Why do they drink quail eggs? Cutlets with quail eggs inside. What are the benefits of quail eggs - video

Quail eggs are a healthy, dietary food. In Chinese alternative medicine Quail eggs have been used for thousands of years to treat diseases such as asthma and rhinitis, hay fever and spasmodic cough, as well as eczema and psoriasis. Modern research showed that healing properties quail eggs are associated with their rich composition.

Nutritional value of quail eggs

Quail eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals. Their small size deceptive, because they nutritional value three to four times higher than that of chicken eggs. Thus, one chicken egg contains 11% protein, and one quail egg contains 13%; a quail egg contains 140% of the recommended daily value vitamin B1, and in chicken - 50%. In addition, a quail egg contains five times more iron and potassium.

Quail eggs also contain: - vitamin A; - B vitamins (B2, B6, B12); - vitamin D; - iron; - magnesium; - zinc; - copper; - phosphorus.

To dietary nutrition quail eggs It also helps to include the fact that they do not contain “bad” cholesterol, but are rich in “good” cholesterol.

The protein in quail eggs contains ovomococide, which prevents the development of allergies. Chicken proteins do not contain this compound.

Regular consumption of quail eggs helps fight many diseases. This product is useful for activity disorders digestive system, problems associated with gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcer. Quail eggs strengthen the immune system, improve memory, increase brain activity and stabilize the nervous system. They are consumed for anemia as they can increase hemoglobin levels and also remove toxins from the body and heavy metals. Quail eggs can prevent the formation of kidney and liver stones, and in some cases, promote their elimination. Chinese healers used quail eggs in the treatment of tuberculosis, asthma and diabetes. They believed that these eggs had rejuvenating properties.

It has been proven that children who regularly eat quail eggs are less likely to get sick infectious diseases. For men, quail eggs, rich in phosphorus, vitamins and proteins, serve as an excellent stimulator of sexual activity. Among women, quail eggs are in demand not only as food, but also as a component of various strengthening masks for hair and skin. Quail eggs are useful for pregnant and lactating women; they are believed to have a beneficial effect on the quality of breast milk.

Naturopaths also believe that quail eggs are useful for people experiencing stress, depression, panic and anxiety attacks, patients with migraines, various types allergies, bronchitis, heart problems. Quail eggs stimulate growth, help control blood pressure and lipid metabolism.

Some claim that quail eggs help fight cancer and AIDS, but this has not been proven by scientific research.

How to use quail eggs for medicinal purposes

For medicinal dietary nutrition Quail eggs are recommended to be eaten raw. Those who do not really like the taste of raw eggs are recommended to add them to orange or tomato juice. You can also make eggnog from quail eggs. Since the shell of quail eggs is not so porous and the egg itself is surrounded by a dense membrane and contains lysocin, which fights bacteria, you can eat them raw without fear of salmonellosis. To strengthen immune system You should eat 3-5 eggs daily for 12 to 20 days.

In Asian countries, a dish made from raw quail eggs called uzuro is popular. To prepare it, break an egg into a glass and add chopped green onions, a little soy and hot sauce. They drink uzuro in one gulp.

What can you cook from quail eggs?

Quail eggs contain more yolk than chicken eggs and have a stronger flavor. They can also be eaten boiled and soft-boiled, put in salads and sandwiches, and prepared into cream and omelettes. Place the quail egg in boiling water for one minute if you want a soft-boiled egg, for two minutes if you want a “bagged” egg, and for three or four minutes if you want a hard-boiled egg. You don't have to boil the eggs, but put them in hot water and cover with a lid.

When adding quail eggs to baked goods, you should know that due to the yolk content in them, it will be heavier and denser. When replacing chicken eggs with quail eggs, instead of one egg from a chicken, you should take 5-6 eggs from quails. Snacks with quail eggs are delicious. For example, you can bake them in the oven in champignon caps, lightly pepper, salt and garnish with herbs, or cook canapés with them.

Raw quail eggs are a biological treasure trove active substances. They are superior to chicken eggs in all respects.

All components - the white, the yolk, and even the shell - are edible.

Crude protein contains:

  • proteins necessary for muscle growth,
  • amino acids,
  • interferon, which promotes wound healing.

Raw yolk is rich in the following components:

  • B vitamins,
  • carotene, which activates brain function.

All these vitamins and minerals that enter the stomach in raw form on an empty stomach are absorbed 100%.

Such a breakfast will be especially useful for athletes, people involved in mental and heavy work. physical labor. Raw quail eggs will help you quickly restore strength and replenish energy reserves.

This product also helps:

  • strengthen teeth,
  • improve the condition of nails, hair, skin,
  • calm down, relieve stress,
  • strengthen the immune system,
  • strengthen blood vessels and heart.

WITH medical point Indications for eating eggs on an empty stomach are:

  • hypertension - a “course” of 120 eggs is recommended, three in the morning for three days, then five,
  • cholecystitis – relieves bitterness in the mouth,
  • anemia, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus– 250 ml each,
  • male dysfunction.

Of particular note positive impact on the stomach. Quail eggs envelop the mucous membrane, providing the organ with protection from mechanical damage particles of food, and also relieve pain.

Moreover, the rich composition of the product helps in the prevention of gastritis and ulcers, improves microflora, and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

For gastritis, the benefits are as follows:

  • increased appetite,
  • relieving inflammation, helping restore mucous membranes,
  • elimination of nausea,
  • pain relief,
  • prevention of exacerbations due to nervousness.

Contraindications to eating quail eggs on an empty stomach

The main contraindication is liver problems. In any case, if you have any diseases, you should consult your doctor.

It is also worth noting that the benefits of of this product will only happen if it is fresh and of high quality. Be sure to make sure that the expiration date has not expired, the shell is intact, without noticeable defects.

Recipes using raw quail eggs

Recipe 1 – to increase vitality


Mix all the ingredients and drink on an empty stomach every morning.

Recipe 2 – to eliminate heaviness in the stomach


  • 4 raw eggs,
  • 30 grams of cognac,
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar.

Lightly beat the eggs and mix with the remaining ingredients. This meal should include bran bread.

  1. This product is added to the menu for children from the age of two, as it does not cause allergies, improves immunity, and promotes full mental and physical development.
  2. Children become more active both in school and in sports, and the carotene contained in eggs improves vision.
  3. Acute respiratory, colds They knock both adults and children out of their usual rhythm. It has been proven that quail eggs regular use reduce the likelihood of getting sick several times, especially in children.

Those who regularly use dietary supplements should pay attention to a natural alternative - quail eggs, which, when consumed raw, are no less effective, but at the same time more affordable and safe.

Eggs are just extravaganza useful substances of all stripes. It is not surprising, because life originates and develops in them (if the eggs are not cooked, but incubated.) Even the very first people on Earth - gatherers who did not even have time to pick up spears for hunting - already appreciated the nutritional value of bird eggs. Nowadays, the most popular eggs are chicken eggs and, of course, they are gaining popularity quail eggs . We will talk about the benefits of the latter in this article.

How many quail eggs are in one chicken egg?

Approximately 5 quail eggs are equal in content volume to an average chicken egg. But this is only in volume. If we take calories into account, then the ratio is 1 to 10. So if you decide to make a pie or salad, and you suddenly run out of chicken eggs, or someone is allergic to them, which often happens, you can safely replace them with quail eggs ratio from 5 to 10 to one. There is almost never an allergy to quail.

Benefits of quail eggs

And now about the most interesting thing: quail testicles are small, but they contain a much higher concentration of almost all substances, vitamins, amino acids than chicken eggs. People have long debated which came first - the egg or the chicken. But no one argues which egg is healthier. Let's look at the facts:

Protein(protein) quail eggs contain 10% more than chicken eggs. Protein for us is like the letters in this text. All our fabrics are made from it.

Gland 5 times more. Vital necessary element, plays key role in the delivery of oxygen to tissues, metabolism and the production of related hormones. Maintains the immune system in a combat-ready state and the skin in an attractive state.

Potassium 5 times more. He is the operator of the work of muscles and nerves, affects physical endurance, with him you get less tired. Correct heartbeat- also his merit. And in general, he is the idol of all muscles, blood vessels and other soft tissues in the body. Removes toxins. You cannot do without this element, especially if you are on a diet.

Vitamins B1 and B2 twice as much. But they are involved in almost all processes: energy production, support and restoration nervous system, brain; copying gene information during cell division. It is difficult to overestimate their importance.

Cystine, responsible for the construction of skin cells and involved in the removal of toxins. This substance is one and a half times more.

Quail eggs contain large amounts of vitamin A, good for bones, skin, hair and maintaining immunity. It is also an effective antioxidant.

Copper. Has a direct impact on recruitment muscle mass, hemoglobin synthesis. Normalizes skin color, promotes healthy hair and eyes. In terms of the content of this mineral, quail eggs are ahead by as much as 17%.

Phosphorus. A very important element in the body, as it is associated with any human activity, be it running somewhere, or thinking carefully. Responsible for life support, especially in men, because phosphorus helps to manifest best qualities in bed. There is 15 percent more of this important element.

Cobalt. An active blood builder, also an activist in the production of vitamin B12 and other useful enzymes. There is more of it by as much as 70%.

Lysozyme- a substance that monitors the correct microflora inside the egg, thanks to which the shelf life of quail eggs increases.

Tryptophan. Under its influence, the brain generates serotonin, a vital neurotransmitter. If you have Bad mood, you can’t sleep, then this substance will help you.

As you can see, quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs in terms of the concentration of almost all substances and microelements. They lose only in size, prevalence and, perhaps, accessibility. Otherwise, they have the disadvantages of all other eggs. We'll talk about them further.

Damage to quail eggs.

Cholesterol. There is less of it in quail eggs, but still enough. And although it promotes the production of testosterone, its excess is not what you should strive for. As you know, cholesterol forms plaques on blood vessels, which is not at all beneficial for people with atherosclerosis, and indeed with problem blood vessels in general. Therefore, you should limit your consumption of quail eggs to 5-6 pieces. in a day.

Many doctors say that in case of atherosclerosis, quail eggs are able, on the contrary, to remove cholesterol from the body due to the content of lecithin - this substance prevents the accumulation of cholesterol and destroys existing formations. This is how some benefit crept in even in the “harmful section”.

Effect on the liver and gall bladder. Any eggs, including quail ones, have a yolk that causes the flow of bile from the gallbladder. As a result, it decreases, and this can cause pain and discomfort if you have bile and liver problems - weak spots. In this case, doctors advise refraining from consuming eggs more than once a day.

Very thin shell. In this regard, quail eggs are more vulnerable to the penetration of all kinds of microbes, infections and contaminants, because cracks can appear from the slightest impact. This means that when purchasing eggs, you need to inspect them very carefully for damage.

Quail eggs and salmonellosis.

It is believed that quails cannot get salmonellosis. They say their body temperature is too high (42 degrees Celsius) for the development of this bacterium. Indeed, quails do not get sick, but this does not mean that the microbe cannot be in the body and get into the eggs. And salmonella dies only at higher temperatures - from 50 degrees and above. It is worth noting that quail eggs are therefore better protected than the eggs of other birds. However, unfortunately, eggs cannot be completely guaranteed to be germ-free.

If you're thinking of drinking a raw egg, at least wash it first. Because our conditions for storing and transporting eggs are far from sterile.

Otherwise, the harm of quail eggs can be reduced down to zero, if you do not abuse the amount eaten at a time. Know when to stop and you will only know the benefits of quail eggs! Let's tell you a little more good stuff, in the end.

The benefits of quail eggs for men

Many scientists recommend eating one egg a day for better work brain (Wasserman and the lifeo team approves!) Thought processes go faster, and you often don’t even need to read, for example, “to quickly understand what needs to be done.

Further news is even better. It is clear that when we talk about the benefits of quail eggs for men's health, we are talking about the reproductive system. And here they are often compared with Viagra in their properties. And Bulgarian experts concluded in their scientific works that these eggs are even superior to male pills in their own way positive influence. They advise taking an egg a day, and you will stand like a schoolboy who has not yet known the beauty female body. The Germans approve of this theory, but also advise adding 10 grams. vodka. And they know a lot about close and productive communication with the opposite sex!

The benefits of quail eggs for women

Many problems female body, including oncological diseases are associated with decreased immunity. And quail eggs help women maintain immunity. As a result, the risk of developing cancerous tumors, mastopathy. And in general good immunity prevents you from catching a cold again.

A positive effect on the immune system is achieved by improving the functioning of the digestive system, intestines, of cardio-vascular system. This, of course, affects general condition woman, and her desire to check how quail eggs affected his beloved man.

Scientific fact: When taking quail eggs for three months, progress is observed in the fight against nerve disorders, pressure surges, as well as diabetes, asthma and anemia.

How to boil quail eggs

Of course, due to their smaller size, quail eggs require less cooking time. So that you can cook them exactly the way you need - soft-boiled, hard-boiled or in a bag, we took this visual photograph.

There is usually no point in boiling quail eggs for more than five minutes. As you can see in the photo, after this time the egg was completely boiled.

Four minutes is an egg slightly undercooked to the point of being absolutely “tough”.

Three minutes – slightly hardened yolk, overcooked “cream”.

Two minutes - a perfect soft-boiled egg, hardened white and pristine yolk.

One minute - barely set white, clearly an undercooked egg.

All the eggs were thrown into already boiling water!

The eggs were cooked from one minute to five, from left to right.

If, after boiling, you immediately dip the egg in cold water, then it will be very easy to clean! And you won’t lose half the egg along with the shell.

Here our article about quail eggs comes to an end. We hope you have learned a lot of new things, and now your diet will become more varied and nutritious.

Currently, there is an established opinion that raw quail eggs cannot be contaminated with salmonella (dangerous gastrointestinal infection), because quails that lay quail eggs do not suffer from salmonellosis at all.
If this is so, then raw quail eggs are undoubtedly healthier and more nutritionally valuable than boiled or fried ones. Therefore, it is important to find out whether it is really possible to eat (or rather, drink) raw quail eggs.

Is it possible to eat (drink) raw quail eggs?

Based on generally accepted opinion, as well as many publications and advertising articles, you can eat (drink) raw quail eggs. This is due to the fact that the quail’s body temperature is more than 40 degrees. At this temperature, salmonella infections, which are destroyed during heat treatment of eggs, do not survive. This is associated with both the absence of diseases among quails and the absence of contamination of quail eggs. Therefore, you can eat or drink raw quail eggs. This is the main opinion.
But there is also an opposite point of view, which, by the way, is confirmed by the Sanitary Standards.
According to Sanitary standards Quails are just as susceptible to salmonellosis as chickens. And if chicken eggs are highly discouraged for consumption in their raw form precisely because of the possible presence of salmonella, then in the same way raw quail eggs cannot be consumed without heat treatment.
The solution to the issue remains with the consumer. If you believe the first point of view, then there is nothing wrong. But if there is still a danger of infection with salmonellosis, then you need to listen to the recommendations of the sanitary service. And in any case, it is not advisable to offer it raw (follow the link to find out how quail eggs can help children's body in development).
Raw quail eggs contain large quantity vitamins that can be destroyed due to heat treatment. But if you eat or drink raw quail eggs, this can lead to a decrease in the hemoglobin content in the blood due to the body not receiving enough iron. Indeed, in cooked form, iron, which is part of the yolk of quail eggs, is absorbed much better.
Besides, heat treatment quail eggs improves the digestibility of complete protein, which begins to be absorbed almost completely.

In general, it turns out that drinking (eating) raw quail eggs is “more expensive.” After all, if there is even a small chance of getting sick with salmonellosis (and this means an increase in temperature, pain and pain in the stomach and intestines, vomiting, diarrhea and even death of the sick person in the absence of medical help), then it would be better to cook quail eggs boiled or fried so as not to get sick. A

Just yesterday, all eggs, including quail eggs, were persecuted. Egg cholesterol was almost called main reason atherosclerosis.

Today, the media are making inversely proportional efforts, rehabilitating quail eggs and even elevating them to the rank of medicine. One can only envy the reputation of the “speckled ones”. What does it really cost to “eat” a quail egg?

Unique properties of a quail egg: real and imaginary

Some say health benefits of quail eggs invaluable. Others call it exaggerated. The first recommend quail eggs for weight loss, detoxification, treatment and prevention.

The latter, under the intricate shells, see only raw materials for making omelettes. Who is right? We will trust science, which has long studied the composition of the product and shared the results with a wide audience.

Chemistry of benefits

Quail egg is truly nutritious and dietary product. With a low calorie content (158 kcal per 100 g), it contains a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids - a natural “biococtail” that can compete with many nutritional supplements.

Although quail eggs are structurally similar to chicken eggs, the quantitative parameters differ and most often favor “speckled” eggs.

So, quail contains more potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and B vitamins.

What distinguishes it from its competitor is the quality of its protein, which contains more methionine, lysine and tryptophan. By the way, tryptophan takes part in the synthesis of serotonin, the “pleasure hormone”. Eating blues and stress with quail eggs is advisable and beneficial for your figure.

The fly in the ointment is cholesterol. There is 844 mg of it in 100 g of quail eggs, which is almost three daily doses. IN chicken eggs 2 times less cholesterol. It is consoling that the harm of egg cholesterol has been refuted, but the reputation, as they say, is tarnished.

Contents, 100 g% of joint venture
Vitamin A156 mcg17%
Vitamin D1.4 mcg14%
Vitamin E1.08 mg7%
Vitamin B10.13 mg9%
Vitamin B20.79 mg44%
Vitamin B51.76 mg35%
Vitamin B60.15 mg8%
Vitamin B966 mcg17%
Vitamin B121.58 mcg53%
Kholin263 mg53%
Potassium132 mg5%
Calcium64 mg6%
Magnesium13 mg3%
Phosphorus226 mg28%
Iron3.65 mg20%
Manganese0.04 mg2%
Copper0.06 mg6%
Selenium32 mcg58%
Zinc1.47 mg12%

About the benefits and risks

The rich nutritional composition is an advantage, but not a reason to call the product medicinal. Eggs cannot heal, but they are quite capable of maintaining health. There are resources for this.

In this connection, including quail eggs in the diet of children, the elderly, weakened and exhausted, pregnant and lactating women is a common sense recommendation.

As for the widely reported hypoallergenicity of the product, this is a myth. If there is an allergy to chicken protein, it will also develop to quail protein, since it still contains the same allergen ovomucoid.

Let’s also refute the legend about salmonellosis, which supposedly cannot be infected. They argue for this high temperature quail body, which is enough to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Salmonella, of course, is suppressed by 42 degrees, but does not kill. Salmonella dies at 65 degrees and above. Before drinking a raw egg, at least wash it well. Better yet, treat it thermally and don’t risk your health.

As for the ecological purity of quail eggs, this is true. Strong immunity quail really allows you to keep them without vaccination. WITH high probability The eggs you buy will be free of antibiotics.

Thus, a quail egg:

  • is a “carrier” of high-quality protein and a vitamin-mineral complex and can be included in everyone’s diet (except for allergy sufferers) as a tasty, nutritious and healthy product;
  • really dietary and legally recommended for use by people with overweight suffering from disorders of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • can provide real support for anemia, vitamin deficiency, cardiovascular diseases, diseases digestive tract, dermatological problems and even problems with potency, but is not a cure;
  • cannot be called a hypoallergenic and safe product, since it is an allergen and can cause salmonellosis.


The big question: how to eat quail eggs for greater benefits

The question of how to eat quail eggs raises no less holivars. Opinions vary widely. Drinking raw quail eggs for benefits recommended by many.

There is evidence that raw protein has an anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effect on the body. Kapustin’s “disgraced” method with intramuscular injections raw egg let's omit it.

Doctors think differently. They call the soft-boiled state the ideal “consistency” of an egg. In this form, its protein is absorbed best - 98%, while the digestibility of raw protein is only 50%. And, doctors remind, salmonellosis has not been canceled.

On the one hand, there is almost absolute digestibility and safety. On the other hand, digestibility is half, risks of salmonellosis, but healing properties. Choose according to your taste. The main thing is to know the limit, and nutritionists call a measure 2 quail eggs for children and 5-6 pieces for adults per day.

For a snack: healthy recipes with quail eggs

Among German men, the “youth cocktail” is popular, which is prepared from 4 quail eggs and a tablespoon infused with walnuts vodka. What kind of “youth” we're talking about, It's clear. For a woman, youth is the beauty of her skin, and we are sharing a cocktail recipe for this occasion.

Youth cocktail with quail eggs for beautiful skin

  • You will need 4 quail eggs, 1 glass of milk, 1 banana and 50 g of liquid honey.
  • Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink the cocktail before breakfast or instead of it for a month and share the results of your beauty experiment in the comments.

Salad with quail eggs, mozzarella and arugula

  • An original appetizer for a romantic dinner for two. You will need 10 quail eggs, 150 g mini mozzarella, 250 g cherry tomatoes, pitted olives, a bunch of arugula, Pine nuts and pesto sauce.
  • Cut hard-boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls into halves. Roast pine nuts in a dry frying pan. Mix eggs, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, olives, arugula, nuts and season with pesto sauce.

Bon appetit and good health!