Why do they drink antlers? Prices for antler products on the Russian market or why cheap is not always good. Pantocrine composition and beneficial properties

Hello, dear readers of the site “The Healing Power of Resin”. With today's article I begin a small series of materials dedicated to antler products (). This is a rather exotic, but nevertheless very effective way of treating a number of diseases.

I decided to start with an article about what deer antlers are, what medicinal properties they have, how to use them correctly in medicinal purposes, how much this product should cost for it to really have an effect and where to buy it.

What are deer antlers

Antlers are the name given to young deer antlers (for those who don’t know, deer are one of the varieties of deer).

These horns are very valuable because they have a rich chemical composition, which has a very beneficial effect on human health.

Previously, these animals were found only in the wild, but nowadays there are entire farms where deer are bred in artificial conditions, including for their horns, which are trimmed and processed.

The process of cutting antlers for animals practically does not cause pain, since young antlers are very soft and do not have nerve endings.

In our country, deer manta rays began to be used for medicinal purposes relatively recently, when they began to breed these animals specifically for medical purposes (their blood is also very valued and medicines are also made on its basis), but in Chinese and Tibetan medicine about the wonderful medicinal properties of antlers knew 3 thousand years ago.

How antlers are harvested and processed

As I already said, there are entire farms where deer are raised. There are a lot of such farms in Altai, where animals are kept in almost natural conditions.

At a certain time, the antlers are cut off, preserved and subsequently sent for processing. Preservation is usually carried out using hot air drying or special equipment, where animal horns, on the contrary, are frozen.

Processing consists of grinding ready-made, preserved and purified raw materials and making medicines, pantocrine capsules or alcohol tinctures from them. Both are very powerful healing agents, provided that they were not butted during production (which we really like to do), but I’ll tell you about that a little lower!

Maral antlers - medicinal properties and chemical composition

Deer antlers have the following medicinal properties:

  • restorative
  • tonic
  • wound healing
  • anti-inflammatory
  • immunostimulating
  • antiseptic

Their scope and effect on the body is very wide, and can be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. Dietary supplements based on deer antlers are widely used in the field of sports nutrition.

Even in a country like the USA, there are as many as 7 brands of such antler-based products and they are widely in demand among athletes. In our country, such products are also gaining popularity.

After the research, it was revealed that antler products can have the following effects on the human body:

  • Stop bleeding
  • Tone
  • Improve potency
  • Improve hearing and vision
  • Improve brain activity
  • Increase endurance
  • Help with exhaustion, anemia
  • Slow down aging in the body
  • Improve urine sexual function
  • Improve performance
  • Strengthen bones, joints and tendons
  • Increase the body's resistance to infections
  • Improve metabolism
  • Positively influence the nervous system
  • Normalize blood sugar and blood pressure
  • Prevent the development of cancer cells
  • Provide the body with everything essential microelements, such as calcium, iodine and others.

This is far from full list and it can be supplemented if desired! In order to understand how beneficial deer antlers and products made from them are for health, just look at their chemical composition.

Chemical composition of deer antlers

Amino acids Tryptophan, threonine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, proline, serine, glutamine, glycine, alanine, cysteine, methionine, tyrosine, valine, 4-hydroxyproline, methionine, aspartic acid, isoleucine, GABA
Tissue growth factors Insulin-like growth factor-1; insulin-like growth factor-2; cartilage growth factor; growth factor bone tissue; transforming growth factor, neural growth factor
Prostaglandins Substances that take an active part in most processes occurring in our body. For example, prostaglandin E has a depressant effect, that is, it helps lower blood pressure
Minerals Calcium, magnesium, aluminum, iron, silicon, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper, titanium, manganese, tin, lead; cobalt, vanadium, strontium, boron, molybdenum.
Glycoproteins Chondroitin sulfate, glycosaminoglycans, sialoproteins
Lipids The lipid fraction contains over 25 substances of various chemical natures, which are combined into four groups
Triglycerides Triglycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are part of anti-sclerotic drugs and affect reparative processes. Unlimited fatty acid with isolated double bonds in the radical exhibit antitumor activity
Phospholipids: lecithin, cephalin, cerebroside, sphingomyelin, cardiomylin, lysolecithin, etc. Phosphatides are part of the cytoplasmic membranes of the cell and are the basis on which the formation of protein enzymatic systems takes place, ensuring the biosynthesis of many life-support substances of the cell and those processes that lead to the biosynthesis of specific substances. They are able to bind toxins in the body and increase the effectiveness of many biological active substances, taking part in the biosynthetic activity of a cell, tissue, organ
Hormones Testosterone, Estradiol, Erythropoietin, luteinizing hormone (LH) - a secretion of the pituitary gland, gives a signal for the production of testosterone
Peptides (1,2,3,4,5) They are regulators of various biochemical processes, transport ions and low-molecular substances, protect the body from foreign elements. So-called neuropeptides influence certain forms of human behavior, the processes of learning and memory, regulate sleep, relieve pain, and have a positive effect on the treatment of schizophrenia.
Polyamides Spermine, spermidine, putrescine
Vitamins, including rare ones A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, D, E, F, P
Enzymes Substances of protein nature, with the participation of which all vital processes occur important processes in organism. Under the influence of enzymes, food is absorbed, and their deficiency causes poor digestion of food, manifested by dyskinesia, flatulence, general violations nutrition.

As you can see, even such a popular natural substance as can hardly boast of such a chemical composition!

The use of antlers for medicinal purposes

Thanks to the most unique composition antler products can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for preventive purposes, in the absence of contraindications. Namely:

  • For the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, muscles and ligaments. This whole list diseases, for example: dislocations, sprains, various bruises, fractures
  • For the treatment of joint diseases, such as: artiritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, neuralgia, etc.
  • For the treatment of diseases associated with trophic disorders and diseases of cardio-vascular system(for example: ischemia, dystonia, varicose veins veins, angina pectoris, venous insufficiency)
  • For the treatment of diseases nervous system(including in children), for example: VSD, neuroses, panic attacks, syndrome chronic fatigue, asthenic conditions, etc.
  • For the treatment of stomach ulcers and 12 duodenum, diseases of the pancreas, gastritis, for diseases of the skin and blood, for sexual dysfunction and to increase potency, for the treatment of infectious diseases
  • As one of the best restorative and restoratives in the postoperative period or simply during periods of serious illness

How to use

The use of antler products depends on the form of its release. For example it could be:

  1. prepared from maral antlers
  2. (capsules prepared on the basis of dry antler powder) or liquid

I will not specifically mention here antler baths, deer blood, etc. - these are topics for separate articles, and there will definitely be one in the near future.

In this article we will focus specifically on the use of pantocrine and alcohol tincture.

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How to take pantocrine

Depending on the form of release, pantocrine is taken: in the form of drops, by injection into a vein or capsules - 3 times a day, 1-2 pieces.

The dosage depends on the concentration of active substances. If this is a pantocrine made 100% from deer antlers, then it may be lower. If the concentration is low (as happens with cheap analogues), then the dosage is increased.

Usually, each manufacturer himself indicates how to take his drug in the annotation to it. This is what you need to focus on first.

Courses of treatment usually last from 10 to 20 days. There can be 4 or even 5 such courses per year!

How to take alcohol tincture of maral antlers

The special value of the tincture is that it can be used both internally and externally.

The tincture is usually taken internally, 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals, up to 3 times a day, or according to the same regimen, but 2 hours after meals. You can dilute it in a small amount of water or just drink it. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. If one course is not enough, then do a second one, with a week's break between them.

Externally, an alcohol tincture of antlers can be used in the form of bandages or compresses, or by rubbing the tincture directly into problem areas.

External use also includes, perhaps, gargling, which is used to treat sore throats and sore throats. In this case, the antler tincture is diluted with boiled water.


Contraindications include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Increased blood clotting
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Tuberculosis in active phase
  • Acute exacerbations of any disease

Prices for antler products on the Russian market or why cheap is not always good

And now I will tell you things that are obvious, but for many may become a revelation.

If you plan to use any antler products (no matter what), don’t look for something cheaper! In relation to health, especially your own or your loved ones, this does not work! Cheap - almost 100% will not be of high quality.

Most dietary supplements, tinctures and dry pantocrine are produced by large manufacturers and are mercilessly diluted! The ratio of the active substance, that is, the ground powder of those same antlers, is almost never high. And if the label says 100% deer antlers, it doesn’t mean anything. IN best case scenario, there will be half of it there.

Here are the approximate prices that can be found for this type of product. All of it was produced by large manufacturers and is stamped in thousands:

  • Pantocryl capsules – 300 – 400 rubles per pack of 60 pieces
  • Alcohol tincture - 250-300 rubles
  • Pantohematogen (liquid, dry) – approximately 500 rubles

Know that for antler products this is very cheap! Preparations made from 100% antlers cannot cost that much simply because the raw materials for their production themselves are very expensive! Consequently, manufacturers, in order to reduce the price of their products, will reduce percentage active substances in it. By how much should I reduce it? They alone know this!

Where to buy real 100% products based on Altai deer antlers

What to do and where to buy real antler products (pantocrine, pantohematogen, etc.)? I will express my opinion on this matter. First of all, refuse to buy products that are produced by large pharmaceutical companies and, accordingly, are produced in batches of thousands.

Yes, it comes in beautiful packaging, yes, it can have great advertising, yes, it can be cheap! But believe me, this is not what you need! You will quickly be disappointed in it, as you will not achieve your stated goals.

If you are going to buy, then buy something that is 100% antlers. They and their unique chemical composition are the key to successful treatment. But where can you buy such products?

There are many small farms (mainly in Altai), which Lately began to engage in this matter. Yes, they may completely lack marketing or they may not even know about it, but they are the ones who make 100% quality products. Why? Probably because they simply haven’t learned how to butt her yet.

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All the antler products they sell are supplied to them by the Sibir peasant farm. It is located in Altai, in the Charysh region. Those from these places probably know about it.

This farm has several thousand hectares of land on which they conduct their business, raising deer. And you can find many such farms.

What you can buy in the Ecopiter store from antler products:

  1. Pantocrine (capsules)
  2. Pantohematogen liquid and dry
  3. (liquid and powder)
  4. Sets for taking antler baths
  5. Blood of deer with mumiyo in capsules

Yes, the prices there will be slightly higher than the products in pharmacies, but this is a 100% product without any impurities. If the label says the composition is 100 deer antlers, then you can be sure that this is so! Remember the saying - the miser pays twice! This is exactly the case!

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Maral is a type of red deer. And antlers are his young horns. They have not yet had time to ossify, so they are covered with delicate and thin skin with barely noticeable velvety hair. There are five processes on each horn.

As they mature, deer shed their young antlers on their own if they live in the wild. If they are bred by people, the antlers are cut from the deer. The cutting procedure is completely painless for deer.

When are deer antlers used?

Deer antlers have a beneficial effect on immune system, arterial pressure, physical performance. They have tonic and restorative properties. Therefore, even a healthy person can use powder from deer antlers as a preventive measure. The main advantage of antlers is that they increase male strength. There is no better wedding gift than a potion made from deer antlers.

Due to their beneficial properties, antlers are treated for many diseases, for example, heart disease, infectious diseases, and pulmonary diseases. Antlers also help with anemia, ulcers, wounds, and dizziness. If you have a problem with your hair, pain in your lower back or joints, or kidney stones, antlers will help here too.

How are deer antlers used?

Antlers can be eaten raw, boiled, or prepared into powder mixtures and alcohol tinctures. Powder from deer antlers is added to cosmetics, for example, to moisturizing face cream. After applying this cream, the skin will become younger and more invigorated, wrinkles will smooth out, and excess shine will disappear.

Antler baths are very popular. The fact is that useful material Antlers penetrate through our skin into the body and heal it. Antler baths help the body adapt to harsh conditions external conditions, reduce fatigue, increase immunity, optimize blood composition. For diseases such as hypertension, varicose veins, radiculitis, neurosis, osteochondrosis, as well as gynecological and skin diseases Antler baths are recommended and very helpful.

Antler baths are available to anyone. Concentrates used for antler baths can be purchased online.

Antler baths can be used by immersing the entire body or only individual parts of it, for example, legs or arms, in the bath. Since this is a healing bath, it must be used in accordance with the rules. The duration of administration should not exceed 15 minutes, and the water temperature should not be too high.

When should deer antlers not be used?

Deer antlers are not always useful. There are cases when their use is contraindicated. For example, it is not recommended to take deer antlers during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for tuberculosis, acute infectious diseases, and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

As proven by scientific research, antlers are:

  • Excellent Natural Supplement for Women's Health
  • Alternative Natural Dietary Supplement for Bodybuilders and Weightlifters
  • Excellent source of growth hormones including IGF-1 & IGF-2
  • Natural Treatment for Arthritis

Unique healing properties of Altai deer antlers

IN folk medicine has long been used healing power Altai maral antlers. Unique healing qualities young non-ossified horns of this species of animals are recognized and modern medicine. Water extract from antlers is used as an independent remedy, on its basis are carried out healing procedures- antler baths.

Antlers of several Siberian subspecies of deer have medicinal properties. These are wapiti, red deer and sika deer, which have been bred in captivity for medical needs since the end of the 19th century. Reindeer breeding is carried out in the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. Currently, there are over 70 thousand heads of deer here. In other regions, reindeer husbandry for medicinal purposes is less developed.

They have the most pronounced healing properties Siberian deer antlers, living in the Kazakh and Russian parts of Altai. The Altai maral lives in the Altai highlands. These animals are found only in environmentally favorable regions, free from industrial enterprises. The diet of deer is based on mountain herbs, including maral root and various medicinal herbs. Biologically active and hormonal substances accumulate in the highest concentrations in the antlers of deer in the spring. At this time, they are harvested to obtain various medicines. One of the most known drugs, obtained from antlers, is pantocrine, which has a pronounced tonic effect.

Local residents of Altai have long used water in which deer antlers are kept for some time to treat various diseases. In folk medicine, panto-cooking water is used in the form medicinal baths. Such baths have a rejuvenating effect, increase and prolong sexual activity.

Composition of deer antlers very diverse - these are amino acids (total and free), collagen, vitamins and macro- and microelements. Among the macroelements in antlers are iron, calcium and magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Microelements in antlers are manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper and zinc, as well as iodine.

The biochemical composition of young horns provides the following properties:

  • strengthen and stimulate the immune system;
  • increase performance, physical and mental.

Besides, deer antlers- excellent natural antidepressant, which does not cause any addiction, and an adaptogen - helps the body adapt to new conditions and easily tolerate unpleasant changes.

The unique composition of antlers ensures their use in cosmetology: powder from the antlers themselves or dry pantohematogen can be added to creams and lotions - this rejuvenates and tones the skin, relieves point inflammation.

In oriental medicine treatment of deer with antlers also carried out with infectious diseases And exhaustion, heart diseases And joint diseases, at tuberculosis And gout. Since the main composition of antlers is blood, they help a lot for anemia.

They treat antlers and sexual problems - impotence and frigidity.

How to take deer antlers

The modern pharmacological market offers antlers in a wide variety of options:

  • antlers powder or pressed powder tablets;
  • alcohol antler tinctures (including herbal ones);
  • herbal balms with antlers;
  • concentrates for antler baths.
  • Preparations containing antlers are also very popular - these are pantocrine and pantohematogen (dry, liquid and pills).

The courses of use of drugs based on antlers depend on their type, usually 10-20 days, up to 4-6 times a year.

If medicines based on horns have existed for a long time, then baths for a long time were available only in maralniks - farms where antlers are harvested. Today, special concentrates are on sale, and you can take healing antler baths possible at home.

Antler baths have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, help remove toxins, perfectly relax after a hard day of work and improve blood composition.

  • cardiovascular (varicose veins, hypo- and hypertension);
  • nervous system - neuroses, radiculitis;
  • musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, arthritis, muscle strains;
  • gynecological;
  • skin problems.

You need to take such baths for 10-15 minutes, the treatment course is 10-12 baths every day or, if desired, every other day.


Despite the fact that antlers - natural product, there are a number of contraindications to their use.

First of all, it is atherosclerosis and increased coagulability blood, serious illnesses kidneys and tumors, arterial hypertension and diarrhea.

Forget about antlers in the form of drugs and baths - during pregnancy and feeding.

Useful properties of deer antlers

Medicinal preparations made from reindeer antlers have long been considered a panacea for many ailments. But most of all they are respected for their ability to slow down the aging process of the human body. Antlers improve brain function, activating memory, attention and sharpening vision. And they maintain male strength until old age!

Such infusions are an effective remedy against chronic fatigue syndrome, which attacks a person in the spring; they help maintain the body’s energy tone during the spring. high level, keep wellness. So they are useful to everyone. But especially for men, this is why they support our sexual function until old age.

In the entire animal world there is nothing more amazing than deer antlers.

In China, the famous ginseng has long been considered a remedy for women, and antlers for men. So, in Ancient China As a dowry, the daughter was given antlers, and the son was given ginseng. Antlers were used in the form of powder, less often - in the form aqueous extract. Antlers were very expensive and very effective means complex effects on the human body as a whole, which, when constant use really delay the approach of old age.

The data of the ancient healers of the East on the medicinal properties of deer antlers boil down to the following:

  • tonic effect, especially on the male genital area;
  • hemostatic, including for vaginal bleeding, poisoning, anemia, general exhaustion;
  • strengthens the body, bones, muscles, teeth, vision and hearing;
  • develops mental abilities, strengthens will;
  • for gout, convulsions with chills, blood stagnation, stones in the bladder;
  • delaying old age, increasing “human vitality”;
  • for pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma;
  • for joint pain, osteoporosis, problems with the spine.
  • Official world science has established the following properties:
  • persistent tonic effect of increasing the body's energy;
  • anti-stress effect;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of sexual function;
  • increasing the body's resistance.

Reindeer antlers concentrate is an excellent adaptogen with a mild tonic effect. When using antler reindeer herding products, control over the feeling of fatigue is not impaired, and the energetic resources body. This is their main difference and advantage over classical psychostimulant drugs (caffeine, phenamine and others).

It is believed that antlers are the best remedy for treating sexual impotence. This is why antlers are one of the best wedding gifts in China. To please the newlyweds, you can buy reindeer antlers. They will appreciate this gift.

Currently Big encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definition of antlers: “Antlers are non-ossified, skin-covered antlers of red deer (red deer, wapiti) and spotted deer. Used to prepare stimulant medicine. To obtain antlers, deer are bred in special farms.”

Special properties of antlers

  • increase tone and motor function stomach and intestines;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve metabolism and urinary function;
  • eliminate disorders associated with menopause in women;
  • relieve tension in the nervous system, improve the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • effective against overwork and stress;
  • accelerate the regeneration processes of damaged tissues, accelerate the healing processes of wounds and ulcers;
  • increase the overall tone of the body;
  • normalize blood pressure.

Who are the health products that contain antlers for?

businessmen, merchants, sellers, assembly line workers, drivers and anyone whose work involves constant attention and high emotional stress;

people engaged in intellectual work during periods of intense workload (engineers, accountants, students during a session, high school students preparing for exams, etc.);

people with memory impairment, attention, and other defects in intellectual activity due to vascular diseases of the brain and previous traumatic brain injuries;

those suffering from sexoneurosis (unstable sexual function);

athletes with stability problems.

Finally, everyone who has health problems (especially age-related ones).

Products made from reindeer antlers combine centuries-old traditions and the latest scientific developments. For many centuries, the indigenous people of the north have been helping themselves to overcome the most difficult climatic conditions, highest physical exercise, using reindeer antlers for this.

In what cases will our products help you?

Products based on reindeer antlers are designed for:

  • overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • increasing mental and physical performance;
  • for a stimulating effect during high muscle loads in athletes;
  • normalization of sexual function in both men and women;
  • normalization metabolic processes for obesity;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • in complex therapy of functional diseases of the nervous system of the asthenic type against the background of neuroses;
  • relieving alcohol and nicotine intoxication (and other poisonings)
  • recovery from pneumonia; for bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and the effects of influenza;
  • regeneration of affected tissues (including myocardial lesions during infarction and lesions of rheumatic origin).

What are our products?

Unlike pharmacological drugs and most biologically active additives Antler products do not contain anything man-made. They are created by Nature itself. Antlers are young deer antlers. They are a bone sponge filled with blood. Only young, growing horns cut at strictly defined times contain a large number of bioactive substances, protein compounds, energy drinks, which are necessary not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also as a preventive, tonic for practically healthy people.

Our drugs are the result of research and development carried out by employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "RNTsMRiK" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development under the leadership of Candidate of Biological Sciences N.S. Osintseva

Harvesting antlers for the production of our products is carried out on natural pastures of the Far North. Antlers are preserved using modern technology, which is the result of many years of development by domestic scientists, and are used to create such preparations as “Pantohematogen”, “Pantocrine”, and “Gifts of the Arctic” antler baths.

Antlers have immunomodulatory, antioxidant, adaptogenic and general tonic effects. Recommended as general strengthening agents, to strengthen bones and tendons, to increase sexual activity (have a pronounced positive effect for erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunction). When taking antlers, fear and self-doubt disappear, disappear negative emotions, mood improves and general health, cheerfulness and optimism appear, physical and mental performance increases and is restored in case of asthenia and overwork. Antlers promote rapid recovery from illnesses, injuries and surgical interventions, accelerate wound healing, bone healing, strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and enrich the body with iodine and calcium.

Pharmacological research data

  1. Suppresses oxidative activity, improves memory, strengthens sexual functions. The mechanism of action is similar to ginseng. Activity
  2. sex hormones in men are slightly lower than testosterone.
  3. Increases blood circulation in coronary artery, slows the heartbeat, has the properties of enhancing cardiac activity,
  4. therapeutic effects on heart palpitations and acceleration
  5. restoration of blood pressure.
  6. Increases the phagocytic abilities of macrophagocytes, strengthens the functions of the immune system.
  7. Stimulates protein synthesis.
  8. Has analgesic and sedative properties.
  9. It has antiseptic properties, increases muscle resistance to fatigue, and prevents swelling.
  10. Slows down the process of monoamine oxidase types A and B in the brain, and also contributes to a noticeable increase in the content of substances in the body
  11. monoamine series.

Antlers Marala

Red deer are one of the most revered animals of Altai. Nomads believed that deer, like people, have a soul, and it continues to live after the death of the deer. He has been respected since ancient times: scientists are confident that petroglyphs depicting deer, which are not uncommon here, were of a magical nature. Fairy tales were told about deer, they were considered intermediaries between worlds, and it was also believed that killing more than two deer a year was dangerous for life, even for its continuation in another world.

Who discovered the magical properties of deer antlers?

They say that the ancient Chinese and Tibetans knew about deer antlers already 3 thousand years ago. Thus, in “Jud-shi,” the oldest textbook on Tibetan medicine, deer antlers are mentioned as a means of strengthening weakness and increasing strength, as well as healing purulent wounds. But there is a possibility that the ancient inhabitants of Altai themselves knew about deer antlers and their therapeutic abilities.

What is the secret of deer antlers?

They are soft and very rich in blood vessels, and in the spring they grow at a truly insane rate: 2 mm per day. Thus, in a couple of months, a deer can produce about a quarter of a hundredweight of antlers. All this requires from the animal a huge concentration of all its deer resources, but the deer’s antlers grow while receiving maximum amount nutrients and macroelements.

What beneficial substances can be found in antlers?

Firstly, of the 22 amino acids that occur in nature, Altai deer antlers contain 18.

Secondly, there are so many microelements here that are not found in any artificially created vitamin complex that can be bought at the pharmacy: phosphorus, calcium, nickel, potassium, silicon, and sodium...

Third, glutamic acid, nitrogen, lipids, proline and glycine, enzymes, enzymes, and much more.

The most interesting thing is that antler deer are found both in the Carpathians and in the northern countries, but products based on Altai antlers receive the most admiring reviews. Perhaps the fact is that here the air is especially clean and healing in itself, as it is rich in a variety of chemical elements: both the mountains and the herbs of the Altai region, which are found only in this region, played a role. And if you consider that these herbs are also used as food for deer... Such a miracle cannot be bought for any money.

Such a luxurious composition allows the use of antlers for the treatment of diseases of the most different organs person.

*Firstly, antler-based products are used to treat the musculoskeletal system, muscles and ligaments. These include sprains, bruises, fractures, and dislocations. They are effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, joint pain of different origins, pain and spasms in the muscles, neuralgia, problems with the vertebrae...

*Deer antlers in any form, be it baths, teas or medicines based on them, cope well with trophic disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system, be it varicose veins, venous insufficiency, dystonia, angina or coronary artery disease.

*They also treat diseases of the nervous system: VSD, neuroses, panic attacks, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthenic conditions. They are also suitable for childhood diseases of the nervous system.

*The use of antlers-based products is important when recovering from operations and simply serious illnesses.

It is also possible to use deer antlers for the treatment of peptic ulcers, diseases of the pancreas, gastritis, for diseases of the skin and blood, for sexual dysfunction and to increase potency, for the treatment of infectious diseases, in order to speed up metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system, during menopause , for quick recovery from any injuries... The list is almost endless. Contraindications include acute inflammation and exacerbation of any disease, pregnancy, low-quality tumors, active phase of tuberculosis, fresh wounds and fractures.

How to use?

You can buy deer antlers simply dried, in powder form, or fresh frozen. By the way, it is simply impossible to buy them cheap, because it is not easy to get antlers: it is very difficult to raise these animals on farms, it is impossible to hunt wild ones, and it is very difficult to cut off the antlers of a wild deer. However, a high price also does not necessarily guarantee quality: there are always plenty of fakes. Therefore, if you want to buy this product, you need to look for a well-established supplier. And if deer baths are possible only in Altai, then tea from deer antlers can be made at home. To do this, you will need cutting from deer antlers - so-called slices. They need no more than 3 grams. They are poured with a glass of boiling water and waited for an hour and a half. You need to drink it in 2-3 approaches a day. For an alcohol tincture, 50 g of slices are poured with vodka (500 ml) and left for one month. Take at least 18 drops three times a day. But homemade pantocrine is obtained only from frozen deer antlers and during infusion it needs to be shaken every day.

Antlers are young, not yet ossified antlers of deer during their periodic growth.

The healing power of such an unusual medicine was mentioned in ancient Chinese mythology, where deer were revered as constant companions of the gods, and in the writings of an ancient Roman doctor. Later, antlers were widely used in Chinese and Korean healing systems.

The fame of the unique properties of antlers came to Russia in the 18th century, but they began to study the properties of this product in detail in the 30s of the 20th century.

Since the end of the 19th century, deer have been bred in captivity to produce antlers; in Russia, this is primarily the Altai Republic. Altai deer antlers- this is an amazing natural product in its own way healing power, because the Altai maral lives only in a very small area. Attempts to breed it in other regions were unsuccessful - the quality of antlers dropped sharply.

Composition and production of deer antlers

The deer's antlers are still young and unhardened horns of a spongy structure. The antlers are filled with blood and covered with skin with very fine hair. Later, when the deer's horns harden, this skin disappears.

In ancient times, in order to obtain deer antlers, the animal was killed. Today's technologies are much more peaceful; antlers are cut off from May to August, when male deer are most active, and antlers easily grow back.

This procedure is harmless and painless for the animal, because deer have the natural ability to shed and regrow their antlers every year.

From one deer you can get 8-9 kilograms of antlers - and this is 8-9 kg of unique biological raw materials.

The composition of deer antlers is very diverse - they include amino acids (total and free), collagen, vitamins and macro- and microelements. Among the macroelements in the composition antlers- iron, calcium and magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Microelements in antlers are manganese, selenium, cobalt, copper and zinc, as well as iodine.

Antlers are also used to obtain the basis for medicines - pantocrine, and from the blood in immature horns - pantohematogen.

The healing properties of deer antlers

Even ancient Chinese healers assured: fragile horns treat blood diseases and heal wounds, increase sexual desire in both men and women. The healing properties of antlers were very useful during the Second World War: “deer medicine” helped treat bedsores and wounds, and contributed to the recovery of soldiers after difficult operations.

What medicine is prepared from reindeer antlers?

  1. Friends, tell me where I can profitably sell elk and deer antlers?
  2. Antlers (young deer antlers) are a bone sponge filled with blood. They are cut in the spring and summer and preserved by boiling, frying, and drying for 2 months. Canned antlers are used in folk medicine in countries South-East Asia more than 2000 years. The active principles in antlers are multifaceted, but already in the consolidated Chinese Pharmacopoeia, compiled in 1596 by Li-Shizhen, it is noted that the power of antlers lies in the blood contained in them. Antlers that have lost blood are not suitable for medicinal purposes.
    According to experts Alex Duarte and Jonn Abdo, preparations based on antler products are the most effective and safe adaptogens on the planet.
    Antlers, in the basic recipes of Eastern medicine, were always crushed or ground into powder and in this form were taken as medicine, often mixed with other powders. Research of the 20th century has confirmed that antlers contain a huge amount of bioactive substances, protein compounds, and energy drinks in their pure natural form, which are necessary not only in the treatment of various diseases, but also as a preventive and tonic for practically healthy people. Deer antlers, according to oriental medicine, are considered as a means of extending human life, and recently, it has been experimentally proven that extracts from antlers delay the aging of the body.
    Antlers have always been highly valued. IN Soviet time Antlers, as raw materials, were sold abroad through Prodintorg for many years. The medicines themselves and courses of treatment with antler drugs in Eastern countries reach impressive prices. Cooking effective medicinal substances in the East it was kept strictly secret and passed down from generation to generation. Processing, production medicines, food additives are the monopoly of the doctors of the East.
    The centuries-old experience of oriental medicine claims that antlers are an elixir of longevity, a magic potion of nine transformations that can correct the lower cave, here we mean the unique property of antlers to stimulate male potency. Perhaps that is why in China antlers were considered a wonderful wedding gift.
    Scientists around the world were faced with the task of preserving the entire complex of active principles of the antler. And it was Russian specialists, after many years of hard work, in several stages, who managed to achieve impressive results. The drug PANTOVEGIN concentrate for baths was developed, in which, in addition to preserving the entire rich complex of active principles of the deer blood, the problem of delivering these substances through skin covering s of a person.
    Another drug PANTOCRIN (Pantocrinum).
    Used as a tonic for fatigue, neurasthenia, neuroses, asthenic conditions after acute infectious diseases, with weakness of the heart muscle, arterial hypotension.
  3. The Finns make a powerful aphrodisiac from reindeer antlers. Small glass bottles containing the miracle drug are sold throughout Lapland. Demand, despite the price of 50 euros, is constantly growing. Moreover, with the help of powder from reindeer hooves in Lapland, infertility has been treated since ancient times and childbirth has been facilitated.

    Therefore, it is possible that Chukotka will soon be associated with a remedy for impotence - Chukagra.
    In China, they also make a powdered medicine from Reindeer antlers that helps increase potency. And Pantokpin.

  4. The drug CigaPan is prepared on the basis of a fine powder from. mature reindeer antlers in the form of biologically active food. supplements
  5. Pantocrine
  6. Pantocrine.
  7. It’s profitable, depending on the type of horns, but they charge 500 rubles for processing.
  8. Probably Pancreatin

Eastern healers compare beneficial features antlers except with ginseng. Undoubtedly, deer antlers occupy one of the first places in the list of drugs used to prolong youth and maintain strength. Antler drugs help in the treatment of many diseases. This miraculous medicine is given to us by beautiful animals called deer.

What are antlers?

The peculiarities of deer antlers lie not only in their beauty. Reindeer antlers are simply magical healing agent. What is this miracle of nature? Antlers are the antlers of deer during the growth period. At this time, they do not have a keratinized tubular structure, they are saturated with blood. On top of the antler processes there is thin velvet skin, pleasant to the touch, and there is also soft short fur.

When a deer biologically reaches adulthood, the antler's antlers stop branching. Since this time, the number of processes remains unchanged. This is also considered one of the characteristics of these animals. It is worth noting that antlers taken from old (13-15 years old) deer are not recommended for medicinal purposes. The explanation is simple: the antlers of such animals are poorly saturated with blood, which makes their healing power weaker.

The structure of antler processes

Let's consider the structural features of antlers. They are divided into three layers:

  1. External – leather covered with lint;
  2. Fibrous tissue - the peculiarity of this layer is that a large number of blood vessels intersect in it;
  3. The central part is a layer filled with medulla. Peculiarities medulla: presence of embryonic stem cells. This layer can easily be called precious.

When the time comes for ossification, cells responsible for bone formation settle on the antler cartilage tissue. Then the fibrous layer dies and the dried skin falls off. A bone (“pipe”) is formed, resembling a stump in appearance. Throughout the life of a deer, the “pipes” remain alive, and ossified antlers consisting of dead tissue grow from them.

How do antlers grow?

The biological growth cycles of antlers are repeated regularly from year to year. The peak of growth occurs in the spring, when the deer begin their rut. During April - May, animals experience the highest stage of hormonal activity, which ends at the beginning of summer.

One of the biological features of antler deer is the intensity of tissue regeneration, which no living creature in the world can boast of. Over the course of one day, the antlers of these beauties grow by approximately 2 cm. Also, the biological features of these artiodactyls include the fact that embryonic stem cells are present in the antler horns of adult individuals. This is a unique phenomenon in the world of mammals.

At the end of autumn, when the mating season ends, male artiodactyls shed their ossified horns. With the onset of spring, the biological growth cycle of antler horns repeats. This is observed only in sika deer, red deer, wapiti, and wapiti. This is the only family of mammals in the world. Which every year shed and regrow horns weighing up to 25 kg. This process requires incredible strength and concentrations of substances that regulate the growth of such a massive organ. WITH biological point From a perspective, the growth rate can easily be called a miracle of nature.


When people became aware of the beneficial properties of sika deer antlers, they began breeding these animals in order to obtain a valuable medicine. Only before, when getting antlers, reindeer herders killed deer. Nowadays, a more humane way of extracting useful shoots has been invented. Today they are cut from live sika deer. In animals, this procedure causes painful sensations. During the cutting period, approximately 1.5 liters are taken from the deer. blood. Deer are subjected to this test once every twelve months.

Known different ways processing of antlers, which preserves beneficial properties. The most common are:

  • Vacuum drying;
  • Freezing at low temperatures;
  • Air drying with intermediate scalding.

The technology for making antlers is a rather difficult process, but the result is worth it.

Beneficial features

Traditional healers claim that the beneficial, unique properties of antlers can work wonders; it is a panacea for huge amount diseases! By taking preparations made from reindeer antlers, a person can not only recover from diseases, even very terrible ones, but also stop the aging of the body, preserve male strength for many years, until old age, and improve brain function. People who know how to use the power of antlers also do not complain about vision and memory, both at a young and old age. Let's take a closer look at what diseases medicines from antlers are used for, and thanks to what properties antlers can heal:

  • General exhaustion, anemia, vaginal bleeding. Antler preparations have hemostatic properties and have a tonic effect;
  • Gout, urolithiasis. Antlers strengthen bones, muscles and the entire body as a whole, improve urinary functions;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, complications during menopause. Antlers have a positive effect on the functions of the stomach and intestines, activate digestion, improve the activity of the heart muscle, calm the nerves, and eliminate menopausal disorders;
  • Ulcers, wounds. Applying healing properties antlers can be significantly accelerated regenerative processes in tissues, they, in turn, accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • Blood pressure disorders. The use of drugs from antlers makes it possible to optimize blood pressure;

To healing power antler horns helped with a particular disease, you need to know how to prepare the medicine, in what cases to use it and in what doses to take it. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is quite possible to prepare medicine from antlers at home, you just need to purchase this healing miracle of nature. It is expensive, but the way antlers affect human body, justifies the money spent. You can buy them in different forms: dried, frozen, or in powder form. The main thing is to purchase from a reliable seller.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for preparing tinctures, decoctions or other drugs. Some of them are now in front of you:

  • Antler-based tea. Take 3g. slices and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Wait for it to brew (60-90 minutes), then strain. Drink the prepared infusion one day, dividing it into 3 parts;
  • Honey tincture. 5g. crushed antlers, honey (10g.), 5g. sea ​​buckthorn berries, 5g. Mix barberry and pour vodka (0.7 l.). Leave the mixture to infuse in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks. Shake from time to time. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.
  • Decoction with added herbs. Mix crushed antlers (1 tbsp) with 1 tbsp. gold and maral root. Pour 1/2 liter of prepared ingredients. water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, then strain. Take 100 ml. 5 times a day. The last dose of the decoction in the evening is no later than 18.00.
  • Antlers with honey. Mix honey with antler powder (5:1). Let it steep for a month. From time to time the drug needs to be stirred with a wooden spatula. Take 1 tsp in the morning before meals, dissolving under the tongue. The course of treatment is about 30 days.
  • Alcohol tincture. Take 15g. chopped antlers and pour vodka (250 ml.) over them. Leave in a dark place for 30 days. You need to take antler tincture with vodka 2 times a day, half an hour before meals, 25 drops.

Who is prohibited from using antlers for treatment?

There is a misconception among some people that by increasing the dosage, you can heal faster. You must always adhere to the prescribed doses, otherwise, instead of recovery, health may deteriorate.

Also, one should not think that antlers are useful for everyone, and drugs based on them can be taken by every person. There are certain contraindications for which antlers cannot be used:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • People diagnosed with tuberculosis;
  • In case of insufficiency of any systems or organs;
  • Suffering from diabetes.

Self-medication is contraindicated in any case; consultation with a doctor is necessary before using antlers for the benefit of health.

A group of Russian scientists has developed a new generation antler drug - “Pantolen”, created on the basis of products natural origin– Altai deer antlers using a unique patented technology, excluding heat and alcohol treatment, which allows maximum preservation of natural biological active ingredients antlers. Antler products from Panacels LLC are produced in Saratov.

Antler preparations are presented in various dosages and release forms, for external and internal use, in the form of gel, capsules and aqueous antler extract - antler baths.

Antler baths - rejuvenate the body, relieve physical fatigue, stimulate the immune system, improve metabolism, and are a reliable prevention of osteochondrosis.

Main composition: Aqueous antler extract, natural preservatives

"Pantolene" contains highly active protein and peptide regulatory molecules, vitamin C, amino acids, nucleotides, macro- and microelements. People taking Pantolen optimize their metabolism, increase energy production and protein content in cells, and stimulate the body's self-healing processes.

Method of use of the drug PANTOLEN - 4-6 weeks, in one bottle - 30 capsules, the drug must be taken in the morning after meals, 1-2 capsules, for one course you need from 3 to 5 bottles.

stimulates the immune system;

rejuvenates the body;
raises vitality;

"Pantolene" in capsules 90

"Pantolene" - natural preparation from Altai deer antlers. Antlers - unossified deer antlers are considered one of the most powerful natural adaptogens (a substance that increases the body's resistance)

Method of use of the drug PANTOLEN - 4-6 weeks, in one bottle - 30 capsules, the drug must be taken in the morning after meals, 1-2 capsules

stimulates the immune system;
increases the body's endurance and resistance to infection;
rejuvenates the body;
raises vitality;
improves nutrition of the heart muscle
improves peripheral blood circulation;

Pantolen Ex-formula

Pantolen Special EX-Formula is a natural product for men's health. A natural biocomplex intended for men who need to increase or restore sexual function. Pantolen Special EX-Formula restores and preserves sexual function.

The effect of external use products "Pantolen-gel", "Antler baths" can be enhanced by the use of pantolen in capsules.

Deer antlers– unossified antlers of red antler deer (Altai maral) – represent a unique biological material. Antlers consist of spongy cartilaginous tissue, permeated blood vessels and having an intensive blood supply. The growth rate of antlers reaches 2-4 cm/day. Vessels and nerves grow at the same speed. During the growth period, there is an intensive synthesis of proteins, peptides and complex carbohydrate-containing compounds - proteoglycans, glycoproteins. Due to the production of growth factors, the proliferation of endothelial, as well as cartilage and connective tissue cells (chondrocytes, fibroblasts) is activated. During 4-5 months of antler growth, the animal’s body produces up to 25 kg of bone tissue - this is an absolute record in the animal world! Intensive growth requires significant stress on all body systems and high concentrations of substances responsible for plastic, energy supply and coordination of physiological and biochemical reactions. Antlers are cut off in the spring and summer.

Protein-peptide components of antlers:

  • Collagen is a structural protein connective tissue, main component cartilage;
  • Bone morphogenetic proteins accelerate bone growth and regeneration;
  • The carbohydrate-containing components of antlers, polysaccharides, are involved in carbohydrate metabolism and promote blood clotting;
  • Glycosaminoglycans are involved in the formation of cartilage proteoglycans, which regulate water retention and cell differentiation, and help the proliferation of chondrocytes;
  • Chondroitin sulfate is a carbohydrate that ensures the hydrophilicity of proteoglycans and protects cartilage from the action of destructive enzymes;
  • Glucosamine sulfate is a building protein of cartilage that has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The lipid-containing components of antlers, phospholipids, are involved in the construction of cell membranes;
  • Neutral fats are sources of energy;
  • Low molecular weight components of antlers - a complete set of amino acids necessary for the construction of proteins;
  • Prostaglandins are regulators of microcirculation and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO) – increase the level of biogenic amines, affect the level of adaptive reactions, and improve mood.

Microelements (more than 40 macro- and microelements)

  • selenium – strengthens anti-infective immunity, has a protective effect on blood cells, heart, liver and lungs;
  • calcium – necessary for strengthening bones, teeth, transmission nervous influences, blood clotting, muscle contraction and secretion processes;
  • phosphorus – participates in the construction of bones, teeth, a key factor in the regulation of metabolism;
  • potassium is an intracellular ion, necessary for the functioning of nerves and muscles;
  • magnesium – participates in the regulation of muscle contractions and energy metabolism;
  • iron – is part of enzymes, hemoglobin, myoglobin, participates in hematopoiesis and tissue respiration.


  • vitamin E – participates in the processes of growth and differentiation, is a natural antioxidant;
  • vitamin B12 – participates in hematopoiesis, stimulates cell growth and differentiation;
  • vitamin C - involved in oxidative processes and stabilizing the walls of blood vessels;
  • vitamin D - important for bone growth and muscle function;
  • vitamin B1 - involved in metabolism, in particular in nervous tissue.

The biological effects of antlers are varied. According to a number of experts, preparations created on the basis of antler reindeer herding products are the most effective and safe adaptogens. They are universal biostimulants, modulators and optimizers of biological processes.

  • Antlers increase the calcium content in bones and accelerate bone healing in case of fractures.
  • In training athletes, antlers help increase muscle mass and strength, improve blood flow in the muscles. Athletes, swimmers, and climbers have long used antlers as preparations causing an increase strength and endurance.
  • People who use antlers are able to do more work with a shorter recovery period.
  • Antlers reduce the risk of fatal heart attack and stroke by more than 400%, normalize blood pressure, increase the strength of heart contractions and the pumping function of the heart.
  • Antlers improve hemorheology and microcirculation, causing inhibition of blood coagulation and platelet adhesive ability.
  • Antlers reduce plasma cholesterol levels and help prevent atherosclerosis.
  • Antlers contain stimulators of angiogenesis and metalloproteinases, which accelerate the growth of blood vessels in the area of ​​ischemic damage (heart attack, stroke).
  • Antlers increase life expectancy with tumors by 40%, and also reduce side effects antitumor drugs.
  • Antler extracts stimulate the immune system and leukopoiesis, increase the content of neutrophils in the blood, increasing the body's resistance to the action of pathogenic microbes and viruses.
  • Antlers promote the healing of skin wounds and burns, accelerate recovery processes in surgical patients, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Antlers contain antidepressants and mood regulators that prevent mental decline.
  • Antler preparations delay the aging process of the body and ease the course of menopause in women.
  • Antler drugs increase sexual activity and increase plasma testosterone levels in men.
  • Antlers have high antioxidant and anti-stress activity, increase the production of chaperone proteins in cells, “repairing” partially denatured protein molecules and damaged cellular organelles.
  • Antler drugs activate DNA repair processes, increase genome stability, protecting it from the action of various mutagens - ionizing radiation, heavy metals, chemical agents, viruses, etc.

The medicinal use of antlers has a 2000-year history. Red antler deer are rare wild animals that lived only in the highlands of Northern Manchuria, Altai and Sayan.

In ancient China and the Far East, antlers were used for joint pain, liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers, gout, headaches, eczema, and colds. Impotence, obesity, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amnesia, wounds, pain, arthritis. In 16th century China, the classic medicinal leaf contained various antler preparations: powders, tablets, extracts, tinctures, ointments.

According to expert estimates, the total population of antler deer in the world is about 5 million individuals. The main producers and suppliers of antlers to the world market are New Zealand(500 tons/year), China (400 tons/year), Russia (100 tons/year), USA (50 tons/year) and Canada (30 tons/year). Almost 90% of all antler products are consumed by Korea. Russia exports antlers to South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand. The quality of Russian antlers on the world market is the highest. In Russia, non-ossified antlers of semi-wild deer located in a natural habitat controlled by humans are usually used as raw materials for the preparation of antler preparations. These antlers contain a complex of active substances, biological effect which are 2-4 times stronger compared to those obtained from the horns of farm (artificially raised) animals. This is explained by the fact that the antlers of Altai deer contain a complex of biologically active substances that contribute to their survival in the harsh conditions of the Altai Mountains and Siberia.

How nutritional supplements(dietary supplement) antler preparations can be useful for increasing vitality, improving the function of the cardiovascular system, preventing mental illness, improving memory, delaying the aging of the body, increasing sexual potency, strengthening liver function, normalizing the nervous system, stimulating the immune system, increasing performance. They may be useful in complex treatment prostatitis, coronary disease heart, cerebral stroke, anemia, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to stimulate the healing of wounds, ulcers and bone fractures. The undoubted advantage of antler preparations is practically complete absence side effects.

In the Pharmacopoeia of the USSR (and later Russia), antler extract is designated in the section “tonic drugs” and is presented on the market with the drug “Pantocrine”, the basis of which is an alcohol extract. However, some researchers note that alcohol treatment, as well as heating, lead to the destruction of some important elements of antlers and reduce their beneficial properties. Consequently, the technology for processing antler raw materials and preparing the final product should exclude heating and alcohol treatment. It is precisely this new modern technology (excluding heating and alcohol treatment) that has been developed and used in one of the Saratov companies for the preparation of various antler preparations, in particular “Pantolena”. The unique technology for processing Altai deer antlers makes it possible to obtain microdispersed powder, which is the most convenient form for oral administration, since it ensures maximum bioavailability, extraction and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of the main components contained in antlers.

General Director of LLC "Center for Youth and Longevity"
Marina Kopenkina
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