Subcutaneous acne mite. Subcutaneous mite in humans. Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Rashes on the face are a serious challenge for any person. And if they are accompanied by redness, itching, and looseness of the skin, then there is no doubt that the culprit is a subcutaneous mite on the face. This skin disease is called demodicosis.

A microscopic microorganism similar to a worm lives on the skin. This is an iron mite or demodex mite. There are many varieties, but the long mite Demodex folliculorum and the short mite Demodex brevis are found on the surface of the human body.

They live in the sebaceous glands on the face, chest, neck, and back. The mite does not settle in one area of ​​the body; it usually affects several places on the surface of the skin at the same time. Facial demodex occurs in almost 100% of cases together with ocular demodex.

Facial Demodex is more aggressive than ocular Demodex. It does not remain on the surface of the body, but penetrates deep into the skin, into the sebaceous gland. It feeds on sebum, hormones, and dead cells. Cosmetics with hormones also feed demodex.

The mite grows and develops in the sebaceous gland. Its life cycle is 24 days. Having reached sexual maturity, it is fertilized and lays eggs, usually 20-25 eggs. 40-50 new mites hatch from them. As they grow up, they end up with secretions from the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin and begin to look for housing - a free sebaceous gland. The whole cycle repeats itself again.

Often patients themselves spread ticks and their eggs to other parts of the body by scratching or simply touching the affected areas. There are other ways to spread demodex:

  • from sick to healthy when touching, shaking hands;
  • from pets (rarely);
  • through general hygiene items, towels, bed linen, dishes.

The demodex skin mite is a conditionally pathogenic organism: it exists peacefully on the body until the factors causing its growth and aggression appear. 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the Earth are tick carriers.

Who gets demodicosis?

In most cases, a person becomes infected with Demodex, but does not become sick, but becomes a carrier. Until the immune system fails. This is especially noticeable in the spring, when the body is weakened after a long winter, lack of greens and vitamins.

But it is not only a decrease in immunity that provokes the activation of the tick. Malfunctions of internal organs play a major role:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, ulcers, gastritis;
  • diseases of the autonomic nervous system;
  • age-related weakening of the body.

In recent years, an interesting trend has been noticed: 85% of all cases are young people under 40 years old, who spend most of the day in front of a computer monitor. Radiation from screens, mobile phones, and artificial lighting awaken demodex and promote its development.
Why does Demodex behave aggressively?

Its pH balance plays a great role in maintaining the health and beauty of the skin. In healthy people with normal immunity, the acid-base balance is 5.5-5.6 units. For some, it shifts towards alkaline (more than 6.5).

The surviving young ticks and larvae cannot cope with such an amount of food. Therefore, various fungi and bacteria settle in this dead mass, which can often be found in scrapings.

Favorable conditions for the development and colonization of such microorganisms contribute to their production of an increased amount of active compounds. These substances cause irritation, allergies, and itching.

The patient begins to scratch the irritated areas, new microbes are introduced inside: streptococci, staphylococci. A sign of the presence of these bacteria is the formation of ulcers and pimples.

Consequently, in addition to demodex, the culprits of skin problems are saprophytic microorganisms that constantly live on the skin. A surge in their activity is caused by a change in the pH balance of the skin.

What to do to avoid getting sick

It is desirable that the computer screen be liquid crystal. Be sure to wear computer glasses. Do not put the phone to your ear, but use headphones.

You cannot stay in the bright sun for a long time, visit a solarium, or a steam room. It is prohibited to use biocosmetics.
Provoking factors for demodex are:

  1. fried, spicy foods;
  2. hormonal medications;
  3. low-quality cosmetics;
  4. alcohol, caffeine;
  5. saunas, steam rooms;
  6. hot shops.

It is necessary to distinguish a mite on the face from ordinary acne. General: skin redness, peeling. With demodicosis, pustules and itching are added, which intensifies after washing and using a tonic.

Olga Rosen

Take a test to see if your skin is susceptible to tick aggression and...

Particular attention should be paid to the “demodex triangle” on the face: nose, nasolabial folds, chin. This is where pimples, blackheads, and pustules appear. This is the beginning of demodicosis.

If left untreated, the tick develops rapidly, spreading to the back, chest, and sometimes to the legs.

How does demodicosis manifest itself?

Redness, significantly enlarged pores, and loose skin appear as a result of the presence of a large number of microorganisms inside the sebaceous glands. They expand the pores. The skin has a lumpy surface, increased fat content, and a greasy sheen. The face is gray and earthy in color.

Scars and calcites appear in the deep layers of the skin, so facial expressions are difficult. A person has a feeling of crawling on the skin, burning, scratching. The itching intensifies in the evening and continues until the morning. The itching usually extends to the ears.

Symptoms in the eyes are very pronounced: white coating on the eyelashes, loss of eyelashes and eyebrows, lacrimation, discharge from the eyes. There is inflammation of the conjunctiva, itching of the eyelids, swelling, redness, and a feeling of specks in the eyes.

There are the following types of demodicosis:

  1. Papular. More widespread than other species. Papules are cavityless lumps on the skin measuring 0.5-2 mm or larger, pink or red.
  2. Erythematous (rosacea-like). Very similar to rosacea. Intensely red complexion due to dilation of capillaries.
  3. Pustular (pustular). Rarely seen. Similar to acne, folliculitis.

With demodicosis, other skin diseases that are not associated with demodex mites are also observed. Therefore, treatment should be aimed not only at killing the mite, but also at solving other skin problems.

Diagnosis and treatment

The main diagnostic method is biomicroscopy. A skin scraping, the contents of pustules, and several affected eyelashes are taken. Under a microscope see the subcutaneous ticks and their larvae are not difficult. Before taking the material, you should not wash your face or apply makeup. 2 weeks before the analysis, you cannot use medicinal ointments and creams.

Preparations for internal and external use:

The subcutaneous mite instantly dies in the presence of tar, carbolic acid, chloroform, and ether. In alcohol and salicylic acid it dies within a few minutes.

What else should you do to heal?

During the treatment period, the person needs careful competent care: soft fruit peelings, cleansing. Without dirt and fat, the subcutaneous mite dies of starvation.

Diet is important in the fight against demodex. Fried, fatty, spicy, and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to drink bio-yogurt, bio-milk, actimeli, or immunal. Eliminate dietary supplements.

No self-medication should be carried out. First you need to consult your doctor. You should not even take multivitamins without a doctor's prescription.

You cannot visit saunas and steam rooms or use decorative cosmetics. Any cosmetic procedures for the face, laser, liquid nitrogen are cancelled. You cannot make masks and scrubs. Limit heavy physical activity, exclude physiotherapeutic procedures, baths.

Treatment lasts from several months to a year. Adequate sleep, healthy eating, and exercise are recommended. You can take immunomodulators and agents to restore intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to change the pillow, change bed linen every day, iron it with a hot iron, wash and iron shawls and scarves every day, boil towels. Disinfect razors.

We must not forget that demodex settles in jars of cosmetics, Vaseline, and vegetable oil.

Folk remedies

There are a number of folk remedies and methods that have proven themselves in the treatment of subcutaneous mites:

No matter how effective the folk remedy is, official medications for the treatment of subcutaneous mites should not be rejected. They serve as an excellent addition to pharmaceutical drugs. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

What will happen if left untreated?

Lack of adequate treatment causes physical and psychological problems. The patient is acutely experiencing a painful condition. The feeling of self-confidence is lost, problems in communication appear. The usual way of life is disrupted. You have to miss classes or work. All this can worsen the disease.

In addition, physiological complications of demodicosis appear. Rhinophyma develops: the nose increases in size and becomes like a large blue-red plum. This is a serious consequence that is difficult to get rid of. Only surgical methods, laser, and electrocoagulation help.

Demodectic mange causes eye damage and visual impairment. The disease spreads to other parts of the body: back, chest, ears. Ear damage leads to noise in the head. Other infections and diseases are added.
Dermatological complications of demodicosis:

  • Rosacea. Chronic rosacea. They appear in the form of purulent pimples. Lumpiness appears on the skin and is burgundy in color. Itching, tightness, enlargement and thickening of the wings of the nose. Spreads to other parts of the body, including the eyes.
  • Acne. Juvenile acne. Single and multiple. Complications – scars, blue discoloration.
  • Perioral dermatitis. The nasolabial triangle, nose, and lips are affected. Burgundy lumps, nodular formations, blue discoloration, itching, peeling, thinning of the skin, vascular network, and acne appear on the skin.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. Papules and pustules on the face, head, eyebrows and eyelids. The skin is covered with dry white crusts. It spreads to the chest, armpits, groin, and behind-the-ear areas. Outwardly it looks like dandruff. It affects large surfaces; they are covered with scaly formations and crust. Itching, scratching and spreading throughout the body.

Skin mites are not just an aesthetic problem. This is a sign that there is something wrong with the body and it needs to be treated. Otherwise, the general condition of the body will worsen.

To summarize, we can draw the following conclusion: in order to cope with demodex, it is necessary to be treated for several weeks with drugs for external and internal use.
Then you should restore the body with the help of drugs:

  • liver - Essentiale forte;
  • intestines - with the help of probiotics;
  • remove toxins from the body.

This is necessary because during treatment, toxins and harmful substances accumulate in the body from taking medications and the death of subcutaneous mites. It is necessary to maintain hygiene, avoid cosmetics, and take care of prevention.

After some time, the problem may return, because the main thing is not the subcutaneous mites themselves, but how the body reacts to them. In each case, an individual approach is required, you should avoid stress, monitor your immunity, skin condition, and hormonal levels of the body.

There are many problems that can cause significant discomfort in the facial area. And one of the common diagnoses is demodex. Treatment of facial skin (reviews are not difficult to find) involves a rather lengthy process for such a disease. Therefore, you need to approach it thoroughly, otherwise you may encounter re-infection.

demodex mite

What is the essence of harmful effects?

If demodex has been detected, facial skin treatment is relevant for several reasons. First of all, such a mite is able to suck out the nutrients that they contain from the hair and roots. The result of such processes is infection and subsequent swelling. If the mite is not treated, inflammation may develop, leading to severe hair loss (due to significant damage to the deep layers of the skin). This disease has another name - demodicosis.

If we touch on the negative impact of demodex, then it makes sense to talk about inflammation on the face, ears and eyelids. This is due to the fact that mites located inside the hair follicles can, during periods of activity, climb to the surface and capture a large number of microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria, bringing all this into the pores.

Inflammation caused by mites in most cases takes the form of red pimples, peeling, ulcers or noticeable sebum secretion. A person who is a carrier of demodex may experience itching.

Causes of infection

If treatment of demodicosis on the face is necessary due to obvious symptoms, this means that the mite is in a state of overactivity. This behavior can be explained by the influence of various factors:

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Problems with the immune system;

Using new cosmetics;

Excessive use of cosmetic procedures, visits to baths, saunas and solariums.

Constant mental stress;

Deformation of lipid metabolism and neuroendocrine pathologies.

For these reasons, the body's protective functions may decrease, which leads to active reproduction of the mite and its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin.

Symptoms of demodicosis

The fact of tick infection (demodex) can be established using symptoms that are easy to notice. We are talking about the following negative sensations and visual effects:

Redness around the edges of the eyelids;

The appearance of scales at the roots of eyelashes;

Swelling of the eyelids;

Sticking of eyelashes due to plaque;

The appearance of lumpiness on the skin of the face;

Excessive loss of eyelashes, hair and baldness;

The appearance of a large number of ulcers, acne, pimples on the body and face;

An increase in the volume of the nose with an accompanying change in color (like a plum);

Itching in the face, eyelids and other parts of the body, which significantly intensifies in the evening;

The skin of the cheeks and nose area takes on a greasy appearance.

If such signs are identified, there is every reason to plan treatment for demodicosis of the skin on the face. Photos of those who have been diagnosed with this disease prove the destructiveness of this disease and the need for therapeutic measures.

Diagnosis of the disease

Another method by which the fact of infection can be established is to apply cyanoacrylate to the rash. After this, this area of ​​​​the skin must be covered with a coverslip. After the glue has dried, the glass must be torn off the surface of the skin. In this way, it will be possible to obtain a sample of the stratum corneum and the contents of the follicle.

Methods of influencing the disease

Initially, it is worth noting that effective treatment of demodicosis is not an easy task. The process of eliminating subcutaneous mites must be approached thoroughly. The reasons for such difficulties lie in the fact that demodex has a strong protective shell, through which not every drug can penetrate.

In this case, treatment is characterized by certain principles:

The process of affecting the infection will take a long time. Initially, it is better to count on a 4-6 week course, during which you will need to wait until the tick’s life cycle is complete.

Only a qualified dermatologist should prescribe medications, and individually for each patient. This is very important, since the characteristics of the course of the disease may differ, as well as contraindications.

When treating demodicosis of the facial skin, it is necessary to carefully adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and all precautions. This approach is needed in order to avoid repeated self-infection. This means that the tick can re-enter the skin from items used by an infected person.

How to treat children and pregnant women

For this group of patients, complex treatment is relevant. At the same time, it should be focused not only on neutralizing external signs of the disease and local therapy, but also strengthening the body through proper healing.

Treatment of demodicosis of the facial skin in this case is carried out under the constant supervision of a dermatologist with a high level of qualifications. This is important because the medications that will be prescribed should not pose a threat to the woman and child. As a rule, after determining an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes homeopathic medicines, as well as medicines based on herbal components.

When children undergo treatment, parents, for their part, must ensure that all the doctor’s instructions are followed exactly, otherwise the therapy may not have the desired effect. A balanced diet is also an important condition for a successful healing process. It is better to focus on various grains and dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lean meats. But it is better to avoid canned food, smoked, fatty, salty foods and sweets.

At the same time, do not forget about moderate and constant physical activity, activities that have a hardening effect and frequent walks.

Possible connection between demodicosis and other diseases of the body

The development and severity of this infection can be influenced by disorders of the endocrine glands, diabetes, tonsillitis, rheumatism, cholecystitis, gastritis, foci of chronic infection, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.

In fact, infection with subcutaneous mites turns into demodicosis disease only if the immune system is weakened. Therefore, if you strengthen the body’s protective function and promptly treat concomitant diseases, you can prevent the development of demodicosis.

Drug treatment

There are many drugs that can effectively treat demodicosis of the skin on the face.

You can start with purified sulfur (also known as sulfur ointment). You can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable price. It is worth noting that this drug is one of the most effective in the fight against demodex. The fact is that sulfur does not just force the tick to leave the facial area, it kills it.

But before starting treatment, it is important to take into account the fact that sulfur significantly dries the skin and can even lead to burns, as well as subsequent peeling of the skin. To avoid such consequences, you must use panthenol or moisturizer.

Another drug that deserves attention is Demalan. This antibacterial, anti-demodex and anti-inflammatory cream was specially developed to treat demodicosis of the facial skin. This drug contains up to 17 elements: chamomile extract, highly purified native glycans, metronidazole, lanolin, emulsifiers and olive oil.

Using this ointment you can relieve inflammation and reduce allergic reactions. This ointment also stimulates reparative and metabolic processes in tissues that have been affected. "Demalan" significantly reduces itching of the skin of the face and eyelids, eliminates swelling, inflammation, discomfort and burning in the eyes.

It is better to initially avoid using hormonal ointments, since they reduce local immunity and, as a result, lead to an increase in the number of mites.

If problems with eyelashes are observed due to a disease such as demodex, treatment of the facial skin and the eyelashes themselves should involve auxiliary action. Its essence boils down to the use of artificial tear preparations in case of dry eye syndrome. Electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, treatment of the edges of the eyelids with an aqueous infusion of tansy, an alcoholic tincture of wormwood and a solution of dimexide are also used.

How to remove pimples that remain after neutralizing the causative agent of the disease

It is worth understanding that with the complete destruction of the tick, the negative cosmetic effects caused by the infection will not disappear on their own. Therefore, in order to get rid of acne, you need to pay attention to other treatment methods. The cause of the rash can also be an excessive amount of sebum. In this case, products aimed at combating acne will be relevant.

In most cases, the causes and treatment of demodicosis are not always associated with the occurrence of acne.

In order for the disease to be defeated with the minimum possible effort, it is necessary to use some important principles.

First of all, you should abandon decorative cosmetics during exposure to the causative agent of the disease. Then treating demodicosis at home and not only will be much more effective.

The next thing to do is relieve the irritation. For this, it is better to use thermal water, as it has a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishes it, heals, moisturizes and relieves redness. It is recommended to spray thermal water on your face after washing.

Chamomile toner with aloe juice will also not be amiss. It quite effectively relieves irritation and soothes the skin. For a disease such as demodex, facial skin treatment at home should include the use of chamomile. The fact is that this toner, unlike thermal water, does not contain preservatives. Aloe gel or juice is sold at the pharmacy. Toner should be stored in the refrigerator. It is applied quite simply: applied to the face and gradually dries.

If the redness is severe and needs to be removed quickly, you can use an ointment containing hydrocortisone. But you can’t get carried away with this remedy.

Another method of dealing with redness and irritation is various aspirin products. When rubbing pharmaceutical aspirin into the skin, it must be thoroughly crushed, otherwise the friction of large particles on the surface of the skin will lead to irritation.

If demodex is a concern, treatment of facial skin with folk remedies, as well as medications, can be combined with those medications that contain copper peptides. The bottom line is that copper takes an active part in the healing process. At the same time, you should refrain from anything that can lead to skin irritation: sponges, peels, scrubs and abrasives.

Use of folk remedies

When a disease such as demodex is diagnosed, treatment of facial skin can be focused on the use of traditional methods, but with accompanying consultation with a doctor.

There are many current recipes that can give good results. Perhaps it’s worth starting with a recipe, the basis of which is water and tar soap. The soap itself must be thoroughly crushed and mixed in a small amount of water. The result should be a creamy mixture, which should be applied to the areas of the skin affected by the mite. This mask should be left for 2 hours, after which the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The essence of the effect is the formation of a film on the skin that prevents the penetration of oxygen. At this time, the tar will destroy the mites.

Treatment of demodicosis on the face at home also involves the use of wormwood, which quite effectively neutralizes subcutaneous mites. To use, this herb must be thoroughly crushed, boiled and allowed to brew well. The resulting decoction (should be at room temperature) should be wiped over the face several times during the day. As for concentration, it can be adjusted according to how you feel.

When it is necessary to treat demodicosis at home, do not forget about kerosene. It’s quite easy to use, you just need to smear it on your face and leave it on for a day. Under such conditions, the tick cannot breathe and climbs to the surface of the skin, where it can be finally eliminated by re-lubricating the face with kerosene.

Black currant. If demodicosis has developed, treatment of facial skin may involve this technique. To get a noticeable result, you need to make compresses with currants and use them every day. The optimal concentration is achieved with 4 tablespoons of dried berries per 2 glasses of water. The currants and water must be put on fire in a saucepan and when boiling, reduce the temperature, leaving to simmer for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction should infuse for 20-30 minutes, after which you need to moisten a clean bandage in it and apply it to the affected areas of the face.

Juniper infusion can also help significantly. To prepare it, you need to grind a spoonful of dried berries in a coffee grinder and pour a glass of boiling water, then leave to steep for an hour. Using the resulting solution, lotions are made and applied to those areas of the face that are affected by mites.

When considering the treatment of demodicosis and facial skin, reviews should be studied without fail. This will help determine the most relevant methods of influencing the disease.

Sour fruits, berries, vegetables and decoctions of medicinal plants can help in the treatment process. They are able to eliminate the expansion and inflammation of the sebaceous glands, thereby depriving the tick of a nutrient medium. If the patient has an oily skin type, it is recommended to mix various masks with egg white, which tightens the pores. People with dry skin can do the same procedure, but with yolk.

When demodex develops, facial skin treatment (photos will clearly help you understand the process) may also include garlic. To do this, you need to thoroughly grind it to a pulp, which is subsequently applied to the skin and left for 40 minutes. To improve the effect, you can add vegetable oil to the garlic. It is advisable to cover the layer of garlic that was applied to the skin with a layer of sterile gauze or bandage; this will prevent the paste from spreading over the face.

Another herb that can be used to prepare lotions and decoctions is elecampane. Pour one tablespoon of chopped root into one glass of boiling water. Bring this entire mixture to a boil and leave on the fire for 10 minutes. After this, it should be infused for 6 hours or more.

Using diet

With a problem such as subcutaneous mites, some foods can act as irritants:

Yeast extract;

Soy sauce;


Alcoholic drinks;

Hot and spicy dishes;

Avocado, eggplant, spinach;

Dairy products, with the exception of cottage cheese;

Citrus fruits, as well as raisins, bananas, tomatoes, red plums, figs.

But caffeine-free drinks, chilled and cold dishes, as well as dairy-free cheeses will help reduce the likelihood of an exacerbation.

As part of the topic: “Demodex, facial skin treatment, diet,” it is worth noting that hot drinks, smoking and spicy foods can lead to redness. And chocolate and wine are one of the most powerful irritants for such a problem as subcutaneous mites.

At the same time, it is recommended to consume products containing plant fiber, which helps cleanse the skin of toxins. This group includes apples, potatoes, corn and bran bread. To increase productivity and get the necessary amount of energy during a diet, do not forget about porridge (buckwheat, millet, oatmeal and rice).

Treatment of demodicosis on the face with folk remedies also involves constant consumption of fermented milk products. This is one of the preventive measures for dysbiosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can contribute to the development of demodex.

As you can see, to overcome a problem such as demodex, it is necessary to use a competent approach, which should be understood as a complex of therapeutic measures and general strengthening of the body.

Also called demodexes or ironworms, they are one of the most dangerous types of parasites that can cause a lot of trouble to humans. They cause the development of demodicosis, a skin disease that in some cases becomes chronic and worsens twice a year.

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Acne.
  3. Rosacea.
  4. Various specific eye lesions.

The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that virtually all people have subcutaneous mites; their presence is not a pathological case. However, for various reasons, they can begin to multiply rapidly, which causes a number of problems, including the development of certain diseases.

Types of subcutaneous mites

There are usually only two types of mites in the human body, which can be found in different areas of the body depending on their characteristics:

Most often, signs of the presence of ticks of this type appear in older people, less often in adults and very rarely in children. This is due to the fact that at a young age a person contains a small amount of fat under the skin.

  1. Itching and burning sensation, worsening usually occurs at night.
  2. Increased number of acne, peeling of the skin, various types of rashes, purulent pimples and ulcerative abscesses.
  3. The formation of bumpy growths, which are clearly felt when palpating the surface of the face.
  4. Changes in the color of the skin on the face, usually it takes on a grayish color that is unusual for a healthy person.
  5. The shine of the skin, which actually never goes away and does not disappear even after thorough washing.
  6. Enlargement of pores on the face.
  7. The presence of small white scales that collect near the roots of the hair or eyelashes.
  8. Hair becomes thinner and begins to actively fall out, and eyelashes may also fall out.
  9. The presence of copious discharge from the eyes, due to which the eyelashes stick together.
  10. Inflammatory processes associated with the eyes, their significant redness.
  11. One of the last symptoms that appears in the advanced stages of the disease, if it is not treated in time, is noticeable swelling of the nose, it significantly increases in size and has an ugly shape.

  1. The patient contacts a dermatologist due to any complaints related to the possible activity of subcutaneous mites and the manifestation of the first symptoms.
  2. Taking a scraping of skin secretions from the facial area.
  3. Taking a plucked eyelash or eyebrow hair for inspection.

Hair is usually examined under a microscope, scrapings are subjected to simple analysis, so a preliminary diagnosis in most cases can be obtained directly in the dermatologist's office.


If subcutaneous mites are detected or diseases caused by them occur, serious treatment is required. It is prescribed exclusively by a specialist, the course is usually long and lasts up to three months, any types of self-medication are strictly prohibited. You should not delay seeking medical help, since the disease will only progress over time.

Regardless of the course prescribed by the specialist, the following will be contraindicated during the treatment period:

  1. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or visiting solariums.
  2. Using alcohol-containing lotions to cleanse the skin.
  3. The use of face masks and other cosmetics that promote blood flow and increased circulation.
  4. Use of any types of decorative cosmetics.
  5. Using feather pillows.
  6. Visiting baths and solariums.
  7. Taking hot baths at home.

In addition, there are many folk remedies for treating the disease. For the most part, they are based on the use of various homemade ointments, for example, from black currant.

Undergoing treatment and taking pharmacological drugs can cause the following consequences, which should not be feared:

  1. Personal hygiene products, cosmetics or bedding if they were used by an infected person.
  2. Contact with the sebaceous glands or hair of an infected person.
  3. Using non-sterile instruments in hairdressing or massage parlors.

Reasons for development


Since removing subcutaneous mites and treating diseases caused by them is a rather complex and lengthy process, it would be much more rational to take some preventive measures, which are as follows:

  1. Compliance with personal hygiene rules, which also include periodic use of antibacterial soaps for hands and face.
  2. Use exclusively personal towels, cosmetics, combs and other personal hygiene products.
  3. At least partially maintain proper nutrition by including healthy and vitamin-rich foods in your diet.
  4. Observe precautions when in contact with infected people.

Signs of subcutaneous mites in humans are usually detected during a visual examination, since rashes on the back, legs, arms or face are visible to the naked eye. However, an accurate diagnosis can only be established with the help of a specific analysis. Before a study of this nature, a person must not wash his face for 24 hours.

The symptoms caused by itching are very similar to simple acne. However, there are a number of signs of a subcutaneous mite on the body that distinguish it from other pathological processes. These include:

Sometimes an infection can get into the ulcerations on the skin, which causes the development of purulent inflammation.

Demodex in humans can provoke the development of inflammation under the influence of the following factors:

Diagnosis and treatment methods

If a subcutaneous mite is detected in a person, the symptoms and treatment are closely related, since the methods of treatment depend on the presence of certain manifestations of the pathology. In order to cure such a disease, it is necessary to use complex therapy.

Before applying the product to the skin, you should treat it with soap. It is better to use tar soap (it can be purchased at a pharmacy or some household chemical stores). After this, you should not wipe your face with a towel; it is better to dry it naturally. A small amount of ointment should be applied to the affected areas and left for a while.

You can use decoctions of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, thyme, and string. These products are used for wiping or washing.

If a person has been diagnosed with a subcutaneous mite in an acceptable quantity, there is no need to treat this condition, since human itch is present in most people without causing unpleasant symptoms.

When treating the disease, an integrated approach is required, which includes the following:

In order for treatment to be more effective, it is necessary to give up bad habits. Under the influence of nicotine and alcohol, subcutaneous mites begin to multiply faster and more intensely, which impedes successful recovery.


In order to prevent the occurrence of such a disease, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene. Cosmetics, personal protective equipment, clothing and shoes - all these things must be individual to a person. It is better to get rid of down pillows and blankets, because ticks can live there. Bed linen and towels should be ironed at maximum temperature. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples that appear as a result of mites on the skin. You should wash your face only with cold water.

If symptoms of a subcutaneous mite are detected, it is not recommended to self-medicate, as this may aggravate the situation. Even traditional medicine should be used only after consulting a doctor.


Subcutaneous mites on the face are a disease that occurs quite often; its medical name is demodicosis or iron mite. There is also the term rosacea or pink mite, due to the characteristic color of the rash that forms.

What are subcutaneous mites?

The Demodex glandular mite, so named because it prefers to live inside the sebaceous glands of the skin. The causative agent of this disease was first discovered by the dermatologist Berger back in 1841. A scientist identified microscopic insects by examining earwax. A year later, Gustav Simon made a detailed description of the tick.

I would like to note that diseases caused by ticks in humans, such as scabies and glandular mites, are caused by various types of these insects.

Larvae in human skin are found in such systemic diseases as discoid lupus erythematosus. There is evidence that patients with this diagnosis are capable of infecting others with demodectic mites.

The life cycle of demodexes is several weeks. Insects mate on the surface of the skin, and clutches are made inside the skin glands. Each egg usually produces two nymphs.


Currently, it is believed that the following types of subcutaneous mites are found on human facial skin:

  1. Eye mites. They are more aggressive and more often cause the appearance of clinical signs of iron worms. They prefer to settle on eyelashes and eyelids.
  2. Facial mite. Populates the sebaceous glands of the face.
  3. Follicular mite. Found inside hair follicles.

One of the largest and longest-running studies on this topic was conducted in China - several million people took part in it over fifty years.

Where do they come from?

Hypodermic mites are common inhabitants of human skin. Their small numbers are unnoticeable because the immune system keeps the natural mite population in check. That is why treatment of subcutaneous mites on the face must be carried out against the background of drugs that support the weakened immunity of the patient or relieve the stressful state of the body.

The main reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous mites are a violation of the immune or hormonal status of the body, due to which their rapid reproduction occurs. It most often affects teenagers, pregnant women, and people with a weakened immune response (for example, those who have been treated with immunosuppressants). There are also seasonal variations in incidence - in winter and spring, when human immunity weakens, demodicosis appears much more often.

Symptoms of human subcutaneous mites can also occur in the presence of chronic diseases, prolonged infections, immunodeficiency states, various intoxications and poor nutrition.

Demodexes are necessarily transmitted from mother to newborn child. In cases of generalized infection, intrauterine infection may occur.

Signs of rapid reproduction

Knowing how to identify a subcutaneous tick in a person, you can begin effective treatment in a timely manner. Studies have shown that the first signs of infection appear on the second day after a healthy person comes into contact with a sick person. The penetration of insects under the human skin leads to a slight pinkness, but it is soon discovered that the face is red and itchy due to the fact that the iron ore mite on the face has begun to multiply rapidly.

Demodicosis is characterized by the presence of a prodromal period preceding the appearance of specific clinical signs. At this time, the patient may experience flushes of painful blush after alcohol, spicy or smoked food, or when excited. The red spots that appear on the skin at this time resemble rose petals or flames, which is why the disease is also called “rosacea.”

The course of the disease has three distinct stages.

  • Erythematous. It is characterized by persistent redness of the skin that lasts for a long time. Skin color can vary from soft pink to bright red or bluish. At this stage, vascular bundles and asterisks often appear.
  • Papular-pustular. This steel is characterized by the formation of pustules and pimples. The skin in the affected area becomes thicker and pustules appear.
  • Hypertrophic. Characteristic of a complicated course or a case where treatment for subcutaneous mites in humans has not been started. The sebaceous glands become greatly enlarged, and peculiar bumps appear on the face and head, most often in the area of ​​the nose, mouth, chin, earlobes or on the eyelids.

If the patient's immune system is weakened, insects will spread rapidly. In this case, the skin becomes porous, and a characteristic “snow squeak” appears when palpated; however, the absence of acne can create a feeling of well-being even in young patients. Severe infestation leads to the appearance of mites in the internal organs of the patient, where they are located freely feeding on the entire surface of their body or acquiring the ability to breathe without oxygen (anaerobic).

The diagnosis is made taking into account external signs and laboratory tests.

Demodectic mange should be suspected if the following symptoms appear:

  • Characteristic redness of the skin that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • The appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face, located in irregularly shaped groups, reminiscent of dermotoxicosis or urticaria.
  • Severe itching, relieved by low temperatures and the use of antihistamines.
  • If treatment is not started, the patient notices that the skin on the face has become lumpy, and disruption of the integrity of the abscesses leads to further spread of the disease.
  • One of the symptoms may be a subcutaneous rash on the forehead.


Testing for subcutaneous mites is the key to making a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Demodex infection can have a different course; asymptomatic carriage is often found, in which there are no external signs. Therefore, you need to know how to recognize a tick with high accuracy.

By looking at a skin scraping under a microscope, you can find out what a mite looks like under human skin. In order for the analysis to give unambiguous results, you need to follow the following recommendations.

  • 2-3 days before the procedure, stop taking medications and using cosmetics.
  • You should not wash your face before scraping.

The scraping is applied to a glass slide and examined under a microscope. Ticks look like thin long bodies, and their larvae look like oblong dark grains. In the video you can see how this happens:

Self-analysis is carried out using adhesive tape, which is attached to the forehead at night, and examined under a microscope in the morning.

Treatment of demodicosis

Since demodex is a habitual resident of human skin, minor deviations in its numbers that cause the initial stages of demodicosis can disappear with local treatment. However, if symptoms increase, it is better to consult a doctor, since the generalized form of the disease is fraught with serious consequences not only of a cosmetic nature.

On one's own

What to do if your face is swollen and you suspect demodicosis? There are a considerable number of local cosmetics developed by Chinese dermatologists based on various herbs and natural ingredients.

For example, the Demodex Complex brand produces special soap, Xinshen and Kang ointments for itchy skin, tea to support the immune system, as well as a phytocomplex for facial care. Another well-known external drug is Zhongzhou subcutaneous mite ointment.

When deciding how to get rid of subcutaneous mites on your face, be sure to check potential medications for allergenicity. The presence of hypersensitivity will aggravate the disease and make treatment more difficult and lengthy. The composition of the medicinal products includes such simple and effective components as sulfur, zinc oxide, as well as herbal extracts.

Among simple medicines, streptocide is effective, which is applied to the affected areas after steaming.

How do doctors treat

When deciding how to treat subcutaneous mites, doctors are constantly developing and improving their own methods of combating them. Some recommend completely abstaining from food and cosmetics with biological additives and believe that demodicosis is unable to heal itself.

Treatment is carried out using external and internal medications. Preparations of salicylic acid, sulfuric ether, sulfur, boric acid, as well as a special acaricidal and anti-inflammatory ointment for the treatment of NM can be used externally. The use of talkers and ointments is accompanied by instillation of albucid into the eyes, as well as the intake of vitamin A (retinol palmitate) and suprastin.

Other experts argue that antibiotics against subcutaneous mites help little and their use can only stop the development of a secondary infection. They consider Chinese herbal preparations to be the most effective - remedies that have been proven over many years of use in oriental medicine.

Some treatment regimens involve taking tablets against subcutaneous mites. Such as:

  • Trichopolum;
  • Metronizazole;
  • Calcium pangamate.

They are taken according to a complex scheme; the doctor selects the option for a particular patient.

Prevention of recurrence

It is useful to get pillows with synthetic filling; you should not overcool your face or use cosmetics. It is also useful to regularly wash your face with tar soap or special products containing acaricides. You should unlearn the habit of touching your face with your hands.