Compulsory drug treatment and psychotherapy

A drug addict in the family is scary. It is difficult for parents and loved ones living in the same apartment with the sufferer to see him every day and watch how the one they knew from birth is rapidly destroying his life. It hurts, it hurts a lot! And very scary. It's not safe to be around a drug addict because you don't know what to expect from him.

Is there compulsory treatment for drug addicts? Yes, and we will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Citing the law

On November 25, 2013, a law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts was adopted. It would seem that now those who do not have huge sums for private treatment will be helped to get rid of their addiction. No matter how it is.

The law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts came into force on May 1, 2014, but it has many shortcomings. It’s worth starting by comparing some facts.

Can't help everyone?

When adopting the law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts, the Russian authorities did not take into account one point. Only public hospitals can provide treatment services. How many beds are there for drug addicts, which are paid for from the country’s budget? About one and a half thousand. Against the eight million drug addicts officially registered in Russia. We emphasize that this is according to official data. How many are there that the state doesn’t know about? It turns out that we will cure one and a half thousand citizens, but what about the rest? The drafters of the law did not think about this.

Who is covered by the law?

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts is possible if the patient has a medical certificate of the disease. If a drug addict has never asked for help and his illness is not officially certified, you can’t count on help from the state.

What is compulsory treatment

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts is carried out by court decision. If a person poses a threat to people's lives, is dangerous to society or to himself, he may be sent for compulsory treatment. But for this you will need to collect a lot of pieces of paper and wait in line at the state center for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Is there any benefit from treatment?

Let's face it. Will there be any benefit if a drug addict is sent to a forced decision, and even through the court? Hardly. Those who have encountered drug addicts know how they react to the problem of getting rid of their disease. They do not understand that they are sick, they say that they can quit at any moment, they avoid all conversations about treatment or accept them aggressively.

Now imagine how a drug addict will react to the fact that he is sent forcibly for treatment? Moreover, you have to wait for your turn. At the very least, inappropriate behavior and uncontrolled aggression on the part of the patient are guaranteed.

Is there a way out?

We found out how to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment. First of all, a medical certificate is required stating that he is registered with a drug dispensary. Without it, there will be no medical examination, and the court will not even consider the claim.

And what should the relatives of a drug addict do? Admit him to a psychiatric clinic to prove that he is insane, and then go to court with all the necessary documents? It’s all so simple in words, but in reality, either drug addicts are not taken to the clinic or they “come out” from there feet first.

Therefore, try to do without coercion, convince the patient of the need for treatment.

What is an intervention?

Statistics on the treatment of drug addicts (shows per month), according to experts, demonstrate that after treatment and rehabilitation, 65% of them return to normal life. At least they no longer use anything related to drugs. 25% break down during the treatment stage, and 10% begin to “indulge” again.

But let's return to the answer to the question about intervention. The result is a vicious circle: in order to get a court decision to compulsorily treat drug addicts, you need to go through nine circles of hell, and then wait for your turn at a state treatment center. If a drug addict escapes from there, it will be almost impossible to return him there.

Let's start with the persuasion method. Intervention is convincing the addict that he needs to undergo treatment. Let's make a reservation right away - the service is provided by private centers.

How's it going?

Why tell a family that has no money about how doctors convince rich drug addicts to undergo treatment at their center. Let's talk about a method that a poor family can adopt.

So, the relatives and the psychologist hold a meeting. Relatives of a drug addict talk in detail about him: what he likes, what he doesn’t like, how he can behave, what hobbies he had before his illness, what is happening to him now - throughout the life of his sick relative.

The next day, the doctor comes to the drug addict’s home. Relatives are also here. Naturally, the patient accepts the doctor’s visit aggressively, but everyone is ready for this.

The doctor and relatives drink tea, talk, joke, laugh. They behave as if the drug addict is not nearby, although he is in the same room. You can talk about anything. The goal is to interest the drug addict and get him to see the doctor. Such conversations can last the whole day, this must be taken into account.

After the drug addict has made contact with the doctor, the specialist begins to convince him of the need for treatment. Not necessarily only positive words, sometimes threats are used (veiled, of course). It is important to convey to the patient that he cannot cope with the problem on his own. After the addict agrees to treatment, the doctor immediately takes him with him and takes him to the center.

On the one hand, this is psychological pressure and crime. But on the other hand, there is no other way out. Patients do not want to be treated voluntarily; they do not understand that they are sick.

Having collected all the necessary papers, relatives can influence their patient. Only without threats, very softly and unobtrusively. As soon as consent is received, the relatives file a claim in court.

Motivational crisis

It’s easy to give advice, but few people know what relatives of heavy drug addicts have to face. It’s one thing when knowledge about a problem is gleaned only from psychology textbooks, but it’s quite another to have a chemical addiction that a drug addict is unable to overcome.

In addition to compulsory treatment of drug addicts and intervention, there is also a family motivational crisis. The path is long, psychologically difficult, but the attempt is worth it. What is the crisis motivation? The fact is that the family agrees to deprive the addict of any support, which includes moral, emotional and financial. This position is maintained until the sick relative agrees to voluntary treatment.

Cruel but effective method

This practical method is very cruel and mentally difficult, but it helps. True, only under one condition: the addict himself must want to overcome his addiction. It is advisable to use this method at the initial stage of addiction, when the illness has not yet developed into a habit.

A lot of alcohol is bought. Anyone who is a drug addict. Someone must be with him at home. The patient locks himself in an apartment without money and without a dose, there is only him, drink, food and the person looking after him. The worst thing is going through withdrawal. Alcohol is needed to make it easier for a drug addict. It is worth keeping in mind that during withdrawal a person becomes inadequate, he may scream, roll on the floor, or bend over. Some people's eyes glaze over, their breathing becomes heavy and ragged, and sweat appears on their forehead. If you manage to cope with this condition, the addict will be able to quit. If the observer sees that things are really bad, it is better to call an ambulance.


Now the reader knows what compulsory treatment of drug addicts is, how to admit a patient to a hospital, and how to help a relative suffering from a terrible disease in other ways.

A drug addict is a sick person, no matter what they say about addiction. The disease must be treated, not condemned for it.

They recognize themselves as sick and go to see a narcologist.

The arguments of relatives do not help to go to a dispensary or rehabilitation center to receive qualified help from addiction specialists. Parents are faced with a choice: to let the situation take its course, to use compulsory treatment, or what to do when persuasion does not work.

A proven radical method: immediately contact a clinic whose staff knows how to motivate addicts, convince them using approved methods, without putting pressure on the psyche.

Who needs compulsory treatment?

Over the decades, drug addiction treatment methods have been developed and improved. For a long time, most doctors argued: a course of medication or psychotherapy will be effective only if the addict is interested in the outcome. If you voluntarily go to the clinic, you have to count on success.

Relatives, judicial authorities, neighbors, and colleagues were not allowed to forcibly send an addict to a clinic. As a result, drug addicts were recognized as socially dangerous and died from an overdose. Generally accepted humanity turned out to be cruel: young people died due to the inaction of those around them.

Quite often, forced treatment of drug addiction is practiced due to the rapid spread of addiction. It's time to save the sick who can become free. Against the will of the patient, the court sends him to the clinic.

There are enough reasons for referral for treatment:

  1. the patient takes illegal drugs and is dependent on them;
  2. a drug addict has committed an offense;
  3. the person taking drugs is punished.

The court cannot send an addict to compulsory drug treatment until relatives provide the relevant certificates. You will have to take tests to prove that your brother, son, husband, daughter is taking drugs. And again the problem arises: how to deliver an addict to a clinic if he does not agree?

European centers have long practiced drug addiction treatment in rehabilitation clinics. A similar practice has been introduced in our country.

The RC employs specialists who motivate the addict to undergo treatment. They are so savvy that the addict, after a long conversation, agrees to receive qualified help.

The essence of the intervention

Treatment of drug addiction in a hospital frightens the addict. It’s scary to be deprived of freedom, to be left without a dose, to survive.

However, without taking appropriate measures that limit communication, isolate you from former friends, and prohibit drug use, recovery is impossible. The situation must be explained to the addict.

The patient stopped listening and respecting his relatives long ago. We have to look for specialists. A decisive step is proposed: to invite home psychologists from a rehabilitation center who know how to organize an intervention for a drug addict.

The essence of the technique comes down to conducting a motivational conversation with the addict. The initiators of calling specialists are relatives who have previously tried unsuccessfully to convince the drug addict to undergo a course of therapy. Their knowledge was not enough to explain to an uncomprehending relative the outcome of such hobbies.

– the introduction of specialists into the private life of an addict in order to influence the subconscious, wanting to force treatment. The procedure is considered quite effective and is legally permitted.

Advantages over alternative methods of agitating a patient for forced admission to a hospital:

  • persuasiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of implementation;
  • painlessness;
  • individuality.

How do specialists motivate treatment?

The intervention team consists of psychologists.

Consultants, recovered drug addicts, narcologists, and relatives sometimes work together. The group is formed individually.

After the procedure is completed, the addict agrees to seek help. There will be no compulsory treatment for drug addicts, but voluntary treatment. The decision was made by a convinced client after communicating with a group of motivators.

Stages of patient motivation

The intervention of the addict is carried out according to a pre-drawn plan.

The procedure consists of stages.

  1. Preparatory. First, relatives meet with clinic staff and outline the situation in detail. Taking into account the patient’s character, the degree of aggression towards others, and trust in doctors, a client motivation group is formed. Sometimes it is enough for one psychologist to visit; in difficult situations, a whole group gathers, where everyone performs an assigned function, motivating for mandatory treatment of drug addiction and substance abuse.
  2. Collecting information about the patient. Having completed the conversation with relatives, the psychologist summarizes the information received and draws up a preliminary plan for the conversation. If there is a lack of information, he calls the family and asks questions.
  3. Motivational conversation. A visit to a drug addict occurs at a strictly agreed time in the absence of strangers. At first, the addict does not show interest in the arriving specialists and avoids them. They talk to relatives while being in the same room with the drug addict. The visiting employees provide convincing arguments. The phrases chosen are succinct and accessible. Gradually the patient joins the conversation. Sometimes a motivational conversation takes 4–6 hours.
  4. Obtaining consent. The addict enters into a conversation and answers questions. The conversation is immediately directed in the right direction to obtain consent for treatment.
  5. Hospitalization. Having seen the problem, the addict agrees to be treated. He is immediately taken to a clinic, a rehabilitation center, until he changes his mind. Relatives collect the patient's belongings in advance.

Prices for services

Intervention is a procedure offered by private clinics. Services of rehabilitation institutions are paid.

The cost is negotiated by the centers when concluding the contract. Many offer a motivational conversation, delivery of the patient to the clinic free of charge when concluding a further contract for anonymous treatment of drug addiction lasting 3 to 5 months.

If there is no corresponding clause, you will have to pay for the procedure:

  • –10,000 rubles;
  • –5,000 rubles;
  • –10,000 rubles;
  • –500 hryvnia;
  • –150 Belarusian rubles.

The cost of the procedure is approximate. The price increases when leaving the city, moving away from the Moscow Ring Road, or spending more time than the contract provided.


There is no need to be afraid to order an intervention to save an addict. Sometimes the only chance is to force the addict to admit the problem, appreciate its depth, and appreciate the bleak future.

Refusing motivation, relatives are powerless. They first lose hope, then their loved one dies from drugs without treatment.

Video: Forced Treatment of Drug Addiction - Doesn’t Want to Be Treated? What to do?

You can find a drug treatment clinic that has addiction intervention specialists here - select your city in the table

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics was widely used between 1974 and 1994. The data obtained during that period proved the extremely low effectiveness of compulsory therapy: as soon as the addicted person, after undergoing treatment, returned to his usual social circle, alcohol or drug abuse resumed.

To understand why this happened, it is enough to turn to an addiction treatment program. According to modern ideas, this treatment should include, in addition to the stage of medical care - detoxification, two more - psychological rehabilitation and assistance in social adaptation.

If the drugs introduced into the patient’s body act regardless of how the drug addict himself feels about the treatment, then the strength of the psychological impact directly depends on the person’s readiness to cooperate with the psychologist.

Any psychotherapist will tell you about this: until the person himself wants to solve a problem of a psychological nature (and drug addiction to a large extent is just that), there will be no effect from the psychotherapy performed.

This is confirmed by statistics, which, as we know, are a stubborn thing: after just one detoxification, even a voluntary one, in Russia 90-95% of drug addicts return to taking drugs within the first year. If we take a five-year period into account, the numbers are even more dire.

At the same time, providing psychological (voluntary!) assistance leads to drug cessation in 30-90% of cases. Thus, the effectiveness of treatment increases by 3-20 times!

Is it legal to force a drug addict to participate in a drug addiction program?

For the last 20-odd years, compulsory treatment of drug addicts has been carried out in accordance with Articles 97 and 101 of the Criminal Code. According to these articles, involuntary assistance can be provided if:

  • A person has committed acts that pose a threat to the life and health of other people, in a state of insanity, drug or alcohol intoxication. At the same time, such criminal offenses committed by drug addicts as rape, murder, and infliction of physical injury are clearly interpreted in favor of compulsory treatment of drug addiction.
  • The person is unconscious and in need of emergency medical care for life-saving reasons.

To place a person in a hospital, a conclusion from a psychiatrist-narcologist is required that outpatient care cannot be provided. For example, a patient needs intensive monitoring to prevent him from committing socially dangerous acts again.

If treatment in a hospital is forced by a court, such a person cannot leave the hospital; he is not given leave, like other patients in psychiatric hospitals, to temporarily live with his family at home.

Why forced treatment of drug addicts often does not produce positive results

Drug addiction and all other addictions affect not only the body, but also the soul and psyche of a person, leading to his complete social maladjustment. For this reason, creating physical conditions in which drug use is impossible does not automatically make a person better.

As one immerses oneself in addiction, a change in views and beliefs occurs, and the motivational sphere is disrupted. In simple terms, a person becomes fixated on searching for drugs and getting pleasure from drug intoxication; all other areas of life become uninteresting to him. Many become capable of crime in order to obtain a new dose. In the eyes of a drug addict, universal human values ​​lose their significance, traits such as secrecy, deceit, self-centeredness, cruelty, duplicity, etc. appear in the character. Drug addicts become emotionally cold with those closest to them, refuse to communicate with friends, and give up school and work.

Unfortunately, just by stopping drug use, it is impossible to change the entire pathological system of views and beliefs formed during the period of addiction: this requires the conscious participation of the drug addict in the rehabilitation program. In compulsory treatment of drug addiction, the result is that there is no personal interest of the person; on the contrary, psychological blocks are activated that make productive interaction with psychologists and psychotherapists impossible.

Motivating drug addicts: an alternative to coercive measures

In 100% of cases, relatives and friends of the addict insist on forced help. For the relatives of a drug addict, I would like to emphasize: compulsory treatment is absolutely ineffective, it does not give a positive effect even in 1% of cases.

That is why we, narcologists, insist that contacting a specialist should be voluntary. To carry it out exactly this way - with the full consent of the drug addict himself, we offer the drug addict's relatives to take advantage of a consultation-intervention, during which 90% of people with addictions come to realize their problem and agree to undergo a treatment course - not under coercion, but voluntarily.

The intervention is a consultation, but often the patient himself does not even consent to such interaction with the doctor. For this reason, relatives and the doctor agree to meet at the patient’s home when they can definitely find him there.

The first two rehabilitation centers are starting to operate in Russia, where for the first time drug addicts will be treated forcibly - by court decision, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. This new way to stop drug addiction is introduced by a law signed by President Vladimir Putin. Under this law, when passing sentences, courts will be able to send drug addicts who are caught with a dose in their pocket to mandatory treatment.Experts comment on the legislative innovation.

In such cases, the problem of a vicious circle arises

Hegumen Methodius (Kondratiev) – Head of the Coordination Center for Combating Drug Addiction of the Charity Department of the Russian Orthodox Church

In Russia at the moment there is no material base for the implementation of such a program. But from some end we must begin to resolve this issue. In such cases, we always have the problem of a vicious circle, and we need to break it somehow. When the law starts to take effect, that is, drug addicts go for treatment, they will understand that there is nowhere to treat patients, and they will begin to create a base for treatment.

In this case, the circle is the system that we have with drug addiction. I think that the law will be a break in this circle, which will entail subsequent steps. If a person is caught in some not very serious crime related to drugs, he is offered an alternative: either he receives a punishment or undergoes treatment. Based on the results of treatment, a conclusion is made according to which punishment may not follow if the treatment was successful.

In the West this system works. But there is no need to exaggerate its effectiveness. Not everyone who gets caught chooses treatment; some choose prison. During the rehabilitation process, a person must actively engage in his own healing. They don't just put him in a clinic and give him pills. This is not detoxification, but rehabilitation and resocialization in the future. He must be an active participant in the process and his desire is necessary - without this nothing will work.

This alternative and the offer to start treatment is an incentive for many to think about treatment. Just like in life. Often, until a person is given a strict diagnosis and told: “either death or treatment,” he will not begin to monitor his health and undergo treatment. It’s the same here: “either we’ll put you in prison, or start getting treatment.” This is serious motivation.

There is virtually nowhere to send drug addicts now

Evgeny Roizman, head of the Drug-Free City Foundation, mayor of Yekaterinburg

The introduced law essentially establishes the practice of drug courts. This step in itself is positive, at least it is being taken in the right direction. The problem is that now there is virtually nowhere to send drug addicts. The state has provided only two rehabilitation centers for this purpose, which, of course, will not cope with the entire volume of workload.

Another problem is that we still do not have criminal liability for drug use. I have long listed a list of necessary measures that should be taken at the legislative level.

Firstly, we need to close the border with all drug-producing regions. Secondly, introduce compulsory treatment by court verdict. Thirdly, it is necessary to tighten criminal penalties for drug trafficking and, of course, it is necessary to introduce criminal liability for drug use. Previously, it existed, and there were hundreds of times fewer drug addicts. In addition, it served as an excellent incentive for drug addicts to quit using drugs and undergo rehabilitation. Now, despite the return of drug courts, there is no such incentive.

There is practically no work with cravings for drugs in our hospitals.

Elena Rydalevskaya – executive director of the Diakonia charitable foundation, narcologist, St. Petersburg

Similar legislation exists in different countries of the world. This is an alternative treatment law. An addicted person can choose either to go to prison due to drug use, or to go to rehab.

But in the West, this law is supported by structures that are ready to accept this person for rehabilitation. Our treatment law, unfortunately, is not supported by structures that officially have the right to carry out long-term rehabilitation measures.

If you just go to a drug treatment center and get drunk, the person will still return to drugs due to the persistence of addiction. But in our hospitals they practically do not work with cravings for drugs; in our hospitals they work in order to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

We have practically no rehabilitation centers that have the right to work with drug addicts, who by law are supposed to be sent for treatment. The system of certification of institutions has not yet been developed; the system of issuing certificates for treatment of children who use drugs has not been developed either.

The most important question for the law is how was it enforced? You can make as good a decision as you like, but it is also important to think through the mechanism for implementing it. This is not clear yet. It is likely that the law will turn into another farce and imitation of actions. This is our big problem. Often good intentions actually turn out to be just an imitation of their implementation. Everything is limited to loud slogans.

In the implementation of the law, much depends on how it will be used and where the actions will be directed. At the moment, existing forms of medical care are inadequate to meet emerging needs. Therefore, many medical institutions are empty; they do not meet the real needs of drug addicts. Now these institutions may be full, but how much this will help the children is unknown.

At the moment, we are already partially introducing Western experience. We have 2 rehabilitation centers and a social adaptation center, but this is not supported by the state on a regular basis. We do not have documents that would allow us to consider these centers as a structure where patients can be sent by court decision.

There are 62 rehabilitation centers in the Orthodox Church in Russia. Certification of these centers has not yet been worked out. There are rehabilitation programs, there is an understanding of how to make treatment effective, adaptation measures work. However, many mechanisms for working with drug addicts have not been developed legally. And it is not yet clear whether anything will change in connection with the adoption of the new law.

The initiative is completely undeveloped

Vyacheslav Borovskikh, psychotherapist, director of the Orthodox center for medical and social rehabilitation “Ascetic”, Yekaterinburg

Vyacheslav Borovskikh Photo:

The initiative, unfortunately, has not been developed at all. At the moment, the quality of rehabilitation in government centers is so low that they cannot even treat volunteers, let alone those who are forcibly rehabilitated. Public rehab centers, primarily Orthodox ones, many of which have already proven their effectiveness, remain outside the scope of the law.

For example, rehabilitation at the state center “Ural Without Drugs” is based on the “12 steps” system. This is not a medical system and it also does not contain any deep spiritual component. It is clear that in practice it is ineffective. In total, we have only four state rehabilitation centers in the country, two of which it will be possible to send addicts to by a court verdict. At the same time, we have eight million drug addicts. It feels like the law was passed just for show, because it is not capable of seriously solving the problem.

In addition, before introducing compulsory treatment, it would be logical to introduce criminal liability for drug use. In the meantime, the alternative to such treatment is a fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles, or 30 days of correctional labor. The vast majority of drug addicts will choose a fine or work. To encourage a drug addict to seek treatment, the responsibility of drug use must be much worse for him than treatment or rehabilitation. Then he himself will agree to go to the rehab center, and this will at least be his own decision.

As for testing, here I agree with the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov that the general passion for testing has begun to resemble an epidemic. In practice, I am afraid that this will turn out to be another waste of public money. 80% of drug addicts use smoking mixtures and salts, that is, synthetic drugs, half of which are still not recognized as narcotic drugs. Consequently, no tests detect them either.

A drug addict in a state of acute psychosis cannot think about treatment

Nadezhda Baskina, mother of a salt addict

I think this is the right initiative. Drug addicts are in such a state that they do not realize that they need help, and during this period they should be sent to compulsory treatment. There they can be relieved of intoxication, the person will come to his senses and be able to realize that he needs treatment. But while the addict is using drugs, he is in a state of acute psychosis, and is not able to think about any treatment. The state cannot send him for treatment without his consent. I think it's just a crime against these people.

By the way, after the police “released” my son Roman from the Drug-Free City Foundation, he no longer consumed salt. Yes, forced treatment does not seem to be for him, but nevertheless, this whole situation shook him up. Now all that remains is to pray that he doesn’t break down in the future.

How can this happen? What to do if a drug addict refuses treatment?

Theoretically, compulsory treatment of a person with drug addiction (with an established diagnosis) is possible by court decision, since drug addiction is a mental illness and in certain cases may fall under the criteria for involuntary hospitalization. However, in practice this does not happen at all, that is, there is no actual legal mechanism for involuntary treatment of drug addiction in Russia.

Any rehabilitation center in which a drug addict is placed against his will operates outside the legal framework (Article 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Unlawful imprisonment). There are already several dozen precedents of prosecution under this article in Russian regions with convictions and actual prison terms for employees of rehabilitation institutions.

However, neither the police nor medicine provides an answer to the question of what to do in a situation where a drug addict makes the life of his family unbearable, and he himself is in constant danger from the possible fatal consequences of his illness. That is, the family of a drug addict legally does not have the opportunity to change the situation if the person refuses treatment and finds himself in hopelessness.

The demand in society for a solution to this problem is enormous, and naturally it gives rise to supply.


Today, many rehabilitation centers offer intervention, a service that means that, by persuasion, persuasion, intimidation, deception or force, the drug addict will end up in a rehabilitation center, from which he will be able to leave only by the decision of his relatives with whom the agreement is concluded. As already said, legally this is a crime, but the hopelessness of the situation is often much stronger than the fear of legal consequences. Many rehabilitation institutions guarantee that a person, based on the results of the intervention, is 100% likely to end up in a rehabilitation center.

The question often arises: is something like this effective at all if it happens against a person’s will.

The answer is: rehabilitation is a conscious process and it is possible only with the voluntary participation of the patient. But this process is also possible if the patient decides to undergo treatment while already in a “rehabilitation center”, where he ended up not of his own free will. In other words, awareness of the need to undergo treatment or rehabilitation for such patients may come after several weeks or months of forced isolation and, accordingly, the inability to use drugs. And, to achieve this awareness and his own decision from the addict is much more difficult or simply impossible without isolation from the drug, from his social circle, that is, co-users. In such a situation, the rehabilitation center becomes a physical barrier between the person and the continuation of drug addiction. And this barrier remains until the person comes to his senses and opens his eyes to his and his real situation in life. After this, the real rehabilitation begins.

The situation may be similar even if the addict himself agreed to rehabilitation, but he did it under strong pressure from relatives, not accepting the need for this process, that is, silently denying treatment.

With a qualified process setup, this approach is effective. That is, having found himself in a rehabilitation center not of his own free will, but having already been in the rehabilitation process, having realized and agreed that he has a problem and it needs to be solved, that is, treated, a person may well begin to recover and there are many examples of such a path to recovery a bunch of.

Quite often, rehabilitation that begins without the patient’s consent is divided into two large stages: motivational and rehabilitation itself, and these two stages can be carried out in different rehabilitation centers. It’s even better if these two different tasks are solved in different centers, even within the same organization, since these tasks are truly different: the first is to achieve awareness of reality, the second is to learn to live in a new way.

If the family of an addict chooses this path, then it is necessary to choose a rehabilitation center very carefully.

Considering the duration and significant total cost of the rehabilitation process, many unscrupulous organizations operate in this area, whose goal is to retain patients for a long time under the guise of rehabilitation, which is paid for by his family. Therefore, despite the fact that in a situation with drug addiction one cannot hesitate, the choice of a rehabilitation center must be thorough and justified.

Another danger that may pose a threat to the described process of forced rehabilitation is the existing possibility of police intervention in the work of a rehabilitation institution (an unscheduled inspection of the organization with the removal of all patients to the police station). Such an incident is always a shock to the addicted patient and can ruin even a successful and sustainable recovery process.

Another way of dealing with a drug addict who refuses treatment is to create an intra-family motivational crisis - concerted pressure on the addict and depriving him of any form of support (financial, social, emotional, etc.) until he agrees to treatment. The path is more complex, longer, but, from the point of view of the therapeutic effect, it is more correct.