How to send an alcoholic to compulsory treatment. Possibility of compulsory treatment for alcoholism

A bill on compulsory treatment of alcoholism has been submitted to the State Duma for consideration. In the first reading, it will be considered by deputies of the lower house at the autumn session. Under this project, treatment will be prescribed as part of administrative or criminal punishment for people who have committed criminal or administrative offenses while drunk, and alcohol dependence must be confirmed by doctors.

The need to adopt such a law has been long overdue. In February of this year, the head working group for the protection of family and traditional family values The Public Council under the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights, Olga Letkova, proposed the return of compulsory treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction by court decision. In 2016, former children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov made the same proposal, insisting on the need for compulsory treatment of alcoholic parents. The authors of the initiatives explained such proposals by the social danger of alcoholics to others, and especially to their own children.

Currently in Russia there are a significant number of people suffering from alcoholism and who do not want to undergo treatment. Moreover, such patients often commit various offenses - from administrative to criminal. Every year, 500 thousand people die from drunkenness in the country. At the same time, the number of crimes committed in the state alcohol intoxication in 2016, amounted to 440 thousand. Most alcoholics do not admit their addiction and refuse treatment. According to statistics in Russia, 70% of murders and 60% of suicides occur while intoxicated. "These are the so-called external factors mortality, which ranks third (after deaths from diseases of cardio-vascular system and from cancer) are on the list of causes of death for Russians,” said Nikolai Govorin, the author of the initiative. “Meanwhile, excess mortality is recorded in the country - up to 40 percent of men do not live to retirement age.”

At the first stage it is supposed to examine the culprit administrative offense, and prescribe treatment under administrative or criminal penalties.

This is not about treating everyone who committed an offense while drunk, the parliamentarian emphasized. Dependence must be confirmed by doctors. The bill will make changes to the Criminal, Administrative and Family Codes, Govorin said.

The idea of ​​such a project is warmly approved by the Ministry of Health. Director of the National scientific center Narcology Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology named after Serbian Ministry of Health of Russia Tatyana Klimenko stated that she supports such a bill, adding that the practice of compulsory treatment is widely used in the West, where among all patients who are treated for alcoholism, approximately two-thirds are treated by court order.

If the bill on compulsory treatment of alcoholics is adopted, it will potentially help a huge number of Russians, the president noted Russian Association public health Andrey Demin. “After all, according to the data World Organization health care for 2010 (there are no more recent ones yet), alcohol addiction in Russia, 31 percent of men and 6.2 percent of women suffer,” he said. The law, according to experts, will become a prevention not only alcohol disorders, but also offenses.

Let us recall that in June of this year it became known about the initiative of the Ministry of Health to identify those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction among visitors to clinics. The chief freelance narcologist of the department, Evgeniy Brun, spoke about this.

If an alcoholic is intoxicated, coding and compulsory treatment for alcoholism are possible acute stage. The Ministry of Health provides this type intensive care Moreover, it is carried out within the framework of current legislation. The first step is to find the answer to the question of where to take an alcoholic without his consent in order to finally rid him of the syndrome alcohol withdrawal. There are several options - there is a paid and free solution a problem that has arisen in the family.

How to send for compulsory treatment for alcoholism

It is not so easy to admit a drunk to a hospital, since even these segments of the population are reliably protected by current legislation. At the age of majority, a dependent person can be treated for alcoholism only on a voluntary basis - on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting. No one has the right to force him, only to persuade him, to open his eyes to a disappointing reality and a fatal future. But compulsory treatment is also possible.

If an alcoholic is hospitalized in a timely manner, the specialists’ tasks are as follows: remove toxic substances from the body using medications and psychological methods ensure a reduction in cravings for alcoholic beverages and relieve the consequences of alcoholism. Not every addicted person is able to leave drinking in the past on their own, so family and friends will have to act radically - organize compulsory treatment.

Is it possible to forcefully treat alcoholism?

Detoxification of the body is possible at home, but only at the request of the alcoholic. However, not all patients of a narcologist are ready for such consciousness, so the disease soon becomes chronic form. To avoid this, it is important to reliably understand how to send an alcoholic for compulsory treatment. The grounds for this kind of hospitalization are also provided for by current legislation and are exceptional. life situations. Forcibly transfer an addicted person to a drug treatment clinic if:

  • an inadequate person is not able to control actions and actions, needs medical care and skilled nursing;
  • a dependent patient behaves aggressively and inappropriately not only towards himself, but also towards the people around him, and poses a threat modern society;
  • a dependent, sick person has attempted suicide more than once, or is showing suicidal tendencies;
  • a systematically drinking patient has committed an offense, a crime prosecuted within the framework of current legislation.

There are many effective drugs for alcoholism, which can be used without the knowledge of the patient.

Where to surrender an alcoholic without his consent

In Moscow and not only there are many drug treatment centers that return addicted people to normal life, help to quickly get rid of alcoholism, and act under duress. A drunk patient should be hospitalized in a state of unconsciousness with mental disorders and inappropriate behavior in society. In this case, the fact of a threat to society is clear, and doctors confirm that the law was not violated.

If there is a need for compulsory treatment for alcoholism of a chronic patient, the closest relatives must be provided with evidence of his insane state, potential threat for others.

One can draw a conclusion about mental state indicating psycho-emotional disorders under the influence ethyl alcohol. Other arguments could be:

  • video and photo recordings of another drinking session with a visible mental disorder;
  • police report about the inappropriate behavior of a dependent person;
  • redirecting an alcoholic from the police department to a specialized clinic for treatment.

Forced encoding

To abolish alcohol addiction forcibly, not only narcologists, but also psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and psychologists work with an addicted person. During the rehabilitation period, it is important not only to impose coding, but also to convey to human consciousness the seriousness of the current situation. clinical picture. IN otherwise, when carrying out rehabilitation measures and treatment for alcoholism, the individual withdraws, becomes unsociable, and does not make contact.

Narcological hospital

In such specialized center the patient passes full examination not only for alcoholism, but also for health conditions. Undergoing treatment for toxic addiction and its potential complications in organism. For example, some patients have liver disorder, others cannot cope with instability nervous system, and still others complain about vision. It is important to initially decide where to hand over an alcoholic without his consent, and to select certified specialists for cooperation.

Medications new generation act without harm to the patient. There is no post-alcohol syndrome after use. They can not only discourage cravings for alcohol, but also improve the health of the body.

How to call a psychiatric ambulance

Many relatives, if the patient has an obvious mental disorder, have a question about where to take the alcoholic for compulsory treatment. The answer is simple - to a psychiatric clinic. Calling an ambulance is free, it is carried out from landline phones by dialing the well-known number 103. Then the dispatcher redirects to the psychiatric department, and a psychiatric department goes to the scene ambulance. Doctors decide whether a violent alcoholic should be hospitalized or not, and give recommendations to the victim’s relatives.

Video: forced treatment of alcoholism

The Criminal Code states that compulsory treatment and coding for alcoholism is illegal if the person has not committed illegal actions and does not pose a direct threat to life and health for himself or others. In fact, compulsory treatment for alcoholism is possible by a court decision in this regard.

As shown medical practice, people who entered addiction treatment involuntarily always returned to psychotropic drugs again. This applies not only to participation in coerced anti-alcohol programs, but also to treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient.
But don't despair. In fact, even in this difficult situation, when the addict himself does not want to be treated, there is a way out.

How to send an alcoholic for treatment in Moscow - intervention

Only possible option, at which it is possible to achieve high results treatment is obtaining voluntary informed consent to treatment. Simply put, a person must understand that he is addicted to alcohol, and must want to cope with the addiction.

Especially for patients who do not want to be treated, the Zdorovye clinic practices an intervention, as a result of which 90% of negatively-minded patients radically change their attitude to the problem and voluntarily take a course to combat alcoholism, and we also conduct a course of alcoholism treatment without the knowledge of the patient.

What is the essence of the method? Literally translated from Latin, intervention means “I come, I intervene.” In practice it looks like this. The patient’s relatives meet with the narcologist-psychiatrist in advance to discuss the scenario for the subsequent dialogue with the patient. After this, on the agreed day and time, when the patient and his relatives are at home, the doctor comes to their home, or the relatives themselves bring the alcohol-dependent person to the clinic.

As a rule, at the beginning of the consultation the patient completely refuses to have a dialogue with the doctor, so the conversation takes place between the narcologist and the relatives of the alcohol addict. Delicately, in the form of instructive stories, questions, and also with the help of others psychological techniques the doctor seems to be pushing the patient to think, to rethink the current situation. Usually, by the middle of the consultation, the alcohol addict himself begins to join the conversation, and by the end of it, he reveals his own voluntary desire to take a course at the clinic. Thanks to the intervention, the question of how to send an alcoholic to treatment no longer arises among relatives.

Name of service Price Additional Information


Initial consultation with a narcologist (with selection of a course of treatment) For free
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction Standard ward From RUB 2,900/day Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation, meals, supervision by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed (for mild intoxication of the body)
Detoxification of the body for alcoholism/drug addiction VIP chamber From 7,900 rub. Cost excluding additional procedures. The price includes accommodation in a single room, meals, monitoring by a narcologist, droppers as prescribed
UBOD (Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification) From 35,000 rub. Accommodation is not included in the price
Coding From 7000 rub.
Individual psychotherapy session 3000 rub.
Correction module Narco-psychotherapy using biological feedback(author's Methodology). 15,000 rub.
Individual nursing station 3000 rub.
Xenon therapy 7500 rub.
Plasmophoresis 7000 rub.
ILBI 1100 rub.
Electroson 1200 rub.
Massage 2000 rub.
MRI from 3000 rub.
Coding for alcoholism From 6000 rub. The coding method is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
File for drug addiction “Esperal”, “Naltrexone” From 20,000 rub. The type of filing is selected by the doctor in agreement with the patient/relatives.
Individual work with a psychologist From 3000 rub. Depends on the category of doctor, counseling methods, timing, program, etc.
Screening tests for the presence of narcotic substances From 1500 rub. Depends on the number of types of drugs

Complex treatment

General ward 5000 rub./day accommodation in a shared ward for up to 4 people
Double room 9000 rub./day accommodation in a room for up to 2 people
Single room 12,000 rub./day accommodation in a single VIP room with increased level comfort: toilet, shower, air conditioning, TV, etc.

Individual treatment programs

Standard-ALKO 3 RUB 30,500 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general analysis blood, ECG, plasmapheresis, 4 ILBI procedures, managed by a clinical psychologist
Standard-ALKO CODE RUB 37,400 three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, plasmapheresis, 2 ILBI procedures, management by a clinical psychologist, coding
Standard-ALCO XENON 39,000 rub. three days of detoxification in the general ward, general blood test, ECG, 4 light xenon therapy procedures, consultation with a psychologist
STANDARD-Narco 5 RUB 34,300 5 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG
Standard-NARCO 7 RUB 55,400 7 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 2 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy
Standard-NARCO 10 RUB 78,100 10 days of treatment in a general ward, general blood test, blood biochemistry, ECG, 3 medical xenon therapy procedures, 2 sessions of individual psychotherapy


Rehabilitation from 1100 rub./day The cost of rehabilitation is determined individually by a specialist. Depends on the patient's condition, treatment program, center and length of stay.
Comprehensive rehabilitation in modern Rehabilitation center Moscow region (MO), group classes, work with a psychologist. from 30000/month

Comprehensive treatment program for Hepatitis C

Treatment of Hepatitis C of moderate severity 140 000
Treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe form of Hepatitis C from 170,000 Complex treatment; tests, selection of treatment, therapy, observation by the attending physician

Calling a doctor to your home


A relative of an addict who does not agree to treatment calls us. Within 1 hour in Moscow and the Moscow region, a team of our motivators (a group of interventionists, which includes psychologists and alcohol addiction consultants) goes to your home to the addict and by the method of psychological persuasion encourages the alcoholic to accept treatment. As our practice shows, we manage to convince 95% of those in need of treatment.

We take the patient for treatment, after which he returns to you healthy man who does not drink alcohol.

If a drug clinic patient realizes the scale of his problem and is ready to fight the disease, this is already half the success of the therapeutic campaign. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen. And in similar situations The patient’s relatives wonder: is compulsory treatment for alcoholism possible?

Therapy as punishment

Yes, theoretically this form of therapy is possible. But it is applicable in quite in rare cases, and only by court decision. For example, it can be caused by a serious crime committed while intoxicated. However, in this case, the court must be presented with evidence that the person is really sick. To do this, the accused must not only regularly drink alcohol. The fact of alcoholism must be confirmed by medical examination, in which, among other things, experts will indicate the need for compulsory treatment. In this case, it may be equivalent to a criminal penalty.

In other cases, compulsory treatment will go against Russian legislation. After all, according to him, a person has the right to choose, and any means of forcing a person to do anything are prosecuted by law.

Thus, free compulsory treatment of alcoholism is possible only by court decision. But at the same time, the patient receives a document indicating his registration at the drug dispensary. In the future, this will become a significant obstacle when installing on Good work or when obtaining a driving license.

Involuntary hospitalization

There is another extreme - this is delirium tremens, or delirium delirium. In this state, a person behaves inappropriately and poses a danger to himself and others. But in such a case the patient will not be referred to a clinic specializing in the treatment of alcoholism, but to mental asylum(so-called involuntary hospitalization). In the hospital, in a matter of days he will be brought out of a critical state and released, which cannot be called treatment for alcoholism as such. This is only a temporary relief of symptoms, but not a long-term solution to the problem.

Voluntary means effective

So in the vast majority of cases, the law makes compulsory treatment of alcoholism impossible. However, as practice shows, everything forced is ineffective. Only a voluntary and conscious choice can have positive consequences, otherwise the patient will soon experience a relapse.

To avoid this, specialists at the Profpomosch clinic build relationships with patients based on the principles of psychologism, trust and consent. Only in this case is the treatment of alcoholism effective, and positive effect can be fixed for many years.

Is there a violation of the law in this case?

In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Chapter 15 (Articles 97-104) and Art. 22 states that compulsory treatment is applied to a patient with alcohol dependence only if he commits any illegal act. In other cases, the patient's voluntary consent is required.

In our case, we always achieve voluntary consent through persuasion!

How effective will the result be?

The effectiveness of compulsory addiction treatment is 90%.

Purposes of compulsory treatment

The initial purpose of forceful treatment of a patient is:

  • Detoxification - removal of toxins and alcohol metabolites.
  • Psychological assistance - it is necessary to make the patient aware of his addiction.
  • Find out the reason for your addiction to alcohol.
  • Obtain informed, firm consent from the patient to undergo full course treatment.
  • The ultimate goal of compulsory treatment is the patient’s categorical refusal to drink alcohol.

How to persuade an addict to undergo treatment: “preparing the ground”

In order to persuade an alcoholic or drug addict to undergo treatment, first of all you need to make it clear to the person in every possible way that his condition is not normal:

  • Talk about fighting addiction - but only with a sober person! In a state of alcohol and drug intoxication, the patient still does not listen to anyone and does not understand. You should not quarrel with him at this time - any persuasion and threats will be useless. Your task is not to waste your nerves, but to “reach out” to the patient.
  • Tell the patient more often that his health has clearly deteriorated. And this must be done without unnecessary scolding and instructions. Try to be calm. Tell the person what the Lately he has lost a lot of weight, aged, his skin has an unhealthy color. Try to convince the alcoholic that he really has a very big problems with health.
  • Let the patient serve himself. Wives of alcoholics often suffer from “caring syndrome.” While the man is unable to do anything, the woman takes on everything. It is not right. Let the patient do his own laundry, cook his own food, and clean the house himself. This adds awareness.

The purpose of the listed activities is to create a “pain point” and make the patient feel it.

The cost of the “Intervention” service (motivating a person who does not agree to treatment) is 15,000 rubles. in Moscow.
If the service is provided in the Moscow region, the cost increases depending on the distance from the Moscow Ring Road at the rate of 30 rubles/km


provided for by current legislation. However, it is worth remembering that this is only possible in cases clearly specified in special regulations. In other situations, such treatment requires the consent of the patient or his legal representative. In this article we will tell you how compulsory treatment for alcoholism is carried out in the Russian Federation.

What is compulsory treatment for alcoholism?

This is the placement of a patient without his consent (or without the consent of his legal representative) for treatment in a specialized medical institution with the aim of isolating him from society, bringing him to the stage of forced remission and subsequent recovery from alcoholism.

That is forced treatment for alcoholism is a measure of state coercion aimed at curing the patient.

According to current legislation treatment of a patient for alcoholism is carried out only with his consent (or with the consent of his legal representative). However, there are cases when the legislator allows compulsory treatment of alcoholic citizens, but only by court decision.

Despite their powers, the courts need sufficiently strong evidence that a citizen suffering from alcoholism is violating the rights and legitimate interests of other citizens. For example, your neighbor abuses alcohol and constantly throws noisy parties at night. Call the local police officer and record this fact. If this happens repeatedly, so much the better. With evidence in hand, you can go to court (it would be more effective to do this collectively), and the court may decide to send the citizen for compulsory treatment.

In addition, significant evidence in court will be the conclusion of a forensic medical examination that a citizen has mental illness and his actions harm others. Simply put, if a patient has developed a “squirrel problem,” then go to court and file a petition for an examination.

Compulsory treatment for alcoholism in the event of a crime

Forced treatment alcoholism provided for in Articles 97-104 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as one of the varieties psychiatric illness. In particular, the following may be prescribed as compulsory measures:

  • ambulatory treatment;
  • hospital treatment;
  • inpatient treatment in medical organizations specialized type;
  • inpatient treatment in specialized medical organizations with intensive supervision.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism can be assigned only by court decision in relation to persons who have committed a crime.

A citizen against whom compulsory measures are applied is subject to a medical examination once every 6 months to examine the possibility of terminating treatment or extending it. This medical examination can also be carried out at the request of the patient, his relatives or legal representatives. The decision to change a compulsory measure or to terminate it is made only by the court on the basis of the conclusion of a medical commission.


  • compulsory treatment for alcoholism is prescribed only if the court passes a guilty verdict, which specifies a compulsory medical measure as a punishment;
  • Alcoholic citizens include those who systematically consume alcoholic drinks and does not want to undergo treatment voluntarily;
  • the court makes a decision on compulsory treatment for alcoholism only on the basis of a medical examination report, which must indicate the need for such treatment. However, the court has the right to disagree with the experts' arguments.

What is involuntary hospitalization?

In practice, there are cases when prolonged alcoholism develops into more serious illness, and the citizen becomes dangerous to himself and to society. What to do in this case?

Law of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 1992 No. 3185-1 “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens when providing it" stipulates that a citizen suffering from alcoholism may be hospitalized in a medical institution to provide him with specialized assistance in a hospital setting without his consent (or without the consent of a legal representative) until a court decision is made, if his treatment is possible only in a hospital, and the course of the disease is severe and is determined by:

  • human helplessness, that is, the inability to independently satisfy basic needs;
  • the danger of his behavior for others and himself;
  • causing significant harm to one’s health if left without medical assistance.

Is not forced treatment for alcoholism. In fact, involuntary placement in a hospital includes cases when a citizen begins to show signs of mental disorder. Therefore, simply alcoholism, without “aggravating” consequences, does not fit this terminology. After the citizen will take the course treatment, he will be sent home.

Despite the fact that the antisocial behavior of citizens suffering from alcoholism causes harm to others, the leadership of the Russian Federation claims that in Russia, compulsory treatment for alcoholism without the consent of the patient (or his legal representative), except in cases provided for by law, will not be introduced, since this violates rights of citizens and contradicts the principles of international law.