Electroencephalography for driver's license. How to make an encephalogram of the brain for a driver's license Eeg for a driver's commission

Each future driver, in order to obtain a license, must convince the traffic police that he is able to drive a car for health reasons. The car is a source of increased danger and requires a high concentration of attention, good health and quick reaction from the person behind the wheel to perform certain maneuvers to influence the trajectory of the vehicle. All these qualities must be confirmed by doctors during the passage of a special commission. One of the stages for some categories of motorists is electroencephalography.

What is electroencephalography

Modern medicine offers many ways to diagnose neurological pathologies in humans, brain disorders and hidden formations. Electroencephalography is used as one of the most accessible and effective ways to detect many disorders. Medical dictionaries provide detailed definitions filled with complex specific terms.

If you do not delve into medical terminology, then electroencephalography can be defined as a method of studying the functioning of the brain, based on fixing its bioelectrical activity in the form of a set of impulses. For this, a special device is used - an electroencephalograph, consisting of powerful amplifiers with electrodes that capture brain impulses, and an apparatus for recording them. Recording is carried out through various channels (from 8 to 32) from different parts of the cerebral cortex.

A modern encephalograph allows you to conduct a detailed examination of the activity of the brain

The ability of nerve cells to emit electrical impulses was discovered at the end of the 19th century. Both foreign and Russian scientists worked on a new method for studying brain activity. However, it was possible to introduce this method into medical practice in the 40s of the 20th century only after the invention of equipment that was super-powerful in terms of sensitivity at that time.

The principle of operation is based on whether impulses or biocurrents are sent with a certain rhythm. To assess the state of the brain, these rhythms are classified into:

  • alpha rhythms;
  • mu rhythms;
  • beta rhythms;
  • theta rhythms;
  • delta rhythms.

Each rhythm means one or another phase of brain activity (rest, sleep, wakefulness, tension, excitement). The combination of fixed rhythms is evaluated. For each age, physiological state, the predominance of one or another rhythm is characteristic. In some cases, the predominance of any rhythm characterizes the presence of the disease. Taking into account the fact that registration is carried out through several channels from different areas of the brain, it is also possible to determine the localization of the violation. For the average healthy person, normal alpha rhythms are at rest and beta rhythms during sleep.

Each registered rate is fixed graphically in the form of a curve with certain fluctuations. Just the nature and frequency of bends allows us to evaluate the results. The simplest evaluation method is visual inspection of the graphical data. However, today this function can also be implemented using software.

Changes in brain activity are displayed on a computer using special software

In addition to being used to detect diseases, an electroencephalograph is used to study the characteristics of human development at a particular stage, its psychological characteristics, and the state of the nervous system. For example, a child's electroencephalogram helps to determine the level of his maturation and ability to learn or readiness for a certain type of activity.

Is electroencephalography of the brain required when obtaining a driver's license

According to the current rules, a medical certificate will be required:

  • future drivers to obtain a driver's license. As a rule, they require a certificate already at a driving school;
  • car owners when their license expires;
  • drivers after revocation.

In some cases, an electroencephalogram is included in the list of mandatory examinations that precede the issuance of a certificate.

Changes in the procedure for passing a medical examination

Until 2016, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n was in force. However, neither this order nor other regulatory legal acts made it clear what specialists and types of research are needed to confirm the ability of a person, taking into account his health, to drive a car. The rules were formed thanks to long-term sustainable practice and interpretation of the norms of various laws.

However, the experience and feedback of many drivers indicate that there was no uniformity in passing the medical examination. Drivers noted differences in the set of requirements and necessary examinations in different regions. Judging by practice, until 2016, in most cases, an electroencephalograph examination was mandatory for all categories of future drivers.

Due to the lack of a uniform and comprehensive approach to regulating the issue of confirming the proper state of health, the current Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 15.06.2015 N 344n “On conducting a mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidates for vehicle drivers)” was issued.

This order abolished the electroencephalography procedure, as well as the medical examination in general, when exchanging a driver's document in case of loss, unsuitable condition, or upon obtaining an international license.

In addition, the list of required examinations by specialists has been significantly reduced, and a new form of medical report has been approved.

Based on the results of the medical examination, a certificate of form 003-v / y is issued

Mandatory cases of electroencephalography

According to the current order, electroencephalography is mandatory for drivers applying only for certain categories of certificates:

  • C - trucks over 3.5 tons;
  • D - buses;
  • DE - buses with a trailer;
  • Tm - trams;
  • Tb - trolleybuses.

Electroencephalography is not the only examination that is additional to those common to all drivers. For these categories, it is also required to pass a laura and a neurologist.

The need for additional studies, in particular, the encephalography procedure, is due to the increased responsibility of drivers of vehicles of these categories. For them, driving a vehicle is part of a professional activity that is usually carried out regularly. In addition, such a driver must have specific skills related to the transportation of people or goods, as well as the management of transport with dimensions larger than that of a conventional car. All this increases the physical and psycho-emotional load on professional drivers. These circumstances determine the requirements for a more detailed study of the state of health in order to exclude contraindications to driving.

Applicants for category A, B, M licenses may be referred for an electroencephalogram if deemed appropriate by a physician, neurologist, or psychiatrist.

What diseases are detected by the method of encephalography

The main branches of encephalography use are neurology and psychiatry. After all, most of the diseases in this area are just associated with impaired functioning of the brain, which can be detected on an electroencephalograph.

The study helps to detect both functional disorders that can be corrected, and structural ones.

By the nature of the lines of the encephalogram, it is possible to determine the disease and detect deviations from the norm.

With the help of the procedure, the following health disorders can be detected:

  • epilepsy;
  • tumors;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disorders of the vascular system of the brain;
  • inflammatory processes (for example, meningitis or encephalitis);
  • tendency to convulsive and hysterical seizures;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

The purpose of the procedure for drivers is to exclude contraindications to driving in their condition. The list of these contraindications was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 1604.

Thus, the presence of epilepsy, mental and neurotic disorders is the reason for the categorical refusal of permission to drive. Oddly enough, even in some cases, mood swings can be considered a contraindication.

The final conclusions on the electroencephalogram are formulated by the doctor in the conclusion.

How to choose a clinic for electroencephalography: private medical centers VS public institutions

Before each driver who is to undergo a medical commission, the question arises of choosing an institution for obtaining a certificate. It would be useful to be serious in this matter, because, given the payment of these services, the medical industry today offers a wide choice of institutions, prices and forms of examinations.

It is ideal to undergo the entire procedure in one place at the place of residence. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the time required to undergo an examination is reduced, and secondly, a mandatory visit to a psychiatrist or narcologist should be at the place of residence or temporary registration. The rest of the doctors can go anywhere. However, before contacting any organization, we recommend that you pay attention to whether it has an appropriate license for inspection and for the required profile, depending on which specialists are required for a particular category.

You can apply to both a private institution and a public one.

The undoubted advantage of commercial organizations is the level of organization of the medical examination, which saves time. As a rule, advertising information indicates that a medical examination takes only a few hours at the medical center and all services can be obtained in one place, including a psychiatrist and a narcologist. All this leads to a higher cost of services, as well as the need to be vigilant regarding the legality of issuing driver's certificates.

Unlike private organizations, there is no doubt about the legal issues of passing a medical examination with respect to municipal organizations. The price of services is also lower than in a private center. But the time may have to spend much longer. As a rule, electroencephalography is carried out strictly by appointment.

Preparation for the procedure, procedure for conducting

The encephalography procedure is not particularly difficult for patients and does not require special preparatory manipulations.

So, in order not to complicate the examination, it is desirable:

  • do not use cosmetic products such as varnish, gel, mousse, foam for hair care;
  • avoid complex hairstyles to facilitate access to the scalp;
  • wash your hair shortly before the examination.
  • do not drink coffee and other caffeinated products;
  • a couple of days before the procedure, refrain from alcoholic beverages;
  • do not eat immediately before the examination. Eating is recommended for a couple of hours;
  • tune in positively, do not worry and do not be nervous;
  • discuss with your doctor the possibility of continuing or stopping medication if you use it regularly;
  • tell your doctor about any medications you are taking;
  • do not undergo examination in the presence of colds.

The procedure itself is absolutely safe and painless. The patient is put on a special device in the form of a cap, on which wires with electrodes are attached.

For examination, a special cap with sensors is put on the head.

The check takes place within 15-20 minutes in the dark. For a more detailed study, sound or light signals can be used to track the reaction of the brain.

Video: more about the electroencephalography procedure

How much does an electroencephalogram cost?

Since a medical examination is carried out on a paid basis, electroencephalography also entails additional costs for a medical examination.

In most private centers, the cost of this procedure is already included in the price of the required certificate. Organizations claiming the lowest prices offer to issue a certificate for 1400-2000 rubles.

If we consider encephalography as a separate service, its price in Moscow ranges from 1200 to 6000 rubles. Most offers are positioned in the range of 2000-3500 rubles.

In state organizations, the price is slightly lower and is set at the level of 500-1500 rubles.

As a rule, the more the region is removed from Moscow, the cheaper such a service will cost. For example, in Novosibirsk, it will not be difficult for a future driver to get an electroencephalogram for 500-1000 rubles. The exception is cities with a high level of economic development. So, for example, the average cost of a service in Vladivostok is about 2,800 rubles.

Validity of EEG results for reference

The legislation does not specify the period of validity of the certificate with the results of the EEG.

The above order establishes the validity of the final medical certificate, allowing a specific person to drive a car or other vehicle. Certificate 003-v / y can be presented to the traffic police within 1 year from the date of its receipt.

Usually it is possible to pass a medical examination in 1-3 days, taking into account a narcologist and a psychiatrist. However, sometimes some procedures can be carried out with an interval of several days or even more. For example, checking the activity of the brain is carried out separately from other examinations and procedures, if it was not possible to sign up for an EEG in advance or this examination had to be postponed due to SARS.

And, despite the fact that there are no legal norms establishing the expiration date of the EEG results, the doctor, for subjective reasons, may find fault with this nuance and not accept the conclusion of a week or a month ago. You can, of course, seek justice and start disputes in a medical institution, but in order to avoid misunderstandings, we strongly recommend that you plan your medical examination in such a way that examinations by specialists and the necessary procedures are carried out, if not simultaneously, then with a minimum difference in time.

Responsibility for a fake electroencephalography report

Many applicants for obtaining or replacing driver's licenses have formed a strong belief in the difficulty of passing a medical examination. A fake document, in their opinion, will solve the issue of obtaining rights much faster. Indeed, there is no need to waste time on queues and procedures, sign up, wait for results, and so on. However, the price of such beliefs may be too high.

The state treats the production of forged documents as a crime. In addition, not only the production and sale of fake certificates, but also their use is regarded as a criminally punishable act.

Responsibility for such frivolity in the preparation of a package of documents in the traffic police may come under article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If a person is independently engaged in the preparation of a false certificate, then Part 1 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies to him, which entails consequences up to a two-year imprisonment. A more lenient punishment is arrest for up to six months, forced labor or restriction of freedom for the same period.

If the candidate for admission to transport management used the acquired certificate, then he will be liable under part 3 of the same article with a significant fine (up to 80 thousand rubles). The most severe sanction of this part proposes to place the perpetrator under arrest for a period of not more than six months.

After getting acquainted with the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the conclusion about the inappropriateness of using fake documents is obvious. After all, for the same money you can get a certificate at any specialized medical center legally.

Despite the fact that the electroencephalography procedure is sometimes perceived by drivers as an unreasonable burden, its implementation is advisable not only to ensure the safe behavior of a particular person on the road, but also for personal purposes for the timely diagnosis of possible pathologies.

Driving a vehicle is a difficult and very responsible task. In addition to a document confirming that a person has special skills, an electroencephalography is required for a driver's certificate. Until 2014, in order to obtain a certificate confirming the satisfactory condition of the driver of the vehicle, it was also required to undergo an examination by several narrow specialists.
The relevance of the driver's license was confirmed by the presence of records of an ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, narcologist and psychiatrist. The form, certified by the signatures of these doctors, testified to the absence of serious brain disorders, diseases and addictions to chemical drugs in its owner.

Legal framework for changes in the medical certificate

The change in the requirements for road users led to the appearance of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2015 No. 344-n. According to this legal document, the EEG study was included in the list of tests in the medical certificate for obtaining a driver's license. And in 2018, drivers applying for categories C, CE, D, DE, Tm, Tb and subcategories C1, C1E, D1, D1E must have an EEG for reference to the traffic police.
Why was this complex examination necessary? The rapid increase in passenger and freight traffic and the number of road users has led to an increase in the number of accidents and dangerous situations. An electroencephalogram that studies the electrical activity of the brain will help prevent accidents and improve road safety. Research can confirm:
  • The presence of functional (vascular) or organic (benign and malignant formations) pathologies.
  • Convulsive (epileptic) or neurotic readiness.
  • cognitive disorders.
  • Age changes.
  • Pathologies resulting from trauma.
  • Functional changes caused by disruption of circadian (daily) rhythms.
Electroencephalography can be done without lengthy preliminary preparation. An MRI study, previously done to document health problems, required pre-testing of the driver and administration of a contrast agent.
If a person has recently experienced a head injury, and he has unresolved hematomas or large scars, then an EEG study is not performed.

The procedure for conducting an EEG study

The only restriction before the EEG procedure is a complete refusal on the eve of the procedure from taking potent or narcotic drugs, alcoholic and tonic drinks, and energy drinks. Followed by:
Contact a public or private clinic.
  1. Present your passport.
  2. In the EEG examination room, with the help of a nurse, put on a helmet and clips.
  3. Sit or lie down with your face and neck as relaxed as possible.
  4. For 5-10 minutes, follow the instructions of the nurse examining brain activity.
Within 20-30 minutes after the end of the study, you can get your hands on its result.
An encephalogram for reference to the traffic police is valid if it is issued on the form 003-B \ y. The medical report has a limited validity period of 12 months.
The procedure can be done in clinics in Moscow and in other regions of the Russian Federation. The ownership of the clinic determines how much the driver will have to pay for this analysis. The price varies from 1000 to 5000 rubles. The EEG document is valid throughout the Russian Federation. But you can just buy an EEG form, which will save time for busy drivers.

Brain electroencephalography (EEG) for a driver's license is an indispensable manipulation for issuing rights of type C, D, Tb, Tm and their subcategories, replacing a document at the end of the validity period or after deprivation for misconduct. It will show if the driver has any contraindications that prevent him from being allowed to drive.

The doctor can send to the EEG and those who wish to drive a car, a motorcycle, if there are indications for it. The procedure is carried out in any clinic where there is equipment and a specialist. In most cases, you have to pay for it from 2500 r. up to 4000 r. And the conclusion is valid for no longer than 1 month.

Read in this article

What does an encephalogram show?

Encephalogram of the brain shows:

  • violation of metabolic processes in its different parts;
  • consequences of infectious diseases, if any;
  • age-related changes in brain cells;
  • vascular disorders that can lead to a stroke;
  • pathologies that cause convulsions, memory loss (including epilepsy);
  • neuroses and neurosis-like states (insomnia, etc.);
  • chronic headaches;
  • the driver has a history of skull injuries, concussions and their consequences;
  • insufficient intellectual development;
  • mental disorders.

The hardware method determines the general state of the brain, determines whether it is possible to trust a person to manage transport, or is it dangerous due to the likelihood of seizures, loss of consciousness at any time, and other deviations.

Do I need an EEG for reference to the traffic police

EEG is needed for reference to the traffic police, not for everyone who is going to drive a car. The need or lack of it depends on the type of transport.

The legislative framework

The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 344-n dated 06/15/2015 states the procedure for passing a general medical examination and establishes the categories of drivers or candidates undergoing an EEG. There is a requirement that they must present a certificate in the form No. 003v / y in order to obtain rights.

In addition, there is also a Government Decree "On admission to the management of the vehicle." Section 26 of Chapter III states:

Russian national driver's licenses are issued to persons who have reached the age established by Article 26 of the Federal Law "On Road Safety", who have an appropriate medical certificate, who have successfully passed the exams provided for in paragraph 9 of these Rules.

And the Order of the Ministry No. 831 of 2010 on the previous type of medical certificate for obtaining a VU was canceled.

When required

The procedure is needed if the driver needs the following categories of rights:

  • C, CE, C1, C1E;
  • D, DE, D1, D1E;
  • Tb, Tm.

EEG is done by those who are going to drive a truck weighing from 3.5 tons, including with a trailer. It will also be required for drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams. It does not matter whether the equipment belongs to the motorist himself, or he gets a job in the organization as an employee. EEG is done by those who receive a certificate for the first time or are already working as a driver in one of the above categories of cars.

Who can not do

Drivers of all other categories of transport will not need a hardware study of the brain. These are those who rent out the rights for management:

  • passenger car;
  • motorcycle, moped;
  • trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • self-propelled equipment.

For them, the procedure is not included in the list of mandatory.

Watch this video about what the EEG of the brain shows:

Do I need an EEG for category B

Order No. 344-n states that an EEG for category B is not needed, unless, during examination, the doctor has additional suspicions about the patient's state of health. That is, for the drivers of "passenger cars" manipulation is not a duty.

But they must be examined by a general practitioner or GP, a psychiatrist and an ophthalmologist. If one of the listed specialists sends a candidate for a type B license to an electroencephalogram, they will have to do it. Otherwise, a medical document will not be issued, and a person will not receive a VU, or they will be deprived of a document.

Do I need an encephalogram to replace a driver's license

The Order also states who needs an encephalogram to replace a driver's license:

A medical examination is carried out in relation to: ... drivers of vehicles in connection with the replacement of a driver's license after its expiration, or in connection with the return of a driver's license after the expiration of the period of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles in the event that a mandatory medical examination is required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, or in connection with the return of a driver's license after serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities (in case of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles) ...

It is necessary to do an EEG when replacing rights if this is a document for category C, D, Tb, Tm and the corresponding subcategories. Drivers of cars, motorcycles, and other types of transport who have previously been deprived of it, if they were sent by one of the mandatory specialists, are also subject to examination. The same applies to those who have lost a document by a court decision.

Why is it necessary for a certificate in the traffic police with the conclusion of a psychologist

Behind the wheel of any vehicle must be a person who will not be overtaken by a seizure of epilepsy, clouding of reason or other dangerous condition. And to identify them with the greatest accuracy is possible only using the EEG. The driver, whose brain, nerves and psyche are not quite healthy, is capable of voluntarily or involuntarily provoking an accident. Its consequences will be especially terrible if we are talking about a heavy truck, a bus full of passengers or a trolleybus.

A careful study of the health of drivers helps to make the roads safer.

Where to do an EEG for help in the traffic police

The place where you can do an EEG for reference to the traffic police has a chance to choose the subject himself. But the following must be taken into account:

  • if the medical organization to which he applied does not have official permission to carry out the manipulation, the results may be invalidated;
  • a document from a psychiatrist is valid only if the examination was carried out in a state clinic at the place of registration of the future driver.

Accredited medical centers of traffic police

Accredited traffic police medical centers can be called those that have a documented right to issue medical certificates for drivers. But this information should be obtained directly from the clinic. The system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own clinics, which people who are not related to it can visit for a fee.

If a candidate for rights decides to undergo an encephalogram in one of these centers, the results will be accepted by the traffic police. After all, this is either a municipal or a solid private institution, it is unlikely that manipulation is carried out there without a license. But with the result of the EEG, you should still go to a psychiatrist working in a state medical institution at the address of the patient's registration. Only he has the right to decrypt it and issue permission to drive the vehicle.

Private clinics

In a commercial hospital, you can also perform an EEG if you have an apparatus and a doctor who has a certificate. The clinic must have an appropriate license. After the procedure, the materials are presented to a psychiatrist from a state medical institution at the address of the driver's registration. This specialist draws up a conclusion about this aspect of his health.

City hospitals

EEG is not always available in the clinic at the registration address due to the lack of the necessary device and specialist. Then you need to go to another medical institution, where there is both, as well as official access to the manipulation. But with the materials generated based on its results, as in previous cases, you need to go to a psychiatrist who works in a state institution in the city where the driver is registered.

Psychoneurological centers

EEG is also done in psychiatric clinics. If the institution is budgetary, there is no doctor in the “native” polyclinic, then the conclusion for a certificate of rights can be obtained from a psychiatrist working there.

But sometimes in such a center only an electroencephalogram should be done. And with her go for a conclusion to a specialist in your clinic.

Where to get an EEG in Moscow for the traffic police

You can take an EEG in Moscow for the traffic police in the following institutions:

Psychoneurological dispensaries in the capital should be searched on the City Open Data Portal. There is also an examination.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before manipulation, the patient must:

  • give up coffee and other stimulating drinks, including alcohol, for a couple of days;
  • wash your hair and do not use varnish, gel, hair foam;
  • at least sleep the night before;
  • do not be nervous.

You can not eat immediately before the EEG, but you should not be hungry either. The last meal before the procedure should be a couple of hours before it. If the patient has a cold, the EEG should be rescheduled. If you need to regularly take medicines, you need to inform the doctor about it. Perhaps some of them (anticonvulsant, sedative) will have to be canceled the day before.


The procedure is painless and takes about half an hour. It goes like this:

  1. the patient is placed in the office on the couch, in a comfortable position;
  2. electrodes are attached to the head, occupying almost its entire surface;
  3. during manipulation, the device reads and captures the signals sent by brain cells;
  4. as a result, an electroencephalogram is formed, which is a broken line.

Manipulation is performed in darkness and silence. This time the patient should be relaxed.

Watch this video on how an EEG is performed:

How long is the encephalogram for reference in the traffic police

About how long the encephalogram is valid for reference to the traffic police, there is not a word in the legal documents. For the driver's commission, the fresher it is, the better. After all, theoretically, a candidate could do the procedure, and then get a head injury that would prevent doctors from declaring him fit to drive a car. It is best to take up to 2 weeks for the duration of the EEG. For some specialists, it is valid up to 1 month.

Encephalogram for reference to the traffic police: the price of the service

An encephalogram for a medical certificate in the traffic police at a price may differ depending on where it is performed - its price reaches 4500 r and more. And sometimes the procedure can be done without paying money.

Can it be done for free

It will be possible to pass an EEG for free only in a budgetary medical institution at the place of residence, if there is a referral from a doctor. But in this case, you will have to enroll in a queue. And most likely you will have to wait at least a month, and somewhere more.

The same situation applies to a specialized dispensary. You can go there for free. But if the candidate wants to do it quickly, the doctor must directly refer him to the medical facility. And on the accompanying document, the mark "Urgent" is required. But this is possible only with a serious illness.

Comparison of prices in a psycho-neurological dispensary in Moscow and a private clinic

More often, you have to pay for an EEG for issuing a certificate for a driver's license. If you apply to a psycho-neurological dispensary, which is supported by the state, it will cost 2000-3000 rubles. When performing the procedure in a commercial clinic, its cost will increase in most cases to 3500-4000 rubles. In some of them, the EEG is offered with delivery of the results to your home, then the certificate will cost 4500 rubles. or a little more.

To avoid the procedure, if it is prescribed by law, will not succeed. The refusal of the driver will lead to the fact that he will not receive a medical certificate, and hence the rights. But you should not shy away from the EEG, because this is a good opportunity to check your health and catch a possible disease at an early stage.

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Often, motorists are outraged by the fact that in order to obtain a driver's license, you need to pass quite a lot of tests during the examination for a medical certificate, as well as the execution of all papers.

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Indeed, the measures taken by the legislation are becoming tougher every year. This is explained by the fact that the number of accidents due to the health of drivers is only increasing, as many car owners simply buy the necessary certificates, ignoring the examination of doctors.

What it is

An electroencephalogram is a graphical record that shows the frequency and strength of the impulses of the cerebral cortex. It looks like a long sheet, on which there are several fields with curves.

Each of them denotes a separate area of ​​​​the surface of the organ. A specialist in such a diagram can determine whether there is an ailment of the central nervous system or the risk of its occurrence.

It is done to get the following data:

  • oscillation frequency;
  • maximum amplitude;
  • the phases of the waves emitted by the neurons of the cerebral cortex;
  • temporary dynamics.

To obtain an electroencephalogram, they use an apparatus that everyone has seen at least once in films. It looks like a hat with a bunch of sensors attached all over the head in the form of wires.

There are a certain number of them, each is attached to the desired area and receives its impulses. This entire system is connected to a monitor that displays curves that will later be printed on special paper.

A specialist can read such information and explain it. Before undergoing the examination, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules so that the procedure goes with effective results. Usually, a specialist introduces the rules on the eve of the EEG.

This procedure is carried out in a special room where there are no sound and visual stimuli that can affect the results.

The patient is usually in a sitting or lying position. Before this, it is recommended not to sleep in order to be half asleep during the EEG.

What is she for?

An electroencephalogram shows the level of development and functionality of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Skeptics will say that this is a waste of money (the service is paid), because this examination will not give anything sensible. And the data obtained will help specialists make a more accurate diagnosis.

You need to understand that the state of the nervous system, and, therefore, other organs depends on the performance of the brain. Also, processes in the brain affect the mental state of the individual, which, you see, is important for a motorist.

For any person, such information will be useful, because you always need to know what state your body is in.

Mainly, such an examination of the brain will help to check the tendency to epilepsy. Due to this ailment, a huge number of collisions occur on the road, as a result of which there are many victims.

It will show whether the consequences of head bruises, infectious diseases of the National Assembly or hereditary ailments affect the current state of the body.

How does the presence of this schedule affect the driver's license? Directly. Without it, it is impossible to go through a psychiatrist and a narcologist, and without their conclusions it will not be possible to obtain a medical examination certificate, without which it is impossible to obtain, extend or renew a driver's license.

Strict control of the health of motorists should improve the accident rate on the road and isolate citizens from the danger posed by drivers with mental health problems.

Where to make an electroencephalogram for a driver's license in Moscow

Any licensed medical institution can provide such a service. Information about the service of any clinic can be found on its website. There is also a schedule of office hours and prices for the procedure.

The passage of an electroencephalogram is paid, since during this there are expenses for materials, so it must be paid at the reception or in a special department of the hospital.

There are a sufficient number of such centers in our capital, so there will be no problems with the choice and the opportunity to undergo such an examination.

An EEG should be done a day or two earlier than a medical examination, which means that you need to pre-plan a trip to the doctor in order to spend less time and effort before obtaining a driver's license.

Price by city

You should be aware that each medical institution has its own prices for this service. There are 332 centers in Moscow where you can have an electroencephalogram. The price of this examination varies, but the difference is very small.

There are three options to choose from:

  • the cheapest clinic;
  • closest location to home
  • good reviews and comments.

The cost is different, the addresses too, but in any case, you can go to another hospital you know, which is not in the table:

Clinic name Address and metro station Service cost (rubles)
SM Clinic st. Clara Zetkin, No. 33/28, Voykovskaya 3300
Capital Medical Clinic st. Sretenka, No. 9, Turgenevskaya 2500
K+31 st. Lobachevsky, No. 42, building. 4, Vernadsky Avenue 4900
SM Clinic st. Testovskaya, 10, International 3300
SM Clinic st. Yartsevskaya, 8, Youth 3300
SM Clinic st. Cosmonaut Volkova, 9/2, Voikovskaya 3300
SM Clinic Volgogradsky avenue, 42, Tekstilshchiki 3300
Crede Experto Tovarishchesky Lane, 10, Marksistskaya 3000
MedicCity st. Poltavskaya, 2, Savelovskaya 2700
Family clinic st. Polezhaevskaya 80, Khoroshevskoe highway 2420
Family clinic Kashirskoe shosse, 56, Kashirskaya 2420
KB MEDSI 2nd Botkinsky pr-zd, 5, Begovaya 2000
Clinic Family University Avenue, 4, University 2420
Family doctor Borisovsky pr-zd, 19 A, Shipilovskaya 2800
Clinic Family st. Festivalnaya, No. 4, River Station 2420
Family doctor b-r Generala Karbysheva, 13, Oktyabrskoye Pole 2800
Family doctor st. Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 43 A, Pervomaiskaya 2800
Family doctor Sevastopolsky Ave, 10, Akademicheskaya 2800
Family doctor st. Flotskaya, 5 A, River Station 2800
Family doctor st. Vorontsovskaya, 19 A, Taganskaya 2800
Family clinic st. Geroev Panfilovtsev, 1, Skhodnenskaya 2420
Family doctor st. Dobrolyubova, 14 A, Timiryazevskaya 2800
Family doctor st. Barrikadnaya, 19, Barrikadnaya 2800
Family clinic st. Sergius of Radonezh, 5/2, Ilyich Square 2420
Family doctor st. Profsoyuznaya, 127B, Teply Stan 2800
SM Clinic st. Lesnaya, 57, Belorusskaya, 3300
miracle doctor st. School, 11/3, Ilyich Square 1820
Capital Leninsky Prospekt, 90, Prospekt Vernadskogo 2300
Capital Bolshoi Vlasevsky per., 9, Smolenskaya 2300

As you can see, the price of an electroencephalogram for a driver's license in Moscow is different, so there is an optimal option for everyone.

Can it be done for free and where

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to use such a service without paying, because even a government agency requires a receipt stating that you paid the costs of materials and operation of the device at the reception or cash desk.

In such institutions, as a rule, there is already a regulated price, which is controlled by law.

If you decide to save money, then you can only contact the cheapest clinic. But in any case, it is recommended not to save on this, so that later additional costs for treatment are not needed if a poor-quality examination does not notice a deviation or gives false information.

What to take with you for an electroencephalogram

Before undergoing such an examination, you need to know all the details of the procedure. And so, you should prepare earlier: wash your hair, do not put on metal and other accessories, because the device receives vibration signals emitted by the neurons of the cerebral cortex.

The presence of foreign objects (especially metal ones, which form a field near them), small particles and sebum on the head will interfere with the study.

Drinking sedatives and other tranquilizing drugs before the EEG is prohibited! It is best to limit the duration of sleep before undergoing the procedure twice.

The diagnosis itself takes place in this way: the patient lies down on the couch, a silicone helmet and suction cups with wires are put on the head, they require fastening with a special gel.

Therefore, you need to have a towel or a sufficient number of wipes (dry and wet) with you in order to clean the hairline after the procedure.

Liability for forgery

In cases where a motorist wants to cheat and bypass this procedure, or rather, he buys a fake electroencephalogram. This is a crime for which two parties are responsible: an unscrupulous driver and a bribery specialist.

Such actions are classified as criminal (forgery of official papers) and are held accountable under the relevant code.

Traffic police officers and law enforcement agencies strongly do not recommend resorting to such fraud, because all medical forms have their own numbering, strict control and reporting is carried out.

Doctors are also less likely to take such risks for the sake of additional income. can guarantee a sentence of three years in prison for each participant in such a scam with official documents.

Thus, the passage of an electroencephalogram, according to the new regulations of the Law "On Safe Traffic on the Roads", is mandatory for all motorists.