Removal of a cyst on the lung. Diagnosis of a lung cyst. What to do - a short action plan

Retention cysts are dilated bronchi in which (the proximal segments are narrowed or obliterated [Kazak T.I., 1968]. In the first case, air cysts are formed, and in the second, filled cysts; their contents are mucus mixed with blood. All of them have an inflammatory genesis, proceeding in most cases asymptomatic. The main diagnostic method is x-ray. According to our data, in 55.7% of cases they are located in the anterior segments or in the axillary subsegments of the upper lobes, the middle lobe, as well as the VII-VIII segment of the lower lobe.

Form of education is one of the leading signs that allows us to reject other benign lung formations and make an accurate diagnosis of a retention cyst. The shape of the cyst is due to the distended bronchus and its branches, filled with liquid or semi-liquid contents. It is influenced by a number of factors: the caliber of the obstructed bronchus, the amount of content accumulated in the distended bronchi, the level and number of obliterated distal branches of the bronchus, and the condition of the surrounding lung tissue. As a rule, the shape of the cyst follows the shape and direction of the affected, stretched bronchus and its branches.

Since the most complete picture of the course of most bronchi of the 3rd-4th order can be obtained on radiographs in a lateral projection, bronchial cysts are best diagnosed on lateral tomograms. On tomograms produced in direct projection, the cysts are layered on top of each other, giving the impression of the presence of several oval formations located on different sections. The larger the caliber of the affected bronchus, the more characteristic the shape of the cyst. On the contrary, in those in rare cases, when small bronchi (5-7th order) are affected, the cysts take on oval or rounded outlines and their shape, like diagnostic sign, loses its meaning.

1) a fusiform or oval shadow ending in two “horns”, which are stretched small bronchi;

Retention cysts are usually solitary; most of them are branched formations. The intensity of the cyst shadow is usually less than tuberculomas of the same size. Concerning shadow structures, then every fourth patient mottled, blocky along the contour or mixed deposits of lime are found. Since in most cases cysts have a branched shape, their contours are almost always wavy, polycyclic, and tuberous. The contours in most cases are quite clear, the pulmonary pattern around the cyst is usually deformed. There are no changes in the shape and size of the cyst during breathing.

Bronchography reveals a number of signs that help distinguish a retention cyst from tuberculoma and peripheral lung cancer:

1) the stump of a segmental or subsegmental bronchus at the place of its origin from the segmental one;

2) moderate uniform expansion of the bronchi of adjacent segments;

3) contrasting of emptied cysts. When small bronchi are affected, the results of bronchography are less convincing.

The gradual accumulation of liquid contents may result in a slow enlargement of cysts. Naturally, growing cysts raise suspicion of lung cancer. Meanwhile, there is no convincing evidence in favor of malignancy of these cysts. We observed one case of a cyst breaking into the bronchus, accompanied by profuse hemoptysis.

Sometimes retention cysts are complicated by endobronchial tuberculosis; their contents are caseous masses. X-ray can be used to diagnose a retention cyst complicated by endobronchial tuberculosis if calcification is visible in its thickness or along the edges.

Typical forms of cysts.

Of the many different retention cysts, the most typical forms can be distinguished:

1) a fusiform or oval shadow ending in two “horns”, which are stretched small bronchi;

2) spindle-shaped one- and two-humped shadow;

3) shadows of irregular shape with numerous protrusions - stretched small bronchi with still well-preserved interbronchial septa;

4) a shadow in the shape of a flask, retort, or bunch of grapes.

An air cyst of the lungs is pathological in nature - this formation appears due to changes in the functions of some organs. It refers to a cavity in the lungs that is filled with liquid or air inside.

Its course can manifest itself in three directions (groups), which have already been designated by experts as separate forms: asymptomatic, severe and acute. A cyst can only be detected using an x-ray, and cured through surgery. It is worth learning more about its course and treatment. After all, no one is immune from such a problem.

General information

Congenital cyst lungs (according to ICD-10) is assigned code Q33.0. This formation is a cavity that is filled with gas or liquid. Unlike an abscess - a similar disease with symptoms and signs - a cyst is not infectious in nature, since the formation appears as a result of a restructuring of the body. They can appear due to many factors, so it is impossible to identify those signs that are observed in all patients. But the cavity is easy to see on an x-ray, which was prescribed by a doctor after a routine examination.

A cyst of the right lung (as well as the left) can appear in both adults and children. However, among all cases of respiratory system disease, it is no more than 5%. It is interesting that, despite its small percentage, the disease can be fatal, which will be associated with lack of air.

The cyst can be cured surgically. Nowadays, there are many hospitals that have a sufficient level, which allows you to cure the disease without turning to foreign doctors. Medications go in conjunction with surgical intervention.


Lung cysts are divided into three categories: congenital, acquired and dysontogenetic. This division is related to the origin of education.


As a rule, a congenital cyst is present only in newborn children in whom the disease developed in the antenatal period. Therefore, the child is already born with it.

A lung cyst in a child may mean: light form, and complex. During complex shape Diseases such as a congenital giant cyst, pulmonary hypoplasia, as well as a third (extra or additional) small lung may appear. All options without surgical intervention will have a fatal outcome.

Acquired cyst

An acquired cyst can form in both young and elderly people, as it appears as a result of mechanical damage to organs whose functions are related to the lungs. The result of an acquired cyst can be a “melting lung,” bullous emphysema, tuberculous cavities, and so on.


A dysontogenetic cyst is congenital in nature, but differs from the first type in that it does not appear immediately after birth, but after an indefinite period - it can occur both in childhood and in old age.

The essence of this type is that the disease forms in the womb due to physical, internal or mechanical pathologies, but at birth doctors will not be able to notice it, since the formation seems to be hidden from x-rays by a reliable dense film, which inhibits the spread and enlargement of the cyst throughout the lungs. However, there comes a period when the film begins to become thin. It is at that moment that the formation becomes visible and develops into an obvious disease, which is most often fatal.

True and false

Based on morphological abilities, experts usually divide cysts into false or true.

A true cyst differs from a false one in that it is always congenital. Its outer shell is represented by connective tissue with elements of the bronchial wall. The inner layer of a true lung cyst is formed by an epithelial lining of cubic and columnar epithelium cells that produce mucous secretions, or alveolar epithelium. False cysts are acquired in nature. There are no structural elements bronchi and mucous membrane.

  1. Depending on the number of cavities: single, multiple.
  2. Behind the communication with the bronchi: open, closed.
  3. Depending on the type of content: airy, filled.
  4. By size: small, medium, large.
  5. The course of the disease: complicated, uncomplicated.

Reasons for education

Many people think that a cyst can form because a person smokes or leads wrong image life. This is not always true - the real reason is not at all related to the person’s lifestyle.

Congenital and dysontogenetic cysts appear during the period of embryonic development (within the mother). This is due to the fact that during the formation of organs, intrauterine disorders occurred, which included alveolar agenesis, dilation of terminal bronchioles, or delayed formation of peripheral bronchi. Pulmonary cysts may be a structural component of such congenital anomalies, such as cystic hypoplasia, congenital lobar emphysema, McLeod syndrome and a number of others.


Most often, doctors fail to notice a cyst because it is too small or uncomplicated. This means that it does not have any symptoms and develops without affecting other organs.

If we talk about large cysts, they are almost always complicated. It is then that the first symptoms appear, thanks to which the doctor prescribes an x-ray and detects pathology in the lungs. This is due to the fact that as the size increases, the cyst begins to put pressure on neighboring alveoli or bronchi (if open), as a result of which clinical signs appear. For example, pain, cough, shortness of breath or even dysphagia. The nature of the lung cyst can be clearly recognized on CT.

If we talk about why the cyst begins to grow, then this happens under the influence of another disease. For example, pneumonia. As a rule, education can increase even from a simple flu, since it is associated with the lungs (cough), and under the influence of air and an increase or decrease lung cavity stretches and leaves its shape without returning it back.

As the pathological process progresses, the cyst may begin to fester. Then the person can become internally poisoned due to intoxication that will come from the lungs. Typically this will be visible by constant fatigue, anorexia may appear. But usually people do not pay attention to this, especially women - they associate fatigue with work, and they even rejoice at weight loss (what woman would be sad from such an event). Therefore, a cyst of this nature is detected at the last stage, when purulent mucus and even blood begin to come out with coughing. Here it is important not to confuse it with tuberculosis, but for this you need to see a doctor.

There are situations when a cyst, filled with pus, bursts and, together with a cough, all the pus that has accumulated comes out. In this case, it is no longer accompanied by mucus and most often has a nasty smell. In this case, the sick person begins to rejoice in this, since the body’s condition improves, fatigue goes away, weight returns, and so on. But this situation negatively affects the entire body, because due to a breakthrough and the entry of pus into the lungs, serious diseases can form, for example, diffuse pneumofibrosis. As a rule, it has a recurrent nature, like all other diseases that can appear after a breakthrough of the formation.

If, when the cavity ruptures, pus very quickly fills the lungs and the person does not have time to cough it up in time, diseases such as pneumothorax, pleurisy or pyothorax, and pleural empyema may appear. In this case, the person will feel pain in the chest (aching or constant), shortness of breath, cough, and tachycardia may develop.

Treatment of cysts in the lungs

All types of cysts can only be removed from the body surgically. But this does not mean that you can wait until it develops into a complicated stage. The smaller the tumor, the easier it will be to remove. If a person waits until the acute stage, then the operation of the lung cyst will be emergency, because at any moment death can occur due to lack of air, cyst rupture (rapid leakage of pus), and so on.

The operation itself can be performed using two methods: using videothoracoscopy or conventional thoracotomy. But in Lately people, fortunately, do not bring their situation to an acute stage, and doctors use only lobectomy.

If the cavity is completely clogged with pus, then the cyst is cleaned before surgery. But if a person has a parallel pneumothorax, then the cavity is urgently drained, after which the patient undergoes a course of therapy with antibiotics. If, as a result of a complication, the cyst has become tense (increased), then urgent drainage and puncture using ultrasound occurs, as this can lead to respiratory failure, and subsequently to death.

In any case, an uncomplicated cyst is easily removed from the body. An operation with a complicated formation will completely depend on what kind of complication is present in the body and how long has passed since the cyst began to enlarge. It also depends on emergency surgery will take place, with drainage or simple, planned.

Plays an important role in the treatment of cysts drug therapy. Antibiotics (carbapenems, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins) are administered both intravenously and endobronchially (for example, during sanitation bronchoscopy), and even intrapleurally (for example, during therapeutic punctures or flow-wash drainage pleural cavity). Immunomodulatory therapy involves the administration of gamma globulins, hyperimmune plasma, immunomodulators, etc. Also, do not forget about physical therapy.


If surgery to remove a lung cyst was performed during the acute stage, then there is a chance that the person will die from heart failure, bleeding, or even after surgery. All this will depend, first of all, on how much time the cyst has developed, and on how strong the body is. The disease ends in death only in five to ten percent of all cases.


If we talk about rehabilitation after treatment of a lung cyst, then in any case the patient will undergo a recovery course. After a complicated cyst, antibiotics will still be prescribed, and the person will be left in the hospital for a long time to observe how the area of ​​the lungs where the cavity was healing heals. Also, after this type of cyst, the patient will be required to undergo an examination by a pulmonologist every year - this will help prevent the development and formation of many diseases associated primarily with the lungs. In many cases, a person will need to register for disability and undergo regular treatment.

The operated patient should be healthy image life: give up bad habits, eat right, exercise, go for walks more often fresh air, get enough sleep.

Cysts can be multiple (polycystic disease) and single (solitary ).

Causes of polycystic disease .

In principle, doctors cannot answer this question. They talk about a congenital predisposition, so cysts can appear even at a young age, which most people don’t even suspect. Nobody feels small cysts, but large cysts seriously disrupt the functioning of the body, and there is a danger that they may burst, fester,sharpen

Cysts and cyst-like formations of the lungs.

Any cavity filled with air, liquid or tissue detritus, regardless of its genesis and structure, is called a cyst. Lung cysts include cavities of bronchial origin - congenital bronchiectasis, emphysematous bullae, cavities that arise after injuries, abscesses, tuberculosis. There is even the concept of “cystic mucinous cancer,” which refers to destructive forms of malignant tumors. Thus, air cavities in the lungs arise due to various reasons, have different morphological structures, different outcomes and, therefore, require different approach to the choice of rational treatment tactics.

It is necessary to distinguish between true and false cysts. True cysts are cavity formations that have a fibrous capsule lined from the inside with bronchial epithelium, containing clear liquid straw color. True bronchogenic cysts are of congenital dysontogenetic origin, that is, they represent a malformation of the lung.

The origin of false cysts is different. They can occur as a result of trauma, some represent the final phase of abscess formation or sanitized cavities. Wall them on early stages development is represented by compressed pulmonary parenchyma, later a fibrous capsule develops: such cavity formations do not have the epithelial lining characteristic of true cysts. A special type of cavity air formations of the lungs are bullae, which arise either as a result of dystrophy of the lung tissue, or due to the valve mechanism. There are cystic bronchiectasis, which are either congenital or acquired.

Pathologists, when describing cystic transformation of the lungs of congenital origin, invariably note a combination of cavitary changes with inflammation and pneumosclerosis. In this regard, the morphological picture is practically indistinguishable from bronchiectasis with carnification of the surrounding lung tissue. In assessing the genesis of bronchiectasis, it is not so much the availability of factual material that plays a role, but rather the stable concept of the authors. Those who consider lung damage to be a consequence of its hypoplasia attribute deformation of the pulmonary-bronchial structures to a developmental anomaly. The decrease in the volume of the affected segments of the lung, in their opinion, is not associated with atelectasis or pneumosclerosis, but with hypoplasia of the bronchi and lung tissue. Meanwhile, destructive pneumonia suffered in early childhood can ultimately lead to the same changes.

A lot of unknowns are associated with the so-called polycystic lung disease. Multiple air cavities in the lung can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital polycystic lung disease is sometimes difficult to distinguish from unipulmonary or unilobar emphysema, in which the affected lung is represented by multiple bullae, very similar to air cysts. In such cases, it should be taken into account that with congenital polycystic disease there is a combination of air cysts with bronchial hypoplasia in the form of their deformation, narrowing, complete obstruction and the presence of bronchiectasis. Cavity formations in bullous emphysema are swellings of the distal parts of the bronchiolo-alveolar apparatus.

Recently, a peculiar disease, the so-called congenital cystic adenomatosis, has attracted increasing attention from researchers. The disease is congenital, but manifests itself in both children and adults. The etiology of the disease is unknown, clinical manifestations varied, the outcome of the disease is unpredictable. The morphological substrate of the disease is adenomatoid proliferation of alveoli and terminal bronchioles and the progressive development of cysts.

Cavity formations similar to cysts often occur with staphylococcal pneumonia. Air cyst formations are observed when septic emboli enter the lung. This is especially typical for metastatic destructive staphylococcal pneumonia.

Staphylococcal pneumonia is characterized by a tendency to destruction with the formation of single or multiple cavities. In this regard, the term “staphylococcal lung destruction” is often used in relation to staphylococcal pneumonia. The high frequency of destruction in staphylococcal pneumonia is explained by the fact that pathogenic staphylococci produce a large number of proteolytic enzymes (necrotoxin, plasmacoagulase, hyaluronidase), causing necrosis of affected tissues.

Depending on the route of infection, staphylococcal pneumonia is divided into primary independent or aerogenic and secondary septic, hematogenous. The source of sepsis can be boils of various locations, purulent diseases hands and fingers, osteomyelitis, criminal abortion, postoperative and postpartum complications.

A purulent embolus that enters the lung causes an inflammatory infiltrate in it, which quickly disintegrates, the resulting cavity also quickly clears and either disappears within a few days or turns into an air cyst, which, after existing for several weeks, disappears without a trace.

Destruction during staphylococcal pneumonia is varied. In some cases, typical abscess formation with extensive necrosis is observed. lung tissue, often with a breakthrough into the pleural cavity and the formation of pyopneumothorax; in other cases, single or multiple cyst-like air cavities appear in the lungs.

At the site of the focus of destruction, a cavity is formed, the dimensions of which quickly exceed the dimensions of necrosis. This phenomenon is explained by the elasticity and retractility of the lung tissue. The formation of a staphylococcal cavity in the elastic framework of lung tissue can be compared to a spreading defect in a nylon or stretched thin rubber film.

An air cavity in the lung can arise as a result of a valve mechanism, when during inhalation air enters through a bronchus narrowed for some reason, and during exhalation it does not leave the confined space. The area of ​​the lung ventilated by such a valve swells, resulting in a cavity filled with air. Swelling of a more or less limited area lung tissue against the background of the valve mechanism is called the air trap symptom. This mechanism for the development of air cysts is created in diseases of small respiratory tract, for example, with bronchiolitis obliterans, or can occur against the background of practically unchanged lung tissue.

The valve mechanism causes the development of tense cysts, which can reach gigantic sizes. In such cases, they often simulate spontaneous pneumothorax. Tense cysts, regardless of size, can burst and cause pneumothorax.

Recently, the molecular biological concept of the pathogenesis of the pathology of the bronchopulmonary system, namely emphysema, bronchiectasis and cysts, has been intensively developing, the basis of which is an imbalance in the proteolysis-antiproteolysis system. It is now firmly established that the development of pulmonary emphysema is associated with a deficiency of the enzyme (1-antitrypsin, which can also contribute to the development of bronchiectasis. There is reason to believe that a deficiency of this enzyme contributes to the weakening of the elastic framework of the pulmonary stroma and bronchial wall with the formation of bullous emphysema and cystic bronchiectasis .

When discussing emphysema from a pathological or clinical point of view, it is usually confused different concepts- true emphysema as primary independent disease without symptoms of pneumosclerosis with secondary swelling of the lungs, developing against the background of pneumosclerosis. Secondary emphysema is swelling of the lung tissue against the background of pneumosclerosis or in the vicinity of an atelectatic area of ​​the lung.

Periacinar (perilobular, paraseptal) pulmonary emphysema is characterized by the development of foci of emphysematous altered pulmonary tissue adjacent to a compacted connective tissue septum or to the pleura, running along large bronchi, arteries and veins to the pleura. Its development is most often associated with cicatricial changes in the lungs. With centriacinar (centrilobular) emphysema, changes develop primarily in the central part of the acinus, which corresponds to the respiratory bronchioles, which are surrounded by unchanged or slightly changed alveoli along the periphery of the acinus. This type of emphysema is characteristic of idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, toxic-chemical pneumosclerosis, chronic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, chronic hematogenous tuberculosis. In this case, diffuse compaction of the lung occurs due to the development of fibrous tissue around the lobules and between the lobules, peribronchially and perivascularly. The lung tissue inside the cellular fibrous structures swells, the interalveolar septa burst, resulting in the formation of large air bubbles. This picture is called bullous emphysema.

Diffuse proliferation of fibrous tissue leads to deformation and restructuring of the architectonics of the pulmonary pattern according to the mesh type; fine- and coarse-mesh transformation of the pulmonary pattern occurs. Thickened interalveolar, periacinar and interlobular septa cover emphysematous swollen lobules and acini, resembling a honeycomb: a picture of the so-called honeycomb lung is formed. Emphysematous swelling predominates in the peripheral parts of the lungs. In these cases, the entire lung tissue of the peripheral layer of the lung takes on a foamy or porous appearance with many small bubbles with a diameter of about 10 mm, separated by fibrous septa.

“Honeycomb lung” represents the final stage of chronic infiltrative lung diseases, when normal lung tissue is replaced by cystic cavities. Cystic cavities are dilated respiratory bronchioles. Honeycombs are better visible on CT scans than on conventional x-rays.

Thus, bullous emphysema is not a special form of emphysema. Thin-walled bullae can form in any form of general or local emphysema, and in many diffuse lung diseases. Clinical significance This form of emphysema lies in the fact that the bullae, reaching significant sizes, can burst, as a result of which pneumothorax often develops.

A special category is represented by multiple air cavities of a dystrophic, destructive nature in various diseases of granulomatous and inflammatory nonspecific infectious

The nature of cysts is pro-inflammatory . In many cases, cysts are pro-inflammatory in nature.

A predisposition to proinflammatory local situations in a number of organs usually appears in highly “acidified” organisms and those with weak membrane potentials. First of all, this may occur due to their insufficient compensation due to insufficient grounding of the body through the earth or working and living in conditions, such as closed spaces, where there is a chronically insufficient charge of negative aerions and electrons.

This is the formation of local foci of inflammation, which, over a long period of time, form “bags” of several layers of benign proliferating cells. A pro-inflammatory situation stimulates the growth of these layers. Obviously, first of all, this can only happen in organs that have a lobular structure (breast - gives cystic mastopathy, salivary gland - salivary gland cyst, renal tubules - kidney cyst, hepatic ducts - liver cyst, prostate ducts - prostate cysts, etc.)

Functionally, these ducts and lobules work as containers polarized on both sides: the inside of the container is lined with cells negative charge, and outside - positive. The external and external charges must have a sufficiently high potential difference. Only with sufficient potential will this mechanism of the lobule and duct be able to function and work. In some cases, this potential difference is insufficient and the so-called effect of depolarization of the cell layers of the lobule cavity begins. There is not enough charge both inside and outside the slices. This is the basis for pro-inflammatory processes in them. Increased hormonal or functional stimulation of these tissues inevitably leads to hyperplasticity of the terminal lobular modules due to dysregulation of proliferative processes. Individual overstressed and weakened lobules turn into cysts.

If the charge is lost not only on the cellular layers of these lobules, but inside the cells - this is already called depolarization at the cellular level - such cells eventually become cancerous. Such problems can only be treated by artificially creating conditions for hyperpolarization of these cell layers or already oncological cells.

INSTRUCTIONS: author's method GARBUZOV G. A.: « GROUNDING TECHNIQUE FOR THE TREATMENT OF AUTOIMMUNE, CHRONIC INCUREABLE AND DEGENERATIVE DISEASES" . – this technique is the most important, since it affects the root causes of diseases and must be used necessarily in case of your illness. Your disease is one of the types of a whole group of chronic diseases with a typical degenerative and autoimmune process, when a hidden smoldering process of self-inflammation occurs.

Good practices have accumulated in the treatment of such diseases by removing stagnant charges from the body using grounding. This significantly reduces the manifestation of inflammatory reactions, and therefore all negativesymptoms of your illness.

Electrical circuit disconnection or break syndrome.

This can be used to designate a huge group of sluggish people.and chronic diseases having in their structurea progressive, unstoppable inflammatory component associated with problems of disturbed charges on the membranes of these cells, mainly associated with insufficient charges in the chain. In all these cases, the roots of these diseases remain unknown to medicine.

Historically, the body is configured in such a way that it is constantly tuned like an electrical circuit to be recharged from the Earth. The breakdown of this connection was the cause of numerous sluggish chronicles.

The list of such diseases includes allergies, asthma, arthritis, including rheumatoid, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, poor wound healing, hypertension, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), retinal degeneration, inflammation of the cornea during corneal transplantation, premature aging, Alzheimer's disease and a huge range of other inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

A special group in this series are oncological diseases, which also have underlying disturbances in the electromagnetic framework of cells. But their peculiarity is their combination with disturbances in the display sensory mechanism of membranes, in particular nonspecific conformational proteins, while in degenerative diseases disturbances in specific membrane sensors predominate.

It is in all these cases that medicine is helpless. Here she offers only symptomatic “crutches”. All these symptoms could be significantly weakened by the use of simultaneous grounding and the supply of hydrogen anions through the Chizhevsky chandelier.

Chizhevsky chandelier or its analogues of air ionization can be ordered in environmental goods stores or on the Internet.

Grounding mat for bed .

A method of getting rid of cysts (without surgery) using alkalization.

Many doctors cannot offer anything other than surgery (mostly with the removal of the kidney), we can only hope for the best. But why is a cyst dangerous? After the operation, it appears nearby, if you do not treat it, the cause of its appearance is not eliminated. For doctors, this is a disease; the causes that cause it in all countries, without exception, remain unclear. The growth of cysts on the kidney and liver has become more frequent. What is this connected with? It turned out that after perestroika they stopped liming the land and adding microelements. People began to consume acidic products, drink acidic water, and reduce the pH value of their own body fluids. And when it decreases to a certain level, certain areas of the kidney become populated with viruses, bacilli, and fungi, since the environment in it has changed, and they cause cysts.

Many health writers ask: “Should we acidify the body or alkalize it?” Man has been eating plant foods for 5 million years and has a long intestine, like a horse, i.e. his intestines are designed to process plant foods, which require alkali. Meat products man began to eat about 3000 years ago. In such a short period, the intestines did not have time to rebuild. More than 75 years ago, the English doctor Justina Glass proved graphically that what more people eats plant foods, the longer he lives.

For those who still doubted this, I present information from experimental medicine about a decrease in the pH value of certain types of products.

Meat 2.3 pH units, milk 1.9 pH units, egg 2.4 pH units, vodka 100 g 1.4, 200 g 1.8 pH units. Whey 2.6 pH units. From plant foods: lemon, cranberry.

In China, there was a humane method of execution for criminals: they were fed meat in the morning, lunch and evening, and not one of them lived more than 4 months. They died in hellish agony, like cancer. At the same time, it was not known that meat food, passing through the intestines, is processed hydrochloric acid so that it is absorbed by the body. Treatment for a kidney cyst consists of:

1. Complete refusal of meat and dairy dishes, eggs, vodka, whey, lemon, cranberries.

2. Plant foods with a predominance of: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn,

pearl barley, seaweed.

3. Reception of “dead” water 170 g. for 3 days 50 minutes before meals 3 times a day with the addition of wormwood plus celandine, 1 tablespoon. Note: 3-4 drops of fir oil can be added to dead water.

4. Take 1 tablespoon of oleoresin 2 days in a row, 40-50 minutes before meals, 3 times.

5. Taking 170 grams of “living” water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide (3%) 15-20 grams. In 50 minutes for 2 days

6. Fasting 48-72 hours (of which 36 hours are dry)

7. Repeat all points from 4 to 6 inclusive.

8. After the second fast, and it can be already 3-5 days, start by taking “living” water with hydrogen peroxide.

9. After the third fast (depending on how it is tolerated), after 2 days of taking “living” water, you can start taking the drug on keroseneTodiclark 10-15 drops 3 times a day. It can be dripped onto sugar or bread.

10. Chestnut fruits can be taken one in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Who knows how to make pancakes from them? goat milk- this helps to quickly reduce the size of the cyst.

11. For many effective means is an infusion of propolis in vodka, 0.5 liters per 50 grams of propolis, taken 3 times, one teaspoon each.

12. An infusion of aspen bark (up to 5 years) in “dead” water is used at the final stage. The norm for each is selected individually. It must be disgusting, but it helps.

The cyst decreases very slowly: there were cases within 1.5 months, and if the above was not fully followed, in many patients it disappeared within 4.5-5.5 months. The choice is yours. And if it is not treated when the pH of body fluids decreases to 5.55 pH units, within one week it turns into cancer,

the problems of treatment of which are much greater. Those patients who regularly monitored their pH and kept it at a level of 7.1-7.2 pH units

achieve successful cure of the cyst in 1.5-2 months.

Water activator device “Living and Dead Water” - for such treatment you will need: + alkaline minerals (to obtain cationides) + litmus

paper or pH meter device for urine pH analysis + instructions: “Treatment with cationides » - using this technique, it is possible to treat about 300 diseases associated with metabolic disorders at the cellular level, caused by overacidification of the body.

To treat this disease, I suggest ordering the following:

1 . Todiclark – 1 bottle. - Black walnut extract on medical kerosene, has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and homeo- c static properties. Take 15-30 drops before meals. 2 times a day, course 1 month separately from the black walnut course.

2. Akan - 300 gr.. (phytocollection of herbs for resorption of benign and other tumors, cysts, strengthening the immune system). Take in parallel with other drugs, 1 tea spoon 2 times a day

3. Black Walnut Infusion - 2 bottles. – Take the next course after Todiclark. 1 tea spoon 2-3 times a day before meals, course 1 month, break 2 months and be sure to repeat.

4. Kurunga – 3 p.. - Take at least 1-2 glasses per day after meals. The starter is special for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis and thereby strengthening the immune system, including antitumor immunity. When treating cysts, it is imperative to restore the full function of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, and lymph. If possible, therapeutic fasting. By healing the intestines, a person thereby releases the strength and reserves of the body that were used to fight intestinal intoxication and infection, and directs it to fight tumors and other incurable diseases. A comparison was made of the bacterial flora of the feces of rural residents of regions where the incidence of intestinal cancer is minimal, as well as residents of a number of cities where the highest high risk development of intestinal cancer. In the second group, there was a more than 100-fold increase in the number of anaerobes, that is, microbes capable of living in the absence of oxygen. Some of these microbes cause such transformations of bile acids in the intestines, as a result of which fecal steroids and other substances are formed, which are attributed to carcinogenic properties and hormone-like properties that cause benign growth of tumors in hormone-dependent tissues and organs, such as the mammary glands, uterus , prostate, skin, etc. Great importance The consumption of animal fats is associated with the occurrence of intestinal cancer and other tumors. There is a hypothesis that, under the action of enzymes produced by intestinal bacteria, polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates, which have carcinogenic properties, are formed from these fats.

Surprisingly, there are known cases of cure for kidney cancer and tumors in the uterus and breast (fibroids, mastopathy) as a result of using Narine milk ferment in combination with other healing methods. But Narine is children's drug, which does not take root very well in adults, so I have proposed a symbiont for these purposesKurunga. Book Garbuzova G.A.: “ Dysbacteriosis - prevention and treatment without drugs" . The author of the book is a healer and scientist from Sochi, Gennady Alekseevich Garbuzov, a longtime follower of B.V. Bolotov, and a regular correspondent for the newspaper “ZOZH”. Did you know that by eating boiled - “dead” food, we weaken our immunity by almost half, since the main cause of most diseases is dysbacteriosis, which occurs due to poor nutrition? The only way out of the situation is to switch to “live” food - the one that heals. This includes starters, probiotic fermented milk and fermented products. Unfortunately, the era healthy food has not yet arrived, but the author is confident that it is the future of human health. In the book you will find many recipes for preparing fermented foods, medicines and starter cultures for the treatment of dysbiosis and the diseases that it causes, from diabetes to cancer.

5. Phytolacca (polyfruit) - 100 g, but you need 300-500 g - dry berries. Please call before ordering to confirm availability.

Treatment example: Woman, diagnosis : multiple cysts of both kidneys . There were many contraindications for the operation . She was offered treatment with Lakonos. As soon as the berries began to ripen, started treatment. Started with 5 berries and reached 300. She literally wanted to eat them: from early morning I ran to the garden, to pick berries. And when, after the end of the summer season, I did an ultrasound, it turned out, that large cysts have shrunk significantly, and the small ones completely disappeared.

Interestingly: there won't be many berries next summer- that's what I wanted: apparently, the body did not require, T. To. the condition of the kidneys began to improve significantly. And recently the doctor said, that there are no cysts on the kidneys, there is only a small amount of sand. Sure, that he too will leave, especially, that continues treatment with herbal decoctions: meadow geranium, clover, Ivan- tea, meadowsweet. Drinks decoctions without sugar- their taste is already amazing.

Treatment example for a relative: an ultrasound showed a cyst measuring 1.5 cm on her right kidney. She took lacedary berries for a whole month and the cyst became 1.3 cm. In 2000, she had an ultrasound - the cyst disappeared.

6. Persicerazine – 1 bottle. - The tincture we offer is based on an extract from the leaves of the common peach and includes 45 natural polyphenolic compounds! The complex has the ability to stimulate the immune system: phagocytosis, cellular and humoral immune response. Promotes protectionimmune system from damaging effects chemicals. Antitumor, antioxidant, immunotropic effectPeach leaf extract is clinically proven . Due to its general strengthening and good preventive properties"Persicerazine" recommended for people with: mastopathy, fibroids, cysts, etc., as well as for comprehensive recovery and relief from ailments associated with a chronic decrease in immunity."Persicerazine" successfully used in gynecology, pediatrics, phthisiology and oncology. It has no contraindications and can be dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Take 1-2 tea spoons in a separate course from Black Walnut and Todiclark. 2 times a day, course 1 month. Repeat after 2 months.

9. Device " Silver iontophoresis » . For tumors and shallow-lying cysts, it is best to carry out procedures at home "Silver iontophoresis", which most actively supplies silver ions directly to the tumor area through the skin and this is more effective than the usual ingestion of silver water. Its two thin silver electrodes are wrapped in gauze. One of them, which is the anode (+), is applied directly above the tumor area, that is, so that silver ions flow directly through the skin for their intended purpose (the cathode (-) is often placed on the side or back on the back) and procedures are carried out for 15 minutes or more, those. Iontophoresis procedures are performed externally around the tumor, and the anode is periodically moved near the tumor. If the electrode is not wrapped in a bandage, then it is placed over gauze in 5-6 layers, which is moistened with silver water or saline solution. At the same time, efficiency increases significantly.

Recipes. You need to drink a decoction of rosehip roots. Brew and drink as tea for a month, break for a month and repeat for many months. In the fall, eat at least 60 kg of watermelons. Also, additional treatment takes 30 days. All this time I eat sprouted wheat for breakfast. For the first 10 days, drink mumiyo 1 tablet 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink for the next 10 days birch chaga. It is sold at the pharmacy. How to drink is written on the box. For the last 10 days, drink an infusion of celandine. Also buy 2 packs at the pharmacy, brew 5 tbsp. spoons of herbs per 1 liter of boiling water, infuse and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. All this time you need to eat pumpkin and pumpkin porridge. You can also use a lot of pumpkin seeds. It would also be good to drink a decoction of burdock roots. You can also drink an infusion of golden mustache, 1 teaspoon per glass of water. And cleanse your intestines for the whole month.

Traditional medicine recipes against cysts . To prevent cysts from growing, you need to calm down, not allow yourself to be afraid of the future, and live today. Cysts are our invented fears.

The following will help you balance your emotions and energy and improve your sleep:

NEIRVANA , a special herbal infusion

At the same time, it’s good to say the following words: “Mother Voditsa, let me wash my face!” Wash away my problems (list everything you want to get rid of). Fill me with joy and happiness. Thank you for your crystal purity and God’s grace.”

Do relaxing evening exercises. Lying on the floor, stretch and relax so that all the bones fall into place. These can be complexes of stretch exercises, Maya Gogulan, Nisha, Tibetan or other gymnastics. After exercise, take a bath with salt and herbs 2 times a week. Pour 2 liters of water over hay dust (3-4 spoons), leave for 1 hour, then add 3 handfuls of salt, stir until dissolved and strain. Fill the bath with water (37-38 degrees), sit in it for 5 minutes, only then pour in the infusion and sit for another 10 minutes. Without rinsing, get wet with the sheets and go to bed. Make 15-25 baths in total. You can also take baths with soothing essential oils: add 5-7 drops of oil to the salt and dissolve it as well.

We slept peacefully through the night and are starting to get on with our day. When you wake up, thank the day for having come, wish everyone health and a good day: “May the world have a good time!”

For breakfast, the Panicle salad (finely grated carrots, cabbage, rutabaga, turnips) or porridge are healthy. There is everything, but little by little, 3-4 times 200-300 g, plus 1-1.5 liters of water a day. For the intestines to work, you need exercise and massage: with your palm counterclockwise we make 3-5 circles in the navel area.

Don't forget to help your liver and gallbladder. Let's start with the hard ones choleretic herbs- wormwood, tansy, elecampane, celandine, marigold, nasturtium. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs with 1 glass of water, infuse and take a quarter glass, adding hot water, 15 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after. Drink each herb for 1 month, alternating. Break 2 months. Then switch to soft choleretic drugs: corn silk, red rowan, yarrow, immortelle, birch leaf, calendula. Brew and take in the same way.

Prepared the body for proper operation- Now we are working with cysts. We need to prepare a propolis cake. Take 15-20 g of fresh propolis, hold it in warm hands until it becomes soft. Then knead into a flat cake the size of your palm. To make it easier to knead and not stick to your hands, roll it out between two cellophane sheets. Then remove the cellophane from one side and apply this side to the cyst projection area. Keep propolis for 40 minutes 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 40 days. At the same time, you can work in 3-4 zones simultaneously. As for the kidneys, it is better to apply the cakes to both kidneys at once. A depot of microelements is created under the skin, natural antibiotics, and all this helps to resolve the cyst and restore tissue. It would be good to do 3 courses of 40 days each with breaks of 7 days. And one more thing: during treatment you need to take propolis orally, chewing it, 1 pea 2 times a day, morning and evening. This method has already helped many patients.

Many patients with liver cysts experience simultaneous liver intoxication and other problems leading to deterioration of its functioning. Therefore, at the same time I propose complex drug to protect the liver:

1. HEPATROP – 1 bottle. - Inside. Adults - 5-10 ml (1-2 teaspoons) 2-3 times a day. It is permissible to increase the dosage to 3 teaspoons. You can drink it with water. The course of treatment is 30-60 days. Repeated courses after 3-6 months. The best branded drug from VITAUKT

Hepatoprotective agents are used to prevent and treat liver diseases. Agents that increase the resistance of liver cells to damaging factors, activate its detoxification (neutralizing) functions, increase the activity of metabolic processes and improve the functional state of the liver are called hepatoprotectors. The drugs in this group were purchased special meaning nowadays, since the level of liver diseases and their prevalence has now greatly increased, and this is associated not only with the damaging effect of certain medications on hepatocytes, but also with poor nutrition, fast pace of life, unfavorable environmental conditions and excessive consumption of alcohol and alcoholic drinks. Hepatoprotectors prevent the destruction of cell membranes, prevent damage to liver cells by decay products, accelerate reparative processes in cells, stimulate the regeneration of hepatocytes, and restore their structure and functions. They are used for the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, toxic liver damage, including those associated with alcoholism, intoxication with industrial poisons, medicines, heavy metals, fungi and other liver damage. Preparations from herbal raw materials are actively used to normalize liver functions, since biologically active substances plants are carriers of hydrogen and acyl residues (lipoic acid); stimulate intracellular metabolism (silibinin); normalize bile secretion and motility of the biliary tract, etc.


    Support liver function

    Prevents the destruction of hepatocytes and promotes the regeneration of liver tissue (hepatoprotective effect)

    Promote the formation of bile and improve its composition and properties

    Have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles bile ducts and promote the removal of bile from the gallbladder by increasing its tone

    Helps cleanse the liver of waste and toxins

    They have antioxidant properties, that is, they bind free radicals and stabilize cell membranes

    Normalize intracellular phospholipid metabolism

    Improve digestion

The components included in the phytocomplex "GEPAtrop" have the following

    As a hepatoprotector for acute hepatitis (mainly toxic and alcoholic), chronic and active hepatitis of toxic and viral etiology, fatty hepatosis of various origins, chronic cholecystitis, in the initial stage of liver cirrhosis

    Inflammation of the spleen

    For biliary dyskinesias


    Chronic intoxication with hepatotoxic poisons, nitro compounds and alkaloids, salts of heavy metals

    Chronic renal failure(due to diuretic and hypoazotemic properties)

    Atherosclerosis. Diabetes. Obesity. Skin diseases.


Spanish artichoke . The choleretic and hepatoprotective effect of artichoke is due to the presence of polyphenolic derivatives of cynarin, chlorogenic and caffeic acids. Thanks to the complex of these compounds, the artichoke: stimulates the secretion and outflow of bile; has an anti-inflammatory effect; promotes the removal of toxins and metabolites from the liver. Cynarin leads to an increase in the evacuation of bile and a decrease in cholesterol levels. It has been established that the antioxidant activity of cyanidin is stronger than that of vitamin E, C and resveratrol (a well-known phytoalexin isolated from red grapes). High content inulin in artichoke pulp determines its inclusion in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. Inulin stimulates the growth of intestinal bifidobacteria and can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Artichoke has pronounced choleretic properties (stimulates both the formation and secretion of bile), which allows the drug to be used for liver dysfunction accompanied by dyskinesia biliary tract and cholecystitis. At the same time, the pronounced diuretic and hypoazotemic properties of artichoke extract determine the clinical effectiveness of the drug in chronic renal failure.

Milk thistle . The main active bioflavonoid in milk thistle is silibinin. It has hepatoprotective and antitoxic effects. Interacts with hepatocyte membranes and stabilizes them, preventing the loss of transaminases; binds free radicals, inhibits lipid peroxidation, prevents the destruction of cellular structures, while reducing the formation of malondialdehyde and oxygen absorption. The antioxidant effect of silymarin is due to its interaction with free radicals in the liver and converting them into less aggressive compounds. Silymarin prevents the accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides and thereby reduces the degree of damage to liver cells. In addition, by stabilizing the cell membrane of hepatocytes, silymarin slows down the entry of toxic substances into them (both exogenous and endogenous origin). By stimulating RNA polymerase, it increases the biosynthesis of proteins and phospholipids, accelerates the regeneration of damaged hepatocytes. In case of alcoholic liver damage, it blocks the production of acetaldehyde and binds free radicals. Silymarin directly has choleretic properties due to the presence of both choleretic and cholekinetic effects. Choleresis develops due to increased secretion of bile acids and electrolytes by hepatocytes. The cholekinetic effect is associated with a decrease in the tone of the biliary sphincters.

Solyanka Kholmovaya is a powerful hepatoprotector that normalizes the function and metabolism of the liver parenchyma, accelerates the regeneration and restoration of functional activity of hepatocytes, and relieves the manifestations of jaundice. Has a powerful protective effect against hepatitis. It is a direct inhibitor of free radical reactions and reduces the formation of lipid peroxidation products and increases the antiradical activity of membrane lipids. Preparations of Solyanka Kholmovaya have high clinical efficacy, comparable to preparations of milk thistle (Legalon, Karsil, Silibor). Experimental results clinical trials allow us to recommend the drug for the treatment of chronic liver diseases that progress to cirrhosis.

Silver birch has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, mild choleretic and distinct diuretic effects.

Common agrimony has pronounced hepatoprotective properties and helps normalize free radical oxidation of lipids.

Meadowsweet exhibits pronounced hepatoprotective properties. The hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of extracts from the aerial parts of meadowsweet and its ability to normalize the functional state of the liver were revealed. Helps restore the protein-synthesizing, detoxifying and glycogen-synthesizing functions of the liver.

Black walnut has anti-inflammatory, restorative, immunocorrective, antioxidant adaptogenic effects. Has a detoxifying and hepatoprotective effect.

Lipoic acid (thioctic acid, lipamide, thioctacid) is a vitamin-like compound, without which normal metabolism of carbohydrates and fats is impossible. It improves liver function and reduces the effect of “liver” poisons on the body. A drug that affects metabolic processes. Pharmacological action – hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic. Participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function.

A lung cyst on an x-ray shows a symptom of a ring-shaped shadow: an even peripheral contour and clearing in the middle. Externally, the formation is limited by a capsule of connective tissue, and inside the wall is lined with granulations.

Cyst-like formations are distinguished from true cysts by their irregular sizes and multiple chambers that may overlap on the image.

What is a lung retention cyst?

A lung retention cyst is not detected by the following signs:

  1. Thin-walled rounded shadow.
  2. Uneven outer contour due to connective tissue.
  3. If there is air inside the cavity, the liquid level can be traced.

Cyst-like cavities in the image are determined by the following x-ray symptoms:

  • many swollen chambers inside one clearing with uneven contours;
  • the presence of purulent contents inside.

Retention cysts are formed when the bronchus is blocked by sputum, tumor and foreign body. In this case, the proximal part of the bronchial tree swells. On the radiograph, the formation is represented by an irregular ring-shaped shadow oval shape, which on one side has an arc-shaped rounding (place of blockage).

An echinococcal cyst of the lung is represented by a ring-shaped darkening with a thin crescent-shaped stripe due to clearing between the true lining of the cavity and the fibrous tissue.

X-ray photo. Large cyst-like formation of a round shape with an uneven contour near the right root

Types of cysts that can be detected by x-ray:

  1. Retention - when the lumen of the bronchus is blocked.
  2. Congenital - in the fetus immediately after birth.
  3. True – disturbances in the formation of the lungs in the embryonic period.
  4. False – a consequence of previous chest injuries (abscess or gangrene).

Lung retention cyst is the most common among all the types described above. Its detection in the fetus and timely treatment allows you to avoid a terrible complication - atelectasis (collapse of lung tissue).

The false form differs from the true one in that it does not have an internal lining of bronchial epithelium. On x-ray this is manifested by the absence of a double contour of the annular shadow and the localization of the cavity only in the posterior pulmonary segments. A true cyst is observed in any segmental parts of the lung tissue.

The draining (open) appearance appears when the formation opens in the bronchi. This phenomenon is considered favorable and indicates the beginning of resolution of cystic cavities.

The closed appearance appears when the formation is “unlaced” from the bronchial tree.

A retention cyst resembles bullae (air alveoli) in focal emphysema. Sometimes such formations reach huge size and simulate the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity, but have a different origin in contrast to cystic cavities.

Congenital polycystic fetal disease is a developmental defect caused by pathology of the bronchial tree with underdevelopment of the respiratory tract.

How to identify ring shadow syndrome on an x-ray

Ring shadow syndrome in the image is determined by the following X-ray symptoms:

  • oval or fusiform darkening with two “horns” formed by small bronchi;
  • two-humped shadow;
  • numerous protrusions of the wall of the distended bronchi (retention cyst);
  • flask-shaped darkenings, “bunches of grapes”, retorts.

The retention form of the formation has the appearance of a “tree branch” - one center with numerous branches. Due to the specificity of the structure, the contours of the cavity are polycyclic, wavy or tuberous and thin. The pulmonary pattern is deformed around the shadow. In photographs taken at different phases of the respiratory cycle, the shape and contours of the formation do not change.

The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray methods: or fluoroscopy. Using the introduction contrast agent in the bronchi, one can establish the origin and type of pathology, and also distinguish between tuberculoma, cyst and lung cancer.

Bronchography is not performed on fetuses and small children, since their bronchial tree is very sensitive to foreign bodies, and the procedure is traumatic. Complications of the procedure when water-soluble contrast penetrates into the mediastinal tissue are dangerous.

Bronchography for diagnosing cystic cavities in the lungs

Bronchography when diagnosing cystic cavities allows you to determine the following changes:

  • dilation of the bronchi;
  • stump at the point where the subsegmental bronchus departs from the central bronchus;
  • drained cavities (filled with contrast).

Cyst-shaped cavities in fetuses and children tend to gradually increase as fluid accumulates in them. Doctors differentiate these formations from cancer. There are cases of hemoptysis due to trauma to the inner wall of the congenital cystic cavity in the fetus.

A layered tomogram performed in such cases reveals similar shadows on sections, which differ only in size. In case of cancerous tumors, a white areola is clearly visible along their contour in the image due to inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, which “reaches” to the root from the side of the lesion.

The above-described formations in the fetus are dangerous due to complications:

  • atelectasis - collapse of the lung;
  • formation of emphysematous bullae;
  • acute swelling of the cyst;
  • pneumothorax - release of air into the pleural cavity.

A congenital lung cyst in a fetus is most often detected when performing a chest x-ray if pneumonia or tuberculosis is suspected. Education may not manifest itself until adolescence when children begin to perform.

In a fetus, a large congenital lung cyst can provoke respiratory apnea syndrome. X-ray. False cavity left lung, due to deformation of the pulmonary pattern

A lung cyst is a pathological formation of a round shape that develops in the parenchyma of an organ and contains either air or liquid exudate. Refers to benign diseases and initial stage its development is asymptomatic, which significantly complicates diagnosis. The clinical picture usually occurs when the formation becomes big sizes and begins to compress nearby tissues, provoking the development of degenerative processes in them. All this leads to serious complications and the need for surgical intervention.


A cyst, like any other benign neoplasm, has its own classification. Currently, the following types of such tumors are distinguished:

  1. Congenital. These formations are formed during the embryonic period as a result of abnormal disorders in the development of the fetus and are detected during ultrasound examination. If no pathology was detected in the fetus while in the womb, the first symptoms, as a rule, appear immediately after birth (shortness of breath, impaired breathing, etc.). It should be noted that congenital cysts can be multiple - in this case polycystic pulmonary disease is detected, or single - a bronchogenic cyst.
  2. Bronchogenic cysts. These formations also begin to form as a result of abnormal defects in the development of the fetus and they consist of bronchial tissue. There are several types - front and rear. The formations have thin walls and contain pathological fluid, which can be either transparent or brown color. The process of their formation in 90% of cases is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest, shortness of breath and cough.
  3. Dysontogenetic. Another type of congenital pathology that occurs as a result of abnormal development of bronchopulmonary kidneys in the postnatal period. The peculiarity of dysontogenetic tumors is that they can for long years do not manifest themselves in any way and are diagnosed in a person at any age.
  4. Retention cysts. They refer to acquired pathologies that arise as a result of impacts, injuries and the development of other diseases, for example, hydatid cysts, pneumocele, cystic fibrosis, etc.

Mediastinal tumors are also divided into true and false. The former, as a rule, develop in the embryonic period (congenital) and have a dense membrane consisting of connective tissue and particles of bronchial walls. Inside, they contain a lining that consists of cylindrical or alveolar epithelium. This lining has glands on its surface that produce mucous secretion. It is for this reason that cysts always contain fluid.

But the false formations of exocrine glands in the walls of the trachea and bronchi do not contain mucous secretion and are classified as airborne. They have no internal lining and are covered with a thin, smooth shell. They occur mainly due to injuries and bruises of the chest.

It should be noted that the diagnosis of “polycystic disease” is made not only when multiple lesions lung, but also if the pathological formation that forms in the parenchyma has more than 1 chamber (multi-chamber).


As mentioned above, a cyst can be congenital or acquired. The main reason for the appearance of congenital formations is abnormal defects in the development of the fetus. The appearance of cysts can be caused by various factors, the most common of which are:

Quite often, education is diagnosed in people who have such a bad habit as smoking. Nicotine smoke fills the alveoli of the organ, expanding them and provoking the development of pathological processes that can lead to the appearance of tumors in the lung.

Often, cavity syndrome occurs as a result of the breakdown of a malignant tumor after chemotherapy or radiation. In this case, all structures of the lung are affected, resulting in inflammatory and degenerative processes that provoke the formation of cysts.

Characteristic symptoms

When a formation occurs, its clinical manifestations may be different. Some people do not have them at all, which is why patients learn about the development of such a pathology quite by accident, for example, when undergoing a preventive x-ray examination. And in others, clinical manifestations of the disease appear at the very beginning of its formation and include symptoms such as:

  1. Cough. This is the main symptom that often occurs at the very beginning of the development of pathology. If the cyst contains liquid exudate, then the patient usually experiences moist cough. If complications have already begun in the form of lung gangrene or an abscess, a putrid taste may remain in the mouth after coughing.
  2. Discharge of sputum mixed with blood. This symptom often occurs when the cyst becomes large and puts pressure on the tissues and organs, which is why they begin to die and disintegrate. In addition, the discharge of sputum mixed with blood may be a signal of vascular damage due to malignant tumors and the development of tuberculosis.
  3. Painful sensations behind the sternum. Occurs when the cyst is visualized around chest wall. At the same time, there is an increase pain syndrome while inhaling or coughing.
  4. Dyspnea.
  5. Temperature (occurs when the cyst suppurates).
  6. Increased sweating.
  7. Decreased appetite, nausea.

When the formation suppurates, pus accumulates inside it, which puts strong pressure on the walls of the tumor. Sometimes they cannot withstand such a load and break. The consequence of this is the release of purulent contents from the tumor and the appearance of foul-smelling and profuse sputum.

Important! After the cyst breaks through, the patient's condition may improve slightly. But this does not mean that he does not need treatment. After a breakthrough, the neoplasm begins to fill again with pathological exudate and manifests itself with the symptoms described above.

Consequences and complications

Harmful effects from the occurrence of a cyst may vary. More often, its growth leads to compression of organ segments, resulting in a displacement of the mediastinum. And this, in turn, provokes the appearance of respiratory failure, pulmonary hemorrhage and asphyxia. In addition, when bronchogenic cysts break through, the risks of developing an abscess, sepsis and cystic fibrosis increase.

All these conditions are very dangerous for humans and can lead to sudden fatal outcome. Therefore, treatment must begin immediately after a cyst is identified.


If you suspect the development of a tumor, then you need to take an x-ray of the lungs. On an x-ray, it will appear as a dark spot, which is visualized in the area of ​​the parenchyma.

But in order to make an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment, you will also need to undergo a number of other diagnostic methods:

  • computed tomography;
  • bronchography;
  • fiberoscopy;
  • videothoracoscopy;
  • angiopulmonography.

It should be understood that symptoms and treatment cystic formations depends on their type. And it is these diagnostic methods that will help to accurately make a diagnosis, identify the presence of complications and determine further tactics treatment.

Treatment methods

If a cyst occurs, treatment can be carried out either conservatively or surgically. However, it should immediately be noted that drug treatment do not help get rid of pathology. It is used only when infectious or inflammatory processes occur in the structures of the lungs, or as preparation for surgery.

Treatment is mainly carried out surgically. If the patient has no complications due to the development of pathologies, complete resection of the formation is performed. If polycystic disease is observed, either the whole organ (pneumoectomy) or part of it (lobectomy) is removed.

In situations where the tumor is filled with purulent contents, before surgery antibacterial therapy and only after that they resort to surgical intervention. For an air tumor, the method of draining the pleural cavity is used. And if the development of a cyst is accompanied respiratory failure, the operation is carried out using puncture (pumping out pathological contents from the formation) and transthoracic drainage under ultrasound control.

Alternative medicine

Treatment can also be carried out using folk remedies. But you should understand that they, like drug therapy, will not help get rid of the tumor. Folk remedies can be used only if inflammatory and infectious processes have arisen in the lungs due to the disease, which must be urgently eliminated before surgery in order to avoid the development of postoperative complications.

Important! You should treat education with folk remedies only after consulting a doctor! Amateur activities in in this case can lead to serious consequences!

So, what to do if a tumor is detected in the lung? Alternative medicine offers the following cure for this disease, the preparation of which occurs in several stages. For the first you will need:

  • dry wormwood – 5 g;
  • chaga liquid (extract, sold in pharmacies) – 200 ml;
  • pine buds– 100 g;
  • rose hips – 100 g.

For the second stage of preparation you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice – 200 ml;
  • cognac (preferably “3 stars”) – 250 ml;
  • May honey – 600 g;
  • chaga – 200 g.

First you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, pour 3 liters of water over pine buds and boil over low heat for about 60 minutes, and then add wormwood, rose hips and chaga extract. Boil for another 1 hour. Once the decoction is ready, leave it aside and let it brew for 24 hours. Then strain.

Next, you can begin preparing the second part of the medicine. To do this, take a three-liter bottle, place aloe juice, honey, cognac and chaga in it, add the previously prepared decoction. The resulting product must be infused for 4 days.

Treatment with traditional methods, namely this medicine, is carried out as follows: first take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. After 5 - 7 days, the dosage is increased to 2 tsp. (the number of reception remains the same). Take for 4 – 6 weeks.

It is necessary to understand that a cyst that forms in the lungs can lead to serious consequences. And if you have also been diagnosed with this pathology, in order to avoid complications, under no circumstances delay treatment. Get started therapeutic measures immediately after the diagnosis was made.

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