How to cure a bruised hand at home. Severe bruise of the hand: how to treat. Treatment methods for hand bruises

A hand bruise is closed damage tissue, usually resulting from a blow or fall. May be accompanied not only by muscle damage, subcutaneous tissue and dermis with the formation of a hematoma, but also joints and bone segments - the elbow, phalanges of the fingers, and shoulder.

The key point that distinguishes a bruise from other injuries is the integrity of the skin. How to treat a bruised hand depends on the extent and symptoms of the injury. Let's take a look in order.

You can get a bruise during physical activity - through negligence, or from an accidental fall. Such injuries are common in everyday life, while playing sports, in winter time when it's icy outside.

IN separate group Children are at risk because they are active, and people engaged in physical labor - builders, loaders, laborers. The chance of getting a bruise to the hand, elbow or shoulder increases if safety rules are not followed both at home and at work.

Symptoms of bruise

A shoulder bruise is accompanied by pain and swelling, after some time a bluish-red bruise appears, which eventually becomes yellow-green. A hematoma appears due to damage to blood vessels - blood flows out of them and accumulates in the soft tissues along with the intercellular fluid.

If the arm does not rise, then the tendons of the rotator cuff are torn - this requires immediate help from a traumatologist.

How larger size bruise and the intensity of its color, the larger the vessels damaged, and the longer it takes for the hand bruise to heal. Symptoms of a blow to the elbow also include hematoma and swelling. The pain is more pronounced, since there are many large nerve fibers, and movements are constrained.

If 2-3 days after the injury the pain and limited mobility of the elbow do not decrease, this indicates damage to the periosteum or fluid accumulation in the joint - the help of a traumatologist in this case is mandatory.

When a hand or wrist is bruised, the symptoms are often accompanied by loss of sensation in that area due to nerve damage. Symptoms such as deformation and impaired movement of the fingers, severe swelling that does not subside can be signals of a fracture.

First aid for a bruised hand: what to do?

First aid for a bruised hand is:

  • apply cold to the injured area for 20-40 minutes to relieve pain and swelling;
  • if there are open wounds or scratches, treat the skin with an antiseptic - brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, you can sprinkle the wound with Cefazolin powder;
  • provide complete rest to the hand by fixing it in a stationary position with an elastic bandage;
  • if the pain is severe, take it orally painkiller(Analgin, Solpadeine, Ibuprofen, Pentalgin);
  • help heal a hand bruise faster, relieve swelling and pain local ointments or gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects - Diclofenac, Gevkamen.

In the first hours after an injury, you should not lubricate the bruise with an ointment with a warming effect (Apizatron, Virapin, Finalgon, Rescuer Forte) or apply any heat. They are used later 1-2 days after swelling and pain have reduced to resolve the hematoma and reduce inflammation in the tissues.

For 2-3 days, you can use not only warming ointments, but also simple warm compresses. In terms of healing bruises, Indovazin, Troxevasin, Badyaga cream, Bruise-off are effective.

If a child’s arm is bruised, after providing first aid, it would be a good idea to see a doctor to rule out a fracture, rupture or sprain of the ligaments. If such damage is left unnoticed, then in the future the bones may not heal properly, and scars may form in the tendon area.

Treatment of a bruised hand at home with folk remedies

At home, treatment of a hand bruise due to a fall or blow can be carried out using folk remedies - compresses made from onion pulp, raw or warm boiled potatoes, cloth soaked in a decoction of wormwood, parsley leaves, string or plantain.

Apply them for 2 hours two to three times a day.

Effective for relieving swelling and resolving bruises essential oils– lavender, thyme or rosemary. IN pure form they cannot be used. Add 3-4 drops of phytoessence to 2 tbsp. l. olive, sunflower or any other fatty oil and gently lubricate the bruised area 2-3 times a day.

Possible consequences

Complications of a hand injury include:

  • fractures;
  • hemorrhages;
  • tendon rupture;
  • damage to the periosteum;
  • wall rupture large vessels and thrombosis;
  • hematoma suppuration.

Damage to nerve fibers is accompanied by impaired motor and sensory functions of the limb. If damaged blood vessels, then due to rupture of their walls and the formation of blood clots, the consequence of a bruise can be tissue necrosis. When an injury is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, there is a high risk of infection, so it is important to immediately disinfect the wound.

A fracture and a bruise of the arm can be distinguished by symptoms. If the arm is broken, then at the moment of the blow the pain is very sharp, and it is the same when you try to move the limb after the injury.

You can't lean on your hand, you can't bend your finger. The swelling is severe, the hematoma is extensive, they increase, increasing the severity of the pain, which does not subside even after several hours.

When a fracture occurs, the arm may be immobilized, bent unnaturally, or have a painful bulge.

What should you not do if you have a bruised hand?

If you bruise your hand, do not do the following:

  • warm the injured area immediately after the blow - this will only increase the release of blood into the tissue and the swelling will increase;
  • massage and rub your hand - this will increase the bruising, and if there is a fracture, bone fragments can affect the nerves and large blood vessels;
  • deliberately try to make movements with a limb;
  • put pressure on the hematoma or open it.

What to do if you bruise your finger?

Apply cold (ice, a bag of food from the freezer) to the bruised area for half an hour or hold your hand under the stream cold water, treat your finger with an antiseptic.

If the nail plate is damaged or peeled off, fix it with a band-aid and keep your brushes at rest. After 5-6 hours, apply Diclofenac gel to the sore spot, and the next day use warming ointments or warm compress to relieve swelling and inflammation.

If the pain and swelling of the finger are very severe and do not decrease, be sure to consult a traumatologist.

– closed injury of the upper limb, not accompanied by significant violation tissue structures. Occurs when a fall or blow occurs. Damage to all segments of the limb is possible: fingers, hand, forearm, elbow, shoulder and shoulder joint. It manifests itself as pain and swelling, and hematomas often form at the site of the bruise. Movement is usually preserved but limited. If the joint is damaged, hemarthrosis may occur. To exclude more severe injuries, X-rays, CT scans and other studies are performed. Treatment is conservative.


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General information

Hand bruise - traumatic injury soft tissues of the upper limb. With such damage, the skin remains intact, but in its thickness, as well as in the thickness of the muscles and subcutaneous fat, hemorrhages occur. Hand bruises are usually the result of a household or sports injury. They can be detected in people of any age; they are more often diagnosed in children, due to their high physical activity. In winter, adult patients are usually injured when they fall on the street. IN summer period The number of patients with injuries received while working in the country is increasing.

In 70% of cases, mild bruises are diagnosed, in 25% of cases - bruises medium degree severity and in 5% of cases – severe bruises. Symptoms of damage initially gradually increase, and then completely disappear within 1-3 weeks, the outcome becomes full recovery. IN in some cases bruises are complicated by the formation of large non-resorbable hematomas or hemarthrosis. The main task of a traumatologist is to carefully exclude more serious injuries (ligament ruptures, fractures, dislocations) and prevent the development of complications.

Pathogenesis of hand injury

Bruises damage the skin, muscles and subcutaneous fat. Small vessels rupture. If blood permeates the tissue, a hemorrhage forms; if it “spreads apart,” a hematoma (a cavity filled with blood) is formed. Leaking blood and increasing swelling compress the nerve endings, so the pain after injury gradually intensifies. If the bruise is in the joint area, microscopic damage to intra-articular structures occurs, which can lead to the development of hemarthrosis.

The size of hematomas and hemorrhages depends on the number and diameter damaged vessels, as well as on the state of the blood coagulation system. Small vessels become clogged within a few minutes, large ones can bleed for a day or more. In people with hemophilia, severe liver disease, some autoimmune diseases and vascular diseases, as well as in patients taking thrombolytics, phenylin and heparin, extensive hemorrhages and hematomas can occur even with damage small quantity small vessels.

In the first 3-4 days, hemorrhages (bruises) have a bluish or purple color, and subsequently begin to turn yellow. The blood in the cavity of a superficial hematoma shines through the skin, so the area of ​​the hematoma looks dark purple, dark bluish or almost black. Deeply located hematomas are volumetric formations soft-elastic consistency, the skin over them may not be changed or covered with bruises.

Shoulder contusion

Occurs when there is a sharp blow or fall on the shoulder joint area. The pain syndrome is usually moderate. Swelling, limitation of movements and hemorrhages are detected (usually outer surface joint). In case of severe bruises with tearing of the capsule and damage to intra-articular structures, the pain can be intense, reminiscent of pain syndrome at a fracture. Hemarthrosis or post-traumatic synovitis is possible. Sometimes with such a bruise the arm is damaged articular cartilage- his small pieces break off and enter the joint cavity, forming free-lying intra-articular bodies.

A bruise in this area should first of all be differentiated from a fracture of the surgical neck of the shoulder (especially in elderly patients). When an arm is bruised, movement in the joint is limited slightly or moderately; with fractures, the patient cannot raise the arm or move it to the side. Tapping the elbow during a fracture causes pain in the shoulder joint, but is not accompanied by a bruise. unpleasant sensations. The absence of crepitus and pathological mobility suggests a hand bruise, but does not exclude a fracture, since these symptoms are absent with impacted injuries. For staging final diagnosis X-rays of the shoulder joint are prescribed.

Treatment of bruises is carried out by doctors specializing in traumatology and orthopedics. The arm is suspended in a bandage, and it is recommended to apply cold to reduce swelling and hemorrhage. For pain, analgesics are prescribed. From the third day they issue a referral to UHF. At home it is recommended to apply dry heat and gently rub the joint with absorbable ointments. Joint punctures for hand bruises are extremely rarely required, since the amount of fluid is usually small and it resolves on its own. The period of disability ranges from 1-2 weeks for mild bruises to 3-4 weeks for severe injuries with damage to the integrity of the cartilage.

Shoulder bruise

A shoulder bruise is usually the result of a direct blow. All the symptoms characteristic of a bruise appear: swelling, hemorrhage and pain. Differentiation from a humeral fracture is not difficult: diaphysis fractures are accompanied by a violation of the axis of the segment (sometimes in combination with its shortening), gross deformation, pathological mobility, bone crunching and an almost complete loss of the ability to perform active movements. When a hand is bruised, all of the listed signs are absent, movements are preserved, but somewhat limited. X-ray of the shoulder without changes.

Treatment is carried out in the emergency room. Use a scarf, cold, and then heat. UHF is prescribed, and analgesics are prescribed if necessary. Typically, all signs of injury disappear within 1-3 weeks. In some cases, the outcome of a hand injury is myositis ossificans - inflammation of the muscle, in which small areas of ossification are formed in its thickness. In case of severe bruises accompanied by trauma to the periosteum, in long term exostoses sometimes form.

Elbow bruise

Bruises of the elbow joint can occur both from an impact and from a fall. The victim complains of pain. Soft tissues swell and hemorrhages appear on the skin. Movements are usually preserved, but their amplitude decreases. Differential diagnosis with dislocation of the forearm bones is usually simple. When a hand is bruised, unlike a dislocation, there is no gross deformation, active movements are preserved, and there is no spring resistance when passive movements. The pain syndrome is less pronounced.

It is more difficult to differentiate severe bruises of the joint from isolated dislocations of one of the bones of the forearm and a fracture of the head of the ulna. There is less evidence of a hand injury intense pain and the absence of pronounced restrictions in forearm rotation. X-ray of the elbow joint confirms bone integrity and maintenance of congruence articular surfaces. When fuzzy X-ray picture Comparative photographs of both joints or a CT scan of the elbow joint are prescribed.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. As with other bruises of the hand, rest, a bandage and cold applied to the injury site are recommended. Most traumatologists treat thermal procedures with caution, because elbow joint“capricious” and warming up can result in various complications. For mild bruises, a wait-and-see approach is chosen; for severe bruises, electrophoresis is used. Hemarthrosis is usually insignificant or absent; punctures are not required. Recovery takes from 1 week to a month.

Contusion of the forearm and wrist joint

Occurs during impacts and falls, manifested by pain, swelling, hemorrhages and hematomas. A bruise of the hand is easy to distinguish from a fracture of the bones of the forearm - with a bruise there is no deformation, there is no pathological mobility, and the axis of the limb is preserved. It may be difficult to differentiate between a bruise and a fracture of one bone of the forearm. A bruise is indicated by the absence of pain during axial load and palpation of the bone. X-ray of the forearm is normal. Treatment is the same as for other hand bruises.

Injury wrist joint differentiated from a radial fracture in a typical location. When a hand is bruised, movement is slightly limited, swelling is small or moderate, axial load is painless. The absence of deformation is not a reason to exclude a fracture, since in case of radial fractures, displacement is not always observed. X-ray of the wrist joint without changes. Treatment is the same as for bruises of the shoulder and shoulder joint.

Bruised hand and fingers

Local bruises of the hand and fingers usually occur due to impact, while extensive bruises occur due to compression. Distinctive Features Such injuries include severe pain and significant swelling of the dorsum of the hand. In addition, severe bruises of the hand are accompanied by numbness, a feeling of heaviness and severe dysfunction. After compression, foci of necrosis often appear. Hemorrhages in small joints are mild (with the exception of the joints of the phalanges of the fingers).

If damaged proximal sections brushes may occur in the long term dystrophic changes wrist bones. With bruises of the hand in the wrist area and in the projection of the metacarpal bones, due to significant swelling, the blood supply to the hand is sometimes disrupted, which leads to increased pain, the occurrence of stagnation, damage to small nerves and the formation of a claw-shaped hand. Bruises of the nail phalanges with the formation of a subungual hematoma in every third case are combined with difficult to diagnose marginal fractures of the fingers.

Careful care helps prevent complications in the long term. differential diagnosis and thoughtful treatment. Patients are referred for x-rays of the hand, if dubious result CT scan of the hand is prescribed. The hand is cooled with chloroethyl, a stream of cold water or an ice pack. For severe bruises, a plaster cast is applied. When tissue tension is severe, releasing incisions are made. They issue a direction to UHF or Ural Federal District. IN severe cases V recovery period massage and exercise therapy are used.

A hand bruise is one of the most common injuries of the upper extremities. A hand bruise caused by a blunt object is accompanied by hemorrhage into the underlying tissues, which causes severe pain in the hand when bruised and even temporary loss of ability to work. Anyone can get injured, regardless of their type of activity. In the winter season, it is not uncommon to bruise your hand when you fall; treatment in this case can be carried out at home, however, you can fall not only on a slippery road, but also, as they say, out of the blue. Therefore, it is very important to know how to treat a hand bruise and how to provide first aid for a hand injury.

Signs of a hand injury

When a hand is bruised, the following symptoms are typical: swelling of the soft tissues at the site of the bruise; pain at the site of the injury, which depends on the force of the blow. You may notice that your hand is swollen after a bruise, a bruise or hematoma has formed. The pain may spread to other areas of the arm. In some cases, after a severe bruise of the hand, impairment of motor function is observed; feeling of numbness; impairment of hand sensitivity.

The person may experience shock or fainting. But such cases are rare.

First aid for a person with a bruised arm

Let's consider what should be done first when a hand is bruised in order to alleviate the condition of the victim:

  • Apply a cold lotion, ice wrapped in a cloth, and gauze. This will help reduce bleeding and pain;
  • After 3 hours, apply pressure bandage. To provide rest to the arm, the sling should be applied by hanging the arm in a sling. Make sure that the bandage is not applied too tightly. IN otherwise blood flow will be disrupted;
  • If you are sure that there is no fracture, then you should begin treating soft tissue bruises of the arm at home. About it we'll talk below.
  • If the pain intensifies and movements are limited, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment methods for hand bruises

To quickly heal a hand bruise on your own, continue to apply for 1-2 days after the blow. cold compress to a bruise - this is the first stage of treatment for a bruised hand. The second stage is the application of warm compresses. Use a hot water bottle, a variety of warm lotions, or alcohol compress. This is necessary to dissolve congealed blood and activate blood circulation. Repeat the course of treatment 2-3 times a day for two days.

A bruised hand is accompanied by severe pain. It is recommended to use different medications to relieve pain and treat hand bruises. Analgin, baralgin are analgesic drugs for oral administration.

You can also treat a bruised arm with ointments that help resolve the hematoma on the arm and relieve pain. If you do not know what to apply to a bruised hand, then we recommend using Heparin ointment, Venolife, Girudalgon, Finalgon, Ben-gein and other ointments to treat a bruised hand.

If you are ready to visit the clinic regularly over the next couple of weeks, treatment for a bruised hand can also be carried out using physiotherapeutic procedures. They quickly relieve pain, speed up the rehabilitation process and promote fast healing and resorption of the hematoma. To prescribe physical therapy, you need to see a surgeon.

If, in addition to a bruise, you also have open injuries on your hand skin, abrasions or scratches, then you should definitely find out. To do this, use iodine, hydrogen peroxide or other disinfectant solutions.

Folk remedies for treating hand bruises

When deciding how to treat a hand bruise, you can turn to various folk remedies. So, for compresses for bruised hands, it is useful to use horseradish juice and alcohol. Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

If a bruised hand turns into a tumor when hit, and you don’t know what to do if you bruise your hand, then use cabbage leaves. They are an excellent decongestant and pain reliever. The cabbage leaves must be slightly mashed until the juice is formed. And use as a compress 2-3 times a day.

Another folk recipe For the treatment of bruises, he recommends using yolk with salt. To prepare the mixture, take a raw yolk and add a tablespoon of salt to it. Then grind until smooth. Apply in layers (up to 7-9 layers) to the bruise site. Repeat 2-3 times a day. Two days will be enough for the bruise on your arm to go away.

Directories traditional medicine To treat bruises on the arm, it is recommended to smear the bruised area goose fat. Rub the melted fat into the affected area 2-3 times a day. This is necessary for rapid tissue regeneration.

Most common. As a rule, we can get a bruise on our hand when we fall or get hit. The bruise represents closed injury which they receive soft fabrics as a result of careless action. Sometimes the area of ​​the forearm or palm is damaged; the hand, fingers, and wrist area may also be affected.

  1. Acute pain of varying intensity.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Feeling numb.
  4. Pain when moving.
  5. Possibility of sprain.
  6. Presence of a bruise or bruise.

Acute pain in different places hands will allow you to accurately determine the location of the injury.

How to treat a hand bruise

  1. Even if at first glance the injury does not seem serious, you should still visit a doctor. It will be helpful to take an x-ray. This will eliminate more serious consequences bruise.
  2. Sometimes there is no severe pain. If you make an awkward movement, the hidden fracture will become open, which will require immediate hospitalization and long-term treatment.
  3. First of all, you need to carefully examine the damaged area. If there open wounds, then they need to be processed correctly. It is recommended to apply ice as a pain reliever; this will help relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  4. The injured limb must be kept at rest. If a nail injury occurs, it must be secured with a rigid bandage.
  5. If the pain is severe, you should take analgesics. You can apply ointment or gel to the damaged area, which will allow you to quickly heal the bruised area of ​​​​the hand.

Very often, injured people do not take a hand injury seriously. If the bruise is localized and does not cause severe discomfort, then the swelling will subside and the bruise will disappear. If you apply Fastum gel, Bruise-Off or another remedy that is used for bruises, this will significantly speed up the healing process.

What to do if you have a severe injury?

If the bruise is severe, you should make sure that it does not cause too much damage to your hand. Severe bruise may cause a fracture. In this case, the doctor may decide to hospitalize you. It is important to undergo fluoroscopy, after which the doctor will apply a plaster cast. If there is such a need, he will recommend other methods of treatment.

A bruised palm can cause ligament damage. Fingers and nails may also be affected. In any case, it may be necessary to provide rigid fixation of the injured part of the arm.

Often, when a bruise occurs, damage to the ligaments can occur, which is accompanied by stretching or even rupture. Damage to the ligaments is indicated by severe pain, which is explained by the fact that there is a lot of nerve endings.

Very often, sprains occur when the hand is damaged, in in rare cases with an injury to the elbow or shoulder. In this case, first aid must be provided, and then you should go to the hospital. This is very important if the injured arm cannot fully function.

To treat ligaments, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. If a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs, then this is an indication for surgical intervention. If a favorable moment is missed, it can lead to disability.

In order to restore the elasticity of the ligaments, you can warm them using compresses, special ointments and therapeutic massage. Good effect They give physiotherapy.

How to speed up recovery after a hand injury

The rehabilitation period is no less important than timely medical care and treatment. After the pain will go away, measures should be taken to eliminate all consequences of the injury.

In particular, it is necessary to restore tissue and speed up the process of hematoma resorption. Most often, local compresses are used, which have a warming effect, and ointments. Good healing effect provide traditional medicine.

It is believed that badyaga may well replace creams and ointments that are produced by the pharmacological industry. Creams with badyaga allow you to treat various hand bruises. In particular, with the help of this remedy you can cure bruises and swelling.

Grated raw onion can be used as compresses. It copes well with swelling. Wormwood can help with severe pain.

In any case, qualified and timely treatment very important. This will avoid the risk of developing consequences and complications. After a hand injury, you should limit physical activity. You should be very careful about your health. Even a minor injury requires examination by a specialist.

The human hand performs many functions. For this reason and injuries upper limb more susceptible than other parts of the body. A hand injury is one of the most common reasons for visiting a traumatologist. The injury can be localized in any segment of the limb from the shoulder to the fingers.

Closed tissue damage can occur due to a fall or blow from a heavy blunt object. According to statistics, people who drive are more susceptible to bruises. active image life and those engaged in physical labor.

A bruise means an injury to soft tissue while maintaining the integrity of the skin.

In most cases we're talking about While minor injuries are reported, moderate bruises account for a quarter of the recorded injuries. Only in five percent of cases is a severe hand injury diagnosed.

As a result of the injury, the damage extends to muscle tissue and subcutaneous fatty tissue. They rupture due to mechanical stress. small vessels and capillaries. With minor ruptures, blood soaks into the injured tissue. More intense blood loss leads to the formation of a hematoma. An important role in this process is played by the speed of blood clotting of the victim.

The duration of bleeding is negatively affected by some thrombolytic drugs and pathological diseases blood. Foci of hemorrhage compress nerve endings, which causes painful sensations of varying strength.

If the blow falls on the joint area, destructive damage to the internal structures of the joint is possible, which often causes the development of hemarthrosis.

Symptoms of a hand injury

After receiving an injury, it is important to distinguish a bruise from other, more serious injuries. The main symptoms are as follows:

IMPORTANT! If the pain does not go away or improve within a few days, there is a good chance that more serious damage has occurred. It is necessary to consult a specialist. It should be remembered that the duration of treatment and the prognosis of recovery for dislocations and fractures directly depend on the timeliness of professional assistance.

  • An extensive hematoma forms at the site of injury;
  • The area of ​​damage swells greatly;
  • Contusion of the wrist and hand is often accompanied by loss of sensation due to damage to the nerves located in this segment of the hand;
  • If the nail is injured, the plate may partially peel off;
  • A blow to the shoulder often causes some limitation of motor function in the joint area.

IMPORTANT! If the victim cannot lift the bruised arm, a tendon rupture may occur. Such damage must be treated by a traumatologist. Health care must be provided urgently.

First aid

It is useful for any person to know what to do if they bruise their arm, because this is a fairly common injury. Rules of provision first aid quite simple.

Often the skin at the site of the injury is covered with abrasions or wounds; in this case, all manipulations must be carried out with caution so as not to cause an inflammatory infection. It is better to treat the damage disinfectant.

The bruised area must be cooled. Exposure to low temperature helps reduce swelling and reduce pain. Ice or heating pad cold water can be kept for no more than half an hour. Do not apply ice directly to the skin - there is a high risk of frostbite. On the contrary, heating the damaged area in the first day after injury is unacceptable - exposure to heat increases bleeding and stimulates an increase in swelling.

The injured limb must be kept at rest. To do this, you can hang it on a sling across your neck. If a nail is bruised, you need to fix it using a hard bandage. The victim should not try to move his arm.

IMPORTANT! It is unacceptable to rub or massage the impact site. Such actions can aggravate the formation of hematoma.

In case of severe pain, the victim may take a painkiller.

Diagnosis and treatment

A hand bruise is most often a mild injury; such an injury goes away without specific therapy, and the functions of the limb are restored in full. However, you should make sure that the resulting injury is actually a bruise, and only a doctor can do this based on X-ray examination data. If the victim receives a fracture and does not realize the severity of the injury, careless movement of the hand can lead to open bone damage or serious displacement of bone fragments.

Particular attention should be paid to wrist injuries. When a fracture occurs in this area, displacement of the bones occurs extremely rarely, and clinical picture similar to signs of a bruise. The doctor can differentiate the type of damage by applying a load to the axle radius. Under such conditions, the bruise is not accompanied by pain.

In some cases, the injury is accompanied by sprain or rupture of ligaments. They contain a large number of nerve endings, so the injury makes itself known severe pain. Sprains are more often diagnosed with hand injuries, shoulder joint and the elbow are less susceptible to such a misfortune.

A combined injury of this kind must be treated inpatiently. In case of complete ligament rupture, only surgical treatment. Untimely surgical intervention threatens to limit the motor functions of the limb, as the ligaments may not heal properly.

If a hand bruise is not accompanied by other injuries, it is indicated conservative treatment which is carried out at home. The limbs must be kept at rest. In the first days after the injury, cold compresses will bring relief. You can relieve pain using painkillers (Ibuprofen, Ketonal, Analgin, Paracetamol and others). However, it is important to remember that taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) has a detrimental effect on the stomach.

To recover faster motor function limbs, ointments or creams with an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and others) are applied topically. Absorbable preparations for external use (Heparin ointment, Venolife, Lyoton and others) help to cope with the hematoma.

Warming procedures can be used on the second day after injury. It is recommended to rub the sore spot with camphor alcohol.

Preparations for external use

Conservative treatment of a bruise mostly involves the use of gels, ointments and creams to reduce the appearance of the injury.

Folk remedies

If the bruise is not accompanied by more serious injuries, treatment using traditional medicine recipes can begin two days after the injury to the limb. It is recommended to consult your doctor first.

A hand bruise is a common injury. Most often, treatment can be carried out at home. For quick recovery tissues, it is important to provide first aid to the victim in a timely and correct manner. However, you should still consult a doctor to rule out more serious injuries, which in some cases require surgical treatment.