Romantic names of public gardens. Poll: what to call the park on Obukhovskaya Oborony Ave.? Emerald, Youth, Kissing, Fighters of the Revolution

Lugovaya Square and Memory Square appeared on the toponymic map of the city

A meeting of the commission on urban toponymy took place in the administration of Vladivostok. Its main theme is the naming of a number of public gardens and squares in Vladivostok. The meeting was chaired by the deputy head of the administration and the chairman of the commission on urban toponymy of the city, Elena Gavro.

According to the press service of the Vladivostok administration, the commission on urban toponymy includes the director of the Russian State Archive of the Far East Alexander Toropov, professor of the Department of Modern Russian Language of the Far Eastern State University Olga Rubleva, full member of the Society for the Study of the Amur Region Vladimir Kolyagin, head of the archival department of department No. 1 of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rostekhinventarizatsiya" - Federal BTI" for the Primorsky Territory Lyubov Dyuzhina, leading editor of the department of thematic publications of the FSUE "PrimorAGP" Tatyana Faychuk, head of the Vladivostok post office Lyudmila Zykina, head of the department for the protection of historical and cultural heritage of the cultural department of the city administration Evgenia Ivanenko and others.

The need to approve the names of streets and squares arose due to the fact that many names, even those that have long become familiar to citizens, are simply not on maps or in official documents. In addition, the city is alive and developing, new squares, streets, and alleys are appearing. To implement a unified city policy in the field of naming and renaming, a commission on urban toponymy was created. Its task is to work to streamline the geography of Vladivostok, to perpetuate the names of great fellow countrymen in the names of streets and squares, to discuss proposals from citizens and organizations regarding the naming and renaming of streets, and to approve new names taking into account traditions and in strict accordance with the municipal legal act.

At the last meeting, the names that have long been familiar to the townspeople were approved:

* Zharikovsky Square

* Gaydamaksky Square

* Admiral Nevelsky Square

* Muravyov-Amursky Square

* Sukhanov Square

* Matrossky Square

* Lugovaya Square

* Balyaev Square

* Okatova Square

* Admiral Fokin Square

Also, after lengthy consultations with experts, new names were approved:

* Yung Square of the Russian Navy (at the intersection of Bestuzhev St. and Posyetskaya St.)

* Theater Square (at the intersection of Peter the Great St., 3 and Svetlanskaya St., 47-51, in front of the M. Gorky Theater)

* Admiralsky Square (at the intersection of Peter the Great St., 4-8 and Svetlanskaya St., 48-50, next to the DOF)

* Fisherman's Glory Square (in the area of ​​the Fisherman's Glory memorial complex, Kalinina St.)

* Memory Square (on Ryazhskaya street, 13, Second River district, near the memorial stone to victims of political repression)

* Komsomol Square (in the area of ​​the monument to Komsomol member V. Bonivur, Pushkinskaya St., 63)

* Kutuzov Square (in the area of ​​the monument to M. Kutuzov, Second River)

* Energetikov Square (near Verkhneportovaya St., 9)

* Victory Park (in the area of ​​the Regional Youth House)

* Russian Glory Square (in the area of ​​the monument to the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, General D. Bagration, on the Bagration ring)

* Denis Davydov Alley (in the area of ​​the bust of D. Davydov, Second River)

* Polytechnics Square (near Pushkinskaya St., 12, main building of Far Eastern State Technical University)

* Kursantsky Square (in the TOVMI area)

In addition to specialists, city residents also participated in the development of names. For example, the FESTU team approached the Vladivostok administration with a proposal to name the square next to the educational institution Polytechnics Square. The letter also stated that the Technical University assumes responsibility for the maintenance and cleaning of this square.

The name for Victory Park was suggested by a city resident who worked as a tour guide for many years. She provided the commission with a copy of the newspaper "Red Banner" from 1980 with an article about how this park was founded. Near the Youth House that was then under construction, veterans and young people planted 1,418 trees—that’s how many days the war lasted. The opening of the park was timed to coincide with the 35th anniversary of the Victory. Today there is a complex of sculptures on military themes, as well as a monument to the Primorsky Komsomolets tank column. In September 2007, a memorial to Primorye residents who died during local wars and military conflicts also appeared on the territory of the park. Taking all this into account, the commission unanimously approved the name - Victory Square.

Now experts are preparing a draft resolution on the names of parks, squares and squares; after it is signed by the head of the city, the names will be considered officially approved and they can be applied to maps of Vladivostok. The naming process is planned to be completed by the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the regional center.

Couples in love are always looking for the perfect place for themselves. There are quite a few cities in the world shrouded in romance. Which ones are the most romantic? Where you should go as a couple and immerse yourself in a lyrical mood, leisurely strolling along the cobbled streets, watching the sunrise on the embankment or having breakfast in a coffee shop.

1. Paris

Couples dreaming of a romantic trip probably think of Paris first. French novelists and modern film directors have done a lot of work on his reputation. But, one way or another, there really is a special atmosphere here. Those thirsty for romance can be recommended to visit the Museum of Eroticism, the Moulin Rouge cabaret, the Wall of Love, climb Montmartre and sit on the steps of the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral, admiring the panorama of Paris.

2. Venice

This fairy tale on the water is no less tempting than Paris. In addition to the famous canals, there are many small streets where you can retire from the crowd - it seems as if you can hear ancient declarations of love made here once upon a time. There are many wonderful restaurants around with excellent Italian wine. It's nice to stroll along Piazza San Marco at dawn, sail along the Grand Canal or stand on the Rialto Bridge.

3. Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic is rich in ancient architecture, which is perfectly preserved here. Holding hands, you can wander through the picturesque streets for hours, and when you finally get tired of it, you can go to any beer hall, where you will be treated to first-class Czech beer. Lovers in Prague go to Charles Bridge, where they make a wish that will certainly come true. Petrin Hill is another romantic place in Prague.

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4. Lviv

Ukrainians do not need to travel abroad in search of romance. You can have a great romantic weekend in Lviv, and if you wish, you can also explore nearby castles, for example, climb the High Castle. The city has wonderful coffee shops with tables outside. Those who like something spicy can visit “Masoch”, and those who like something more sublime can look at the city from the town hall.

5. Barcelona

The pearl of Europe, Barcelona, ​​is beautiful at any time of the year, which is why it often becomes the destination of romantic trips. In its restaurants you can taste various fish and seafood dishes, walk for hours along La Rambla, Diagonal and other Barcelona streets, and admire the architectural masterpieces of Gaudi. You can't miss the majestic Sagrada Familia cathedral or climb Mount Montjuïc, where many of the sights are concentrated.

6. Vienna

Vienna was once built as if for romantic walks along the Danube, ancient pavements, narrow streets and picturesque quarters. A couple in love can spend an unforgettable weekend here. Mozart lived in the capital of Austria for several years, Strauss the Younger was also the crown, and everything in the city seemed to be saturated with their music. A visit to the Prater Park can be an excellent romantic walk.

7. New York

Romance can be found not only in ancient European cities, but also in vibrant modern cities such as New York. The Brooklyn Bridge offers breathtaking views, and you can spend the whole day walking in Central Park. Walking around Manhattan and the panorama with the Statue of Liberty will leave a huge impression. You can drink coffee near the Tiffany window.

8. St. Petersburg

Who doesn’t know St. Petersburg - its bridges, dark Neva water, ancient courtyards and luxurious palaces and churches? Some consider it too depressing and dark, but others adore it, if only for the sake of romantic walks on white nights or enjoying the masterpieces of the Hermitage. Lovers go here to the Kissing Bridge, because they say that if you kiss on it or under it, then the love will be strong.

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9. Singapore

If the classic romance of Europe is boring, then you can look for it in Asia. In ultra-modern Singapore, you can see a combination of skyscrapers and exotic greenery. Here you can ride on the “Floating Singapore” - a Ferris wheel from which you can see not only the city, but also the neighboring islands.

10. Buenos Aires

The passionate tango city of Buenos Aires is perfect for a romantic getaway. Where else can you dance such a fiery dance right on the street, and then have dinner in a cozy restaurant hidden behind a hedge. It has been noted that in the capital of Argentina, Latin passion is closely intertwined with European stiffness - why not make sure of this?

11. Rome

The Eternal City is incredibly romantic. You should definitely come here with these goals, because here it’s like you’re stepping back in time many centuries into the past. Who isn’t interested in looking at the ruins of the Forum, the Colosseum, throwing a coin into the famous Trevi Fountain, strolling through Piazza di Spagna at night, and visiting the Vatican in between? Of course, lovers must get to the Milvian Bridge to attach another lock to its railings and throw the key into the Tiber so that love will be eternal. You can end your romantic evening with dinner in the Trastevere area.

12. Budapest

One of the most beautiful cities of old Europe cannot but be romantic. Its Gothic buildings take guests back in time, and the wide Danube and the beautiful bridges spanning it can be admired endlessly.

13. Florence

The capital of Tuscany is an ancient center of art. Lovers enjoy strolling around Piazzale Michelangelo at night here. Of course, you can’t help but look at the incredibly romantic Florentine bridge - Ponte Vecchio. From here you can look at the river, the houses hanging above it and the beautiful sunset for a long time. There are so many places in this ancient city that exude true romance.

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14. Cinque Terre

This is the name of five incredibly romantic towns in the province of La Spezia: Vernazza, Manarola, Corniglia, Monterosso and Riomaggiore. They are washed by the waters of the Ligurian Sea, on the shores of which there are many picturesque cliffs. There are incredibly beautiful landscapes here, formed by the sea, mountains and colorful houses. This is a great place to end a romantic trip, such as a walk along the "Road of Love" hiking trail that connects Riomaggiore and Manarola.

15. Verona

Shakespeare settled Juliet and Romeo in Verona, because in such a beautiful city it is impossible not to fall in love! The best way to enjoy this magical city is to simply get lost among its squares, streets and markets. In this case, you must definitely get to Piazza delle Erbe, which will point the way to St. Peter's Castle. At sunset, such a magnificent panorama opens up from here that it is usually remembered for a lifetime. There is even Juliet’s house here, where you can come and leave your letter declaring your love at the entrance.

16. Bruges

A fabulous Belgian town surrounded by canals. It is best to walk along it on foot, but you can also take a boat, admiring its beauty from a different angle. The Lake of Love deserves special attention, where swans always swim majestically. In addition, a romantic trip to Bruges can be complemented with delicate Belgian chocolate.

17. Seville

In the south of Spain, in Andalusia, the most romantic city is Seville. Its ancient streets with houses built in the Moorish style and squares seem to exude the magic of antiquity. So, it is interesting to explore the intricate streets of the city, after which you can go to a typical Seville restaurant where you can taste tapas and luxurious wine. It is advisable to explore the Giralda Tower, the beautiful cathedral, and admire the gardens and fountains. And you can spend the night in the city center, where you can watch flamenco in a bar.

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18. Honolulu

Romance is not only found in European cities. There is also one in the Hawaiian Islands, in Honolulu. But it's not quite the usual, old-fashioned romance, rather it's bright, free, with ocean waves and breezes, which is why there are so many surfers here. The local turquoise lagoon has large white beaches and palm trees - everything like in an advertisement for a bounty bar.

19. Istanbul

Istanbul is a unique city located simultaneously in Europe and Asia. Ancient Constantinople, and this is it, absorbed a lot of romance. Once upon a time, according to legend, Roksolana was able to charm the all-powerful Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent here, turning from a concubine into a ruler. Openwork mosques, a bright, noisy Grand Bazaar, the calls of the muezzin, the magnificent Hagia Sophia, the Topkana harem - thanks to all this, lovers will feel like they are in an oriental fairy tale.

20. Melbourne

Australia's second largest city also makes for a romantic getaway with some of its most beautiful parks and gardens. Watching the magnificent panorama from the observation deck, here you can be filled with passion and high emotions.

Published: 21.09.2018 Category: Author's essay

Let's try to remember what we are studying when we reach the area predetermined for outdoor recreation. Beach. Historical and cultural attractions (including museums and exhibitions). Natural tracts of extraordinary beauty (even difficult to access). They forgot something... Well, of course - city parks. Often this is where all the attention of a guest, especially a family one, is concentrated. In resorts or other tourist centers, such locations are made unforgettable. So that people want to come back and experience different things. Let’s make a reservation right away: the most spacious equipped walking areas, outdoor recreational areas with the largest number of attractions or health paths are included in the list of the 1st section. And that’s the only reason they didn’t end up lower – among the “best.”

City park - necessity or luxury

The forerunner of the concept of “urban recreation park” is a landscape park. It appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 18th century (for example, in St. Petersburg, which was under construction back in 1704). However, it became widespread on the wave of romanticism - a cultural movement calling on each nation to revive its individuality and ethnic identity. Writers and artists remembered the folk epic, historians began to position the features of costume and everyday life, and landscape designers reconstructed the long-standing attempts of the population of the state to subjugate nature. French gardens are a symbol of man's complete control over nature. The English ones are an example of the search for a new (ideal) harmony. In China, India and Japan, on the contrary, the movement towards merging with the natural landscape continued. Rock gardens are the hallmark of this wonderful style trend. All genres still exist today.

In our country, it was ordered to organize urban recreational areas in 1821 (the reason is the decree of Alexander the First “On the Organization of Cities,” which organically continued the communal policy of Peter I, begun in 1704). After 50-60 years, the well-groomed urban “green space” all over the world became a corner of the first (at that time still harmless) entertainment. In the cities of the United Kingdom, labyrinths were born from pruned small trees. For a fee, onlookers looked for a way out of here.

The French reached the maximum in topiary art. Former royal and noble residences at the turn of the last century and the century before last became public property here. Even the common population looked at the fauna made from flora - bears, eagles, deer... The gardeners' imagination knew no bounds. Over time, urban gardens turned from a luxury into a necessity. After all, progress brought here the first attractions (a carousel with horses) and various opportunities (to be photographed with strange animals, to become a model for a portrait painter, to watch a circus show). Everything interesting was brought to the city recreation park. Citizens came here from all over the country.

In the last century, when cities were increasingly “sinking into concrete”, and enterprises and vehicles on the roads began to pollute the air much more seriously, a forest park equipped with entertainment also played a health-improving role. Our “green brothers” produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. And now the city is overflowing with them.

The current century has added new functions to the large public gardens of our Fatherland. The parks became thematic - ethnographic, historical, sports. Thus, the phenomenon we are considering has confirmed its primary necessity, turning into the focus of all city attractions at once. As a result, the city park was divided into three types - culture and recreation (small architectural forms, fountains, carousels), thematic (zoology, history, ethnography) and trekker (there are health paths here). A cultural and recreational establishment should not be confused with a botanical garden. In it, the visitor can enjoy the exceptionally rare and beautiful flora.

City parks at different times of the year

In certain seasons, the arrays in question are used differently. In winter, people ride down the slides here, make snowmen, decorate spruce or pine trees (in the Russian south they can do this with palm trees or cypresses). And the autumn park is interesting because it shows the entire natural palette on the crowns. However, the leaves of most trees are already on the ground. They can be pleasantly stirred with your feet. The variety of bright color shades becomes a subject for photographers and plein air artists. We should not forget that for most of us, the smell of rotten leaves (and this is exactly what the autumn park gives) evokes emotions associated with peace and some kind of “primordial” pleasure. It has never been replaced by social networks, computer games, going to a nightclub or “sofa idyll” in front of the TV. As a rule, during the “Pushkin” period, some amusements were still offered in city arboretums - a shooting gallery, a Ferris wheel. Only fountains and water attractions do not make noise. In spring, the city recreation park comes to life at the end of April and May. And then we no longer get pleasure from the yellow ocher, the withered brown tone and the flaming crimson. We are delighted by the bright greenery of the first grass and the smell of blossoming buds. This aroma stimulates the immune system. Finally, the three warmest months are the focus of everything here.

TOP 10 best city parks in Russia

The review portal, specializing in urban beauties, provided information about favorite vacation spots for Russian city dwellers. There are 10 of them. Let us add that in terms of patriotism, the Moscow one, which is not included in the list, is better known.

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture (Moscow)

The rating, as expected, starts with the capital. “Gorki Park” (as enchanted foreigners call it) is beautiful in any weather. Let's take the autumn season for example. The park becomes a platform for book auctions, various exhibitions and other socially beneficial events. In winter, New Year is often celebrated here. During the warm season, dance marathons, quests and music festivals will be available to you. The “Reserve of Urban Delights” consists of the Museum, Vorobyovy Gory, Parterre and Neskuchny Garden. And each sector has its own program. The recreation that separates the high-rise residential areas is both cultural and sports festival. There are tennis courts, areas for workout and team games, cinemas, summer stages, architectural historical attractions (ancient gazebos on ponds, palaces, museums, fountains, etc.), zoo corners, river piers, attractions (among them - pedal boats on the Moscow River) - this is just a fraction of what Pushkinskaya Embankment will offer you. Let's add that the green area stretching along the river even has... a stable.

Divo Island (St. Petersburg)

The second position is confidently occupied by the St. Petersburg landscape miracle, arranged on Krestovsky Island, between the Central Square, as well as Ryukhin, Batareinaya and Severnaya Doroga streets. A section of the Primorsky Victory Park measuring 230 by 600 meters contains new attractions (by the way, many extreme ones). There is a Northern Pond, a restaurant, several cafes and the Big Russian Hill. In winter, children “fly” from it far and long. However, the brand of this urban garden should be extreme fun. There are more “roller coasters” in this area than in other Russian cities (although in terms of lift height they are still less than Sochi’s). There are also animators here!

Central Amusement Park (Perm)

City parks often attract visitors precisely because of their arcades - devices that test our accuracy and dexterity. The arcade row is exactly what makes the Perm Central Preservation Center famous, also named in honor of M. Gorky. There are such machines as a shooting gallery, virtual shooting games, the popular “Angry Birds”, biathlon, basketball, “Burst the Ball”, etc. Of course, there are also plenty of engineering mobile structures here. The most famous is “Seventh Heaven”. Cradles suspended on a wheel (fixed in a horizontal plane) are spun, and even slowly raise the circle to a great height. In addition, in the birch and aspen grove you will find roller coasters and 14 other extreme rides popular all over the world. All this did not appear here by chance. Back in 1829, Alexander von Humboldt conducted his experiments at this point.

Sunny Island (Krasnodar)

Would you like to be on a piece of land, cut off from skyscrapers and roadways by a river loop? Where the zoo has 30 pavilions, stylized for different countries and eras, where dinosaurs come to life under the influence of electricity, and as a result of the efforts of designers and landscapers, ancient Egyptian tombs or tropical forests suddenly grow? Here the hippopotamus has its own personal pool house, and tourists have the chance to dine in one of the authentic restaurants. This opportunity will be given to you by a landscape designed for recreation of Krasnodar residents and guests of the Kuban “capital”. There are also stone slides with flowers, cafes hanging over the water, sports grounds, a river embankment (you can’t swim on it, but you can successfully fish), an ice skating rink, and a shooting gallery for Robin Hoods. This beauty is located between the Kuban River and one of its backwaters.

Stolby (Krasnoyarsk)

Unlike the listed excursion sites, this environmentally friendly corner does not have structures and mechanisms built for the amusement of visitors. Its main value is the features of the local landscape itself, namely the striking rock formations. The first local aborigines guessed gods in them, some townspeople saw the feathers of a huge bird, and most tourists saw them as pillars. The latest version of the name was approved by officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Through their efforts, a nature reserve was formed in the very southwestern massif of Krasnoyarsk (Turbaza stop). In fact, the “stone belt of the city” is a spur of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. In terms of infrastructure, there are only trekker routes equipped with stairs, railings, signs and garbage bins, ending with “lookouts”. Because of their “amazing” panoramic views, Krasnoyarsk residents consider Stolby their favorite park, and non-residents raised it to 5th place.

Lukomorye (Saratov)

Summer, winter, spring, autumn... This park pleases Saratov residents all year round. And no wonder. Indeed, in the space of the historical “heart” of the Oktyabrsky district you will find an island of alder and willow thickets with a quaint pond in the middle. It was in sixth place thanks to the abundance of interactive programs for young people and a unique piece of landscape design. All this, of course, is flavored with a good portion of the now fashionable “Russian folk” entertainment. For example, the local Ferris wheel has 20 cabins. Each one demonstrates a painting born in a Russian province. The theme is continued by the Small Square with its Peter the Great carriages. It is worth mentioning the abundance of restaurants, each of which has a veranda overlooking the pond.

Damansky Island Park (Yaroslavl)

Yaroslavl is one of the “circumference points” of the Golden Ring of Russia, the tourist flow to which has never weakened. And it’s not just about the Kremlin, museums and other institutions that introduce us to ancient Russian artifacts. This regional center has a large park equipped with “leisure phenomena” located on an island. The patch in the Kotorosli delta is fragrantly overgrown with aspen, linden, birch and alder. Over time, several sidewalks were laid here, along which elegant lanterns were placed. A street with a name unusual for modern Russians – Podzelenie – leads here. The main feature of the landscaped square of an isolated thicket is the largest rental of pedal boats in the Central Federal District. In summer, the water area adjacent to Damansky is closely dotted with these watercraft. A rescue tower has been installed to monitor water traffic. There are also 14 attractions. The most popular "Military". Opposite the beach.

Zheleznodorozhnikov Park (Ryazan)

The city recreation park indicated in the title is the pride of Ryazan, the “most Russian” settlement of the Russian Federation. It is famous for its complex of attractions for the little ones. It's called "Prio-Land". And for adults there is a restaurant “Fifth Ocean”. What's the highlight? There are fairy-tale castles everywhere... one meter tall.

Lenin Square (Stavropol)

One of the “main breadbaskets of Russia” is headed by the city, where a spacious parade ground has been built. Theater Square. The square surrounding it was christened after the leader of the proletariat. It is found between Artem, Dzerzhinsky and Moroz streets. And I admire the monumentality of the buildings - the buildings of the Regional Duma and the Regional Government, as well as the Drama Theater named after. Lermontov. Between them are wide, trimmed lawns with a large number of colorful columbariums. Flower beds form entire patterns. Sometimes there are columns and topiary masterpieces in the center. The eye rejoices at the expensive paving slabs, fountains (spouting from the stone slides of a large pool), and the monument to Lermontov. The “Museum of Soviet Authenticity” is designed in the “Stalinist” Triumph style. It also attracts citizens with an abundance of comfortable benches. There is an urn next to each one.

Central Park Switzerland (Nizhny Novgorod)

Sometimes Russian city parks are designed to transport pedestrians to another country. One of the “green pieces” of Nizhny Novgorod has been successfully fulfilling this mission for several years now. He sends us to a state hidden in the heart of the Alps - Switzerland. It is localized by the central section of the Oka embankment (as you know, the reservoir flows into the Volga in this city). For 3 kilometers we will admire oak, alder, aspen and maple. Everything here is arranged colorfully and in an alpine style. There is a race track, a zoo (in an old Russian estate), and also an entrance portal with a colonnade. “Switzerland” is also the name given to the amusement complex, which has branches on other streets.

The oldest city park in Russia

As stated above, the Summer Garden was laid out by order of Peter the Great - in 1704. Between the Neva and Fontanka rivers. The plan of the Palace of Versailles was taken as a basis. Trimmed bushes, strict patterns (in which all the flora was inscribed), fountains, antique sculptures, the central alley... Following this example, in this and the next century, all the “greenery” of various imperial and simply noble residences was created. Since 1709, balls have been held here... All this luxury has been preserved.

The youngest city park in Russia

City parks like this are constantly being “born” here and there. This refers to open exhibitions of military equipment. At the end of August 2018, the Patriot HTP appeared in the city of Engels. Its originality lies not in the technology of the Second World War (it can be seen in almost every city), but in the fact that busts of all the marshals of the Soviet Union were installed here and field fortifications were reconstructed. At the site, with a large crowd of spectators, certain events of the great war will be reconstructed.

The most famous city park in Russia

The title was awarded to an 8-kilometer piece of mixed forest equipped with trails. It is called Losiny Ostrov. It is located right in the middle of the main city of the country, sandwiched between the Druzhba residential area and the microdistrict with the funny name 12th Switch (North-Eastern District, entrance along Kropotkinsky Proezd from the Yaroslavskoe Highway stop). This is the only opportunity for a Muscovite to find himself in a dense place, walking less than a kilometer from the Moscow Ring Road. The park is also attractive because it can be used not only by residents of the microdistricts that grew up along Yaroslavka, but also by residents of Mytishchi, Koroleva and Golyanovo. The time to get there is almost the same... Inside the massif there are such emerald tracts as the Yauza lakes, the Yauza swampy stream, the Torfyanka River, the Akulovsky water canal and other mushroom and berry places. Of the national (non-city) parks, this is the oldest. However, now the golden-headed one surrounded him on all sides. Therefore, Losiny Ostrov has a border status. It is worth remembering that part of the territory is closed to visitors; it contains primary forests!

The most children's city park in Russia

What recreational activities will be of interest to Russian children? A city park specializing in providing leisure activities for young children has grown up in the Imereti Olympic cluster of Adler. They call it “Sochi Park”. The fact is that this complex of attractions is famous not only for the extreme Firebird and the Serpent-Gorynych, but also for a large number of harmless swings and carousels. And all this was done within the framework of the epic Old Russian space. Although the incredible popularity of resort parks is associated with the city, Sochi Park still appeals more. Liking is related to liking. On one side are the masterpieces of the Olympic infrastructure, on the other are the most fashionable museums right now. And the well-equipped seaside embankment is just one of the factors that put it in 1st position.

The most picturesque city park in Russia

The resort park of Kislovodsk is called the most picturesque. It is represented by a bizarre topography, luxurious landscape design, 2 colonnades and buildings built in the sophisticated Caucasian style. At the same time, it stretches into the sky, being part of the mountain slope. At the very top (which, by the way, is very clean) there are several nice restaurants and an observation deck. From here you can see the entire mineralogical resort. There are many alleys. Some go to health paths (2 routes). And for the lazy, the Ferris wheel is always running. In some places the park is crossed by streams, so it has many bridges. Local newlyweds hung them with locks. In addition to relict trees, there is subtropical flora - cypress trees, Syrian rose, palm trees...

The most mysterious city park in Russia

The most mysterious recreational complex in Russia is the Kolomenskoye city park (Moscow, Nagatinskoye). This is another beautiful square, following the bends of the Moscow River. But if Gorky Park is associated only with fashionable attractions, themed festivals and funny flash mobs, then Kolomenskoye is full of historical secrets and is associated with evil modern legends. Let's start with the fact that before the advent of Christianity, it was here that one of the main sanctuaries of the god Veles was located. In some places his “animal voice” is allegedly heard. What scares Muscovites now? Too late or early, among the apple orchards and thickets of black alder, you will meet people in strange clothes chanting rather gloomy mantras. It’s not hard to guess that these are modern fans of the “cattle god”

The most thematic city park in Russia

The traveler will find an authentic Cossack city recreation park in the village of Taman, Temryuk district of Kuban. And it rhymes well with this town, it’s called “Ataman”. Built in the western part of a clean and comfortable Azov settlement, with access to a picturesque sand and shell coast. Showcases reconstructed residential and utility buildings of the first Black Sea Cossacks.

We really hope that this longread will help our compatriots when traveling across the vast expanses of Russia. A city park is an important place for every self-respecting city. As you have seen, in the arrangement of some, certain accents are placed or a hint of ethnic flavor is made. Others, on the contrary, try to please vacationers with very different preferences in order to gain as much popularity as possible.


Music Alley, Sunny and Student Squares appeared in our city

Nine new park areas appeared in Murmansk this summer. Five of them did not have a name. And then it happened. Readers of Vecherka voted for the titles, and on November 15 the newspaper summed up the results:


The small park near the Sailors' Palace of Culture will be called Student. As you know, the ball in the palm symbolizes the military commonwealth of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition during the Second World War. But for Murmansk students it has long been a lucky omen: in order to successfully pass the exam, you need to come to this monument the day before and “pray to the ball.” Maybe that’s why it was proposed to call this green corner a square of desires.

Music Alley

This popular name was given to the park on Vorovskogo Street. And, it’s true, this is the only green recreation area in the city where you can constantly hear musical passages from both beginners and seasoned musicians. After all, next door to the square are the College of Arts and the Regional Philharmonic. Many Murmansk residents liked the name “Klenovy” because of the carved shape of the tiles that line the paths of the square. But among the voters there were those who reasonably objected: they say, this tile is not visible in winter, but the name should be heard in any season!

Arctic border guards

Now this will be the name of the square near the regional drama theater, where the monument to the Arctic Border Guards is erected. There was a serious struggle for a name for this square on the Vecherki website; names associated with theater and art were in the lead. But in the popular vote, which “Vecherka” held during the “pumpkin” festival on Vorovsky Street, border guards were in the majority. Considering the promises of the border agency to take this square under its wing and look after it, the jury decided to give it this “border” name.


It was decided to give this name to the park on Marata Street. A warm, cheerful name, just like the square itself, with a bright children's playground and colorful benches visible from afar. During the voting process, this name took the lead, beating “Yeralash”, “Square of Dreamers”, “Square of Newlyweds” and “Apple Tree Alley”.


It was this name of the green zone at 26 Safonova Street that Murmansk residents preferred, although the proposals were very different: “Harlekino”, “Rostinsky”, “Ryabinovy”, “Granny’s Garden”. But all the same, these names have one thing in common - love for northern nature and the pride of the residents of the Leninsky Okrug for their well-maintained public garden. And they have something to be proud of! Here, on the quiet outskirts of the city, a beautiful well-groomed green corner has appeared with a wonderful children's playground and a convenient wide ramp, which is so easy to climb for mothers with strollers and people with disabilities.