Increased hemoglobin, decreased alkaline phosphatase. Alkaline phosphatase is elevated: symptoms, causes of increase in adults and children, treatment. Increased alkaline phosphatase in the blood causes

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme that belongs to the group of hydrolase molecules. It is necessary for the dephospholation reaction in the body.

The success of this phosphorus breakdown occurs due to alkaline phosphatase.

The breakdown of phosphorus molecules and organic substances occurs through the movement of phosphorus ions through the cell membrane by phosphatase.

The concentration of alkaline phosphatase in blood plasma has a constant coefficient, which shows the norm in phosphorus metabolism in organism. Alkaline phosphatase is most active in a pH environment from 8.60 to 10.10.

What is alkaline phosphatase?

Alkaline phosphatase is the most abundant enzyme in the body, but it functional responsibilities not fully studied.

Alkaline phosphatase is present in all cells of all organs of the body and has its own variety:

In serum alkaline phosphatase presented in isoenzymes.

They are in almost the same percentage:

  • Bone enzyme is present - in osteoblasts;
  • Liver enzyme - in hepatocytes.

If the balance is disturbed and the destruction of molecules in cells occurs (when a bone is fractured), or pathology in the liver, then a jump in the level of alkaline phosphatase in the blood plasma occurs.

There are enzymes that biochemical analysis included in the indications of alkaline phosphatase, they have certain functional responsibilities in the body.

The responsibilities of many enzymes include the breakdown of phosphoric acid into essential organic compounds, which leads to the normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

The activity of this enzyme

The activity of this enzyme in serum tends to vary depending on metabolic process. This activity is a marker for identifying bone disease (osteoporosis) on early stage development of pathology, and this coefficient is also used for screening studies of serum blood composition.

Processes in the genitals female organs lead to an increase in placental phosphatase, and in a biochemical analysis it will be reflected as an increased activity of the total alkaline phosphatase index.

Based on placental changes, neoplasms in the woman’s genital organs (malignant tumor of the cervix) can be identified.

ALP enzyme activity in children's body normally higher than in an adult body by 1.5 - 2 times. Depends on physiological processes, which occur in the body of children is the intensive formation of all systems and organs, their intensive growth. During the period of intensive growth, the alkaline phosphatase index can be 800 U/l.

This indicator in children is not a pathology, but the norm, since both enzymes are involved in the process of maturation of the body: liver type and bone.

When the growth of skeletal bones is completed, then the bone enzyme ceases to exhibit its activity and only the hepatic isoenzyme affects the activity of alkaline phosphatase.

Activity during pregnancy

Phosphatase isoenzyme increases in women during pregnancy, and especially in the 3rd trimester intrauterine development fetus Also very high enzyme activity in children who were born earlier due date, because they have to catch up with their peers in development.

Such indicators are physiological and are not considered deviations from standard indicators.

There are biochemical results, if alkaline phosphatase is low, then this is an indicator of underdevelopment of the placenta, and is an indicator during pregnancy.

Why is the enzyme phosphatase studied?

Testing for phosphatase will be prescribed in order to identify at an early stage the development of pathology in the liver, as well as diseases of the skeletal system.

Also, an increase in the alkaline phosphatase index occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the gallbladder, when the bile ducts are blocked, as well as stones that are located in the bladder and ducts.

Alkaline phosphatase activity also increases with malignant neoplasms in organs endocrine system- in the pancreas.

Testing for gamma-glutamyltransferase together with a test for alkaline phosphatase is carried out during diagnostic testing of diseases that provoke pathologies in the process of excretion of bile into the body - biliary cirrhosis(primary form), as well as sclerosing cholangitis of a primary nature.

A biochemical analysis of the ALP coefficient is carried out to identify pathologies in bone cells, because any changes in the bones increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase.

At this moment, it is possible to identify malignant neoplasms and help ensure that this focus of oncology does not go beyond the bone.

Biochemistry testing is repeated to monitor the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the development of pathology, as well as to adjust medical therapeutic or surgical treatment.

Under what circumstances is a study ordered?

Laboratory testing for alkaline phosphatase is standard in biochemical testing and is used in preparation for surgical intervention in organism. This testing is also carried out with liver tests.

An alkaline phosphatase test is prescribed when the patient has pronounced symptoms:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Nausea that progresses to vomiting;
  • Pain in the upper abdomen that ricochets into right side under the ribs;
  • Yellowing skin in case of illness, jaundice;
  • Darkening of urine;
  • Change in the color of feces;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Painful sensations in the bones;
  • Joint pain.

Alkaline phosphatase testing is also always performed when frequent fractures bones.

Standard index of enzyme in blood

The standard alkaline phosphatase coefficient has a fairly wide range of coefficients. Its range is from 44.0 IU/l to an index of 147 IU/l.

When determining standards great importance has a person's gender, as well as an age category.

Women who are carrying a child have an increased ALP index, and the coefficient is also slightly higher in adolescents during puberty. Such high readings indexes are not considered a pathology in the body, but are physiological abnormalities from standard coefficients.

Indicators may also fluctuate different sides, depending on the reagents used by the laboratory, because standard scheme use of drugs in biochemistry this moment absent.

Table of normative indicators in the blood composition of alkaline phosphatase:

Enzyme activity is determined by various techniques, as well as with different temperature conditions. The norm given in the table is calculated at a laboratory temperature of 37 degrees.

In order to avoid confusion when deciphering discrepancies between different clinical laboratories, there are reference values ​​in the alkaline phosphatase test in laboratory results. From these values ​​it is possible to determine whether the coefficient of the blood being tested is within the normative range, or whether there are deviations from the norm.

Table of norms of reference values:

Patient ageReference value
(unit of measurement U/l)
newborns up to 5 days oldup to 550.0
from 5 days to six months of age1000
from 6 calendar months - up to one year1100
from one year to 3 years of age670
from 3 to 6 calendar years650
from 6 years to 12 years of age720
girls from 12 to 17 years of age450
women over 17 calendar years of age720
boys from 12 to 17 years of age930
men over 17 years old270

To be sure of the normal index of your test results, you need to consult your results in a clinical laboratory, or at an appointment with your doctor.

For what diseases is the index elevated?

In addition to the physiological etiology of increased alkaline phosphatase, pathologies in the body affect the increase in the activity of this enzyme:

Treatment to reduce enzyme activity is carried out using medications And balanced nutrition patient:

  • The drug Azathioprine;
  • The drug Clofibrate;
  • Oral contraceptives;
  • Drugs that normalize the functioning of the liver;
  • Use medicinal infusions medicinal plants which have a positive effect on the liver;
  • Diet using foods rich in calcium;
  • A diet that contains the maximum amount of phosphorus in foods - fish, seafood, dairy products, meat, beef liver.

Reduced phosphatase index in the blood

Less release of isoenzymes into the blood serum provokes a decrease in the alkaline phosphatase index.

Alkaline phosphatase is low, which means the following pathologies occur in the body:

  • Osteoporosis of old age;
  • Myxedema of the thyroid gland;
  • An excess of isotopes having a radioactive nature in bone tissue;
  • Severe anemia;
  • Scurvy or vitamin C deficiency;
  • Excess of vitamin D in the body. This indicator is a consequence of non-compliance with the dosage medications from rickets.

You can increase the presence of alkaline phosphatase in your blood serum using a diet that can saturate the body with essential vitamins:

  • Products with high content vitamin C - citrus fruits (especially lemon), onions, garlic, black currants, rose hips;
  • Products containing B vitamins - meat, legumes, beef liver, fish fatty varieties, garden greens;
  • Foods rich in magnesium molecules - seeds, legumes, soybeans, nuts of all kinds.

Do not confuse alkaline phosphatase with acid phosphatase

In addition to alkaline phosphatase, the blood biochemistry analysis also contains an indicator - acid phosphatase. This index shows the condition of the prostate gland in men.

An increase in the level of acidic enzyme indicates that there is a tumor in the gland or metastases have sprouted from cancer of other organs.

Acid phosphatase is a prostate-specific antigen and also a marker of prostate tumor mass (PSA).

Conclusion alkaline phosphatase

In order to identify pathology in the body, only the results of a blood test for the concentration of alkaline phosphatase are not enough. Since the normative range of this enzyme is quite wide, and depends on the age category.

For accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo a number of additional diagnostic tests.

Based on the alkaline phosphatase level and the results of additional studies, the doctor sees full picture pathology and can establish the correct diagnosis.

Alkaline phosphatase is a group of enzymes found in almost all tissues of the body, with a predominant localization in the liver, bones and placenta. Phosphatases in cells participate in the reactions of cleavage of phosphoric acid residue from its organic compounds. The activity of total alkaline phosphatase increases in a number of diseases accompanied by damage to the tissue of the liver, bones, kidneys and other organs.

Synonyms Russian

Alkaline phosphatase.

English synonyms

ALK PHOS, ALP, ALKP, alkaline phosphatase.

Research method

Kinetic colorimetric method.


U/L (unit per liter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous, capillary blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  1. Do not eat for 12 hours before the test.
  2. Avoid physical and emotional stress 30 minutes before the test.
  3. Do not smoke for 30 minutes before the test.

General information about the study

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that is found in the cells of the liver and biliary tract and is a catalyst for certain biochemical reactions in these cells (it does not work in the bloodstream). When these cells are destroyed, their contents enter the bloodstream. Normally, some cells are renewed, so a certain alkaline phosphatase activity is detected in the blood. If many cells die, it can increase very significantly.

Bile is formed in liver cells and is secreted through the system of intrahepatic bile ducts. They then unite to form the hepatic ducts, which exit the liver to form the common bile duct, which drains into the small intestine.

Bile is necessary for the absorption of fats from food. Some are also secreted through bile medicinal substances. It is constantly formed, but enters the intestines only during and after meals. When it is not needed, it accumulates in the gallbladder.

Alkaline phosphatase activity increases greatly when there is an obstruction to the flow of bile, such as stones in the bile ducts. This stagnation of bile is called cholestasis.

In bones, alkaline phosphatase is formed in special cells - osteoblasts, which play an important role in the formation and renewal of bone tissue. The higher the activity of osteoblasts, the higher the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood, so in children and people who have suffered bone fractures, alkaline phosphatase activity is at a high level.

Alkaline phosphatase is also found in intestinal and placental cells.

What is the research used for?

Usually this test prescribed to detect liver or bone diseases. In addition, alkaline phosphatase is elevated in diseases affecting the bile ducts, so this test helps confirm blockage of the bile duct due to stones in the bile ducts or pancreatic tumors.

An alkaline phosphatase test, as well as a gamma-glutamyl transferase test, is carried out in order to diagnose diseases affecting the biliary tract: primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Any condition that is associated with bone growth or increased activity bone cells, increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase. Therefore, an alkaline phosphatase test can be used, for example, to determine that a tumor has spread beyond its borders. primary focus- in the bones.

Repeated administration of alkaline phosphatase is used to monitor the activity of diseases in which it is elevated or to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

When is the study scheduled?

The alkaline phosphatase test may be part of standard diagnostic panels that are used in routine medical examinations and when preparing the patient for surgical intervention. It is also usually included in the "liver tests" used to evaluate liver function.

This study is carried out if the patient complains of weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain (especially in the right hypochondrium), jaundice, darkening of urine or lightening of stool, and itching.

In addition, the analysis is prescribed for symptoms of bone lesions: bone pain, bone deformation, frequent fractures.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Age, gender

Reference values

83 - 248 U/l

15 days – 1 year

122 – 469 U/l

142 - 335 U/l

129 - 417 U/l

57 - 254 U/l

116 - 468 U/l

50 - 117 U/l

82 - 331 U/l

55 - 149 U/l

35 - 105 U/l

40 - 130 U/l

If other tests such as bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are also elevated, then increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood may be due to liver damage. If calcium and phosphorus levels are altered, the most probable cause increased alkaline phosphatase - pathology of bone tissue. Increased alkaline phosphatase activity almost always means damage or involvement in pathological process liver, biliary tract or bones.

Increased activities of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and 5-nucleotidase indicate that the increase in ALP is due to damage to the biliary tract.

Reasons for increased alkaline phosphatase activity

1. Damage to the liver and bile ducts.

  • Mechanical jaundice associated with obstruction of the bile ducts.
    • Bile duct stones, bile duct scars after surgery.
    • Tumors of the bile ducts.
    • Cancer of the head of the pancreas, stomach cancer due to mechanical compression of the common bile duct, through which bile enters the duodenum.
  • Liver cancer, metastases of tumors of other organs to the liver.
  • Liver cirrhosis is a pathological process during which normal liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue, which inhibits all liver functions.
  • Hepatitis of any origin (usually ALP becomes 3 times higher than normal because of it).
  • Infectious mononucleosis – acute viral infection, manifested by increased temperature, inflammation of the pharynx and enlarged lymph nodes. In this case, the liver is often involved in the pathological process.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis are rare diseases, which occur in adults and are associated with autoimmune damage bile ducts. Accompanied by extremely high activity of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase.

2. Bone damage.

  • Particularly high alkaline phosphatase activity (15-20 norms) is observed in Paget's disease. This is a disease that is accompanied by pathological bone growth and disruption of their structure in certain places.
  • Osteosarcoma.
  • Metastases of other tumors to the bone.
  • Osteomalacia is a softening of the bones caused by a lack of calcium.

3. Other reasons.

  • Hyperparathyroidism – hormonal disease related to overeducation parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands, which leads to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Ulcerative colitis, intestinal perforation (since alkaline phosphatase is also found in intestinal cells).

Reasons for decreased alkaline phosphatase activity

  1. Severe anemia.
  2. Massive blood transfusions.
  3. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the function of thyroid gland.
  4. Lack of magnesium and zinc.
  5. Hypophosphatasia – rare congenital disease leading to softening of bones.
  6. A pronounced decrease in alkaline phosphatase in pregnant women is a sign of placental insufficiency.

What can influence the result?

  • During pregnancy, alkaline phosphatase activity is normally increased, as it is contained in the placenta.
  • A temporary increase in alkaline phosphatase activity is observed after fractures.
  • In children and young people, alkaline phosphatase activity is higher than in adults, which is how their bones grow.
  • Aspirin, paracetamol, allopurinol, antibiotics and a number of other drugs can increase the activity of alkaline phosphatase.
  • Reception oral contraceptives sometimes leads to a decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity.
  • Alkaline phosphatase activity may be elevated if the blood is cooled after collection.

Important Notes

Alkaline phosphatase activity sometimes increases in healthy individuals; this does not necessarily indicate any pathology. To correctly interpret changes in alkaline phosphatase activity, you need comprehensive assessment results of other tests, as well as other medical data.

  • Bilirubin

Who orders the study?

Doctor general practice, therapist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, hematologist, endocrinologist, surgeon.

Under alkaline phosphatase refers to a specific enzyme that can be found in many tissues of the body. It is present in bones, bile duct cells, liver and placenta.

With the help of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), reactions associated with the removal of phosphate from organic compounds are activated in the body. The enzyme is a hydrolase, which means it converts biochemical substrates by adding water elements. It promotes the smooth movement of phosphorus throughout the body.

The peak activity of alkaline phosphatase is fixed in a pH environment, which is why its name contains “alkaline”.
The enzyme level reflects the condition of the bone tissue and hepatobiliary system ( gallbladder and bile ducts, liver). Also, by its content in the blood one can judge the correspondence of phosphorus-calcium metabolism to the needs of the body.

Increased enzyme content is observed both with physiological conditions body, and in severe pathologies.

Symptoms of increased alkaline phosphatase

An increase in the amount of alkaline phosphatase compared to the norm can be manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feeling tired;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • loss of appetite;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • painful sensations in bones and joints.

Such manifestations signal an unhealthy state of the body. They are characteristic of many diseases, so it is simply necessary to conduct a blood composition study. The results of the analysis will provide information about the enzyme content.

Alkaline phosphatase is elevated: causes

An increase in the concentration of alkaline phosphatase is observed in relatively healthy people in the following cases:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • long-term use of medications. Their list is quite extensive and contains several hundred items. Particularly dangerous are drugs that can cause the so-called hepatotoxic effect. This means that their long-term use will easily disrupt the structure and function of the liver;
  • pregnancy.

An increase in enzyme levels associated with pathologies most often occurs during the development of diseases that damage bone tissue, liver and kidneys.

Three groups of such ailments can be distinguished.
I. Liver damage, its destruction (destruction) and problems with bile movement:

  • Cirrhosis is a disease process in which normal tissue the organ is replaced by scar tissue. All liver functions are inhibited.
  • Hepatitis, most often viral and autoimmune. With this disease, the content of alkaline phosphatase exceeds the norm three times.
  • Primary tumor in the liver and secondary cancer– penetration of metastases of neoplasms that have arisen in other organs.
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis – chronic illness liver, which results in inflammation, development liver failure And portal hypertension. The disease is rare.
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis is a consequence of a previous illness. A day or two after the onset of the disease, the level of alkaline phosphatase increases fourfold and does not decrease even after recovery. It will take at least a week before the enzyme levels return to normal levels.
  • Infectious mononucleosis is an acute viral disease. The liver is affected, and peculiar changes occur in the composition of the blood.
  • Cholestasis is stagnation of bile.
  • Extrahepatic obstruction of the bile ducts by stones that interfere with the outflow of bile.

II. Pathological changes bone tissue:

  • Paget's disease is a chronic and complex disease. The bone repair mechanism is damaged, which leads to increased destruction, deformation and weakening.
  • Osteomalacia – systemic disease skeleton, which is accompanied by softening and deformation of the bones. The disease violates mineral metabolism, and leaves the body phosphoric acid, calcium salts and vitamins.
  • Osteogenic sarcoma is a malignant primary bone tumor. It originates and develops directly in their depths.
  • Metastases that have penetrated into the bone structure from other organs.
  • Increased metabolism in bone tissue. It occurs during the healing process of fractures.

III. Other diseases:

  • Primary hyperparathyroidism is a disease of the endocrine system caused by increased activity parathyroid glands. It is accompanied by a pronounced disturbance in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium.
  • Heart attack.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Intestinal perforation.

Medical statistics inform that in more than half of patients, alkaline phosphatase levels exceeding the norm are caused by liver pathologies.

Features of increasing alkaline phosphatase in men and women

The normative amount of alkaline phosphatase in men is 20-25 units higher than in the fair sex. Over the years it changes in both sexes and tends to increase.

Abnormal amounts of naturally occurring ALP result in:

  • excessive or intense physical activity;
  • vitamin deficiency and dietary errors.

In the fair sex, the enzyme level increases:

  • during the period of gestation, mainly in the third trimester;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • after menopause.

Women who take hormonal contraceptives are more likely to develop a disease such as cholestatic jaundice or intrahepatic cholestasis.

And men who are already 50 years old often suffer from Paget's disease. This disease can be inherited.

Features of alkaline phosphatase growth in children

The amount of enzyme and its activity in children is always higher than in adults.

This situation can continue until the onset of puberty. All this is natural and is explained by the peculiarities of the physiology of children, because they experience rapid growth of bone tissue.

At the same time, data on the content of alkaline phosphatase help diagnose liver pathologies that are accompanied by insufficient supply of bile to the liver. duodenum. The enzyme level in such ailments often increases and becomes much higher than the normal value.

An increased amount of ALP in children signals possible development such diseases:

  • rickets;
  • hyperparathyroidism;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • damage to bone tissue, including malignant tumors;
  • Paget's disease.

For timely diagnosis rickets, fixing the level of alkaline phosphatase is invaluable. An increase in enzyme content during the development of this disease occurs much earlier than the first symptoms appear.

Alkaline phosphatase is higher than normal: what to do?

First of all, do not self-medicate. Enzyme growth is not a disease, but only a symptom that accompanies a specific illness.

It must also be taken into account that increased level ALP can be naturally occurring. Excessive enzyme activity is sometimes observed in healthy people. In these cases it is a consequence physiological characteristics and processes in the human body.

Therefore, only a specialist can find out the real reasons for the increase in enzyme levels. He will appoint additional research, based on the results of which he accurately diagnoses the disease and decides on therapy.

In order for the alkaline phosphatase level to normalize, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. Simply adjusting the indicator to the optimal limits will not work.

One of the main indicators of a biochemical blood test is alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The enzyme takes an active part in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, reflects the work of the liver, biliary system and musculoskeletal system. Deviation of alkaline phosphatase marker from acceptable values allows specialists to identify asymptomatic or mild diseases.

Using an enzyme, mild diseases are detected

Alkaline phosphatase - what is it?

ALP is a specific enzyme that has several isoforms (depending on its location). The highest concentration of the isoenzyme is observed in the liver, bile ducts, intestinal mucosa and bone tissue (responsible for bone growth). In pregnant women maximum amount phosphatases are concentrated in the placenta.

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is responsible for detaching phosphate from the substances with which it enters the body and distributing it to all cells internal organs. The greatest activity of the enzyme is observed in alkaline environment(pH from 8.62 to 10.2), hence the name of the marker; it is also called acid phosphatase.

The marker has a large diagnostic value. It is one of the five main liver tests and acts as an indicator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The level of alkaline phosphatase shows the condition of the liver, bile ducts and bone cells. Often, an enzyme is used to check for the presence of malignant pathologies in the body.

Preparing for analysis

In order for the ALP analysis to show reliable information, it is important to adhere to the basic recommendations of a specialist:

  1. You need to donate blood on an empty stomach. 7–12 hours before the procedure you should avoid food and any drinks. You can drink water the day before the test, but in small quantities.
  2. The day before the test, limit consumption junk food(smoked, fried and fatty foods, hot sauces and spices).
  3. Eliminate stress and emotional stress. The night before the test, you should get a good night's sleep.
  4. Limit excessive physical activity.
  5. Do not smoke 30–40 minutes before blood collection.

Before the procedure you can only drink small amounts of water.

The test results may be affected by taking certain medications. To ensure that the indicators are not distorted, the patient must notify the doctor about the medications he took on the eve of submitting the biological material.

Alkaline phosphatase level in blood

The amount of acid phosphatase in plasma is small. U healthy person the liver and bone isoforms are constantly present in the blood. Reference values ​​for a specific indicator are highly dependent on the patient’s age, and slightly less dependent on gender. The unit of measurement is the international unit per 1 liter of serum (IU/l).

Table “Normal level of alkaline phosphatase in blood”

Categories of people by age and gender R reference values, IU/l
In children
In a newborn baby From 75 to 380
Up to 1 year of life From 83 to 470
From 1 to 10 years From 67 to 375
From 10 to 12 From 90 to 445
In teenagers
Girls (13–15 years old) From 85 to 280
Boys (13–15 years old) From 80 to 460
In adults
In men
15–20 years From 80 to 230
20–25 years From 56 to 148
From 25 years old From 40 to 138
Among women
15–20 years From 52 to 115
20–25 years From 45 to 90
From 25 years old From 40 to 110
During pregnancy From 70 to 250

Acceptable values ​​may vary slightly depending on the equipment and reagents used by different laboratories. Usually, your own standards medical institutions indicated on a special form, where the results of the material being studied are indicated next to it. A specialist interprets the analysis.

Causes of increased alkaline phosphatase

An increase in ALP can be caused by changes in hormonal background(in women - menopause, late dates pregnancy) or be a consequence of insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus into the body.

If phosphatase is very elevated, we can talk about serious diseases:

  1. Bone damage. Rickets, tumor neoplasms (metastatic processes in bone cells, sarcoma, bone cancer), softening of bone cells (osteomalacia).
  2. Pathological changes in thyroid gland(hyperparathyroidism).
  3. Liver diseases. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancerous lumps, cholangitis, biliary cirrhosis, mononucleosis, cholecystitis.
  4. Blockage bile ducts stones.
  5. Severe abnormalities in the digestive system. Ulcerative colitis, ulcerative processes in the intestines, pancreatitis, chronic disorder chair.
  6. Kidney disorders. Malignant tumors(kidney hypernephroma), renal osteodystrophy.

Increased alkaline phosphatase occurs due to blockage of the bile ducts

In a healthy person, high ALP can be caused by long-term use medicines(antibiotics, hormonal drugs). In children up to puberty, phosphatase is considered higher than normal normal occurrence. At this time, bone tissue grows intensively.

Why is phosphatase low?

A decrease in the ALP marker is less common than its increase, but it is also a sign of negative processes in the human body.

Quite often, phosphatase less than normal is a consequence of dangerous conditions:

  • lack of magnesium, vitamin B12 and zinc;
  • deterioration of thyroid function (hypothyroidism);
  • lack of protein (kidney abnormalities or poor nutrition);
  • congenital low levels of alkaline phosphatase in the body (hypophosphatosia);
  • severe anemia.

Thyroid diseases cause a decrease in phosphatase

Low phosphatase in pregnant women indicates insufficient development of the placental membrane. This condition requires urgent appeal to the doctor.

If alkaline phosphatase is low without visible abnormalities in a person’s condition, the cause may be medications which are accepted long time, or the rules for preparing for analysis were violated.

How to normalize alkaline phosphatase

An increase or decrease in ALP in itself does not cause harm to the body. A dangerous disease is one that causes serious abnormalities in a blood marker.

You can find out how to lower phosphatase by identifying the source of its increase. Therefore, the doctor, having received biochemical analysis tests, prescribes to the patient additional examination. Only after a thorough diagnosis and diagnosis can you begin treatment selected by a specialist.

It is important not to self-medicate or try to lower your ALP levels in any way without your doctor’s permission. IN otherwise can be provoked serious complications and negative consequences.

In a biochemical blood test, alkaline phosphatase has important diagnostic value. A change in the indicator allows specialists to timely detect problems in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, digestive system, as well as assess the condition of bone tissue. The analysis for alkaline phosphatase is highly reliable. The main thing is to properly prepare for it and not try to make a diagnosis yourself; this should be done by a doctor.