Why doesn't the receiver show the tricolor? Tricolor TV does not show free channels: instructions for solving the problem

The article describes ways to solve problems associated with the lack of display of basic Tricolor channels.

The Tricolor company provides its customers with the opportunity to watch free TV channels if they have the appropriate equipment. They are called basic. The package contains 20 general purpose television channels, radio stations, information channels and a channel broadcasting in a teleshop format.

TV channel Radio Info Teleshop
First channel Vesti FM INFO channel Shop 24
Russia 1 Lighthouse Promo TV
Match Radio Russia TV TV
Russia Culture TV instructor
Channel 5
Russia 24

Broadcasting of free general purpose channels is approved at the legislative level. But sometimes the list may change.

It is worth considering that access to free channels is provided when connecting to paid packages.

Information channels are broadcast by the operator himself. They show information about Tricolor services, ongoing promotions, and troubleshooting methods.

Teleshopping allows Tricolor subscribers to make purchases without leaving home.

Reasons why basic channels are not shown

Subscribers may encounter the problem of lack of broadcasting on basic channels. The message “No signal” appears. An error is possible in different cases - bad weather, settings failure, equipment malfunction or malfunction, subscription has expired. The causes of equipment problems are divided into categories:

  • No power supply or incorrect completion of automatic settings;
  • Reset recent settings;
  • Incorrect installation of the smart card;
  • Unconfirmed data;
  • The software update did not occur;
  • There is no fee for the package provided;
  • Broken cable from the dish to the receiver;
  • Preventative work.

Don't panic when a problem occurs. It can be resolved in a short time if you approach the solution correctly. But sometimes the reason for the lack of signal may be due to other factors.

For example, television broadcasting may be interrupted due to the use of outdated equipment. Then you should consider replacing your existing receiver.

Ways to solve the problem

The solution to the problem of the lack of television broadcasting of free channels is to check that the cable is connected correctly. If everything is connected correctly, then other steps should be performed.

Checking the correct operation of the equipment

To check the functioning of the equipment, you must perform a reboot. Execution scheme:

After restarting, the equipment returns to normal operation. If this does not happen, then you need to click on show the information channel (should be shown regularly). If there is no TV broadcast on the info channel, you can judge that the setup functions have failed. You should proceed to the step of resetting the settings to factory settings (installed by the developer).

Resetting the receiver to factory settings

The provider recommends using the reset operation in all difficult TV viewing situations. When you return to the original factory settings, the equipment starts working again in most cases. Scheme for resetting configuration functions:

It is worth considering that in the case of the end of the paid subscription period for the tariff, the basic list of TV channels is sent to the end of the entire list. That's why they are located after channel 100.

If the above steps do not help, it is necessary to check the cable run from the dish to the receiver. And also pay attention to the strength of the plate and its orientation. If a break or orientation violation is detected, adjust the dish and search for TV channels again.

Software Update

In order to improve display and protect against unauthorized access, the provider recommends regular software updates. If this operation is not carried out on time, the broadcast of TV channels may be stopped. The software update should be carried out when a new version of the system software is released, so that further channels can be shown.

Do not turn off the power while updating the software.

To update, use the “Updates” item in the receiver menu. The progress of the operation assumes that the equipment is turned on to prevent partial overwriting of files. Accidental overwriting will result in equipment malfunction and loss of broadcasting.

Smart card reading error

If there is no number, the device cannot recognize the card being used. This is due to incorrect installation of the card in the card reader, a malfunction of the card reader itself, a discrepancy between the card inside and the software used, or a breakdown of the receiver.

Read more about the problem with the smart card - .

After checking that the card was inserted correctly, the ID number should appear. Otherwise, you need to check the functionality of the smart card (on other equipment) or rule out malfunctions in the receiver.

Data not confirmed

Confirmation of data is required if the user has not done so previously. To confirm them, the subscriber can use the services of a personal account on the Tricolor website or make a call to technical support, where the operator can confirm the ID number and contact information.

Basic channels do not work, information channels work

If the information channel shows, then the problem of the lack of TV showing of basic channels arises due to non-confirmation of the subscriber data or the invisibility of the smart card. Data confirmation was described above. The visibility of the card is due to its correct installation in a working card reader. Information on solving the problem that appears due to the inability to read the card was indicated above.

Change in price for the basic package

The company may change the prices for the packages provided, which will affect the lack of broadcasting of TV channels. Prices for new tariffs are provided for both newly connected subscribers and those who have been using the company’s services for a long time. The information channel warns about changes in tariff policy, so the subscriber must deposit the required amount into the account on time.

Tricolor trick (basic channels do not work due to the fault of the provider)

The Tricolor company offers subscribers to pay for the package provided in installments. If this payment method is chosen, the combined amounts are paid before a certain date. If there is insufficient funds in the subscriber's account, the company does not guarantee the television broadcast of basic channels.

Also, if the contract is unilaterally terminated, the user may lose access to viewing basic TV channels. After all, the contract states that the provider is not responsible for the correctness of broadcasting free channels.

If all methods have been tried and the problem is not solved, then you should contact support. The operator will explain what to do in such a situation.

One of the most popular satellite broadcasting operators in Russia is Tricolor TV. Naturally, the problem of how to update the list of channels on Tricolor is relevant for many users. It is not surprising, because some programs disappear into oblivion, others come to take their place. Therefore, you need to monitor the situation and try to regularly update the list of channels so as not to lose your favorite programs.

The losses are due to the fact that television companies cannot find a common language with those who broadcast them, so cooperation simply stops. In addition, many programs disappear after a new firmware version has been installed on the TV. Then the receiver messes up all the settings and you have to search manually.

How to update Tricolor TV channels yourself?

First of all, you need to try to automatically search for channels. Perhaps the lists were not restored before simply because not all updates were installed after flashing, or there was a glitch in the system. So, to search for channels and test this theory, you need to take the following steps:

    Enter the menu;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the access code. It is the standard "0000";

    Launch "Automatic Search".

If all is well, the list will quickly be restored, although not in the same form as it was. Therefore, it will have to be reduced by removing unnecessary channels. If the instructions did not give any results, or Tricolor did not find all the channels that were there before, then the problem has not gone away, and the obvious solution will not work for it. You will have to use the manual configuration method. In this case, the algorithm of actions becomes more complicated, but nevertheless remains clear:

    Enter the “Menu” panel;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the already known PIN code “0000”;

    Go to the “Manual Search” section;

    Enter parameters - frequency, polarization, flow speed;

    Click on “Find”.

By the way, it is impossible to update channels on Tricolor TV manually if you do not know the broadcast parameters. To obtain this information, you must first go to the provider’s official website and look at the data for 2017. Once the procedure is completed, you can optionally sort the channels and create favorite lists according to your interests.

What to do if the list is empty after updating

It often happens that even if the channels are updated perfectly, at one point the TV will simply stop showing them. First, you need to conduct a search again, checking if the settings are lost. If even after this nothing works, then the reason must be looked for elsewhere. Most often the problem is either in the receiver, the cable, or the antenna.

Here are the most common factors that cause TV channels to disappear:

    Weather conditions: snow, rain, icing, strong wind, etc.;

    Unreliable antenna mounting;

    Breakage of some part;

    Frayed cable.

Naturally, these are not all the problems that can cause the lack of video. But in any case, it is better to contact a specialist who will find the cause of the breakdown and fix it, than to try to do everything yourself and only worsen the situation.

How to update the channel list on new software for Tricolor TV

The problems may be related to new software. It was released on September 20, 2016, for DRS 8300, GS 8300M, GS 8300. Once you install it, you no longer have to think about how to update channels on Tricolor TV yourself, because the procedure is very simple and practically no different from the standard.

Tricolor TV is a company providing satellite television broadcasting services. After the end of the paid period, Tricolor TV does not show channels belonging to the free category. The opportunity to watch federal television will remain. Users are often faced with a situation where the ability to watch free channels is also missing.

There is no single reason why Tricolor does not show. The malfunction is eliminated by elimination.

Reasons for no signal:

  1. Environment - the equipment provided to the client includes a standard-sized satellite antenna. On flat terrain, the size of the receiving device is sufficient to receive a stable TV signal. But with hilly and uneven terrain, or in bad weather, the “no signal” picture is displayed on the screen.
  2. Lack of quality settings - signs: constant signal loss or image distortion. Make sure that the connecting cable is not damaged.
  3. End of the paid period - when purchasing equipment for watching satellite television, a trial annual period is paid. If there is no payment, a year after connection the paid ones are switched off, but the basic channels should remain, which does not always happen.

Some types of faults can be fixed on your own; for others, it is better to call a specialist. Below are a few more common problems and solutions.

Tricolor does not show free channels - what to do

There are two solutions to this issue, once completed you can return the base channels:

  1. Failures in the default settings - it is easy to fix the breakdown; just disconnect the receiver from the electrical network for a few minutes. After switching on, the channels should return. If this doesn't help, try the next approach. In the settings, find the first channel Russia, leave the receiver on for 9-10 hours. During this time, the software should fix the errors and free channels will return.
  2. Radical method - if the previous methods did not help, the reason is a software failure. You can fix the problem by resetting the settings to factory settings.

And one last thing. The Tricolor TV receiver operates in two modes. After switching to digital broadcast mode, at least some of the free channels should return.

Methods don't always help. It happens that the receiver simply fails due to a power surge, lightning striking the electrical network and other reasons - the receiver will need to be replaced.

There is no channel with the selected Tricolor TV number - what to do

In this case, the problem cannot be corrected by simply reconfiguring the transmitting device. It happens that even after the next payment is made, when you turn on the selected number, a message like “There is no channel with the selected number” appears on the TV screen. What is the cause of the problem and can it be fixed?

First you need to decide why the described situation occurs. When drawing up the contract, a list of TV channels that will be broadcast during the paid trial period is described. To attract customers, the company offers preferential, temporary connection conditions. After the end of the annual subscription, some TV channels do not work. You won't be able to unlock them legally without paying an additional fee.

So, if they don’t show channels on Tricolor TV, what should you do? You should choose a new package tariff, usually more expensive, or watch the remaining freely available television broadcasts.

Why doesn’t the Carousel channel show on Tricolor TV?

The situation is similar to that described in the previous subheading. When drawing up a contract, some TV channels are included in the “Basic” package as free. Due to non-payment of the main service, the company has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the subscriber, which will accordingly affect the number of free channels freely available to the client.

If you pay again due to the fact that the primary contract was terminated, access to radio broadcasting will be changed. In 2019, the Carousel channel is included in the additional “Children’s” package. To correct the situation, you need to subscribe accordingly.

If problems arose during the contract period, the problem most likely lies in poor setup or antenna failure. You should call a technician and make sure that after reconfiguration the signal strength and quality are not less than 80%. Perhaps the reason lies in a software failure. You can reset the settings to factory defaults.

Why are federal channels not shown on Tricolor?

Although the contract allows the company to terminate its television broadcasting services, this option usually remains after the end of the subscription. The main channels will continue to work. Most likely to remain:

TV channel Radio Info Teleshop
First channel Vesti FM INFO channel Shop 24
Russia 1 Lighthouse Promo TV
Match Radio Russia TV TV
Russia Culture TV instructor
Channel 5
Russia 24

The reason why free channels are not shown on Tricolor may be due to preventive measures. If after 1-2 days the situation has not stabilized, you need to update the settings, resetting them to factory settings. The following steps will help if the receiver does not find federal channels:

  • click Menu;
  • in the list that appears, select “Settings”
  • enter the card code written on the back;
  • select “Factory settings”;

  • Now, using auto search, we find all-Russian channels, not forgetting to save the settings.

Why doesn't it show the first 20 channels?

In this case, the problem lies in the company's preset settings. Basic TV channels are located at the top of the list only during the paid subscription period. After the end of the annual period, provided there is no timely subscription fee when turning on the TV, the first 20 channels are often not available. The receiving device automatically moves them to the end of the list. Usually radio broadcasts appear after channel 100.

The problem may grow gradually. At first the receiver does not find the first 10 channels, then all the rest. After paying the monthly fee and crediting the money to the account, the situation is corrected automatically. If this does not happen, you should immediately contact support. There is a call center and online correspondence is available on the official website. To apply, you will need a contract code and basic information about the transmitting device.

If you encounter this problem, do not worry. Nothing wrong with that. Look at the instructions - they are presented in our article. It is also broadcast exactly on the channel that is presented on the TV channel “Look...”

Receivers and receivers for viewing Tricolor are not tied to one satellite TV operator. You can easily view other operators on your receiver, therefore, the initial setup must be carried out exactly according to the instructions of the Satellite operator. In our case, this is the Tricolor. Let's figure out why all Tricolor channels are not found!

Instructions broadcast on the channel “Watch the instructions”

The first and most important mistake is choosing the “Main” time region in the settings. As they say in the instructions that Tricolor TV presents to us, you need to select your region. In our case it is “Moscow +0 hours.”

Tricolor channels were found, but not all. What to do?

Very often, after the channels have been searched, the Tricolor subscriber does not see all the channels. Sometimes there can be even less than 100 pieces. What to do in this case?

It's simple! You just need to select “Satellite” in the “Antenna” section rather than Tricolor TV.

This completes the setup! We hope everything worked out for you. If everything went well, you will see approximately the following number of channels and radio channels on your TV:

The work of the largest satellite television operator is based on modern equipment and software. A complex process does not provide insurance against malfunctions and errors, the most common of which is the absence of a signal. If Tricolor does not work, today we will look at the most common causes of the malfunction and how to fix them. You can fix the problem yourself; to do this, you will need to carry out preliminary diagnostics and follow the instructions provided.

Unstable transmission of prepaid service packages is associated with many external and internal factors, each of which requires individual consideration. The following reasons can be tentatively identified:

  • engineering works. The operator may update software or components, which prevents you from using the operator's services for some time. Subscribers are notified in advance of such work by publishing the relevant news on the official website or organizing an email newsletter;
  • incorrect connection. The most common reason for the above message to appear on your TV screen. The problem may lie in an incorrect connection or in the satellite position settings;
  • bad weather conditions. The principle of satellite television is the exchange of a signal between a satellite dish and a satellite. Heavy rain, snowfall and other natural phenomena may adversely affect the provision of services;
  • Problems with software settings and firmware updates. Here you may need either a reset to factory settings or a complete reinstallation of the system.

Each of the above reasons can be identified during diagnosis. You should additionally consider the full algorithm of actions for a specific error, which will speed up the troubleshooting process.

What happened to Tricolor now?

The official website of the largest satellite television operator in Russia not only contains tariff information, but also notifies its customers about upcoming technical events. It is recommended to periodically visit the news section to stay up to date with the latest events. Subscribing to the newsletter by email will help you find out what is happening with Tricolor TV today. You can activate it in your user account. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the main page of the control panel, where you will be asked to register and further authorize;
  2. Fill out the required form, indicating personal data and login parameters;
  3. In the settings section, enter your own email address and activate the newsletter system.

If problems with Tricolor TV are not related to the planned work, you should independently carry out preliminary diagnostics and correct the problem that has arisen.

Tricolor TV does not work - what to do

Initial diagnostics are based on identifying the location of the malfunction. Turn on the technical channel, if the image is not broadcast, the reason is hidden in:

  • improper installation and configuration of equipment;
  • failure of technical components;
  • bad weather conditions;
  • software problem.

If the technical channel is displayed correctly, you will need to restart the receiver and initiate a reconnection with the satellite. The problem of “why Tricolor is not working today” is easily solved. To do this, just completely disconnect the equipment from the network for a few minutes. If after this action nothing happens, reset the settings to the factory level, since problems with the receiver are often associated with incorrect functioning of the software.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning the possibility of equipment incompatibility with some service packages. So, an outdated receiver will not be able to broadcast HD channels. Please check technical specifications in advance.

Factory reset and software update

Resetting the settings can be done independently using a regular remote control. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open Menu or Settings. The names and locations of functions may vary depending on the specific model of technical device used;
  2. When you go to Options, you may be asked to enter your system PIN. The default is "0000";
  3. Select “Reset settings”, confirm the changes;
  4. Wait for the action to complete, after which the equipment will reboot;
  5. Proceed with reconfiguration.

You will be asked to specify basic parameters and search for channels. This can be done manually or automatically, for the client’s consideration.

Diagnostics of correct settings and operation

Considering why Tricolor TV does not work: it says no signal today 2019, you need to go to technical equipment if resetting the software to the factory level did not bring the desired result. The "No connection to server" problem may be due to incorrect wiring. Check the compliance of all ports and connectors according to the basic operator's instructions.

An incorrectly installed antenna is also often the reason for the lack of signal. A satellite dish is an important element that serves to transmit and receive data packets from the server. Position adjustments are made according to your location. Detailed information, a table of inclination level and recommended location are published in the corresponding section of the official website. If you have problems troubleshooting the problem yourself, seek help from qualified professionals.

If the above methods do not help, there is a high probability of device failure. If you have not violated the warranty obligations, the receiver will be replaced free of charge. To do this, it will be enough to visit the nearest service office and leave a corresponding written application.