The most terrible diseases. The most terrible disease in the world: name. The most terrible diseases in the world: photos, list

10 of the most terrible and strange diseases Diseases that cause either an incredible increase in body parts, or compress the entire life cycle to ten years (then the person dies), may seem like a fiction. However, more than one hundred million people suffer from the following ten strangest diseases.

Living corpse syndrome
Characteristic of people who believe they are dead. People suffering from this disease tend to be suicidal and depressed, accompanied by constant complaints that they have lost everything, including property and even their body. They believe themselves to be corpses, deluding themselves to such an extent that they claim to smell their rotting flesh and feel themselves being eaten by worms.

Vampire disease
Characterized by a feeling of pain from the sun. Some people are forced to intentionally avoid the sun because... being exposed sunlight, their skin instantly becomes blistered. They experience pain and their skin literally begins to “burn” under the sun. Such symptoms resemble one of the properties of a vampire, which is why the disease got its name.

Heightened reflection
People with this diagnosis become very frightened when they suddenly see something or hear extraneous noise. They react very strongly, starting to scream loudly and wave their arms when someone sneaks up from behind. The disease was first discovered in Maine in French Canadians, but the syndrome has subsequently been found in other parts of the world.

Blaschko lines
Characterized by the presence of strange stripes throughout the body. This very rare disease is an unexplained phenomenon in human anatomy. It was first identified by the German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko in 1901. Blaschko lines are an invisible pattern embedded in DNA. Many inherited and acquired diseases of the skin and mucous membranes arise in accordance with DNA information. This syndrome manifests itself in the appearance of visible stripes on the human body.

Characterized by the consumption of inedible substances. People with this diagnosis feel a constant need to eat various inedible substances, including paper, dirt, glue, clay, etc. Despite suggestions that this may be due to mineral deficiency, neither the real reason diseases or effective ways no cure has yet been found.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Characterized by distorted perceptions of time, place and own body. It is a neurological disorder that affects visual perception. People with this diagnosis see animals, people and surrounding objects much smaller than they really are, and also distortly perceive the distance between objects.

Blue skin syndrome
In the 1960s, a whole family of “blue” people lived in Kentucky. They were known as the Blue Fugates. Many of them never got sick and lived to be 80 years old, despite blue skin. This feature was passed down from generation to generation. People with this diagnosis may have blue, indigo, plum, or almost violet skin.

Werewolf syndrome (hypertrichosis)
Characterized by increased hair growth. Young children suffering from this disease develop long hair on their face. dark hair. The disease is called wolf syndrome because... people with such hair closely resemble wolves, only without fangs and claws.

Characterized by accelerated process aging. The disease is caused by a tiny defect in a child's genetic code, but has unpreventable consequences. Most children with this diagnosis die by age 13. Since the aging process is accelerated in their body, they develop all the characteristic physical signs old person including heart disease, arthritis, premature baldness. There are only 48 people worldwide who suffer from progeria.

Everyone knows that our beautiful and, in its own way, unique world did not always exist. And with the advent of planet Earth, they began to appear and develop on it unusual shapes life. And their lot was not just to survive in harsh conditions, but also to go a long evolutionary way to creatures like us. In addition to intelligence and the ability to change the world around us, many millennia of evolution have also introduced a considerable number of other unusual microorganisms into our world.

Some of them are simply objects of study, sometimes they even serve to improve public health. Examples include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. But along with them, microorganisms arose and evolved that bring death, whose influence on any living organism can easily lead to death.

Unfortunately, the range of diseases that our body can be affected by is shocking. Even though we don’t notice them and are not familiar with most of their names, it’s safe to say that a significant number of such ailments can be fatal to us.

It is because of this that we offer you the top 10 most dangerous diseases of all humanity, which can not only lead to death, but also to long suffering, which is very difficult to get rid of.

But we want to believe that your “meeting” with these diseases will stop only after reading this list.

Oncology is a rapid, chaotic cell division that cannot be controlled. It leads to the formation of tumors in tissues or organs, as a result of which they cease to perform their functions. Cancer is dangerous because for a long time its symptoms may not appear.

Every year, 14 million people are diagnosed with this disease. The reasons causing cancer, usually include: smoking, drinking alcohol, radiation or poor nutrition.

9. Diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes - separate part endocrine diseases that develop due to a lack of the hormone insulin, which leads to hyperglycemia - and this is an increase in glucose in the human blood.

Diabetes is divided into two types: non-insulin dependent and insulin dependent.

Diabetes can also cause myocardial infarction, nephropathy and retinopathy.

8. Tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous infectious disease. In the Middle Ages, it was considered untreatable, as a result of which it claimed the lives of a large number of people. Fortunately, today, tuberculosis is well treated, however, in its advanced form, the disease very often leads to death, so it is considered one of the most dangerous diseases in the world.

Basically, the disease develops in the lungs. The reasons may be: the penetration of tuberculosis bacteria into the lungs through the skin or esophagus.

7. Lymphedema. Otherwise – “elephantiasis”.

This terrible disease disfigures and turns a person into an analogue of a monster. It is quite exotic and difficult to find in mid-latitudes; its largest distribution areas are mainly in the tropics.

The development of the disease begins with swelling that is not immediately noticeable, which, after some time, deforms the affected part of the body into a huge shapeless mass.

6. Necrotizing fasciitis.

This terrible disease, fortunately, does not occur very often. After all, up to 80% of those infected die mainly due to this disease. With all this, treatment will always come down to only one thing - amputation.

And diagnosing this disease is very difficult, because the first stage is a simple fever.

This disease can be caused by the entry of flesh-eating bacteria into the wound (almost immediately after surgery).

5. Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome.

Another name is progeria.

Progeria is the most rare disease. There are about a hundred sick people on our planet. But despite this, Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome is recognized as one of the most terrible. The bottom line is... premature aging.

Those who fall ill are doomed to a very painful and short existence, not even life. A child susceptible to this disease at the age of 10 can easily look 80.

The main causative agent is genetic defect. Also, this disease is incurable.

4. Spanish flu. Or "Spanish Flu".

The name of this disease comes directly from the place of its origin - a mass disease of the population in Spain.

This flu affected more than 40% of the population. The well-known Max Weber also became a victim of the Spanish Flu.

On this moment, statistics claim that there are about 55 million cases.

We are approaching the top three diseases.

3. Bubonic plague

One of the most famous and terrible diseases.

In the Middle Ages, the plague “decimated” a good half of Europe. According to some reports, plague doctors or “reapers of death” visited more than 60 million patients in order to take away their souls.

At that time, the fatality rate of the plague was 99%!

2. Smallpox

The mortality rate of this disease ranges from 30 to 90%. Also, often, those who were able to survive this illness remain blind or with scars all over their bodies.

Smallpox is a very tenacious virus. Which will easily live for many years if frozen and will also easily survive when warming up to 100 degrees.

The nature of smallpox is such that a person infected with it simply begins to rot, alive.

People are still susceptible to this disease, so if you do not receive the necessary vaccine in time, the possibility of contracting smallpox will be very high.


AIDS can confidently be called “the scourge of our millennium.”

More than 45 million people are infected around the world, and the worst thing is that absolutely no medicines and methods of treatment.

People infected with AIDS can die from even a simple cold, because they have almost no immunity.

These factors brought AIDS to the top of our ranking.

Most viruses, infections and diseases that exist on earth are subject to modification, so finding ways to treat them is incredibly difficult, and sometimes even impossible. And the main danger is that the most terrible diseases in the world, for the most part, do not have specific treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules and listen to the warnings of doctors impeccably.

The most dangerous diseases in the world. Top 10

10. Cancer

Cancer is an uncontrolled and extremely rapid division harmful cells in the human body. Subsequently, cancer can cause swelling on human tissues and organs. The worst thing is that cancer may not manifest itself in any way externally or symptomatically for years. On the most last stage, internal organs a person simply stops functioning, which leads to death.

9. Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a violation of the supply of the required dose of insulin, and this hormone is known to be responsible for the distribution and absorption of glucose in the body's cells. Diabetes can cause stroke, diabetic nephropathy, myocardial infarction and more. From diabetes mellitus More than 285 million people are affected worldwide and this figure is growing.

8. Tuberculosis

Until recently, tuberculosis was considered almost the most terrible disease due to the lack of treatment. Now tuberculosis is being treated, although it is a long process that requires a lot of effort. Tuberculosis is often a disease that affects a person's lungs. This disease mainly affects people of low social class. If the disease is neglected, the person completely loses his ability to work and, as a result, dies.

7. “Elephantiasis” (Lymphedema)

6. Necrotizing fasciitis

This disease can also be classified as exotic. From this rare disease 75% of those infected die. The disease is an infection, due to which a person simply begins to rot the affected area. There is no cure for fasciitis as such. The only way to stop the spread of this infectious disease is by amputation and complete removal affected tissues. You can become infected with a disease only when direct contact with the same sick person, which is an extremely rare occurrence.

5. Hutchinson's syndrome

One of the rarest diseases in the world, which is premature aging. According to official data, only 80 people suffer from this disease worldwide. This is one of the most terrible and painful diseases from which there is no salvation. A patient with Hutchinson's syndrome lives short life in unbearable suffering. The longest-living person with this syndrome was the African resident Leon Botha, who died at the age of 26.

4. Spanish flu

The name of this terrible disease speaks for itself, because its massive epidemic was observed in Spain. This dangerous flu was able to infect almost half of the entire population of the country. The most famous victim of this dangerous illness became the most famous sociologist from Germany - Max Weber. 70 million people died out of 500 million infected. Fortunately, the epidemic of the disease was stopped, because the treatment was found in time.

3. Bubonic plague

The most known disease the Middle Ages, which claimed the lives of almost half of the entire European population. Some data indicate that the epidemic of plague killed more than 60 million people. In the Middle Ages, due to lack of treatment, the mortality rate was 99%. But no one can give exact data on the victims, because in the Middle Ages doctors and the government did not keep any calculations, and all because everyone was simply busy with banal survival.

2. Smallpox

Anyone who managed to survive this terrible illness can hardly be called lucky, because in most cases they simply remain blind with their bodies disfigured by scars. The probability of death from smallpox is 90%. Anyone infected with smallpox simply begins to rot from the inside. At the moment, there are much fewer cases of black smallpox, because if you are vaccinated in a timely manner, the disease will not be able to infect the human body.


AIDS is undoubtedly the most terrible disease on the planet and a real scourge last decades. The worst thing is that scientists have still not been able to find a cure for this disease, and therefore AIDS patients are simply doomed to sudden death. The sick person can even die from common cold, because his body has absolutely no immunity.

Incredible facts

Over the years, human health has been threatened by many diseases.

A disease that turns a person's muscles into hard bones, a bacterium that causes severe cramps and diarrhea, and a fungus that leads to the appearance of purulent growths on the legs - these are some of the most terrible diseases that can disfigure people.

Warning: the photographs in the article are difficult to perceive and may shock.

1. Noma (water crayfish)

Mouth ulcers that gradually eat away at the flesh until the teeth are exposed and lower jaw- this is not a scene from a horror movie, but a disease called noma.

The disease is common in Asia and Africa and is caused by bacteria that enters the body due to poor hygiene or contaminated water, causing gangrene to develop on the face. Also known as water cancer, it can also affect the genitals.

The disease used to be more common, even in developed European countries, especially during World War II among prisoners and in concentration camps.

Noma occurs when bacteria enters the body, most often due to poor hygiene, contaminated water and lack of nutrition or illness, which weakens immune system.

Although the disease has virtually disappeared in developed countries, without proper treatment it kills 90 percent of children.

2. Mycetoma (Madura foot)

Mycetoma is fungal infection, which is most often found in Africa, India, Central and South America. Symptoms include swelling of the feet and legs, although the disease can spread throughout the body.

Later, pus may begin to come out of the swollen parts of the body. Usually, the condition is not painful, so patients often do not immediately seek medical help.

IN currently There is no cure for the disease, and in severe cases it can lead to limb loss. However, the disease can be avoided if you keep your hands and feet clean, especially when in the field or outdoors.

3. Sudeck syndrome

In most cases, Sudeck syndrome results injury or accident. He calls severe pain, even with a slight touch to the skin.

Sudeck syndrome may be limited to only one limb, although pain can affect other organs.

People suffering from this syndrome feel burning sharp pain , or painful, throbbing sensations. Patients may experience exacerbations due to changes in temperature, or when struck, the affected area swells, becomes painful and stiff, and may even change color.

Although the disease can be treated, the road to recovery is usually long and complex, involving physical therapy and sometimes surgery.

4. Leprosy (leprosy)

Leprosy is a contagious infection that causes inflammation of the skin, eyes, nerves and respiratory system . Plaques and spots may appear on the skin, and in severe cases, leprosy causes deformation and disfigurement of the body. The causative agent of the disease is a type of bacteria known as mycobacteria.

Symptoms may go undetected for years and lead to blurred vision and loss of sensation in the limbs and affected area. As sensation is lost, wounds and infections occur, which can ultimately lead to organ loss.

Leprosy has been around since ancient times, and in the past, anyone with leprosy was isolated in a leper colony to prevent the spread of the disease. However modern science proved that the disease is not so contagious, because such extreme measures had little effect on its spread.

Today there is antimicrobial treatment, eliminating this disease.

5. Filariasis

Vibrio vulnificus is a highly contagious bacterium that causes severe infection, which can be contracted by eating raw seafood, swimming with open wound or when stinging stingrays.

The disease is accompanied by many symptoms, including vomiting, severe diarrhea, blisters and severe abdominal pain.

Vibrio vulnificus weakens the immune system, affecting the liver and blood system and can ultimately kill those who are not treated.

The disease was first documented in 1979. Scientists believe that rising temperatures overall and decreasing salt levels along the coast are leading to the spread of pathogens. The bacterium lives in warm sea ​​water, and most often infection occurs after consumption of raw seafood.

7. Pica

Pica is a disorder that causes inexplicable appetite for inedible things, ranging from things like paper and wood to excrement and urine. This does not include people with mental disorders or those who eat inedible things for cultural or religious reasons, making diagnosis difficult.

Pica can cause health problems, especially when eating excrement or dirt, or toxic substances such as paint or lead, leading to lead poisoning.

Thus, a case was documented when 1,400 objects were found in a man’s stomach.

8. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a very rare, practically incurable disease that occurs in approximately 800 people worldwide.

It causes disruption of the tissue repair system and turns affected muscles, ligaments and tissues into bones.

New bones do not have flexible joints and when they begin to grow throughout the body, the person practically stops moving.

Removing newly formed bones only makes the problem worse and causes uncontrolled bone growth.

In severe cases the person becomes completely immobilized.

9. Clarkson's disease (capillary leaky syndrome)

Clarkson's disease is a disorder that causes plasma leak from blood vessels . Plasma is absorbed by the skin, which leads to swelling and increase in volume.

The only treatment for Clarkson's disease is fluid injections into the body. This poses a problem because it takes three days for the swelling to go away, during which time damage can occur important organs and tissues, which can be fatal.

The disease was named after Dr. Bayard Clarkson, who diagnosed the disease in 1960 in a patient who was experiencing spontaneous bloating. Since then, 150 people have been diagnosed with the disease. The cause of the disease is still unknown.

10. Elephant Man Syndrome

Joseph Merrick was born in Leicester, England in 1862. He was healthy child, but as he grew older, growths began to appear on his skin, like an elephant’s. Since then he has been nicknamed “the elephant man.”

His right hand grew disproportionately to the left, both of his legs grew to huge size, and the skin on the face was covered with growths.

Doctors still cannot say for sure what caused Merrick's illness.

Merrick himself believed that the cause of his deformity was the emotional trauma his mother experienced during her pregnancy, when she was frightened by an elephant.

Others believe that the reason was combination of many diseases, including Proteus syndrome(unusual growth of tumors throughout the body), microcephaly(reduction in head size), hyperostosis(excessive bone growth) and neurofibromatosis(excessive growth benign formations). Despite all the theories, the exact cause of the deformities remains a mystery.

Modern society is shaken from time to time by yet another news about a terrible disease discovered in the vastness of our planet. After such messages, we mentally thank God that childhood chickenpox or seasonal flu is the most we have ever encountered in our lives. Horrifying and incomprehensible illnesses not only kill, but slowly make people disabled. It is impossible to single out the 10 most terrible diseases in the world, since there are many more of them. We present to your attention the list dangerous infections and viruses, which includes not only exotic diseases, but also diseases absolutely familiar to us.


The plague of the 20th century, the scourge of the millennium, is the so-called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Why is this the most terrible disease in the world? Yes, because a cure for it has not yet been invented. The brightest minds puzzled over the miracle drug, conducting countless experiments. But all to no avail. Nowadays, about 40-45 million earthlings suffer from AIDS. If at first the virus ruled only on the African continent, now every country in the world can present its own statistics of the disease.

AIDS is transmitted sexually, through dirty medical instruments, and in the womb - from mother to child. Since the virus lives exclusively in the blood, it becomes the cause of infection. You can catch the disease even in dental office, when getting a tattoo or brushing your teeth with someone else’s brush. All these objects may contain the patient’s blood, which enters the body through small cracks. If previously the most terrible disease in the world, whose name is AIDS, was considered shameful, today the whole planet has joined forces to help infected people.


A short word that can contain so much crying and grief... Unlike AIDS, cancer can be cured with chemotherapy or radiation, but it is scary because of its unpredictability. Oncological disease It spares neither old nor young: approximately 14 million victims are registered every year. Where the attack comes from has not been established. Medicine calls the main reasons genetic disorders, the influence of bad habits, unhealthy diet. Without a doubt, this is the most terrible disease in the world. Cancer can “devour” entire parts of the body. Sometimes women lose their breasts and genitals just to stop the progression of the disease.

Cancer is an uncontrolled, very rapid division of cells that transform into malignant formations in internal organs and human tissues. The tumor affects vital centers, as a result of which they cease to function. Treat the disease unconventional methods not recommended - the patient loses precious minutes, which ultimately costs him his life.

Black pox

A tenacious virus. It can be stored frozen for many years, and also feels free at temperatures up to one hundred degrees. Black pox appeared quite a long time ago: historians claim that even the ancient Egyptians suffered from this dangerous disease. At one time, the disease was also suffered by such famous personalities like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Joseph Stalin.

Smallpox rightfully occupies a leading position in the ranking, which presents the most terrible diseases in the world. Photos found in medical literature, sometimes they really amaze: the unfortunate ones are covered a huge amount ugly dark pockmarks that then transform into large scars. Surviving the disease is difficult: mortality occurs in 20-90% of cases. Those who are lucky often “inherit” blindness. Smallpox is a naturally occurring virus that causes the body to rot while alive. It is almost impossible to catch a terrible disease these days, but for the purpose of prevention, people in Africa are sometimes vaccinated.

Bubonic plague

Remembering her, we imagine carts with troupes, masks with bird beaks, bonfires in cities. Thanks to cinema modern people They know a lot about this terrible disease, which in the Middle Ages devastated literally half of Europe. At that time, the bubonic plague topped the top 10 most terrible diseases in the world. Medicine did not have sufficient knowledge and treatment technologies, so millions of people died from the virus. Nowadays, plague is treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides.

After infection enters the body, acute intoxication, lymphatic system is affected, resulting in a quick and painful death. The carriers of the infection are rodents, which in the Middle Ages massively inhabited large cities. It was also possible to become infected from a flea bite that came into contact with a sick animal. At the same time, no one undertakes to name the exact number of deaths, since no calculations were carried out in those days. Interesting, but bubonic plague Many superstitions are associated: our ancestors believed that outbreaks of epidemics prevented global natural disasters.


This infection, the causative agent of which is the so-called Koch bacillus. The bacterium enters the body through digestive tract, at open form- by airborne droplets, less often - contact method through the skin. Main symptoms: sudden weight loss, cough, bloody sputum, pale skin, increased sweating, fatigue, irritability and sleep disturbance. Treat dangerous disease often in hospitals with the help of antibiotics, drugs that enhance immunity, and anti-tuberculosis drugs themselves.

Speaking about the most terrible diseases in the world, we cannot forget about this virus, which usually affects the human lungs. The course of therapy takes a fairly long period of time, but if you turn to it in time professional doctor, chances for full recovery quite tall. Instead, neglected disease can lead to disability, loss of ability to work, and death. By the way, a third of the planet’s inhabitants are currently infected with tuberculosis.


IN modern medicine the disease is called leprosy. This is an infectious disease that affects skin covering, peripheral areas nervous system and mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and especially severe forms- internal organs, eyes and musculoskeletal system. The patient begins to rot alive: the legs and arms, genitals, and face are the first to suffer. The poor fellow does not lose all his limbs, but in most cases he is left without fingers. The disease progresses especially in the nose area: it is replaced by a gaping, torn hole.

Leprosy is the most terrible disease. At the end of the last century, there were about 14 million lepers in the world. In the future, thanks to modern therapy, this figure was reduced to 800 thousand. But even today, leprosy is very insidious. Incubation period lasts from 3 to 20 years, then an asymptomatic stage begins, so detecting the disease on early stage almost impossible. When the diagnosis is made, the patient is prescribed drugs from the sulfone group.

Elephant disease

Describing the most terrible diseases in the world, the list should be supplemented with this disease. Her official name- lymphatic filaria. It is most common in the tropics as it is spread by mosquitoes. An infected female insect bites a person, and its larvae enter the bloodstream, through which the infection spreads throughout the body. They usually accumulate in tissues, affecting The lymph nodes: They grow to enormous sizes. At the same time, the legs are transformed, swelling greatly, the skin thickens several times. When especially severe cases the arms, genitals and chest also hypertrophy.

Once sick, a person becomes ugly and incapacitated. He has difficulty moving and constantly suffers from nausea and migraines. Most effective method treatments are antibiotics, sometimes the patient is recommended surgical intervention. Doctors also prescribe hydromassage, the use of compression stockings, and therapeutic exercises. It is important to eat right and move more.

Hutchinson's syndrome

The disease is also called progeria. This is undoubtedly the most terrible disease in the world - a genetic disorder that is characterized by premature aging. Sick children at 12 years old look like ninety-year-olds. One case of the disease is registered for every 8 million babies, in modern world officially known about 80 children living with terrible syndrome. Already in the first three years of life, the baby begins to develop symptoms: stunted growth, severe baldness, and bone deformities. In addition, his skin becomes dry and wrinkled, eyelashes and eyebrows are actively falling out, the genitals do not develop, and there are no earlobes.

The prognosis for patients is unfavorable: they all die before reaching 25 years of age from heart disease and malignant tumors. However, cases of reaching adulthood are extremely rare. Prevention and treatment have not been developed. Scientists continue to actively study Hutchinson's syndrome, hoping not only to invent a cure for the disease, but also to shed light on general mechanism fading beauty and aging of the body.

Necrotizing fasciitis

The main symptoms are: the epidermis takes on a purple hue, huge blisters filled with liquid form, and gangrene begins. The unfortunate person’s temperature rises, blood pressure drops, the pulse often becomes rapid, and consciousness is confused. The doctor usually prescribes antibiotics and removes dead tissue with a scalpel; sometimes the limb has to be amputated. The disease is truly terrible, so doctors recommend going to the hospital as soon as you notice that the skin around the wound has acquired a bluish-burgundy tint.

Malaria and cholera

These are also the most terrible diseases in the world. For example, malaria, popularly known as “swamp fever,” is difficult to overcome. The result is often death. The carriers of infection are mosquitoes. By biting their prey, they inject pathogenic bacteria into its blood. The illness progresses quickly, accompanied by chills, high temperature, anemia and increased organ size. A large population of Africa often dies from malaria, as in the countries of the continent medical service is at a fairly low level. Children are usually the victims due to unfavorable conditions life, lack of clean drinking water.

As for cholera, it is also a dangerous infectious disease. His embryo reproduces successfully in fresh water: a person who drinks such liquid quickly becomes ill. The mortality rate from the disease is high, but infection can be prevented by adhering to basic hygiene rules. People who are accustomed to washing their hands before eating, thoroughly rinsing vegetables and fruits, and not drinking water from a well are not susceptible to this disease.

Porphyria disease and necrosis of the jaw

Thinking about what is the most terrible disease in the world, it is difficult not to remember these ailments. Porphyria is a genetic disease, it leads to the accumulation of human body specific compounds that have various functions, for example, are produced in large quantities blood red cells. People suffering from the disease cannot be subject to direct Sun rays: They leave severe burns, ulcers and wounds on their skin. The treatment method is unclear, but doctors are working to find an effective cure.

Jaw necrosis, fortunately, stopped being diagnosed many years ago. All that is known about this disease is that early XIX centuries, workers in the match industry suffered from it. They were exposed to a very toxic substance - white phosphorus, which provoked a terrible disease in the facial bone tissue. They simply rotted alive before our eyes. If the jaw bones were not surgically removed, the disease continued to destroy the body and lead to death.

Cutaneous leishmaniasis and hypertrichosis

Not only ugly, but also the most terrible diseases in the world, photos of which can be seen in any medical reference book. Cutaneous leishmaniasis widespread in hot countries, its carriers are the same mosquitoes. When they bite a person, they leave larvae in his body that begin to corrode the skin. A harmless wound soon turns into a huge purulent ulcer, which takes a very long time and heals poorly. The most dangerous is considered to be damage to the face. If left untreated, a person may die.

Hypertrichosis is the most terrible disease and is quite rare in the world. Characterized by the appearance of copious amounts of hair in different parts body: on the face, chest, back. Arises due to gene mutation, may be a consequence of taking certain medications. If hypertrichosis is mild, it can be easily eliminated with laser hair removal. At the same time, you cannot pull out hairs with tweezers or wax - this will only aggravate the disease. It is not recommended to resort to self-medication - it is better to immediately consult a professional doctor.