Economical water tap. Adding a faucet attachment to save water is a legal way to reduce your billing costs. Aerators with different jet flow modes

Is a faucet attachment really necessary to save water? Or is this just another hyped trinket? And will it help you save money personally?

More recently, we looked at the “energy saver” and found out that it has very little to do with true savings. It seems that it is precisely because of such devices that people have become wary of even truly useful inventions.

These included water-saving faucet attachments, the reviews of which are very controversial. Or maybe it’s all the fault of unfortunate PR people who either themselves do not understand the principle of operation of the aerator or attribute to it absolutely fabulous properties. Meanwhile, the logic of the device’s operation is very simple and easy to explain.

Water saving spray nozzles

If anyone remembers, back in Soviet times, devices for faucets were sold that reduced the diameter of the spout. This was probably the first faucet attachment I saw for .

This principle is familiar to anyone who has ever held a water hose in their hands. Cover the hole with your thumb and get a thin stream with good pressure. We release the finger - the pressure decreases, the throughput increases. The simplest water-saving faucet attachments, called “sprays,” work in exactly the same way. They increase the pressure by reducing the throughput, breaking the water into small streams.

A couple of years ago I bought myself a “gadget” called an “LED faucet attachment with water illumination.”

To be honest, I bought it not to save water, but more as a toy, out of curiosity. The thing is really funny, it glows from the stream, changes color as the water warms up. Moreover, importantly, it does not require batteries. All the guests (especially the children) were delighted.

It was one of the guests who suggested to me that this, it turns out, was not a simple trick, but that same water-saving nozzle. Why didn't I notice this myself? Yes, because in our family it was not customary to open the tap more than necessary. It’s just that if earlier this was done, rather, subconsciously, now it has become a necessity.

Imagine dozens of thin streams flying out of this Chinese “miracle of technology” with enormous pressure. And what happens if you put your hands under them to wash them? That's right, the splashes will merrily scatter throughout the bathroom. Thus, whether you like it or not, you will have to open the tap exactly to the required minimum.

I won’t say that saving water with the help of this gadget was comfortable, but, admittedly, it fulfilled its function. And all this, mind you, for $4.

Water-saving aerator nozzles

Unlike conventional flow limiters, they appeared relatively recently and, perhaps, really deserve the title of “know-how”. Taking the same principle as a basis, the developers solved its main problem. Even with the tap fully open, the aerator produces a soft stream of water, and not splashes flying in all directions.

This effect was achieved thanks to the special design of the nozzle. Passing through it, the water mixes with air, which not only reduces the pressure, but also makes the stream “softer”, even somewhat similar to a carbonated one. That is, again, no miracle, simple physics.

Comparison of a stream from a regular tap and an aerator

Since my Chinese “light” during this time lost its presentation and became somewhat shabby, during a recent renovation new ones were purchased, with already built-in aerators. I didn’t notice much difference in water consumption, but there was more pleasure and comfort. Thus, having the opportunity to compare both devices in operation, I will try to give some practical advice to those who are considering whether to buy an aerator.

Faucet attachment to save water: is it necessary?

Is this a scam? No. An aerator is a really working thing. Unlike the already mentioned “energy savers,” water-saving faucet attachments are sold in many retail chains. Some manufacturers have their own showrooms and a network of distributors and provide a guarantee of up to 5 years. Nobody is hiding from anyone.

Don't believe fairy tales. The only function of the aerator is to reduce the flow of water, and it does this very successfully. Everything else is from the evil one. Enrichment of water, ionization, transformation from dead to alive and other “undocumented possibilities” - all these are speculations of unscrupulous sellers.

Don't expect a miracle. When purchasing a faucet attachment to save water, do not expect that the consumption will immediately drop by 50%, as the advertisement promises. Much depends on how you used water before. If you opened the taps fully and poured indiscriminately, the savings will be very noticeable. And if you have used water sparingly before, the difference will be barely noticeable.

More expensive is not always better. Of course, there is a difference between a nameless water-saving nozzle purchased on the market and a branded one. The first ones are made of plastic, quickly lose their appearance and break. The second ones are made of brass alloy and are guaranteed. However, both of them perform their function. Therefore, see for yourself whether it is worth overpaying for “silver plating” and “antibacterial properties”.

Are aerators needed everywhere? Definitely not. Their main property, to reduce the volume of water passed through, also has a downside. Let's say, after installing a water-saving nozzle on the faucet, the flow decreased threefold. This is good for saving money, but if you need to fill a bucket of water, it will now take three times as long. And you will have to start filling the bathtub for an evening bath at lunchtime. Therefore, I would advise leaving at least one faucet without an aerator. It's best to use it in the bathtub or shower.

Saving water at home will become possible if you use innovations proposed by manufacturers of plumbing equipment.

  • When filling out utility bills, every person has noticed at least once that the largest part of all expenses is the fee for water resources. That's why we try to save money. After all, income is unlikely to increase every month, and spending on utility bills, if you don’t save, can range from 2 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the region
  • But saving water is needed not only to reduce costs, but also to improve the ecological state of our planet. Today, a third of all people on Earth have difficulty obtaining quality drinking water.
  • In many countries, ghost towns appear, from which people leave due to lack of fresh water. Groundwater is used at a tremendous speed, several times higher than the rate of its replenishment in the earth layer

Ways to save water

A person spends water for drinking and cooking, for showering, washing, cleaning, and heating. Each of us must save water so that our descendants have the opportunity to also spend the necessary amount of water for their needs. There are several ways to save water:

  • Install a water meter. This is the main tool that will allow you to find out if your home has water system leaks. Record the meter reading before and after, for example, for several hours when no one in the household uses water. If there are any deviations in the readings, then there is a leak in the house. Check kitchen and bathroom faucets, cistern and piping system
  • Reuse water. If you live in a private home, figure out how to store used water so you can use it for irrigation. In specialized stores you can purchase a water collection system
  • Upgrade your plumbing fixtures. Install a toilet with a barrel with several flush modes, a shower with low flow. Replace old washing machines and dishwashers with new, efficient models
  • Change your habits. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth or washing fruits and vegetables. Choose to wash in the shower instead of taking a full bath, and only run washing machines and dishwashers when they are full

Faucet to save water

Environmentalists argue that saving water resources in homes is effective on a global scale. Therefore, manufacturers of plumbing equipment are constantly offering new products that save water resources. There are several types of taps to save water:

Shark water tap

Crane "Shark". There is a special touch panel on the faucet body that allows you to set a specific operation: pressure force, temperature adjustment

Faucet with diffuser. Its design is designed in such a way that water does not flow in a continuous stream, but is dispersed into many thin streams

iSAVE faucet. A modern development from a well-known gadget manufacturer is a faucet with an LED display. It can be used to track water consumption

Faucet with minimalist design. Allows you to save up to 50% water

What types of faucet attachments are there to save water?

Constantly closing and opening the tap while brushing your teeth or washing fruit is not very convenient. Manufacturers of plumbing accessories offer special accessories for the faucet. What types of faucet attachments are there to save water?

  • Touch attachment. It has a special sensor that reacts when you bring your hands to the tap. When you remove your hands from the tap, the photocell will react and the water will stop flowing
  • Aerator nozzle. It allows you to distribute the flow of water into many small streams

Important: You can choose a faucet nozzle with internal or external thread type. All faucets offered in stores have a standard thread size. Therefore, it will be easy to buy a faucet attachment.

Tip: Buy a faucet attachment with a quality certificate. This will protect you from buying a Chinese fake, which does not have a long service life and trouble-free operation.

Saving water in the shower

When we take a shower, water flows constantly, even when we soap our head or body. Saving water in the shower will reduce your monthly bills by 20%.

Tip: Turn off the water when you don't need it. For example, while washing your hair, performing depilation or other similar procedures.

Water saving shower head

We use more water in the shower than when using this resource from other taps and plumbing fixtures. A water-saving shower head will help you save tens of up to 10 thousand rubles per year. It is inexpensive and pays for itself within a month.

Important: With such a device, you will not feel the difference between the water pressure that was before purchasing the structure, and the savings will be good. It is suitable for any type of shower tap.

Saving water in the apartment

Every family in the modern world faces the question of saving water in their apartment. After all, you want to reduce utility bills and use this money for other needs.

Tip: Buy faucet attachments. The cost of purchasing them will pay off in just a few days, and the water savings will be noticeable.

Tip: To check whether the flush tank is leaking or not, add any food coloring to the water. If after some time a colored stripe appears on the toilet, it means that the tank needs to be repaired.

Illuminated faucet attachment

Another accessory presented by plumbing manufacturers is an illuminated faucet attachment. This is the first attachment that allows you to visualize the water temperature.

With this nozzle you can save water. It also allows you to see what temperature the water flows from the tap: blue indicates a cold stream, green indicates medium-temperature water, and red indicates a too hot stream.

LED faucet attachment

The design of the LED faucet nozzle consists of a body with an internal thread and an adapter, and a mini-turbine that operates from water flow.

This nozzle has a mesh that acts as a coarse filter and diffuser, so it helps clean and save water. This decorative element for the faucet is very popular among families with children.

Important: If you have children, remember that when purchasing this attachment, there is no need to talk about savings. It will be a toy for a child, especially at first. The baby will even deliberately get his hands dirty so that he can wash them under the interesting miracle faucet.

Aerator attachment to save water

This design is attached to the tap at the water outlet and serves to limit the flow without changing the intensity. The water saving aerator attachment is an excellent solution for people who want to pay less for their water consumption. It consists of a plastic shell, a rubber gasket and a tin mesh.

Tip: When choosing such a nozzle, pay attention to the material of the body. Products made from brass will last much longer than plastic ones.

Thrift is the basis of wealth accumulation. Keep this in mind, save water to reduce costs and save now. Smart devices and modern equipment will help you with this.

Video: How to pay 5 times less for water! The secret to saving has been revealed!


I would like to immediately note that the very idea of ​​such equipment has been known to the world for a long time. You have probably come across similar developments somewhere in public toilets (in large airports, in hotel and hotel toilets, cinemas, shopping centers, etc.). They know exactly how to save on water.

The idea is simple: put your hands under the tap - the water started running, removed it - the water stopped running.

Now, you can implement this idea at home, and you will not need to buy expensive plumbing equipment and completely change all the plumbing in your home. It is enough to purchase a compact and convenient “Vodoeconom”.

It is not expensive compared to special mixers and taps, in which a photocell is built in and which you could see in the public places listed above, and it performs the same functions.

In addition, this sensor attachment will fit on almost any faucet and mixer located in your home.

Let's take a closer look...

Here's what's included in the package:

In addition to the device itself, the kit includes a special adapter, with which this water-saving nozzle fits absolutely any faucet. This nozzle is double-sided, has internal and external threads. It is inserted instead of the standard mesh aerator, which is located on the spout of almost any faucet.

ATTENTION! If your faucet does not have an aerator mesh and a thread at the end of the gooseneck, then this water saver sensor attachment will not suit you!

The installation diagram of the nozzle on the faucet is as follows:

  • You unscrew the mesh aerator from the gander of your faucet.
  • Then, instead of the mesh aerator, screw in the adapter that comes with the sensor attachment
  • Then the Water Saver sensor attachment is screwed onto the adapter.

=> Order water saver now<=

What does this sensor attachment work on?

This device runs on 4 AAA batteries. One set of batteries lasts for 6-12 months of continuous operation. The cost of one set of batteries in the online store is only 91 rubles.

Even if you spend two sets of batteries in a year, that is, 182 rubles, we dare to assure you that the cost of them will be recouped in just a month. More detailed calculations of the payback of the device and batteries will be below.

Now let’s look at how and where the batteries are inserted:

The batteries are inserted into a special battery compartment, which is attached to the back of the nozzle. The compartment is held securely inside the nozzle, but can be easily removed from there. The compartment has a special protrusion that you need to grab with your fingers and pull towards you.

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How does this device work?

This device has a touch sensor that responds to movement.

This sensor is adjustable. You can set the sensor to trigger at a distance from 7 cm to 25 cm.

Two operating modes

The sensor nozzle for saving water operates in two modes: manual mode and automatic mode.

  • Manual mode necessary in cases when you pour water into a kettle, pan, bucket. That is, when you need a continuous flow of water, turned on and off manually through a tap.
  • Auto mode works when you need water supply only when your hands or objects that you need to wash are under the tap.

Switching modes on and off is done through this button:

By the way, this same button will tell you if your batteries are low.

Subtleties of using the Vodoeconom sensor attachment

Before you make a purchasing decision, we are obliged to warn you about some subtleties that may not seem entirely convenient to you.

For the most efficient operation of this device, it is necessary to install water return valves if you have different water pressure in the pipes.

Now let's try to explain this in simple and accessible words. The fact is that in most pipelines throughout Russia, water is supplied at different pressures, with different pressures. Hot water at one pressure, and cold at another.

As a result, if you use a sensor head without water return valves, you may experience a “water squeezing effect.” Let’s say you put a sensor attachment on the faucet, set a comfortable water temperature and went away somewhere for a minute. At the same time, the faucet valves were not closed, but the water did not flow, as it was held by the sensor nozzle. At this moment, a confrontation between hot and cold water will begin inside the tap.

The water that comes with high pressure will begin to squeeze out the water that comes with lower pressure. As a result, when you approach the tap after a while, you will see water running at a temperature that is not the one you set, but either boiling water or cold water, depending on which pipe has the highest pressure. This will continue until the squeezed water leaves the system and only after that you will see water coming out of the tap at the temperature you set earlier.

You will also see the pressure difference in the pipes on your meters. When the tap is idle, when the valves are again open, but the water is held by the nozzle, one of the counters will spin clockwise, and the second counterclockwise, as if rewinding back.

This problem can be solved using water return valves. They are also called check valves. The essence of their work is simple: they allow water to flow in the desired direction, but do not allow it to exit in the opposite direction, that is, to be squeezed back into the pipeline. They are not expensive. One valve in our online store costs 150 rubles.

Installing the valve can be simple or complicated depending on where you will have the sensor attachment:

  • If the water-saving sensor attachment is in the kitchen, then installing a check valve here will be simple. Under the sink from the faucet you have two flexible hoses that connect to the hot and cold water pipes. The valve is placed between the hose and the pipe. That is, you need to first shut off the risers, unscrew the flexible hose from the pipe, then screw the valve to the pipe at one end, and attach the flexible hose to the other end.
  • If you are going to install a water-saving sensor nozzle in the bathroom and your faucet is connected to pipes that are “hidden” in the wall, then installing the valves here will be more difficult. There is no point in screwing a valve between the mixer and a pipe hidden in the wall, as this will not be aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, in such cases, the valve is placed immediately after the meter. If in the first option you can handle installing the valve yourself, then in this case you will have to call a plumber.

In any case, the cost of installing water reverse valves, as well as the sensor nozzle, will cost you already in the first year of using this economical device.

=> Order water saver now<=


Water saving faucet attachments are a unique product that helps you save your water consumption from 20% to 70%. The principle of operation of these smart devices is to limit the flow of water flowing from your taps and toilet.

The flow is limited due to the thoughtful geometric design of the nozzle. At the same time, you will not feel a decrease in water pressure or any discomfort, since it is enhanced by aeration of the water. Aeration is the saturation of a water stream with air.

These nozzles are suitable for almost all types of taps and mixers, and are also used in showers and toilets. What is important is that you can independently increase or decrease the amount of water passed through these devices, thus creating a water pressure that is comfortable for you and your wallet.

Using these smart devices is the easiest way to save money on water and the energy used to heat it.

Water-saving faucet attachments easily screw onto any faucet you use in the kitchen, toilet, or bathroom. Installation takes just over one minute and you immediately start saving your money.

It will cost less than $70 to equip all the faucets in your home with these unique inventions. And after that, you will save up to $400 in the first year of using these attachments.

Just think, the initial investment in water-saving attachments will be returned several times over in just one year.

The beauty of the situation is that if you spend money once, you will receive a return on it constantly, over many years. This is incredible! This is a real investment tool.

The saved money can be put into the bank and live on the interest, invest it in stocks and receive dividends, in the end - you can simply spend it on yourself, on entertainment, new clothes, etc.

Water-saving faucet attachments are a patented product that has all the necessary certificates of conformity. This is an environmentally friendly high quality product, developed and produced by a Czech company.

The manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty for all products. However, as our practical experience shows, these devices are immortal and will serve you for a very long time.

Judge for yourself, water-saving faucet attachments are made of special plastic that does not rust and does not leave water deposits on it.

Their maintenance is minimal. Just monitor the water pressure and if you notice that it has decreased, the water-saving nozzles can be easily disassembled and cleaned. They just need to be disassembled and washed under running clean water.

If necessary, they can be easily disinfected. They meet the strictest hygienic standards, therefore they are used in hospitals, as well as various prestigious scientific and research centers, which cannot be said about standard aerators that come complete with taps and mixers.

Comparison table of conventional aerators and water-saving ones

Bacteria contaminate drinking water as it flows through the aerator. The most common bacterium that enters our body in this way is called Legionella pneumophila, which causes the deadly disease Legionellosis. Read more about this bacterium and the disease itself on Wikipedia.

Our aerators are made of a special anti-lime material, on which water stone is not deposited, rust and scale are not formed. Moreover, our water-saving attachments are easy to disassemble, clean, and can withstand boiling and sterilization up to 180 degrees. That is why these devices are used in leading medical and research institutes.

Look at what three types of aerators look like after three years of use and how much scale and water scale forms on them:

It is worth noting that now all faucets are sold with similar aerator attachments. All that remains is to understand which attachment you have: metal or plastic? Remember also that plastic aerators are often made from cheap plastic, which contains phthalates, in order to reduce production costs.

Phthalates are classified as dangerous chemicals, the use of which can seriously harm human health.

Are you still in doubt about whether or not to use our water- and health-saving aerator attachments?

Visual comparison of 3 types of aerators

Benefits of using water-saving faucet attachments

  1. Reduce water consumption and the energy required to heat it up to 70% without compromising comfort.
  2. Anti-lime system - no chance for scale and water stone.
  3. Adjustable flow rate (4, 6, 8, 14 liters per minute) - no other aerator can boast of this!
  4. The warranty on water-saving aerator attachments is 5 years. Moreover, the service life is 20 years or more!
  5. These smart inventions do not require maintenance.
  6. Low cost - quick return on investment!
  7. You can change the water flow as you please. At the same time, you will not need additional costs for new attachments.
  8. All products are certified and meet all necessary sanitary standards.
  9. Unique patented inventions.
  10. An environmentally friendly product that protects nature, the environment and your health.

Visual comparison of water flow in different aerators

In the picture below you can see what the water flow looks like in a regular aerator and a water-saving one at the same water flow rate of 6 liters per minute:

As you can see, visually the water-saving aerator seems to create a greater flow of water. But in fact, it is the same as in a conventional aerator in this example. The flow of water appears large due to its saturation with air.

Therefore, with less water consumption, this will not affect comfort in any way. Reducing the amount of water passing through the tap does not mean that you will wash yourself under a thin stream of water. No, the pressure will be good visually and physically, but in fact less water will flow out.

Watch a video that describes the design features and principle of limiting water flow

How to achieve maximum effect?

The sooner you install these smart appliances, the faster they will start saving you money and bringing benefits. Order now! If you are not sure about our products, then take a test drive. Take any product for 45 days to try. If you don't like it, return it...

If you want to rationalize your expenses, then this new product is definitely for you! Admit that you have already noticed how your money flows down the drain along with running water, because we use it every day in large quantities, and prices are rising every year. This is especially true for young families with children, but even bachelors are not averse to saving money.

We offer you an attachment for your faucet or water aerator.

How does the water saver work?

The device is small in size and resembles a cap that is screwed onto the faucet head. Inside the device there are special filters to purify life-giving moisture and saturate it with oxygen.

The jet becomes airier and more voluminous, while the amount of water is halved. If you fill a bucket from a regular tap, the container will be filled in about half a minute, and if you buy an aerator attachment, the time will increase 3 times.

Advantages of a faucet saver

  • Saves you money;
  • purifies water from chlorine and large particles;
  • improves the cleaning properties of the jet;
  • The foamy jet gives a massage effect.

The nozzle is universal, sold complete with an adapter and can be screwed in both from the inside and outside.

We offer to buy a faucet attachment for saving water (aerator for faucets) inexpensively at Skidki Market. Courier delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, pick-up points and Boxberry order pick-up points in major cities, we send goods by Russian Post.