What are the effects of hookah smoking? Harm from hookah smoking. Interesting historical facts about the appearance of hookah

Today, many are convinced that hookah is a safe replacement for traditional cigarettes and that it does not harm human health.

Hookah fans explain this by the fact that natural hookah tobacco does not contain additives that are dangerous to the body and the smoke entering the lungs is completely cleared of harmful impurities liquid in the flask. Adherents of hookah need not worry, because smoking hookah harms the health of the smoker only if consumed too often and in large quantities.

Flavors added to the tobacco mixture give a lot of pleasant sensations, which contributes to longer savoring and prolongation of smoking time. This increases the amount of nicotine entering the body. This is why hookah is more harmful than regular tobacco products only if consumed in excess. And moderate hookah smoking will give you and your friends great mood and will be a great addition to any party.

Still, it is impossible to answer the questions with complete confidence: is it harmful to smoke tobacco mixtures tucked into a hookah, and is the smoke inhaled harmful? To dispel all doubts, let’s try to figure out how harmful hookah is for humans.

What are the dangers of smoking hookah?

Scientists have long proven that smoking a hookah for one hour helps the body consume harmful smoke hundreds of times more than from just one strong cigarette. Why is hookah harmful to human health?

The dangers of secondhand smoke

We all know how dangerous it is to be in close proximity to a smoker. Smoking a hookah is no exception and negatively affects the health of not only those who smoke, but also those who sit next to them.

A non-smoker or former smoker who sits in a room where a hookah is smoked unwittingly inhales nicotine vapor, nitrogen and carbon monoxide with the air.

It means that passive smoking hookah has an effect on the human body harmful influence.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Hookah tobacco contains less harmful substances than tobacco regular cigarettes. However, when smoking a hookah, the human body receives large amounts of carbon monoxide, which can cause poisoning.

Smoking a hookah for one minute can be compared to smoking a whole pack. strong cigarettes. Carbon monoxide poisons not only the upper Airways, but also the lower ones.

Harmful exchange of saliva

Hookah poses a threat dangerous item from a hygiene point of view. To a greater extent, this applies to smoking a hookah in a large company.

As a rule, if a lot of people gather, everyone takes turns smoking. It wouldn't be so scary if all people were absolutely healthy.

It may be that among smokers there is at least one sick person. In this case, the harm from hookah smoking is obvious.

Nicotine addiction

As a rule, hookah smoking takes place in a warm, friendly atmosphere and is accompanied by casual conversation.

The aroma emanating from the hookah promotes relaxation. But you should remember that every puff brings you closer to nicotine addiction.

The effect of hookah on the human body

Many smokers from time to time wonder: is hookah harmful or not?

You can immediately say that the smoker’s health is harmed significant harm from a hookah.

Smoking a hookah has a negative impact on the functioning of many organs and systems of the human body. But, of course, this only happens when hookah is abused.

Anyone can determine whether hookah smoking is harmful to health, based on their own feelings.

Let's look at how people react to hookah smoking. human body and why hookah is harmful.

The impact of hookah on the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Smoking a hookah instantly affects cardiac activity. Over time, an experienced smoker will be increasingly at risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the tone of which gradually weakens. There are more and more chances to earn money ischemic disease. Initial symptoms, warning the smoker about harmful effect hookah, you can consider the appearance of shortness of breath and slight tingling in the heart.

The effect of hookah on lung function

Unfortunately, the effect of hookah on a person’s lungs is devastating. As studies have shown, smoke filtration in the mine does not occur to its full extent. Most of the smoke retains all the harmful substances that subsequently enter the lungs. Whether this is harmful or not is not at all difficult to guess.

The amount of toxins that enters the lungs is quite enough to disrupt activity respiratory system. Smoke, no matter how fragrant it may be, once it enters the lungs, causes tissue irritation, which contributes to the development of chronic form bronchitis.

Effects of hookah smoke on the eyes

Often, hookah lovers encounter the following troubles: eye pain, increased tearing and constantly itchy eyes. This primarily indicates the dangers of hookah.

Hookah smoke can instantly affect the mucous membrane of the eye, which will lead to unpleasant sensations in the eye area. It should be remembered that inflammation eye shell very difficult to treat.

The effect of hookah on the functioning of the central nervous system

Perhaps the main point that negatively affects the activity of the central nervous system is the emergence of dependence on hookah and aromatic smoking mixtures.

Very often, hookah has bad consequences in the form of a significant decrease in mental abilities and physical activity smoking Besides high content carbon dioxide is harmful to the person as a whole and to the activity of the central nervous system.

Harm caused to pregnant women by smoking hookah

It's no secret that pregnancy should go as smoothly as possible, for which you need to completely eliminate smoking even weak types of tobacco during this period. However, some mothers neglect this recommendation and do not consider it a crime to occasionally smoke in good company.

But before lighting a hookah, every pregnant girl should think about whether it is possible to smoke a hookah in such a delicate position and whether the hookah is harmful to the health of the unborn baby.

Let's ask ourselves: is hookah dangerous for intrauterine development baby? There is no doubt about it! Dangerous!

The baby already receives large doses in the womb carbon monoxide, which will have a negative impact on his development. Why put the health and life of the unborn child at risk?

Each future mom I should prohibit myself from smoking hookah at least for the period of pregnancy and the subsequent period breastfeeding baby.

Drawing conclusions

And now we can draw a conclusion and evaluate the harm that hookah causes to the entire human body.

However, there is no clear answer to the question: is hookah harmful to health?

Hookah is both beneficial and harmful.

On the one hand, it helps to overcome dependence on regular tobacco smoking, and on the other hand, excessive hookah smoking can also have a detrimental effect on health.

This is why you should not smoke hookah too long or too often.

At the same time, they refer to the peculiarities of hookah smoking, that is, the passage of smoke through a flask with a liquid, usually water or champagne, its filtration and, as a result, a reduction in its carcinogenic potential, as well as the content of nicotine, phenols up to 90%, and small solid particles , benzopyrene, polycyclene aromatic hydrocarbons up to 50%. As a result, it is not the nicotine itself that is smoked, but rather its juices. In addition, hookah smoke is cleared of acrolein and acetaldehyde, which are harmful substances for alveolar macrophages that protect the lungs and are the most important elements immune system person. Tobacco in a hookah does not come into contact with paper or open fire, so the smoke does not contain carcinogens or other combustion products. It is more difficult to smoke a hookah than cigarettes, therefore, with a tense rhythm modern life, this will not happen very often. They note both the pleasant taste of the hookah in the mouth and the smell in the room.

But it's not that simple. According to experts World Organization Health care, hookah smoking and its effects on the body are no less than the harm of smoking cigarettes. Of course, the hookah has a pleasant taste and aroma, ensured by the obligatory addition of dried herb leaves and pieces of fruit to its tobacco. However, tobacco remains tobacco with all its impurities. Therefore, non-smokers who are addicted to hookah also easily become addicted to cigarettes. In addition, the very nature of hookah smoking is dangerous to health. Here are the conclusions that opponents of hookah bring:

  • Smoking a hookah is a rather long process: 30-40 minutes. There is no doubt that the smoke inside the flask is filtered, but the smoker inhales a volume of smoke that significantly exceeds the volume that is inhaled when smoking a cigarette. Thus, the harm from one hookah session is equal to the harm from smoking a pack of cigarettes. In addition, it is impossible to neutralize all “smoke chemistry” with water in the flask, and the amount of berylium, chromium, cobalt and nickel in hookah smoke is many times greater than their content in cigarette smoke.
  • Hookah smokers inhale the smoke by exerting more effort to create negative pressure inside, allowing the smoke to pass through the liquid that filters it. Deep breathing will ensure that smoke reaches deep into the lungs, where substances harmful to the body are absorbed most intensively.
  • Since hookah smoking is traditionally a group process, the risk of spreading diseases transmitted through saliva (hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, etc.) increases.
  • The problem of passive smoking is not going away. For non-smokers, being in the company of hookah smokers is just as harmful as being in the company of cigarette smokers. Not only carcinogens, but also combustion products of charcoal, which is a flammable substance in hookahs, negatively affect health.
  • Negative influence The impact on human health when smoking hookah is not limited to the effects of nicotine. When tobacco is burned slowly or incompletely in a hookah, carbon monoxide is formed, which causes an increase in heart rate. Heavy smokers cannot avoid smoking hookah for more than two days, which is not due to the half-life of cotonine, which lasts approximately 15 and 20 hours.

Thus, to the question: “Is hookah smoking harmful to health?” You can answer in the affirmative; smoking a hookah and its effects on the body can have very unpleasant consequences. However, who said that smoking is generally beneficial? Any smoking leads to the risk of chronic pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases and cancerous tumors.

12 02.16

Good evening, my dear readers!

In my circle there are still those who regularly smoke hookah, so we can say that this article is dedicated to them. I don’t want to impose my views on life, rather I give information, and whether to listen or not is everyone’s business.

Smoking hookah became fashionable several years ago in our country. It is presented as a kind of trend. Hookah bars are opening one by one. Few people think about how hookah affects health. What will happen to the body even after several puffs? Let's figure it out!

Around the sacrament

Places to relax in calm atmosphere smoking a mixture from an exotic device is very popular. For example, in Surgut, not far from my house, there is a hookah bar that is always full of people. It is believed that there can be no harm from a hookah, since:

  • it can be easily purchased at any large store that specializes in selling such products at an inexpensive cost;
  • does not cause addiction to smoking;
  • is a necessary attribute of a vacationer, including women;
  • brings an element of mystery;
  • brings together those who like to smoke with an aromatic mixture.

The myth intensified when smoking tobacco was banned by law in public places, and the hookah was left as supposedly harmless fun.

The most important idea: when smoking cigarettes, the smoke is hot, and cold smoke comes out of a hookah, due to which the body is deceived and becomes able to accept this smoke, much more deeply than when smoking cigarettes. In addition, hookah tobacco has all sorts of pleasant flavors and a person does not notice how he smokes a lot of it, without even realizing how harmful it is.

It is obvious that hookah cannot be harmless fun, no matter how hard those who benefit from it try to promote it.

The device itself consists of a flask and tubes through which smoke is inhaled. A filter is a kind of shaft that includes a container filled with water, juice, and milk. A tube is immersed into it and filtration occurs.

The inhaled mixture is cleaned and supplied through another pipe. Supposedly, smoking a hookah is not a cigarette and does not pose any danger. In fact, this is far from the truth.

One of the idle opinions is smoke purification. Due to the presence of filter elements, it seems to be completely safe for both girls and men. This is very attractive because hookah brings an element that shows a special lifestyle.

In fact, the content of nicotine and harmful substances in tobacco is higher; it is a concentrated product. At the same time, the harm is enhanced by the frequency and depth of puffs. Considering that much more smoke comes out when inhaling, the dangerous effect on a person is greater.

Hookah calls nicotine addiction, especially in teenagers. It cannot be harmless because hazardous substances come in any case through the inhaled air. The process of smoking does not change in this way general harm. This is an alternative traditional way abuse tobacco products, which means it is very harmful to health.

Negative Impact

Despite assurances that there is nothing dangerous in smoking a hookah, you must always remember several facts.

  1. Going through temperature conditions, the effects of toxins from smoking are enhanced.
  2. For smoking, one pipe is often used, which is passed around, which is not hygienic. There is a threat of various diseases, infections.
  3. Inhaled smoke is especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  4. Passing through oral cavity, it enters the larynx, stomach. Toxins settle on the walls of the mucous membranes. Risk of getting cancer increases many times over.
  5. Research has shown that the toxins in the mixture lead to mild condition euphoria, which explains the effectiveness of hookah when you want to achieve mild degree intoxication. In fact, the culprits are dangerous substances that enter the bloodstream with steam, affecting the release of adrenaline, which causes the heart to beat faster and the brain to work in a different mode.

When smoking, the risk of cancer increases due to the impact of the decay products of the tobacco mixture on the lungs, blood, and blood vessels. As a result, everyone's lives will suffer. important organs and systems exposed hazardous exposure smoking mixtures.

This becomes a threat to the loss of life, the reduction of its terms. Regardless of fashion, always refuse an offer to smoke a hookah. Think about the fact that your body will suffer much more than you will enjoy.

Thank you for your attention, please leave comments about how you feel about hookah and repost on social networks (repost buttons below)

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Until we meet again, your Evgenia Shestel

Especially young people think little about their health. Smoking a hookah seems like a harmless joy, because the smoke is so light and pleasant. The harm from hookahs for men is similar to the harm from smoking cigarettes, because the tobacco used for hookahs also contains nicotine. In addition, the vapor passes through a glass flask, which is not always filled with water.

The composition of hookah smoke and its effect on men's health

Hookah smoke is different pleasant aroma, the presence of enveloping clouds of steam and pleasant taste, unlike cigarettes. Men believe that hookah is practically harmless, but this is not true. In many respects, hookah is even more dangerous than cigarettes. From a physiological point of view, inhaling hookah smoke is more dangerous.

When taking a drag from a cigarette, a person takes the smoke into his mouth and then inhales with his lungs. With hookah things are different. When you apply your lips to the mouthpiece, you need to inhale the smoke directly into your lungs. In this process they become tense pectoral muscles and diaphragm. Therefore, especially among beginners, the pain that occurs after smoking a hookah is associated precisely with overexertion during inhalation.

What is included in hookah smoke:

  • Directly tobacco itself, which also contains a lot of poisons and carcinogens, just like cigarette tobacco. Nicotine, which is a mild drug and is addictive. For hookahs, tobacco varieties are mainly used: Burley, Oriental, and Virginia.
  • A marinade used for tobacco to prevent it from drying out. Previously they added to its composition natural honey, but this is expensive and impractical, so they use sugar syrup.
  • Flavorings and preservatives. This point is especially important because manufacturers, in order to expand the sales market and in order to attract more interest from their customers, add a lot of impurities that are extremely harmful to the health of men.
  • Glycerol. This additive is widely used in Food Industry and in electronic cigarettes to add thickness. It is thanks to glycerin that hookah vapors are so voluminous and fluffy. Glycerin is harmless to the body, but it has one unpleasant property - it absorbs water up to 40% of its own weight, which adds harmfulness to hookah vapors.

Glycerin absorbs water not only in the steam itself, but also in the body when it gets there. It is for this reason that after smoking a hookah, people experience dry mouth and a feeling of dehydration. Glycerin, getting into the lungs, dries out the mucous membrane, so a cough and sore throat may occur.

Glycerin dries out the groin muscles, leading to impotence

Absorbing water into muscle tissue, especially in groin area, glycerin leads to weakness of these muscles and a decrease in their tone. Therefore, hookah smoking has a detrimental effect on erection. Long-term use of hookah several times a day significantly reduces a person’s libido. A man simply does not experience sexual attraction and desire.

When violated metabolic processes in the groin muscles due to loss of water, erections become difficult to control. It can arise spontaneously and completely inappropriately, while when necessary it does not arise at all.

Does hookah affect potency?

The problem of impotence is increasingly developing throughout the world. According to statistics, impotence is twice as common among men who smoke. On the one hand, hookah is less dangerous, since the content of nicotine, tars and carcinogens in its vapor is significantly less than in cigarette smoke. On the other hand, the vapor contains other impurities that are added by manufacturers to improve the taste and smell.

The effect of hookah on potency is determined not only by the tobacco used, but also by the liquid through which the steam is filtered. They are not always used in bars and restaurants plain water. Fans of experiments add milk, hemp infusion, and alcoholic products. This makes the pairs even more harmful.

Often a little alcohol is added to the water or white wine is poured into the flask. Ethanol vapor instantly reaches nerve endings in the brain. The person feels relaxed and intoxicated. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on the functioning of muscle tissue, blocking protein synthesis. Metabolism is disrupted. Over time, under the influence of ethanol vapor mixed with glycerin and nicotine, the groin muscles of men weaken.

When men first try to smoke a hookah, they experience a rush male power. This is due to the euphoria that the body succumbs to. But such pleasures quickly disappear, replaced by sexual weakness. Impotence develops gradually. It doesn't happen suddenly. Initially, a man periodically cannot get aroused at immediately necessary moments. Spontaneous ejaculation begins to bother you not only in the morning, but also during sexual intercourse.

Regular hookah abuse leads to infertility

Why hookah is harmful to a man’s health:

  • The strain on the lungs when inhaling hookah smoke weakens them. The lungs become clogged with carcinogenic impurities. During sexual intercourse, a man may suffer from severe shortness of breath.
  • The heart muscle weakens from prolonged exposure to nicotine. Metabolic disorders lead to heart obesity. A man can't long time withstand intense physical activity.
  • Nicotine, aggravated by ethanol vapor, leads over time to impotence. It affects one third of all men who smoke.
  • Glycerin vapors, penetrating the body, cause dehydration of all muscles and tissues, including the groin muscles, which leads to erectile dysfunction.
  • The poisons contained in tobacco have a detrimental effect on the maturation of sperm. This can cause a man to become infertile. His sperm are inactive and non-viable.

The overall impact of hookah on men's health is extremely negative: potency decreases, which over time can develop into impotence. Sperm are inactive and lifeless, which results in male infertility. Constant smoking of hookah leads to the fact that sperm do not mature, and therefore cannot participate in the process of conception. Male infertility has become increasingly common in developed countries.

Men suffer from unstable potency and non-viable genetic material, which affects mental health men, since he can no longer perceive himself as a full-fledged representative of the stronger sex. The absence of tar in hookah smoke is an undeniable advantage over cigarettes, which clog the bronchi and lungs, causing cancer. But hookah vapors also contain other pathogenic elements.

Toxins present when smoking hookah

Among the fragrances, flavorings, and preservatives there are: heavy metals and other elements that negatively affect men's health, accumulating in tissues and organs. Components of smoke:

  • Nitrosamines.
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzopyrene and anthracene. These elements easily integrate into the crystal lattice in the atoms of body cells, disrupting their functioning. As a result, chronic diseases arise.
  • Volatile aldehydes. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein. Extremely toxic substances that affect nerve fibers, especially in the brain, disrupting hormonal levels.
  • Heavy metals: arsenic, chromium, lead. Dangerous for men's health substances. They are capable of accumulating in cells for a long time without leading to any visible consequences. But at one point their critical mass reaches its apogee - then a man may feel regular headaches, nausea, dry mouth, decreased vitality of the body, as well as problems with potency. The danger lies in the fact that heavy metals are removed from the body with great difficulty and this requires time and a special diet.
  • Carbon monoxide. The gas easily replaces oxygen, penetrating cells throughout the body, causing disruption everywhere.

Heavy metals are especially harmful to men's health. They lead to complete impotence, which is very difficult to cure. Since metals accumulate in cells, it is difficult to remove them from there. Another problem is the harmful effects of toxic elements on the conception and birth of children. Men who smoke are more likely to have children with developmental pathologies or deformities.

It is important not to abuse smoking; it is especially not recommended to combine it with alcohol.

Nicotine and other carcinogens contained in hookah vapors destroy the walls of blood vessels, which can burst. This leads to unstable and weak erection. Nicotine leads to fatty heart and blockage of blood vessels, which ultimately can lead to complete impotence. The harm from hookah for men is a decrease in potency and the occurrence of male infertility. Dehydration causes weakness of the groin muscles, which leads to impotence.

One more important issue is male infertility and the birth of children with developmental pathologies. Hookah vapors do not contain tars, which clog the bronchi and lungs, but have a lot of other impurities, including the so common nicotine, which is addictive and disrupts functioning. nerve fibers And vascular system. Impaired blood flow leads to sexual weakness.

Most men don’t think at all whether hookah affects potency. It would seem, what could happen to a person during such harmless smoking? As shown medical research, It is not that simple. Therefore, you need to carefully study what happens after smoking fashionable cigarettes. Lately"peace pipes"

What happens to the man?

Noble smoke from an oblong mouthpiece, a glass of red wine and nice atmosphere- thanks to this, the evening will definitely be a success! Initially, a hookah can act like a mini-Viagra and improve potency. Tobacco has a positive effect on nervous system, as it relieves stress and tension, but such emotions will not last forever.

Unfortunately, discussions about the benefits of hookah smoke are already a firmly established myth. And it was invented by people who wanted to justify their own lack of will and weakness. In some cases, there is even more nicotine than in cigarettes. In addition, the airways become clogged with moist smoke. Resin slowly accumulates in the vessels, and blood circulation worsens. As a result, the necessary portions of oxygen do not reach the brain.

In addition, the heart, kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. The influence of hookah on potency in the future is prohibitively great.

What awaits the man? The following scenario is quite realistic:

  • a young man can be excited to the limit, but blood refuses to flow to the genitals;
  • fluid stops flowing into the cavernous bodies;
  • At first, a hookah lover believes that sluggish potency is a consequence of nervous stress.
  • after a certain time sexual function If it goes away, you will have to go to a sex therapist to restore it.

When to Expect Complications

In youth, people always think that if health problems overtake them, it will only be closer to old age. Young guys, imposingly smoking a hookah, expect sexual impotence, at least, only by the age of 50 and not earlier. Doctors assure that citizens who use tobacco several times a week can become impotent closer to 30. If you also add marijuana, you will be “luckier” to see problems with intimate health much faster. In addition to poor potency, a man will be able to please his lady in bed for no more than 10 minutes.

If you indulge in hookahs once a month, then a representative of the stronger sex will encounter the first problems only at the age of 40. As a bonus, a person will receive, at a minimum, problems with conception, and at a maximum - complete infertility.

The worst enemy of a hookah smoker is mixtures made in artisanal conditions. It is unknown what components were added to the tobacco. Therefore, the desire to relax thanks to such surrogates is also in question.

In a number of dubious establishments, mouthpieces are not disinfected. There are different people who go to such places, and it is unknown what disease they might give you. To get it, you just need to smoke such a hookah. Catching syphilis in such cases is a piece of cake.

Interestingly, secondhand smoke does not reduce risks. Being in a hookah bar for company, a man also risks developing problems with potency. Poisoning occurs due to the fact that nicotine combustion products, carbon monoxide and nitrogen enter the lungs.

Myths about hookahs

In addition to endless legends about the harmlessness of hookahs for potency, there are a number of other persistent myths. Let's look at each of them carefully.

  1. Whiskey is a hookah man's best friend. Most people like to drink alcohol while smoking hookah. They think that the incredible sensations from such smoking are wonderful. In fact tobacco smoke Insufficiently filtered by liquids containing alcohol. Also, due to such smoking, excess weight appears. carbon dioxide and has a negative impact on well-being.
  2. The benefits of milk. It is believed that milk hookah is less dangerous than one prepared with water. Milk fats settle on the walls of the tube and give an extremely unpleasant taste.
  3. Sizes matter. For some reason, there is an opinion that small hookahs are completely safe. However, this is not the case, since the criteria must be completely different.
  4. The type of coal is not important. Those who don’t understand anything about hookahs think that any coal is suitable for smoking. Of course, in theory you can try various options. Practice shows that such a choice will make the hookah incredibly bitter.
  5. If you smoke a hookah, you can easily give up cigarettes. Another myth is a very persistent misconception. Hookah only makes the situation worse.