Litovchenko Anatoly Grigorievich elections. Anatoly Litovchenko - about childhood, work as the head of the district, the country's food security and Western sanctions. A criminal case has been opened in Russia regarding the deliberate contamination of oil in the Druzhba oil pipeline.

The desired result in the State Duma in the first reading was ensured by the votes of almost all members of the United Russia faction. All opposition parties in the State Duma this time (a rare case) actually demonstrated their opposition and voted against it. But their votes were not enough.

We previously reported that among the State Duma deputies who voted for raising the retirement age was a deputy from the Chelyabinsk region, the son of the former chairman of the regional court, Dmitry Vyatkin. Today we will briefly talk about another such United Russia member, Anatoly Litovchenko.

So, Anatoly Litovchenko, like Vyatkin, is a member of the United Russia party, which, during the last vote in the State Duma on the issue of raising the retirement age, showed that it does not intend to take into account the opinion of the population (that is, voters) when resolving such an important issue.

Litovchenko was born in 1960 in the Kostanay region. He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and received the qualification of a mechanical engineer. He worked as a senior engineer, chief engineer in organizations in the Uvelsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. He received the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences and headed the Zlak-Ural enterprise.

In 1996, Litovchenko won the election for head of the Uvelsky district. He won the elections for head of the district 4 more times. Among the district heads, he was perhaps the most authoritative in the region.

His most controversial election victory was his success in the Duma campaign in 2016. He, as a representative of the United Russia party, had to win against Valery Hartung in the Korkinsky district, in which the fair-Russian Gartung always won. And all the ratings in the period before the elections showed that Hartung would win. However, the official election results showed a different result, that Litovchenko won.

Hartung and his supporters found numerous facts of violations of the law on election day. There was an extremely strange situation when, while counting the voting results, the head of the territorial election commission and the head of the Sovetsky district of Chelyabinsk locked themselves in the basement of the Sovetsky district administration. And then they came out with the result the authorities needed.

However, Hartung lost the courts. The commission from the Central Election Commission (CEC) also did not find any gross violations. But the decisions of the courts and the Central Election Commission did not evoke unequivocal support in society. As a result, Hartung entered the State Duma not from a majority constituency, but from the lists of the A Just Russia party. The recent vote on the issue of raising the retirement age once again convincingly showed who really defends the interests of voters and who defends the interests of the authorities. Hartung voted against the government bill. In this situation, it is obvious that Hartung’s authority in the eyes of voters is growing, while Litovchenko, on the contrary, is falling.

Declaration of income Anatoly Litovchenko earned, according to his official declaration for 2017, 4 million 563 thousand rubles. As for his property, he has an apartment, a house and four land plots with an area of ​​more than 11 hectares. The deputy’s wife earned only 144 thousand rubles in a year; she has a share in an apartment and a plot of land.

“I told my friends: if you work poorly, you will go to live in Vakhrushevo”

Anatoly Litovchenko - about laws that haunt us, interbudgetary relations and fellow deputies

State Duma deputy Anatoly Litovchenko is a newcomer to parliament; he previously successfully led the Uvelsky district for many years and was considered a strong business executive. With his election to the Duma, his life changed radically: now he lives most of the time in Moscow, and spends a week a month in the Chelyabinsk region. He spoke in an interview with the website about what tasks the deputy Litovchenko has set for himself, who he considers his teacher in the State Duma, what fundamental issue he is going to resolve with Vladimir Burmatov, what he thinks about his election rival Valery Hartung and what problems worry his voters. .

— Anatoly Grigorievich, what interests you most as a State Duma deputy at the present time?

— My work consists of two parts. Moscow, directly in the State Duma, where I am working on changes in laws - those that haunted me when I worked in the municipal service. And regional - here I meet with voters, receive questions from residents to the legislative branch. There are a number of specific tasks that need to be addressed. I would like to solve at least one problem in every territory and settlement of my district, but one that affects the maximum number of residents and which has not been solved for years. I work in the region for a week, and in Moscow for three. In my opinion, there is not enough time for orders. After all, my district has half a million residents, about 200 settlements.

— You talked about laws that haunt you. What are you talking about?

— 20 years as head of the Uvelsky district take their toll. There is a question about unfair assessment of the work of municipalities by supervisory authorities. We are talking about the 131st federal law, which was adopted in 2003. Today there are 146 all types of powers. And if you evaluate the cost of these powers, then probably half of them are either underfunded or not funded at all.

And here there was a gap between the capabilities of municipalities and the responsibilities of supervisory authorities. The latter are guided by powers that managers are obliged to fulfill, and budgets are still in deficit.

For example, I come to school or kindergarten, and there is a fine of 150 thousand rubles. The fire inspectorate sees a violation and issues a fine. Yes, there are vital things that need to be done urgently and without fail, but there are violations associated with the fact that requirements change every year. In my 20 years of working in the district, I have moved doors at schools several times. At first it was required that they swing inward, then in the opposite direction. Of course we will do this, but it will take time. There is no money included in the school’s budget, nor in the district, but supervisory authorities are already issuing fines. And you have to pay, there are no options. 150 thousand rubles per institution - the result is a huge amount. The same money could be spent on fulfilling the same instructions - so much would be done!

I think there is an obvious imbalance here. Therefore, when I came to the Duma, my colleague Dmitry Vyatkin and I made changes to the administrative code. Now, if the head of an institution, knowing that he had some problems, turned to local deputies, they considered the issue, but did not find money this year, then there will be no punishment for the head. Although in any case the order will be fulfilled, albeit for the next year. I think we saved millions of budget money that was leaving municipalities.

There were years when the heads of urban and rural settlements did not bring home two monthly salaries, because they punished not only the institution, but also the leader. And many responsible employees were forced to leave, we lost staff.

There is another important question for me. My district is 70% rural. And in almost every locality I visit, I am asked the same question. The forest around the villages is littered with windbreaks, trees are falling and drying up. Nobody cleans the forest. But if local residents take dead wood to heat their houses, they will receive a fine. Having solved this issue, we can solve two problems: firstly, we will clear the forest of dry residues, which affects the fire hazard; secondly, people will have the opportunity to get firewood for free. I immediately took up this topic as soon as I came to the State Duma. I contacted the head of Russian forestry. Got approval. The bill is ready, I call it “On dead wood.” It is due to be submitted to the Duma meeting in December. In addition, I am working on the issue of how to simplify the transition of unclaimed land shares into municipal ownership.

— When you come from Moscow to your rural areas, do you get the feeling that the regions receive too little money, and the capital too much?

“The ideas and plans that the head and deputies have are very difficult to implement due to lack of funds. When I started leading the municipality, it was a donor district. Then, as a result of tax reforms, the budget turned out to be in deficit. As soon as we build a new enterprise and increase our own tax base, our budget legislation immediately removes subsidies from us. The municipality receives nothing from the emergence of new industries.

I addressed the Russian Finance Minister Siluanov with the question of when the methodology for calculating the budgetary provision of powers will be adopted. In my opinion, all regions should live in equal conditions.

If someone has enough money, then there is no need to allocate money. If there is not enough, you need help. I agree that Moscow and the Chelyabinsk region should have the same budgetary provision. These are not just my dreams and conversations. State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin, for example, puts the topic of inter-budgetary relations at one of the top places. There is a desire to align inter-budgetary relations. The capital has a special status, the whole world comes there, it should probably have some privileges. But not so much that salaries and pensions are several times higher compared to regional ones. People's lives cannot be very different.

— Has some kind of pool or club of fellow countrymen deputies been formed in the State Duma? Do you help each other?

— Dmitry Vyatkin is my teacher in the State Duma. When I came to parliament, I saw that he is a significant person in terms of lawmaking, I compare all my ideas with him. The Chelyabinsk region was lucky that Vladimir Burmatov headed the environmental committee. First, because the Duma must pass a bill on behalf of the president and on the initiative of our governor, which should change the approaches to calculating emissions from enterprises. I think that Burmatov’s role in this topic will be fundamental in terms of persistence in decision-making. The second issue is animal law.

I do not accept two articles of this law. We agreed to meet with Vladimir Burmatov, and I will outline my position. If this law is adopted in the form in which it is, voters simply will not understand us.
Burmatov introduced a bill to the State Duma under which flayers would face 5 years in prison

I always ask the heads of territories: how are you going to solve the problem of stray dogs. They gather in flocks near garbage sites and pose a danger to people. The bill solves the problem correctly: it proposes to catch a dog, sterilize it, vaccinate it, and either return it back or leave it in a shelter so that it can live until its last days. Imagine, we have 22 thousand municipalities in our country. Let there be no need to create a shelter in every village. But every settlement needs one. We will have to create 20 thousand shelters where the animal will live until the end of its days. It is still unclear to me where to get the money for this, given that there are not enough funds for the existing powers. Then, for this decision, you need to immediately determine taxes, the cost of this work, and understand the source of financing. If all this is not spelled out immediately, then the law will remain on paper and there will be no solution. Another thing that doesn't suit me is wild animals. I’m tired of giving the example of the village of Oktyabrskoye, where a local resident keeps wolf houses. The neighbors already have some kind of nervous stress - the wolf begins to howl, the dogs also howl in fear. The law will specify a list of wild animals, and there will be species that are prohibited from being kept. But the law will not have retroactive force, and if someone already has a wild animal, the ban will not affect him.

— You had a rather stormy election campaign, you competed with one of the most prominent politicians in the region and won against him. Are you currently communicating with Valery Gartung?

— Valery Karlovich and I had and still have a normal relationship. The Uvelsky district has always been part of the Korkinsky district, where he was a deputy. We have known each other for 20 years. He came to the area and performed. There has always been a business relationship. He went his way, we went ours. I think people evaluate real things - what he did, what I did. I don’t even have any thoughts about harming anyone somewhere. I went through five election campaigns, there were rivals everywhere, and I always believed that good triumphs over evil.

“Your district is not easy; there are a number of really problematic areas. What is happening in Yuzhnouralsk, where two years ago there was a water crisis, when a city of many thousands was left without a source of drinking water supply?

— Working as the head of the Uvelsky district, I set myself the task of gasifying the area and solving the problem with water supply. You can take any village, stop by and ask if there is gas and clean water there. Yuzhnouralsk is not the Uvelsky district. But I have heard complaints about solving this problem. And I set myself the task over the years to help the head of the municipality and residents solve the problem with water supply. Immediately after my election, I went to the Ministry of Construction and asked them to look into the situation together. We hold meetings monthly. This year the water utility installed equipment worth 6 million rubles, and this spring it was no longer what it was two years ago. What was it like before? The enterprise worked, money was withdrawn, but, in my opinion, nothing was done. Because there was no serious demand. A hundred years of equipment - and okay. Now the head of Yuzhnouralsk is working persistently. But, in my opinion, the technology that exists now cannot eliminate all risks. No one guarantees this, because the water source is open, a new hydroelectric power station has been built there. Not a single supervisory authority has given a reason why the water was of poor quality two years ago. Everyone looked and checked, but did not give an answer.

The issue needs to be resolved radically. First: consider the possibility of providing the city with water from the Sukhorizhskoye underground water deposit. Second: study the condition of the water in the field at different times of the year and decide what kind of treatment is needed.

In addition, it is necessary to understand what the design of the bucket through which water is drawn should be. This is the only such facility in our country where there is no running water. This year a competition will be announced, and next year we will conduct a study that will show whether there is enough water from the Sukhorizhskoye water deposit. We will clearly know what we need: to bring water from artesian wells or to build a water purification station. If serious investments are needed, I will look for options for assistance from the federal center. As for Krasnogorsk, the cause of the problems there is the inactivity of the municipal authorities over the past 30 years. The issue regarding Krasnogorsk is easier to resolve than regarding Yuzhnouralsk. We have already found a source of water supply where we can build two wells that will provide water to residents. Work is already underway on the project; if it is ready by spring, the funds will appear this year.

— Are complaints from residents of Chelyabinsk and rural areas different in any way?

- I see such a pattern. Residents of the region are very concerned about the issue of health care. Optimization has taken place, as a result of which hospitals have been reduced, day care beds have been eliminated, and clinics are being merged. I asked this question to the Russian Minister of Health Skvortsova, and she answered not in our favor: mortality is decreasing, a lot is being done, equipment is being bought. But what is not improved in optimization? It is a transport system and a communication system. For example, in Zauralsk the day care department where my grandmother went for IV drips is closing. She is transferred to Yemanzhelinsk. And we need to know that grandma will get to Yemanzhelinsk for free and will not stand in line. Optimization has created discomfort for people, everyone is swearing because they have to go to another hospital, because buses don’t run regularly, they have to sit in line, if they didn’t make it in time, didn’t get treatment, then they went home. Of the 9 municipalities in my district, almost every one has this problem. Officials promise that there will be progress. But I think the reason is the tariffs, which need to be changed. The second issue concerns the transfer of medical facilities from municipal to regional ownership. In the village, the general practitioner's office belongs to the Ministry of Health. There was a hurricane, three slates fell off, and the head cannot take 300 rubles from the budget and repair the roof. It is necessary to change the legislation and give municipalities the opportunity to solve specific problems. Until it reaches the ministry, until it is included in the program...

We are developing this topic with Dmitry Vyatkin. It is hoped that by the end of the year the government will accept the changes and municipalities will be able to provide comfort for patients.

In Chelyabinsk, the main issue is the flooding of houses in the Leninsky district. It is necessary to reduce the water level in Lake Smolino. It does not reach the critical level, but is higher than normal. There is a solution: three kilometers away there is Lake Kurochkino, which is drying up, there are 5 thousand garden plots, two sanatoriums, and the lake has practically turned into a swamp. 20 years ago a pumping station was built, there is a canal, it would seem, press a button and pump the water. But the station did not work for 20 years. A working map has now been created. The station will be repaired before the New Year, and next year, thanks to the support of Governor Boris Dubrovsky and the head of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev, we will continue to work there.

— After the recent by-elections to municipal authorities, the question of the advisability of merging municipalities began to be raised more and more often; most often they say that it would be good to unite Rosa, Korkino and the Korkino district...

- I’m not ready to agree with this. Still, in every locality, every person should have a representative of the authorities within walking distance so that they can address the problem. For example, I held a reception in Rose. 80% of the questions are those that can be solved by the efforts of the chapter in one month. The village suffered primarily from the fact that the head of the settlement... In a word, it was not his. The problem is staffing.

It is difficult to find a person who could work responsibly. But there is no need to rush into mergers for the sake of savings. You can lose more.

Of course, the staff should not be inflated, but priority issues, issuing certificates, etc. must be resolved. If trouble happens, someone from the authorities must come and organize the work. Where, for example, 15 thousand people live, it is inappropriate to clean up the municipality. I would not rush to do this, although now the law proposes to do this in a simplified form. Today, in the Oktyabrsky district, two settlements are being united, but the people there themselves came and asked for this to be done. There are 300 people in one village, and nearby there is a more powerful settlement that has its own income. I welcome the targeted approach, but not everything in a row. It is better to let people change power if they see that they are doing a bad job than to impose a management system that will not improve the situation.

— Kopeisk is also considered a problem area. It took the city almost a year to elect a mayor; How do you evaluate his work?

— I like Vladimir Mozhin’s approaches - he understands everything, delves into everything, sees priorities, knows what needs to be done. But he needs help, it takes time - 2-3 years, and the issues in Kopeisk will be resolved. The fact is that the problems here have not been resolved for decades.

It is planned to introduce a state of emergency in one of the villages of Kopeisk

I was in Vakhrushevo, the village amazed me. Does this even happen? I told my subordinates: if you work poorly, you will go to live in Vakhrushevo. For the last decades, water has been supplied to houses twice a day. And the water is not potable, but technical. This is just a mockery. Whose fault? Only heads of municipalities who worked before. But the problem is not cosmic! Technology allows you to drill wells right where you are standing. At 70 meters there is no water, at 150 meters you will find water. There are only lakes around, which means there is water in the ground. It’s good that the governor made a decision and began to help. Now the head of Kopeisk, Vladimir Mozhin, has sorted it out, and by the end of the year clean water will arrive. But again, it will be served on time. And there are 24 apartment buildings there, and they don’t even have tanks of the required volume to collect sewage.

— How did you manage to adapt to living in two cities? Do you see your family, given the constant moving?

“We got through it easily, the children have grown up, nothing holds us back, my wife is 55 years old.” The State Duma allocated us an apartment. It’s like a hotel, everything is there, right down to forks and spoons. We live there for three weeks, here for a week. We always enjoy flying home and to Moscow. Living conditions are absolutely acceptable.

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Anatoly Litovchenko has been the head of the Uvelsky district since 1996. His district is one of the leaders in the Chelyabinsk region in developing agriculture, attracting investors and import substitution programs. In addition, he holds the post of chairman of the Council of Municipalities. This year, Anatoly Litovchenko became a participant in the United Russia primaries. He himself spoke about the path of life of the candidate in a long interview published by the First Regional website.

- Anatoly Grigorievich, you visited the Korkinsky district on April 3066th relay race for prizes from the chapter and the newspaper “Gornyatskaya Pravda”. What are your impressions?

I love sports very much. And everything connected with it brings joy to the soul. And when I came to the Korkinsky district and saw many children, veterans, adult athletes, it significantly lifted my spirits. Mass sports are great, the relay left the impression of a holiday.

- Is there such a thing in the Uvelsky district?

Eat. Previously, it was also nominated for prizes in the regional newspaper, but it has long since been dedicated to Victory Day and celebrated on May 9th.

- How did your passion for physical education and sports begin?

For me, sport is divided into two concepts. The first is my personal occupation. I went to the section following my older brother Victor. He, however, played basketball quite successfully. I started training in the volleyball section from the fourth grade. He continued his studies at the institute. He played for the university team, the region, and then for the Uvelsky district. And I can still play when I have time.

And secondly, this is from the position of the head of the district. In 1995, the regional rural games “Golden Ear” were disrupted due to the difficult economic situation. When I was elected head of the district, and a proposal was received from the regional authorities to hold such competitions, we responded. And we played the games at a high level. In addition, in time for the sports festival, we managed to pave a number of streets and restore the stadium. In general, I became interested in another “sport” - organizational. By the way, no less exciting. This is also the social development of the territory.

Then there were the third All-Russian Summer Rural Sports Games - the real rural Olympics in July 1999, which gave our region a huge impetus in terms of development, including cultural. After all, more than 1,600 athletes from 41 regions of Russia came to visit us! We, one might say, after their successful implementation, became excited. The village of Uvelskoye hosted the European Championship in Gorodoshka Sports, the Russian Championship in Russian Lapta, the international sambo tournament “Friendship”, the first regional winter rural games “Ural Blizzard” in 2004, the first regional Spartakiad for people with disabilities. By the way, this year - in August - we will hold the first regional sports competition among municipal employees.
Our district team has won both summer and winter games more than once. We have children's and youth sports school with departments of football, basketball, athletics and sambo.

- Are you familiar with the work of miners and miners?

Mostly based on films and books. And also on the dumps near Korkino, I look at them when I go to Chelyabinsk. Once I happened to be in a mine. Unfortunately, the legendary Korkinsky section has so far only been seen from the observation deck.

- They came to Soviet Kazakhstandifferently . How did the Ukrainian family, judging by their surname, end up there?

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when there was famine in Ukraine, many families were looking for a better life. My great-grandfather and his family arrived at the Magnai station in Kazakhstan, 50 kilometers from Troitsk.

- Was your father strict? Flogged?

Never raised his hand, never raised his voice. He was both strict and kind. Mom said when my brother Victor and I did something wrong: I’ll tell my father. And we really didn’t want that. In our father we saw unquestionable authority. It was he who taught us that decency comes first.

-What did your parents do?

Father Grigory Stepanovich raised virgin soil; he was the first director of the organized virgin land state farm “Mikhailovsky”. This is the Kustanai region, now the Karabalinsky district, a hundred kilometers from Troitsk. My father graduated from college in Leningrad. And my mother Tamara Andreevna is a biology and chemistry teacher.

- Brother Victor is an example for you?

Absolute in everything. This is a strong personality. My brother inherited a lot from his father. He doesn't raise his voice either, even when he's angry.

A unique situation when two brothers headed municipal districts in one year and for a long time. Did you compete with each other?

Victor became the head of the Chesme district three months earlier. In a good way, of course, we competed. I often came to Chesma to events, watched, studied. If I saw something useful or interesting, then my assistants and I began to implement it in the Uvelsky district. But he also noticed something about us.

- By the way, what was the reason for moving to the Southern Urals, Anatoly Grigorievich?

Maybe by accident. After the state farm, my father was appointed head of the agricultural department of the Komsomolsky district. One day, our family and our friends’ families went on vacation to Uvelskoye in the village of Khomutinino on Lake Podbornoe. We lived in tents, swam and sunbathed. Father liked Uvelka, and besides, there was a railroad here. And dad, having been born at the Magnai railway station, wanted to live near the place where the trains ran. Therefore, the place in the Southern Urals was to his liking. Moreover, there is such magnificent nature and lakes here. In 1975, my father had the opportunity to move to the Chelyabinsk region for the same position: either in the Chesmensky or Uysky district. He chose Chesma. After graduation, Victor began working here as the chief agronomist.

Later, my parents moved to the Uvelsky district, and I came to them after graduating from ChIMESKh.

Without a family, a person is alone and shivering from the cold. This is an expression of a French writer. Aren't you shivering from the cold?

“I feel warm and even hot,” Anatoly Grigorievich smiles. - Because I have a strong and friendly family. My wife and I met at school. We raised two sons - Maxim and Anton, and now our grandchildren are our joy. Often, due to the nature of my work, I have to go somewhere. But no matter how well they greet you, no matter how delicious the food, when you come home, I still ask Svetlana to set the table: homemade is homemade.

- There is a lot of talk now about import substitution. Is it possible to talk aboutsome kind of Uvel version of this process?

If we have an agricultural region, then we are talking about the processing industry. The Uvelka cereal company is quite well known in the domestic and even foreign markets: its products are sold in 24 countries around the world and successfully replace any types of imported cereals. The Ariant agricultural company has been operating in the Uvelsky district for more than 15 years. Its pig farms, which were built (for 250 thousand heads), give a return. The supply of raw materials (pork) from abroad stopped, and Ariante switched to producing its own. Processed meat products filled the shelves of the region's stores.

By the way, a plot of land has already been allocated and a project is underway to build a large greenhouse plant for greenhouse vegetables. In terms of power, it will not be inferior to the plant in Churilovo. This is also import substitution. Let's not forget about the Zlak flour mill.

- Uvelskaya station plays an important role in your area. How do you assess the contribution of railway workers tosocio-economic municipal development?

The station itself is not currently a hub. But if there was no railroad, there would be no flour mill, no cereal company, no enterprise for the production of molding clay and quartz sand.

And the Yuzhnouralsky logistics complex would not be built on our land. Great hopes are placed on him. This is a kind of dry port in Russia.

- Well said.

It wasn't said by me. I repeat after the heads of the customs service of the Ural Federal District.

Food security of the country. The state policy, the Development Strategy of the Chelyabinsk Region, approved by Governor Boris Dubrovsky, is aimed at increasing it. What can Uvelsk residents boast about in this area?

Around 2000, I realized that agriculture could no longer follow the Soviet path and develop. Only private investors will restore order. The first to enter was the agricultural company Ariant, which began to cultivate 35 percent of the land. Then the Kazakh company Ivolga (it worked well in dairy farming) and other investors appeared. They plus our farmers - and by 2003 we began to cultivate almost all the district land. And when today they say that 500 thousand hectares of land are not cultivated in the Chelyabinsk region, this is irrelevant for us.

The question is different. There are sectors that are rapidly developing in agriculture, and there are those that are stalled. The latter includes dairy farming. Unfortunately, our best farm - the Rassvet collective farm (remember the Camella trademark?) - is going bankrupt for the second time. Now a new investor has arrived, and we hope that Camella dairy products will appear on the shelves again. Optimism was also added by the statement of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a recent meeting in Saratov about preferential lending to agriculture.

In general, I would like to emphasize once again that the land in the Uvelsky district is being cultivated, farms are developing successfully, and new jobs are being created. And the state policy aimed at food security is beginning to produce tangible results. Plus, sanctions from the West turned out to be beneficial for agriculture.

The good state of affairs in our area is not only my merit. We have a friendly team working in our administration. Coordinated relations with the deputies of the district Assembly (chairman Vladimir Petrovich Zyablin)

- We just celebrated Victory Day. How does your district conduct patriotic education of youth?

We heard from the President of Russia that it is necessary to create children's and youth organizations in educational institutions. We created these 18 years ago. In our schools, from the first to the fourth grades, there is an organization called “Sunshine”, and for older children there is a “Rainbow” organization. Each school has chants, flags, a motto, and a direction of work. We didn't have a big gap between the Soviet and Russian periods. Come visit on May 19 for Pioneer Day and see how children celebrate the holiday.

In each of the ten rural settlements we have a youth policy instructor. These are the leaders of their environment. By the way, every school has museums where the chronicle of the village is kept. This means that this is a village museum. The guys meet with front-line soldiers and home front workers, and a competition has been organized for the title of the best museum. We honor our history.

We preserved the film distribution system, and renovated the cinema in the regional center (modern systems were installed). And we often show films from the Soviet era there.

- Do young people leave or stay in villages?

We try to make life comfortable. We have a good level of gasification, water is supplied to our houses, and we are trying to create more jobs. Although young people still tend to the city, which attracts.

Were you surprised, Anatoly Grigorievich, when you learned that in your area the birth rate is one and a half times higher than the death rate?

Yes, for the last ten years our birth rate has exceeded death rates, there were periods when it was even one and a half times! Last year - by 20 percent. There are many factors: a lot of young people, the historical factor (there have always been more births in the countryside), other factors.

- Maternal capital?

This is the number one factor.

At the beginning of the century, your district became the first in the region in terms of gasification volumes. How did you achieve this result?

When I was young, I lit the stove and carried water. I experienced all the delights of village life. When he was elected head, he immediately set the main task: to supply natural gas to every house in every village, to supply water (to make it clean) and to have hot water in every house. Thanks to the residents of the district who re-elected me as head. If I worked for one or two terms, I would hardly have time to solve this problem. It is impossible to do this in a short period of time. We worked painstakingly and purposefully with both the regional government and investors. The same agricultural company Ariant gasified several villages at its own expense.

By the way, in the Council of Regional Municipalities we pay special attention to gasification issues and the creation of an investment climate.

- Is it easy to be the head? Have you asked yourself this question??

Being in the thick of things, organizing, solving complex problems is what I like. At school, at the institute, in the student detachment, he was always among the leaders - a Komsomol organizer, a headman, a detachment commander. I don't feel any discomfort. And there were also examples in life - grandfather, father. Of course, sometimes it’s not easy. Remember the 90s, when they did not pay child benefits, salaries were paid in whatever way... But even in those years we managed to build 50 - 100 kilometers of gas pipeline a year.

In my twenty years as head, I can’t name the easiest or most difficult year. Each one is special in some way. I always set a goal for myself. One is achieved, I take on the other to be sure to achieve something. And I always listen to people: they will give advice and help.

- What inner words serve as motivation and message for you?

There are no small things. I really don’t like reading answers that resemble unsubscribes that someone in the administration prepared. I’ll say right away: put yourself in this person’s place. I don’t share for myself, for example, the asphalting of a rural road and the problem of my grandmother with her thin roof. These are equal problems for me.

And also, when I am faced with a difficult task, as they say, I “roll up my sleeves” and mentally say: nothing, the harder it is, the easier it is. You “steer out” of a difficult situation and think: this is how it is!

I'll tell you a little secret. In fact, he was born on December 31st, they just wrote it down that way. Considering the specifics of my work, my beloved wife Svetlana Vadimovna, the family always “receive” a husband, father and grandfather closer to the New Year’s chimes.

- Tell me, how do you see the future of Russia?

Successful. We are pleased with the country's defense capability: they hear and listen to us, at least they respect us. Sanctions lead to an increase in domestic production. It seems to me that Russia will gradually become as powerful a country in every sense as the Soviet Union was. We have everything for this.

Current United Russia State Duma deputy Anatoly Litovchenko for the second time ignored the court’s demand to appear at a hearing to testify in a criminal case for slander of State Duma deputy Valery Hartung, representing A Just Russia. This time, Deputy Litovchenko was prevented from fulfilling his civic duty by a suddenly scheduled plenary meeting.

One gets the impression that Anatoly Litovchenko is simply avoiding the courtroom, where journalist Pavel Bolshakov is taking the rap for slanderous articles published in a special issue of the newspaper “Vozrozhdenie Urala”. Let us recall that this special issue was distributed in a huge circulation (100 times more than usual) on the eve of the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation (they took place in September 2016). The special issue was dedicated to Anatoly Litovchenko’s political competitor in the constituency – Valery Hartung. The articles in the special issue, as confirmed by the examination, were clearly slanderous.

Now journalist and newspaper editor Pavel Bolshakov is in the dock. He faces a million dollar fine or forced labor.

Bolshakov’s defense somehow didn’t work out. Chelyabinsk linguist Galina Ivanenko, who spoke at the court hearing on June 6, described the central article of the special issue as “a text of average quality with unclear constructions.” Her speech boiled down to the fact that the presence of slander in the article is difficult to prove due to the remoteness of the events. In other words, Ivanenko tried to convince the court that Bolshakov’s article was stupid and unclear, what he wanted to say there was unclear, and in general it was time to forget about this case, because almost two years had already passed. However, Hartung's lawyers confidently smashed these constructions. The statute of limitations has not expired; you will have to answer for slander.

But another defense witness (for now a witness) is in no hurry to make any attempts to somehow help Bolshakov. Deputy Litovchenko, who, according to the injured party, is the main interest in the release of the slanderous special issue, simply does not come to court. Very busy.

Well, science for people like Bolshakov: you will have to answer before the law alone, the “beneficiaries” of criminal ideas will not “harness” for you.

However, Valery Gartung’s lawyers intend to achieve punishment not only for the perpetrator, but also for the person who ordered the slander.

Family problems with the law

By the way, the rector of the South Ural State Agrarian University, Viktor Litovchenko, the brother of deputy Litovchenko, is also facing legal problems. “Russian Press” has already written about how at the university run by Viktor Grigorievich, teachers share rates due to staff reductions, how they receive beggarly salaries despite the decrees of the President, and how associate professors go out with pickets, protesting against lawlessness. Rector Litovchenko is trying to solve the problem in a very original way: .

By the way, Viktor Litovchenko, following the example of his brother-deputy, also decided to go into politics. He intends to become the head of the Troitsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. Apparently, “successes” in the management of the university encourage Rector Litovchenko to apply his leadership talents throughout the entire region.