Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion. Exhaustion of the body: symptoms and treatment, causes, consequences

In a hectic world, stressful situations happen very often. But in my head, as always, the slogan “Control yourself” rings like an alarm bell. Such suppression can quickly lead to nervous exhaustion. We take blows at work, school, in the family, we constantly endure and, as a result, we lose mental and thinking abilities and other delights of life. Among other consequences, one of the most common is - So exhaustion? See below for symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Causes of nervous system exhaustion

Before considering the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to describe exactly the causes, the elimination of which will be the main cure for the patient. The first and main one is overwork. If you think that when you put off work until the last minute and rest during this time, you are giving yourself a good break, then I can say that you are wrong. Subsequent shock work will not only bring everything to naught, but will also aggravate the current situation. And working “until you’re blue in the face” operates on the same principle. Maybe some or some Vasya-Petya-Masha-Klava can maintain a similar pace. But if you

the threshold of nervous exhaustion, periodic breakdowns and depression breathing down your neck, which means it’s time to change jobs. Otherwise, it’s not far from a stroke with a large bouquet of diseases. The best way out for any person is to alternate mental activity, tension with emotional release, and change energy from inhibition. Otherwise, depression awaits you in its sad and very heavy embrace.

Exhaustion of the nervous system: symptoms

Now let's move directly to the disease. So, what can we say on the topic "Nervous exhaustion. Symptoms and treatment"? One of the first signs is chest pain and cardiac arrhythmia. It manifests itself differently for everyone. Blood pressure may also jump, headaches may appear, and the digestion process may be disrupted. The patient is often tormented by insomnia and nightmares, nausea and vomiting. In this case, the person loses libido. Chronic forgetfulness gradually develops; it becomes difficult to remember or say anything. Violated The more clearly all these signs are expressed, the greater the need for inpatient treatment. Outbursts of anger may occur for any reason or without it. Next, the person plunges into alcohol, drugs and smoking, which further aggravates the condition.

Nervous exhaustion: symptoms and urgent treatment

If you underestimate this unhealthy condition, the consequences can be simply catastrophic. Often, either the patient himself or his family simply brushes off the signs, letting the disease take its course and not recognizing the existence of a problem. In some cases, hospital treatment with medications may be necessary. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe them. Self-treatment can lead not only to worsening of the condition, but also to death.

Therapy in this case will be most correct if it is combined with the normalization of the daily routine, sleep, and making work easier. All causes of stress must be eliminated. Taking vitamins, exercise and fresh air will also be useful in the list of activities. So, whatever the nervous exhaustion, the symptoms, there is only one treatment for it - a change in lifestyle in a qualitatively positive direction.


If mild sedatives do not help you overcome your anxiety, consult your doctor. You will undergo a full medical examination, and based on the results, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

For anxiety caused by pathology of the cardiovascular system, pharmaceuticals, regulating medications, and other necessary medications will be prescribed, depending on the diagnosis.

Anxiety caused by disorders of the brain, mental, and nervous disorders is treated with nootropics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and tranquilizers.

Only a doctor can select the medications you need, the dose, frequency and time of administration. Independent use of psychotropic drugs is not recommended. In addition, these drugs are dispensed from the pharmacy network only with a doctor’s prescription with his personal seal. Pharmaceuticals are prescribed on a special form with the official seal of the medical institution.

The vegetative system, consisting of central and peripheral structures, permeates the entire body, on the one hand controlling it, on the other, being completely dependent on it. The main sign of disruption of its work is vegetative-vascular dysfunction. The disease is systemic, affecting all organs and systems. There are cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive disorders.

Nervous exhaustion in medicine is usually interpreted as asthenic neurosis, accompanied by a number of mental and somatic symptoms. This form of neurosis is especially common in the modern rhythm of life and occurs against the background of a combination of several unfavorable factors, such as frequent stress, chronic lack of sleep, prolonged psychological trauma, heavy physical and mental stress, etc.

Nervous exhaustion can occur in people of any gender and age. This disease occurs in ordinary office workers and business managers, young mothers, and schoolchildren who take on heavy academic loads. As a result of exhaustion of the nervous system, which is a kind of controller and coordinator of the entire human body, the patient becomes aggressive, irritable, and emotionally unstable. Most people do not pay attention to such symptoms, considering them a manifestation of ordinary fatigue, but it is chronic overwork that often leads to severe nervous exhaustion.

Provoking factors

Nervous exhaustion is always a consequence of overwork, high intellectual and psychological stress and failure to comply with a normal rest regime. Overwork of the body occurs when energy consumption significantly exceeds a person’s capabilities, and this condition is aggravated by emotional experiences and stress. This depletion of the nervous system is sometimes called “manager syndrome.”

Nervous exhaustion can also occur under the influence of negative environmental factors, which are more common in large technogenic metropolises. The risk group for developing this disease includes:

  • executives and managers of large companies
  • people working on a rotational basis;
  • people whose earnings directly depend on the amount of work performed;
  • persons whose professional activities involve constant mental and physical stress, for example, workers of various emergency services;
  • impressionable and emotionally labile people who often have to deal with stressful situations, financial difficulties, etc.;
  • young mothers, especially those who have to combine raising children with professional activities;
  • schoolchildren and students taking on high intellectual loads. Often the disorder occurs in children who, in addition to studying at school, are involved in various clubs and sections.

Clinical picture

Nervous exhaustion, the symptoms of which can be quite varied, manifests itself with both mental and somatic symptoms. If we talk about mental symptoms, sick people often experience impatience and increased irritability. Periodic outbursts of aggression occur against a background of low self-esteem and mood instability.

Nervous exhaustion can also manifest itself as sleep disturbances. Constant worry and anxious thoughts prevent a person from falling asleep, and if he succeeds, then when he wakes up, he still feels overwhelmed. This condition is characterized in clinical practice as chronic fatigue. In addition, the patient experiences intellectual impairment, it becomes difficult for him to adapt to new conditions, and attention and memory may suffer. Nervous exhaustion is often accompanied by depressive disorders, which can occur in quite severe forms.

All these changes in the emotional sphere, which inevitably characterize nervous exhaustion, are usually supported by very real autonomic disorders. Patients complain of frequent headaches, pain in muscles and joints, elevated body temperature, and fatigue. If the nervous system is severely depleted, existing chronic diseases may worsen. All this inevitably leads to a weakening of general immunity, as a result of which the risk of developing various infectious and inflammatory processes increases.

These are the main signs of a disorder such as nervous exhaustion. Without treatment, its symptoms can progress over time, leading to personality changes. Patients become very nervous and excitable, and they often find relief for the body in alcohol and drug addiction, which further aggravates the condition. Often, nervous exhaustion leads to severe mental disorders, such as manic states, obsessions, depression with suicidal tendencies. Constant pain can lead to the development of serious somatic diseases, in particular, to interruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, genitourinary disorders and other ailments, which in clinical practice are combined under the term “vegetative-vascular dystonia”.

It is worth noting that patients themselves almost never realize that the cause of somatic disorders is not an organic disease, but a mental disorder. This leads to people turning to therapists instead of psychologists. Treatment in this case is prescribed only symptomatically, while the etiological factor of the pathological condition is not eliminated.


Diagnosis of nervous exhaustion should be carried out by a psychiatrist or psychologist based on data on the somatic and mental state of the patient. The specialist assesses the patient’s life history, working conditions and lifestyle in general. If any somatic pathology was caused by certain mental factors, additional instrumental and laboratory tests may be prescribed.

Since other organs of the body are significantly affected when the nervous system is depleted, differential diagnosis with cardiovascular pathologies, dermatological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, etc. is important when examining patients.

Nervous exhaustion should be treated under the supervision of qualified professionals. It is very important to accurately identify and eliminate the root cause of the disease. Exhaustion of the nervous system is corrected with the help of drug therapy, including the use of mild sedatives, as well as tonic and restorative drugs, psychotherapy, normalization of the daily routine, rest and nutrition.

Every day people experience stressful situations, worries, increased mental and physical stress, and negative emotions. And all this is reflected in the activity of our nervous system. Normally, a healthy person is constantly depleted of energy reserves, but with the right rhythm of life and adequate stress, everything is quickly restored during sleep and rest. These processes are in balance, which allows the body to function normally.

Nervous exhaustion occurs when increased stress on the nervous system is not compensated by an increase in recovery time. Thus, the main reason is overwork. Unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to this problem; people want to do everything and do not pay attention to their mental state. It seems to everyone that the body’s reserves are limitless, and one can easily continue to work at a frantic pace to the detriment of sleep and rest. But against the background of prolonged nervous exhaustion, depression can develop, which is very difficult to treat.

Symptoms and signs of nervous exhaustion:

The clinical picture of the disease is quite diverse and can be hidden under the guise of pathology of many organs and systems:

1. Psycho-emotional manifestations of depletion of the central nervous system appear first, but in most cases go unnoticed, because even the patients themselves, when visiting a doctor, very rarely focus on them:

  • irritability for any reason, something that previously did not cause any special emotions begins to provoke outbursts of aggression;
  • rapid fatigue, when a person cannot fully perform his duties at work and at home, he needs to take frequent breaks. People with nervous exhaustion feel tired even in the morning after seemingly full sleep;
  • inability to concentrate, there is a feeling that everything around is interfering, distracting: cars are making too loud noise outside the window, extraneous sounds are annoying;
  • lethargy, general weakness, when it seems that even to perform a simple movement one has to make incredible efforts;
  • unreasonable fears, anxieties, fear of making a mistake;
  • insomnia, especially difficulty falling asleep, constantly tormented by unpleasant thoughts that are simply impossible to get rid of. If sleep does occur, it is shallow and short-lived, may be accompanied by scary and incomprehensible dreams, and after waking up you feel tired and exhausted;
  • low self-esteem, a person feels like a failure, focuses on his shortcomings and repeatedly exaggerates them;
  • fog in the head, when there is no clarity of thinking, everything seems blurry and incomprehensible.

2. Symptoms from the cardiovascular system:

  • stitching pain in the region of the heart;
  • feeling of heaviness, pressure behind the sternum;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure with a tendency to decrease;
  • excessive sweating, pallor, marbling of the skin;
  • coldness of hands, feet.

3. Gastrointestinal manifestations:

  • stool disorder - there may be either diarrhea or constipation;
  • colic, cramping abdominal pain;
  • decreased appetite.

4. Changes in the central nervous system:

  • headache of a paroxysmal nature (migraine type), aggravated by psycho-emotional stress - as with astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • dizziness;
  • “veil” before the eyes;
  • noise, ringing in the head.

5. Signs of a lack of vitamins, nutrients and general exhaustion of the body:

  • weight loss;
  • increased fragility of teeth and nails;
  • hair loss;
  • allergic reactions;
  • herpes;
  • decreased immunity.

Stress and depression with nervous exhaustion

Stress, nervous exhaustion and depression are parts of one pathological process. You could even call these stages of the disease. Constant stressful situations give rise to exhaustion of the nervous system, and prolonged existence in conditions of constant lack of substances necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells ultimately leads to a worsening of the condition and the development of depression. Being in a depressed state provokes new stress. This creates a vicious circle that can be very difficult to break without qualified medical care.

Treatment for nervous system exhaustion

Therapy in mild cases is carried out on an outpatient basis; in more severe situations, treatment is indicated in specialized departments of hospitals. Basic principles:

1. Normalization of work and rest regime- the main key to success in the treatment of nervous exhaustion. Mental stress should alternate with physical labor, i.e. It is important to change the type of activity throughout the day, not forgetting about breaks.

2. Sleep at least 8 hours at night. Before you go to bed. It is advisable to walk in the fresh air for at least 20-30 minutes, you can drink weak tea with mint, take a warm bath with chamomile infusion.

3. Nutrition during the treatment of nervous exhaustion should be balanced, contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Fatty, fried, salty foods and excessive use of seasonings are undesirable.

4. Refusal of alcohol and nicotine.

5. Psychotherapy.

6. Medications must be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor:

  • antidepressants (amitriptyline, sertraline);
  • sedatives (grandaxin, adaptol);
  • drugs that restore energy reserves in nerve cells (mildronate, actovegin);
  • vasodilators (sermion, cavinton).

7. Alternative treatment for exhaustion of the nervous system, including the central one, is based on the following recipes:

  • Angelica officinalis: 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped rhizomes and leave until it cools completely. Drink during the day in 4-5 doses (after meals), for a course of 21 days;
  • heather: 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry grass, pour 500 ml of water, let simmer for 10 minutes, wrap and leave until completely cool. Drink in small portions per day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Taking vitamins

If you have nervous exhaustion, you should not buy vitamin-mineral complexes, which are full of pharmacies; it is better to focus your attention on certain groups of vitamin preparations that are beneficial for the nervous system, which in high doses can help in the treatment of the disease:

  • B vitamins (milgamma, neuromultivit, magne B6);
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Take courses for less than 3-4 weeks

Exhaustion of the body is a condition in which an insufficient amount of nutrients enters the human body. This negatively affects all organs and systems and can ultimately lead to death. The causes of exhaustion can be neuropsychic stress, physical exhaustion due to excessively active loads, or insufficient nutrition. This condition can also appear with pancreatitis.

Forms of exhaustion

There are 2 forms of exhaustion. Primary is directly related to nutrition and occurs due to fasting. Secondary exhaustion of the body is a consequence of diseases of various organs (pancreatitis), metabolic disorders.

In the initial stages of primary exhaustion, the body can be restored to its original state. However, if the destructive processes have gone far, then even proper nutrition and taking vitamin and mineral complexes will not help you return to your previous performance and restore your previous strength.

Since secondary depletion of the body is associated with organ disease, treatment will be focused. For pancreatitis, for example, the pancreas should be treated and drugs and hormones (insulin) taken that the pancreas is unable to produce in a sick state.

Possible reasons

The causes of exhaustion vary. These can be both large-scale causes (hunger, neuropsychic shocks) and relatively minor ones (injuries, burns). Causes of exhaustion:

  • prolonged fasting or insufficient nutritional intake;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (observed in chronic pancreatitis);
  • neuropsychic exhaustion;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • diseases of endocrine organs;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • massive burns;
  • severe injuries with possible surgery;
  • prolonged unconsciousness;
  • oncology;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

Symptoms of body exhaustion

Signs of exhaustion vary, but the main one is rapid loss of both muscle and fat mass. Neuropsychiatric disorders appear. Chronic diseases worsen (with pancreatitis, a sharp deterioration in the condition is observed). There are several stages of body depletion.

First stage

External signs are still weakly expressed, so it is difficult to make a diagnosis right away. However, if externally the symptoms are weak, then the internal organs and systems already feel a lack of nutrients and energy. This appears as:

Despite the fact that this is only the first stage, signs can be observed from almost all body systems. On the part of the immune system, frequent colds are possible (a frequency of more than 3 times a year is considered high incidence). From the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders, such as diarrhea or constipation, can be observed. Symptoms of a lack of fluid in the body manifest themselves in the form of dry skin. Most often these are cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Second phase

At the second stage, the symptoms become more pronounced and cause discomfort to the patient. Severe swelling of the abdomen and lower extremities appears. The peculiarity of edema during exhaustion is that it does not go away in the morning and after taking diuretics. There is general malaise, loss of strength even after good rest and sleep, and decreased performance.

Insufficient intake of vitamins is expressed as vitamin deficiency. Symptoms such as frequent depression and sudden mood swings indicate disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. A neuropsychic disorder appears that can only be treated by psychiatrists.

Third stage

All the symptoms of the third stage can be called in one word - cachexia. The central nervous system is inhibited, and, therefore, all processes. The position does not change, immobility remains, lack of strength to do anything, convulsions and involuntary separation of urine may occur. The complexion takes on an earthy gray or yellow tint. Facial features become sharp, eyeballs sink.

Treatment of body exhaustion

Treatment should begin from the very first stage, since in the future irreversible processes may appear that are either difficult or not at all
can be restored.

The first thing to start treating exhaustion is proper and nutritious nutrition. However, it is worth considering that it will be possible to return to the previous portions and frequency of meals only after a few months.

  1. To begin with, there must be frequent meals. On average 8 times a day.
  2. Portions should be small, but contain all the necessary nutrients, micro- and macroelements.
  3. Proteins will be a necessary component, as they restore muscle mass, and vitamins, they will relieve vitamin deficiency and promote high-quality biochemical reactions.
  4. It is worth excluding fast food, smoked foods, and seasonings from your diet.
  5. It is worth giving preference to easily digestible products.

To improve digestion and restore normal metabolism, medications are prescribed. However, they should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

If necessary, treatment is carried out with hormones. These drugs include Methandiol and Methandrostenolone.

It is possible to prescribe adaptogen drugs: Ginseng tincture, Elkar, Stimol, Nooclerin. Vitamin preparations are mandatory. These include Complivit, Centrum.

Treatment with folk remedies

Castor bean seeds can be used for treatment. By adding milk, wheat flour and kneading the dough, you can make flat cakes that need to be dried in the oven. In order for the symptoms of exhaustion to go away, you need to eat two cakes every day for a month.

You can also use dried aralia bark. Having made a tincture from it (mixing 1 teaspoon and 100 ml of vodka), you need to consume 30 drops before meals.
The tincture should be infused for 10 days in a dark place.

Drug treatment is important, however, other important points must be observed. These include rest.

  1. It is necessary to have 8 hours of sleep daily.
  2. Avoid bad habits, eliminate caffeine, alcohol and large amounts of table salt from your diet.
  3. To fully restore the body, it is recommended to reduce watching TV and working on a laptop to a minimum.
  4. Massage courses, as well as visiting a bathhouse or sauna, will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and will have a tonic and strengthening effect.
  5. Neuropsychic shocks should be excluded from the patient’s life. Complete restoration of the body is necessary.

Consequences of exhaustion of the body

If there is no treatment even at the first stage of exhaustion, then it will only progress and ultimately lead to the death of the patient. If treatment is prescribed only at the third stage, then there will be an abundant loss of muscle and fat mass, neuropsychic disorders, swelling of the lower extremities and abdomen, anemia, vitamin deficiency, and lack of strength to do anything.

Exhaustion of the body is a serious pathological process that, if not properly treated, leads to death. Symptoms that characterize exhaustion are neuropsychic disorders, weight loss, vitamin deficiency, and loss of strength. The main reason is insufficient nutrients or diseases of the internal organs (for example, pancreatitis).