What to do about a red eye in a one-year-old child. Video - Redness of the eyes. Features of the course of the disease and treatment in newborns

Red eyes small child may be due to external factors, and be a sign of some disease. In any case, this phenomenon should not be ignored. It is necessary to understand its causes and, if necessary, take measures to eliminate them.

Red eyes in a small child: reasons

External causes of red eyes:

  1. Visual strain. If the whites of the child's eyes are red, you need to analyze whether he slept well and whether he strained his eyesight. The most common cause of this phenomenon is considered to be for a long time spending time in front of a computer monitor or near a TV screen.
  2. Crying, rubbing eyes with hands. In this case, washing with cool water will help to cope with redness in a short period of time.
  3. Irritant effect of chlorine. Very often, red eyes occur after visiting the pool, as the water in it is treated with chlorine. It is believed that this connection itself negative reactions doesn't call. It becomes a potential irritant for the body, interacting with urine and sweat. In this case, not only redness of the capillaries occurs, but lacrimation, burning and itching in the eyes, and sometimes signs of a cold.
  4. Climatic conditions. Redness of the white of the eye may be due to long stay in the sun, for a walk strong wind or low air temperature. Usually in in this case unpleasant symptoms go away on their own after eliminating the factor that provoked them.
  5. Spending a long time in a dusty room. Dust is a strong irritant to the mucous membrane of children's eyes. To prevent the occurrence of an undesirable phenomenon, you need to regularly carry out wet cleaning.
  6. Eye damage, contact foreign body.

Normalize the state visual apparatus in these cases, you can do it yourself, following the rules of basic care and eliminating the factor that caused the redness.

Diseases, causing redness eyes in children (internal causes):

  • conjunctivitis;
  • uveitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • obstruction of the lacrimal duct (usually occurs in newborns);
  • blepharitis.

For these conditions, you will need the help of a doctor and treatment (up to surgical intervention with glaucoma). If the cause of the deviation cannot be identified, then you should also contact a specialist.

Allergies and injuries - causes of red eyes

Why does the child have red eyes? Reasons this phenomenon There may be deviations in the functioning of the body listed below.

Allergic reaction. Redness of the eyes is not the only symptom of sensitization. Additionally, lacrimation and itching in the area are observed. specified bodies. The most common allergens are pollen and dust.

This disease does not pose a threat to the child’s health, however, it causes a lot of inconvenience and can progress over time. That is why it is important to promptly identify the irritant and undergo treatment recommended by a specialist.

Damage to the visual apparatus. Foreign body in the eye. In these cases, especially if the eye is swollen, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible to prevent the development of complications. As a rule, when the eye is injured, no discharge is observed from it.

After removal of the foreign body, the condition of the visual apparatus usually quickly returns to normal. If a speck has been introduced into the eye, the child may experience pain and burning in the affected organ. Parents should ensure that the baby's nails and hands are always clean.

If sand gets into the eye, your child may have red eyes and watery eyes.

To remove an eyelash from the eye, you can rinse it by injecting water into it from a syringe without a needle, or remove the “culprit of trouble” with the corner of a clean and ironed handkerchief. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

Diseases that cause red eyes

The eyes may turn red due to acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases accompanied by fever. If the cause of damage eye capillaries If you have a cold, your child has one or more of the following symptoms:

  • rhinitis;
  • cough;
  • discharge from the nose (sometimes purulent);
  • sore throat;
  • fever.

A runny nose mixed with pus is in most cases accompanied by headaches. Most often, these manifestations intensify in the evening and become less pronounced in the morning.

Conjunctivitis develops under the influence of chlamydia, bacteria or viruses. Sometimes it occurs against the background of an infectious or allergic disease. Depending on the pathogen that provoked conjunctivitis, its symptoms differ from each other.

Obstruction of the lacrimal canal is observed in newborns immediately after birth. Children under one year old sometimes suffer from the narrowness of the tear duct, which causes the accumulation of mucus and pus and souring of the eyes. Under treatment this state by special cleaning of the channels.

Red circles under the eyes in a child under two years of age can be caused by very thin skin of the eyelids. Wherein blood vessels visible even when the eyes are closed. This phenomenon is not dangerous.

Treatment of conditions causing red eyes

In any case, if the redness does not go away after eliminating the provoking factor, it is best to consult a doctor.

Redness of the eyes in a child is an alarming symptom that can occur for a number of reasons. It is difficult not to notice it, and the baby himself will experience a lot of inconvenience. In addition to hyperemia, itching, lacrimation and even pain occur. In order to begin treatment as quickly as possible, it is worth understanding what led to the development of these symptoms.

Red eyes, itchy

When hyperemia of the eyes in a child occurs in the corner of the organ, and the patient himself experiences a burning sensation, pain, and lacrimation, this may be the result of the penetration of a foreign object. For urgent provision For help, you need to show the child to an ophthalmologist or remove the object yourself. Protein hyperemia is observed when a small speck gets in, and all symptoms will go away if you rinse the eye big amount running water.

This is what red eyes look like

If itching occurs in combination with redness, it may indicate the development of the following pathologies:

  • glaucoma. But how glaucoma is treated with folk remedies will help you understand this
  • cataract;
  • corneal damage;
  • dendritic keratitis.

Redness and itching in a child's eyes may be the result of an allergy. It occurs due to plant pollen, dust, mold, fluff, and pet fur. In addition to the described symptoms, allergies lead to the development of cough, runny nose, and watery eyes. To avoid similar manifestations, it is necessary to frequently clean the house and prevent contact with animals and flowering plants.

If a child uses lenses to correct vision, then redness of the eyes and itching are common. This normal reaction to a foreign body. Over time, the body begins to get used to this, and there is no irritation. When using lenses for a long time, discomfort, redness, and itching may occur. This is a signal that the lenses need to be replaced urgently. But you can find out what to do when your eye drops from the article at the link.

If your eyes are inflamed

If such symptoms are present, a child may be diagnosed with scleritis. This pathological process, which leads to inflammation of the membrane of the organ of vision.

In medical terminology, the disease is called scleritis. This kind of inflammation can be caused rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus. The main symptoms are eye hyperemia, photophobia, itching, and severe lacrimation.

Presence of pus

When redness of the eyes is accompanied by purulent discharge, the following reasons may affect this:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • burns;
  • fungal infections;
  • viruses.

But what to do when an adult’s eyes are red and fester, and what can be done about this problem, this will help you understand

This leads to the development of corneal ulcers. It is purulent in nature. Their presence can be determined by symptoms such as lacrimation, fear of light, purulent discharge. Ulcers involve all layers of the cornea in the pathological process. After recovery, there is a scar on its surface, which is called a cataract.

Useful information on the topic! What are the methods to solve the problem.

If there is no pus

Most common cause Hyperemia of the child's eyes leaves irritation. Dust, allergies to animals and plants can affect its development. In infants, blockage of the tear duct may occur. At this age, it is not yet fully formed and may narrow. Can be used


The doctor prescribes treatment taking into account what led to the development of red eyes in the child:

Folk remedies for redness

To simply stop redness of the eyes for a while or to enhance the effect medications, you can use the following folk recipes:

Features of the course of the disease and treatment in newborns

Hyperemia and inflammation of the eyes in bewitched people is a common occurrence. It’s not worth treating yourself with folk remedies, however, just like pharmaceutical drops. You should immediately show your child to a doctor, as such symptoms may indicate a serious illness.

In newborns, the main cause of red eyes is conjunctivitis. This is an inflammatory process that affects outer shell eye. It occurs in such patients due to obstruction of the lacrimal canal.

The main reasons for the development of pathology are:

  1. Penetration of viruses, microbes, dust onto the mucous membrane of the organ of vision.
  2. Disease viral nature, which promotes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ of vision.
  3. Allergies that occur to medications, pet hair, and pollen.
  4. Infection with a bacterial infection.

The following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • chlamydial;
  • allergic;
  • autoimmune conjunctivitis.

For treatment can be used:

Komarovsky's opinion

Komarovsky claims that parents use anything to treat red eyes: urine, tea leaves, chamomile. But this is not always necessary. For example, if the cause of redness is viral conjunctivitis, then it makes absolutely no difference what to use for washing.

The fact is that the pathology will recede only when the body develops immunity to infection. This will happen in 5-7 days.

Every mother will be able to identify the symptoms of conjunctivitis: oxide in the eyes, swelling, itching, swelling, hyperemia. At the same time, she must understand that it is necessary to begin treatment only after determining the cause of the development of these symptoms. This can only be done by a doctor who, based on the diagnostic results, will draw up a treatment regimen. Only he can distinguish bacterial infection from viral and allergic. And for each case, its own treatment is selected.

Komarovsky claims that in newborns the mucous membrane of the eyes is very often subject to inflammation. This is due to the use medicine, which is instilled into the child immediately after birth to prevent infection.

The video shows Komarovsky’s opinion:

In his opinion, the approach to treatment is individual. Apply traditional methods Treatment is possible only if you discuss this with an ophthalmologist in advance.

Redness of the eyes in a child is a common occurrence, which can be influenced by the most various reasons. The parents' task is to detect it in time, and for this they need to visit a doctor. Before it's unknown accurate diagnosis, there is no point in starting treatment.

An attentive, caring mother will always notice even the most minor changes in the behavior and condition of her child. And redness of the eyes - even more so.

What does a symptom such as red eyes in a baby indicate, and is it necessary to see a doctor?

The main causes of red eyes in a child - why can a child have red eyes?

The first thought of every second mother who discovers that her child has redness of the eyes – hide the computer with the TV away, bury eye drops and place tea bags on your eyelids.

Undoubtedly, Excessive eye strain is one of the reasons for their redness , but besides her, there may be others, more serious. That's why timely diagnosis- Mom’s best decision.

The cause of red eyes may be...

  • Eye irritation due to fatigue, overwork, overstrain.
  • Eye injury.
  • Foreign body in the eye, dirt or infection.
  • Blocked tear duct(more common in infants).
  • Conjunctivitis(cause – bacteria, infections, chlamydia, viruses).
  • Allergic conjunctivitis(for dust, pollen or other allergens). The main symptoms are eyelids glued together in the morning, tearing, the presence yellow crusts on centuries.
  • Uveitis(inflammatory process in the choroid of the eyes). The consequences of an untreated disease are deterioration of vision up to blindness.
  • Blepharitis(damage to the meibomian glands in the thickness of the eyelids or the ciliary edge of the eyelids). Diagnosis is exclusively from a doctor. The treatment is complicated.
  • Glaucoma(the nature of the disease is increased intraocular pressure). Can lead to blindness if left untreated. The main symptoms are blurred vision, attacks of headaches with decreased vision, and the appearance of rainbow circles around light sources. Glaucoma is also dangerous because it can be one of the symptoms of even more serious diseases.
  • Vitamin deficiency, anemia or diabetes – with prolonged redness of the eyes.

Red whites of a child’s eyes – when should you see a doctor?

There is no point in postponing a visit to the ophthalmologist in any case. – it’s better to make sure once again that the baby is healthy than to miss something serious.

And you should absolutely not postpone examining a doctor in the following situations:

  • If home “treatment” with folk “lotions and poultices” for computer and TV fatigue does not help. That is, the drops were dropped, the tea bags were applied, the computer was hidden, the sleep was complete, but the redness of the eyes did not go away.
  • Redness of the eyes has lasted for a very long time. and no means help.
  • Watery eyes, discharge of pus, crusts on the eyelids, and photophobia appear.
  • You can’t open your eyes in the morning- it takes a long time to rinse.
  • There is a sensation of a foreign body, burning, pain in the eyes.
  • Vision deteriorated sharply.
  • There is "double vision" in the eyes, “flies”, blurred vision or “like rain on glass”, the “picture” blurs, “focus” is lost.
  • The eyes get tired very quickly.

First of all, of course, you should go to an ophthalmologist - only he will establish the cause and help cope with the disease, because timely diagnosis is half the success in the treatment of eye diseases .

But at the same time in mandatory eliminate all factors that cause redness of the eyes – Limit or remove TV and computer until the cause is determined, control changes in lighting, do not read in the dark or lying down, drink vitamins, make sure you get good sleep at night.

The website warns: self-medication can harm your health! The diagnosis should only be made by a doctor after an examination. Therefore, if you notice symptoms, be sure to consult a specialist!

Due to the undeveloped immunity, children's body often more susceptible to external negative influences, which cause deviations from healthy condition, therefore, it will not be superfluous to know the algorithm of actions on how to behave when the white of the child’s eye turns red.

The organ of vision is always given great attention, because the eye is the brain, brought to the periphery. Through it, the child receives information about changes in the world around him. Loss of visual acuity due to normal redness is a fairly common phenomenon, as it is observed when serious illnesses. You should immediately consult a doctor as soon as your child’s eye turns red, this will help reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences.

What diseases cause redness of the eye?

The most common diseases include:

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, distinguished between bacterial, viral and fungal, with the manifestation of a specific infection, for example, gonorrhea. It can also often be a symptom of some serious disease, for example, autoimmune.

Regardless of the reason, one can highlight general manifestations diseases:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • unusual discharge;
  • the appearance of itchy blisters on the conjunctiva;
  • To general symptoms refers to intoxication, lethargy, tearfulness, poor appetite;
  • vision gradually decreases.

Treatment principles:

  1. Bandages are prohibited, as the outflow from the conjunctiva worsens;
  2. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands, use disposable napkins and towels.
  3. Rinsing the conjunctival cavity in a child with antiseptics - nitrofural, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. IN acute stage instillation of antibiotic solutions prescribed by a doctor into both conjunctival sacs.
  5. At night, it is advisable to put antibiotic ointment into the conjunctival cavity. The list of medications is prescribed by the doctor, and the effectiveness of the treatment and what type of eyes the child will have depends on this. It is necessary to take into account the causative agent of the disease, the clinical picture, and concomitant diseases.


Represents a series chronic diseases, which are usually accompanied by bilateral damage to the eyelid margins in the form of inflammation, and today are difficult to cure.


  • infection - staphylococcus, streptococcus, viruses, fungi, mites;
  • non-infectious process resulting from a violation secretory function, autoimmune, allergic processes, decreased immunity.
  • the corner of the eye becomes inflamed, the eyelashes stick together;
  • burning, itching, swelling of the eyelids;
  • the child becomes restless;
  • small scales appear on the skin of the eyelids similar to dandruff, redness around the eye in a child.

Blepharitis can become a source of inflammation of the conjunctiva, cornea, dry eye syndrome and allergic reactions.

Treatment principles:

  • Eliminate the cause of the disease.
  • Prevent the development of complications.
  • Eyelid hygiene.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • When there is redness under the eyes, redness of the eyes is treated by treating the eyelids with antiseptics, antibiotics, hormones, and alkaline solutions.
  • Red eyes in a child require the use of ointments - erythromycin, tetracycline, ofloxacin.
  • Metronidazole topically and orally.


A group of diseases when, due to inflammation and malnutrition of the cornea, its transparency and function decrease.

Depending on the depth of the process, the disease can be:

  • superficial;
  • deep.

By location:

  • in the center;
  • on the periphery.

With the flow:

  • spicy;
  • constantly recurring.

As a result of exposure to external factors:

  • corneal erosions;
  • mechanical, physical, chemical injury;
  • infections.

As a result of exposure endogenous infections and diseases:

  • infectious - against the background of tuberculosis;
  • allergic;
  • herpetic, etc.

Symptoms of the disease develop gradually:

  • as a result of the formation of inflammatory cloudiness, it is clear that the white of the eye has turned red;
  • pain, photophobia, lacrimation appeared, the cornea gradually becomes gray and loses its shine;
  • as the disease progresses, ulcers appear on the cornea;
  • Almost all keratitis affects blood vessels - uveitis.

When a child’s eye turns red, what should you do to prevent erosion and then a thorn on the cornea from developing?

Treatment principles:

  1. Hospitalization in a hospital is required. The duration of treatment in hospital is from 2 to 4 weeks.
  2. Local treatment.
  3. General therapy.

Local therapy:

  • Instillation of antiseptic solutions into the conjunctival sac, subconjunctival injections of antibiotics, vitamins when the eye is red.
  • Glucocorticosteroids in drops or into retrobulbar tissue.
  • When the eye does not water, ointments and gels are used that improve corneal regeneration - dexpanthenol.

General treatment:

  1. Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly or intravenously - penicillins, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, metronidazole.
  2. Detoxification therapy saline solutions and vitamins.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and calcium chloride.
  4. The whites of the eyes always react with hyperemia. Redness of the white of the eye can be easily treated intramuscular injection B vitamins.
  5. Physiotherapy - laser, magnetic therapy.


In the structure of ophthalmological diseases of children, one of the most common inflammatory diseases in newborns there is dacryocystitis. Develops as a result of nasal obstruction tear duct. The baby's eye becomes reddish. Purulent contents are released from the nasolacrimal sac.

From 2 months, probing can be performed, which is currently the most common treatment method. Until the age of 2 months. You can perform a massage in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal duct on the bridge of the nose. In 50% of cases, massage avoids the need for probing.

If your child's eyes are red, you should immediately consult a doctor. Almost all ophthalmological diseases manifested by edema, hyperemia, discharge, but treatment is different in each case. For appointment proper treatment consultation with a pediatrician or ophthalmologist is necessary, since eye symptoms occur in a number of somatic diseases. A timely diagnosis will avoid unnecessary costs for unnecessary medications and save the child’s vision.

In children of different ages health problems arise periodically. They often affect the eyes. The child may experience symptoms such as pus discharge, swelling, lacrimation and a burning sensation, but most often parents notice redness of the eyes. Before starting treatment, you need to determine the cause of this condition. It is best to do this together with your doctor.

Characteristic symptoms

Red eyes are a problem that can develop at almost any age, but the causes will vary. For example, in infants this phenomenon is most often associated with an allergic reaction or some kind of disease, while in schoolchildren it develops against the background of eye strain. The clinical picture is not always the same. Doctors say that redness of the eyes can develop against the background of accompanying symptoms, which will indicate the cause pathological condition. This should be taken into account when choosing treatment tactics.

It is important to carefully examine the child and ask him what symptoms are bothering him. Perhaps there is additional signs, indicating a disease, such as fever, runny nose, or a rash on the body or face.

List of most likely causes

Red eyes in a child is a problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible, but first you need to find out what caused the symptoms to appear. For accurate diagnosis contact a pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist. The doctor will take into account the entire clinical picture and complaints of the patient.

The causes may be diseases affecting the organs of vision. These include:

  • - the most common cause of redness, in which the mucous membranes are subject to inflammatory processes;

  • - another disease characteristic of children, in which it is not the mucous membrane itself that is affected, but the area from which the eyelashes grow - hair follicles;
  • - a pathology in which the entire ciliary region becomes inflamed.

All of the above conditions are accompanied by the discharge of pus. It accumulates in the conjunctival sacs and gradually comes out. Treatment tactics in such cases will require not only drug withdrawal inflammation, but also timely removal of pus from the mucous membranes.

This is far from full list reasons that can cause red eyes. In some cases, the problem arises against the background of allergic reactions, and babies suffer from this from birth. They may be allergic to the wrong mixture, breast milk if the mother does not comply with the diet, medications. Older children feed themselves, but this does not mean that they are at risk of developing negative symptoms below. They may also have allergies to foods and medications, which will be accompanied by a rash or red eyes.

Another cause of the symptom is contact with mucous membranes foreign objects . It could even be small specks of dust that are difficult to notice. Together with them, bacteria penetrate under the eyelid, which can quickly provoke inflammation.

In newborn children, the situation may be different. The whites of the eyes turn red even with strict adherence to hygiene rules. The problem may be due to a blocked tear duct. This condition is considered congenital, but can be corrected quite successfully, especially if the symptom is detected quickly.

Red eyes can be a sign of severe pathologies that require immediate medical attention. Thus, with prolonged neglect of sluggish inflammation with scant discharge of pus or without it at all, a terrible eye disease - uveitis - can develop. Doctors make this diagnosis when it spreads inflammatory processes on choroid. The danger of the disease lies in the gradual deterioration of the ability to see, and in the most severe cases And complete loss vision.

Another dangerous disease, which is on early stages can be recognized by redness of the eyes - this is. The disease involves a significant increase intraocular pressure. This is fraught with decreased vision sharpness and periodic headaches. In the future, glaucoma can lead to blindness.

Important! Red eyes in a child can be a sign of banal fatigue or indicate serious pathologies. Determine yourself the real reason It can be difficult, so it’s better not to waste time and immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

How to solve the problem without medications

The most effective ways Only a qualified doctor can suggest how to eliminate the pathology after examining the patient. He will find out what is bothering the child and what associated symptoms appear in the baby. Based on the information received, a treatment plan will be built. It is noteworthy that in some cases you can cope without medications. These methods are discussed in more detail in the table.

Table. Methods of treatment without medications.

Cause of unpleasant symptomsHow to fix the problemWhen improvements are noted
Blockage of the tear duct in infants. For newborn babies, pediatricians recommend light massage. You need to use clean fingers to make circular movements in the lower eyelid area. This will stimulate the opening of the tear duct and improve the functioning of the glands.The first results may not be noticed immediately. The condition returns to normal in 4-5 days.
Redness due to dust without significant inflammation. If there is no pus and the child does not complain of itching, you can solve the problem yourself at home. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene. The easiest way is to wash your eyes. It is better to use for this purpose not water, but products that have antibacterial effect. These can be herbal decoctions or tea leaves.The problem can be solved in just enough time short time. With the right approach, the redness disappears within a day.
Red whites of the eyes due to overexertion. This problem usually occurs in children when playing on a computer or smartphone, as well as when watching TV. Another reason is reading while lying down, on the move, in low light. The situation returns to normal only after rest. Gymnastics for the eyes, which is designed to relieve increased tension, will also be useful.If you follow all the recommendations, the situation will return to normal the very next day. It is only important to continue to protect your eyes from overstrain.
Redness due to allergies without pronounced other symptoms - itching, watery eyes. If it becomes clear that the child’s eyes are red due to allergies, you need to eliminate everything that affects negative impact. Mothers of infants should reconsider their diet or switch their baby to a different formula. It is equally important to keep your apartment clean, as potential allergens are easily spread with dust.For elimination clinical picture in the mildest cases it takes 2-3 days.

Effective folk remedies

There is not always a need for medication to wash the eyes when they are red. Sometimes it is quite appropriate and folk remedies, in particular - herbal decoctions. For eye problems, three options are usually recommended.

  1. . Flowers of this medicinal plant pour water and heat for 7-10 minutes, then remove from heat, cool and filter.
  2. Calendula decoction. This remedy is prepared in the same way as chamomile decoction.
  3. Tea. You can brew a regular leaf one (black or green) or pour boiling water over a bag without aromatic additives.

In the resulting infusion or decoction, moisten a sterile napkin, lightly squeeze it from excess liquid and rub it over the eye in the direction from outer corner eyes to the inner.

On a note! Herbal decoctions are considered safe, but they may also have their contraindications. It is important to make sure that your baby is not allergic to the herbs used. IN otherwise the situation will only get worse.

If herbs cannot be used, then other methods of washing the eyes are chosen. This manipulation is especially important if pus is discharged against the background of redness. You can clear the mucous membranes of crusts or accumulated mucus using sterile wipes, moistened with a solution of furatsilin. It is easy to prepare it yourself if you dissolve one tablet in a glass hot water. Furacilin - powerful tool to prevent rapid reproduction pathogenic microorganisms . It has virtually no contraindications and is often prescribed even for infants.

The best drugs

In some cases, medication cannot be avoided. They are designed not only to cleanse the conjunctival sacs from the accumulation of pus and eliminate redness, but also to eliminate pathogenic bacteria. The most effective and at the same time safe remedy- . They are based on Chemical substance, showing antimicrobial activity. Drops are prescribed if it is proven that the problem is caused by the formation of bacterial colonies on the mucous membranes.

The product is instilled into each eye, 1 drop three times a day. Each eye is manipulated, even if only one is red. Immediately after instillation, a slight burning sensation is possible, but it usually goes away on its own. It is enough just to sit for a while with your eyes closed.

If Levomycetin does not help the child, then the doctor will advise using ointment with antibiotic effect. The best option- . The ointment is placed under the lower eyelid using a sterile cotton swab. In case of redness, it is enough to carry out the manipulation once before going to bed for 2-3 days. If a lot of pus is released, then the ointment is used both in the morning and in the evening.

Neither Tetracycline nor Levomycetin will help, there are symptoms that appeared against the background viral infection. In this case it is required A complex approach to therapy. The child will be assigned antiviral drugs, appropriate for age. Yes, for junior schoolchildren Arbidol or Anaferon are prescribed, and for infants they are usually used soft remedies, which stimulate the production of one’s own immunity - Grippferon, Genferon.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

It is not worth risking your child’s health, so if in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Doctors have compiled a list of the most alarming symptoms, upon detection of which you absolutely cannot hesitate.

  1. A pediatrician's advice is needed if the problem appears in an infant under one year old. In this case, any means should be selected only in conjunction with a doctor.
  2. Contact an ophthalmologist if none of the methods helps get rid of red eyes.
  3. You should go to the doctor if your child has a fever, coughs, complains of a runny nose and sore throat.
  4. Another reason for an extraordinary inspection - copious discharge pus and severe swelling, sometimes making it difficult to open your eyes.
  5. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary if the child complains of decreased visual acuity or recurrent headaches.

The final decision on the treatment tactics used is always made by the doctor. If you strictly follow his recommendations, you can eliminate the problem in the shortest possible time and without harm to your health.

Video - Redness of the eyes