How to set the round time. Exercises for long-lasting erections. Traditional medicine

Let us consider in detail the simplest and quick way how to slow down time in CS GO. This function is sometimes needed to record some videos, create certain effects that are time-sensitive, or just for fun. It’s worth clarifying right away that you can enable acceleration or deceleration only in the game mode with bots. On any servers and wherever teams are represented by real people and not bots, this function is disabled by the server, since it is an analogue of cheats. It is also worth considering that you are not changing your speed, but this indicator on server. It reduces the overall time scales and this will affect the entire game.

Typically, these functions are used to create high-quality and unusual screenshots, views from a certain angle, and other similar material that is very difficult to create in normal gaming conditions.

How to slow down time in CS GO via the console

This is perhaps the fastest, but not the most convenient way to increase speed in the game. It can be slowed down in the same way, the difference will only be in the parameters themselves. So, if you don't know how to increase the speed in the game or how to run much slower than usual, then first enter the command "sv_cheats 1" so that your game changes can take effect.

The time dilation command itself will look like this: “host_timescale 1.0”. One is the base value at which you will run, like other team members. Increase it to go fast and decrease it if you want to run slow. For example, "host_timescale 0.3" will change the speed to extremely slow. Even when running, the player will move slower than when walking and crouching in normal mode.

How to bind speed hotkeys in CS GO

If you often use these commands, then it is better to simply bind them to any buttons. This will make turning this function on and off instantaneous, which is sometimes needed to show various effects when creating a game video.
To do this, enter the following values:

  • Bind Y "host_timescale 0.3" (to slow down a lot);
  • Bind U "host_timescale 1.0" (base speed);
  • Bind I "host_timescale 1.7" (accelerated mode).

Now, to increase the speed you just need to press I, and to slow down - Y. Also, you do not have to think about how to change the speed to the original one, just press U. This will allow you to instantly change the pace of the game. Not all players know how to find out the speed so that you can change it more accurately. To do this, enter the command “cl_showpos 1”, you can see the speed in the upper right corner.

Also, do not forget that every time, before speeding up or slowing down the game, you need to enter “sv_cheats”, otherwise nothing will happen.

How to slow down through game files

If you want to find a more convenient and permanent option for how to slow down time in CS GO, then to do this, open the file in the game called config.cfg. Any text editor or even standard notepad will do. Next, enter the above commands with binds into the config and they will always work.
It is worth considering that after starting the game you will still have to manually enter “sv_cheats 1” in the console, otherwise Even the binds included in the config will not work. Also, don’t forget to turn off the this command, because while it is active, achievements will not work for you.

In the case when a man suffers from rapid ejaculation, the question arises: how to prolong sexual intercourse? There really are many ways to do this, from medicines before use .

Intimate intimacy between partners takes place in several stages, which look like this:

  1. The first stage begins with foreplay. Male and female organisms must be in an excited state.
    For this they can be used pleasant words, touch, music and more.
    Men feel a persistent erection, women notice hardened nipples and a moistened vaginal opening.
    It is impossible to talk about the duration of this stage, because it is different and depends, first of all, on individual characteristics.
  2. The second stage is erection. The head of the penis increases in size, and mucous discharge is present on the genitals of both partners.
  3. The third stage is frictional. There is contact between partners.
  4. The fourth stage is completion. The partners enjoy it, the pressure rises, and the muscles begin to contract quickly. At this stage, you can increase the time of sexual intercourse; just stop for a few minutes and devote time to caresses.

During the stages described above, the body of women and men reacts differently. This also applies to flow rate.

As statistics show, the fair half of humanity needs a little more time for foreplay.

The man gets an orgasm within a few seconds. The speed of ejaculation depends on many factors, the main one of which is the frequency of intercourse.

It is believed that the less often intimacy occurs, the shorter it is.

Interesting! A survey of sexologists allows us to conclude that the duration of sex for healthy man is up to five minutes.

More time can lead to exhaustion of partners; in this case there is no need to talk about pleasure.

Exist various methods prolonging sexual intercourse, those who love long-term sex resort to their help.

Long-term intimacy is the dream of many men. They are ready to do a lot to achieve it.

But sometimes to prolong sexual intercourse it is enough to follow simple rules, they relate to the following points:

And the main thing that both partners should remember is relaxation. Often, quick sex occurs when there is anxiety and tension. Therefore, when thinking about how to prolong sexual intercourse in a man, you should think about your emotional state.

There are many ways to prolong sexual contact. The tips, and many call them Casanova’s secrets, are as follows:

  • Feeling that orgasm is coming soon, it is recommended to stop moving the penis. At this time, a man should move his body so as to touch erogenous zones partners.
  • You can continue friction even after ejaculation. To prevent your penis from becoming flaccid, squeeze it lightly at the base. This way you can prolong sexual intercourse for a man for a few more minutes.
  • Use petting. You can bring a woman to the peak of pleasure with oral caresses even before sex. The need for long-term sex will disappear by itself.

The ways to prolong sex described above can improve the quality intimate life. Partners will learn to have fun and will not think about time.

You can prolong or increase the duration of sexual intercourse with exercises. The thing is that for sex the body has to use a lot of muscles. By learning to control them, you can solve the main problem:

  1. When urinating, hold the stream of urine for a few seconds. The muscles needed for sex will be noticeable.
  2. Tighten the muscles that were felt in the previous exercise up to ten times in one approach. Repeat the exercise up to three times a day.
  3. Once you get used to the exercise, tense your muscles and hold it a little longer than before. Increase the number of repetitions per day.
  4. When the muscles are tense, move your penis.

If you feel that ejaculation is coming soon, you should tense all your muscles, so that ejaculation will come a little later.

Psychogenic and meditative extension

Before thinking about how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse, you should visit the hospital and undergo an examination. If there are no health problems, you can use the following methods:

  1. You can prolong sexual intercourse by reviewing your lifestyle. If you don't move much, do some exercise. At emotional work find time to sleep, good rest. To restore strength, meditation, walking on fresh air.
  2. Don't get hung up on anything. According to experts, psychological reason short sex - constant thoughts of arousal. During intimacy, thoughts should be abstract, throw away all problems and fears. Those who follow this rule claim that it is indeed possible to increase the duration of sex.
  3. Breathing technique. Psychologists say that you should not breathe frequently or hold your breath. The body will be able to fully relax, the tension will go away.

While having sex, devote a few minutes to thinking about your hobby or favorite activity. When distracted, you should be careful, otherwise the erection will be reduced.

A quick orgasm is not a reason for depression or refusal of sex. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.

Traditional methods

How to prolong sexual intercourse at home without pills, sprays and other methods? People have many ways to solve the problem; the most effective and safest are:

  1. A squeeze of mint leaves is used to rub the penis. The juice contains natural anesthetics, menthol, etc. After absorption, sensitivity decreases and remains persistent.
  2. Include raspberry or currant leaves in your diet. The composition includes feliamine, the substance increases the duration of sexual intercourse.
  3. An increase in the time of sexual intercourse can be achieved with a tincture of cornflower flowers. The resulting drink is similar in effect to stimulants.
  4. A decoction made from oak bark. Pour boiling water over the plant and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. The course of treatment is designed for a week.


Can be used to prolong sexual intercourse. It is recommended to avoid fast food, sweets and spicy foods. The products themselves that prolong sexual intercourse are as follows:

Nuts. There are a lot of useful substances And . The beneficial content helps to increase amino acids, blood circulation is normalized, and the quality of intimate life improves.

Seafood. When losing ground in bed, men should pay attention to seafood. Special attention devoted to oysters and caviar.

Honey. Products that prolong sexual intercourse include honey. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to add onions to it. If you are prone to allergies, it is not recommended to eat bee products.

Chocolate. How to prolong sexual intercourse without drugs? Sweet product not only improves mood, but also has a beneficial effect on the quality of intimate life. It is enough to eat 50 grams of the product per day.

For better arousal, liquid chocolate can be poured onto your partner’s body, and then passionately licked off with your tongue. These are enjoyable games that are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Cabbage. Girls used to eat cabbage to enlarge their breasts, but few people know that the product helps men. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. After regular use testosterone levels increase.

For renewal sexual contact It is enough to regularly eat at least one product listed above.

Extension with tablets and dietary supplements

The time frame for sex is different, but if someone is not satisfied with it and wants something more, you can use special means.


Prolong intimacy It is possible with the help of tablets, its duration after taking increases several times. It is recommended to take with weakened potency, as well as to eliminate premature ejaculation. The drug is well tolerated by the body, side effects occur only with an overdose.

How to prolong sexual contact at home? This is the most famous and effective remedy, allowing to normalize potency.

The resulting effect pleases for eight to ten hours.

It is prohibited to combine Viagra and other medications. Frequent use prohibited, may become addictive.


How to make sex last longer using this drug? This is an effective remedy, not designed for long-term use. It's more of a product for single use. You can feel the result after half an hour, it lasts for several hours. Contraindications to use – intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Super Vidalista

Main active substance, included in the composition - tadalafil. At regular intake Erection problems disappear, potency becomes stronger. This the best remedy for those men who suffer from poor circulation in the genitals.

Golden horse

How to increase the duration of sexual intercourse with the help of dietary supplements? This is a food supplement that will have to be taken for several months to achieve the desired result.

The main advantage is the ability to combine with alcoholic drinks. There are minimal contraindications for use.

Side effects are rare.

Thinking about how to extend intimate relationships, many people prefer pills, but in fact it is not necessary to drink anything. There is a cream, gel, lubricant that is applied to the penis before intimacy.

The products are convenient because they are not able to influence blood flow, and the pressure does not increase after application.


This is another food supplement that can increase the duration of intimacy. The basis includes components natural origin, side effects are minimal, there are no contraindications for use.

There are many ways to prolong intimacy, and despite this, men continue to wonder how best to prolong sexual intercourse and satisfy their partner.

This drug is distinguished by the fact that after administration, the walls of the smooth muscles relax, ensuring a full blood flow.

The resulting effect lasts up to twelve hours.


The drug is designed for a course of treatment lasting two weeks. It is well tolerated and does not cause addiction. An hour after taking it, an erection occurs, but subject to natural arousal.

Important! Extension of the act using folk remedies is most welcome, but drugs and dietary supplements are considered more effective.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

It should be remembered that a man’s strength cannot last forever. Many factors can cause it to be weakened. To replenish it, representatives of the fair sex must monitor their lifestyle, eat right, and also have sex regularly.

Normal sexual intercourse - based on physiological characteristics human body, lasts from 3 to 10 minutes. Premature ejaculation – if all the pleasure ends within 160 seconds, 5 minutes is already normal time sexual intercourse. Nature, when creating people, cared not about sensual pleasures, but about procreation, therefore the fact that a man gets an orgasm faster than a woman is the norm.

Therefore, when a man asks: “How long does your sexual intercourse last?”- he answers proudly, for example: “An hour and a half.” He probably has a special sexual technique - and you should learn from him - or has health problems. Sex that takes more than 15 minutes can be exhausting for partners.

How to increase your sex time

Methods that help prolong the duration of sexual intercourse can be divided into groups:

  • I – improvement of sexual technique;
  • II – improvement of health status, fulfillment general recommendations helping to create a reliable tandem with a partner;
  • III – use additional funds allowing the process to be prolonged.

These means include lubricant, sex toys, the use of medications and aphrodisiacs.

When choosing one of the methods, you should have at least an approximate idea of ​​what your partner is experiencing and how her body works. Perfect option– a woman easily “lights up” and quickly has an orgasm.

The woman slowly becomes aroused, and then the main attention will need to be paid to foreplay. In most cases, if the partner approaches coitus already completely relaxed, there is no need to prolong sexual intercourse. The partner gets excited quickly, but the man needs to try hard to satisfy him. In this case, the partner needs technical training.

Sensual pleasure technique

How to increase the time of sexual intercourse by expanding sexual knowledge and mastering new techniques?

There are basic ways to extend time:

  1. With the help of stimulation of erogenous zones - stimulation of the clitoris and petting - the partner is brought to
    orgasm, and only then comes the time of penetration;
  2. During coitus, stimulation of the clitoris does not stop; movements of the penis are carried out very slowly so as not to increase one’s own arousal;
  3. To reduce sensuality, you should use condoms. It should be chosen so that it meets seemingly opposite requirements: it calms the partner and excites the partner. Thick condom with pimples fits better In all, it reduces the sensual pleasure of a man and increases it for a woman. By the way, with a condom - even if ejaculation has occurred - you can go for the 2nd pass, and your partner will probably have an orgasm;
  4. In order for your partner to receive pleasure, you need to master the prolongation technique. Before the onset of orgasm, the man stops the friction, breathes deeply and calms down, then the movements continue at the same pace.

Sexual intercourse carried out using the latter method can last for hours, and the partner will definitely have time to have an orgasm if... she knows the partner or she likes a similar method. Some women, during the necessary breaks, completely lose interest in what is happening, their excitement goes away, and both partners leave dissatisfied with each other. To prevent this from happening, during a forced rest, a man should not forget about the object of passion, and caress his partner - less sensually, but tenderly.

Ways to stop ejaculation

Mastering the following techniques will tell you how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

Some men, performing all actions according to a certain algorithm, begin to feel like robots.

You can console them - after you give pleasure to your partner, the time will come to think about yourself, and then you can stop counting the frictions.

In order for your partner’s excitement to grow slowly, you must first alternate the depth of penetration - 3 shallow dives, one for the full length of the penis.

The penis is in the vagina for no more than 81 frictions - then you need to pull it out 4/5 of the length - for those who have non-standard sizes: about 2-3 cm should remain inside. After a short rest, coitus continues in the same rhythm.

As soon as the partner begins to feel that the woman’s arousal is increasing, the pace increases:

  • for 5 deep, one shallow penetration;
  • for 7 deep ones there is one shallow one;
  • and further on increasing.

Helps increase the time of sexual intercourse the following techniques– clamping of the penis at the base or girth
head of the penis.

Only the man himself must master all these actions - if they are entrusted to his partner, it is unlikely that it will be possible to delay ejaculation. As soon as all the techniques can be brought to automaticity, the average time of sexual intercourse will be extended by 20-30 minutes without “violence” against oneself.

You can reduce the sensitivity of the head after circumcision, but in adults this operation can cause undesirable consequences for health and return to sexual pleasure stretches over a long period.

Repeated sexual intercourse

Some men give pleasure to their partner using a different method - they spend the first sexual intercourse violently and quickly, and during the second - which takes much longer than the first - they already give pleasure to their partner.

This method is justified if the male body is able to recover in 3-5 minutes between sexual acts. Young men have the ability to act without interruption - in this case, the woman always receives satisfaction.

But the older the partner, the more time his body needs to rest, and after 35 years of time, it will take from 15 to 30 minutes to recover between sexual acts. Is it really impossible to achieve consensus in tandem?

With age, not only the time of rest extends, but also coitus itself. The older a man is, the more frictions he is able to perform in one approach. Each age has its own advantages.

  • The penis is inserted when the woman is prepared - a moistened mucous membrane reduces
    head sensitivity;
  • You need to learn to switch to extraneous thoughts - this helps calm your breathing;
  • During pauses, stimulation of a woman’s erogenous zones does not stop;
  • A small dose of alcohol helps prolong sexual intercourse;
  • After ejaculation, you need to wait until the excitement of the penis has completely subsided, and not pull it out with a sudden movement;
  • Excessive prolongation of coitus leads to stagnation in the pelvic organs and the return of semen into the posterior urethra, and then into bladder, which adversely affects the health of the reproductive organs.

CS:GO How to increase the time for CS:GO rounds?

  1. Where to begin?

    give weapon_aug - AUG / Aug
    give weapon_awp - Awp / Awp

    give weapon_g3sg1 - g3sg1

    give weapon_hkp2000 - p2000

    give weapon_m3 - Benelli M3

    give weapon_mag7 - Mag-7
    give weapon_mp7 - MP-7
    give weapon_mp9 - MP-9

    give weapon_p250 - p250
    give weapon_p90 - p90

    give weapon_usp - USP / YSP
    give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014

    give weapon_c4 - C4 / Bomb

    give item_vest - Vest / Armor

  2. mp_roundtime_defuse 0.1-60 (For DE cards, with defuse)
  3. mp_maxroundsе

  4. If you want to know anything or any other commands, write to
  5. mp_roundtime time
    mp_roundtime_defuse 0
  6. mp_maxrounds - maximum number of rounds in a match (0 disables the limit).
    mp_roundtime_defuse - maximum time round for de cards (in minutes).
    mp_roundtime_hostage - maximum round time for cs maps (in minutes).
    mp_roundtime - maximum round time for other maps (per minute).
    mp_timelimit - maximum match time (in minutes, 0 disables the limit).
    All commands work only in your lobby. Entered via console ().
    Some commands may require sv_cheats 1.
  7. CSGO console commands for training!

    Where to begin?
    sv_cheats 1 is the first command that you should write in the console. It will make a little magic happen.
    noclip is a command that allows you to fly around the map very quickly. Why is this necessary? I use this command very conveniently to monitor where the smoke flies, for example. The most convenient way is to bind noclip to one of the mouse buttons. So, for example, for me it hangs on mouse5. It looks like this: bind "mouse5" noclip.
    give weapon_ is a command that allows you to instantly receive any weapon, including grenades. After the slash you need to add what you want to get.
    For example, give weapon_ak47 will receive a Kalash, respectively.

    All give_weapon commands for weapons

    give weapon_ak47 - Ak-47 / Kalash
    give weapon_aug - AUG / Aug
    give weapon_awp - Awp / Awp
    give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle / Deagle
    give weapon_elite - Berettas / Berettas
    give weapon_famas - Famas / Famas
    give weapon_fiveseven - Five-seven
    give weapon_g3sg1 - g3sg1
    give weapon_galilar - Galil / Galil
    give weapon_glock - Glock / Glock
    give weapon_hkp2000 - p2000
    give weapon_knife - Knife / Knife
    give weapon_m249 - m249 / Machine gun
    give weapon_m3 - Benelli M3
    give weapon_m4a1 - m4a1 / Plump Emka
    give weapon_mac10 - Mac-10 / Mac
    give weapon_mag7 - Mag-7
    give weapon_mp7 - MP-7
    give weapon_mp9 - MP-9
    give weapon_negev - Negev / Negev Terov machine gun
    give weapon_nova - Nova / Nova
    give weapon_p250 - p250
    give weapon_p90 - p90
    give weapon_sawedoff - SawedOff / Sawed Off
    give weapon_scar20 - Scar-20 / Scar
    give weapon_ssg08 - Ssg-08 / Fly
    give weapon_sg553 - Sg553 / Terovskaya
    give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9 for terov / СZ for counter
    give weapon_ump45 - UMP-45 / UMP
    give weapon_usp - USP / YSP
    give weapon_xm1014 - XM1014

    All give_weapon commands for grenades and everything else

    give weapon_c4 - C4 / Bomb
    give weapon_decoy - Decoy / Stun Grenade
    give weapon_flashbang - Flashbang / Flash drive
    give weapon_hegrenade - HEGrenade / Explosive Grenade
    give weapon_incgrenade - IncGrenade / Incendiary Grenade
    give weapon_molotov - Molotov / Molotov
    give weapon_smokegrenade - Smoke Grenade / Smoke Grenade
    give weapon_taser - Zeus / Zeus
    give item_defuser - Defuser / Wire cutters
    give item_vesthelm - Vest+Helm / Armor and helmet
    give item_vest - Vest / Armor

    Other quite important commands

    r_drawothermodels 2 includes Wall hack.
    sv_infinite_ammo 1 no longer runs out of ammo.
    sv_grenade_trajectory 1 draws the grenade's flight trajectory, showing all points of contact with the textures. A very convenient thing.
    ammo_grenade_limit_total 150 (more possible) maximum amount grenades that the player can carry.
    sv_showimpacts 1 shows the points where your bullets hit.
    sv_showbullethits 1 shows at what point you hit the enemy by drawing his silhouette.
    cl_disable_ragdolls 1 command that will help with FPS during training. Often, when there are 3-4 smokes, it becomes noticeable that the FPS sags. This command will remove physics from the Ragdoll game. True, it only works with sv_cheats 1.
    dsp_slow_cpu 1, similar to the previous command, will help you increase FPS at the expense of a slight decrease in sound quality. +50 fps guaranteed.
    mat_disable_bloom 1 disables the unnecessary bloom effect. Another +50 fps minimum.
    r_drawparticles 0 another command for FPS. Removes almost all animation of shots, water splashes, etc.
    mp_warmuptime 99999999999 thanks to this command, the warm-up will literally last forever.

Prolongation of sexual intercourse is a topic that worries not only men, but also the fair sex. Many couples face the problem of rapid ejaculation. Loving friend friend, people, of course, want to prolong the pleasure of intimate contact, but they are often faced with the inability to properly control the process. In this case, lovers are wondering how to increase the time of sexual intercourse.

Rapid ejaculation does not cause much discomfort to a man, however, everyone knows that a woman always needs much more time to achieve orgasm. Because of this, the lady will remain unsatisfied, the situation will be repeated every time, which will cause an inferiority complex in the man. He will begin to doubt his capabilities, become more stressed, and perhaps become depressed. In order to understand how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to understand what caused rapid ejaculation.

    Show all

    What causes premature ejaculation?

    The duration of sexual intercourse can be debated endlessly. There are no specific frameworks; for each man this process lasts differently. Some people can have sex for hours, giving their beloved woman many orgasms, while for others, just three minutes is enough. This time is clearly not enough to enjoy the process.

    Unfortunately, premature ejaculation can occur after just a few frictions, and sometimes even before sexual intercourse. From similar problem About 30% of the stronger sex suffer. The problem is most common among middle-aged men.

    Prolongation of sexual intercourse in men should begin with identifying the reasons premature ejaculation.Most often this can be:

    • A long period of time between sexual acts. This happens if lovers often have to be at a distance, if one of the partners was sick or simply did not want intimacy.
    • Hyperexcitability.
    • Young age of sexual partner, in in this case this concerns the young man.
    • Excitement before intimacy.
    • Availability psychological disorders, depression, self-doubt.
    • Hormonal disbalance.
    • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory processes.
    • Lack of magnesium in the diet.
    • Wrong lifestyle, in particular frequent use alcohol and smoking.
    • Complexes of a sexual nature that began to develop in childhood.
    • Excessive preoccupation with upcoming sexual intercourse.
    • Constant stress and emotional turmoil.
    • Prostatitis and some diseases of the spine.

    Important! Latest Research conducted in the USA showed that average duration sexual intercourse lasts from 3 to 12 minutes.

    Most of the respondents claimed that they have sex for an average of 10 minutes. Doctors believe that short sexual intercourse can be considered intimate intimacy, during which one or both partners remained unsatisfied. There are simply no time frames.

    Where to begin?

    To accurately determine how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, you need to understand what can be done in each specific case. For example, if partners are constantly at a distance and cannot be together often, you need to either look for ways to get closer and change your usual lifestyle, or make your own sex life more diverse.

    For example, you can have sex over the phone or on the Internet. Such an unusual connection will give the relationship some zest, while the man will not experience a lack of sexual intimacy. You can use modern capabilities and make love using Skype. The next time, during direct contact, the man will not be so overstimulated, and ejaculation will not occur so quickly.

    At a young age, many guys face the problem of rapid ejaculation. As a rule, this happens due to complexes, worries, excessive excitability and inexperience. In this case there is no need to search magic remedy. An increase in the duration of sexual intercourse will occur by itself. You just need to be patient, trust your partner, try to loosen up and slowly learn the mysteries of sex.

    If it concerns diseases of an intimate nature, the presence of inflammation, infection, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible. Remember, the problem will not solve itself. Constant thoughts about illness will interfere with concentrating on the intimate process.

    To prolong sexual intercourse at home, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Firstly, you should avoid stressful situations, eat right, add to your diet more products with magnesium content. It's worth forgetting about bad habits, exclude alcoholic drinks. In case of hormonal imbalance, you need to urgently contact a specialist. Only after passing quality treatment, you can improve the quality of sexual relations.

    The simplest methods

    Increased sexual intercourse is possible:

    • when promoting the health of partners;
    • when improving the technique of sexual intimacy;
    • when using condoms, special gels and lubricants.

    In order for the duration of sexual intercourse to suit both partners, it is necessary to diversify intimate relationships, realize various fantasies, become more relaxed, and stimulate a woman’s erogenous zones for longer. Agree, if a woman is more excited than usual, she will need much less time to achieve orgasm. Behind a short time both partners will be satisfied.

    Sex technique

    A good lover does not think about how to prolong sexual intercourse, but about how to please, first of all, the woman, and only then himself. To lengthen the time of sexual intercourse, you need to resort to some rules in sex:

    • The penis should be inserted into the vagina only after the man brings the woman to orgasm by stimulating the clitoris. The woman has already had pleasure, and even if sexual intercourse is very short, nothing bad will happen. Such caresses help a woman achieve vaginal orgasm faster.
    • During intimacy, you need to move more slowly or combine fast and slow movements.
    • Even if ejaculation has occurred, you can continue to prolong sexual intercourse. To do this, a man just needs to use condoms.
    • You can use methods to artificially prolong sexual intercourse. To do this, a man must stop friction at the moment when he feels the approach of ejaculation.
    • As arousal increases, the man should stop moving, but not remove the penis completely from the vagina; the head should be inside. Alternating between shallow movements and maximum deep immersion effectively helps to prolong intimacy.

    Golden rules for lasting pleasure

    The duration of sex depends on the interval between acts. The shorter the interval, the longer the sex will be.

    Effective ways to prolong sexual intercourse:

    • You can only enter the vagina if the woman is sufficiently stimulated; plenty of moisture will help avoid friction.
    • Feeling the approach of ejaculation, the man stops, distracts himself from thoughts about sex, and restores his breathing. The first pause is made immediately after inserting the penis into the vagina.
    • During intense movements, you need to place your palm on the area around the clitoris. Quick or light pressing movements are necessary to further stimulate the woman. If a man feels an orgasm approaching, he should stop moving the penis, but can continue to stimulate the clitoris. After intercourse, you can continue to caress the clitoris and give the woman even more pleasure.
    • In addition, many people know that a small dose of alcohol can make sex noticeably longer. How can you prolong sexual intercourse in this way safely? The main thing is not to abuse alcohol. You can have a romantic dinner and drink some wine. This is quite enough.
    • A man can prolong sexual intercourse by using a condom. In the case of hypersensitivity and excessive excitement, this is unlikely to help, but it will still dull the sensations a little. Some manufacturers treat condoms special compounds, while there may be different substances inside and outside. Those on the outside stimulate the vagina and help a woman experience orgasm faster, while those inside the condom delay the moment of ejaculation in men. Condoms with dotted and ribbed surfaces help a woman experience the peak of sexual pleasure faster.
    • Various prolonging sex lubricants and gels have a good effect. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store. They must be applied inside the vagina and on the head of the penis a few minutes before sex.
    • You can also use anesthetic ointments that consist of dicaine and sovcaine. This product should be used to lubricate the head of the penis and the frenulum.
    • The most effective and proven method is masturbation. It's best to do this shortly before sex. The main amount of semen will come out, the man will relieve sexual tension and will be able to prepare for a long and passionate night.

    Every couple in love has a certain amount of time that they can spend on sex and preparing for it. Longer sex can happen after doing a few exercises. So how to prolong sexual intercourse in this way?

    Sport not only contributes to quality sexual relations, but also noticeably improves physical fitness, which adds to a man’s attractiveness and self-confidence. The most simple exercises This:

    • deep squats;
    • body bends.

    In addition, it is important to pay attention to strengthening pelvic muscles. Performing such exercises daily helps control sensations during sex. Here are some exercises to prolong sexual intercourse:

    • You need to undress and sit in front of the mirror. As you inhale, you need to draw in your stomach and anus, while the man should make sure that the testicles rise slightly at this moment. As you exhale, you can relax. It is advisable to repeat this exercise several times a week for 4-5 approaches with a break of a few seconds. Gradually you need to learn to do exercises while standing.
    • In a lying position, it is necessary to compress and unclench the sphincter. At this moment, it is best to put your finger on it to feel how tense or relaxed the muscles are.
    • First, the man empties the bladder, after which he imitates urination, while it is necessary to strain the area between the pubis and the anus. This exercise gives good results.

    Traditional medicine methods

    Nature takes care of us, providing everything we need to maintain good health. In this case folk remedies can also help solve the problem. How can a man prolong sexual intercourse with the help of natural ingredients?

    1. 1. Oak bark is known to many for its healing properties. It contains thiamine. This component helps dull the sensitivity of nerve endings located in the genitals. Accordingly, ejaculation will not occur as quickly as usual. You need to drink one glass of bark tincture for a week. The proportions are always indicated on the packaging, usually 1-2 tsp per 250 ml.
    2. 2. Included peppermint There are safe sedatives, so the juice from this plant can be rubbed on the head of the penis about 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Mint helps nerve endings not to react so strongly to excitement, as a result it is much easier for a man to control himself.
    3. 3. How to prolong the time of sexual intercourse with the help of cornflowers? In fact, the plant is quite effective. About an hour before sex, it is recommended to drink an infusion of cornflower flowers. The product works well to slow down the onset of male orgasm.
    4. 4. In ancient times, to prolong pleasure, men carried a bottle of wheat oil. This product is not applied to the skin or taken orally but must be inhaled. Entomorphine, which is part of the oil, affects male hormones. This allows you to prolong intimacy and enhance pleasure.
    5. 5. You can slow down the ejaculation process if you regularly eat currants and raspberries and add the leaves of these plants to tea.

    In addition, in many specialized stores or pharmacies you can find biologically active additives, which help prolong the time of sexual intercourse. Their main advantage is that they are safe for humans and do not cause negative impact on the liver and other vital internal organs. Such products have a beneficial effect on work nervous system, calm, relieve excess tension. At the same time, sex is prolonged, the functioning of the genital organs is toned, and sexual desire and pleasure during orgasm are enhanced.

    Medication methods

    Of course, it is undesirable to resort to this method; it is best to use simpler, more natural and natural methods, because they are much safer. Methods of prolonging sexual intercourse based on drugs can harm the body. However, some men become so desperate that they cannot find another solution.

    Most likely, the psychological problem is so serious that the use special drugs- This the only way liberate a man and help him take the first steps towards a quality sex life.

    M-16 spray is very popular among men. It not only helps to prolong pleasure, but also significantly enhances sensations. The drug Dapoxein is considered no less effective. In addition, you can purchase the following products:

    • Super P-force;
    • Spray STUD 5000;
    • Super Tadarise;
    • Vardenafil.

    Most often, the reason for rapid ejaculation lies in psychological problems. Can be used a lot different ways, but the most important thing is to get in the right mood for sex, forget about complexes and fears, trust your partner, try not to stress and just enjoy the process.

    It is equally important to develop correct technique sexual intercourse, learn to control the process of ejaculation. On the path to achieving a quality intimate life, it is necessary to healthy image life, spend more time in the fresh air, eat a balanced diet, exercise and do not abuse alcohol. All this will help on the way to achieving your goal.