Modern methods of liposuction. Six types of non-surgical liposuction: injection, hardware, body tite and others. Types of liposuction without surgery

Modern beauty standards require sophisticated forms, and every day we struggle with extra centimeters and kilograms. Often this struggle not only does not bring results, but is also harmful to health. That is why liposuction, as a fast, reliable and relatively simple way to correct the figure, is so popular. Moreover, in addition to surgical methods of getting rid of extra centimeters, today there are less invasive ways to combat fat deposits - microsurgical radiofrequency liposuction, as well as quite effective non-surgical techniques.

The specialists of the liposuction center offer you the most complete overview of techniques - from the latest hardware innovations to proven classics of liposuction:

Liposculpture is a new direction of traditional surgical liposuction

Despite the emergence of dozens of new hardware techniques, it is still in demand. Moreover, today this is the lot of the most sophisticated and demanding patients - Hollywood stars, highly paid models, rich and famous socialites. Why? Because liposuction has experienced a rebirth, turning into a jewelry manual technique of body liposculpture.

At the BeautyLine clinic, this method is presented by the famous Italian plastic surgeon Marco Merlin. He performs mini-jewelry operations under local anesthesia. The fat is removed manually using very thin cannulas through tiny punctures. The main advantage of corrections from the Italian maestro of plastic surgery is a fantastically accurate and impeccably beautiful result.

The manual liposuction procedure performed by the famous Dr. Merlin is a guaranteed effect and minimal trauma. No scars, bumps or irregularities - filigree Italian technology of impeccably high quality! Russian patients most often have their facial contours corrected by Professor Merlin (chin, jowls). The second most popular procedure is manual.

Microsurgical liposuction

The high level of equipment of the liposuction center allows us to offer patients the most modern and effective hardware methods for combating fat deposits. Perhaps the most effective of them is the method. This is a unique technique that combines the advantages of surgical and non-surgical liposuction.

It is as radical as surgery (BodyTite allows you to remove up to 6 (!) liters of fat in one session), and in terms of safety and rehabilitation time it is close to some non-invasive methods. At the same time, thanks to a large number of specialized attachments, BodyTite allows you to equally successfully correct the most delicate areas (face, legs, knees) and remove large amounts of fat from the abdomen or thighs.

The main advantage of BodyTite liposuction is the unique double effect of this micro-surgery - you not only remove fat, but also tighten your skin at the same time! For patients over 30-35 years old, this is perhaps the best, if not the only, method that guarantees simultaneous removal of unwanted centimeters and a good tightening. Even sagging skin in older patients - a typical contraindication for liposuction - is not a problem for radiofrequency liposuction, which can be performed at any age!

Its secret is that radio waves not only easily melt fat, which is then sucked out through a thin cannula, but also warm up and tighten the skin. The low invasiveness of the method is ensured by the fact that capillaries damaged during liposuction are immediately coagulated, and virtually no blood loss occurs. This means that this method allows you to remove a significantly larger volume of fat without risk to the patient.

Radiofrequency liposuction at the Beauty Line clinic is performed by one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in this field, Dr. Ageshina. She believes that this method is in many ways similar to, but has several noticeable advantages over it, the main one of which is the effect of simultaneous skin tightening.

Svetlana Evgenievna Ageshina was trained in liposuction using the BodyTite method in Israel, and now she herself conducts master classes on this technique for Russian specialists. She says that in order to clearly show how the skin contracts during the procedure, she asks her trainees to measure the distance between two points on the body (for example, between moles). During the procedure, this distance immediately becomes shorter by 2-3 centimeters, and 2 weeks after it is reduced by another half.

  • You can learn more about how the liposuction procedure is performed using the BodyTite device on the BeautyLine clinic website.

Three most popular non-surgical techniques

Radiofrequency liposuction Tite-FX uses the same principle of destruction of fat cells as the BodyTite method, but is performed non-surgically. This non-surgical method, like BodyTite, is based on radio wave impulses, but liposuction does not require incisions or punctures - the effect on fatty tissue is only “from the outside”.

Thanks to the radio waves generated by the device, subcutaneous fat is heated to a temperature of 38-43 degrees, and its cells literally “burst” - the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, and their contents are gradually absorbed and eliminated from the body. Radio waves always affect both fat and skin, thickening and tightening it. In addition, after the procedure, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks on the skin noticeably decrease or completely disappear. The cosmetologist at the BeautyLine liposuction center considers the Tite-FX method to be the most modern and effective.

– non-surgical – perhaps the most common non-surgical lipolysis procedure. This method is completely non-traumatic and comfortable for the patient - no unpleasant sensations arise during liposuction.

Fat cells are gradually destroyed under the influence of ultrasonic waves, and are removed, as with any type of non-surgical liposuction, thanks to the body’s natural cleansing systems. Ultrasonic liposuction does not require any punctures or incisions. The destruction of fat cells occurs gradually and evenly, so after the procedure no irregularities form under the skin. The method refers to “office cosmetology” procedures and does not require any rehabilitation.

- another new technique of non-surgical liposuction. At the Beauty Line clinic, using a high-tech LipoCryo device, they perform not only body liposuction, but also a double chin lift, for which this method is simply ideal.

Like all non-surgical methods, it destroys fat deposits without the use of cuts or punctures, affecting fat cells with low temperatures. The applicator attachment of the LipoCryo device captures the fat fold using vacuum and treats it with cold. At the same time, the temperature of the adipose tissue drops to 4 degrees Celsius, which leads to its destruction. At the same time, such cooling is completely harmless to the skin (after all, in winter, for example, the skin of our face and hands successfully withstands even lower temperatures). The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, fat cells are destroyed, absorbed and utilized by the body within 4-6 weeks.

An ideal slim figure is considered the modern ideal of a healthy and beautiful person. However some people have fat deposits that do not respond to diet or exercise. Therefore, liposuction is the only way to create a body with ideal contours.

It is worth noting that liposuction is not a method of losing weight and does not replace exercise and a healthy diet. First of all, it is an opportunity to remove fat that can no longer be affected. Liposuction is a procedure for removing subcutaneous selection, more details on the website The choice of liposuction method depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. And the latest technologies in liposuction surgery make it possible to reduce the rehabilitation process to a minimum and obtain maximum effect.

The first attempts to correct the contours of the figure were made at the beginning of the 20th century. The operation consisted of extensive excision of skin and fat flaps (dermolipectomy). For the first time in 1972, J. Schrudde proposed a “closed” method of fat removal using uterine curettes. Through 2-3 cm incisions, adipose tissue was scraped out in problem areas. However, such operations were accompanied by serious postoperative complications, such as bleeding, lymphorrhea, and seromas. As a result, this type of operation did not become widespread, and only in 1979 the idea of ​​removing excess fat deposits was effectively implemented. Due to its safety and high efficiency, the technique has become widespread and is currently used in several modifications.

The most common use of liposuction is for cosmetic purposes to create a smoother shape in areas such as the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, calves, arms or some areas of the back. Fat can be removed from more than one part of the body during one surgery.

Liposuction is the most beneficial procedure for patients who are close to their ideal weight but still have disproportionately localized fat deposits that are resistant to the effects of exercise and diet.

In addition, a candidate for liposuction must have good skin elasticity and muscle tone. If the patient has already lost a significant amount of weight and has sagging skin, liposuction may only worsen these problems. If the skin is not elastic enough, it will remain baggy after the procedure. For this reason, older patients may not see the same results as younger patients.

Women mainly do this procedure to get rid of the so-called “breeches”, as well as hips, buttocks, waist, etc.

Men most often want to remove fat deposits on the chest, neck, waist, back, and abdomen. Often they need liposuction of the buttocks.

Liposuction is classified according to the degree of surgical intervention:

Small volume - removal of less than 2.5 liters of fat;
- large volume - removal from 2.5 to 5 liters of fat;
- extra-large volume - removal of more than 5 liters of fat.

Abdominal liposuction usually involves removing 1 to 3 liters of fat.

Liposuction methods can be mechanical (based on the principle of crushing fat deposits) and physical-chemical (based on the destruction of adipose tissue through the use of chemical and physical factors).

Depending on the technique used, the following types of this operation are distinguished:

Vacuum or traditional liposuction- local destruction of subcutaneous fatty tissue occurs, and destruction products are removed through small incisions using special tubes (cannulas), which are inserted through tiny incisions. To destroy fat, the surgeon makes reciprocating movements with cannulas through the layer of fat deposits, then using a vacuum pump or syringe, the destroyed fat is pumped out.

Ultrasonic liposuction- adipose tissue cells are destroyed by ultrasound, after which the fat emulsion is sucked out from under the skin using a vacuum.

Radio wave liposuction- destruction of fat cells occurs under the influence of radio waves, after which the breakdown products are removed from under the skin. In addition to the breakdown of fat deposits, this method allows for effective skin tightening, which makes it possible to solve one of the main disadvantages of abdominal liposuction: sagging and sagging skin after the procedure.

Laser liposuction- with this method, fat destruction occurs through a small incision under the influence of laser radiation. Liquefied fat is removed using a syringe or pump.

Hypertumescent liposuction- this technique involves injecting Klein's solution under the skin, which transforms adipose tissue into an emulsion. After this, it is removed using the usual vacuum method. According to reviews of abdominal liposuction using this method, it is quite comfortable for the patient and allows you to model the contours of the body with high accuracy.

Water jet liposuction- this technique uses the power of water, a fan-shaped laminar jet under low pressure separates fat cells from connective tissue and washes them out of the body. This type of abdominal liposuction does not injure blood vessels and nerves, which reduces the risk of bleeding, hematomas, swelling and other side effects and complications, and does not leave scars.

Before the operation, a consultation with a plastic surgeon is required, who will determine the scope of the operation and prescribe the necessary studies.

Many men and women, having tried a variety of ways to combat fat deposits, finally come to liposuction - a surgical operation to remove accumulations of fat.

Today we will talk to you about what liposuction is, what liposuction techniques are the most popular in Russia and what are their advantages and fundamental differences.

So, liposuction is a fairly radical and very effective method with which you can remove excess fat from the abdomen, chest, back, hips, pubis, arms, and even from some areas of the face, such as the cheeks or chin. However, liposuction may not help everyone, as there are various contraindications to this operation. Liposuction is not performed on minors, people with diabetes, and patients with complete loss of skin elasticity. You should also refrain from surgical intervention in the presence of certain chronic diseases or during periods of acute manifestations of inflammatory processes.

Nowadays, quite a lot of different liposuction techniques have been developed all over the world, but in our country the most widespread are vacuum, tumescent and ultrasound techniques.

Vacuum liposuction.

The most accessible method for most Russians is the vacuum liposuction method. . During vacuum liposuction, a special needle is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer, which serves to destroy fat deposits. They are immediately removed using a vacuum device, which allows the patient to get rid of 10 liters of fat in one session.

Ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is less traumatic, since the destruction of fat cells in this case is carried out through the action of ultrasonic waves . In this case, there is no need to make tissue incisions, and the fluid formed as a result of cell destruction can leave the body naturally. There are no postoperative scars or hematomas, but the effectiveness of this procedure is somewhat lower than with vacuum liposuction, so several sessions may be needed to achieve the desired result. In some cases, during sonic liposuction, incisions are still made in order to act on fat deposits more effectively.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is fundamentally different from the methods described above in preoperative preparation. , informs the site. First, a special solution is injected into the area of ​​fat deposits, which causes compression of the blood vessels and swelling of fat deposits. This preliminary preparation ensures the effectiveness of the effect specifically on fat cells.

If general anesthesia is used for vacuum liposuction, then only local anesthesia is used for tumescent liposuction. It should also be taken into account that tumescent and ultrasonic liposuction do not require a long stay in the hospital: a few hours after the procedure the patient is sent home. When using surgical techniques, the postoperative period lasts up to three weeks, during which pain, hematomas, and swelling may be observed. According to plastic surgeons, you will be able to fully appreciate the effectiveness of removing excess fat during liposuction only after 5-6 months, although the first results will be noticeable after 10-14 days.

What can replace liposuction?

You can get rid of cellulite and lose weight in problem areas much safer. Especially for this, we have created a special large section “”. In this section you will find a large amount of material that will definitely help you get rid of cellulite and get in shape, as many of our readers have already done.

In addition, we advise you to visit the “” section. All the most effective weight loss methods are collected here, among which you can definitely find the one that will be most comfortable for you. This section will be useful both for those who want to get in shape and for those who want to maintain the ideal shape they have already obtained after liposuction.