What does alkaline phosphatase mean in the test? Why is the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood low? Causes of elevated alkaline phosphatase

Has a particularly important role in the human body phosphorus-calcium exchange. Proper work this exchange affects the work of almost everyone vitally important systems human body - from musculoskeletal tissue, to the liver. For normal metabolism the work of enzymes is necessary. These enzymes are called alkaline phosphatase (ALP). To diagnose diseases, patients undergo a blood test, which determines the level of alkaline phosphatase.

What's happened alkaline phosphatase in analysis? In a biochemical blood test, alkaline phosphatase helps to timely determine not only serious illnesses systems of human life, but also oncological tumors. In order to conduct the study, the patient must donate blood for general analysis and biochemistry. A blood test will show what concentration the enzyme is in.

How enzymes work

WITH various products nutrition, phosphoric acid enters the human body. IN in full force it is not absorbed by the body. ALP enzymes come into action. They separate phosphoric acid from other elements and break it down.

Then, ALP in the blood acts as a catalyst. Enzymes deliver phosphorus to the tissues of all internal systems body. Phosphorus provides cells with the necessary level of metabolism.

If pathology or neoplasms appear in the tissues, the process of phosphorus absorption slows down. Enzyme levels deviate from normal and metabolic disorders occur. A blood test at this moment shows a jump in the level of alkaline phosphatase. Biochemistry allows you to accurately determine pathology internal organs person.

What does a blood test show?

Most often, a biochemical blood test for alkaline phosphatase and its norm is used in comprehensive study, together with the determination of other substances. Blood biochemistry helps diagnose:

  • Violation metabolic processes during pregnancy.
  • The appearance of stones in the gall bladder.
  • Damage to inert tissue.
  • Oncological disease.
  • Development of infectious mononucleosis.
  • The appearance of liver and kidney pathologies.

Deviation in normal indicators alkaline phosphatase may indicate the effectiveness of the therapy. Most often, this test is prescribed before complex operation. It will be directly affected by taking certain medications. For example: Phenobarbital, Ranitidine, Papaverine, Furosemide and others.

ALP in biochemical analysis may have a value higher than normal even in the analysis healthy person. This may mean that the patient's body high level metabolism. Elevated alkaline phosphatase usually occurs:

  • In athletes during periods of high sports loads.
  • In expectant mothers and women during lactation.
  • In a child during the period of bone development and formation
  • In adults during generous intake food.

The situation is much worse if the alkaline phosphatase in the blood is below normal. This means that pathological processes occur in the body:

  • Disruption in work thyroid gland.
  • Imbalance in microelements.
  • Excess vitamin D in tissues.
  • Vitamin deficiency, with deficiency of vitamins B and C.

Low alkaline phosphatase levels may be caused by medications that include statins and sulfonamides.

How to get tested correctly

For getting accurate results, it is necessary to ensure a high-quality analysis. Blood is drawn from a vein. You need to take the test in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is best not to eat food at least 10-12 hours before the test.

Before analysis, it will be necessary to exclude severe physical exercise. It is recommended to cancel at least 2 days in advance. active image life and physical labor. Alkaline phosphatase is elevated during sports. Therefore, any physical activity will distort the analysis result. Children are especially active during walks.

Therefore, it is necessary to exclude outdoor games the day before blood sampling.

When preparing for analysis, you should completely avoid using any alcoholic drinks. Taking medications must be limited if they are not vital - important function. Before carrying out the analysis, it is better not to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures and hardware tests (X-rays, fluorography, etc.).

How to evaluate the analysis result

The level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood varies depending on a person’s age and gender. Minor deviations from the norm are a natural error in the analysis. What deviation is considered insignificant? Only the attending physician can answer this question.

To navigate the issue, it is enough to know the approximate norms of alkaline phosphatase:

  • In adult men, the alkaline phosphatase norm is from 30 to 130 units/l.
  • In adult women, the normal level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood is from 30 to 120 units/l.
  • In children in adolescence content norm is from 150 to 280 units/l.
  • In newborns and children under 9 years of age, the norm is from 250 to 350 units/l.

In some laboratories the result may be calculated in µmol/l. If your blood test says micromoles, only a doctor can convert the result to generally accepted units. The high level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood of children should correspond to the characteristics of their age. IN childhood development occurs in the human body bone tissue, growth of internal organs, and high physical activity. For these processes it is vital high concentration enzymes responsible for metabolism.

Why is the ALP level elevated?

This ALP test result is much more common than a low alkaline phosphatase level. If it can be ruled out that the increase in level occurred as a result of playing sports or after eating a heavy meal, then the decoding may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

The most likely causes of increased alkaline phosphatase in the blood are liver diseases:

  • Obstructive pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Fatty liver degeneration.
  • Cholestasis.
  • Malignant tumor.
  • Bacterial and viral infections.

Another group of diseases that are diagnosed with elevated level ALP are pathologies of bone tissue:

  • Rickets.
  • Paget's disease.
  • Acromegaly.
  • Myelofibrosis.
  • Leukemia.
  • Myeloma.

Changes hormonal levels, also lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs and the development dangerous diseases. As a result of the development of diseases caused by hormones, the level of enzyme concentration also increases. Therefore, an analysis result that is significantly higher than normal may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • Hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism.
  • Osteomalacia.
  • Rickets.
  • Osteogenic sarcoma.
  • Shingles.
  • Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands.

Reception contraceptive drugs at a constant level, may lead to exacerbation of liver diseases. If the medication is taken for a long time (more than 3 years), then the analysis to determine the level of enzymes will be overestimated.

A high alkaline phosphatase level can occur after a bone fracture. During this period, there is active fusion of bone tissue and wound healing. All metabolic processes are increased.

Therefore, a result above the norm will be a natural phenomenon.

An extremely high level of enzymes during examination absolutely clearly indicates the presence of cancer bones. But such a result requires expanding the analysis in order to accurately diagnose the lesion and the degree of cancer development.

Long-term use of alcoholic beverages during alcoholism contributes to the destruction of liver cells. Any enzyme tests in such patients will be elevated.

Why is the ALP level low?

A reduced level of alkaline phosphatase in a biochemical blood test may be due to lack of nutrition. If a person's diet is not balanced, or the amount of food is not enough, this leads to a slowdown in the metabolic process. Cells and tissues cease to function in a stable manner. Irreversible consequences begin in the internal organs, and foci of disease appear. Such consequences are difficult to treat with medication.

If the patient does not complain of lack of food, then low level alkaline phosphatase often demonstrates the presence of serious diseases:

  • Hypophosphatasia (lack of phosphorus in the body).
  • Low protein content.
  • Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands.
  • Pernicious anemia.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Low levels of enzymes occur in donors during the period of donating large volumes of blood. At the same time, to support the normal functioning of the donor’s body, vitamins and dietary supplements are prescribed.

During menopause, women usually experience a slowdown in all processes in the body. Metabolism also slows down. Therefore, enzyme activity is slightly reduced. This is considered normal.

In contact with

Alkaline phosphatase is a group of enzymes found in almost all tissues of the body, with a predominant localization in the liver, bones and placenta. Phosphatases in cells participate in residue elimination reactions phosphoric acid from her organic compounds. The activity of total alkaline phosphatase increases in a number of diseases accompanied by damage to the tissue of the liver, bones, kidneys and other organs.

Synonyms Russian

Alkaline phosphatase.

English synonyms

ALK PHOS, ALP, ALKP, alkaline phosphatase.

Research method

Kinetic colorimetric method.


U/L (unit per liter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous, capillary blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  1. Do not eat for 12 hours before the test.
  2. Avoid physical and emotional stress 30 minutes before the test.
  3. Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the test.

General information about the study

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is found in the cells of the liver and biliary tract and is a catalyst for certain biochemical reactions in these cells (it does not work in the bloodstream). When these cells are destroyed, their contents enter the bloodstream. Normally, some cells are renewed, so a certain alkaline phosphatase activity is detected in the blood. If many cells die, it can increase very significantly.

Bile is formed in liver cells and is secreted through the system of intrahepatic bile ducts. They then unite to form the hepatic ducts, which exit the liver to form the common bile duct, which drains into the small intestine.

Bile is necessary for the absorption of fats from food. Some are also secreted through bile medicinal substances. It is constantly formed, but enters the intestines only during and after meals. When it is not needed, it accumulates in the gallbladder.

Alkaline phosphatase activity increases greatly when there is an obstruction to the flow of bile, such as stones in the bile ducts. This stagnation of bile is called cholestasis.

In bones, alkaline phosphatase is formed in special cells - osteoblasts, which play an important role in the formation and renewal of bone tissue. The higher the activity of osteoblasts, the higher the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood, so in children and people who have suffered bone fractures, alkaline phosphatase activity is at a high level.

Alkaline phosphatase is also found in intestinal and placental cells.

What is the research used for?

Usually this test prescribed to detect liver or bone diseases. In addition, alkaline phosphatase is elevated in diseases affecting the bile ducts, so this test helps confirm blockage of the bile duct due to stones in the bile ducts or pancreatic tumors.

A test for alkaline phosphatase, as well as gamma-glutamyltransferase, is carried out in order to diagnose diseases affecting the biliary tract: primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Any condition that is associated with bone growth or increased activity bone cells, increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase. Therefore, an alkaline phosphatase test can be used, for example, to determine that a tumor has spread beyond its borders. primary focus- in the bones.

Repeated administration of alkaline phosphatase is used to monitor the activity of diseases in which it is elevated or to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

When is the study scheduled?

The alkaline phosphatase test may be part of standard diagnostic panels that are used in routine medical examinations and when preparing the patient for surgical intervention. It is also usually included in the "liver tests" used to evaluate liver function.

This study is carried out if the patient complains of weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in the right hypochondrium), jaundice, darkening of urine or lightening of stool, and itching.

In addition, the analysis is prescribed for symptoms of bone lesions: bone pain, bone deformation, frequent fractures.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Age, gender

Reference values

83 - 248 U/l

15 days – 1 year

122 – 469 U/l

142 - 335 U/l

129 - 417 U/l

57 - 254 U/l

116 - 468 U/l

50 - 117 U/l

82 - 331 U/l

55 - 149 U/l

35 - 105 U/l

40 - 130 U/l

If other tests such as bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are also elevated, then increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood may be due to liver damage. If calcium and phosphorus levels are altered, the most probable cause increased alkaline phosphatase - pathology of bone tissue. Increased alkaline phosphatase activity almost always means damage or involvement in pathological process liver, biliary tract or bones.

Increased activities of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and 5-nucleotidase indicate that the increase in ALP is due to damage to the biliary tract.

Reasons for increased alkaline phosphatase activity

1. Damage to the liver and bile ducts.

  • Mechanical jaundice associated with obstruction of the bile ducts.
    • Stones bile ducts, scars of the bile ducts after surgical interventions.
    • Tumors of the bile ducts.
    • Cancer of the head of the pancreas, stomach cancer due to mechanical compression of the common bile duct, through which bile enters the duodenum.
  • Liver cancer, metastases of tumors of other organs to the liver.
  • Liver cirrhosis is a pathological process during which normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue, which inhibits all liver functions.
  • Hepatitis of any origin (usually ALP becomes 3 times higher than normal because of it).
  • Infectious mononucleosis – acute viral infection, manifested by increased temperature, inflammation of the pharynx and enlarged lymph nodes. In this case, the liver is often involved in the pathological process.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are rare diseases that occur in adults and are associated with autoimmune damage bile ducts. Accompanied by extremely high activity of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase.

2. Bone damage.

  • Particularly high alkaline phosphatase activity (15-20 norms) is observed in Paget's disease. This is a disease that is accompanied by pathological bone growth and disruption of their structure in certain places.
  • Osteosarcoma.
  • Metastases of other tumors to the bone.
  • Osteomalacia is a softening of the bones caused by a lack of calcium.

3. Other reasons.

  • Hyperparathyroidism is a hormonal disease associated with overeducation parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands, which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Ulcerative colitis, intestinal perforation (since alkaline phosphatase is also found in intestinal cells).

Reasons for decreased alkaline phosphatase activity

  1. Severe anemia.
  2. Massive blood transfusions.
  3. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the function of the thyroid gland is reduced.
  4. Lack of magnesium and zinc.
  5. Hypophosphatasia – rare congenital disease leading to softening of bones.
  6. A pronounced decrease in alkaline phosphatase in pregnant women is a sign of placental insufficiency.

What can influence the result?

  • During pregnancy, alkaline phosphatase activity is normally increased, as it is contained in the placenta.
  • A temporary increase in alkaline phosphatase activity is observed after fractures.
  • In children and young people, alkaline phosphatase activity is higher than in adults, which is how their bones grow.
  • Aspirin, paracetamol, allopurinol, antibiotics and a number of other drugs can increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase.
  • Reception oral contraceptives sometimes leads to a decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity.
  • Alkaline phosphatase activity may be elevated if the blood is cooled after collection.

Important Notes

Alkaline phosphatase activity sometimes increases in healthy individuals; this does not necessarily indicate any pathology. To correctly interpret changes in alkaline phosphatase activity, you need comprehensive assessment results of other tests, as well as other medical data.

  • Bilirubin

Who orders the study?

Doctor general practice, therapist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, hematologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

In the process of diagnosing diseases of internal organs, it is rarely possible to do without laboratory tests. Defining biochemical composition blood can be given objective assessment the patient's health condition. To standard diagnostic examination includes a test for the level of a substance in the blood such as alkaline phosphatase. In what pathologies is the concentration of this substance reduced?

Violations of the functions of certain internal organs cause changes in the composition of the blood. For this reason, diagnosis cannot be done without biochemical tests. One of the substances whose content is determined in the blood during a standard examination is alkaline phosphatase. Let's look at what it is and what a decrease in enzyme activity indicates.

What it is?

The term alkaline phosphatase (for brevity, many sources use the designation ALP) is used to designate a group of enzymes whose main function is to ensure the occurrence of dephospholation processes.

This reaction involves the separation of the phosphate group from organophosphorus compounds. Phosphatase acts as a reaction catalyst, that is, it ensures the occurrence of metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus.

Advice! The enzyme received the name alkaline phosphatase because it is active only in an alkaline environment (pH level 9-10). There is also acid phosphatase, but other methods are used to determine its blood level.

This enzyme is found in different tissues, so several isoforms are isolated. However, there are mainly two isoforms present in the blood, one of them is found in liver tissue, the second in bone cells.


The reasons for changes in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood are varied; most often, its concentration changes when:

  • pathological processes in the liver and gall bladder;
  • the appearance of tumor diseases;
  • defeats skeletal system and injuries (fractures);
  • infectious mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus infection;
  • pregnancy.

Therefore, determination of the concentration of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase is prescribed if the patient complains:

  • for weakness, indigestion, change in urine color (darkening), itchy skin;
  • on frequent fractures, bone pain, bone deformities;
  • during routine examinations of people working in hazardous industries;
  • during routine examinations during pregnancy.

Advice! Such an analysis can be prescribed not only during the diagnostic process, but also during treatment. Evaluation of indicators allows one to judge the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and control the spread of the pathological process.


As with any blood test, you need to properly prepare for the ALP test.

The preparation rules for all biochemical analyzes are the same:

  • at least one day before collecting materials, you must exclude alcohol and fatty foods;
  • On the morning of donating blood, you should skip breakfast and only drink a little water.

Advice! It must be remembered that the level of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase is influenced by taking many medications, including hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, it is important to warn the doctor that the patient is taking any medications.

Evaluation of results

A specialist must decipher the results of the analysis, since even if deviations from the norm are identified, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on the results of one analysis.

Normal indicators

The normal level of concentration of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase varies widely. Norms differ for people of different ages. In children, enzyme levels are always significantly higher than in adults.

Affects the assessment of results and the gender of the patient, as well as some physiological conditions. Thus, during pregnancy the level of the placental fraction of the enzyme increases and this is the norm.

In addition, the standards depend on how the analysis was carried out. The fact is that different laboratories use different reagents, so the reference values ​​can vary significantly. The range of indicators that represent the norm must be indicated on the laboratory form.

What does a decrease in concentration indicate?

If the analysis revealed that alkaline phosphatase is contained in a concentration that is significantly lower accepted standards, then it will be necessary to determine the causes of this condition. Possible reasons Such analysis results may be in the following states:

  • recent significant blood transfusion;
  • severe anemia;
  • insufficient nutrition, unbalanced diet, resulting in a deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the body;
  • vitamin deficiency, a decrease in enzyme levels is observed with a deficiency of vitamins B12 and C.

Low levels of this enzyme in children are often caused by congenital syndromes that lead to impaired bone growth. An example of such a pathology is achondroplasia. With this disease, there is a deformation of the spine and too short limbs with normal sizes torso.

Bone growth disorders accompanied by a decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels are also observed in some other congenital syndromes, in particular with Down syndrome. One more hereditary syndrome, which is characterized by low levels of alkaline phosphatase in the blood, is hypophosphatasemia.

With this disease, calcification of bone tissue is impaired. A feature of this disease is that with a reduced level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood and bone tissue, there is no decrease in the level of elements such as phosphorus and calcium.

A common cause of decreased alkaline phosphatase levels is hypothyroidism. With this disease, the functions of the thyroid gland are disrupted, as a result of which the synthesis of hormones is reduced. This affects many processes in the body, including metabolic ones.

Normally, the level of alkaline phosphatase in pregnant women should increase, this is due to the formation of the placenta. Therefore, if the enzyme concentration is significantly lower than normal, then this is quite warning sign. Such test results may indicate placental insufficiency. With this pathology, the normal nutrition of the fetus is disrupted, which can lead to delays in its development.

Timely detection of placental insufficiency allows necessary treatment and reduce the risk of negative consequences.

What to do?

If it turns out that the level of alkaline phosphatase is reduced, there is no need to try to diagnose yourself. The analysis is not specific; additional examinations will be required to determine the cause of the decrease in the concentration of the enzyme in the blood.

Therefore, the correct action plan would be:

  • You should consult a therapist with the results of the analysis;
  • undergo examinations prescribed by the doctor;
  • if necessary, seek advice from specialists.

Only after the cause of the decrease in ALP levels has been established and a diagnosis has been made, treatment can begin.

So, an analysis for the content of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase can be prescribed in the process of diagnosing a number of diseases, as well as during treatment to evaluate the prescribed therapy. To correctly assess the decrease in the level of this enzyme in the blood, a specialist will need to study data from other examinations.

Please remember that the range of values normal level The content of phosphatase is quite wide, and the reasons leading to changes in the concentration of the enzyme are varied. Therefore even experienced doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis based on one analysis. Moreover, you should not try to do it yourself.

Alkaline phosphatase is a specific enzyme that belongs to the group of hydrolases. This enzyme can be observed in all parts of the human body.

This enzyme is especially common in osteoblasts, the intestinal mucosa, the mammary gland, the placenta, and the walls of the bile ducts.

Types of alkaline phosphatase

Phosphatase is divided into several types:
- placental;
- renal;
- liver;
- intestinal;
- bone.

Like all similar enzymes, it is necessary for various enzymes to pass through the human body. chemical reactions. Required minimal amount alkaline phosphatase to carry out these reactions. And if there are any abnormalities in the body, this may mean that alkaline phosphatase is elevated. The reasons for the increase in this enzyme can be quite different.

How does alkaline phosphatase work?

This enzyme carries out the dephospholation reaction. This reaction consists of the removal of phosphate from organic substances, which takes place at the molecular level. Alkaline phosphatase in the blood has a constant certain concentration. The enzyme is capable of transporting phosphorus across the cell membrane. In addition, phosphatase is an indicator of the normal calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The greatest enzyme activity occurs in a pH environment in the range of 8.6-10.1. Hence the name - alkaline.

Alkaline phosphatase in the blood

The range of readings for normal levels of phosphatase is quite wide. The readings fluctuate from 44 IU/l to 147 IU/l. There is no need to panic right away if the reasons may be absolutely harmless. For example, this indicator is usually slightly elevated in pregnant women. It is also elevated in adolescents who have reached the stage of puberty. All this is associated with the growth of the placenta or bone tissue, and does not at all indicate various abnormalities in human body. Also, the phosphatase indicator depends on the age and gender of the person.
On this moment There is no standardized method, so the variation in normal values ​​also depends on the reagents used in the laboratory for research.

Alkaline phosphatase. Normal indicators

One of the options for determining abnormalities in the body is alkaline phosphatase. The norm for women, men and children is slightly different, you should pay attention to this. The level of this enzyme in the body of women is slightly lower than that of men. While in children the level of this enzyme is much higher than in adults.

The normal level of alkaline phosphatase in a child is:

In newborns: 245-255 units/l;
- in children aged 1 to 9 years: 345-355 units/l;
- in children aged 10 to 15 years: 275-285 units/l;
- in adolescents aged 16 to 19 years: 145-155 units/l.

Normal for men:

Ages from 21 to 30 years: 100-110 units/l;
- aged 30 to 45 years: 110-120 units/l;
- aged 46 to 54 years: 120-130 units/l;
- aged 55 to 70 years: 135-145 units/l;
- over the age of 71 years: 180-190 units/l.

In adults, depending on gender, alkaline phosphatase is slightly different.

The norm for women is:

Ages from 21 to 30 years: 80-90 units/l;
- aged 30 to 45 years: 90-100 units/l;
- aged 46 to 54 years: 105-115 units/l;
- aged 55 to 70 years: 125-135 units/l;
- over the age of 71 years: 155 -165 units/l;

We can conclude that in men, relative to women’s indicators, alkaline phosphatase is slightly increased. The norm for women is less male norm approximately 20 units/l.

Causes of elevated alkaline phosphatase levels

It has already been said what alkaline phosphatase depends on. The norm is increased, and this may not pose a health risk. But it also happens the other way around, when an increased indicator is the first and accurate warning that significant disturbances are observed in the patient’s body.

An increase in the indicator of the enzyme in question can be affected by:

From the biliary tract and liver:

Tumor of the bile duct;
- obstructive jaundice which can be caused by obstruction of the bile ducts;
- liver cancer;
- scars of the bile ducts caused by surgical interventions;
- stones in the bile ducts;
- cancer of the stomach or pancreas;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- infectious mononucleosis;
- hepatitis of any origin. In this disease, alkaline phosphatase is increased approximately 3 times.

Causes related to affected bones:

Paget's disease. This disease is characterized by pathological bone growth, as well as disruption in certain places of the bone structure. With this disease there are very high performance the enzyme in question;
- bone tumor;
- osteosarcoma, which is malignant tumor on the bone;
- softening of bones caused by osteomalacia.

Other reasons:

Myocardial infarction;
- hyperparathyroidism, which is hormonal disease, with it there is an excess of parathyroid hormone formed by the parathyroid glands. What causes calcium to be washed out of bones?
- intestinal perforation (perforating damage);
- ulcerative colitis.

Causes of low alkaline phosphatase levels

Elevated alkaline phosphatase is not always considered a deviation. The norm for women and men can deviate downward.

A decrease in phosphatase levels can be affected by:

In large doses;
- severe anemia;
- hypothyroidism ( reduced function thyroid gland);
- hypostastasia (congenital rare disease, which provokes softening of the bone);
- insufficient amount of zinc and magnesium in the body;
- placenta insufficiency (in pregnant women).

What influences the result

For promotion:

During pregnancy, the placenta contains alkaline phosphatase. The norm for women during this period is not considered too high;
- also observed after fractures increased rate alkaline phosphatase level;
- since in adolescents and children it is observed fast growth bones, the level of the enzyme in question increases;
- some people can increase the level of phosphatase in the blood medications, such as Paracetamol, Aspirin, Allopurinol, various antibiotics and various other drugs;
- data on the level of dephospholating enzyme may be observed to be elevated after cooling the blood taken for analysis.

Oral contraceptives can reduce the level of this enzyme.

Performing an alkaline phosphatase test

When taking an alkaline phosphatase test in the blood, specific reagents that react with phosphatase are added to the donor's serum. Then using precise methods, the concentration of the resulting products is measured. Each tissue, be it the intestines, placenta or liver, contains its own certain type alkaline phosphatase. During the analysis, the concentration of specific types of enzyme is measured.

To have a blood sample tested for this enzyme, the patient will need a few minutes. In some cases, people have increased production of alkaline phosphatase in their intestines after eating. In this case, the analysis results may be distorted. Therefore, the patient should not eat or drink water before taking this test.

Thanks to modern laboratory methods, test results can be obtained after just a few hours.

Based on all the data, we can conclude that minimal alkaline phosphatase in the blood is normal. An increase in the level of this enzyme can either warn of any deviations or disturbances or not cause any alarm at all. In any case, this is not the last indicator of changes in the human body.

Synonyms: alkaline phosphatase, ALP, ALKP

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme that can be found in many tissues of the body, including the liver, bones, intestines and placenta. Depending on the location of the enzyme, it is divided into several fractions, which are called isoenzymes. In blood serum, the total activity of alkaline phosphatase is usually determined, that is, total of all isoenzymes in the blood, but if necessary, an analysis can be done for a specific isoenzyme. In adults, alkaline phosphatase is represented mainly by liver and bone isoenzymes, approximately equal quantities. Other isoenzymes are present in small quantities.

Alkaline phosphatase testing is usually performed to diagnose conditions related to the hepatobiliary system ( gallbladder, liver and bile ducts) or bone disease. Diseases that destroy the cells of organs containing alkaline phosphatase lead to the release of alkaline phosphatase into the blood, and accordingly, an increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood.

An increase in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood occurs in all forms of cholestasis (stagnation of bile in the liver tissues and a decrease in its flow into the liver). duodenum), especially with obstructive jaundice.

Alkaline phosphatase in bone is produced by special cells called "osteoblasts" that are involved in bone formation. Any condition that affects bone growth or causes increased activity bone cells, can affect the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood. An alkaline phosphatase test can be used, for example, to detect cancer that has spread to the bone or to help diagnose Paget's disease (a skeletal disease in which one or more bones are affected by abnormal changes in bone tissue). ALP testing can also sometimes be used to monitor treatment for Paget's disease or other bone conditions such as vitamin D deficiency.

Blood alkaline phosphatase levels

Fine Not a large number of alkaline phosphatase is present in the blood due to constant cell renewal. However, when a large number of cells die, the level of ALP increases significantly.

Alkaline phosphatase levels may differ depending on age, gender, and method of determining ALP. When interpreting tests, you should rely on the standards of the laboratory that performed the analysis.

Alkaline phosphatase is elevated

Elevated alkaline phosphatase levels in the blood are most often associated with liver disease or bone disease. The level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood can increase greatly, for example, when the bile ducts are blocked. A less significant increase in ALP is possible with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, taking medications that are toxic to the liver, or liver cancer. Any condition that causes excessive bone formation, including Paget's disease, as well as other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fractures can lead to increased alkaline phosphatase levels.

If, in addition to alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin and are increased in the blood, then the increase in alkaline phosphatase is usually associated with the liver. A simultaneous increase in alkaline phosphatase and also indicates the hepatic origin of enzymes in the blood, but if normal, then alkaline phosphatase can be increased due to the bone fraction. An increase in the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood in parallel with alkaline phosphatase also indicates damage to bone tissue.

Alkaline phosphatase levels increase during pregnancy due to the placental isoenzyme. Children and teenagers usually have higher levels of ALP in their blood because their bones are still growing.

Alkaline phosphatase is low

Low levels of alkaline phosphatase are much less common than high levels. A decrease in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood can be caused by a deficiency of zinc and magnesium in the body, a rare genetic disease bones – hypophosphatasia, with malnutrition and protein deficiency in the body.