Male contraceptives. Essential facts about contraceptives for men. Method seventeen: contraceptive suppositories

Pregnancy protection is traditionally considered a woman's task. But our lives are already full of worries! Why shouldn't the stronger sex take on this responsibility? Guided by these, partly selfish, considerations, we have prepared a short review of male contraception. And we came (let’s admit right away) to unexpected conclusions.

But first things first.

When we talk about contraception for men, first of all we, of course, mean condoms. It’s no secret that most men strongly dislike these latex things (although we, for example, were completely delighted with the “rubber bands” that glow in the dark. And how can you not love those?!). Once men are in a stable couple and (presumably) out of danger of STDs, they immediately want to get rid of condoms.

In addition to the consent of the partner, the use of condoms has a number of nuances: storage conditions, expiration date, the presence of water-based lubricant, as well as timely use. But their effectiveness when used correctly is 98%.

Hormonal male contraception. Unfortunately, the characteristics of the male body do not allow one to directly apply the same algorithm as is used in the female version. If we explain the most complex hormonal processes “on fingers”, then when taking most female hormonal drugs the following happens. A specially selected dose of the female hormone (progesterone) informs the body that conception has occurred, which means there is no need for ovulation. And the activity of the ovaries is temporarily suspended. A small dose of estrogen (a hormone common to both sexes; in women it is produced by the ovaries, and in men by the testicles) maintains hormonal balance in the body, performing the function of “sleeping” ovaries. These pills are called combined pills - they contain a combination of progesterone and estrogen.

Unlike a woman, a man is always ready for procreation; tens of millions of sperm are produced daily. And in order to suppress this activity, you need literally “horse” doses of hormones. Which affects libido up to complete loss of desire.

Despite the difficulties, pharmaceutical giants are striving in many ways to create a safe and effective miracle drug, a kind of ideal contraceptive for men. The general direction of research is the selection of the dose and frequency of taking the female hormone (progesterone), which, as it turns out, inhibits sperm production in men. Ideally, you want sperm to be produced, but not “mature.” And sexual desire, suppressed by the female hormone almost to zero, is supported by additional doses of the male hormone (testosterone).

At the moment, several hormonal methods are being announced in testing mode.

Combined implant. Contains two sex hormones - testosterone (male) and progesterone (female), which gradually enter the bloodstream over 3-4 months. The effect lasts for a year. The effect of the drug is reversible, no serious side effects have been detected so far.

Non-combined implant + injections. Implants are sewn under the skin, from which the progesterone hormone is continuously released into the blood, blocking the formation of sperm. Valid for three years. In this case, every 4-6 weeks it is necessary to give testosterone injections to support sexual function.

Oral contraceptive + implant. Men take desogestrel (3rd generation progesterone) in small quantities, and testosterone capsules are implanted into them every 12 weeks. As a result, after 16 weeks there is a complete suppression of sperm production. Side effects (mood fluctuations, weight gain) are mild.

This is, of course, not a complete list, but none of these drugs have yet passed all clinical trials and received approval for sale.

Stands apart from previous methods reverse vasectomy(temporary sterilization). From a protection point of view, this method is extremely simple and effective - 100% reliable. But restoration of reproductive function, unfortunately, is not guaranteed, and occurs only in 90% of cases. And if your man is the one you love and the only one, then the risks are probably too high.

I must say that we were saddened by the results of our modest research. None of the methods of male contraception looks so safe and convenient that you can put it on your wish list and start campaigning for your significant other for a birthday gift tomorrow.

In order not to end on a minor note, we decided to note the positive side of this story - against the backdrop of all the difficulties and risks of male contraception, the latest achievements in the field of female contraception look especially simple and attractive.

For example, the already familiar tablets - combined oral contraceptives– effective and easy to use. No implants or injections for you - the main thing is not to forget to take one tiny pill every day.

Very convenient to use hormonal ring– the woman independently installs it in the vagina and replaces it with a new one every month.

Among long-term contraception, special mention should be made intrauterine hormonal system. Placed by a gynecologist for up to 5 years. Due to its location in the uterine cavity, the amount of the hormone is minimal, its effect is local, and its reliability is 99.98%. In addition, the system protects the uterus from a number of infections and prepares it for future pregnancy.

And no worries about contraception!

It is generally accepted that the only type of contraceptive for men is condoms. However, in fact, there are much more means of protection against unwanted pregnancy for men. These include hormonal drugs, contraceptives for men, and various surgical methods. To choose the right means of protection, you need to study the pros and cons of all contraceptives.

Any modern man should discuss the possibility of pregnancy with his partner in advance. If both partners in a couple are not yet ready to become parents, you need to decide which method of birth control to choose, and who exactly will take the medications or use other means.

What contraceptives are there for men?

The first thing that comes to mind when asked about male contraceptives is condoms. This is the most affordable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, however, it is not the most reliable. Condoms on the market today are presented in a wide range. There are ultra-thin ones, and, conversely, the most durable ones. However, the problem that absolutely all couples face, namely, condom rupture, still occurs to this day. That is why men are beginning to consider other methods of birth control.

In addition to the common and well-known condoms, there are less popular methods of protection:

  • Contraceptive pills and capsules.
  • Contraceptive injections.
  • Contraceptive gels.
  • Surgical methods.
  • Subcutaneous implants.

Is birth control for men even legal?

An increasingly popular type of contraception is hormonal drugs. In this case, the man takes a special hormone that reduces the activity and motility of sperm. Contraceptives for men include a large amount of testosterone, which at this dosage acts as a protectant against unwanted pregnancy.

In addition to the usual pills, there are also contraceptive injections for men. In addition, drugs of this kind are now available in the form of capsules, gels and even subcutaneous implants. A man can only choose the most suitable form of release of the product.

According to statistics, the effectiveness of birth control pills or other methods for men is almost 99%. This suggests that using such drugs is better than using another method of contraception. One of the advantages of contraceptives is the absence of discomfort and unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse that may occur when using a condom.

Side effects

Despite the positive aspects, hormonal drugs also have a number of side effects, which sometimes become an obstacle to the use of oral contraceptives:

There is also an opinion that long-term use of contraceptives can lead to male infertility. This theory has not been scientifically confirmed, however, you need to understand that hormonal drugs affect the male reproductive system, so before using contraceptives you need to consult a specialist.

Vasectomy or birth control?

The most effective method of surgical intervention is . This is a special operation in which a man’s vas deferens is blocked. The advantage of this technique is its 100% efficiency. In addition, after the vasectomy procedure, a man does not have to worry and does not use any contraception, since there will simply be no sperm in his seminal fluid. Despite such serious changes, in general, a vasectomy does not affect a man’s body in any way.

Surgical sterilization has its disadvantages.

  • This procedure is not suitable for young people who plan to have children in the future.
  • The operation can only be performed on men who have reached the age of 35 and have two children. The reason for this limitation lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to reverse the operation.
  • During the first five years, doctors can return the vas deferens to its original state, but in this case the likelihood of conceiving a child is reduced to almost zero.

Thus, if a man wants to protect himself and his partner from pregnancy temporarily, which usually happens at a young age, then he is strictly prohibited from using surgical methods. In this case, oral contraceptives are best suited. The advantage of contraceptives is that immediately after the end of their use, the possibility of fertilization returns to the man.

Are there contraceptives for men in the form of gels?

Contraceptive drugs for men are not just pills and injections. Today, contraceptive gels for men, which, like other means, belong to the category of oral contraceptives, have become widespread.

The advantage of contraceptives is that a man, along with a pill, injection, capsule or gel, receives a large amount of the sex hormone - testosterone, which affects the production of sperm, stopping it. There are also drugs that are aimed at reducing the activity of male gametes, but such drugs are less effective.

It is worth noting that any oral contraceptives are suitable only for those men who have a regular partner, otherwise such means will simply be ineffective. To be effective, contraceptive injections for men or other means must be taken for three months. This is exactly how long the body needs to renew the seminal fluid. During these three months, the man must use other means of protection, since sperm will still be present in his ejaculate.

Contraceptive gels are perfect for men who need protection not after three months, but at any convenient time.

  • These drugs work by reducing sperm activity.
  • It is enough just to anoint the gel on the genital area, after which the special components will act on the sperm, reducing their mobility.
  • As a result, male gametes simply will not be able to reach the egg and fertilize it.

There are no contraindications to the use of gels, except for individual intolerance to the drug. However, experts do not recommend using this product frequently, since the chemicals contained in the gel can negatively affect the microflora in a woman’s vagina with prolonged use of the drug.

Contraceptive implants for men

According to the mechanism of action, a contraceptive implant is no different from conventional oral contraceptives. This product is a small object containing hormones. This item is placed under the man's skin. Next, the hormones contained in the implant are gradually absorbed into the blood and stop sperm production.

The advantage of a contraceptive implant is that there is no need to constantly take medications or give injections. This product is installed under the skin for a fairly long period of time. The only downside of implants is that their effects have not yet been tested; there have been no clinical studies confirming their effectiveness.

Which contraceptive drugs should I choose?

Only the man decides which contraceptives to use. Here the main role is played by comfort in use, so male contraceptives have almost the same degree of effectiveness. Among contraceptives for men, the most popular pills are called:

  • Gamendazole
  • and Ajudin.

Initially, these drugs were used in the treatment of cancer. However, subsequently, doctors also began to prescribe them as contraceptives due to the fact that the side effect of such drugs is the cessation of sperm production.

It is worth noting that hormonal pills have a strong effect, so they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision. Otherwise, the body may react negatively to such drugs.

A safer option is to use birth control gels. The most popular product in this area is Nestorone gel. It contains the hormones testosterone and progesterone. As a result of its use, the number of healthy sperm is sharply reduced and sperm becomes infertile.

The price of contraceptives for men depends on the drug chosen. On average, the cost of male contraceptives is several times higher than that of female contraceptives. Therefore, these drugs are not very popular. Couples, approaching the choice together, prefer to use pills for women, as they act faster and cost much less. New contraceptive drugs are currently being developed, so it is possible that new drugs that are more effective will soon appear.

Attention, TODAY only!

If pregnancy is currently unwanted, its occurrence must be prevented. And for this, various methods of contraception are used. Conventionally, they can be divided into barrier, hormonal, intrauterine and for local use. How to make the right choice? What is more convenient and in what cases?

The choice of how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy depends on many factors:

  • the age of the woman (an intrauterine device will not suit a young girl);
  • does she have one sexual partner (if you frequently change sexual partners, there is a high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, so barrier contraceptives are used);
  • whether there have been pregnancies and childbirth in the past (pregnant and healthy women under 35 years of age are allowed any type of contraception);
  • material possibilities (some contraceptives are quite expensive);
  • personal convenience (for some it is more convenient to have an IUD installed for 5 years, even if they suffer a little pain during its installation and for several days after, while others prefer to take pills every day at a certain time).

Barrier contraception

These include, first of all, the regular male condom. This simplest thing will help not only to avoid pregnancy, thanks to the retention of sperm in it, but also sexually transmitted infections. True, not all infections. For example, genital herpes can also be transmitted using a condom if the rash is not on the head of the penis.

Important: a condom is a disposable item. Even if after sexual intercourse no sperm gets into it, you must wear a new one the next time you have sexual intercourse. Condoms are a strong, reliable thing, but you shouldn’t test it...
What to do if this contraceptive breaks? You need to take a hormonal contraceptive, but an emergency one.

Big plus barrier contraception the fact that it is inexpensive and sold without a prescription. Plus the assortment is pleasing. By the way, female condoms have already appeared in Russia. But this is rather exotic for us for now and you can’t buy them in ordinary pharmacies or supermarkets.

Hormonal contraceptives

Protecting yourself with pills is very convenient. True, many women are still afraid of this type of contraception. They believe that since the pills are hormonal, they will definitely gain weight, or even become infertile. In fact, oral contraceptives are absolutely safe if they are taken by a woman who has no contraindications and follows the instructions. And the first generation tablets had many side effects. Fortunately, they are no longer on sale now.

Currently, the most common complications are caused by emergency contraception after intercourse, that is, the so-called postcoital contraceptives. These are pills that are taken within 1-2 days after unprotected intercourse. They almost always, when taken in a timely manner, help avoid unwanted pregnancy. But they are not suitable for regular contraception, as they contain a loading dose of hormones. You should not take them even twice in one menstrual cycle, as there is a high probability of uterine bleeding. For regular contraception, drugs of a different composition and effect are sold.

What problems may arise when taking modern oral contraceptives? The most common problem is intermenstrual bleeding. Most often occur in the first three months of taking the drug. They disappear on their own as soon as the body gets used to the pills. Other possible problems - decreased libido, headaches, swelling of the legs are usually also temporary and do not require discontinuation of hormonal contraception. The maximum is drug replacement.

How to choose the right drug? In fact, this issue is not important if a woman wants to take pills specifically for the purpose of contraception, and not treatment, since hormonal contraceptive drugs are also prescribed as a medicine. Usually, young girls are recommended drugs with minimal content of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Women who are breastfeeding are advised to take medications with progestins, without estrogen. The same recommendation is given to women over 35 years of age who smoke more than 8-10 cigarettes per day, since they are already at risk for cardiovascular diseases. There are drugs designed to get rid of acne, oily hair, this is all in addition to contraception.
But the main sign that the drug is suitable is its good tolerability. You can find out what your tolerance will be when taking a particular hormonal contraceptive, but only by starting to take it.

In addition to pills, hormonal methods of regular protection against unwanted pregnancy include NuvaRing contraceptive ring. It is installed once a month in the vagina and reliably protects against conception. During sexual intercourse the ring is not felt. And the woman herself does not feel it if she installs it correctly, that is, deeply enough. The big advantage of this type of contraception is that there is no need to take a contraceptive every day, as is the case with pills. That is, there is no risk of getting pregnant even for an unprepared woman.

Such a contraceptive - contraceptive patch Evra. It is glued once a week to the area of ​​the buttock, shoulder or other area that is comfortable for the woman. Of course, there is always a risk of peeling off. But in this case, the manufacturer gives clear instructions. If you get used to it, you can use it.

For those who want to forget about contraception for a long time, while being reliably protected from pregnancy, there is contraceptive implants, which are implanted by the doctor into the patient’s forearm for 3 years. If significant side effects occur, or a woman suddenly decides to get pregnant, the implant is removed (by a doctor who knows how to do this), and you can plan a child.

Fertility after taking oral and other hormonal contraceptives is restored immediately or after a maximum of 6 months. It is rare that the process of “launching” the ovaries takes longer.

Chemical contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives, described earlier, have a systemic effect on the body. That is, their intake affects in one way or another many organs and processes in the body, and can cause harm. But there are local contraceptives that do not enter the bloodstream, are not carried throughout the body, and have a maximum effect on the vaginal mucosa.

These are drugs that are inserted into the vagina a few minutes before sex. During this time, they manage to form a reliable film there, “deadly” for sperm. The main point is that protection from unwanted pregnancy after intercourse with their help is absolutely ineffective. The fact is that sperm are very fast. And protection against them needs to be created in the vagina before sex, and not after.

Drugs chemical contraception sold in different forms. But suppositories (candles) are the most popular among women. Commercial names: Pharmatex, Patentex Oval, Benatex, etc. There are two types of chemical components contained in these contraceptives. Thus, suppositories containing nonoxynol also have antibacterial activity. But candles containing benzalkonium chloride do not have such an effect, and even lose their effectiveness when in contact with soap. Therefore, you should not wash yourself with soap shortly before using them and immediately after sexual intercourse.

But even with the correct use of chemical contraceptives, their reliability is far from 100% and is very inferior to hormonal, intrauterine and barrier contraception. It is more suitable for women who have an irregular sex life, but with one healthy partner.

Intrauterine contraception

Intrauterine devices (IUD)- a well-known anti-pregnancy remedy. Our mothers and grandmothers used it. The simplest spirals, which do not contain precious metals, cost from 200 rubles. And they can stay in the uterus for up to 5 years. That is, for 200 rubles you can buy 5 years of a quiet life! Moreover, if pregnancy is planned earlier than in 5 years, the IUD can be easily removed by the doctor.

But the IUD has two big disadvantages:

  • provoke heavy periods;
  • contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the uterus.

The IUD can be installed in a woman who is about to enter menopause. She still needs contraception, but she no longer plans to have children. The IUD is also ideal for mothers with many children.

There are spirals that are also used for medicinal purposes (to control the growth of uterine fibroids, prevent and stop the spread of endometriosis), but they are hormonal. And they cost from 10 thousand rubles.

Folk remedies for preventing pregnancy

Yes, despite the abundance of contraceptives in pharmacies, some women are confident in the power of non-medical methods to avoid unwanted conception. For example, it is considered effective calendar method of birth control when a woman calculates the days that are safe for sex. That is, days on which ovulation will not occur. This is done very simply - the days in the middle of the menstrual cycle are calculated. For example, if the menstrual cycle consists of 30 days, then ovulation will occur around the 15th day. We add a couple of days in one direction or the other and get a time period when you need to either use protection or avoid sex.

Another popular method that is usually “advertised” by men is interrupted coitus. Its purpose is to prevent sperm from entering the partner’s vagina. This method is often criticized. Many people got pregnant using it.

And these are two more or less effective methods. And there are generally ineffective and, rather, harmful. For example, douching after sexual intercourse. Neither water nor antiseptic solutions can stop sperm. But if you douche frequently, it is easy to provoke thrush.

How did women protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy in ancient times, what did they take? But indeed, contraception existed in the Middle Ages. For example, in harems. The sultans' favorites sprinkled special herbs into their drinks or food for the sultan's other concubines, and they became sterile. But the recipes from those herbs are not reliably known. Yes, they are not particularly needed, because there are hormonal birth control pills.

In general, folk and modern means of contraception are not comparable in terms of effectiveness. And if a woman does not want to have an abortion (and who wants that!), it is better not to take risks and use contraception recommended by doctors. Finding out how and what is the best way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy in the 21st century is not a problem at all.

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Answered by Irina Shestakova, gynecologist-endocrinologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the RUDN University:

According to statistics, Russian girls begin sexual activity at 16-17 years old - much earlier than they get married and plan to have their first child. Between the onset of sexual activity and the first birth, 10-15 years often pass. And all this time they must take care of reliable contraception. Doctors believe that any type of contraception is better than terminating a pregnancy, especially the first one.

Unfortunately, practice shows that the choice falls on methods of protection that do not provide guaranteed protection. An independent research company recently conducted a survey of men and women of the most active reproductive age (20-30 years old) to find out what they use to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. It turned out that the majority consider condoms and interrupted sexual intercourse to be the best method of protection. Moreover, when choosing a method of contraception, men prioritize the preservation of sensations during intimacy, and women - the opinion of their partner. No wonder there are so many unplanned pregnancies in our country!

Experts consider combined oral contraceptives (COCs) to be the most reliable method of contraception. In Europe, they are used by more than 40% of women of reproductive age. In Russia, this method of contraception is viewed with caution. This is due to the myths that surround this method of protection.

1. Pills make you feel better

The first contraceptives, which appeared in the 60s of the last century, did contain high doses of hormones and components that caused swelling and fluid retention in the body. Therefore, women actually got better.

Since then, the composition of contraceptives has changed significantly - now they contain low and ultra-low doses of hormones, which cannot in any way affect waist size.

Moreover, overweight women who take certain COCs lose weight due to the special properties of the components included in their composition.

2. Hormones cause mustaches to grow.

Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women in male areas - on the chin, chest and abdomen) is directly related to hormonal disorders.

Hormonal contraceptives contain substances that reduce the concentration of male sex hormones in women. Thanks to this, with long-term (at least 2 years) use of certain COCs, women can get rid of excess hair. True, the effect is temporary (only during the period of taking COCs). And if the problem is severe, you shouldn’t rely on hormones - it’s better to seek help from a cosmetologist.

3. Taking hormones causes cancer

More than 10 years ago, the first results of the famous Women's Health Initiative study, which was funded by the US government, were obtained in the United States. Doctors observed 15 thousand women taking menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). The I study was paused after cases of cancer, heart attack and stroke were reported in several groups.

After these shocking results were widely reported, menopausal hormone therapy began to be shunned not only by women, but also by some doctors.

Later, when the results were sorted out, it turned out that stroke, cancer and heart attack were recorded only in the group of women who first started taking MHT over the age of 60 years. After this study, recommendations in Europe were revised - postmenopausal therapy was no longer prescribed to women over 60 years of age with cardiovascular diseases (this practice has never existed in Russia).

Unfortunately, data on menopausal hormone therapy were transferred to any hormonal drugs, including COCs.

There are a number of studies that prove the protective properties of COCs against cancer of the reproductive organs (in particular, ovarian cancer). The exact causes of this disease are unknown, but doctors suspect that it is provoked by regular biological trauma to the ovaries (which occurs monthly during ovulation). In any case, this explains why ovarian cancer is more common in nulliparous women whose menstruation began early (before age 12) and ended late (after age 52). Since combined oral contraceptives simulate the state of pregnancy, they are considered as one of the means of protection against cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

4. Hormones lead to infertility

The fact that the ovaries are resting while taking contraceptives does not mean that they have fallen asleep. 94% of women are fully ready for successful conception within one year after stopping taking birth control pills, obstetricians and gynecologists explain. And 50% of women can become pregnant within three months after stopping contraception.

How to properly protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy during sexual intercourse? A very pressing issue that worries many girls and women of fertile age. Today, there is a wide spread of various methods of birth control, including the use of various folk remedies.

However, the huge range of modern contraceptive methods only aggravates the situation with choosing the optimal method. Now girls are overcome by even greater doubts related to the best way to protect themselves.

The difficulty of choosing contraceptives

Who should decide how to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy? Ideally, this should be done by the woman herself, after first listening to the opinion of a specialist. It is worth noting that in many countries, people's opinions are strongly influenced by cultural norms and traditions. For example, in China, intrauterine devices are used tens of times more often than any other type of contraception.

Oddly enough, most girls and women from the CIS countries often immediately limit themselves in their choice. They tend to ask very specific questions about how to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy without pills and IUDs. However, the choice of a particular method of contraception should primarily be based on the following principles:

  • Efficiency.
  • Safety.
  • Side effects.
  • Applicability.
  • Availability of additional properties.

In Japan, less than 1% of women of fertile age use birth control pills, while in Austria the figure reaches almost 40%.

When choosing the optimal method of contraception, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account whether a woman wants to have a child in the future or not.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

To have a complete understanding of how to properly protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy, every girl and woman should consult a family planning specialist or gynecologist. In each individual case, the question of whether it is possible to use traditional or modern methods of contraception, or even use folk remedies, is decided. For information purposes only, we will consider the main methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy for women:

  • Birth control pills.
  • Implants and injectable contraceptives.
  • Intrauterine contraceptives.
  • Condoms.
  • Spermicides and barrier contraceptives.
  • Interruption of sexual intercourse.
  • Tracking your menstrual cycle.

Oral contraceptives

Birth control pills are considered one of the safest and most effective methods of preventing unplanned pregnancy. According to many clinical studies, the effectiveness of this method of contraception is up to 99%. Paradoxically, the use of birth control pills is safer than pregnancy and childbirth itself. In addition, hormonal pills that prevent conception have a number of non-contraceptive advantages:

  • Reduce menstrual pain.
  • Affects the intensity of menstrual bleeding.
  • Reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Reduces the development of malignant pathology in the ovaries and uterus.
  • There is an increase in breast size.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you must stop taking birth control pills at least three months before the desired conception.

Along with the positive effects, the use of oral contraception does not exclude the possibility of developing quite serious consequences for the body. What side effects can you expect from birth control pills:

  • Stopping menstruation.
  • Uterine bleeding between menstrual cycles.
  • Nausea.
  • The appearance of a feeling of pain in the mammary glands.
  • Frequent mood swings up to the development of depression.
  • Noticeable weight gain.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin in the form of darkening, erythema, eczema, etc.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Having problems with breastfeeding.
  • Increased blood pressure.

If you want to protect yourself from pregnancy without taking pills, but don’t know how to do it correctly, then you should contact a family planning specialist or gynecologist.

If you have chosen an intrauterine device as a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, then you do not need additional protection.

Implantation contraceptives

There are birth control medications that can be injected under the skin. A classic example of a group of implantation products for preventing unwanted pregnancy is Norplant. The main advantage of this type of contraception is that after a single administration of the drug, a continuous contraceptive effect is observed for 5 years.

However, Norplant is not without its flaws. In addition to the fact that implants must only be inserted and removed by a doctor, you may also encounter some side effects. What are the disadvantages of implantation contraception?

  • Cosmetic defect at the site of drug administration.
  • Possible menstrual irregularities.
  • Nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, dermatitis, and weight gain are considered common symptoms.

Norplant can be recommended to all healthy women who want to provide themselves with long-term protection against unplanned conception of a child.

Intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs)

The mechanism of action of intrauterine contraceptives (spirals) is quite complex. Clinical studies have shown that the IUD affects a number of important processes, thereby preventing the development of pregnancy:

  • Reduce the motor activity of sperm.
  • Slow down the fertilization process of the egg.
  • Promote the death of a fertilized egg or prevent its penetration into the uterine wall.

According to some reports, about 100 million women around the world use intrauterine contraceptives to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Advantages of this method:

  • The effectiveness of the IUD reaches 80%.
  • The spiral can not be changed for 3–5 years.
  • The woman does not in any way feel the presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity.
  • Rapid return of fertility. It is enough to remove the device, and the conception of a child can occur after the first ovulation.
  • The IUD is not an obstacle to taking other medications or performing surgical interventions.
  • The method is relatively inexpensive and quite accessible to most women.

If you have had irregular vaginal bleeding over the past 3 months or suspected precancerous pathology of the endometrium of the uterus, it is not recommended to use a type of contraception such as an IUD. What other disadvantages of using an intrauterine device should be noted:

  • Although extremely rare, vaginal bleeding may occur.
  • If the spiral is installed incorrectly, pain of varying intensity may occur in the lower abdomen.
  • Traumatization of the uterus up to its rupture during the insertion of an IUD.
  • Loss of the IUD from the uterine cavity.
  • Development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The risk of ectopic pregnancy cannot be excluded.

Barrier contraception

To prevent sperm from directly entering the uterus, a barrier method of contraception is used. The penetration of male germ cells can be stopped either chemically or mechanically. Barrier contraceptives are recommended to be used regularly with the simultaneous use of condoms.

Spermicides are chemicals that inhibit sperm activity. The effectiveness of the method is not very high, but it can be combined with other contraceptives. In addition, spermicides significantly reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Mechanical contraception includes:

  • The vaginal diaphragm is a rubber or latex cap with a fairly pliable rim that resembles a dome. Inserted into the vagina until intimacy. The side of the diaphragm that will be adjacent to the cervix is ​​treated with spermicide. Diaphragms are available in several sizes and types depending on the design of the rim. The diaphragm should be in the vagina for no more than 24 hours.
  • The contraceptive sponge is a special polyurethane product made in the shape of a pillow and impregnated with spermicide. Available in one size. A prescription is not required to purchase this product. They are inserted into the vagina, previously moistened with water. The sponge, located in the woman’s body, remains effective for 24 hours.
  • A cervical cap is a cup-shaped rubber product that is placed on the cervix. Lubricated with spermicide, the cap must be inserted into the vagina half an hour before intimacy. Contraceptive effectiveness lasts up to 24 hours. Literally, it is a miniature version of the vaginal diaphragm, but with an elongated dome. After 24 hours, the cervical cap should be removed from the vagina.

There are no special precautions for using spermicides, female condoms, sponges, or diaphragms. However, there are several factors that may limit the use of barrier contraception:

  • Allergy to the material from which the contraceptive is made or to spermicide.
  • Abnormalities in the development of the vagina, which may interfere with the correct installation of a contraceptive.
  • Frequent infectious processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Inability to learn how to administer these drugs correctly.
  • Recent abortion, childbirth, or uterine bleeding.
  • There is no access to clean water and personal hygiene products.

It is worth noting that in girls and women who have given birth, the effectiveness of the contraceptive sponge is significantly inferior to the vaginal diaphragm or cap. For nulliparous women, all barrier contraceptives are approximately equally effective.

Natural methods of protection

Many young girls are interested in how to protect themselves from unplanned pregnancy when they don’t want to take any pills, use IUDs or other means? There are two natural ways - interrupting sexual intercourse and counting “safe days” in the menstrual cycle. At the same time, these methods have the lowest effectiveness and the highest availability and safety compared to all other types of contraception.

Traditional medicine for unplanned pregnancy

Despite healthy skepticism among specialists, it is still worth listing some folk remedies for preventing pregnancy, which are especially popular among different segments of the population. It turns out that the following can be used to protect against conception at home:

  • Douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate immediately after sexual intercourse.
  • Douching with citric acid solution. Dilute 5 ml of citric acid per liter of water.
  • After intimacy, drink a glass of beet juice or bay leaf infusion.
  • Before sexual intercourse, a man should take a hot bath.

The optimal answer to the question of what is the best way to protect a young girl from unwanted pregnancy will only be given to you by a qualified medical specialist.