Treat your throat with eucalyptus essential oils. How to brew eucalyptus to treat various diseases

Eucalyptus for sore throat is used in alternative medicine long ago and, thanks to research, it also began to be used in traditional medical science. Since a disease such as tonsillitis causes pain and difficulty breathing through the mouth, the substances included in eucalyptus eliminate such symptoms.

It should also be noted that eucalyptus in its various tinctures and decoctions, copes well with both inflammation and the purulent-inflammatory process. It is important to understand that eucalyptus tincture for angina cannot be an independent medicine and is used in combination with other medications used for angina.

Eucalyptus itself is considered one of the most aromatic plants in the world, and its leaves contain so many essential oils that from several dozen leaves you can get up to one liter of concentrated ether.

What does eucalyptus contain?

The main substance used in medicine and cosmetology is ether, which includes up to forty different components. It is also important to note that it contains the strongest herbal antiseptic - cineole.

In addition, eucalyptus contains a sufficient amount of tannins and amino acids. These substances contribute to the rapid onset of reparative processes, protecting the mucous membrane from the effects of bacteria and their metabolic products. The same can be said about fungal and viral infections.

Properties of eucalyptus and forms of its preparation

As mentioned above, eucalyptus has a rapid healing effect and protects the mucous membrane respiratory tract. It should also be noted that, thanks to its esters, eucalyptus facilitates breathing and has mucolytic properties, which is used for diseases of the respiratory tract, not only the upper, but also the lower.

It is important to note that eucalyptus for sore throat can stimulate the immune system, thereby promoting quick recovery. Some of the substances can relieve pain quite long time, which is indispensable for angina.

Eucalyptus for medicinal rinses can be prepared in the following forms:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • essential oil;
  • an aqueous solution of dried leaves.

The effectiveness of these forms depends on their proper preparation and applications, but perhaps the most the best remedy is a ready ether.

How to prepare eucalyptus for rinsing

Alcohol tincture is prepared using finely chopped leaves, medicinal ethyl alcohol and sugar. Eucalyptus leaves are poured into a dark bowl and covered with sugar, their ratio should be 10 grams to 30 grams of sugar. After this, everything is closed with an airtight lid and infused for 5 days to one week. During this time, the eucalyptus releases juice, and only at this moment can it all be filled with 200 milliliters of alcohol or 500 milliliters of vodka.

This should all sit for another week. After seven days, the solution is filtered through cheesecloth, and the tincture is bottled for further storage. To gargle, use no more than five drops at a time and no more than thirty per day. IN otherwise A severe allergic reaction may occur.

Essential oil is prepared for rinsing using special processing of leaves and mechanical squeezing. It should be noted that there is simply no point in preparing it yourself, since you can buy ready-made ether for little money. To gargle with eucalyptus ether for a sore throat, you should use no more than one or a maximum of two drops at a time.

A water decoction and infusion of eucalyptus is prepared as follows: ten grams of finely chopped leaves are poured with boiling water, approximately 200 milliliters. After this, the whole thing is closed with a tight lid and infused for 24 hours. It should be noted that this eucalyptus tincture can be used for only a few days. Gargling with eucalyptus for a sore throat with this tincture is done with no more than 50 milliliters at a time. It is interesting that using the above recipes you can carry out not only rinsing, but also inhalation.

It is important to note that in the absence of an allergic reaction, eucalyptus can easily be combined with other medicinal plants, such as chamomile, thyme, sage, coniferous trees, lemon and many others.

Contraindications to rinsing with eucalyptus

Among the few contraindications, it is necessary to note aggravated allergic history, as stated above, this plant contains many different components, and highly concentrated ones. Also, rinsing with eucalyptus is prohibited for children under 2 years of age, as they swallow the solution and this causes aggravation inflammatory diseases digestive tract.

Such tinctures are contraindicated in patients with chronic peptic ulcer disease, urolithiasis and stagnation of bile in the liver and gallbladder. Great caution should be exercised when using in pregnant women. early stages and breastfeeding women, since it is unknown whether eucalyptus can pass the placental barrier.

How does gargling with eucalyptus tincture affect sore throat?

When rinsing with this medicinal plant inflammation of the mucous membrane is significantly reduced due to its covering protective layer tannins. Inflammation visually decreases already on the second day of rinsing, but this should not stop the patient, since to consolidate this effect it is important to extend such procedures for another week. Thanks to this, it reduces pain syndrome and the patient’s general condition improves.

This solution also reduces the level of bacterial spread throughout the tonsils and neighboring areas. This is achieved due to its pronounced antibacterial and disinfectant effects. It is important to note that with its constant use during a sore throat, conditions are created that prevent the growth of bacteria. During rinsing, the drainage of pus improves and its layers on the tonsils are washed away. It is important to understand that after such rinsing, the solution must be spat out and under no circumstances swallowed.

In addition to those indicated positive properties, eucalyptus for sore throat reduces temperature by blocking inflammatory mediators circulating in the blood, as well as by suppressing the activity of bacteria and fungi. After rinsing, breathing improves significantly and this is explained by the effect of dilation of the bronchi and trachea, which react almost instantly to the substances contained in eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus can also directly affect phagocytes, which are responsible for local immunity and this is used to prevent the occurrence of sore throat in chronic tonsillitis, especially in the stage of decompensation.


At correct use this herbal preparation and its combination with others medicines, the prognosis is favorable and recovery in this case occurs many times faster than without its use.

Before rinsing, you should consult with your doctor and make sure there is no allergic reactions to its components.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about sage, eucalyptus, chamomile as a gargle. This recipe for treating a throat has been familiar to me since childhood. It’s cold now and you might need some recipes for treating your throat. It's natural, but the main thing is effective medicine. These herbs can be used by adults and children, unless of course you have allergies or individual intolerance to these plants.

Sage is bactericidal, antifungal effect. Sage has anti-inflammatory properties. This allows it to be used not only for treating the throat, but also for treating gums. An infusion or decoction of sage is used for stomatitis, periodontal disease, gumboil, and loose teeth.

sage leaves, beneficial features which are widely used in medicine, have a very strong smell and bitter-spicy taste. They contain very a large number of essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, resins, flavonoids, organic acids and bitterness. In some regions they are eaten - mainly as a spice for rice, meat dishes, cold appetizers and pies.

I buy sage leaves at the pharmacy. They are sold in cardboard boxes.

Sage helps stop bleeding and has expectorant properties. But, I used decoctions and infusions only to treat the throat. This is the first remedy along with.

How to brew sage for gargling.

Sage perfectly clears the throat of mucus. It is better to rinse with a warm infusion or decoction of sage, but not cold or hot.

Mom always prepared a decoction for gargling like this: one full tablespoon of sage for half a liter of water. Boil for about 5-7 minutes, leave for about 20-25 minutes. Next, the broth will need to be strained. You can use a strainer or gauze, which must first be folded in several layers.

You need to rinse at least 3-4 times a day. Usually on the second day it becomes easier and the throat hurts less.

Sage infusion is easier to prepare. Boil the water. Add a spoonful of sage to a glass of boiled water and leave for 20 minutes. Also strain the infusion and use it for gargling or oral cavity.

Sage is a powerful tool to fight oral infections. Essentially, sage can be classified as natural antibiotics, which “kills” pathogenic bacteria.

Also, if you use sage as a mouth rinse, it is wonderful. disinfectant. Sage adds freshness to breath.

The astringents contained in sage have an analgesic effect, so it is an excellent medicine for a sore throat.

For stomatitis, ulcers on the mucous membrane, gingivitis, the oral cavity should be rinsed with sage decoction 5-6 times a day.

To rinse the mouth or throat, it is better to use a freshly prepared decoction or infusion. The same applies to eucalyptus and chamomile. If you have prepared a lot of broth, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Before use, warm it up in a water bath.

Sage excellent remedy for colds, laryngitis, sore throat, sore throat. For achievement quick effect you need to rinse 6 times a day. But, you should not use sage for a long time.

Can sage be used during pregnancy? Sage is strictly contraindicated for oral use by pregnant and nursing mothers. You can gargle with sage. But as for gargling, it is better not to use anything internally during pregnancy; it is better to consult your doctor about herbs and other remedies.

Eucalyptus for gargling. How to brew.

Eucalyptus has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antiseptic properties. Eucalyptus is used to treat the throat and upper respiratory tract.

Rinsing and inhaling with eucalyptus decoction perfectly helps relieve inflammation and sore throat. You can prepare an infusion or decoction of eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus can be bought at the pharmacy.

To prepare an infusion of 200 ml. add 1 teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves to boiling water, infuse, strain and gargle with warm infusion.

You can prepare a decoction of eucalyptus by adding a full tablespoon of eucalyptus to half a liter of water. I usually boil it for about 5-7 minutes, leave it, strain it, and gargle with the warm broth.

You should gargle 4-5 times a day. Moreover, you can alternate rinsing with herbs, using eucalyptus, sage, chamomile.

Contraindications are individual intolerance, grass allergy. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, use herbs after consulting your doctor.

Chamomile for gargling. How to brew.

Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce tissue swelling. It also has a disinfectant and disinfectant. Helps relieve pain. A decoction or infusion is prepared from chamomile flowers. Chamomile can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Chamomile is used for sore throat, sore throat, stomatitis, flu, ARVI, and inflammation of the tonsils. Chamomile decoction can also be used for inhalation.

The most valuable and active ingredients chamomile is an essential oil, especially chamazulene, glycosides, flavonoids and organic acids.
Essential oil suppresses fermentation in the intestines and has a disinfectant, diaphoretic and analgesic effect.

The infusion is prepared by adding a teaspoon of flowers to a glass of boiling water. Leave for 25 minutes in a sealed container, strain. But, most often I take a decoction of chamomile flowers for gargling and for oral administration.

Drink chamomile infusion You can use it with honey, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Chamomile decoction can also be drunk at fever. The decoction is also easy to prepare. For half a liter of water, one full tablespoon of chamomile. Boil for 7 minutes, leave and strain. Gargle with warm broth.

Chamomile preparations are contraindicated in case of allergies or individual intolerance to the plant. For pregnant and nursing mothers, chamomile can be used in the form of a weak infusion, or a decoction can be used to gargle.

As for children, I gargled myself already at the age of 9; before this period I could not gargle. But then my mother insisted on rinsing. Mom showed me how to gargle. Therefore, if your child can gargle, then why not. If not, then you need to look for other ways to treat your throat.

I won’t force anyone to gargle, it’s all individual and everyone decides for themselves. I talked about the herbs that help me. But, as my friend says, it’s better for him to take a pill, spray it on his throat, and gargling is not for him.

have long been identified medicinal properties eucalyptus, so it was actively used in alternative medicine. Later, scientists began to use it in traditional medicine.

Based on it, it is still produced great amount drugs for all kinds of diseases. But it is especially effective in inflammatory and purulent-inflammatory processes.

Eucalyptus is effective for angina because it helps to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

For the decoction you will need:

  • 1 tsp. eucalyptus leaves.
  • 1 glass of water.

Mix eucalyptus leaves and water in a container, then bring to a boil, turn off, cover with a lid and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Then strain the resulting broth, and it is ready for use.

Using eucalyptus to treat sore throat

When treating a sore throat, both eucalyptus gargling solution and alcohol tincture are perfect for gargling.

Moreover, the tincture can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy store. It comes in various dosages from 25 to 50 ml.

You can prepare it yourself, but for this you will need alcohol or vodka and fresh leaves plants. For alcohol tincture dried leaves unsuitable.

To prepare eucalyptus tincture yourself, you need to take a glass jar (0.5 l). Cut fresh plant leaves into it so that they completely cover the bottom. Then fill the leaves with sugar up to half the jar.

Cover with gauze and place in a dark place for about 3 days so that the eucalyptus releases its juice. Then you need to add vodka or alcohol to the resulting syrup and let it brew for 7 days. Next, the tincture is filtered and poured into small containers. It is recommended to store in the refrigerator.

How to gargle with eucalyptus depends on whether the patient chose a tincture or a decoction.


For the procedure you need to take a glass warm water and add 15-30 drops of the drug to it. Eucalyptus tincture can be either purchased or homemade, there is no difference in dosage. It needs to be mixed thoroughly in a glass and gargled 3-4 times a day.

Important. It is advisable to rinse after eating.


A decoction for a sore throat is less effective than its tincture. In this case, it is better to replace rinsing with eucalyptus decoction by taking it orally. To do this, you need to divide a glass of the prepared broth into 3 parts.

Drink each portion after eating; it is advisable that the decoction be at room temperature, but not cold.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should carefully monitor general state. The patient should not feel a burning sensation in the stomach, cramps, pain, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Use of the product during pregnancy

Most women expecting a baby wonder whether it is possible to gargle with eucalyptus during pregnancy?

During the first 4 months of pregnancy, it is advisable for a woman to refrain from treatment with eucalyptus., since the concentrated substances contained in the plant can cause miscarriage.

As for the treatment of throat diseases, only gargling is allowed. AND Ingestion of eucalyptus is strictly prohibited. But it is worth remembering that treatment can only be started as prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication in this case is strictly prohibited.

The only thing that pregnant women are allowed to do is take baths with the addition of a few drops of the plant tincture.

This bath is allowed during all 9 months of pregnancy. It helps the body relax and regain strength. The main thing to remember is that before taking a bath you need to take warm shower, and only after it perform the procedure.

The water in the bathroom should be warm, never hot.


Among large quantity advantages, treatment with eucalyptus also has a number of contraindications:

  1. Tinctures and decoctions are not recommended for children under 2 years of age, as they can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Individual intolerance to substances contained in the plant.
  3. Chronic ulcer.
  4. Urolithiasis disease.
  5. Problems with the outflow of bile.
  6. First trimesters of pregnancy.
  7. Lactation period.

Important. If any unpleasant symptoms during treatment, therapy should be stopped immediately.


Although eucalyptus can treat many symptoms of diseases, it can also cause a number of negative effects. Therefore, it is advisable to take it only after permission or prescription from a specialist, so as not to aggravate the condition even further.

Eucalyptus has been famous since ancient times for its medicinal qualities and is extremely popular all over the world. Many potions are prepared from its leaves, which have a very beneficial effect on the body. For example, regular use Eucalyptus decoction strengthens the immune system, relieves colds and gynecological diseases, and helps with gastritis. The composition is also effective for skin problems. In addition, in medicine there are known cases of using a decoction for peritonitis.

Eucalyptus decoction is especially effective for infectious and inflammatory ailments

Composition and valuable properties of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus decoction is an aqueous extract from its leaves obtained by heating. Concentration useful substances in such a solution is much higher than in infusion or tea.

Attention. Medicinal raw materials for decoctions can be collected throughout the summer season, but the best are considered to be leaves harvested in the fall. Dry them in the shade. Finished product should have a strong spicy aroma and bitter taste.

Dried leaves are rich in essential oil, which is the main medicinal principle of the plant. It has a pronounced antimicrobial activity and successfully fights various infections, increases the body's resistance. After steaming and boiling the raw materials, aldehydes and other irritants are removed from the raw materials.

In addition to ether, eucalyptus leaves contain a lot of valuable components:

  • phytoncides;
  • bitterness;
  • tanning compounds;
  • organic resins;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumaric and cinnamic acids.
In terms of the presence of phytoncides, eucalyptus is the absolute champion among essential oil plants. The power of natural antibiotics is such that they easily destroy the dysentery bacillus, prevent the appearance of staphylococci and streptococci, and suppress the development of trichomonas.

For what diseases is eucalyptus decoction used?

Rich chemical composition leaves makes them an indispensable medicine for many diseases caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria. Eucalyptus decoctions have a pronounced antiseptic, analgesic, expectorant, antimicrobial and antiputrefactive effect.

An aqueous extract from the leaves is used in the following areas of medicine:

  • infectious diseases respiratory tract (laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia, pharyngitis);
  • gynecological practice (inflammation of the uterus and appendages, candidiasis, erosion, purulent mastitis, colpitis, vaginosis);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (dysentery, helminthic infestations, gastritis with low acidity);
  • urological diseases (cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis);
  • skin lesions (pediculosis, pustular rashes, eczema and dermatitis, herpes virus, burns, frostbite);
  • joint disorders (rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, open fractures);
  • for irrigation of external wounds and ulcers, phlegmons, abscesses, washing fistulas.

Eucalyptus decoction has long been considered the best remedy for fever. It was used for the treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions accompanying infectious diseases: cholera, typhoid, malaria.

Advice. An aqueous extract from the leaves helps quickly relieve itching from mosquito bites and other insects.

Use of eucalyptus decoction

A decoction of the leaves is taken orally and used externally. Gargle with a warm solution, irrigate the nasopharynx and douche. Medicine used for inhalations and compresses, they are used to wash and rinse hair.

If the prescription requires oral administration of the drug, it is recommended to do this after meals, without exceeding the frequency and dosage of administration.

To increase acidity

To improve digestion and eliminate the symptoms of hypoacid gastritis, prepare a decoction of 10–15 grams of dry raw materials and a glass of water.

The mixture is steamed in a steam bath for at least half an hour, cooled under the lid and filtered. Ready composition add water to 250 ml and place in the refrigerator. Take 30–50 ml three times a day, preferably slightly warmed, so as not to cause spasms in the intestines. The decoction relieves inflammation and improves motor skills.

To strengthen the immune system

There is a simple recipe for increasing the body's resistance using eucalyptus:

  1. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured with a glass of water;
  2. The mixture is placed in an enamel bowl and brought to a boil.
  3. Cover and leave for 30 minutes.
  4. The finished broth is filtered.

Take the drug for a month, drinking a glass of warm solution every day. To improve the taste, add a spoonful of honey to the composition.

In obstetrics and gynecology

Eucalyptus decoction is often used for leucorrhoea that could not be eliminated with other antiseptic drugs, colpitis, vaginitis and others. gynecological diseases inflammatory and purulent in nature. The use of hot solutions for deep lesions of the female genital organs acts not only antiseptically, but also physiotherapeutically.

For douching, prepare a decoction of 30 grams of dry leaf and a glass of liquid. The mixture is kept in a water bath, cooled, filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Irrigation of the mucous membrane is performed 1–2 times a day (the last time before bedtime), adding a glass of decoction per liter of hot liquid. Vaginal tamponing is carried out with gauze or cotton swab, soaked in a concentrated solution.

It was noted that after the first douching it is eliminated putrid smell, after 3-4 procedures, the amount of discharge decreases and healing of erosion begins.

Attention. Warm eucalyptus decoction is successfully used for prenatal and postpartum douching to reduce complications and reduce the risk of infections.

For chronic sinusitis

With this persistent and difficult-to-treat ailment, the antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of eucalyptus turned out to be very useful. A strong decoction of the leaves helps just as well modern antibiotics, and does not cause allergies or complications.

Prepare the product from 15 ml of dry leaf (heaped tablespoon) and a glass of water. A warm decoction is used to rinse the sinuses at least 2 times a day. Can be used after puncture.

For chronic pharyngitis

If pharyngitis has already entered a sluggish stage, herbalists recommend using a decoction of eucalyptus through the nose.

The drug is made like this:

  1. Prepare strong black tea at the rate of 1 tsp. leaf per glass of boiling water.
  2. The cooled and strained drink is poured into the eucalyptus raw material and kept on low heat for 5 minutes.
  3. The mixture is cooled and carefully filtered through 2–3 layers of gauze.
  4. IN warm solution add a spoonful of honey.
Shake the finished composition and inject 8–10 drops into each nostril so that the solution flows down back wall throats. 4–5 procedures are performed per day. Treatment is continued until symptoms disappear, but for at least 7 days.

Advice. A similarly prepared decoction can be taken orally for bronchitis, asthma or cough. Take a spoonful after each meal.

For sore throat

To eliminate symptoms acute tonsillitis prepare a hot rinse from a eucalyptus leaf. Dry raw materials in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of liquid, heat in a water bath, cool and filter. For increase therapeutic effect Add a spoonful of honey to the warm solution.

Gargle with the resulting product and use it for inhalation.

For skin diseases

For external use, prepare a highly concentrated decoction of eucalyptus - 3 tbsp. l. raw materials per glass of water. The mixture is heated in a steam bath, then placed in a thermos and kept for 4–5 hours. The finished solution is filtered and used in the form of lotions or compresses on the affected areas of the body.

Advice. The same solution can be used for joint pain, arthritis and rheumatism. Gauze soaked in hot broth is applied to the affected joint and insulated well.


Having carried out laboratory and experimental studies, doctors were convinced of the effectiveness of eucalyptus decoction in the treatment of peritonitis.

The concentrated solution is used to rinse the opened abdominal cavity after surgical removal causes of inflammation. After processing the tissues, abdominal cavity pour in ½ liter of warm broth and sew it up tightly.

No complications were observed after the procedure. All patients recovered quickly and soon left the hospital.


Modern medicine limits the use of eucalyptus decoction for peptic ulcer stomach, pathologies of the biliary tract and liver. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a physician first and obtain his or her approval. Absolute contraindication is an allergy to the components of the solution.

Why rinsing, and quite often - ideally every hour, will help. The fact is that during this procedure, the nasopharynx is moistened, accumulations are washed out, and a local anti-inflammatory effect occurs. They provide rinses and temporary relief. And this is also an important fact for a quick recovery.

Eucalyptus for gargling

Leaves of this exotic plant have the strongest antiseptic antimicrobial properties. You can buy eucalyptus leaves at the pharmacy in dried form, or you can buy them in the form of a leaf extract in alcohol. Any option is suitable for gargling.

For rinsing, eucalyptus leaves should be brewed - pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of dry leaves into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Then remove from heat and let cool. Strain the cooled broth and use for rinsing warm without diluting with water.

The extract is easier to use - 4-5 drops of eucalyptus extract for half a glass of warm water. Stir and gargle.

Salt and soda solution

This solution has been used for decades, and it was called “sea water” because of its composition, the taste of which is somewhat reminiscent of sea ​​water. This solution works due to the fact that soda and salt change the acidity (Ph) of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, due to which the bacteria that need acidic environment, are actively dying. The solution relieves pain and relieves inflammation

For 1 glass of warm water, take 1 teaspoon (without top) of soda, 1 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 drops of iodine.

Easter calendula gargle

Calendula flowers, or marigolds as they are popularly called, have very strong antiseptic properties. Just like eucalyptus, they are sold dried and as a tincture.

To use calendula extract, add 1 glass of warm water, 4-6 drops of tincture and mix well.

The most effective is alternation different means for rinsing. After rinsing, you should not eat or drink anything for at least 20 minutes.