Basenji diseases. Let's reveal all the secrets of the Basenji - dogs with cat-like habits. Health and illness

The occurrence of an umbilical hernia in a puppy is a fairly common pathology. With this defect, internal organs (uterus, intestinal loop, omentum) fall out into the opening that appears in the lower abdomen. In most cases, the disease is hereditary.

Why does a hernia occur?

When the animal is born, the abdominal opening closes, where the umbilical cord was previously attached, which connected the puppy and the mother’s womb. Most often, the umbilical ring closes within a day, and the skin on the abdomen becomes even. However, it is possible that some deviations will appear, as a result of which the ring may increase in size or change shape. As a result, connective tissues stretch and internal organs fall out. This defect can go away on its own after a few days, but sometimes a complication arises in the form of infringement of internal organs.

The main causes of hernia in puppies are as follows:

  • features of heredity;
  • the abdominal wall has low tone;
  • connective tissues are quite weak;
  • the umbilical cord was removed incorrectly;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • flatulence;
  • intra-abdominal pressure is elevated.

If we talk about genetic characteristics, then pathology can develop in representatives of the following breeds:

  • dachshund;
  • bull terrier;
  • chow-chow;
  • collie;
  • poodle;
  • Basenji;
  • bobtail;
  • Pekingese.

Hernia in German Shepherd puppies is also caused by genetic abnormalities.

Types of disease

This disease can be congenital (inherited as a recessive trait) or acquired. In the second option, the appearance of a tumor is influenced by external factors, as well as the anatomical features of the internal structure of the animal.

Umbilical hernia can be divided into 4 types:

  • Real. If the umbilical ring is not closed, then there is a hernial sac, which is formed from the pleura or peritoneum. The contents partially contain internal organs.
  • False. It is a soft hollow growth that is filled with fatty deposits.
  • Reducible. The prolapsed organ is mobile and elastic; it can be returned to its place with gentle pressure.
  • Pinched (hard). The organ becomes pinched by the hernial orifice, resulting in swelling of the tissues and the appearance of neoplasms.

How to diagnose a hernia

A hernia in a puppy’s abdomen can be determined by the presence of an elastic, soft tumor that appears in the umbilical area. The process takes place without damaging the skin, and the dog does not experience any discomfort. The growths can be the size of a pea or a walnut. Palpation helps determine the presence of a defect; if you press a little harder, a hernial ring is detected.

There are a number of minor clinical manifestations by which an acquired hernia is determined:

  • seals appear;
  • breathing changes;
  • presence of pain;
  • the animal refuses feed;
  • behavior becomes depressed.

The owner can make a diagnosis such as an umbilical hernia in a puppy. It is enough to decide on the main manifestation, which is characterized by the presence of a convex area of ​​skin that has a rounded shape. The final verdict must be made by a veterinarian after a series of tests. If necessary, the animal is sent for an ultrasound, during which the gastrointestinal tract is examined.

What you need to know about treatment

If a tumor is detected, it is necessary to provide the dog with proper assistance. However, any owner should remember that any therapeutic measures should be carried out only after consultation with a veterinarian. In the first two months after birth, non-surgical repair of the hernia can be performed if the defect is classified as a reducible option.

If the formation is small and the puppy is young, veterinarians advise the owner to take care of the animal himself. Most often, palliative therapy is used. The essence of the method is to apply a fixing bandage slightly above the growth; the holding role can be played by a coin or a thick wad of cotton wool. An adhesive plaster is used to secure it. This method can be used after the hernia has been repaired.

How massage can help

Many owners, after making a diagnosis, ask the question: “A puppy has a hernia, what should I do?” Strengthening massage of the umbilical area very often gives good results for this disease. The purpose of such actions:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • relieve spasms;
  • strengthen the abdominal wall and ligaments.

The massage should be carried out for 5 minutes, several times a day. Thanks to such actions, the abdominal area is warmed up and stimulated.

Execution technique

First, you need to gently begin stroking the puppy with your fingertips so that the animal can relax. Then begin to make movements in a circle in a clockwise direction.

It is important not to forget to pay attention to the pet’s reaction; if he shows that he is in pain, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

It must be remembered that massage cannot be done in the following cases:

  • infectious infection;
  • wounds;
  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory processes.

If a hernia occurs in a puppy, the dog should not stand on its hind legs. If there is a need to take a sick pet in your arms, then only under the tummy.

Surgical intervention

Poor circulation, necrosis and pinched organs are unpleasant consequences of this disease. If the animal’s condition worsens, it is imperative to remove the hernia. When pinched, the following symptoms occur:

  • temperature rises;
  • the hernia increases in size and becomes red;
  • the peritoneum swells;
  • breathing becomes more frequent;
  • during palpation the animal experiences pain;
  • nausea;
  • general state is apathetic;
  • refusal of feed;
  • constipation.

If the above symptoms are identified, then providing assistance to your pet yourself (in the absence of proper education and experience) is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to take the animal to a veterinarian, who will decide what to do next.

Don't be afraid of surgery. The puppy's hernia will be eliminated, and this is the main thing! The purpose of surgery will be to restore normal functioning of the body and minimize negative consequences.

What is the operation

The action itself is not anything complicated; an incision is made in the skin, then the hernial sac is opened, the internal organs are adjusted, the umbilical ring is tightened and sutures are applied. All this happens under local anesthesia.

The owner should take into account that surgical intervention is performed only on those puppies that have been fully vaccinated.

What care does a puppy need during the postoperative period?

Any animal will need some care after surgery. Following simple rules will allow your pet to recover faster, and the owner will not have to treat possible complications that arise from improper handling of the animal.

  • mandatory purchase of a bandage for the dog so that the puppy cannot injure itself;
  • purchasing antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins and using them as prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • compliance with a regime that will eliminate the load on the place where the sutures are applied.

What is an inguinal hernia

Already from the name it becomes clear where this pathology of puppies is formed; it can also occur at the point of contact of the limb with the skin of the peritoneum. Here, not only part of the intestine may fall out, but also the bladder or uterus. That is why this type of disease poses the greatest danger to the life and health of a pet.

It is worth noting that middle-aged pets and puppy dogs are most susceptible to inguinal hernia.

The disease can be identified quite easily by its symptoms. A large bag is formed in the groin area. The animal does not show anxiety or pain when palpated.

If there is no abscess, then the superficial area of ​​​​the formation will be warm and has a temperature characteristic of the puppy’s body. The skin does not go bald, and ulcers do not appear on them. Partial hair loss can occur if the hernial sac rubs against the animal’s limb.

To prevent serious health problems for your pet, you need to undergo surgery as soon as possible, namely, removal of a hernia in a puppy. This measure is necessary due to the presence of large organs in the hernial sac, and if even minor damage occurs, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • fecal peritonitis;
  • miscarriage;
  • extensive internal bleeding.

If we talk about the operation, it goes according to the following scenario:

  1. The dog is given general anesthesia.
  2. Repositioning internal organs into place.
  3. Contraction of the hernial ring.
  4. Stitching.

Every owner needs to know that if any type of hernia occurs, they should contact a veterinarian so as not to worsen the animal’s condition. Timely help for your pet will help you avoid major health problems in the future.

When you decide to get a puppy or kitten, you should approach the choice of breed with all responsibility. It is worth learning in advance about the characteristics of the character, maintenance and care of the future pet. The pet must be suitable in temperament. The physiological characteristics of the breed also play an important role.

Today we will learn about such features in the Basenji dog.

This unique breed was bred in Central Africa to hunt lions more than 5 thousand years ago. The Basenji is also called the “African non-barking dog”, the Zande Dog (after the name of the tribe), and the aborigines themselves call them “Wollof”.

For a long time, these dogs were kept in natural conditions without human intervention. This explains their wild temperament and difficulties with training.

The statement that Basenjis do not bark is incorrect. Rather, the Basenji's bark is peculiar and resembles the “howl of a child.”

You can talk a lot about this wonderful breed, describing their exterior, unique character and adaptability to modern conditions.

In this article we will discuss the main problem that is associated with the health of the Basenji. This breed, much more often than other breeds, is predisposed to de Toni-Debreu-Fanconi disease. This is a kidney disease that involves impaired reabsorption in the proximal renal tubules and the removal of useful substances from the body, which leads to weight loss, muscle atrophy, and fluid imbalance. Owners note that their pet does not gain weight or even loses weight with a good appetite, drinks a lot of water and pees often. Sometimes urination is uncontrollable. The dog is reluctant to go for a walk, refuses to play or move. In some cases, he does not allow himself to be stroked or picked up due to pain in the muscles and bones.

If you are the owner of a Basenji, even just a decrease in activity and/or appetite is a reason to contact the veterinarian. Doctors in our network will definitely carry out diagnostics as soon as possible and rule out diseases with similar clinical signs. Most studies are carried out in our laboratory “Svoy Doctor”, which guarantees the reliability and timeliness of the results.

If your dog is diagnosed with Fanconi disease, treatment should be started immediately and regularly seen by a veterinarian, who will monitor sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other blood levels. It is also important to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system associated with increased sugar content in the urine, which is a favorable environment for the development of microflora.

When a Basenji owner comes to the clinic with similar symptoms, the veterinarian must conduct a diagnosis to rule out this serious disease. To do this, urine is examined for the presence of glucosuria (sugar in the urine), clinical and biochemical blood tests, as well as blood gas composition. Be sure to differentiate from hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency), which Basenjis also often suffer from, Cushing's syndrome, and diabetes mellitus. All these diseases have a number of similar clinical signs.

Dogs of all ages are susceptible to the disease, but more often 5-7 years old. This is why breeders prefer to breed older dogs in which the disease does not manifest itself. But the key to successful Basenji breeding is a special test for Fanconi Disease. This test was developed in the USA, is unique and allows you to identify carriers of the gene at any stage.

The disease is inherited by a recessive gene. Let's see in the diagram how this happens.

  • >< – рецессивный ген, несущий Болезнь Фанкони
  • <>– a dominant gene that does not carry Fanconi disease

Possible gene combinations:

  • >< <>– a carrier, but the disease will not develop
  • <> <>– clean (clear)
  • >< >< – болезнь разовьется (affected)

The following gene combinations are not allowed for crossing:

  • >< <> + >< <>25% of puppies will get sick
  • >< <> + >< >< 50% щенков заболеют
  • >< >< + >< >< все щенки будут болеть

If you decide to purchase a Basenji puppy, ask the breeder for the results of the test for Fanconi Disease, which should be carried out on ALL dogs preparing for mating. You should not take a puppy from a breeder who neglects this research. As can be seen from the diagram, the probability of giving birth to sick puppies is high. This is exactly the case when relying “at random” is very risky.

Basenji owners are advised to regularly test their pets' urine for the presence of sugar. This test can be easily performed at home. Test strips can be purchased at a medical pharmacy at an affordable price, but it is better to contact a veterinary clinic to conduct these studies.

Basenji is one of the most interesting breeds. They are active, loyal, beautiful and hardy. I wish that your Basenji gives you only joy!!!

Sincerely, Yulia Vladimirovna Khoreva

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

The Basenji is an exotic breed for Russia, however, it is of great interest. She has many names: Congo terrier, Zande dog, forest dog from the Congo, Nyam-Nyam terrier, African non-barking dog. The breed is as versatile as its names.

Interesting! The Basenji's habits are reminiscent of a cat's: the dog washes itself with its paw, is very clean and does not bark at all. A godsend for those who love peace and cleanliness in their home!

Basenji belongs to group 5 in the FCI qualification, to section 6 “Primitive”.

The Basenji's homeland is Central America with its famous Congo River and tropical rainforests. It was there that the breed managed to form without human intervention, being subjected only to natural selection.

The history of the Basenji begins in ancient times, about 5,000 years ago. They were known and revered by the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found them in the burials of pharaohs and nobles. In modern Africa, these dogs are still used for hunting.

The rest of the world did not know about the existence of the Basenji until the beginning of the 20th century. At the beginning of the century it was presented at the Berlin Zoo as an exotic animal. In the 30s, they began to be imported en masse to Europe, and in the 40s they were delivered to America. Since then, it has spread around the world.

It should be noted that the external appearance and internal qualities have changed little over the entire period of their existence. They are characterized by purebredness, fearlessness, good health, and excellent immunity.

Characteristics, description, character

The dogs of the breed are small in stature: from 41 cm to 43 cm for males and from 38 to 41 cm for females. They weigh about 9-12 kg depending on gender.

Compactness is a characteristic of the Basenji's appearance; its character is characterized by independence, curiosity, activity and affection.

The calling card of the breed is a tightly curled tail, erect triangular ears, folds on the forehead and between the eyes, white paws, chest and tail tip. Basenji can be found in only 4 types of colors:

  • black and white;
  • red and white;
  • tricolor: black with red-red;
  • red-red background with black stripes on it (brindle).

Unique qualities of the Basenji:

  1. They don't bark, but that doesn't mean they're silent. Instead of barking, they make a whole range of sounds: snorting, sighing, growling, muttering, grumbling.
  2. Dogs wash themselves with their paws, their short hair is very clean and hypoallergenic.
  3. These are social animals. In the jungle they live in packs, but at the same time they really value and strive for communication with humans. The history of the development of their ancestors makes itself felt: after all, for thousands of years, African aborigines took them hunting with them and fed them.
  4. Basenjis do not like water. There is reason to believe that there are echoes of the genetic memory in which their “communication” with crocodiles was imprinted.

Dogs of this breed are great friends. They are curious, mischievous, nimble and fast.


Basenji diseases can be acquired or hereditary.

  • Fanconi syndrome associated with renal impairment.
  • Reduced absorption of nutrients.
  • Genetic defect – hemolytic anemia.
  • Impaired production of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).
  • Eye diseases: progressive retinal atrophy, coloboma, persistent pupillary membrane.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Umbilical hernia.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Basenji is not much different from caring for other members of the canine community. Short-haired Basenjis do not need to be brushed often, once every 2 weeks is enough. They don't like to swim. The number of baths should be reduced to several times a year. They have very delicate skin, so shampoos designed for sensitive skin should be used for bathing.

It is better not to use a hair dryer in the case of a Basenji, as this will cause peeling and irritation. It is better to blot the fur with a towel and not let the dog lie down for a while. Basenjis, like cats, lick their fur and keep themselves clean.

Check the eyes and ears regularly for discharge, dirt, and infection. Basenjis have open ears, so they need to be cleaned with a damp cotton swab every week.

If a dog’s nails do not grind down by themselves, for example, as they do under natural conditions, then they need to be trimmed. Long claws cause discomfort and change gait.

The place where the dog sleeps and its bowls should be kept clean. In a confined space, these freedom-loving dogs, whose ancestors were accustomed to the vastness of the jungle, will suffer. If you decide to get this breed, then a good option would be a country house with lots around it, where the dog will feel more or less free. If these are apartment conditions, then repeated and long walks are required, otherwise the Basenji will destroy the entire apartment out of boredom.

Education, training

Training a Basenji is not an easy task, and this is because it is a native dog. This explains the difficulties in training her. It is necessary to start training her from puppyhood, from the very basics: accustoming her to a nickname, remembering her place. For the breed, training is not the execution of numerous commands and the formation of OKD skills, but the very fact of mutual understanding with the owner. Their whole life should be training. They carry out commands not because they have memorized them, but because they currently understand what the owner wants from them.

The Basenji not only has cat-like habits, but also a character. They are on their own minds. Now they are calm and balanced, but a minute later they run away when they see a cat or want to rummage through trash cans. Leash training is mandatory, because in the dog's mind, running away is a good thing. The leash fences her off from such “good” actions, dictated solely by instincts, and not by bad character and destructive behavior.

Experts advise training bsaenjis in training courses, and not on your own. This way, pet owners can accurately predict the result. If they get, although not one hundred percent devoted (and it is stupid to demand this from a freedom-loving Basenji), but at least an adequate, obedient dog.


Basenji puppies are creatures that should not be treated lightly. The appearance of a small pet in the house is the time to start introducing him to the rules. O must become accustomed to his place of sleeping, feeding and toileting. Any sneaking from the table should be excluded. The feeding schedule is built depending on the age of the puppy:

  • 2-3 months – five times a day;
  • 3-4 months – four times a day;
  • 4-8 months – three times a day;
  • after a year - twice a day.

The puppy of the breed is very friendly, self-confident despite his age and active. His favorite pastime is walking and chasing someone. Walking with puppies begins at 13 weeks, when all vaccinations have been completed. The duration of walks increases gradually.

As a puppy, the Basenji must learn its place in the dog-human relationship. The ancestors of the breed were pack animals, and in the pack each dog knows its place. The owner’s behavior must be structured so that the dog understands: SHE obeys, and the owner is in charge.


Basenjis are not very popular in Russia, so there are few breeders of them. This breed is expensive. In advertisements from individuals, the cost of Basenji puppies ranges from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. For a high-quality purebred Basenji, the price cannot be lower than the average value on the “dog” market, so buying from them is a risky step, since it is not known which parents the puppies came from. There is a possibility of purchasing a non-purebred, psychologically unbalanced dog.

Depending on the geographical location of the nursery, its level, and the external characteristics of the dogs, the price of Basenjis varies from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

The Basenji's lifespan is 12–16 years.

Breed diseases

Fanconi syndrome.

This disease is expressed in impaired renal function. The disease can be fatal as it is difficult to diagnose at an early stage. Basenjis are usually affected between 4 and 7 years of age, but both young dogs and older animals can be affected. For this reason, many responsible breeders are wary of breeding dogs under 4 years of age.

Classic symptoms of the disease include extreme thirst, frequent urination, and elevated glucose levels in the urine. The easiest way to diagnose the disease is to test your urine for sugar. Falconi syndrome is characterized by the presence of glucose in the urine when blood sugar levels are normal.

If sugar is found in the dog, both in the urine and in the blood, then it probably has diabetes, and not Fanconi syndrome (diabetes is relatively rare in Basenjis). It is important to know the exact diagnosis when prescribing treatment. If you suspect your pet has Fanconi syndrome, do not offer it the diet commonly used to treat kidney problems - a low protein diet. Protein is exactly what a dog suffering from Fanconi syndrome needs, since it is washed out of the body, as well as the amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

A venous blood test should be performed every few months to ensure your dog is getting enough nutrients. Usually the dog is prescribed inexpensive nutritional supplements - phosphorus tablets, calcium tablets, etc., but to maintain normal body condition, some dogs need up to 30 tablets per day. Such supplements in some cases help the animal live a normal life, while in other cases Fanconi syndrome leads to death. This is an incurable disease.

It would be a good idea to ask the breeder from whom you are going to buy a puppy whether there have been any cases of Fanconi syndrome among his charges. If a breeder claims that the disease has not been encountered in his dogs' lines, tries to explain that Fanconi syndrome is the fault of one of the parents, or insists that the disease is caused by environmental factors, then it is better to purchase a pet from another breeder.

How this disease is inherited is still unknown, but there is enough evidence that it occurs more often in some lines than in others. The age of the puppy's father and mother is also important. If the father or mother is older than the age at which Fanconi syndrome usually appears, then it can be assumed that one of the parents (or both) is not sick. To date, breeders cannot say with certainty which puppies are insured against this disease. However, an honest breeder will always tell you which of his dogs has this disease and whether the parents, grandparents or siblings of the puppy you chose had it.

Malabsorption (decreased absorption of nutrients).

Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease (IPSID), better known as malabsorption. Similar to irritable bowel syndrome in humans, malabsorption in dogs is a persistent allergic reaction to food passing through the intestines, causing the intestines to empty before necessary nutrients enter the bloodstream.

Symptoms of the disease are constant loose stools and exhaustion. The disease is believed to have a hereditary component, and in some cases is caused by environmental conditions. The attention and care of the owner, coupled with the necessary medications, will allow the Basenji to live a decent life. Previously, this disease was quite common among Basenjis, but now, fortunately, cases have decreased significantly.

Pyruvate kinase deficiency (hemolytic anemia).

In the 70s, Basenjis often suffered from hemolytic anemia, caused by a recessive genetic defect.

The sick Basenji has two affected genes responsible for the production of pyruvate kinase, an enzyme that is required to ensure the normal functioning of red blood cells. The red blood cells in a sick dog have a shortened lifespan, causing chronic anemia.

A dog with this disease can live for a maximum of three years. Diagnosing the disease is quite simple. All that is required is a swab from the oral cavity, which determines whether the dog is healthy (having no affected genes), a carrier (having one affected gene) or sick (having two affected genes).

Hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormone in the blood) is one of the most serious diseases among Basenjis.

Clinical signs of the disease: excess weight, poor skin and coat condition, weakness, swelling of the limbs and head (myxedema), decreased reproductive functions, anemia, decreased body temperature.

Laboratory diagnosis of hypothyroidism is theoretically possible, based on determining the level of thyroxine before and after the administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Persistent pupillary membrane (PPM).

Small fibers called persistent pupillary membranes pass through the pupil and connect one part of the iris to the other. They may also connect the iris to the cornea or lens. As a rule, they look like thin cobwebs; in the worst case, the eyes can become a mysterious bluish tint.

A responsible breeder will not use a dog with this condition in a breeding program. If a dog has a CERF certificate, it is considered free of this disease on the day of the examination.


Coloboma is the general name for defects in the structure of the eye. Defects can be on the eyelid, iris, lens, choroid, optic nerve head. This disease is believed to have a hereditary factor.

In dogs, choroidal colobomas are more common, always accompanied by retinal colobomas. In this case, a more or less large defect was clinically detected in the posterior part of the fundus, through which the sclera was visible. Colobomas of the retina and choroid may apparently be associated with visual acuity disturbances, the degree of which depends on the size of the coloboma. In severe cases, the eye may be reduced in size. This disease is called microphthalmia.

Coloboma of the iris is a defect in which part of the iris is missing or severely thinned. Visually, it is a black hole in the iris and resembles a pear or keyhole in shape. Dogs with coloboma should be sterilized.

Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

Previously, PRA was quite rare among Basenjis, in several lines. Unfortunately, over the past few years, a large number of carriers of damaged genes and sick dogs have been identified.

Progressive retinal atrophy is multiple disorders of the retina that gradually lead to blindness. Since the disease is genetic in nature, the ZooProCoDe DNA test has been developed to diagnose affected dogs, as well as genetic carrier status, and is available for different dog breeds and different forms of PRA.

Umbilical hernia.

Umbilical hernia is quite common in Basenjis. There is no reason to panic unless the hernia turns red. Then surgical intervention is required.

Hip dysplasia.

Hip dysplasia is a discrepancy between the shape of the femoral head and the acetabulum in which it is located. Depending on the severity of the disease, the dog may have a limp or be unable to walk on its own. In the most severe cases, a total joint replacement is required.

In Basenjis, the disease is not as common as, for example, in German shepherds, but in recent years the incidence rate has been increasing alarmingly. It is recommended that all dogs be tested for this disease and certified.


Basenjis are very energetic dogs and require daily physical and emotional stimulation. Therefore, it is necessary to take a long walk with the Basenji and be sure to play. It is advisable to be able to walk in large open and safe spaces. Grooming is minimal, consisting only of periodic combing of dead fur.