Sukhanovo estate and meeting. The Sukhanovo estate has a pleasant atmosphere of desolation. Residential outbuilding or “Cat House”

The Sukhanovo estate is one of the few estates in the Moscow region where a large number of architectural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries, a spacious landscape park and lakes have been preserved. Although the condition of the estate is far from ideal, nevertheless, this will not prevent visitors from plunging into the past - during the formation and heyday of the Russian Empire.

Volkonsky Palace

The central building of the Sukhanovo estate is the Volkonsky Palace. The style of construction is characterized as Russian classicism. Initially, both facades of the house were designed as six-column Ionic porticoes.

Today, the original portico remains only on the side facing the pond. The facade, which faces the courtyard, after reconstruction, is decorated with a semi-rotunda and cast-iron stairs.

On the ground floor, the interior of the palace is decorated in Egyptian, Turkish and medieval knightly styles, the upper rooms are in Japanese and Chinese styles.

It is worth noting that the estate became the prototype of the Bolkonsky estate in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Residential outbuilding or “Cat House”

Next to the main house of the estate there is a two-story residential outbuilding, which is also known as the “Cat House”. Construction time: end of the 18th century.

It is assumed that the building received the name “Cat House” in connection with the large number of cats that once lived here, in whose honor the Cat Sculpture was installed.

There is a children's playground near the house.

Kitchen outbuilding

Not far from the residential wing, along the alley connecting the palace and the guest houses, there is a kitchen wing. Most likely, the building was erected in the middle of the 18th century.

House of clergy or House of Clergy

Another attraction of the estate is the House of Clergymen. Construction time: mid-19th century. It is assumed that the project was implemented based on the drawings of one of the children of the Volkonsky family.

Today the building has not been preserved in its original form - the side towers of the house are missing.

The rooster weather vane, placed on one of the central towers, has come down to us in a single copy, which, if the necessary steps are not taken to preserve it, will soon leave its permanent habitat.

Houses for visitors

On both sides of the clergy house there are two symmetrical two-story buildings - the Severny and Yuzhny guest houses. Construction time: 1830s.

Manager's house

In the park, not far from the guest houses and the clergy house, there is another building - the manager’s house. Taking into account its round turret, it, like the other buildings of the estate, was erected with imagination. Construction time: mid-19th century.

The current state of the manager's house leaves much to be desired.

Volkonsky Mausoleum

In the Sukhanovo estate there is a real masterpiece of architecture - the Volkonsky Mausoleum, which was built in the period 1813-1814. according to the plan of Ekaterina Alekseevna Volkonskaya. In the basement of the room, in the crypt, Catherine’s husband Dmitry Petrovich Volkonsky was buried, who died from wounds received during the War of 1812.

The Volkonsky Mausoleum was previously the Church of St. Dmitry of Rostov, patron of Dmitry Petrovich.

Initially, the temple was not connected by galleries to the wings located on both sides of it (the women's and men's almshouses were previously located here). The small bell tower, located in front of the mausoleum, was surrounded by a colonnade. Most of all, contemporaries were amazed by the white stone “crown” of the Dimitrov Church, which stood out sharply against the background of red brick walls.

During Soviet times, the mausoleum was rebuilt into a dining room, and the ashes of the Volkonskys were reburied.

Next to the tombstones of the Volkonskys, moved from the crypt, are the cemetery pedestals of the Pestel babies (they came to the estate during its reconstruction in the 1930s, when a large number of tombstones and stones from Moscow cemeteries were brought to the estate for construction work).

Not far from the Volkonsky Mausoleum there is a utility structure - a glacier.

Maiden with a jug

The sculpture “Virgin with a Jug,” located next to the Volkonsky Mausoleum, was made in 1816. The statue was once located near a spring, and water poured out of a broken jug.

Several years ago, looters sawed off a jug along with the maiden’s fingers. As a result, in order to prevent further damage to the “Virgin with a Jug” (it would be more correct to say “without a jug”), a metal fence was installed around the sculpture.


On the territory of the estate, as in the pre-revolutionary period, there is a stable (built in the 60-70s of the 18th century), where stalls for 8 horses are located. True, the stable is far from in ideal condition - it is slowly but surely being destroyed.

A stone bridge

To the east of the Volkonsky House there is a stone pedestrian bridge that spans a small ravine.

Below it is a roadway. Most likely, the purpose of the bridge was decorative, since there could not be a need for the construction of such a massive stone structure to carry one of the few paths of Sukhanovsky Park along it. It is assumed that the bridge was built in the first decades of the 19th century.

From the bridge over the ravine, visitors have a wonderful view of Sukhanovsky Pond.

Gazebo "Temple of Venus"

The “Temple of Venus” gazebo is located above a steep cliff. From this place you can see the picturesque surroundings of the river. Gvozdna. The gazebo is an elegant rotunda with eight columns, and the rotunda itself allegorizes music and hunting. Once upon a time, the inside of the dome of the “Temple of Venus” was decorated with paintings, but they have not survived to this day. A gazebo was erected at the beginning. XIX century

In addition, on the territory of the Sukhanovo estate there are tennis courts, a volleyball and training ground, a bathhouse and various outbuildings; upon entry - paid and free parking; there is a pier on the shore of Sukhanovsky Pond.

History of the estate

The estate has been known since the 17th century. - in 1623, an estate, which included the villages of Sukhanovo, Olgino and Bednyagino, located on the banks of the river. Gvozdna, was in the possession of the governor, Prince Yuri Ushaty. In 1627, Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Lvov became the new owner of the estate. Since the prince died childless (1654), the estate passed into the possession of his nephew, Prince Semyon Petrovich Lvov.

In Peter's time, the estate consisted of the villages of Sukhanovo, Bobrovo and Lopatino. In 1697, Peter I granted inheritance to his confidant, the first Moscow governor, boyar Tikhon Nikitich Streshnev. After his death, in 1719, the estate again passed into the possession of the sovereign. Soon the estate was granted to Major General Dmitriev-Mamontov I.I., who took part in the Battle of Narva. In 1761, the new owner of the estate was Guryev A.G., captain lieutenant of the Life Guards Izmailovsky Regiment, who in 1769 sold the estate to the Russian officer and public figure A.P. Melgunov. In 1788, after the death of Alexei Petrovich, his son, Vladimir, became the new owner of the estate.

In 1804, the estate passed to the Volkonsky princes (after the death of Vladimir Melgunov, the estate passed into the possession of his daughter, Catherine, who married Prince Dmitry Petrovich Volkonsky), in whose family it remained until 1917. It is assumed that it was in the period 1805-1824. The current palace and park ensemble was created.

Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky, nephew of Dmitry Petrovich, holding the position of Minister of the Court and head of the construction of public buildings, had the opportunity to attract such famous architects as C. Rossi, I. Charlemagne, D. Gilardi, A. Grigoriev, A. Menelas and V. Stasov. In addition, Pyotr Mikhailovich, being close to Alexander I, and then to Nicholas I, was able to achieve primogeniture, a special right, according to which the estate was inherited exclusively by the senior representative of the Volkonsky family.

After the revolution, in the 1920s. the estate was given over to the revolutionary committee, and then to a shelter for street children. In 1935, the estate was converted into a sanatorium, after which the House of Creativity of the Union of Architects was built here. At the end of the 1930s. according to the project of N.D. Vinogradov The Volkonsky Mausoleum has undergone dramatic changes.

After the Great Patriotic War, in 1946, the partially destroyed estate was restored according to the design of the architect V.D. Kokorin. In 1960, the Sukhanovo estate was recognized as a monument of all-Union significance.

In 1993, the estate was transferred to the State Enterprise “Historical and Cultural Center “Sukhanovo”, which in a few years managed to turn the architectural monument into ruins. In 1996, the Union of Architects managed to return the estate, which was closed for reconstruction in 2002. Today there is a private educational institution here.

Admiring the architectural masterpieces of the Sukhanovo Estate, it is difficult to imagine that all this former greatness will someday disappear without a trace, collapse under the power of time. There is some kind of bitterness in this, an insult for all of us, for all those who failed to preserve what was once created by their ancestors.

Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo" is a low-rise residential complex, the construction of which is carried out by Decor LLC. The project is being implemented in three stages, the first of which consists of six 5-story brick-monolithic houses. The buildings are located on the territory of the village of Sukhanovo, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

Description of cases

The starting buildings are designed for 660 apartments. The housing is designed with open layouts ranging from 37 sq.m to 85 sq.m. The ceilings in the houses are designed to be 2.72 m high. One-, two- and three-room apartments are offered to owners in the following form:

  • floor screed installed;
  • glazing of loggias and balconies was carried out;
  • waterproofing of floors in bathrooms was carried out;
  • The walls in the bathrooms are plastered.

The first floors of new buildings are non-residential - for the location of office premises, shops, pharmacies, and various consumer services. Despite the low-rise building, each section has a passenger elevator.


The developer will landscape the courtyards. An extensive parking area will be created for residents and guests of the complex, children's playgrounds will be equipped, pedestrian paths will be paved, and recreational areas will be equipped. The project also includes social facilities:

  • preschool;
  • comprehensive school;
  • ground parking;
  • administrative office building.

The location of the Sukhanovo Estate residential complex, surrounded by a pine forest, makes the project even more attractive. Part of the territory borders the Bolshoi Sukhanovsky Pond. There are several grocery stores nearby. There is a hospital and a primary school within a kilometer. You can get to Vidnoye from here in half an hour by car. Travel to the Moscow Ring Road is possible along Rastorguevskoye and Warsaw highways (11 km).

Nice houses, comfortable apartments, an elevator in every entrance (despite the fact that this is a low-rise residential complex), a fairly environmentally friendly place - all this plays into the hands Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo". However, we have already discussed in detail all the advantages, as well as the disadvantages of this project, in earlier opinions of the portal. And in this case this is a secondary issue. The main thing for shareholders and for those who expect to buy an apartment here was and remains the issue of putting the residential complex into operation. Let us remind you: the permit for the construction of the residential complex was extended several times, and as a result, the “cut-off” date became September 30, 2017. Representatives of the developer explained this by problems with connecting communications (in particular, gas) and the actions of the authorities. In any case, such a situation does not increase the prestige of the project participants - companies "Decor" And "ASK "FRIZ".

Let's say right away that this year has finally brought a long-awaited change in the joyless routine of recent years, when the houses built could not get permission to open. Things became clearer on this issue in early April, when AIAs (conclusions on the compliance of built houses with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation) were received for buildings No. 1, 2, 5 and 6. Subsequently, in mid-June, permission was issued for buildings 1 and 2 for commissioning. In mid-September, buildings 3 and 4 were completed and received ZOS. Thus, the entire residential complex was built. At the beginning of November, permission was received to commission building No. 3. Buildings 4, 5 and 6 had not yet been put into operation as of the last ten days of November. Perhaps this will happen before the end of this year. In the meantime, shareholders on the VKontakte forums are discussing the possibility of collecting a penalty from the developer for postponing the delivery of houses, and also complain that the houses that were put into operation have not yet been registered in the cadastral register, and, as a result, new residents cannot register their ownership to their apartments.

However, despite the difficult fate of Sukhanovo Estate, apartments in this residential complex are in demand. In total, by the beginning of the last ten days of November, 21 apartments were available in all six buildings of the residential complex - this is only about three percent of the total number of apartments in the residential complex. Among the closest alternative options on the primary market are residential complexes (“B”); included in the residential complex from (rating “A+”), the residential complex from the PIK Group of Companies (rating “A+”), as well as the mixed-use complex that is building. However, in the latter case, one must take into account that this is a long-term construction project.

Opinion, September 2016 September 30, 2016

About the pros and cons "Sukhanovo Estates" we have already spoken earlier in the previous opinion of our portal. Now let's focus on the relevant points. The construction of the residential complex was somewhat delayed. According to the project declaration, it was planned to commission it in the first quarter of 2016, but with this task the developer - the company "Decor"— I couldn’t cope. As a result, the deadline was postponed to the fourth quarter. However, there is hope that all this will not turn into long-term construction. As of the end of September, all six buildings of the residential complex have been built and interior work is underway.

The developer informs about this on the official website of the residential complex, although for some reason he avoids publishing photo reports from the construction site. There is also no webcam here, which generally complicates the choice for potential buyers and does not put them in a positive mood. Those who are interested can find photographs of the residential complex under construction on third-party portals, as well as in groups of shareholders on social networks, where people share the latest information on this new building. Judging by messages from shareholders, the glazing of loggias has not yet been completed in all buildings. In addition, buyers have doubts about the stated delivery date of the houses in the fourth quarter of this year. Representatives of the developer promise to give shareholders accurate information about this only in December. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the delivery date may be pushed back a little more. If the houses are completed before the end of the year, then occupancy will probably last until April 2017.

The official reason for postponing the delivery date in the company "Decor" They name the changes to the general development plan for the territory of the residential complex, which were required to be made due to the approval of the highway project - - Vidnoye. The new route affected the connection of the residential complex to utilities; as a result, the volume of work increased and the deadlines had to be shifted. Well, we have no reason not to trust the developer. But we also cannot say that the postponement came as a surprise.

The fact is that, according to the documents, the developer of the residential complex is a company "Decor", for which this object is the first. The lack of experience in itself is alarming. However, as often happens, the developer in this case is formal and associated with the company that performs the functions of a general contractor. In our case it is . Both of these companies are registered and operate at the same address in the village. Kommunarka. Both have the same founder - E.V. Sharkovskaya.

Currently, "ASK FREEZE", except "Sukhanovo Estates", builds also . The first of the houses there is planned to be completed at the end of this year. There is no news yet about rescheduling. But apparently, this will not be the case. According to the latest September photo report on the official website, the monolithic frame of the first residential building has grown to the 6th floor, the filling of external walls is carried out at the level of the first floors. Considering that the house has 9 floors, and that there is still a large complex of work to be completed, we predict that three months will not be enough for the developer to do this. This means that it is likely that the situation will repeat itself "Sukhanovo Estate". And this is already a trend that does not characterize the development company from the best side.

returning to "Sukhanovo Estate", let us note one more point that worries shareholders. We are talking about the route along which the Solntsevo-Butovo-Vidnoe highway will pass. There are two options for passing the route to the south. In one case, the route runs far from Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo", in the other - very close, almost along its southern border. Construction of the route has already begun, which means that clarity on this issue will come in the coming years. In any case, from an environmental point of view, having a highway nearby, which is called a “backup of the Moscow Ring Road,” is not the best option for new residents.

This, however, is a matter of the distant future. But new settlers will immediately face a lack of social facilities. The kindergarten planned as part of the residential complex has not yet begun to be built. So it turns out that there are no schools, kindergartens, or clinics within 2-3 km. You need to be prepared for this.

Sales in "Sukhanovo Estate", judging by the official website, they are quite active. Prices here are average by the standards of the location. Among the closest competitors is Vostochnoye Butovo.

August 18, 2014

Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo" will be built in three stages, construction of the first stage is progressing according to schedule. This speaks in favor of the developer - "Decor" company, for which this project is the only one for today. The good news is that the developer promptly notifies shareholders about the progress of construction.

The complex will consist of five-story houses with 1-3-room apartments, their areas are varied and vary from 40 sq.m. to 85 sq.m. Open layouts make it possible to “play” with the living space according to your own taste, for example, to combine rooms, which can be considered an additional advantage. From its own infrastructure, the developer offers a kindergarten and commercial premises on the ground floors. It should be mentioned that the infrastructure of the village itself, even though it is located 13 km from the Moscow Ring Road, is poorly developed. There is no school, no medical facilities, and for other benefits you will have to travel to Vidnoye (10 km).

Environment Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo"- forested areas and new buildings, for example, in which sales from the developer have long been completed. Comparing prices with other nearby properties, we can say that real estate in Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo" builds a little more expensive than in, where duplexes are offered. Prices are similar to, but the latter represents a larger-scale construction with a large number of infrastructure facilities, and will be completed much later.

Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo" has good transport accessibility: there are exits to the M-2 and M-4 highways, but on the latter there is a chance of being stuck in traffic jams longer. Among the disadvantages of the location is the solid waste dump, which is located approximately 1.5 km from the complex. However Residential complex "Usadba Sukhanovo" is in demand among buyers, because the area here is quiet, there is a forest protection zone - something that organically fits into the idea of ​​country life. The high level of demand can also be explained by the stable pace of construction and the relatively close location of the village to Moscow.

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    On the bank of the Gvozdnya River near the town of Vidnoye there is the Sukhanovo estate, known since the 17th century, when Sukhanovo, together with two neighboring villages, was part of the royal estate.

    Peter I granted this estate to boyar Streshnev, then, at the beginning of the 19th century, it passed to the Volkonskys and remained in their possession until the revolution. It was during the time of the Volkonskys that the estate flourished - famous masters such as Rossi, Gilardi, Stasov, Charlemagne had a hand in it.

    The Sukhanovo estate is an example of an estate with a natural garden, a fairly popular trend in the 18th century. Another feature of the layout of Sukhanovo Park is the presence of a temple-mausoleum in which the former owners of the mansion were buried.

    To this day, Sukhanovo remains a magnificent monument of Russian architecture and landscape design, invariably attracting visitors.

    Most of the park is separated from the mausoleum by a large bridge, which seems to connect two worlds - the departed and the living. At the end of a long alley on a high bank there is an interesting gazebo “Temple of Venus”. Along this alley you will reach an ancient bridge spanning a ravine, crossing which you can go to the mausoleum, the most interesting building of the estate, built in 1813 over the crypt.

    Some of the estate's buildings are made in the classical style, some in the pseudo-Gothic style, and the house for the clergy resembles a real knight's castle.

    Sukhanovo Estate

    Numerous cast-iron decorations - tripods, ladders, altars, vases - give Sukhanov a special charm and sophistication.

    On the way to the crypt, you will come across the surviving bronze sculpture “Girl with a Broken Jug” - a copy of Sokolov’s sculpture, installed in Tsarskoe Selo and sung by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin:

    “Having dropped the urn with water, the maiden broke it on the cliff. The virgin sits sadly, idle holding a shard. Miracle! The water will not dry up, pouring out from the broken urn, the Virgin, above the eternal stream, sits forever sad.”

    Many elements of the estate were destroyed before the revolution, but the destruction of the estate continues to this day. So, over the years, a beautiful pavilion with a semi-rotunda of four columns, the Hermitage pavilion in the Empire style, a church, majestic sphinxes by the pond and much more disappeared.

    Alas, most of the magnificent buildings of the estate have not survived to this day for various reasons - due to the negligence of subsequent owners and unsuccessful reconstructions that distorted the original plan. But to this day, Sukhanovo remains a magnificent monument of Russian architecture and landscape design, invariably attracting visitors.

    Unfortunately, it is worth noting that the estate is somewhat destroyed and abandoned, however, it is definitely worth visiting and enjoying the beautiful views of the ponds, the silence and romance of this ancient estate.

    Located approximately 1.5 km from the city of Vidnoye, (Russia, Moscow region, Leninsky district, Sukhanovo)

    Known since the 17th century. Initially, it was a small royal estate, which included, in addition to Sukhanovo, two neighboring villages. At the end of the 17th century. Peter I granted the estate to his associate, boyar Tikhon Streshnev. The architectural complex was mainly built at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. Its founder was A.P. Melgunov, and in 1804 Sukhanovo passed into the hands of the Volkonsky princes, in whose family it remained until 1917. The development and prosperity of the estate occurred at the beginning of the 19th century. P.M. Volkonsky, the Minister of the Court and the head of the construction of public buildings, had the opportunity to attract famous masters such as Rossi, Charlemagne, etc. to work on his “Moscow Podmoskovnaya”. Part of the plan remained on paper, many of the built structures did not survive, others, as a result of repeated reconstructions, lost their original appearance.

    1. Main house
    2. Residential outbuilding
    3. Kitchen outbuilding
    4. Stables with carriage house
    5. House for visitors
    6. House of clergy
    7. Manager's house
    8. Volkonsky Mausoleum
    9. Sculpture “Virgin with a Jug”
    10. Bridge over the ravine
    11. Gazebo "Temple of Venus"

    Archival plan of the Sukhanovo estate (1816)

    1. Lord's house
    2. Side wings
    3. Church in the Name of the Position of the Honest Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos (1770-1780)
    4. Kitchen
    5-6. Greenhouses, greenhouses and ground sheds
    7. Temple of Venus with marble statue of Venus
    8. Poultry house
    9. Bath
    10. Pier with two white marble sphinxes
    11. Bathhouse
    12. Bathhouse for people
    13. Mill
    14. Forge
    16. Church in the name of St. Dmitry Rostovsky
    18. Village Sukhanovo
    19. Human
    20. House for the priest
    21. House for a clerk and architect
    23. Old Garden
    24. Barn
    25. Human
    26. Old granary
    29. Stable
    35. Riga
    36. Barn
    40. Summer Mountain
    41. Two-tier gazebo with columns

    I. Cast iron statue of a girl crying over a broken jug, 1810.

    So, for example, in 1934, according to the project of N.D. Vinogradov, the Volkonsky mausoleum, an excellent example of the Moscow Empire style, was radically changed. As a result of alterations, Gilardi's masterpiece was ruined. The main house, erected at the end of the 18th century, and rebuilt in 1945 by architect V.D. Kokorin is not of the greatest artistic interest in the estate. This reconstruction was preceded by multiple alterations: at the beginning of the 19th century. columns, porticos, and open colonnades-galleries on the sides of the building, ending with wings, were attached to the house. In the 40s XIX century the galleries were closed, a residential floor was erected above the right gallery, merging with the outbuilding, etc. Once upon a time, a church was adjacent to the house, destroyed in the 1930s. So what remains of the manor's dwelling from the mid-18th century?
    Despite the losses, the Sukhanovo estate remains a significant monument of Russian architecture and landscape art.
    Currently, the estate is home to the holiday home of the Union of Architects, but it is striking in its unkemptness. The main house has been closed for further reconstruction since June 2002; the remaining buildings are maintained in satisfactory condition.

    P.S. I was surprised to hear the news when I visited the estate in the fall of 2015 that the Lyceum “Perspective” boarding school was now operating in the main estate house. The estate and the palace itself are still in extremely neglected condition.

    Archival photographs and materials of the Sukhanovo estate

    1. 2. 3. 4.
    5. 6. 7. 8.
    9. 10. 11. 12.

    1. Palace in the Sukhanovo estate Facade from the park.
    2. Sukhanovo. Bridge over the ravine.
    3. Obelisk in the park in memory of Alexander I.
    5. Pavilion in the Sukhanovo estate. Beginning XIX century
    6. Sukhanovo. Gate to the manor park.
    7. Sukhanovo estate. Large pavilion (greenhouse?).
    8. House of clergy in the Sukhanovo estate.
    9. Sukhanovo estate. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Photo 1935
    10. Bridge over the ravine (Sukhanovo estate). Postcard.
    12. Palace in the Sukhanovo estate, park facade. Postcard.


    His Serene Highness Prince P.M. VOLKONSKY , 1776-1852, Field Marshal General, member of the State Council, Minister of the Court and Appanages, Chancellor of all Russian orders, son of brigadier Prince Mikhail Petrovich and Princess Elizabeth Petrovna, born. Princess Makulova, born in St. Petersburg on April 26, 1776; He began his service in the Horse Guards, from where he was transferred to the Semenovsky regiment, where in 1793 he was promoted to the first officer rank. Paul I, in 1797, was appointed adjutant to Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich, took an active part in the events of March 11, 1801, and on the day of the coronation of Alexander I was made adjutant general. During the campaign of 1805, Prince Volkonsky was the general on duty and quartermaster general under the commander of the Russian auxiliary corps, Count Buxhoeveden, and after the connection of this corps with the main forces of Kutuzov, he was appointed general on duty of the united Russian armies. At Austerlitz, he especially distinguished himself, showing extraordinary courage and presence of mind: when Kamensky’s brigade, attacking the Pratsen Heights, was driven back by the superior forces of the French, Volkonsky, grabbing the banner of the Phanagorian regiment, struck at the enemy, upset him and recaptured 2 cannons, for which feat was awarded George 5th degree. In 1807, after the conclusion of the Peace of Tilsit, Emperor Alexander sent Prince Volkonsky to France to familiarize himself with the organization of the French army and its general staff. The result of this business trip, which lasted 2 years, was a brilliant report presented by him to the Emperor, after which, in 1810, he was appointed to manage the quartermaster unit. During the Patriotic War, being almost constantly with the Emperor, Volkonsky was among the members of the military council who cast their vote for leaving the notorious Drissky camp, which almost destroyed the entire army. At the beginning of 1813, he was appointed chief of staff under Kutuzov, and after his death, chief of staff of Emperor Alexander. Being present at the discussion of all the plans of the allies, Volkonsky was the first to point to Leipzig as a strategic point where Napoleon’s fate would be decided, and on the eve of the battle he convinced the Tsar that the position chosen by Prince Schwarzenberg was unprofitable, which was changed by the Tsar to the benefit of the allies. Upon returning from the campaign, Prince Volkonsky presented a project for the establishment of the “General Staff of E.I. Majesty”, which was supposed to combine all branches of the Empire’s military administration. The project was approved, and the author was appointed chief of this headquarters, which he controlled until 1825. In this activity, Quartermaster General Prince Volkonsky, in fairness, can be considered the founder of the Russian General Staff, which he organized after thorough theoretical study and military combat practice. From the very beginning of his activities in organizing the General Staff, he began drawing up a military map of Russia and laid the foundation of the Map Depot of the Quartermaster Unit; He also founded the library of the General Staff, donating many books from his own collection to it. In 1824 he was present at the coronation of Charles X as ambassador extraordinary. Emperor Nicholas, on the day of his coronation, appointed him minister of the court. On August 30, 1854, on the day of the opening of the Alexander Column, Prince Volkonsky was granted the title of “Highness,” with a rescript in which Emperor Nicholas recalled the merits of the prince as the closest collaborator of the late Monarch and his constant companion on all campaigns.
    Prince Volkonsky, as the closest person to Alexander I, who did not leave him from his youth until his death, never abused his position as the Sovereign's favorite. According to contemporaries, he was always distinguished by his impartiality, knew neither friends nor relatives, did not beg them for favors or rewards, and was known for his hatred of nepotism... Noble and magnanimous by nature, but stern in the performance of duty, he In the last years of Alexander’s life, he acted as a counterweight to the influence of Arakcheev, whom he despised and called a “snake,” considering him the most harmful person for Russia and the Sovereign.
    He died on August 26, 1852, at the age of 77, and was buried in St. Petersburg, in the Vvedenskaya Church of the Semenov Regiment. He was married to Princess SOFIA Grigorievna Volkonskaya.

    Your Serene Highness Princess S.G. VOLKONSKAYA , 178...-1868, was the daughter of a member of the State Council, Prince Grigory Semenovich Volkonsky and Princess Alexandra Nikolaevna, born. Princess Repnina. Having married the inseparable friend of Emperor Alexander I, Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky, in the early 1800s, she accompanied her husband in the Sovereign’s retinue on his foreign campaign in 1815 and 1814. By this time, her acquaintance and friendship with Queen Hortense and her lecturer, Madame Cochelet, dated back, with whom she entered into political correspondence, which aroused the suspicions of the Napoleonic police. Having been granted the title of Dame of Cavalry on August 50, 1814, Princess Volkonskaya enjoyed the favor of both Empresses and was in Taganrog in the last days of the life of Emperor Alexander, who entrusted his wife to Prince P. M. Volkonsky and his wife before his death. Her letters to Empress Maria Feodorovna from Taganrog contain many details about the days that followed the death of Alexander Pavlovich. Princess Volkonskaya accompanied Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna on her return from Taganrog, was present at her death in Belev and accompanied her body to St. Petersburg. But already in the letters of Princess Volkonskaya from Taganrog one can see fatigue with court life and a desire to retire to a modest environment in order to begin putting her confused state in order. The events of December 14 and the exile to Siberia of her beloved brother, Prince Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, further strengthened her intention to move away from the court; sympathizing with her brother, firm and independent in her judgments, she could not come to terms with the severity of Emperor Nicholas towards the Decembrists. Despite her appointment as a lady of state in 1852, Princess Volkonskaya rarely appeared at court, although she lived in the Winter Palace and often took trips abroad. Having buried her husband in 1852, she, despite her advanced years, went to Siberia in 1854 to meet with her brother. This trip, regardless of the princess’s social status, was surrounded by special requirements and surveillance, and she was required to sign that she would not enter into correspondence with anyone, and upon returning would not accept letters from anyone. Even upon the return of S.G. Volkonsky from exile, in 1856, his petition for permission to come to St. Petersburg to meet with his sister was rejected, “since the widow of Field Marshal Prince. Volkonskaya in 1854 made a trip to Irkutsk to meet her brother, now she will find every opportunity to go to where her brother will be, and her health will probably not prevent this. Soon after, the princess fell dangerously ill, and only then was her brother allowed to come to the capital for a few days. Princess Volkonskaya, having barely recovered from her illness, went abroad and, it seems, never returned to Russia. She died in Geneva" March 26, 1868; her body was transported to the village. Seymena, Bessarabia province, and interred in the cathedral church of the city of Akkerman, where her son, Prince Grigory Petrovich, was buried in 1882.
    Princess S.G. Volkonskaya was one of those respectable personalities who are known in old age for great oddities and originality. Her distinctive feature was incredible stinginess, despite her great fortune (by the way, she owned the house on the Moika where Pushkin died). Small in stature, thin and black, she dressed so poorly and carelessly that once abroad she was arrested at a station on suspicion that a bag of jewelry in her hands was not hers, and only a state lady’s portrait found between them established her identity. To save money, she did not keep a maid, whose duties were performed by an old footman; they said that while visiting, she hid sugar and crackers in her pockets, and once on the street she picked up a log and brought it home under the rotunda to light her stove. With all this, she was not, however, deaf to the poor and did good to those truly in need with a generous hand.
    Sons of Princess S.G. Volkonskoy, Dmitry (b. 1805, d. 1859) and Grigory (b. 1808, d. 1882), were married: the first to Maria Petrovna Kikina (b. 1816, d. 1856 g.), and the second on gr. Maria Alexandrovna Benkendorf (b. 1820, d. 188), and her daughter, Princess Alexandra (b. 1804, d. 1869), was married to the horsemaster P.D. Durnovo.

    (From a miniature owned by P. P. Durnovo, in St. Petersburg)

    Princess E.A. VOLKONSKAYA, 1770-1855, daughter of an associate of Catherine II, Yaroslavl and Vologda Governor-General, Senator Alexei Petrovich Melgunov (b. 1722, 1788), from marriage with Natalya Ivanovna Saltykova (b. 1712...died 1782 g.), born May 18, 1770; was married to the intendant general, lieutenant general Prince Dmitry Petrovich Volkonsky (b. 1761, d. 1812), the uncle of the Minister of the Imperial Court, Field Marshal His Serene Highness Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky. She was widowed in 1812; in the 20s and 50s she lived in Moscow; A.Ya. often mentions it. Bulgakov in his letters to his brother.

    Princess E.A. Volkonskaya enjoyed great fame in Moscow and St. Petersburg society, which nicknamed her “Ia tante militaire,” and had great influence on her highly respected nephew, the minister, of whom she was a benefactor. Out of attention to Prince P.M. Volkonsky was awarded an honor that, due to her position, she had no right to count on: on December 6, 1818, she was granted a lady of state. Princess Ekaterina Alekseevna Volkonskaya, by mistake, ended up in the “Dictionary of Russian Women Writers” by Prince N.N. Golitsyn, who confused her with Princess Ekaterina Alexandrovna Volkonskaya, born Boltina. Princess E.A. passed away. Volkonskaya at a ripe old age on August 21, 1855 and was buried in her village near Moscow, Sukhanov.

    (From a portrait of Borovikovsky; property of P. P. Durnovo, in St. Petersburg.)

    Manor park

    Sukhanovo. The estate has been known since the beginning of the 17th century, when it was a royal estate. At the end of the 17th century. the estate was donated to T. A. Streshnev, then to Dmitriev-Mamonov. From the beginning of the 18th century. belonged to the Volkonsky princes, who created the palace ensemble. The best architects were involved in the construction. The temple-mausoleum, built according to the design of the architect Gilardi, is of scientific and artistic value. The park was laid out at the end of the 18th century. on the banks of a large pond formed by the dam of the river. Carnations. Part of the magnificent landscape park on the left bank with a cascade of terraced ponds, a bridge and a rotunda gazebo has been preserved, as well as old linden alleys, many oak trees (height up to 25 m, trunk diameter 90 cm), smooth elms (height 25 m, trunk diameter 100 cm), Scots pine (height 28 m, trunk diameter 65 cm). The park turns into a forest. In total, 14 species of woody plants are used in the park, of which five are local and nine are introduced. There are young plantings of such rare species for the Moscow region as angustifolia oleaster, Manchurian walnut, pomegranate rowan, and climbing virgin grapes (height up to 4 m). Nowadays there is a holiday home in the manor house. With proper care it can become a model park.