Darkening in the lungs symptoms. Classification of blackouts by shape and cause of appearance. Blackouts of indeterminate shape

An x-ray is often prescribed for an informative examination of the condition of the lungs. Its implementation may be indicated to clarify fluorography data or clinical picture patient's illness. Since in diseases of the lungs the density of tissue in the affected areas is usually increased, an x-ray will show a spot in this area of ​​the image. When a patient, looking at the resulting x-ray, sees spots on it, the first thought that comes to mind is “cancer.” What does darkening in the lungs on an x-ray mean, what could it be? And why do they arise?

Diffuse darkening - pneumonia of the entire left lung

Why do white spots appear on an x-ray?

The reasons for the appearance of white spots in the image can be various factors:

The formation of spots may not be related to the patient's health. It happens that they appear due to errors in the operation of X-ray equipment, Low quality films, as well as as a result of errors in developing technology. The lungs may contain...

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X-ray showed a dark spot in the lungs - what does this mean?

If an x-ray shows a shadow in the lungs, this may indicate dangerous pathology or physiological state. Remember that a radiograph is a summation of the thickness of anatomical structures.

X-ray darkening syndrome in the lungs appears on the image as a white spot of various sizes (focal, segmental, subtotal, total). Many anatomical structures and pathological changes.

If an x-ray shows darkening in the lungs, what does this mean? Let's take a closer look in the article.

What causes “darkening” in the lungs in the picture?

Depending on location White spot May be:

Pulmonary; extrapulmonary.

Darkness in the lungs occurs due to:

Tissue compaction during the inflammatory process; tumor growth; localized abscesses or cysts; collapse of lung tissue...

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Darkening in the lungs

Preventative medical examinations must be completed annually. One of the mandatory activities of a periodic medical examination is a fluorographic examination of the lungs - this is done for the early detection of diseases. Alarm signal pathological darkening in the lungs will serve. The reasons for such manifestations may be different, and in order to identify them accurately, the doctor will definitely prescribe an additional examination. The symptom of darkening of the lungs established during fluorography is not a diagnosis of the disease, but an indicator of the presence of the most various diseases.

Darkening of the lungs on an x-ray

Pulmonary diseases are mainly accompanied by compaction in the tissues of the lungs; this occurs due to a decrease or absence of air permeability in certain areas of the organ, which manifests itself on X-ray examination as darkened spots. Similar symptom may indicate pathological processes how in...

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Darkening in the lungs on a fluorography image - what is it? This is a question asked by many patients whose fluorography results are ambiguous.

Darkening can mean anything, so if the radiologist issued such a conclusion, there is no need to panic - most likely, you will be prescribed an additional examination.

Darkening in the picture can be either a sign of an incipient disease or a common defect in the film.

Reasons for darkening

Darkening in the lungs may be a consequence of:

Inflammation; bronchitis; tuberculosis; tumors, including cancer; injuries; ingress of foreign bodies; abscesses; accumulation of fluid; smoking.

IN medical practice this is the most common reasons the appearance of darkening. Among them there are those that are life-threatening for the patient and his environment...

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During every medical examination, it is necessary to undergo fluorography. Without the results of an x-ray examination of organs chest It is impossible to get a job; without it, documents for admission to study will not be accepted. Of course, it is simply wonderful when the examination does not reveal any pathologies. And if the image shows darkening in the lungs, what could this mean?

Is darkening the picture a death sentence?

Even if fluorography showed darkening in the lungs, there is no need to panic right away. There was a cough or there was none, chest pain was felt or not, it increased (especially in evening time) temperature or was normal - the examination must be repeated. Maybe this is a film defect or a defective photograph?

If the secondary result coincides with the primary one, then, again, you should not bemoan your fate, but go to the doctor and be sure to find out what is causing the appearance of the darkening. A dark spot on the picture does not necessarily immediately indicate tuberculosis or cancer, although...

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To an untrained person, dark spots on the lungs appear as light areas on an X-ray.

Usually in most lung diseases there is an absence lung tissue or its compaction, otherwise the compacted tissue absorbs the radiation emanating from the X-ray machine to a greater extent. This appears as a dark spot in the picture.

Similar images can be obtained in acute or chronic pneumonia, but in this case the darkening disappears over time. If lung cancer is suspected, doctors select a piece of tissue for analysis, but this is a very complex and unpleasant procedure, which is carried out only in a hospital.

Are spots on the lungs tuberculosis or something else?

With a significant history of smoking, the lungs also darken, but doctors easily...

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Manifestations of pneumonia: lung opacification

Dangerous disease, which can take a person’s life is pneumonia; darkening of the lung, which appears on an x-ray, can be a sign of not only an inflammatory process, but also other more serious pathological changes. In order to detect the disease in time, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive medical examination. Fluorography or x-ray will show changes, if any. One photo is usually not enough to establish accurate diagnosis. The doctor prescribes additional procedures, which help to find out the cause of darkening in the lungs. Only after full complex diagnostics, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy.

What does the blackout mean?

All processes in the human body are closely interconnected. The dysfunction of one organ can affect the functioning of another. Thus, dark spots on x-rays of the lungs may indicate the development of pathological...

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“Darkness in the lung”, “stagnation of fluid in the lung” - what is this?

Numerous pathological processes in the lungs cause changes in their transparency on the radiograph. The symptom of darkening is not a diagnosis, but only an x-ray manifestation of a disease. Which ones exactly does Prostodoctor.com.ua answer?

“Darkening in the lung” on an x-ray

Radiography is the main tool for diagnosing organ diseases respiratory system and the chest cavity as a whole. This method is

obtaining an image on film using x-rays. Depending on what medium the rays pass through, areas of darkening or clearing in the lung tissue are visible on the x-ray image. Guess clinical diagnosis helps the radiologist a lot various nuances: the size of the darkening, its location, shape and more.

What does "darkness in the lungs" mean?

The symptom of blackout can be intrapulmonary when...

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How to decipher the results of fluorography?

The results of fluorography can reveal not only the onset of tuberculosis, but also many inflammatory diseases and processes affecting the lungs, bronchi and nearby tissues.

Be examined at for preventive purposes preferably once a year. If there is a history of respiratory disease or there is a threat to the respiratory system due to professional activity, can appoint additional examinations– it is not dangerous to health.

Types of dark spots in the lungs

What is it - darkening in the lungs on fluorography, and how can they be classified?

Depending on the lesion, darkening of the following nature can be seen in the image:

Focal; segmental; shared; focal; indicating the presence of liquid; indefinite shape with blurred contours.

All changes in the lung tissue are reflected in the image and change the clinical picture.

The causes of darkening in the lungs can be:


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Carrying out fluorography

Fluorography is a study of the condition of the lungs using X-ray method. It is cheaper than standard x-ray examination, so it is used more often.

Every adult is required to undergo fluorography once a year. Exceptions include people working in the steel or mining industries, relatives of people with tuberculosis, maternity hospital workers, blacksmiths, and asbestos production workers. They spend X-ray examination 2 times per year.

In general, fluorography is a detailed examination of the chest organs performed using X-rays. They, penetrating through the lung tissue, transfer a specific pattern of the lungs onto the film using fluorescent microparticles. The question often arises: “What is the difference between fluorography and x-rays?”

The difference between fluorography and x-rays

Fluorography provides only a general picture of the condition of the heart and lungs.
X-ray is inherent...

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What is darkening of the lungs?

Pulmonary diseases are mainly accompanied by compactions in the tissues of the lungs; this occurs due to a decrease or absence of air permeability in certain areas of the organ, which appears on X-ray examination as darkened spots. Such a symptom may indicate pathological processes both in the lung itself and beyond.

Blackouts, the causes of which lie in pulmonary pathologies, may differ in their intensity, clarity, quantity and size. Darkening can show:

Inflammatory processes and tissue compaction. Nodes of tumor formations. An area impassable for air is a collapsed lung. Development of tuberculosis. The presence of fluid in the pleural area of ​​the lungs (the pleura is the membrane that covers the lungs and chest cavity). Inflammation in the pleural area, possibly purulent (abscesses).

Pulmonary opacities, which appear under the influence of problems with other organs, can also be visible on...

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Darkening of the lungs on fluorography

The list of mandatory annual medical examination procedures includes a fluorographic examination of the lungs. This helps to identify diseases in the initial stages, which may later turn out to be severe. An indicator that you should immediately contact a specialist is the identification of a spot on the lungs when viewing fluorography.

What does darkening in the lungs mean?

Before you get an appointment with a doctor, a patient who has developed such unpleasant symptom, wondering what darkening in the lungs means. Without a doubt this is a worrying sign deterioration of your health, but do not immediately despair. There are many reasons for the appearance of darkening on fluorography in the lungs, so in order to diagnose final diagnosis The general practitioner should prescribe you additional tests, which could reveal other symptoms of a particular disease:

Most often, darkening in the lungs demonstrates inflammatory...

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If fluorography shows dark spots, this means that inflammatory or pathological processes are occurring in the lungs. To an untrained person, dark spots on the lungs appear as light areas on an X-ray.

After fluorography, which doctors recommend at least once a year, various dark spots are often detected. Usually, in most lung diseases, there is an absence of lung tissue or its compaction, otherwise the compacted tissue absorbs the radiation emanating from the X-ray machine to a greater extent. For tuberculosis that completely takes over upper sections lung, treatment is prescribed and after confirmation of the diagnosis, mandatory drug treatment.

How dangerous is darkening or clearing in the lungs?

Similar images can be obtained in acute or chronic pneumonia, but in this case, the shadows disappear over time. If lung cancer is suspected, doctors take a piece of tissue for analysis...

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What do fluorography results tell you? What should you be afraid of?

None infection does not claim as many lives of Ukrainians as tuberculosis. Swine flu, diphtheria and tetanus taken together cannot be compared with the scale of the tuberculosis epidemic. Every day in our country, tuberculosis claims about 25 lives. And, despite the fact that this problem is “state”, there are no special changes in better side not visible. The only noticeable participation of the state in solving the problem of tuberculosis is the introduction of routine fluorography. And, despite the modest capabilities of fluorography, it undoubtedly helps to identify new cases of the disease

Tuberculosis today has ceased to be a disease of the poor and hungry. Yes, it does have social signs, and the risk of getting sick is higher among those who live in poverty, but often it is enough to endure the disease on your feet, to survive mild stress, get too carried away with losing weight - as a result, we have an organism that is “perfectly prepared”...

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After fluorography, which doctors recommend at least once a year, various dark spots are often detected.

In this case, the best explanation can be obtained from your doctor. Most often, additional examination will be required to clarify the diagnosis, after which it will be revealed real reason the occurrence of these spots. The spots can be caused by a variety of diseases, ranging from pneumonia to lung cancer. However, ordinary defects in the image are also possible, which have nothing to do with medicine. Therefore, without taking into account the doctor’s opinion, no conclusions should be drawn.

Usually, in most lung diseases, there is an absence of lung tissue or its compaction, otherwise the compacted tissue absorbs the radiation emanating from the X-ray machine to a greater extent. This appears as a dark spot in the picture. The size of the damage determines the shape and size of the spot.

In addition, the darkening in the image can be explained by the presence of liquid...

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It’s not clear what blackout means, did they just write “blackout”? the radiologist didn’t do a description of the x-ray for you??, they never write about the darkening, they always write about what these or changes indicate.
I am writing from a piece of paper that the radiologist gave me: small focal shadows, low-intensity, indistinct, are visible in all fields on both sides. That's all he wrote to me. The therapist didn’t say a word at all - first she ordered me to take tests. I have an appointment on Thursday and I will find out the test results. For several days now I can’t pull myself together, terrible pictures are being drawn - after all, I have a small child.

Do not worry. I personally don’t understand about “across all fields”. It’s like, this doesn’t happen with a tube, in my opinion, usually the outbreaks start somewhere in one place, especially since you don’t have any symptoms. True - run to the tomograph as soon as possible to calm down.
In any case, even if it’s a tube - if you have closed form, then you are not dangerous to others at all (including...

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X-ray for tuberculosis. Symptoms, signs, description of x-rays for pneumonia:: Polismed.com

Tuberculosis is a disease that is extremely dangerous and widespread in modern society. Mycobacterium tuberculosis can infect absolutely any tissue human body except hair and nails. This disease is much easier to treat if changes in the lungs (with the most common - pulmonary form tuberculosis) are detected as early as possible. For radiology diagnostics For tuberculosis, radiography in frontal and lateral projections, linear tomography (to obtain a more detailed image of the lesion), and computed tomography are now used.

Why is a lung x-ray prescribed for tuberculosis?

X-ray of cell organs in this disease is a study included in the mandatory diagnostic standards. It is prescribed in order to:

Establish or refute the very fact of the disease; Conduct differential diagnosis between tuberculosis and other diseases...

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Round and focal shadow syndrome on radiography

What is a spot on the lungs/what does a spot on the lung mean/what does a spot on the lung mean?

In radiology, the spot is called a shadow. A spot-like shadow less than 1 centimeter in diameter is a focal shadow. A focal shadow is a lesion whose size ranges from 0.1 cm to 1.0 cm. These pathological lesions are characteristic of various nosological forms. By origin, these lesions can be of inflammatory and tumor origin, and are also caused by hemorrhage, edema, and atelectasis. X-ray experience proves that lesions in the lungs occur when inflammatory diseases, which pathologically change the structure of the pulmonary parenchyma. In our country, foci are also characteristic of tuberculosis ( focal tuberculosis). In practice, it often occurs when there are 2-3 lesions in one lung, then radiologists talk about a group of lesions in the lung. Inexperienced and young specialists mistake the cross-section of a vessel, the shadow of the nipples for focal shadows...

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Quite often, in order to carry out the most informative and exact condition respiratory organs, doctors prescribe such a common test as x-rays. This procedure is often indicated in order to clarify the result of previously performed fluorography or based on the general clinical picture of the patient’s condition. For example, with certain lung diseases, the density of some lung tissues becomes increased. In the resulting images, each of which shows the condition of the lungs, similar phenomena are noted in the form of spots and darkening in the lungs on the X-ray.

If a patient is informed of the discovery of spots, the first reaction of most is fear, many think that it is malignancy. Cancer gives some darkening, but is far from the only reason for the appearance of spots. To avoid wasting unnecessary nerves, and also to begin to act as quickly as possible when blackouts are detected, it is worth studying their types, as well as becoming familiar with the main reasons for their occurrence.

Causes of spots on the received images

The main reasons for the appearance of spots or darkening in an X-ray photo may be following reasons dark spots in the lungs:

If such shadows are detected, doctors usually prescribe additional forms examinations. This is based precisely on large quantities reasons that can lead to their formation. Competent treatment is prescribed only after the nature of the formations and the causes of darkening in the lungs have been fully established. Taken into account usual symptoms and health status.

When diagnosed with pneumonia, an x-ray is the only option to identify a serious illness.

What spots might there be in the picture?

In the process of conducting an additional medical examination and carefully studying the resulting images, the specialist evaluates the darkening according to the following parameters:

  • Location of the spot - upper, lower or middle part lung It can also be the outer, inner and middle lobe of this organ. This way you can get a clear picture of the disease;
  • The size makes it possible to determine the total area of ​​pathology;
  • Level of expression. By this characteristic the degree of density of the lesion present can be determined. The severity can be moderate, weak and intense;
  • General outline. Pay attention to whether the stain has smooth or uneven edges. Often on this basis it is possible to determine the nature of education.

In addition to the differences listed above, spots in the image can be classified according to other criteria. Doctors must take them into account in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Spots and dark spots that occur in the lungs and trachea can be characterized by their location, but also by appearance and general form. The distribution is as follows:

  1. Share. The spot has a clear outline and can be particularly concave or significantly convex. Darkening can develop against the background of inflammation, cirrhosis or destruction. If a spot of this type is located in the middle or lower part of the lung, the doctor may suspect a malignant formation.
  2. Focal. These are relatively small centimeter-sized formations that can prove the presence of inflammation, the development of pathology of veins and blood vessels, as well as the development of peripheral cancer, dangerous tuberculosis and sudden pulmonary infarction. If such lesions were found against the background of headache, cough and pain, bronchial pneumonia can be judged.
  3. Indefinite in form. These are special spots that do not have a bright expression or outline. To give the patient the most accurate diagnosis, more modern views examinations such as CT or MRI. Such white spots often indicate pathologies such as pleurisy, pneumonia, hemorrhage, as well as of different nature tumors. The diagnosis is clarified not only with the help of CT, but also by laboratory tests.
  4. Liquid. This is direct evidence of pulmonary edema. Fluid collected in the lungs may be due to high blood pressure in numerous vessels, the degree of permeability of their alveolar wall. In this case, the liquid immediately enters the lung tissue, disrupting its functionality.
  5. Segmental. It's about about the darkening in the form of a triangle. This is evidence of pathologies such as cancer tumor, different benign formations, pneumonia, the presence of metastases coming from other organs, tuberculosis and fluid accumulation. The doctor’s competence is very important here, since the earlier measures are taken, the greater the chance the patient will have if a fatal pathology is detected.
  6. Focus. As a rule, these are single spots, the size of which is on average 1 cm. Such lesions occur against the background of pneumonia, with increased fluid content in the organs, breathing, tuberculosis, and they can also be cysts and purulent abscesses.

Making an accurate diagnosis based on the type and location of spots alone is impossible. It is for this reason that additional high-quality examination is required.

If darkening is visible in the image, you should immediately consult a doctor who can identify or exclude the presence of a dangerous disease.

Decoding of received images

A few minutes after the fluorography office, a person receives a picture and its detailed transcript. The comments to the image may contain the following information in the form: medical terms, each of which characterizes certain health problems:

  • Enlargement of the roots of the right or left lung, which may indicate bronchitis or pneumonia; Heavy roots are special pathological changes that occur due to smoking or acute bronchitis;
  • The presence of an in-depth pattern of the vessels of the right or left lung indicates a violation of blood circulation in the respiratory organs, various problems with blood vessels and the heart, bronchitis, as well as inflammation in the lungs, which may be the initial stage of the oncological process;
  • Fibrosis and fibrous tissue- this is a consequence of previously suffered surgical interventions, injuries;
  • Focal shadows, which are specific shadows. If such shadows are accompanied by an increase in the general vascular pattern, the doctor can judge pneumonia;
  • Calcifications of the right or left lung - means that the person had contact with a patient with tuberculosis. Wherein healthy body an uninfected person enclosed the stick in a calcium shell. It is the power of immunity that prevents the spread of infection;
  • Changes in the diaphragm - all this can be the consequences of problems such as obesity, pleurisy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Spots and dark spots found in the image can be evidence of several dozen different diseases; it is for this reason that after the x-ray it is necessary to continue a high-quality medical examination of the right or left lung.

Follow-up examination

To conduct further examination, the doctor may send the patient to a pulmonologist or oncologist, where he will be shown to undergo certain specific procedures. Here are the most common ones:

  1. This may be a diaskintest, which can determine the presence of tuberculosis. If we compare this procedure with Mantoux, which quite often gives a false and inaccurate result, such an examination does not respond to BCG, which often shows in a child complete absence Problems. This is an ideal opportunity to diagnose tuberculosis as accurately as possible.
  2. Studying the sputum of children and adults is another mandatory analysis which is carried out in the laboratory. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to detect tubercle bacilli, the presence of malignant cells, as well as various impurities that may be characteristic of certain pathological conditions.
  3. Quite often doctors prescribe more modern method examinations – CT scan lungs. It's extra, informative method diagnosis of diseases of the lung tissue, pleura and mediastinum. It turned out that this is the most reliable method.
  4. Lung bronchoscopy or tracheobronchoscopy may also be used. Performed this procedure through medical endoscopes that are quite flexible in design and are inserted through the nose. Through this form of examination, you can see the lungs and also take material, completely painlessly. Collected material, as a rule, are subjected to subsequent diagnostics - bacterial, histological and cytological.

If a doctor suspects lung cancer based on an x-ray, a tumor marker test may be prescribed. The analysis makes it possible to detect specific proteins that are usually produced by emerging malignant tumors.

Summing up

If darkening or light spots, do not panic when you see the picture. The optimal solution V in this case There will be strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. The specialist will conduct a more detailed additional examination to clarify the diagnosis. This is the only way to develop the maximum quality treatment, take timely measures and thereby prevent quite serious complications.

Once a year, all residents of the country are invited to undergo preventive medical checkup. It definitely includes. This is done in order to prevent the appearance and development of tuberculosis at the very beginning.

The fact is that in our country the number of people suffering from tuberculosis is increasing every year. Although the mortality rate from this disease is gradually decreasing.

Sometimes the image shows some darkening of the lungs. Many people, upon learning about this, panic. But in vain. First we need to find out the reason. After all, spots on the lungs during fluorography may not always mean serious illness. Darkness in the lungs occurs for many reasons.

What are the types of blackouts?

First you need to understand what types of dark spots there are and what their origin is.

There are several types of darkening in the lungs on X-ray:

  • focal;
  • focal;
  • segmental;
  • equity;
  • containing liquid;
  • indefinite form.

What is meant by focal opacities? These are small spots in the form of nodules. They can manifest themselves in tumors and inflammations, vascular disorders. But one cannot draw a conclusion about the disease from just one image. It is necessary to undergo an additional full examination. This includes: X-ray, computed tomography, blood and urine tests, .

With a combination of focal darkening and cough with elevated temperature, one can assume the development of bronchopneumonia.

Sometimes blood tests are normal, but a patient with such dark spots complains of weakness, lack of appetite, coughing. This may be a sign of the development of focal tuberculosis. Also, focal darkening in the lungs on fluorography can be a manifestation of oncological processes in the lung and many other diseases.

Focal shadows are dark spots of a round shape, having a diameter of more than ten millimeters. Their presence indicates many diseases, for example:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • a cyst filled with air;
  • tuberculoma;
  • abscess.

The presence of tumors can also be assumed. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates a rib fracture.

Segmental darkening in the lungs on fluorography indicates that this is:

  • pneumonia;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the lung;
  • tuberculosis;
  • metastases in other organs.

It all depends on how many such segments there are and what shape they are. Often segmental darkening in the lungs on fluorography appears in the form of a triangle. Sometimes children inhale small parts of toys, and this can be seen on a fluorographic image as a segmental spot on the lungs.

With lobar darkening, the outlines are clearly visible. They meet different shapes: convex, concave, straight, etc. This phenomenon may indicate:

  • possible chronic pulmonary disease;
  • cirrhosis;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • tumors.

If the darkening contains liquid, this means that it is developing. It comes in two types:

A dark spot in the lungs of an indeterminate shape indicates development. This may also indicate pulmonary infarction, edema, tumor, hemorrhage, accumulation of pleural fluid and other diseases that need to be confirmed using full examination.

It must be said that there are not only dark spots in the pictures; with emphysema, for example, a white spot in the lungs can be seen on an x-ray. White spots also occur when foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.

How to decipher the results of fluorography and what to do next?

Often the location of the shadows can tell a lot. A single spot often indicates a tumor. Multiple spots on the lungs indicate the presence of tuberculosis, inflammation, and fluid accumulation.

If the darkening is in the upper part of the lung, it is most likely tuberculosis. A spot with unclear boundaries indicates the development of pneumonia. A certain form of darkening indicates pulmonary infarction or hemorrhage. If a person smokes for a long time, there will also be changes in the FLG. A smoker's lungs are usually covered with dark spots.

Usually, after undergoing fluorography, a person receives a picture with a transcript. It contains phrases that sometimes frighten the patient.

We need to consider what they mean.

  1. The expansion of the roots in the picture indicates the development of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  2. Fibrous tissue indicates previous inflammatory processes in the lungs, as well as operations or injuries.
  3. Heavy roots occur in smokers or patients with bronchitis.
  4. The presence of calcifications indicates that the person had an encounter with a patient with tuberculosis. But no infection occurred.
  5. The diaphragm is altered in patients with obesity, pleurisy or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Focal shadows are various shadings.
  7. The pattern of blood vessels is aggravated - this means that diseases are present of cardio-vascular system, as well as bronchitis or pneumonia. One can even assume oncology.
  8. Sinus means there are air cavities. Usually healthy people they fill with air, and in patients with pneumonia or tuberculosis - with liquid.
  9. The mediastinum is displaced (widened). This means there is a pathology of the cardiovascular system. This may be myocarditis, heart failure, hypertension.

First, we need to put aside panic. Sometimes it happens that the equipment makes mistakes or there is a defect on the film. As a result, the lungs in the image may also be darkened. Therefore, you should not immediately give in to despair.

Secondly, you should contact a specialist. It’s good if there is a pulmonologist in the city. If not, then you need to go to a TB doctor. They work in any populated areas. The attending physician will refer you for a full examination. It may also include Diaskintest.

Diaskintest - the newest effective method research human body for the presence of tuberculosis. It is done in the same way as the Mantoux test, but is an improved version of it. When performing this test, errors are minimal.

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical tests;
  • X-ray;
  • sowing

Tracheobronchoscopy may also be prescribed. In this case, the upper respiratory tract and lungs are examined using a probe that is inserted through the nose. The procedure is harmless and painless.

This is very effective examination and gives full picture condition of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. You should not refuse it if your doctor has prescribed this procedure.

After a complete examination of the patient, the diagnosis and how to treat it immediately become clear. Therefore, the sooner the examination is carried out, the sooner appropriate treatment will begin.

Hello! During fluorography, a darkening was discovered in the left lung. There are no symptoms, no pain, no cough, no weight loss, no sweating, nothing. Direct and lateral X-rays confirmed the presence of darkening in the left lung. The doctor prescribed treatment for pneumonia. After taking antibiotics for 10 days, there was no change. A repeat x-ray again showed the same spot. They sent me to the anti-tuberculosis dispensary. After undergoing an examination (tomogram, blood tests, sputum tests, Diaskintest), it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. The tests are all good. with the exception of increased SOE - 20. Sputum tests are negative. The tomogram shows a round spot. Diaskintest showed papule 25, apparently some kind inflammatory process goes in the body. Yes, I also had a consultation with a cockroach surgeon, he recommended additional examination in the cockroach department and an operation to remove this neoplasm of unknown origin. The phthisiatrician prescribed me a trial treatment for... tuberculosis. Appeared side effects literally from the second day of treatment (pain and numbness in the arm, dizziness and almost fainting, pain in the pancreas area, constant nausea). Then I doubt it, is it possible to prescribe treatment blindly? Either from pneumonia or from tuberculosis. Where can I get qualified help in diagnosis and treatment? I live in Primorsky Krai.

Darkening in the lung indicates compaction of the lung tissue, and several dozen lung diseases may be accompanied by this symptom and the appearance of single or multiple rounded shadows on radiographs. The most important of these diseases are: acute pneumonia; tuberculosis infiltrate; tuberculoma; primary lung cancer; tumor metastases to the lungs; retentional lung cyst; echinococcus lung; encysted pleurisy; eosinophilic infiltrate; mediastinal cyst; tumor of the mediastinum, etc. Since DIASKINTEST showed a 25 mm papule in you, this indicates a hyperergic reaction, tuberculosis cannot be excluded, since this test does not cause positive reactions in healthy and BCG vaccinated individuals.
To clarify the diagnosis in your case, further examination is necessary: ​​computed tomography of the lungs and diagnostic bronchoscopy of the lungs. Since all diagnoses are made on the basis of a complex of clinical, laboratory, and radiological data. You can also additionally take tests for tumor markers, although they are not used for primary diagnosis, but can still be useful in the current situation. They do not establish a diagnosis, but they help to further monitor the dynamics of the process; for example, after surgery, their level can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. For oncological processes in the lungs, the following tumor markers are informative: No. 1005 Cancer embryonic antigen, No. 1013 Neuron-specific enolase, No. 1014 SCCA (if squamous cell carcinoma is suspected). These examinations will help the doctor in diagnosing your existing disease.
Regarding the question of where you can get qualified help in diagnosis and treatment, perhaps it will be KKB No. 1 in Vladivostok, where the pulmonology center is located.

During every medical examination, it is necessary to undergo fluorography. Without the results of an X-ray examination of the chest organs, it is impossible to get a job; without it, documents for admission to study will not be accepted. Of course, it is simply wonderful when the examination does not reveal any pathologies. And if the image shows darkening in the lungs, what could this mean?

Is darkening the picture a death sentence?

Even if fluorography showed it, there is no need to panic right away. There was a cough or there was none, chest pain was felt or not,

the temperature increased (especially in the evening) or was normal - the examination must be repeated. Maybe films or a defective photograph?

If the secondary result coincides with the primary one, then, again, you should not bemoan your fate, but go to the doctor and be sure to find out what is causing the appearance of the darkening. A dark spot in the picture does not necessarily immediately indicate tuberculosis or cancer, although its appearance may indicate some serious illness.

Reasons for dimming

In what cases does darkening occur in the lungs, what is it, what diagnosis can be made based on such a fluorography result?

Darkening in the image may occur:

  • for problems with the esophagus, for example, when it expands;
  • if growths have formed on the ribs or spine;
  • during the development of tuberculosis or after a recent illness;
  • for pneumonia, bronchitis (even at the recovery stage).

A similar picture in the image also occurs in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • atelectasis (collapsed lung);
  • Availability ;
  • inflammation of the pleura.

In addition, darkening may appear in the image of a person with a long history of smoking. Thus, it is difficult to immediately say what caused the darkening in the lungs. What it is can only be determined by a specialist, and only after a full examination. Maybe it's in the lungs foreign body? This often happens to those who are overly curious: there is a dark spot in the picture, but there is no serious disease even close!

Classification of blackouts

Experts distinguish the following types of blackouts:

  • focal;
  • with the presence of liquid;
  • segmental;
  • equity;
  • indefinite form.

It should be noted that the types of darkening are not directly related to diseases, and it is impossible to accurately determine the problem depending on the shape of the spot. Additional examinations are definitely required, even if there are symptoms inherent in certain disease. Eg, focal darkening, characteristic of initial stage tuberculosis, in the presence of cough and elevated temperature, may equally likely indicate pneumonia or previous bronchitis. Round spots appear in the picture if there is bronchial asthma, fibromas, sarcomas, etc. Another example: there is a spot on the picture, but there is no cough. This often indicates vascular pathology.

There is no need to guess on your own what darkening in the lungs means. Let a qualified doctor make the diagnosis based on the results of various examinations. The latter, in addition to fluorography, usually include blood, urine and sputum tests. An experienced radiologist should describe the darkening in the lungs (whether it is a banal film defect, bronchitis or a more serious disease). This will help save the patient’s nerves and money. The earlier the disease is detected, the better prognosis for recovery. After all, it’s no secret that health is the most valuable thing we have.