair loss. In winter, when the fur coat should grow, the opposite process is observed. In apartments with central heating dry and warm air dictates the animal to shed excess fur for a more comfortable feeling. A hot battery replaces thick winter fur for our pets, and artificial lighting and the resulting longer daylight hours complete the picture.

To avoid hair loss from overheating, if possible, keep the animal away from radiators, install air humidifiers, and ventilate the apartment more often. If you have a balcony or loggia, set up a “winter” house for your cat on the balcony, install scratching posts, multi-level shelves and ladders there so that the animal is interested in going out into the fresh air.

Gastrointestinal disease or hormonal imbalance

Some breeds with a thick undercoat, in particular, British, Siberian, Maine Coons, shed all year round, so if there are no other visible problems with the coat, then there is no reason to worry.

Animals that spend the winter months in an apartment and move to the country in the summer tend, on the contrary, to increased hair growth in the summer months, when they have access to walking, and therefore upon returning to a city apartment are subject to more intense molting.

Considering seasonal factors and the specifics of keeping pets, it is very important not to accept skin diseases for a normal shedding. These diseases include allergic reactions to food or medications, fungal diseases. Hair loss may be associated with gastrointestinal as well as hormonal problems and be accompanied by itching, redness, and the formation of focal bald patches.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances; take the animal to the veterinarian.

They will do it at the clinic necessary tests(scraping at the site of alopecia, blood test), they will diagnose and prescribe treatment. It is possible that excessive hair loss is due to a lack of vitamins, in which case the doctor will recommend a complex that is suitable for your pet.

Most often, cats with focal lesions are prescribed simple and effective vitamins, for example, brewer's yeast. If all other vital signs of the animal are normal, then within two weeks you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of the hair coat.

Shedding may be associated with food changes

The cat sheds a lot due to problems with gastrointestinal tract or food-related allergies. Excluding certain foods from the diet, as well as adding vegetable fats, will help restore your pet’s coat and return it to its usual shine and shine.

How to reduce hair

There are several ways to reduce the amount of hair shedding. Here they are:


For supporting healthy condition The pet's fur needs to be brushed regularly. For cats predisposed to matting hair - Persian, Siberian - we recommend doing this daily using a special comb - a furminator. The Furminator can significantly reduce shedding, prevent the formation of tangles, and remove the undercoat gently without damaging the skin, guard hair and coat.

Washing the cat

Washing a cat will not solve the problem of excessive shedding, but using special conditioners for fur, for example, “No Wool,” will help restore damaged fur, eliminate dry skin, and get rid of flaking.

You need to understand that washing and treating with a furminator only solves the consequence of the problem, but not its cause. To establish accurate diagnosis It is best to consult a veterinarian. The issue of excessive hair loss should be approached comprehensively and preferably under the supervision of a specialist.

Video review about cat shedding: an interview with a breeder and grooming expert about caring for a cat’s fur

  • How to properly comb a cat?
  • What to do if your cat sheds heavily all year round?
  • Why do cats have more combs than people?

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

- Why do British cats shed?

Cats typically shed twice a year.
If a cat sheds all year round, then the cat has health problems:
1. Worms.
2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Problems with the pancreas.
4. Liver problems.
5. The cat is in constant stress(she is very afraid of something or someone, she is often subjected to manipulations that she does not like).
6. Problems with the anal sinuses.
7. Lack of vitamins.

Your actions:
1. Give anthelmintic drugs
2. Submit feces for clinical analysis.
3. Donate blood for biochemical analysis.
4. Remove sources of stress
5. Empty the anal sinuses
6. Introduce a complex of vitamins into the cat’s diet
7. Show the cat to the doctor.

- Why do the British’s eyes water (run)?

Excessive tear production from the eye occurs in cats for several reasons:
1. Worm infestation. There are worms that spend one of the stages of their development in the lacrimal sac of the eye.
2. Allergic reaction to a component of the external environment.
3. Eye irritation, such as from tobacco smoke.

Your actions:
1. Stop smoking in front of your cat.
2. Check what your cat may be allergic to.
3. Test feces for the presence of worms.
4. Show the cat to the doctor.

- Why is the British cat thin?

- Why british cats angry?

Cats are most likely to become aggressive when they become distressed.
1. Stress develops when severe pain, during forced contact with a person. The owner often takes the cat in his arms and strokes it often. Children often forcefully touch a cat.
2. New circumstances in the cat’s life. The cat was transported to new apartment, taken away from the dacha, a new family member appeared in the family.
3. Stress also develops when chronic diseases associated with pain.

Your actions:
Be sure to contact a zoopsychologist.

- Why does the British cat bite?

Cats bite in several cases:
1. Kittens up to 5 months They bite due to the hunting instinct, which is genetically inherent in cats. The need to bite in kittens subsides by the age of six months. This is especially true for their owners. Hunting instinct adults healthy cats does not apply to people.
2. Adult cats They bite a person when they are under severe chronic stress.

Your actions:
1. Keep the kitten healthy and energetic