Design of the tray part of the well. Construction of different types of sewer wells. Types of sewer inspection wells

Modern sewer option

An integral part of any drainage system is the construction of a sewer well or chamber. Such a device is also provided at the entrance to the septic tank, which is located on the summer cottage.
This article suggests that you familiarize yourself with the types of structures, find out what type of sewer wells are designed, and how to make a simple structure with your own hands.

Why are sewer structures needed?

Such a device looks like a shaft made in the shape of a rectangle or cylinder. At its bottom there are channels through which wastewater is discharged.
The main purpose is to monitor the operation of the sewerage system and, if necessary, carry out its repairs. The top of the shaft closes the hatch.
Sewage wells, design and principle of use are divided into the following types:

  • Viewing devices.
  • Linear.
  • Drop, junction and rotary structures.
  • For control.

How is a manhole constructed?

Inspection rooms are installed for monitoring and maintenance along the entire length of the sewer pipeline. According to SNIP, the installation of sewer wells with a diameter of up to 150 mm, external sewer pipes should be installed every 35 meters; if the diameter is 200 mm, then in straight sections this distance is 50 meters.
They are made from the same materials as other engineering sewer structures: brick, reinforced concrete rings. This structure is in the form of a round or rectangular shaft; at its bottom there is an open type tray through which waste flows smoothly from one pipe to another.
The entire underground structure must be covered with a square or round slab, with a hatch installed in it. For ease of maintenance, with large diameters, metal brackets are mounted on the inner wall of the structure.
The distance between elements should not be more than 350 mm vertically. An open tray allows you to monitor the flow rate of wastewater.
It also simplifies the procedure for cleaning a section of the sewer line when a blockage occurs in it. Those made of plastic are very popular.
These products are already completely ready for installation of the unit. If necessary, the components can be replaced with parts and assemblies of the required length and configuration.
Viewing devices are installed:

  • At pipe bends.
  • In places where pipelines have branches.
  • On slopes and changes in pipe diameters.
  • At certain distances on straight sections, which depends on the diameter of the pipes.

How is a drop well constructed?

In areas with complex terrain and in order to avoid unnecessary slopes of the sewer pipeline, a differential sewer well is installed. This type of structure is provided only for straight sections of the highway.
This design consists of a vertically installed pipe into which pipelines enter and exit.

Tip: Installing such a pipe allows you to reduce the speed of sewage and change the depth of the pipeline.
If the drop height of the main line is less than 30 centimeters and the pipe diameter is no more than 600 millimeters, there is no need to construct a drop well. In this case, the differential procedure will occur by smoothly draining on the tray.

Device Features:

  • They may have internal or external drainage differential.
  • The materials used to make them are very different: stone, brick, concrete rings, plastic.
  • In case of blockage, for ease of cleaning, the incoming pipe is connected to a cross or vertical pipe. The falling flow is extinguished at the bottom, and then it is directed longer along the underlying highway.
    The photo shows its appearance and diagram.

  • To increase the efficiency of damping the speed of incoming wastewater, steps or special planes are installed in structures.
  • With all the variety of differential-type structures, their main purpose remains unchanged - changing the depth of the main line and reducing the speed of sewerage.

Features of a rotary well

Performs the same function as an inspection hydraulic structure. What distinguishes it from its direct-flow analogue is the presence of trays in different directions and the installation location: these can be 90-degree turns or other angles of direction of the sewer pipe.

Advice: When the main pipeline turns more than 45 degrees, various types of blockages occur, which requires appropriate control for these nodes.

Brick sewer well

Brick construction includes:

  • Base or bottom. Located on the same level with the passing highway.
  • Walls.
  • The tray is of an open type, made in the direction of flow in a smooth rotation.
  • Floor slab.
  • Luke.
  • Wall brackets are designed to make pumps easier to clean and remove possible blockages.

Advice: In order for a person to freely descend and work there, the diameter of the device must be at least one meter.

The use of modern plastic products makes their construction and maintenance easier. They are produced as almost finished products with holes for the inlet and outlet of pipes, with a tray for drains.
The instructions allow you to install prefabricated plastic structures very quickly, the material is environmentally friendly, durable, and the price of the finished structure will be quite reasonable.

How does a filtration well work?

After the septic tank, a well is installed in the sewer system, which serves to filter wastewater. Its main purpose is to receive wastewater after preliminary treatment, and then pass it through a layer of soil, in this case it acts as a filter.
This water treatment element is most often installed when it is impossible to discharge wastewater into the central sewer system or underlying soils.

On the diagram:

  • 1 – hatch cover.
  • 2 – exhaust pipe.
  • 3 – neck body.
  • 4 – cover for insulation.
  • 5 – pipe for supply.
  • 6 – gravel on the outside.
  • 7 – body.
  • 8 – shield.
  • 9 – filter layer inside.

Advice: When planning the place where the filtration well will be installed, you need to take into account the distances to the buildings of the site and other wells from which drinking water is obtained (according to SNiP it should be no less than 10 and 30 meters, respectively).

The shape of the filtration structure can be very different, but when planning the construction of a sewer well from reinforced concrete rings, a foundation must be made along the perimeter of the base. The rings must have holes, through which the filtered moisture will flow out.

The internal part is filled with gravel, expanded clay, broken bricks and other material with a fraction size from 10 to 70 mm. The outer part along the entire perimeter is sprinkled with the same composition as the inner part, but not more than one meter.
There should be a supply pipe approximately 15 cm above the filter layer.

Tip: To prevent the bottom filter from being washed out, you need to place a wooden shield under the stream of water, which is pre-treated with an antiseptic composition.

How does a storage well work?

This is the largest in size; it receives drainage from all domestic wastewater.
Device Features:

  • The device is most often installed within suburban areas, closer to its borders. This makes it possible for a sewer truck to approach conveniently.
  • According to regulatory documents, a structure of this type must have a concrete bottom and waterproofed walls.
  • The storage type is made from various materials.
  • The construction of reinforced concrete sewer structures is influenced by the size of the rings and the estimated depth of their occurrence.
  • A finished concrete slab is laid at the bottom of the pit. Using a crane, rings are placed on it.
  • To improve fixation, they are fastened together with special staples.
  • The entire structure is covered with a slab, in which there is a hole for a hatch.

  • Internal joints are sealed with sand-cement mortar, and the outside of the structure is covered with bitumen, which eliminates possible leaks.

In manufacturing, you can use brick.

  • The bottom of the hole is filled with concrete.
  • Round or rectangular walls are erected.
  • The outside of the masonry is insulated with tar or roofing felt.
  • On the well itself, a floor slab is made of concrete.

Storage containers made of fiberglass or plastic are becoming increasingly popular.

When installing such devices, no special equipment is needed:

  • A container is lowered into the previously made hole.
  • Adjustable in depth.
  • Connects to sewer pipe.
  • It is filled with soil with small stones, and the manhole cover must remain visible.

Advice: Regardless of the material used, all storage systems must be located at least 10 meters from the foundations of buildings. It is not recommended to plant trees near wells. You can plant a shrub that has a small root system.

How the construction of sewer wells is carried out can be clearly seen in the video. This article provides general recommendations for the construction of such structures.

There are many elements in the sewerage system that are designed to ensure the smooth operation of the network. The inspection well acts as one of the main structures with the help of which specialists check the performance and clean the sewer. This indicates that these components of the system are the central link

Main varieties

Depending on the purpose, several types of inspection wells can be distinguished, among them: linear, rotary, nodal, control, flushing, differential, as well as special ones with enlarged neck sizes. Linear ones should be located on straight sections of the sewer system with a step that depends on the diameter of the pipe. Rotary ones are located in those places where the system changes the direction of the lines, for example at turns. This type of well differs from the tray configurations described above, which is presented in the form of a smooth curve with a minimum radius of curvature. It should be equal to three pipe diameters. When determining the angle of rotation, specialists must remember that it should not be more than 90°. The nodal inspection well is located at those points where several lines of the system are connected into a single whole. They have a tray assembly that connects a maximum of three inlet pipes and an outlet pipe. If we are talking about large collectors, then the nodal wells in them are called connecting chambers.

Description of other types of inspection wells

Monitoring wells are located at the points where the yard, intra-channel or factory network connects to the one located on the street. They are installed outside the construction line on the side of the houses. Such wells are necessary to control the operation of the system of added objects. Flushing wells are installed in the starting areas, where there is a possibility of sediment formation due to low velocities. Drop wells should be located at points where the inlet pipe differs from the mark of the outlet pipe tray. Special wells have a larger neck and hatch. The collector should have a diameter of 600 mm, and the distance between the wells will be 50 m or more.

Features of the manhole

The inspection well is based on a tray, a hatch, a neck and a working chamber. The structure can be made of different materials: reinforced concrete blocks or bricks. In the diagram, these elements are indicated by polygonal, round or rectangular shapes. The base consists of a reinforced concrete slab laid on a bed of crushed stone. The main technological part is a tray made of monolithic concrete grade M200. In this case, formwork is used, which is filled with cement mortar and reinforced with reinforcement.

The inspection well has a pipeline that goes into the tray part, through which wastewater moves. If we are talking about a linear type of well, then its tray part is straight, and the lower part is vertical. The height of the tray should not be less than the parameter that determines the diameter of the larger pipe. There should be shelves on both sides of the tray that slope towards it. These shelves will serve as platforms where workers are located during repair work.

Features of the main components of the well

If you are interested in the design of a manhole, then you should know that its working chamber has a height of 1800 mm. Whereas the diameter will be determined. If the last parameter is 600 mm, then the diameter of the working chamber should be 1000 mm. The neck has standard dimensions of 700 mm. If the pipe diameter is 600 mm, then the neck must be located in such a way that cleaning devices can be placed in it. For descent, the working chamber and neck are equipped with brackets and hanging ladders.

State standards for hatches

It may seem to the average person that the hatch is not such an important element of the manhole. But that's not true. The main material for the manufacture of this component is cast iron. Cast iron hatches for inspection wells are manufactured in accordance with GOST 3634-61. This element consists of a body with a cover for installation on the neck, and the diameter of the latter should be 700 mm. The passage holes have a diameter of 620 mm. If there is a need to place the hatch on the roadway, then its weight will be equal to 134 kg, while the light ones are located on the sidewalks and their weight is 80 kg.

Manhole hatches, the GOST for the manufacture of which was mentioned above, can also be made of polymer materials, the latter are distinguished by lightness, strength, environmental safety and durability. When using polymer materials, fillers are added to the ingredients during the manufacturing process, making the processing process impossible. Therefore, such products are of no interest to recyclables collectors.

Well construction

In order for the system to function correctly, GOST must be used; inspection wells are made according to 8020-90 standards. At the initial stage, excavation work is carried out, which involves the need to dig a trench and a foundation pit. Before this, specialists carry out preparatory work in the form of marking the territory, demolishing bushes and arranging a ramp to the construction site. After the pit is ready, its bottom is cleaned, the slope angles of the walls are checked against the design, as well as the foundation level. If you decide to use a stone structure, then at the bottom of the pit you need to install a waterproofing layer, the thickness of which should be 20 cm. Waterproofing can be done using bitumen mastic.

To create a concrete base, you should prepare the base, make a concrete pad, the thickness of the latter should be 10 cm. You can use a ready-made concrete slab.

Work methodology

Specialists construct a tray of the desired shape made of concrete with reinforcement in the form of reinforcement. The ends of the pipes should be sealed with concrete or bitumen. The inner surface of the rings is treated with bitumen. As soon as the bottom gains strength, you can begin installing the rings and floor slab. Then you should rub the seams with cement mortar and waterproof them with the same bitumen. In places where the pipeline will enter the system, a 30 cm clay castle should be made, the height of which is 60 cm greater than the diameter of the pipe.

Final works

Tests must be carried out within 24 hours; for this purpose, the well is filled with water to the top edge, and plugs are installed on the pipes. This recommendation only applies to sealed containers. From the outside, the walls are covered with soil, which is well compacted. A 1.5 m concrete layer is made around the neck. The remaining joints should be insulated with bitumen.


If you want the sewerage system to work properly, then you should use GOST. Cast iron hatches for inspection wells, for example, are also manufactured according to state standards, which were mentioned in the article above.

No sewage system can function for long without constant monitoring and maintenance. For such purposes, special hydraulic structures are used - sewer wells. There are several types of such structures, each of which is designed to solve specific problems. Below we will consider the design of sewer wells of the main types, as well as the requirements for their installation in accordance with SNiP.

  • differential;
  • examination rooms;
  • accumulative;
  • filtration.

Worth paying attention. For many people, such devices are mainly associated with city sewerage. However, if the autonomous network has a complex design, then their use becomes relevant for a private home.


In areas with difficult terrain, laying the pipeline may be difficult due to the impossibility of maintaining the correct slope of the pipeline. If the height of the difference exceeds 30 cm, then it is necessary to use a differential sewer well, the design of which allows you to normalize the speed of movement of wastewater.

The incoming pipe is located at the top and the outgoing pipe at the bottom of the structure. The falling flow of water is extinguished by the bottom of the structure and is directed further through the system. If the drop is too high, additional damping stages can be used to more effectively reduce the wastewater velocity.

Design of a differential sewer well


The longer the line, the more difficult it is to control its operation and carry out repairs. To simplify system maintenance, inspection structures are used that are installed along the entire length of the pipeline. The interval between them depends on the diameter of the pipe:

  • for Ø150 mm – 35 m;
  • for Ø200 mm – 50 m;
  • for Ø2000 mm – 300 m.

The inspection well consists of a rectangular or round shaft, the bottom of which is equipped with a special open-type tray for the flow of waste from one pipe to another. An open tray allows you to monitor the movement of wastewater and clean the pipe.

For your information. A type of inspection structure is a rotary well, which is installed in places where the highway changes its direction. It is at such points that the likelihood of blockages is highest.

The design of a sewer inspection well depends on the characteristics of the main line. It can be installed on a straight pipe or have one outlet and multiple inlets, simplifying system planning and installation.

Types of inspection structures for sewerage


The end point of an autonomous sewer system is a storage well designed to collect all wastewater from the drainage, storm or domestic sewer system. The sealed container is gradually filled with water, which is subsequently removed using pumping equipment or a sewer truck.

In case of accumulation of domestic wastewater, such a structure is located near the roadway to ensure convenience for sewage work. If such a well design is part of a storm sewer or drainage system, then the water can be pumped out using a conventional pump and used to water the area.

Wastewater storage tank


One of the options for removing wastewater from sewers is to drain water into the ground. To do this, it must undergo additional cleaning using a filtration well. Most often, such an element is installed after the septic tank or is the end point of the drainage and stormwater system.

Important. Water is drained into the ground only when the groundwater level is low. If groundwater is located less than one and a half meters from the bottom of the well, then a storage tank is used.

A typical design of a filtration well for sewerage consists of the following elements:

  • manhole cover;
  • ventilation outlet;
  • sewer pipe inlet;
  • perforation at the bottom of the tank;
  • bottom gravel-sand filter.

Construction of a filtration well

What can a sewer well be made from?

Regardless of how the sewer well is constructed and what it is made of, it can be made from different materials. The most popular options are reinforced concrete rings, brick and plastic.

Reinforced concrete rings

The use of reinforced concrete rings is considered a fairly popular method of sewerage installation. The number of elements depends on the depth of the pipeline and the purpose of the structure. For inspection wells, one ring may be sufficient, but for storage wells, as a rule, 3 to 5 rings are used.

Installation of the structure is carried out in several stages:

  1. A hole or trench is being prepared.
  2. The bottom is leveled, covered with a layer of crushed stone and filled with concrete.
  3. Reinforced concrete rings with pre-punched holes for pipes are installed on the frozen base.
  4. The joints are sealed with bitumen mastic or other waterproofing material.
  5. A reinforced concrete slab with a hole for a hatch is laid on top.

The construction of a sewer well made of precast reinforced concrete requires the use of lifting equipment


Instead of reinforced concrete rings, you can use a more affordable material - brick. Of course, the laying process takes longer, but in this case no additional equipment is needed. In addition, you can use old bricks for construction, which will allow you to save even more.

A brick well comes in both rectangular and round shapes. The bottom and top floor are arranged in exactly the same way as when installing concrete rings. The inside of the surface is plastered and the outside is insulated with water-resistant material.

Brick well - an affordable solution for a private home


Every day, finished plastic products are becoming increasingly popular in the construction of autonomous sewer systems. Their installation is carried out very quickly: the structure is lowered into the prepared trench and connected to the supplied pipes.

Interesting to know. Previously, the use of plastic for constructing sewer wells was limited due to the low frost resistance of the material. However, thanks to recent developments, this problem has been solved, and now plastic products can withstand temperatures down to -50°C.

Plastic structures are easy to install and maintain

Basic requirements for constructing wells

According to SNiP, the construction of sewer wells must meet the following requirements:

There must be at least one inspection well in the area between the outlet of the internal sewer and the entrance to the septic tank. Also, such structures are placed when turning the system, in places of branches and when changing the diameter of the pipeline.

The size of the structure depends on the diameter of the pipeline and is regulated as follows:

  • with a pipe diameter of up to 17 cm - at least 70 cm;
  • from 17 cm to 60 cm – 100 cm;
  • from 60 cm to 70 cm – 125 cm;
  • from 70 cm to 100 cm – 150 cm;
  • from 120 cm and more – 200 cm.
  • The materials used for manufacturing can be: monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete, brick, rubble stone and polymers (PVC, PP, PE). A combination of these materials is also possible.
  • Mines should not be located near drinking water sources or plumbing systems.
  • All joints and entry/exit points of the pipeline must be reliably sealed.

Waterproofing the pipe and external surface with bitumen

Despite the fairly simple construction of sewer wells, installation technology can raise a number of questions for inexperienced craftsmen. Trying to save money on professional services can end up costing more money on redesigning and optimizing the system. Therefore, in the absence of relevant knowledge in this area, it is better to turn to specialists.


The sewerage system has a very ancient history, so its design and technology have been brought to a very high quality state. This article will discuss the main issues related to the use of sewer wells in the sewerage system.

The regulatory act regulating the requirements for sewer wells and the procedure for their installation is SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures.” The document displays all the factors relating to sewer wells, including their location, classification, dimensions and operational characteristics.

To install a sewer system on a private property, it is necessary to use inspection wells, placing them on the section of the pipeline between the building and the wastewater receiver. In addition, one of the possible options for disposing of wastewater after it has passed through a septic tank is a filter sewer well.

Inspection wells must be installed not only in private households, but also on local sewer systems. The installation site must be located behind the so-called red building line, which is a conditional boundary dividing the target area into certain segments. SNiP states that sewer wells must be installed every 35 meters if the pipeline diameter is up to 150 mm, or every 50 meters for a pipeline with a cross-section of 200 mm.

In addition, inspection wells are installed if the system contains:

  • turns and bends;
  • changes in pipe diameter or slope;
  • branches of the structure.
Requirements for the operational characteristics of reinforced concrete wells are reflected in GOST 2080-90, and for polymer wells - in GOST-R No. 0260760. Most plastic structures are also supplied with manufacturer’s instructions, which outline the conditions for using the well.

Brick, concrete or reinforced concrete are used to make stone sewer wells, and rubble stone is used to create filter wells. Polymer wells can be made of polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene or polyethylene. In addition to structures made from a single material, there are structures on the market made from compounds of various resources.

According to SNiP, the dimensions of sewer wells vary as follows:

  • when using pipelines with a diameter of up to 150 mm - at least 700 mm;
  • up to 600 mm – 1000 mm;
  • up to 700 mm – 1250 mm;
  • from 800 to 1000 mm – 1500 mm;
  • from 1200 – 2000 mm;
  • from 1500 mm with a system laying depth of 3 m.
The volume of the structure is not indicated anywhere, but knowing the initial depth and diameter, you can calculate this indicator yourself.

The order of actions will look like this:

  • first, the exact location on the site where the well will be located is determined;
  • then the selected area is cleared of any plants (bushes, trees, etc.);
  • if necessary, buildings located on the construction site are demolished or moved;
  • It is very important to ensure unobstructed access to the site.
Next, the preparation of the pit for the sewer well begins.

As a rule, a pit is created according to the following principle:

  • first of all, a hole of the required dimensions is dug;
  • then the bottom is cleaned;
  • a check must be made to ensure compliance with the laying depth of the structure and the slope angles of the pit walls;
  • in the case of stone structures, a 20-cm waterproofing layer must be laid at the bottom of the pit, compacting it as tightly as possible.

Construction of concrete sewer wells

When the preparatory work is completed, the process of installing the well begins.

In the case of a concrete or reinforced concrete structure, the arrangement of a sewer well will look like this:

  • first, the base is prepared, for which a monolithic slab or a 100-mm concrete pad is used;
  • Next, trays are installed in sewer wells, which must be reinforced with metal mesh;
  • the ends of the pipes are sealed with concrete and bitumen;
  • the inner surface of the concrete rings must be insulated with bitumen;
  • when the tray has hardened sufficiently, you can put the rings of the well itself into it and mount the floor slab, for which cement mortar is used;
  • all seams between structural elements must be treated with mortar;
  • after grouting with concrete, it is necessary to ensure good waterproofing of the seams;
  • the tray is treated with cement plaster;
  • in the places where the pipes are connected, a clay lock is installed, which should be 300 mm wider than the outer diameter of the pipeline and 600 mm higher;
  • one of the final steps is to check the design for functionality, for which the entire system is completely filled with water. If no leaks appear after 24 hours, then the system is functioning normally;
  • then the walls of the well are backfilled, and the whole thing is compacted;
  • a blind area 1.5 meters wide is installed around the well;
  • all visible seams are treated with bitumen.

The construction of a sewer well made of concrete rings, described above, is no different from the construction of a brick structure, with the only difference being that in the latter, concreting is replaced by brickwork. The rest of the work flow will look the same.

In addition to the tray, in order to install a drop-off well, one or more conditions may need to be met:

  • installation of a riser;
  • installation of a water fountain;
  • arrangement of a water separator element;
  • creation of a practical profile;
  • pit arrangement.
The basic principle of installing wells does not change, with the exception of minor differences. In particular, before installing a drop well, it is necessary to lay a metal plate under its base, which prevents concrete deformation.

Thus, the composition of the differential well includes:

  • riser;
  • water cushion;
  • metal plate at the base;
  • riser receiving funnel.
The funnel is used to neutralize the vacuum that occurs due to the high speed of movement of wastewater. The use of practical profiles is quite rare, since it is justified only on pipes with a diameter of over 600 mm and with a drop height exceeding 3 m. As a rule, such pipelines are not used in private households, and drop wells are a rare occurrence, but other types sewer wells are in demand.

According to regulations, installing a sewer well is justified in the following situations:

  • if the pipeline needs to be laid at a shallower depth;
  • if the main highway crosses other communication networks located underground;
  • if necessary, adjust the speed of movement of wastewater;
  • in the last flooded well, immediately before the wastewater is discharged into the receiving water.
In addition to the reasons described in SNiP, there are others that necessitate the installation of a differential sewer well on the site:
  • if there is a large difference in height between the optimal depth of the sewerage system on the site and the level of the wastewater discharge point into the receiver (this option is often justified, since laying the pipeline at a shallower depth allows for less work to be performed);
  • in the presence of utility networks located in the underground space and crossing the sewer system;
  • if there is a need to regulate the rate of movement of wastewater in the system. Too high a speed has a bad effect on the self-cleaning of the system from deposits on the walls, as well as too low a speed - in this case, deposits will accumulate too quickly, and the use of high-speed current is required to remove them. Its meaning is to increase the speed of fluid flow in a small section of the pipeline.

Connecting the pipeline to wells

Pipes are connected to the well depending on what kind of soil is on the site. In the case of dry soils, the connection is made using cement and asbestos-cement mixture. To install pipes to wells on wet soils, you need to add a resin strand and a waterproofing layer to these materials. These methods are only suitable for arranging the system on non-subsidence soils.

If the soil in the area can shift, then the pipes must be connected movably, for which each of them is wrapped with plastic waterproofing padding. If necessary, you can use a metal sleeve to arrange the packing in its internal space.

Plastic wells for sewerage

Recently, plastic structures are increasingly replacing stone wells from their positions. Plastic sewer wells are much more convenient: they are easier to install, they do not require a large amount of preparatory work, and their performance characteristics are at a sufficient level (more details: " "). There is an opinion that their strength qualities leave much to be desired, but in practice this statement has not been confirmed, because wells are usually not subjected to too high loads.

Another advantage of plastic wells is the possibility of reducing the size of the viewing window. For example, to replace a concrete well with a meter diameter, it will be enough to install a plastic 30-cm analogue, which is also much easier to maintain. Installing plastic sewer rings is easy and simple.

The installation of plastic structures is also simplified due to their light weight and versatility: the construction of plastic sewer wells provides for inlets and outlets for pipes, which cannot be said about concrete structures in which the connectors have to be made independently. All of these advantages indicate that for private households it would be much more reasonable to use plastic wells.


There are different designs of sewer wells, and the choice of a suitable device depends on the wishes of the owner of the site. This article answers the question of how a sewer well is designed and helps you choose the best option.

The entire sewer network requires constant monitoring and maintenance. This cannot be done without special hydraulic structures in the form of sewer wells.

They have different designs, and concrete, plastic, brick and many other materials are used in their construction. It is difficult to imagine a modern sewer main structure without inspection and other wells.

In areas with difficult terrain and to avoid unwanted slopes of the sewer pipeline, drop wells are installed.

This type of sewerage structure is provided only for straight sections of the sewer main: it is a vertical pipe with an incoming and outgoing pipeline.

The differential function allows you to reduce the speed of sewage, and the pipeline to change its depth.

If the height of the drop on the main does not exceed 30 cm, and the diameter of the pipe does not exceed 600 mm, then there is no need to build a drop well: the entire drop procedure takes place on a tray, through a smooth drain.

Such wells can have a design with both internal and external differential flow.

Photo: with internal difference
Photo: with external difference

Drop wells are made from different materials. These can be concrete rings, brick, stone or plastic. But despite this, their structure is not very different.

The incoming pipe has a connection to a vertical pipe or cross for easy cleaning in case of blockage. The falling flow is extinguished at the bottom of the well and is directed further along the underlying highway.

Photo: steps in a drop well

Also, the design can use steps and special planes to more effectively dampen the speed of wastewater.

Although all differential-type wells differ in design features, their main function does not change - changing the depth of the main line and reducing the speed of sewerage.


To maintain and monitor the sewer pipeline, inspection wells are installed along its entire length.

The distance between them depends on the diameter of the pipes used when laying the main line: the larger the pipe, the greater the distance between the wells.

So for pipes with a bore diameter of 50 mm, the distance along a straight section must be at least 35 meters, for pipes with a diameter of 200 mm - at least 50 m, and for pipes with a diameter of more than 2000 mm, the distance from well to well must be at least 300 meters.

Such wells are installed at junctions with the central sewer network, in places where the pipeline changes its direction, and where the movement of wastewater depends on the design of the tray in the sewer well.

Photo: inspection wells

In the manufacture of inspection wells, the same materials are used as in other engineering sewer structures - reinforced concrete rings, bricks, etc.

The structure itself is a round or rectangular shaft, at the bottom of which an open type tray is installed. Through it, wastewater from one pipe smoothly flows into another.

The entire underground structure is covered with a round or square slab in which a hatch is installed. Depending on the depth of the well, metal brackets are mounted on its inner wall for ease of maintenance.

Photo: metal maintenance brackets

The distance between them should not exceed 350 mm vertically. An open tray allows you to monitor the speed of wastewater flow and simplifies the procedure for cleaning a section of the sewer line in the event of a blockage.

Observation rooms are extremely popular. The products are a complete unit ready for installation.

Photo: plastic inspection wells

If necessary, the components of the well are replaced with parts and assemblies of suitable length and configuration.


The function of an inspection hydraulic structure is also performed by a rotary well. The only difference from the direct-flow analogue is the trays with different flow directions, as well as the installation location: 90° turns and other changes in the direction of the sewer pipe.

Photo: types of rotary wells

Since turns of the main pipeline by more than 45° are predisposed to the occurrence of various types of blockages, control over these nodes must be appropriate.

The installation of a brick sewer well includes:

  • base;
  • tray;
  • walls;
  • floor slab with hatch.

The base of the well lies on the same level as the passing main, so the tray is of an open type and is made in the form of a smooth turn in the direction of flow.

To make it easier to clean sediment and eliminate possible blockages, wall brackets are used. In this case, the diameter of the well must be at least one meter, for the convenience of descent and work of a person.

Regardless of the depth of the sewer line, products made from modern materials - plastic wells - can be used.

This is an almost finished product, with inlet and outlet openings for pipes and a tray for the passage of drains.

Photo: plastic rotary wells

The entire process of installing plastic prefabricated wells occurs very quickly, and the material used in production is durable and does not pose any threat to the environment.

Construction of a filtration well: functions, diagram, device

A well designed to filter wastewater is installed in the sewer system after the septic tank.

Its task is to accept wastewater that has undergone preliminary treatment and then pass it through a layer of soil, which, in this case, acts as a filter.

Most often, this water treatment element is installed if there is no possibility of draining wastewater into the central sewer network or underlying soils.

Photo: filtration well

1. Manhole cover
2. Exhaust pipe
3. Neck body
4. Insulating cover
5. Supply pipe
6. Outer layer of gravel
7. Well body
8. Shield
9. Internal filter layer

Important! When planning a site for a filtration well, it is worth considering the distances to nearby buildings and wells for drinking water (according to SNiP this is no closer than 10 and 30 meters, respectively).

It does not matter what shape the filtration structure will have, but if it is planned to construct a sewer well from concrete rings, then something like a foundation is made along the perimeter of the base.

The rings from which the well is constructed must have holes through which the filtered moisture will flow out.

Photo: sewer well made of concrete rings

Gravel, expanded clay, broken bricks and other material with a fraction size of approximately 10 to 70 mm are poured inside the well.

Outside, along the entire perimeter, bedding is made from the same composition as inside the well, but not more than 1 m. The supply pipe should be approximately 15 cm above the filter layer.

Important! To prevent erosion of the bottom filter, a wooden shield, pre-treated with an antiseptic compound, is placed under the stream of water.


This is practically the largest well in size, which accepts the discharge of all domestic wastewater. Most often, it is installed within suburban households, closer to the boundaries of the site, which makes it possible for the sewer truck to freely approach.

According to regulatory documents, structures of this type must have a concrete bottom and waterproofed walls.

Such a well can be made of various materials. The design of reinforced concrete sewer wells depends on the size of the rings and the estimated depth of their location.

The concrete used for the manufacture of rings must be waterproof (grade W4), and its density must comply with SNiP (“.03.01-84”).

Photo: storage well made of concrete rings

A ready-made concrete slab is installed at the bottom of the pit. The rings are mounted on it using a crane. For better fixation of well rings, they are fastened together. Then the entire structure is covered with a slab with a hole for the hatch.

Photo: covering a well with bitumen

Internal joints are sealed with sand-cement mortar, and the outside is covered with bitumen to eliminate possible leaks.

Of course, you can make a storage well yourself. An excellent material for this is brick. The entire process of constructing a well occurs after installing the base: the bottom of the pit is filled with concrete.

And here it does not matter what shape the future structure will be, round or rectangular. The main thing is that the walls of the well are strong and without cracks.

The outside of the masonry is insulated with roofing felt and tar. The floor slab for the pit is made of concrete, but directly on the well itself.

Photo: brick storage well

Sewage system equipment made of plastic or fiberglass is considered more modern and less labor-intensive. Having a long working life, wells made of these materials are increasingly used in the form of storage tanks.

Photo: plastic storage well

The installation procedure does not require special equipment - a container is lowered into the prepared hole, adjusted in depth, then connected to the sewer pipe. The well is filled with soil without large stones, while the manhole cover is left in sight.

Important! All storage wells, regardless of what material they were made from, must be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the foundations of buildings. It is also not recommended to plant trees near wells, with the exception of shrubs with a small root system.

The table below shows prices for some types of sewer wells and their components.

Name Qty Material Cost, rub.
Fiberglass well DU 400 (assembled) 1 fiberglass 37 000
Linear, rotary, technical well 1 plastic From 22,500 to 190,000
Plastic well 31 1 plastic 56 500
Collector well 630x6 m 1 plastic 29 950
Sewer hatches 1 cast iron, polymer From 2 400
Rings of sewer wells KS 15-9 1 reinforced concrete From 2 700
Bottom of well PN -10 1 reinforced concrete From 1 800
Well cover PP-10-2 (reinforced) 1 reinforced concrete From 650.0

The correct functioning of the entire drainage system depends on the material of the product, as well as on the quality installation of sewer wells.

This means that the installation and maintenance of sewerage hydraulic structures must be carried out by people with experience in this field, without fail observing all safety standards and using personal protective equipment.