Tumor on the leg what to do. Causes of swelling of the feet and ways to relieve swelling. Drug treatment of leg swelling

Peripheral lower edema is a problem that worries a large number of people on our planet, especially women. Sometimes the problem can arise due to fatigue and is associated with physiology; in other cases, swelling indicates the presence of a serious pathology that requires urgent and competent treatment.

If a patient's foot swells, it is imperative to seek help from a general practitioner, who will prescribe the necessary tests. If a symptom occurs day after day, then you should not experiment with your health and self-medicate, this can lead to serious consequences.

Peripheral edema occurs due to stagnation of fluid in the cells and intercellular space. More often, the legs swell for a simple reason; they bear the heaviest load, in particular the entire weight of the person’s body.

Reasons why legs swell:

  • For kidney problems. The kidneys are responsible for removing fluid from the body; if they work poorly, then water is retained in the tissues of the body. In this case, swelling may appear not only in the legs, but throughout the body.
  • For varicose veins. In this case, the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities is disrupted.
  • With thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, edema also appears, since thrombus obstructs the outflow of fluid.
  • For heart failure. The heart contracts poorly and because of this the blood circulates more slowly, the fluid does not have time to be excreted normally.
  • Lymphostasis. In this case, the outflow of lymph is disrupted, and swelling is very pronounced with lymphostasis.
  • Excessive stress on the lower extremities also provokes fluid stagnation in them, this often happens in people who work on their feet all day or in obese patients;
  • Excessive drinking at night. At night, all processes slow down and water does not have time to be eliminated, as a result, it accumulates in the tissues of the body;
  • With alcoholism, fluid exchange is disrupted, blood vessels spasm and swelling appears in various parts of the body and on the face;
  • When taking various medications, especially uncontrolled.
  • Endocrine disorders sometimes cause leg swelling.
  • Pregnant women often suffer from this pathology.
  • If there is a tumor that compresses the blood vessels, preventing fluid from being drained normally.
  • Passive lifestyle, sitting with crossed legs, these factors do not have the best effect on blood circulation.
  • Swelling can also occur with flat feet, this is due to increased load on the feet due to deformation and poor circulation.
  • Women may experience slight swelling during menstruation; this is due to hormonal changes and is normal. In this case, the symptom does not appear on other days of the cycle.
  • In case of a severe allergic reaction.

Any causes of swelling of the lower extremities indicate that you need to see a doctor and get treatment, otherwise the condition will only get worse. Edema is not a cosmetic problem, but a serious disruption of the body, the consequences of which can be tragic.


Almost every pregnant woman faces this problem; they are interested in why their legs swell, especially in the last weeks of bearing a child. In this case, peripheral edema can be physiological and pathological. Depending on the cause of the symptom, a woman may be indicated for different treatments.

Physiological edema occurs most often; they are not associated with any disease, but arise due to the body’s ability to retain fluid. During pregnancy, the load on the legs increases greatly, hormonal changes occur, and salt consumption aggravates the condition.

Usually, in this case, no special treatment is required; the woman is advised to follow a diet, not drink a lot of water at night and rest for a sufficient amount of time. Symptoms go away after childbirth and the body recovers completely, so there is no need to worry.

Pathological edema indicates the onset of gestosis - late toxicosis. This condition requires diagnosis and competent and timely treatment, otherwise the child may suffer. With gestosis, fetal hypoxia often occurs, which is life-threatening. To avoid sad consequences, if edema appears during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested, and begin treatment, if necessary.


The following types of edema are distinguished, depending on the cause of their occurrence:

  • Allergic;
  • Hydremic;
  • Mechanical;
  • Stagnant;
  • Neuropathic.

Allergic is also called Quincke's edema; it is associated with a violent reaction of the body to some allergen. Such allergies can also be cumulative in nature, that is, a person uses a product for a long time or is exposed to a substance, then swelling suddenly appears.

When hydremic, kidney function is disrupted. In mechanical cases, the symptom occurs due to injury, soft tissues swell or blood vessels are compressed, as a result of which fluid exchange is disrupted. Also, the cause of such swelling can be a large tumor. Congestion occurs when vascular permeability is impaired.

Neuropathic edema occurs exclusively in people with diabetes or alcoholics. It is impossible to name the exact cause of this pathology; it may be due to several factors. The diagnosis is made by a doctor, excluding other types of pathology, after testing.


Swelling of the legs is always accompanied by a number of symptoms. It is worth noting that the symptoms can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent; in some cases the swelling is stable, while in others it is constantly increasing. In any case, you can talk about the presence of pathology only after examination by a doctor.

The following symptoms are characteristic of pathological edema:

  • The skin becomes pale and inelastic;
  • When you press on the swollen area, a white dent remains, the skin seems tight;
  • The swelling is located on one limb;
  • Joints swell;
  • One or both legs swell severely, the swelling may extend to the knee and above;
  • In addition to swelling, a rash, wounds, ulcers or cracks appear on the skin.
  • Swelling of the legs is accompanied by pain in the kidney area, difficulty urinating;
  • The symptom is accompanied by severe pain in the leg, or numbness, tingling, or cramps.

In all of the above cases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This situation indicates serious disorders in the body, which can even lead to death.


It is not difficult to detect swelling; just press your finger on the skin. If the skin has not changed, then there is no swelling, but if a white spot appears that does not disappear for several seconds, then the problem is definitely present. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a therapist.

The doctor will examine the patient, conduct a survey and listen to complaints, and prescribe general blood and urine tests. If there is a suspicion of pathology, the patient may be sent to specialized specialists, for example, a neurologist, nephrologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist and other doctors.

The doctor usually pays attention to an enlarged liver, changes in the color of the skin of the legs, fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity and enlarged veins. Such symptoms may indicate serious pathologies that do not require delay, then the doctor can refer the patient to a hospital, where he will receive prompt assistance and undergo further examination.


Patients are interested in how to relieve swelling quickly. Treatment of pathology begins with identifying its cause, and therapy will depend on it. So, if the functioning of the kidneys is impaired, it is necessary first of all to treat them, and if there are problems with the heart, to normalize the contraction of the heart muscle. For varicose veins and allergies, the treatment will be completely different.

That is why you should not treat leg swelling on your own by taking diuretics, hormonal drugs and other medications. Uncontrolled use of medications usually only worsens the condition, although at first the patient sees the result, but over time it will only get worse.

The following recommendations may temporarily alleviate the condition:

  • To get rid of physiological swelling, you need to do therapeutic exercises and massage;
  • At the end of the working day, you need to give your legs a rest so that the swelling goes away, you need to lie down and raise your legs above your head;
  • The use of compression stockings and tights will prevent the occurrence of swelling;
  • Baths according to folk recipes will help get rid of heaviness and swelling; creams with a cooling effect and contrast baths also help a lot.

For kidney problems, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • Diuretics;
  • Potassium preparations;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics if necessary.

For problems with blood vessels, the following treatment is prescribed:

  • Using compression garments;
  • Using ointments, for example, troxevasin, traumeel S, lyoton, venitan, etc.
  • Medicines to thin the blood and dissolve blood clots;
  • Phlebotonics to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

In all cases, nutritional adjustments, unloading of the limbs, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and massage have a beneficial effect.


It is important to know how to alleviate the condition and how to relieve mild swelling, especially after a hard day at work. If swelling appears every day, it is not recommended to treat yourself with folk remedies and medications; you should definitely consult a specialist.

How to relieve swelling of the legs with folk recipes:

  • Contrast baths. This procedure tones the blood vessels and accelerates the blood; you need to pour water into 2 basins, one cool, the other hot, but not boiling water. The legs should be lowered alternately, first into the hot one for 3 minutes, then into the cold one for 10 seconds. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • Baths with herbs perfectly relax your feet, relieve swelling and inflammation. You can use various herbs, for example, chamomile, sage. The herb is steamed in boiling water and infused for two hours, then you need to strain the liquid and pour it into a bath of warm water. Lower your legs for 15 minutes.
  • After water procedures, it is useful to massage with oil. You can take extra virgin olive oil and add a couple of drops of essential oil to it. Massage your legs from bottom to top, this promotes the outflow of fluid.
  • A compress of raw potatoes helps get rid of swelling. It is necessary to wash and peel the potatoes, place the mashed potatoes on cling film and wrap the legs with it, distributing the mass evenly, leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • A cabbage leaf compress perfectly relieves inflammation and resolves stagnant processes in tissues. To prepare it, the leaves need to be washed well and beaten with a mass hammer so that they release juice. Then apply a compress to problem areas and secure with a bandage, leaving overnight.


It is important to know how to get rid of edema with the help of diet; this method is quite effective even in the complex treatment of serious pathologies. If you are worried about swelling in your legs, you need to follow the following rules when eating:

  • You need to eat fractionally and in small portions;
  • You need to give up junk food, fried, smoked, fast food, confectionery, canned food.
  • It is necessary to limit the amount of salt consumed, but you should not eliminate it completely, otherwise vascular permeability is impaired and swelling increases.
  • It is worth giving up alcohol, caffeine-containing and very sweet drinks, soda, and packaged juices. It is better to drink clean water without gas, green or herbal tea, cranberry juice, rosehip decoction.
  • For edema, it is recommended to eat fresh cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkin, cranberries, lingonberries, melon, oranges and tangerines, which have a diuretic effect. As well as protein foods, for example, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish. You need to choose low-fat foods so as not to overload the body and get rid of excess weight, if present.

If the cause of the symptom is an allergic reaction, then therapeutic fasting will most likely be required, and after the symptoms are relieved, the patient is prescribed a special hypoallergenic diet. Only the attending physician can give exact recommendations on what you can eat in this case. As a rule, it is forbidden to eat red vegetables and fruits, starchy foods, sweets, foods with dyes and preservatives, fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods.


To avoid the appearance of edema at the end of the working day and in the morning, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Avoid walking all day in tight shoes, especially heels. At work, it is advisable to change into comfortable shoes with flat soles, also during the day, remove your feet from shoes and do light exercises, squeezing and unclenching your toes to normalize blood circulation.
  • 2 hours before bedtime, limit the amount of liquid, drink a little in small sips.
  • You need to follow a diet, eat foods that have a mild diuretic effect, do not add too much salt to your food, and also give up Coca-Cola and other sweet soda;
  • If you are prone to swelling in the morning, it is better to sleep with a pillow under your feet so that they are slightly elevated.

If the methods described above are ineffective and swelling still appears every day, and even increases over time, then we can talk about the presence of serious problems. In this case, you should not postpone visiting a specialist; the doctor will conduct an examination and recommend how to quickly relieve swelling of the legs.

A swollen leg is a symptom of many diseases. In some cases, it is important that the right or left limb has undergone transformation. The side of the body determines the cause and treatment in such cases. Attention should be paid to the occurrence of incomprehensible swellings on the legs; a thorough investigation of the causes is required. Perhaps the swelling is a consequence of a serious illness.

If you do not pay attention to the alarming symptom in time, you may lose sight of the causes of the tumor, leading to the worsening of the disease.

Let's figure out what measures to take to maintain the health of your legs and the whole body.

Women are more likely to experience the defect. Legs become vulnerable due to the physical characteristics of the structure of the female body (hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstruation) or metabolic disorders. Pain and swelling accompany possible changes in metabolism; often a woman finds it difficult to put on shoes due to changes in the size of her feet.

Tumor of the lower extremities is caused by diseases:

  1. Varicose veins, other disorders of the circulatory system, thrombosis of venous vessels. The skin at the site of the lesion turns red, and the legs hurt when touched. More often, pain occurs in the ankle area and appears after a day of work, when the limbs feel the most tired. Treatment is prescribed based on the cause and individual characteristics of the patient, and is often complex;
  2. Thyroid diseases. For example, insufficient processing of fluids circulating in the body other than blood. In addition to tumors, there is a change in complexion, explained by the influx of excess fluid. When touched, the tumor is perceived as dense and leaves no traces;
  3. An infection of any nature causes harm at the site of development, also threatening the body as a whole. For example, an infection can easily cause reactive arthritis. Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause; you have to contact an infectious disease specialist rather than a traumatologist;
  4. Kidney disease - affects the right and left limbs from the back side. Patients experience swelling of the facial muscles. The tumor develops in the body so strongly that it bothers the patient even during sleep. Often there are difficulties with sleep, insomnia;
  5. Heart failure is expressed symmetrically - the right and left lower limbs hurt. The duration of the pain is shorter - it stops closer to the morning;
  6. Injuries, dislocations, sprains, ligament ruptures - diseases of bones and muscles, symptoms begin to appear extremely quickly. Severe pain, sharply radiating to the limb, associated with rupture of nerve endings in a ligament or bone, is accompanied by swelling, and blood vessels are also torn. Internal bleeding begins. If the bones are broken before the leg becomes deformed, surgery is required.
  7. Joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, are accompanied by a general loss of morale in the patient, often with an increase in temperature in the area of ​​the affected limb, and throughout the body. Other symptoms are limited movement, warming of the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint. More often they occur in the morning or after excessive physical exertion. Treatment needs to be comprehensive: tablets, physiotherapy, massage;
  8. Pregnancy – brings pressure on the body, consumption of excess food. Nutrients reach the lower extremities, penetrate the joints, linger as liquid in the tissues, and the legs swell. Treatment is not required, the process is considered development within normal limits. Exceptions are cases when other causes of the formation of tumors of the lower extremities appear in the body of a pregnant girl.
  9. Poisoning: side symptoms – severe vomiting, dizziness;
  10. Insect and snake bites sometimes contain a shocking amount of venom that can knock the victim off his feet. To prevent the spread of poison, do not scratch the bite site or rub it. The only possible treatment is to see a doctor, soothing, moisturizing ointments created for such cases. It is possible to apply an ice compress;
  11. Uncomfortable, tight shoes made of non-breathable materials, constant walking in heels (strains the spine). The only advice is to remain careful when choosing shoes and remember to allow your toes to move freely.

If you experience additional symptoms in addition to swollen legs, be sure to report the symptoms to your doctor. Perhaps swelling is a symptom of an incipient disease.

What to do to prevent swelling

First, see a doctor. Secondly, be sure to follow the doctor’s instructions without self-medicating or self-prescribing medications.

In some cases, you cannot take independent action. For example, if a tumor appears after a strong blow, a person is unable to move normally, the cause could be a fracture, sprain, or rupture of ligaments. The pain comes immediately, but an attempt to begin premature treatment can displace joints and damage soft muscle tissues that are already severely damaged. The splint must be applied extremely carefully, only having practice in applying it.

If your leg feels pain, if it is impossible to see a doctor as soon as possible, take steps to get rid of the symptoms of swelling.

A common way to relieve pain is to take a special pill. In case of swelling of the legs, massages and compresses aimed at the places in the lower legs where pain and swelling occur will be effective methods.

More often, to get rid of a tumor, it is enough to drink a diuretic or take a laxative. The main causes of edema are an abundance of fluid in the body; treatment consists of getting rid of excess moisture. If the swelling returns regularly, one-time measures will not help. You need to think about a full examination by a doctor.

When the bone/joint/muscle is cured and does not hurt for a long time, most likely, the treatment of the lower extremities was quite successful. With improper treatment, relapses are common, so exercise caution. If the muscles, bones, or tissues of the lower extremities have been damaged, the damaged area will remain damaged and extremely vulnerable in the future.

How to protect yourself from swelling

The best treatment is to take care of the condition of the right and left lower extremities. To prevent tumors, follow simple rules:

  • If your leg hurts, massage the inflammation;
  • Eat well;
  • Play sports - running, swimming, cycling;
  • Choose your shoes responsibly;
  • Carefully monitor your health and visit your doctor regularly.

It’s not difficult to follow the rules; anyone can do it. Stay healthy!

Swelling is an unpleasant process. They arise suddenly and prevent you from living a full life. Walking becomes an unbearable task, and rest does little to help cope with the swelling. Avoiding unpleasant symptoms, understand the causes of leg swelling.

In the process of normal life and physical activity of a person, an increased load is placed on the legs. Sometimes a healthy body can’t cope. Swelling in the lower legs occurs after certain activities or changes in lifestyle. Common triggers:

  • eating salty foods;
  • exposure to summer heat;
  • pregnancy period;
  • dysfunction of internal organs.

There are frequent cases of the development of edema after 60 years of age; this fact is explained by metabolic disorders in old age. The disease occurs suddenly and for a long time prevents a return to the usual rhythm of life.

Heart diseases

The lower legs swell due to cardiovascular diseases. The legs swell symmetrically. Localization starts from the ankles and extends up to the hips. When you palpate the affected area, symptoms appear: the legs are cold, soft, and bluish in color. When you press on the swelling, a hole remains.

Edema is associated with heart failure, vascular aneurysm, myocardial infarction and other heart defects. If the swelling does not go away and is accompanied by other symptoms indicating diseases of the cardiovascular system, seek help from a cardiologist.

Edema due to poor circulation differs in characteristic symptoms depending on the disease. Varicose veins affect the lower legs - feet and legs, swelling occurs in the evening. Thrombosis is accompanied by asymmetric swelling of the ankles, pain in the calves, and elevated body temperature. Postthrombophlebitic syndrome leads to the formation. After sleep, the symptoms subside, and in the evening the swelling appears again.

Disruption of lymph outflow

Increasing swelling of soft tissues is caused by lymphedema - a violation of the outflow of lymph. In addition to swelling of the extremities, the patient complains of weakness and malaise. The outflow of fluid in the lymphatic vessels is disrupted, the limb swells - right or left. The swelling occurs from below, starting from the ankle, gradually rising higher. The next morning the symptoms do not go away and intensify. If such sensations are familiar, seek help from a doctor; self-medication will not relieve swelling.

Kidney diseases

Often in women, the process of renal filtration of fluid is disrupted, and edema inevitably forms. Fluid in excessive quantities is retained in the soft tissues of the body, affecting the limbs - the bottom of the legs swells. Kidney diseases appear more in the morning and go away on their own in the evening.

If you suspect excessive fluid accumulation due to impaired kidney function, start taking herbal diuretics and drink more fluids. When kidney function is restored, the swelling will subside. For preventive purposes, visit a therapist, then a nephrologist.

Edema during pregnancy and old age

Edema in women during pregnancy is rarely pathological if there are no other complaints. The symptom appears after 30 weeks: the bottom of the legs fills with an unpleasant sensation. In the morning after sleep, the swelling subsides, and by evening the legs swell again. Pay attention to any accompanying symptoms. If leg swelling is accompanied by increased weight gain and persists after rest, seek help from a doctor.

The cause of the pathology is the development of gestosis in pregnant women. A dangerous condition for the health of mother and child, edema is accompanied by hypertension, kidney dysfunction and nephropathy. If the doctor suggests hospitalization, do not refuse the necessary precautions.

With age, the body functions more slowly. Metabolism is disrupted, toxins take a long time to be eliminated from the body, provoke excess fluid accumulation in the body, and the lower legs swell. Treatment of the disorder in women and men after 60-65 years of age requires a comprehensive approach under the supervision of a physician.

Diagnostic methods

Understanding and finding the cause of edema is a big step in the treatment process. If you leave symptoms to chance, you will miss a serious illness. Visit your primary care physician. The doctor prescribes the following types of examinations:

  • laboratory blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels, pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • X-ray, MRI;
  • blood test for hormones.

After diagnosis, the patient is referred to highly specialized doctors.

External signs of edema are treated during diagnostic procedures. First aid is based on relief of symptoms with the help of local medications. This type of treatment will not get rid of the causes of their appearance, but will improve the condition and reduce swelling. Doctors recommend reviewing your diet and eliminating the consumption of salty foods. By minimizing the amount of salt, its accumulation in tissues is reduced. The lower limbs will stop swelling. Drink enough water. It is recommended for an adult to consume at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day, not counting the consumption of liquid food.

External use of water will help get rid of swelling after a hard day. Swimming or just a contrast shower - choose the method that suits you. Special foot baths using decoctions of medicinal herbs and special oils are acceptable. Alternate the water temperature from warm to cold. Procedures in water dilate blood vessels and thereby reduce swelling. The use of massage with essential oils also helps to cope with the problem. It’s not difficult to do; you can simply knead the swollen tissues little by little.

After receiving the examination results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. Complex therapy is more often prescribed. Regardless of the cause of edema, the doctor will recommend following a diet aimed at limiting salt intake. You must strictly follow the instructions. Additionally, it will be recommended to wear special compression garments.

Drug treatment consists of local drugs: anti-inflammatory gels and ointments to eliminate blood clots and strengthen veins. More often, the doctor prescribes diuretics. These are herbal remedies or tablets that speed up the process of fluid filtration by the kidneys. You should not get carried away with such drugs because of the side effects.

Traditional methods of treatment

Leg swelling is not a new disease. Many people have experienced this trouble and tried to fight it using a number of methods. In folk medicine, attention is paid to the use of medicinal herbs. The following recipes are useful for treating edema:

If your legs are swollen, it is permissible to take diuretics. Medicinal herbs that have a similar effect include: celandine, horsetail, linden, St. John's wort, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs.

In addition to recipes for internal use, there are tips for external use. Baths with chamomile decoction will relieve swelling in the lower legs and improve blood circulation. The use of raw potatoes is recommended - the tubers are grated on a fine grater, after which the pulp is distributed over the area of ​​the swelling. Wrap with polyethylene and cloth for 2 hours. Replace the potato mixture with fresh one if desired, and place it on the bottom of the legs for another 2 hours.

Swelling quickly goes away even when using badyagi. Dilute dry powder or use ready-made ointment. Apply the required amount of product to the swelling and leave overnight. The effect will not be long in coming. You can make bandages as many times as needed.

Prevention measures

For healthy feet, follow the simple rules of a healthy person. Proper nutrition will reduce the risk of swelling and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. Remember the doctor’s simple advice: exclude salty, fried and smoked foods from your diet - the result will be surprising!

Get treatment for chronic diseases on time. The lower legs often swell due to advanced health conditions. If the swelling is caused by diseases of the internal organs, begin treatment immediately. Take a multivitamin to maintain your well-being. Don't forget about useful physical activity. Walking in fresh air will have a beneficial effect on blood flow in your legs.

For women, it is worth mentioning the dangers of heels. If it is not possible to exclude them from your wardrobe, reduce the time you spend in such shoes to a minimum. Indoors, you can occasionally remove your shoes to give your feet a rest. Avoid prolonged sitting and do not cross your legs, this will bring you closer to the diagnosis of “varicose veins” and open a direct path to permanent swelling.

Some people are faced with the following question: their lower legs are swollen, what should I do? How to treat chronic tumors? This brings great discomfort, and there may be sensations of squeezing, burning, “burning,” and the joints ache. As a rule, there are two types of swelling:

  1. Bilateral swelling. It is a consequence of any systemic disease.
  2. Unilateral swelling. It is caused by injury or lymphatic disease.

It is not strange that it is the lower limbs that most often undergo swelling, because They bear the heaviest load throughout the day. There are a huge number of reasons for swelling of the legs, because... they are a very common symptom of diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland. The most striking examples of diseases associated with edema are chronic edema and phlebitis. In this case, the leg not only swells, but also hurts.

During pregnancy, tumors occur much more often. The swelling itself is caused by compression of the veins in the body. In case of pregnancy, instead of blood vessels, the uterus is compressed, this is due to an increase in progesterone in the blood, which is released to preserve the fetus during changes in the woman’s hormonal background. Swelling can also be caused by impaired blood flow. The rarest is the appearance of edema during gestosis, which requires immediate referral for treatment.

How are sore joints and leg swelling related? Knee pain is very difficult to ignore because the knees perform a vital part of movement. Joints hurt most often due to injuries, in which swelling appears later. If you are worried about sore joints, but you have not had any serious injury, then diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis should be considered.

What causes swollen feet?

When your feet become swollen, the most common cause is water retention in the body. That is why it is not recommended to eat large amounts of salt, because... it has a natural property of retaining water.

Other causes of leg tumors may include:

  1. Various kidney diseases. A distinctive feature is the occurrence of swelling not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body (for example, on the face).
  2. Heavy load on the legs. This could be standing work or playing sports.
  3. The appearance of vascular networks. A characteristic phenomenon is a burning sensation and heaviness in the legs.
  4. Venous diseases.
  5. Diseased heart.
  6. Fatigue. Typically, people in professions that require standing all day at work experience the full burden of swelling.
  7. Joint injuries, leg fractures.
  8. Previously there were heavy physical activities.
  9. A sharp decrease in thyroid function. Edema occurs when fluid is lost from the vessels and transferred to tissues to replenish albumin.
  10. Starvation. In this case, swelling appears when the required amount of protein is not present in the food.
  11. Liver diseases.

The last point can have two options:

  • scar tissue formed in the liver cannot allow a large flow of blood to pass through at high speed, so it stagnates there;
  • liver cells cannot produce enough albumin to function properly.

To maintain salt balance in the body, you should refer to tables of salt content in foods. We remind you that the daily salt intake for a person is 5 grams (about 1 level teaspoon of salt). One example of such tables can be given.

How can you identify leg swelling?

If you suspect that your legs are swollen, then try pressing your finger on the suspected area. If there is a tumor, the dimple you pressed will remain for several minutes. Such phenomena are least likely to occur with problems associated with the thyroid gland.

If you have begun to worry not only about leg tumors, but also about tumors in the abdomen, then you can be sure that they have nothing to do with the heart. Most likely, your liver is making itself known.

Liver disease can manifest itself completely differently in men. In addition to swelling of the legs, they may turn yellow, breast enlargement may be noted, palms may become red, and shortness of breath may be felt.

If your leg is injured, the swelling will be red, painful and hot, just like if it becomes infected.

What to do if an illness occurs

My leg hurts and is swollen, what should I do? You can study the table of symptoms and their treatment.

How to get rid of the disease? It has already been said that swelling of the legs most often occurs when the patient eats a large amount of foods containing salt, so treatment must be carried out along with a diet with low salt intake. Of course, if you meet the daily norm, but swelling is still present, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Treatment of swelling can be carried out without taking diuretics and without causing harm to the body as a whole. In this case, you can do the following procedures:

  1. Rubbing tired feet with ice. It is advisable to make ice from herbal infusions.
  2. Massage. You can massage with your hands or use special brushes designed for this purpose.
  3. Olive oil. It is an excellent prevention and treatment for leg pain. Grind 1 tsp. salt in a glass of oil and grind.
  4. Lemon juice also relieves pain. Stir the juice of ½ lemon in a glass of vegetable oil.
  5. Cucumbers. They strengthen the heart and blood vessels, which are most often the cause of tumors. It is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, so you should drink 100 ml of cucumber juice a day.
  6. Warm foot baths. These baths are made from an infusion of flowers.

To prepare baths, you can make the following infusion:

  • take 100 g of dry grass;
  • pour a liter of hot water;
  • simmer for 15 minutes over low heat;
  • leave for 45 minutes, strain;
  • dilute the resulting infusion with 3-4 liters. water.

A bath of black elderberry infusion is the most popular method of treating swelling of the legs.

Can medications cause swelling and what to do if the disease is chronic?

Yes they can. These medications include:

  1. Antidepressants of various types.
  2. Steroids.
  3. Drugs that increase blood pressure.
  4. Testosterone.
  5. Estrogens.

My legs are swollen, what should I do? This question is asked by patients quite often.

If this process is not temporary, but permanent, then in this case, it is better for you to contact a specialist on this problem with a request for a referral for treatment. It is advisable to do this without delay.

When swelling of the foot occurs, the reasons can be different - from an insect bite to various diseases associated with internal organs. Swelling of the feet not only makes it difficult to put on shoes, your legs feel like logs, but also makes you think about your health. If the condition recurs too often, you should be wary, because swelling of the limbs is a symptom of a serious disease. How not to miss a serious pathology and what to do if your foot is swollen?

Causes of leg swelling in the foot area

Before prescribing treatment, your doctor will try to find out why your feet are swelling. There are many causes of edema:

  • injuries (fracture, dislocation, subluxation, contusion, sprain);
  • excessive fluid intake the day before;
  • heart pathologies;
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • overweight;
  • excess load on the foot when playing sports;
  • sitting with crossed legs;
  • uncomfortable shoes (small, narrow or on an inappropriate platform);
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal dysfunction;
  • staying on your feet for a long time;
  • prolonged sitting on low chairs;
  • allergy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • overheating in the heat;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • liver diseases;
  • consequences of infectious diseases;
  • overwork.

An experienced doctor will determine why the legs and feet swell by their appearance. The diagnosis depends on the location of the swelling. It can be observed above and below the ankle, the legs swell in the area of ​​the foot, on the toes, and often the swelling rises to the ankle. The skin color ranges from pale to purple. Depending on the cause, the intensity and localization of pain, the feeling of heaviness in the foot, and the frequency differ. It’s easy to check for swelling: if after pressing with a finger a notch remains for some time, this is swelling.

What diseases does swelling indicate?

To understand the difference between edema of various etiologies, we offer the following table.

Disease Features of edema
Cardiovascular pathologies They arise due to the inability to fully pump blood due to weakening of the myocardium. Both feet become swollen, the swelling does not leave pits, but is painful when pressed, often causing numbness, freezing and cyanosis of the toes.
Rheumatism Swelling is caused by insufficient blood circulation. The disease is characterized by swelling of the joints.
Varicose veins Heaviness in the legs appears in the evenings. The swelling appears constantly, is accompanied by pain, the legs become hot and tight. The swelling is asymmetrical.
Kidney diseases Diseased kidneys usually cannot cope with excess fluid, causing swelling of the face and legs. The swollen part has a paler covering than the rest of the leg.
Endocrine system disorders The leg swells on top, in the ankle area; when pressed, there is no indentation left. Thyroid disease also causes facial puffiness.
Allergic reactions (to medications, chemicals, insect bites) Allergic edema is characterized not only by swelling and redness, but also by a rash and severe itching. Increases after physical activity.
Liver disorders If the metabolism in an organ is disturbed, fluid is poorly removed from the body. The ankle area is swollen.
Gout The soles and joints of the legs may hurt and swell, and you may feel hot.
Lymphedema The disease is associated with the accumulation of lymph in the tissues, which spreads from top to bottom. Symptoms of edema differ depending on the stage: I – legs swell in the evening, II – pain is felt, III – cessation of leg function.
Fasting, as well as mono-diets, vegetarianism, etc. The limbs become swollen due to fluid retention in the tissues due to lack of protein. Swelling usually appears on the fingers.
Injuries The leg is swollen in the foot area due to fractures, sprains, dislocations and other mechanical damage. Swelling is accompanied by acute pain.

How to treat swollen feet

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment of edema occurs at home or in a hospital. Swelling is only a symptom of one of the diseases. If the cause is treatable, the swelling will soon go away. But each diagnosis requires special methods - either conservative therapy or surgical intervention. What is usually prescribed for the most common diseases that cause swelling of the limbs.

  • Arthritis and gout – physical therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, diet, stress reduction, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Venous diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis) - strengthening the walls of blood vessels, wearing compression garments, medications for internal and external use, massage. If necessary, surgery is performed.
  • Edema as a result of kidney disease - diuretics, diet, antibiotics, saline solutions.
  • Lymphostasis – bandaging, hardware pneumocompression, lymphatic drainage massage, prescription of a number of medications.
  • Pregnancy - limit salt intake, control the amount of fluid, comfortable shoes and other remedies depending on the cause.

In each case, individual therapy is selected; self-medication is unacceptable.

Gymnastics and traditional medicine methods

There are a number of methods of folk and traditional medicine that alleviate the discomfort of swelling, as well as special exercises. They are intended for people whose feet tend to swell.

Gymnastics to relieve swelling of the limbs.

  • For several minutes, alternately place your heel on the floor while raising your toe and vice versa.
  • Lie on a sofa (bed), raising your legs vertically on a wall or high pillow. After exercise, it is recommended to hold the limbs in this position for 5-10 minutes.
  • Walk on tiptoes for 2-3 minutes.
  • Clench and unclench your fingers 5-6 times. Exercise improves blood circulation.
  • Use your fingers to grab small objects from the floor.
  • Increases blood circulation in the lower extremities and rotation of the feet left and right.
  • Pressing your right toe with your left heel, try to lift it as high as possible. Same with the other leg.
  • Jumping on your toes.
  • Bending your fingers up and down.

Methods offered by alternative medicine.

  • Baths with chamomile infusion.
  • Rubbing your feet with a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and kitchen (sea) salt.
  • Foot mask made from milk and wheat bran.
  • A mixture of turpentine and castor oil (1:2) is also applied to the area of ​​the feet. Turpentine (1 tsp) is also mixed with apple cider vinegar (tbsp) and yolk.
  • Drink a decoction of flax, an infusion of mint, fresh juice from carrots, cucumber and lemon, diuretics - birch sap and infusion of leaves, watermelons, a decoction of parsley.
  • For gout, rub the joints with iodine solution.
  • Ice cubes made from infusions of sage, eucalyptus, and mint relieve swelling.
  • For varicose veins, apply elderberry leaves after dousing them with boiling water.

These methods are included as additional ones in the overall treatment package and help only with uncomplicated course of the disease.

Preventive measures

If the legs periodically swell in a healthy person without the listed diagnoses, simple tips will come to the rescue.

  • Move more. This improves blood circulation and better outflow from the limbs.
  • Buy comfortable shoes. It is better to do this in the afternoon, when the leg is stressed. Shoes should not be narrow or have uncomfortable heels.
  • If you have a sedentary lifestyle, be sure to do special exercises to help eliminate venous congestion.
  • Massage your ankles from bottom to top.
  • In the evening, take baths with sea salt.
  • After physical activity or prolonged standing, keep your limbs in an upright position.
  • Eliminate salt from the menu or minimize its consumption.
  • Do not abuse alcohol.
  • For varicose veins, wear compression garments.

The tips are suitable for people who do not suffer from diseases of internal organs. In other cases, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It depends on the complexity of the diagnosis. To determine the degree of pathology, an examination is prescribed. The course of therapy takes place only under the supervision of a specialist.