Is it possible to give fresh tomatoes to chickens? Anti-rating of chicken feed or how not to feed chickens. We provide the birds with the necessary amount of water

    In general, chickens are quite unpretentious in food; they can only eat pasture while free-range. But in order for chickens to develop properly and lay eggs, it is worth knowing those foods that are not suitable for their development and egg production.

    For example, potato tops and green boiled potatoes are poisonous because they contain solanine, which can lead to poisoning of chickens.

    To prevent the eggs of laying hens from giving off a fishy smell, you should not give them fish oil.

    It is forbidden to feed chickens with other chickens, which can lead to encephalopathy.

    Tough foods, such as citrus peels, watermelon peels, potato peelings, are all difficult to digest in chickens' stomachs and lead to digestive problems.

    It’s also not a good idea to overfeed chickens with vegetables; diarrhea may occur because the vegetables clog the stomach without having time to digest.

    A sudden transition to a new food is also considered stressful for chickens; it is better to do this gradually, introducing the new food along with the usual one.

    I have kept chickens for a long time, but I have never read such nonsense. Everything that chickens eat turns out to be prohibited. Free-range chickens will eat absolutely everything. And they will not eat what they do not like or are poisonous. Of course, if you stuff a chicken with the same product, it will die (like any other animal), everyone needs a varied diet. So these are just some of the things I called bullshit above. Milk (especially lactic acid products and especially cottage cheese) is the best nutrition, especially for young animals. Bones are a valuable food for everyone (at all times bone meal was given). There are never any problems with bread, that’s what they feed us and have always fed us. They always collected crackers. I won’t say anything about grains at all. In general, if you are afraid of losing your chickens, give them free range. Let them eat: pebbles, glass, soil, roots, insects, grass, and throw them whatever you want. They choose what they like. Keep it locked up, let's make some mash. Knead: grains and greens and bones and dairy and also add the additive hazel grouse or sunshine, then they will not dehydrate. So, it depends on the conditions of detention and everything can be given, especially since they themselves know well what to choose. Feed what you eat yourself (natural). If the product is harmful to you, then it will not be beneficial to the bird.

    Chickens are unpretentious poultry; caring for them does not require much effort. In terms of nutrition, chickens prefer grain feed (wheat, millet, corn). Chickens love to roam freely, while they eat greens and also happily eat various bugs and worms.

    So that the birds do not get sick and feel good:

    • It is strictly forbidden to feed birds with salty food (for example, feed with added salt intended for feeding pigs);
    • Do not give birds grain covered with mold and fungi;
    • It is not recommended to give chickens fresh rye grain, as well as legumes (for example, peas);
    • You shouldn’t constantly feed your chickens boiled potatoes, although sometimes you can give them, they eat it willingly.
  • Chickens should not be fed sweet foods (cakes, pastries, preserves). You should not feed chickens meat products such as sausages or sausages. You should not feed chickens milk or give them cottage cheese. Almost any animal products, except worms, should not be given to chickens. Also, do not give chickens foods that are too salty. Chickens' stomachs cannot tolerate pepper and fatty foods, so there should be no vegetable oil in their food!

  • What not to feed chickens

    • Any bread. Although, white stale bread is ok in very small quantities. Black causes digestive problems, leading to diarrhea or polyuria.
    • Sausages in any form, they contain too much fat, salt, spices, preservatives, dyes, flavors and other additives. These products can cause a heart attack or stroke.
    • Milk(as well as bread or porridge with milk soaked in milk), it leads to dysbacteriosis, since they normally have few lactic acid bacteria and lack the enzyme that processes lactose.
    • Cheese, since, as a rule, it contains a lot of fat and salt, some are preservatives, and processed foods also contain melting salts. This is strictly contraindicated for any bird.
    • Soups, any, except vegetarian vegetables without salt and spices. Fat, salt, and seasonings are harmful to birds.
    • Coffee, cocoa, chocolate- these products are generally contraindicated for most animals due to caffeine and theobromine.
    • Alcohol in any form. As an exception, you can use medicinal alcohol tinctures, and even then, very diluted (2-3 drops per 100 ml of water) and for no more than a week. Otherwise, rapid degradation of the liver is guaranteed, since it is completely incapable of processing alcohol.
    • Jam, compotes, marmalades due to too high sugar content. The pancreas of birds cannot produce such an amount of insulin, and the remains of unprocessed sugar are a breeding ground for pathogenic fungi.
    • Any oil again, due to the inability of the liver to process fat in such quantities, because a drop of sunflower oil is equal in fat content to ten seeds.
  • In order for chickens to grow and develop normally, and also lay eggs, they need to be fed properly. First of all, you need to understand what should not be given to them as food:

    1) Although chickens are omnivores and they will eat everything you give them (they can even eat each other if they see blood), you still should not give them chicken bones and meat. This can lead to the disease encephalopathy.

    2) Do not give quicklime or recently slaked lime.

    3) Apples can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

    4) I read that beets can cause diarrhea in chickens and that this causes the feathers at the anus to become colored in white chickens. This may make other chickens want to peck at them.

    Forbidden food for chickens.

    Chickens should not be fed with potatoes (especially if they are green), tops, roots, shoots, fruits, etc. of nightshades, because all this contains solanine - a poisonous glycoalkaloid. But many chicken keepers feed this too. In general, the diet of chickens greatly influences how they lay eggs.

    Chickens should not be given a variety of exotic fruits - oranges, pomegranates, bananas. You cannot give sweets and candies. You can't give semolina porridge. You should not give bitter herbs and carefully monitor them so that they themselves do not eat poisonous grass. Under no circumstances should you give potatoes that have turned green from the light!

In order for the productivity of laying hens to be decent, and for eggs to be obtained from them daily, it is necessary to organize for them not only favorable living conditions, but also proper feeding.

For birds, a special diet is prescribed, in which the main place is occupied by protein feed and mineral salts. Chickens need a lot of calcium to produce eggs. What to feed laying hens? What foods can they be given, and which ones should they avoid?

The chicken should eat 120 g of feed per day. This portion is divided into morning and evening feeding. In the morning, an hour after waking up, the mash is prepared. Wet food stimulates egg production. The mash consists of cereals, vegetables, herbs, and mineral fillers. In the evening they give grain: a mixture of crushed and whole.

  • Wheat and barley are useful cereals for birds. Rye is rich in protein, but not much is given to birds.
  • Carrots are a useful vegetable. It is ground on a grater. It contains carotene, which improves reproductive function. Cabbage is rich in fiber. It contains many vitamins and mineral salts. The birds are given zucchini, pumpkin, and boiled potatoes.
  • Chickens need grass. This is a source of vitamins. Green onions, dill, and parsley are added to the mixture. Nettle, dandelions, clover, and alfalfa are useful.
  • Shell rock is installed in the chicken coop as mineral fillers. The food is mixed with eggshells and crushed shells. A little table salt is given, no more than 1 g per individual per day. It can provoke intoxication of the body.
  • It is worth taking care of animal products. They are administered in the form of bone or meat meal, but not more than 5 g per day. Larger amounts of the additive cause aggression in chickens and can provoke pecking.
  • Laying hens benefit from fish and fish oil. The fat is usually mixed with the feed. The fish is served as minced meat.
  • For better grinding of food, birds need small pebbles. It is purchased from the manufacturer. The diameter of the stones is no more than 4 mm.

When creating a diet and amount of food, it is necessary to take into account the egg production of birds. If the hen has just started laying eggs, then a forecast is made depending on the breed of bird. On average, an egg-producing hen can produce more than 300 eggs per year. This means that in addition to the norm, 120 g, she should receive an additional 30 g of food.

  • Crushed and whole grains form the basis of the diet. It is given in 100 g. Crushed pieces are 10% more. It is part of the mash.
  • The chicken receives fresh greens in summer, spring and autumn, but not more than 30 g per day. Otherwise, she may develop gastrointestinal upset. In winter, give silage or grass flour: 5 g of flour.
  • In autumn and spring, birds are given carrots and pumpkin. The amount of feed is 20 g/head. In summer, the individual receives all its vitamins from green grass. Carrots can be excluded from the diet. The volume of the root crop increases in winter to 40 g.
  • In winter, sunflower cake or soybean pulp, 12 g, is added to food. In summer, protein supplements are introduced if egg production decreases.
  • Feed yeast is useful. For 1 head 4 g.
  • More bran is given up to 10 g/bird.
  • Meat and bone meal should be 5 g, but it can be replaced with minced fish, no more than 15 g/bird.
  • If a shell rock is not installed in the chicken coop, then an additive containing calcium is added to the mash, at least 5 g. In the summer - 7 g/bird.
  • Mashboards are made using fermented milk products, 30 g.
  • Jackdaws are prescribed 1 g every 10 days.

All food must be of high quality, not rotten. Wash the grass and vegetables well. The mash is prepared before serving. They don’t make it in advance and don’t store it in the refrigerator. The feeder must be washed and any residues removed.

If there is no time to prepare a diet for poultry, then purchase a combined feed. For laying hens, PC1, PC2 are shown. It is given in dry form or wet food is prepared using skim milk. If necessary, vitamin fillers “for laying hens” are added to the food. Pebbles are a must-have product for chickens: they are their “teeth.” Compound feed is administered at the same rate as other food. For chickens producing eggs and meat, the amount of feed is increased by 30%.

What products don't work?

Farmers note that chickens are omnivores. They can eat whatever they find in the yard or in feeders. Sometimes they are given food from the table. Experts do not advise doing this. Products can provoke various intestinal diseases. On forums they often discuss whether it is possible to feed chickens bread, rye and oats, buckwheat and rice. Foods and cereals contain large amounts of plant protein.

Bread is undesirable for birds. This is a finished product made from wheat, rye or bran. All grains are good for chickens, but they swell in the crop. Intestinal function is disrupted. The bread may settle in the goiter in a lump, causing a blockage. The pathology will affect the bird's breathing. She might suffocate. Rye bread is especially harmful. It has high acidity, which will negatively affect the process of digesting food.

Excessive amounts of yeast can cause increased fermentation in chickens, which will lead to bloating. The chicken needs urgent help. Bread is given in the form of crackers and crumbs in very small quantities.

Limit the supply of oats. It contains a lot of fiber, which is difficult for birds to handle. It spends a lot of energy digesting grain. Her egg production and immunity decrease. It is recommended to introduce grains in sprouted form in winter. It contains a large amount of protein and vitamins “E” and “B”. You can feed chickens oats, but it is given in the form of porridge, which is made from flakes. The share of oats in the total diet should not exceed 20%.

Do not give birds buckwheat and rice. The grains can swell in the crop, causing respiratory arrest. Buckwheat and rice can be added boiled, but without milk. Porridge is included in mash. Cereals should not occupy more than 20% of the diet.

Rye is given to chickens in limited quantities. The grain contains polysaccharides that are difficult for the intestines of birds. In combination with starch and high acidity, they can promote foaming. You can feed with grain, but in sprouted form in winter, if there is no other protein supplement, sunflower or soybean cake. The volume of rye should not exceed 1 g per 1 kg of wheat grain.

Peas are good for chickens, but only in boiled form. It is introduced into the diet gradually, starting from 10 g. The cereal must be subjected to heat treatment. It is not given as a separate food. It is part of the mash. Peas stimulate egg laying. It is useful to introduce it into the winter diet. The volume of cereal should not be more than 20% of the total feed table.

Poultry are not given raw potatoes or peelings. This is a heavy food that disrupts intestinal motility. Potatoes are definitely included in the diet of laying hens, but in boiled form. It can be used as an ingredient for mash. A chicken can receive no more than 10 g of potatoes per day. It is also used to feed chickens. Potatoes improve digestion. It has an acidic environment, which kills pathological microflora in the intestines.

It is strictly forbidden to give any farm birds sausages, meat, or mushrooms. Sweets are contraindicated: sweet pies, buns, jam, sweets. Whole milk and cheese are bad for the health of birds. It is recommended to include only fermented milk products, skim milk, and cottage cheese in the diet. It is especially useful to feed chickens with cottage cheese.

In the summer, you need to monitor what kind of grass your chicken eats. Pastures are carefully checked. If a bird eats poisonous herbs, the outcome will be fatal. Birds should not be allowed into the garden. They can reach potato beds or tomatoes. The tops of nightshade crops and the fruits themselves are poisonous to chickens.

Livestock should be protected from the following meadow grasses:

After consuming poisonous herbs, the bird experiences acute intoxication of the body. In this case, the following symptoms are noted: vomiting, diarrhea, severe thirst. The chicken does not stand up and sits with its eyes closed. Case 100%. Poultry meat is discarded and is not allowed to be eaten.

Many novice poultry farmers ask questions about the benefits and harms of salty food for their charges.

Since a chicken’s diet largely determines its health, in this article we will try to understand this issue.

The value of salt in the diet of chickens

From a chemical point of view, table salt is a tandem of chlorine and sodium.

Both elements play an important role in the development and functioning of the body of mammals and birds, exhibiting the following properties:

  • normalize water balance;
  • regulate water-salt metabolism;
  • improve liver function;
  • transport oxygen through blood vessels;
  • improve the conductivity of nerve impulses;
  • suppress pathogenic microflora of the stomach and intestines;
  • participate in the formation of bone tissue, muscle tissue, lymph cells, intercellular fluid;
  • support healthy skin and feathers.

Important! If there is a lack of elements in the body, cannibalism may begin among chickens and adult specimens. In their desire to taste salty blood, the birds will begin to peck at each other.

Is it possible to give salty foods?

As for salty foods, for example, lard, pickled or pickled cucumbers, smoked or salted fish, these foods are strictly prohibited for chickens. In this case, it is impossible to unambiguously control the dose of salt that the chicken pecks.
All this can be given raw or boiled. Salt is not the main food, but an additive to it.

When and in what quantity is the supplement given?

In the summer, when free-ranging, the bird receives the necessary minerals and vitamins by eating greens. In addition, fresh vegetables and fruits are added to the food. There is no need for salt if the bird is raised exclusively on feed mixtures: there is a balance of all the substances it needs.

When kept in cages and in winter, the supplement is necessary along with mash or porridge. The additive is introduced into the diet approximately from the twentieth day of a chicken’s life, starting from 0.05 g per day. At two months of age, the norm is increased to 0.1 g, 0.5 g is the norm for an adult.

Did you know? During the invasion of Iraq, American soldiers, fearing a surprise chemical attack, carried chickens in trucks. The fact is that birds have a rather weak respiratory system; if attacked, their death would be instantaneous, and the soldiers would have time to put on protection.

Consequences of overdose

Excess product provokes severe thirst, which negatively affects the health of chickens, especially laying hens.
In case of overdose, birds experience the following symptoms:

  • redness or blueness of the skin;
  • vomit;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anxiety;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of coordination;
  • convulsions.

Important! First aid is to drink plenty of fluids; in severe cases, consult a veterinarian.

To summarize: birds need salt, and it must be given. However, it is given only as a supplement; salty foods from our table are contraindicated.

Like any other domestic animal, chickens need supervision and care from the owner.

They feel the need for food especially acutely.

Of course, in the summer, these birds are partially able to provide themselves with food if they have enough space for walking.

But still, they cannot walk along the street and eat insects for a whole year in our climatic conditions, therefore, we will try to figure out exactly how and what to feed these birds throughout the year.

Moreover, feeding will directly determine how quickly the bird will gain weight, lay eggs, and exhibit the hen instinct.

What feed can be used to feed chickens: pros and cons of different compositions

Many poultry farmers come to a dead end when choosing what to feed their chickens. After all, some consider grain to be a more economical option, but at the same time it’s difficult to disagree that compound feeds are more nutritious.

In addition, a big advantage of mixed feed is the ability to mix it yourself, thus without fear of purchasing a low-quality product.

The composition of feed can be absolutely varied, the only mandatory rule is that all components must be ground. You can choose a coarse grinding type, otherwise the grains used will simply turn into flour.

Also, It is better not to give dry feed to chickens. When slightly moistened, they will be much more attractive to birds, especially since any additional additives can be added to such food without any problems. In winter, wet and warm mash is made from mixed feed.

We discuss components for chicken feed

Typically, for feed components, poultry farmers choose those grains that they have in stock and that can be purchased cheaply. In other words, the composition of feed can be completely different for each poultry farmer, but still have the same nutritional value for the birds.

Below we will look at the most important components that are recommended to be used:

Thus, following the above recommendations, the main part of the feed (70%) should be wheat, 10% each of barley and oats, 5% oil-containing crops, and about 5% of the composition can be filled with animal feed, premixes, chalk or shells.

But no one is dissuading you from experimenting on your own, so try including other components in the feed.

Vegetables and root vegetables in the diet of chickens: in what form is it best to give them?

Various root vegetables that are given to chickens contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins. It is best to give them raw so that their value does not decrease.

It is also important to rinse them from dirt before chopping so that it does not enter the bird’s body along with food. Root vegetables are crushed using cutting machines or a grater, bringing them to the state of pulp or paste. In this form they can be mixed with other feeds.

Carrots are most often used to feed domestic chickens. Its main advantage is its vitamin A content, as well as the ability to almost completely replace fish oil.

It accumulates the most beneficial properties in the fall, immediately after harvesting. During storage, approximately half of all vitamins are lost.

Very good the effect of carrots on the growth of chickens, which are given in the amount of 15-20 grams per individual, but adult chickens can be given 30 grams. Carrots, like pumpkin, are used in feeding chickens as a source of carotene.

It is also useful to use potatoes and sugar beets to feed chickens. Moreover, for this you can use sorted root vegetables that are unsuitable for food or other processing.

However, both potatoes and sugar beets contain solanine, which is very undesirable to feed chickens. Therefore, to get rid of it, these root vegetables are boiled and given only in this form.

Chickens love boiled potatoes very much and are able to digest them without any problems. One individual can consume about 100 grams of potatoes per day without negative consequences. They can even be fed to small chickens, starting from 15-20 days of age.

Using fruits to raise poultry

You can also include various fruits in the diet of domestic chickens, especially if the year has been fruitful and there are a huge amount of them in the garden.

Yes, to the birds you can give carrion of apples and pears, plums, as well as cakes obtained from apples.

Also, ripe watermelons and tomatoes can be used as food. They must be given to birds in a crushed state, since they usually cannot completely peck off a whole apple. There should be no more than 15-20 grams of fruit per head of birds.

In general, fruits should be only a minor supplement for chickens, which, however, largely determines their health and ability to lay high-quality eggs. In particular, high-quality fertilizing makes the egg yolk more saturated in color.

It is also important in cases where birds are kept in closed and limited-space pens, unable to independently find green food.

The value of green feed for the health and growth of chickens

Green feeds are the main sources of vitamins for chickens. These poultry eat only the green parts of young plants. If there is free range, the chickens provide themselves with a sufficient amount of this healthy food.

The main benefit of such a diet is that green feed is the main way for chickens to obtain vitamin K.

Birds will indicate its deficiency in the body bloody spots in eggs, a decrease in the strength of blood capillaries, anemia in chickens and frequent cases of embryo mortality at different stages of egg incubation.

Green food for chickens can be represented by the following herbs:

  • Alfalfa.
  • Peas (while buds are just developing on the stems).
  • Clover.
  • Feed cabbage.
  • Nettle.

The last herb mentioned is nettle is the most important bird food, because it contains a lot of protein and various vitamins necessary for the chicken body.

You need to collect nettles for feeding to birds starting in early spring, before its leaves become too coarse and contain a large amount of vitamins. In particular, it is the leaves of nettle that contain vitamin K. But, in addition to it, it is also rich in iron and manganese, of which it contains 3 times more than in alfalfa. Nettle is rich in copper and zinc.

In addition to fresh, finely chopped nettle leaves, chickens are also given hay, vitamin paste and even nettle seeds.

It is very important to give nettles to chickens, and almost from the very first days of their life.

Dried nettle and its seeds are usually added to various mashes. For one day, 30-50 grams of green nettle mass will be enough for adults, and only 5-10 grams of dry mass.

Kale is also an excellent green food for chickens. Its advantage over the other mentioned plants is that cabbage can be stored fresh until spring, practically without losing its qualities.

It can only be given to birds in the form of a very finely ground mixture mixed with flour. Also, very often poultry farmers make cabbage silage, or, in other words, ferment cabbage and waste from it, adding a small amount of salt.

In winter, cabbage heads can be hung directly in the poultry house so that the chickens can reach and nibble on it.

Chickens also do not disdain eating a variety of vegetable waste, that is, beet or carrot tops. In small quantities they like to peck the tops of radishes and rutabaga.

Before giving tops to birds, they must be washed and finely chopped. It is best to mix the resulting green mass with wet feed, resulting in a very nutritious mash.

Tree leaves and pine needles can be a source of vitamin C and carotene for birds. Pine and spruce needles need to be harvested in the form of spruce branches, and this is done in the winter, from the end of November until February. It should also be ground very finely and added to the mash in small quantities.

It is fed mainly in autumn and winter, when there is especially little green food and birds may suffer from colds. There should be from 3 to 10 grams of needles per individual.

What grain and in what quantity should be given to chickens?

Above we already talked about compound feeds and the fact that they are more beneficial for chickens. However, if it is not possible to grind grain into feed, you can feed it whole. In particular, wheat and corn grains can be given in dry form, but oats must be either soaked for 24 hours or sprouted in advance.

Although grain contains a very high concentration of various types of nutrients, it does not contain so many proteins and amino acids. In this regard, with this feeding technique Concentrates containing proteins should be added to the bird’s diet.

These are fodder lupine, broad beans and peas. They are given to chickens only cleaned of impurities and in crushed form so that the grains do not get stuck in the throat. The birds may not even peck at large grains, but it is important not to chop the beans too finely so that they do not cause clogging of the chickens’ nasal openings.

When feeding small chickens with grain, it must be crushed very finely, after sifting through a sieve. When young animals reach an older age, they can be given soaked grain.

Animal food: why feed birds with it?

We have already mentioned this category of feed, but let us once again pay attention to their value for chickens. Meat and bone meal and fish meal contain absolutely the entire set of amino acids that the bird’s body needs for full functioning.

Thus, the use of animal feed is very has a good effect on egg production and for fattening the younger generation of chickens.

But, in addition to these products, the following is often added to the feed of domestic chickens:

  • Skim milk.
  • Whey (especially important to give to young animals).
  • Buttermilk.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Casein.
  • Shellfish.
  • Ordinary earthworms (some poultry farmers specifically raise them to feed chickens in the winter).

It is also important to feed chickens food of animal origin because it contains a large amount of fat. Their lack can lead to the appearance of brittle feathers in birds and their very heavy loss in the back area. But the worst thing is that with a lack of animal fats In chickens, egg production is significantly reduced, they become skittish.

We provide the birds with the necessary amount of water

The vital activity and vitality of the chickens’ body is simply impossible without a sufficient amount of water. Water is another, almost the most important, component of the diet of any bird species.

Thus, the body of one individual consists of 70% water. If at least 25% of its interest is lost, then the bird may simply die. If within 2 days the hen does not have the opportunity to drink water, then she will immediately stop laying eggs, and if she continues in a pitiful state for another 5 or 8 days, she is guaranteed to die.

That's why, Birds need to be given water daily, as well as the rest of the above foods. It is important that the water is neither too warm nor too cold.

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Chickens are one of the most important components of homestead farming. Their breeding is inexpensive, and the result justifies absolutely all the costs. For high productivity of chickens, they should be given a high-quality diet that includes all the necessary nutrients. You should also pay attention to products that are strictly prohibited from feeding the feathered inhabitants of the farmstead.

Although chickens are considered unpretentious creatures in food, their nutrition should be approached with all responsibility. These poultry house residents are also omnivores and can survive solely on pasture, but in this case the breeder will have to forget about good egg laying and qualitative weight gain in growing birds. Therefore, only high-quality products that are not included in the group of prohibited products should be selected for feeding.

Prohibited foods that negatively affect the health of birds include: sweets, baked goods, dairy products and oils. Any of the products in this group can cause serious poisoning in the bird or worsen its health by disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's take a closer look at the most dangerous food products for their health.

Green or sprouted potatoes

For laying hens, both the potato itself and the water remaining after boiling it are dangerous. These potatoes contain a high content of solanine. This dangerous element can cause poultry poisoning.

Any bread

If stale white bread can still be given in small quantities, then a black loaf is the worst food for chickens. Black bread, due to its increased acidity, worsens the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in poultry, which can result in polyuria or diarrhea. Feeding sweet baked goods to chickens is strictly prohibited. It causes fermentation processes and also thickens the blood.


Many breeders do not miss the opportunity to feed chickens with table scraps. But while porridge and vegetable salads can still be used in this way, first courses cannot. All soups, except vegetarian ones, have too much fat and spices. It is these components, as we already know, that have a particularly negative impact on the health of birds.



An exception in this case would be alcohol-based medications, which are pre-diluted with water. However, their use cannot last more than a week. Otherwise, an irreversible process of degradation of the bird’s liver begins. The liver of chickens is not adapted to process alcohol.

Video “Feeding chicks and adult chickens”

A brief description of the main features of preparing a diet for chickens and adult birds.