How to get to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations on conscription. Or a brief overview of army vacancies

In chapter

The autumn conscription campaign, which started on October 1 and will last until December 31, 2012, will decide the fate of 140,000 recruits for a year. Most will have to leave, some - for the first time in their lives far from home, find themselves in a new environment, trust in an unfamiliar and rather tough army system. The correspondent of "Our Version" decided to help the conscripts and made a kind of review possible places their services.

Many people remember that earlier they served in the Navy for three years, and in other branches and types of troops for a year less. This injustice has long been eliminated, now the term of service for all conscripts is the same and is 12 months. Other indulgences appeared: if before serving close to home was an unrealizable dream, now - as part of the humanization of army service and on the advice of psychologists - they decided that serving in their own city is more comfortable and calmer for a soldier. True, the desired runs into Russian reality, and fully translate Russian army on the territorial principle of service does not work, because the country is too large and unevenly populated.

In addition, they began to listen more to the opinion of the conscripts themselves about where they want to serve. It is possible that the wishes about the place of service will be heard and taken into account. It is also important that recently it has been legally prohibited to send conscripts to hot spots. Although this cannot be completely ruled out in the event of an emergency, during the war with Georgia, among the dead Russian military personnel were conscripted soldiers.

Choice of duty stations Lately became small - conscripts serve only in units and divisions of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Most big number conscripts are sent to Ground troops, which have recently experienced a wave of large transformations and reductions. The ground army consists of motorized rifle and tank and air assault brigades, formations of missile troops and artillery, army air defense, communications units, and electronic warfare.

IN currently about 100 brigades are scattered throughout Russia, each requiring up to 4 thousand soldiers.

The ground forces are a classic service in the army with constant alerts, formations, field exits, forced marches, outfits, guards, enhanced training in physical training. It should be noted that earlier many soldiers were seconded from their units to "warm places" - various headquarters, prosecutor's offices, or they could be sent to work that was not at all legal. Now, due to a catastrophic shortage (according to some reports, it reaches 30%), regular checks are carried out in the troops, so commanders do not risk distracting their subordinates from combat training.

Fighters from morning until late at night drag, carry boxes of ammunition, which can explode at any second. Wherein living conditions terrible: soldiers live for several months in open field in canvas tents for 40–60 people without proper food.

Every year the probability of getting to serve as conscripts in aviation decreases. The Air Force is quite consistently withdrawing conscripts from its staff: first, conscripts were expelled from flight crews, then junior specialists were deleted from the states of technical and operational units. At the same time, the number of conscript soldiers was reduced to 2 thousand people, who will serve mainly as apprentices for contractors.

So far, conscripts are widely represented in the Strategic Missile Forces, where up to 10 thousand people are called up every year. Their selection is very scrupulous, everyone is checked for a tendency to alcohol and drugs. IN special occasions conscripts are interrogated even with the help of a lie detector, which helps to identify the criminal elements of the biography.

Back in 2009, it was announced that the entire seafaring staff of the Navy would become a contract, conscripts would be left only to carry out household work on the shore. But it suddenly turned out that there were conscript sailors in the crews of Russian warships sent to the shores of war-torn Syria. Later, the Ministry of Defense had to state the indisputable fact that on the surface ships of the Russian Navy, a third are sailors on conscription. But it must be admitted that every year there are fewer of them and they are given secondary tasks, and on submarines, according to the military, all sailor positions are completely given to contract soldiers.

For those who decide to connect their service with the sea, more likely get to serve in the units marines, which, by the way, along with the units of the Airborne Forces, reconnaissance companies and various special forces, are in demand among conscripts, since they increase the chances of getting a job in some kind of power structure after being transferred to the reserve.

The command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia asks the General Staff to send about 30 thousand recruits for each call. But military registration and enlistment offices have not been able to provide this type of troops even with 20 thousand for several years now. Nevertheless, the internal troops do not plan to completely switch to contract service in the near future. There remains a mixed way of picking. Now in internal troops About 60,000 soldiers and sergeants-conscripts serve in the positions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. positive moment: since recently, only contract soldiers have been serving in unstable regions, for example, in the North Caucasus, as well as in special forces units.

Internal troops duplicate army and police functions. There are operational, special motorized units and subunits involved in the protection of important life support facilities and hazardous industries, including nuclear power plants, petrochemical enterprises. In addition, special motorized parts of explosives in major cities carry out patrol duty. Conscript soldiers are also involved in all these tasks.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always created more comfortable living conditions for its conscripts than the Ministry of Defense, since it is always in close contact with local administrations. However, things are not going well with hazing. An illustrative example is an operational division in Balashikha near Moscow, better known as the division named after. Dzerzhinsky. It's supposed to be elite. military unit Under the noses of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, VV has become the leader in the number of criminal cases related to hazing. Nevertheless, those who served in the internal troops are eagerly taken to work in the police.

In the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, formations and military units of the civil defense troops are preserved, where conscripts serve. On this moment eight rescue military formations of regional subordination and two of the central one. The total number of personnel of these formations is 7.23 thousand people. Rescuers really rely on contractors, so the share of conscripts is small and ranges from 10 to 20%.

The life of soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations differs little from their colleagues in army units. Also, cases of hazing are not uncommon here, the situation is aggravated by the fact that soldiers from the Caucasian republics come here en masse to serve. The duties of conscript soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are quite specific, they are actively involved in the elimination of major man-made disasters, for example, they had to put out peat bogs near Moscow. This year, the units eliminated the consequences during the tragedy in Krymsk. Service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is an opportunity to get a sought-after civilian profession or continue to serve or work in this not the poorest organization.

The unique structure that managed to keep the military service is federal Service protection (FSO). By miscellaneous information, about a thousand conscripts serve in this secret organization. To get here, a soldier has to undergo a comprehensive check by the competent authorities. Parts of the FSO are distinguished by strong discipline, they ask very strictly, for example, for compliance with the rules for wearing uniforms - in general, the charter here is the law. Many contract soldiers serve in the FSO, the barracks are equipped with video surveillance, and this has the best effect on the behavior of conscripts. The main divisions of the FSO, where conscripts serve, are special communications centers.

The FSO also includes, probably, the most public military unit in Russia - the Presidential Regiment, where about 240 conscripts come to serve in each call. In addition to the usual selection in the FSO for service in these units, there are special requirements for candidates, including their external data: they must all be between 175 and 190 centimeters tall, have a normal height-to-weight ratio, and should not have tattoos on their bodies. Competition - several people per place. In the regiment there is a cult of drill training, soldiers are engaged in stepping almost everything free time, physical exercise colossal, they can withstand only the most hardy.

Conscripts guard the Kremlin, participate in protocol events at the highest state level, serve in the guard of honor at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Those who have served in the Presidential Regiment receive a kind of quality certificate that allows them to get jobs in such power structures as the FSO and the FSB, many enter military schools and become officers.

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Hello! I want to tell the story of my service in one of the most elite parts of our country. God grant that every soldier be called up to a unit, according to the conditions of service, at least partially reminiscent of service in the Leader center.

So, let's start with the terms of service:

1) Kubrick barracks. The barracks is divided into 20 rooms, each of which houses 8-12 soldiers. Plastic windows, batteries are heated in winter. There is a shower in the barracks washing machine, a huge plasma hangs on the take-off. There is an excellent gym with all the necessary equipment.

2) Nutrition. The diet of a soldier in the LEADER center will be the envy of many civilian canteens. As an example:
breakfast - porridge two options, meat two options, egg, cheese and butter sandwich, coffee, tea or milk.
lunch - the first two options, the second two options, a salad from fresh vegetables, compote or juice.
dinner - fish with a side dish, pickles, pastries, tea or milk.

3) Layoffs. For exemplary service, dismissals were allowed every 2-3 weeks on the WEEKEND.

4) Since 2012, the territory of the unit has been cleaned by OUTSOURCING.

Now some facts about the service itself:

1) About 500 officers serve in the unit, and only one company (80 people) is a soldier. Separately, it is worth highlighting the commander of the unit - General Vdovin. A man of word and honor. More than once he risked his shoulder straps for the good of the unit. What the Leader Center is today is his merit. He treats soldiers better than colonels.

2) The part is strictly STATUTORY. Cases of non-ustavshchina are rare and almost always rise to the top, for which a soldier who violates the charter leaves with a 99% probability to go where, according to our company commander, “mosquitoes in fur coats fly, the snow does not melt even in summer, when you come out from around the corner - the wind blows from your feet knocks down, and to go to the toilet for great need, you need two sticks - one so that the wind does not blow away, and the second - to fight off the wolves.

3) The soldiers in the company are divided into departments:
- drivers of light vehicles;
- truck drivers
- drivers of special equipment;
— repair department;
- commandant's office.

It is best to be the driver of a passenger car - you only come to the unit to eat and sleep. The worst thing is to serve in the commandant's department - you will go to the outfits in a day for a whole year. Although I had a driver's license, ironically I served in the curfew.

4) Outfits. The service of a soldier in the center "Leader" takes place in outfits (except for drivers. They go to outfits on weekends). This is perhaps the only negative - there are not enough people, the soldiers go to the squad in a day. Fortunately, they let me sleep for a couple of hours after the outfit.

5) Particularly distinguished soldiers are sent to rescue courses. After successfully passing the exam, they give the crusts of a lifeguard.
So there is an incentive to serve with dignity.

6) Cultural events are held on weekends - sports holidays, trips to interesting places, or watching a movie - the center has its own cinema and concert hall.

Here is such a schedule. I was very lucky and I am proud that I served in the Leader center, and I wish every recruit in the Ministry of Emergency Situations to serve in the Leader center.
Center "Leader" is the standard that every military unit in our country should be.

Stepan, TsSOOR 294 "LEADER", military unit 35489

A large number of young people want to get a contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Employees began to receive a decent salary, medical service and row social benefits. This organization is already 15 years old, its employees have saved thousands of lives both in our country and abroad. It is no coincidence that in order to conclude a contract for service in the troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to pass a serious selection. But those who want to serve on a contract basis in the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not afraid.

Contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2017-2018

A draft law is to be adopted soon, according to which the Ministry of Emergency Situations will independently select the military for service in its ranks. Today it happens through the military registration and enlistment offices.

To conclude a contract for military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the first step is to visit the military enlistment office at the place of residence. So, the candidate will be given a referral to main point recruitment of contractors, where it is necessary to pass an interview and provide the necessary package of documents. These points are available in all cities and regional centers.

In Moscow, such a point is located at the address: Moscow, Warsaw highway, house 81, building 1.

In St. Petersburg at the address: St. Petersburg, Podezdny pereulok, 4.

In Tver: Tver, st. Moscow, house 66 A.

How to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the largest organizations in Russia, they want to serve in it a large number of our citizens. But few people know how to get into military service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Therefore, there are many questions about the procedure for employment.

Since the Ministry of emergencies- this is a paramilitary organization, then upon entering the service under the contract, the candidate will be subject to such requirements as when entering the police or the army. To sign a contract, it is necessary that a citizen has served in the army, has excellent health and strong mentality.

A person will have advantages when signing a contract if he has been trained in training center with this department. And also the privilege at admission is given to graduates of higher educational institutions who graduated from the faculties: divers, fire protection and safety, captains of small vessels. This department always needs such specialists.

When a person decides to enter the service, he needs to constantly monitor the messages that say which vacancy and when the competition will begin. Upon receipt of an invitation to pass the commission, the candidate must have medical certificate health status and a passport or other identification document. On the commission, the candidate will need to pass a psychological test, pass the standard for physical fitness and pass an exam for professional suitability. If a candidate for contract service wishes to engage in a narrow direction, then they can ask questions related to this topic.

If a person wants to directly save people or work as a psychologist, then he will be recommended to undergo an additional psychological test for stress resistance.

Basic requirements for a candidate

  • age range from 18 to 40 years;
  • have Russian citizenship;
  • education must be in line with vacant position;
  • health category "A" and "B";
  • proficiency in Russian.

There are reasons why a candidate for military service will be denied: this is the close relationship of the candidate and his future boss, recognition of incapacity through the court, the presence of a criminal record, refusal to issue access to secret documents, loss Russian citizenship or the presence of a double, submission of deliberately false information.

Benefits while serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations guarantees security and social stability:

  1. Treatment in subordinate medical institutions.
  2. Subsidies are provided for the purchase of apartments.
  3. At the moment when the employee retires, the pension is paid allowance in the amount equal to seven salaries.
  4. Children of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are admitted to kindergartens and schools without waiting in line.
  5. Passes sanatorium and spa treatment paid by the ministry.
  6. The form is issued free of charge.
  7. Summer, free rehabilitation of employees' children in camps.
  8. An annual payment that is used to purchase an apartment or improve living space.

Service in the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a dangerous profession that requires a person good health and stable mind. This work is fraught with danger for employees, as they often find themselves in emergency situations. Therefore, the state provides the employee and his family with the necessary social package in full.

But despite all the advantages in material support and the provision of benefits by the state, you need to think carefully before signing a contract for service. It must be remembered that, in addition to psychological assistance, injured people need to perform more hard work to search for victims under the rubble, etc. Not everyone succeeds in this. And even professionals in this business sometimes need psychological help.

Video: Contract service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations