Anorexia beautiful girls. Georgia McGrath was so weak her ribs burst when she jumped into her boyfriend's arms. This girl showed incredible fortitude on her road to recovery. Video: what is anorexia and how does it manifest itself?

27-09-2007, 08:40


Huge article on the topic terrible disease ANOREXIA.

1. Photo report from the American rehabilitation institution "Renfrew". This is SHOCK! I'm still impressed.
2. Yesterday we talked about the sensational social advertising Olivero Toscani (No Anorexia) - . This topic has been continued. By chance I came across a blog online main character Milanese social activist Isabelle Caro. The blog contains some information about it and many photographs, which can be found below.
3. Also in the continuation of the post, there is visual evidence of the spread of the disease - photographs of anorexic models performing on the catwalks.

(Ancient Greek α- - without-, non-, ὄρεξις - urge to eat) - refusal to eat due to lack of appetite or under the influence of psychopathological disorders.
Anorexia nervosa - complete failure from food or sharp restriction of food intake for the purpose of losing weight or preventing weight gain excess weight under the influence of overvalued or crazy ideas relevant content. More common in girls.

There are two types of behavior when anorexia nervosa: restrictive - the patient voluntarily limits food intake and does not eat to satiety, and then provokes vomiting, purgative - the patient overeats, and then provokes vomiting or abuses laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
Mental anorexia (anorexia psychica) - refusal to eat due to severe suppression of appetite in depressive and catatonic states or under the influence of delusional ideas of poisoning.
Anorexia (symptom) - The term "anorexia" is widely used to refer to decreased or loss of appetite. This symptom is very common: it occurs not only with mental illness, but also for many somatic diseases.

A report about the life of American girls who are being treated for anorexia in special hospitals that exist all over America.

Shelley stands near her home in Salt Lake City, 6 months after finishing treatment at Renfrew.

A therapeutic session where girls eat popcorn, sweets, pies and then share their feelings.

Melissa, 23, at her daily weigh-in. Before she entered treatment for eating disorders, she weighed 23 kg.

Quince, 16, Atlanta, Georgia, eating lunch in the cafeteria. Resident "Renfrew" is required to comply daily plan by eating. Special doctor, after meals, checks the trays and plates of the wards.

Here many girls find new friends.

Katie, 48, Syracuse, New York, holds her own jaw in her hands. She has been anorexic for 33 years and recently weighed almost 31 kg.

Stephanie, 14, Brownsville, Texas. She has eating disorders began as a result of an argument with a friend about which of them would look thinner.

Kara, 31, Batavia, Illinois. In two months I lost 27 kg.

Quince, 16, Atlanta, Georgia on her first day at rehabilitation center. At the start of treatment, she weighed 35 kg, which is 69% of her normal weight her body.

Quince in 10 weeks. This is her last day in treatment.

Brittany stands next to the drawn outlines of her body in a graphic therapy room. The picture clearly shows the difference between her body during illness and its normal state.

Melissa, 23, Ann Arbor, Michigan, was admitted to the clinic weighing 23 kg. Due to the disease, the muscles in her legs have atrophied and now doctors believe that she will not be able to walk.

Sharyl, 35, Kansas City, Missouri, learned to “eat healthy” at age 10 from her anorexic sister.

Ata, 26 years old, New York, New York. This is the seventh time he has been undergoing treatment. After the end of the previous treatment, she weighed 43 kg.

Queen, 14, Maintland, Florida, entered Renfrew weighing 35 kg. Now she weighs 50 kg, after 5 months of treatment. Before this, there were 4 suicide attempts.

Shelley, 25, Salt Lake City, Utah. This is her first day of treatment. She arrived at the clinic with a tube surgically implanted in her stomach. Shelley eats through it. It can’t be any other way.

Chantelle, 28 years old. A former model with hundreds of self-cutting scars on her body. Tired of being exploited in the fashion industry, she deliberately cut herself in order to “lose her marketable appearance.”

One form of treatment is wearing swimsuits in public on the beach.

Alice is ready for discharge after 23 weeks of rehabilitation.

Melissa, Logan and Mary are having lunch at a restaurant located near the clinic. This is also part of the therapy designed to help girls overcome their fear of eating in public.

Isabel Caro

Yesterday we talked about the sensational public service announcement by Olivero Toscani (No Anorexia) -.
This topic has been continued. By chance, on the Internet, I came across the blog of the main character of the Milanese social network, Isabelle Caro.
The blog contains some information about it and many photographs, which can be found below.
Also in the continuation of the post, there is visual evidence of the spread of the disease - photographs of anorexic models performing on the catwalks.

Isabelle Caro has been blogging on since June 10, 2007. And this is what she tells about herself.

I'm 26 years old and I've been living in Marseille for a year. I am engaged in modeling business. Due to circumstances, I had to leave my parents’ house in order not to spoil my relationship with my family, to make it more neutral. At the same time, due to castings and shows, I often return to my hometown - the capital of France.

Since the age of 13, I have suffered from anorexia, which began to develop due to a difficult childhood, which I will talk about later. With a height of 165 cm, I weighed 25 kg, but then it got better and the weight stabilized at around 31 kg. I expect to get even better soon because I want to overcome this disease that is like hell, and I know that I will succeed because I love life and our universe. I was filmed in some programs where I talked about my illness. Also, my book will be published soon with more detailed coverage of this problem.

I recently posed famous photographer Olivero Toscani for his company NOLITA “No Anorexia”. Posters with my image will appear in Milan on September 19, 2007. They are designed to draw the attention of the public and especially young people to the dangers of this disease.

Now there are other models performing on world catwalks. Some of them are more susceptible to the disease, some less so. All the same, the impression is depressing.

Here's another interesting photo. Looks like it couldn't have happened without Photoshop.

In general, there are different extremes.

P.S. About normality. Most nutritionists and World organization healthcare organizations focus their work on the Quetelet index. It is calculated as follows: a person’s weight in kilograms is divided by the square of his height in meters. A person 170 cm tall and weighing 65 kg will have an index of 22.5. It is generally accepted that normally the Quetelet index should be from 18.5 to 24.9. Everything below these indicators - dangerously thin, and everything higher is excessive fatness. If the index is above 30 – speech it's already underway about incipient obesity.

But! It turned out that the most low performance Mortality rates fall within a much shorter period according to the Quetelet index, only from 23 to 25 units. When moving from medium-fat to fat (20070927/anorex25 and above), mortality increases. But when moving downward 20070927/anorexbelow 23) the mortality rate curve flies up almost vertically.

In your desire to have perfect figure women sometimes go too far. Trying to come as close as possible to the ideals imposed by society or loved ones, they can cross the line beyond which they can no longer adequately control themselves. Anorexia is a condition in which the patient ceases to objectively perceive his figure, regardless of whether he looks normal or not.

What is anorexia

In scientific circles, anorexia is called. Sufferers of this disease are obsessed with the thought of their own completeness, and strive for everything. accessible ways reduce the amount of food you eat. In most cases, the following factors can cause this disease:

  • or lack of self-confidence.
  • Excessive demands on yourself and your figure.
  • An opinion imposed by society.
  • The desire to become like an idol.
  • Possible genetic predisposition.
  • Stressful situations can also cause anorexia.

Anorexia itself is about the imperfection of one’s own figure and, as a result, the desire to correct it. The insidiousness of this disorder is that even when certain results are achieved, those susceptible to this disease do not stop and continue to deplete the body. After some time, this lifestyle can become firmly entrenched in the patient’s mind, and after that even long-term treatment may have no effect.

Consequences of anorexia

Mental consequences include: constant depression, followed by bouts of euphoria, inability to concentrate, irritability, and sometimes thoughts of suicide.

Except mental changes, the body will also be subject to destructive influences. For the body to function properly, it needs energy, which it draws from food. Therefore, long-term anorexia can lead to the following: cardiac arrhythmias, frequent dizziness and fainting, chills, hair loss on the head and the appearance of a slow pulse, infertility in women, decreased sexual desire in men and women, frequent cramping stomach pain, brittle bones and vertebrae, brain shrinkage and even death.

How to identify anorexia

On initial stages It is difficult to identify a patient with an illness such as anorexia. A diet that includes almost complete abstinence from food is the first manifestation of this disorder. In people susceptible to this disease, mental level the attitude towards food changes. To maintain and improve their figure, they rarely eat and often forcefully induce vomiting after eating. This is how they try to get rid of extra calories.

The main feature by which anorexia can be distinguished from ordinary starvation is the complete denial of the problem by patients. They tend not to notice, or, more correctly, force themselves not to see changes in their body. Even when the bones begin to protrude from the skin, they still tend to consider their figure too full. Since anorexia is a disorder that occurs primarily in the head of patients, they never even notice obvious changes. At the first symptoms of anorexia, family and friends should try to dissuade the patient themselves. In the first stages of the disorder, it is possible to do without the intervention of doctors.

Some symptoms of anorexia

Hyperactivity is another sign of anorexia. With this disorder, the patient strives to achieve the desired result through exhausting training. Male anorexia is especially susceptible to this. Although there are significantly fewer cases of this disorder among males, they do occur. When this disease appears in men, they tend to spend as much time as possible training, even to the point of overwork. Men become more irritable and even aggressive, so it is much more difficult to make them believe in their own illness and undergo treatment.

One of the symptoms of the disease is an alleged constant and reluctance to eat with anyone. At the same time, patients may show excessive interest in everything related to cooking. Thus, a girl’s anorexia can cause her to have a great desire to cook food for her friends and family, but at the same time she herself will not participate in the meal. She can respond to all invitations quite sharply and rudely, which may be another indicator of the disease.

For more late stages It is easy to detect unnatural thinness in a patient with anorexia. Everyone has an idea of ​​what advanced anorexia looks like. Photos of models with obvious signs of malnutrition can be seen in many fashion magazines. The sad thing about this is that while these models are in most cases old enough to take care of themselves, many of their fans are still teenagers. Exactly at adolescence(from 16 to 22 years old) and this disorder appears in 90% of all cases. Therefore, in many countries there are special laws that do not allow the publication of photographs of girls with signs of anorexia.

Early stages of anorexia

On initial stages Anorexia can be treated without medical intervention. If family or friends notice psychological changes in time, even a simple conversation may be enough to stop the progression of this disorder.

Since this disease is mostly common in adolescence, parents should pay more attention to their children. However, as mentioned earlier, since anorexia is a mental illness, its cause may be normal stress, caused by both insufficient attention from parents and its excess, so it is important not to be excessively intrusive.

Anorexia before and after treatment

But in advanced cases the situation is completely different. The most dangerous thing about this disease is that it occurs in psychological level. Even if, for example, you forcefully feed a patient, this will only partially help, without eliminating the cause itself.

When contacting a doctor, depending on the stage of the disease, hospitalization in a special hospital may be prescribed. Psychotherapy will be prescribed, with the help of which doctors will be able to make the patient aware of his problem. Effective treatment is possible only when the patient can admit to himself that he is sick. Until then, any treatment attempts will have no effect. In addition to psychotherapy sessions, they sometimes use pharmacological agents. As a rule, they are various kinds antidepressants and drugs that promote weight gain.


The consequences of anorexia can vary. Perhaps even after passing full course treatment in a hospital, the disease may return. Therefore, those who have even once shown signs of anorexia should always be given great attention.

There are also fatal cases when the disease was discovered too late, and destructive processes in the body have reached an irreversible state. The most common causes of death are starvation or heart failure.

Anorexia: before and after bulimia

Bulimia - which is the opposite of anorexia. When the disease occurs, the patient feels attacks insatiable hunger, which can occur even after eating. An incredible appetite and its subsequent quenching is replaced by a feeling of shame and fear of getting fat.

This disorder also appears predominantly in the female part of the population, and becomes a real challenge for her. It is quite common for bulimia and anorexia to occur simultaneously in the same person. Susceptible to bulimia seek to control their weight through constant forced vomiting or excessive use of laxatives.

It often happens that after another bout of overeating, the patient temporarily refuses any food. He can go without food even for several days, after which he is unable to control his hunger and again eats to satiety. Such dashes from one extreme to another become more destructive for the body than each of them individually.

Anorexia is scary psychological illness modernity. This is a pathological fear of gaining weight, and not a desire to lose weight, as many believe. Photos of anorexics before and after the disease show what a terrible state a sick person can bring themselves to. The disease always begins the same way: girls and boys just want to lose a little weight, reduce their hips and belly, and then they lose their heads over the results and can no longer stop. After all, as the numbers on the scale change, a huge dose of adrenaline is released and the person gets incredible pleasure from losing weight.

I'm anorexic: real stories. Anorexic girls photos

Many of these stories will tell you how to become anorexic in a month. Don't think about repeating this!
"I was normal girl, with a height of 168 cm, weighed 60 kg. I was happy with everything about my appearance, but my overweight tummy bothered me. I decided to remove it. I started working out my abs regularly and cut down on the menu. After a few days I didn’t see any results and practically stopped eating. I ate only one apple and tomato a day. After a while, people began to say that I had lost weight, and then I decided to remove a little more from the sides... I couldn’t stop then. As a result, with a height of 168 cm, I began to weigh 40 kg.”

Anorexia: photos of girls

In all life stories of anorexia, you can notice that girls always believe that they are in control of the situation. Actually this is not true. They cannot stop losing weight and gain normal weight on their own.

I'm anorexic now

“I wanted to please one guy, but he liked slim people. Since childhood, I was a chubby child. So I decided to start losing weight. I tried to stop eating, but hunger took its toll. I lashed out, argued with friends and parents, and gradually developed an aversion to food. Over time, hair began to fall out, nails began to crumble, and teeth fell out. And when I reached a weight of 40 kg, problems with the kidneys and heart began, and my periods stopped coming. After some time, I ended up in the hospital - my metabolism was disrupted. By then I looked like a mummy. The skin is gray, the head is disproportionately large, like all anorexics in photos from the Internet, scary hands, like the witch from Disney's Snow White, a bunch of tow instead of hair. And during this time that same guy married another girl, and we didn’t even meet him.”

The stories of all anorexics have one thing in common: in the mirror they do not notice their thinness. However, they may notice unsightly changes in photos of other anorexics.

How I became anorexic

“My story of anorexia began at 26 years old. In the summer I was going to the south, and my shape left much to be desired. With a height of 170 kg, I weighed 86 kg. So I signed up for a fitness class and started eating right. I have never liked super diets that allow you to lose 10 kg in a week. Therefore, I approached my diet and lifestyle wisely - I did not overwork myself with training and did not starve. As a result, I lost 15 kg, which I was terribly happy about. And then I decided to remove my belly and ears on my hips. And then it began. The weight didn't go away. I had to reduce my calorie intake to 700 per day. The numbers on the scales began to drop, as did my well-being.

Nervous breakdowns, bouts of gluttony, hunger strike, tears, thinning hair, blurred vision - these are not full list dire consequences. But I didn’t notice all these adversities, I found an alternative to the lost beauty - false nails, short haircut, makeup. And then fainting began, so I began to end up in the hospital, where they force-fed me. But at home I went on a hunger strike again. As a result, the kidneys and liver failed, osteoporosis began, and the hormonal background. And at a weight of 38 kg I died.”

Anorexia in the history of girls does not bring anything good. In the end, they will face a broken life, a broken psyche, loneliness, disability or even death. Is the “prince” worth these sacrifices? perfect body or other joys for which girls start losing weight?

The consequence of uncontrolled weight loss is anorexia. In pursuit of beauty, some women go on exhausting diets, starve, rinse their stomachs after eating, and induce vomiting. The desire to lose weight becomes obsession, and even when the cherished dream has come true, it is no longer possible to stop. The disease called anorexia is based on neuropsychiatric disorder. As a result severe loss weight, the body is depleted, vital important processes, and if help is not provided to a person in time, he dies. The photos show more than clearly what people with anorexia look like.

On a note! Anorexia is dangerous disease, which kills about 20% of total number sick. Natural death occurs as a result of the development of heart failure. Another cause of death in anorexia is suicide.

What is anorexia?

Anorexia is a disease in which there is almost no appetite. It is not always possible to force feed the sick, despite the fact that their body is experiencing serious deficiencies nutrients. The disease is associated with mental disorders, That's why effective method The current treatment is psychotherapy.

Less commonly, anorexia develops unconsciously, against the background of other diseases. For example, in the presence of oncology, intoxication, schizophrenia.

Anorexia: before and after photos

In the photo you can see what people with anorexia look like. The difference before and after is obvious.

Not only girls, but also men suffer from anorexia, which is clearly visible in the photo.

Types of anorexia

The following types of anorexia are known:

  • primary – lack of appetite for certain reasons, under the influence of diseases;
  • mental – refusal to eat is associated with mental disorders;
  • mental illness - the patient does not feel hunger while awake, and in a dream sometimes there is an urgent need to eat food;
  • medicinal – intentional or unconscious loss of hunger (through treatment of diseases with medications).

With the development of anorexia, metabolism is disrupted and other negative consequences occur.

On a note! According to statistics, it is mostly girls who suffer from anorexia, which is proven by numerous photographs. Among them there are many teenagers, and there are also children.

There are many celebrities who have driven themselves to the point of anorexia, trying to bring their body closer to the standards of beauty. This disease often occurs among girls involved in the modeling business.

On a note! Today, anorexia and bulimia are a scourge modern models. These diseases have much in common, but at the same time, they differ from each other. With anorexia, appetite is completely absent, and with bulimia, periods of hunger alternate with uncontrolled eating of food, after which the patient becomes ashamed and strives for everything. possible ways remove food from the stomach.

Like drug addicts and alcoholics, people with anorexia do not consider themselves sick, which negatively affects the success of treatment. They don't agree to accept medications, refuse help and suppress any conversations related to the disease. Moreover, some patients continue to consider themselves overweight and try with all their might to lose weight.

A girl with anorexia constantly looks at herself in the mirror, measures her waist and tries in every possible way to get rid of “extra” weight.

Symptoms of anorexia

First of all, the symptoms of anorexia manifest themselves in eating behavior:

  • fear of excess weight, which turns into a phobia;
  • obsessions related to food, constantly counting the calorie content of foods;
  • constant thoughts about losing weight, despite lack of weight;
  • chewing food thoroughly, chopping food;
  • discomfort after a meal, arising at a psychological level.

Other symptoms of anorexia include:

  • increased irritability;
  • desire to lead active image life, burden yourself with excessive physical exercise;
  • aggressiveness;
  • choosing baggy clothes that supposedly hide imaginary body weight;
  • solitude, avoidance of society.

People, sicker with anorexia, are susceptible to depression, which is directly related to the lack of valuable components in the body. They are dissatisfied with their appearance not because they are a skeleton covered in skin, but due to false overweight. People with anorexia have trouble sleeping. IN severe cases, when body weight becomes critical, the patient stops getting out of bed, since weakness makes it impossible to stay upright.

Anorexia can be identified by appearance and the following physical characteristics:

  • weight below normal by 30% or more;
  • dizziness, weakness, fainting;
  • the presence of soft fluff on the body;
  • a constant feeling of cold due to the lack of fat and impaired blood circulation.

With anorexia, sexual activity is reduced, and with further progression of the disease, interest in opposite sex and disappears completely. In women it is disrupted menstrual cycle, anovulation and amenorrhea occur.

Specifics of the development of anorexia in children and men

Most often, anorexia develops in women, since they are characterized by a manic desire to lose weight. However, men and even children are sometimes susceptible to the disease. True, the course of anorexia differs between them.

If the child for a long time refuses food, has lost a lot of weight, his parents urgently need to send him to the hospital for examination, while children's body irreversible processes have not begun. Be sure to visit a psychologist. At timely application The prognosis to the doctor is favorable.

In men, the course of anorexia is similar to the manifestation of the disease in children. Usually, eating disorder they have something special to do with it physiological state. Men do not tend to be critical of their appearance and being overweight does not scare them as much as women.

On a note! According to statistics, among men with anorexia, about half are schizophrenicnicknames, and 25% have a non-traditional sexual orientation. The last type of men is precisely close to women in their mental state.

The mechanism of development of the disease in children differs from that in adults. In a child it manifests itself as somatogenic disorder and occurs against the background of other ailments. Moreover, these are not necessarily serious diseases. Anorexia can cause simple thrush, worms, allergic reactions And so on. Children are susceptible to diseases different ages, although it is quite rare among them.

Video: what is anorexia and how does it manifest?

Don't underestimate anorexia. This serious illness, which may well end fatal, if you don't pay attention to it. A person with anorexia dries up before his eyes, loses strength and slowly dies. Therefore, it is important to promptly notice the onset of the development of the disease and take all necessary measures. possible measures for her treatment.

They tell on the video real stories about anorexia.

1. Photo report from the American rehabilitation institution "Renfrew". This is SHOCK! I'm still impressed.
By chance, on the Internet, I came across the blog of the main character of the Milanese social network, Isabelle Caro. The blog contains some information about it and many photographs, which can be found below.
3. Also in the continuation of the post, there is visual evidence of the spread of the disease - photographs of anorexic models performing on the catwalks.

Anorexia (ancient Greek α- - without-, non-, ὄρεξις - urge to eat) - refusal to eat due to lack of appetite or under the influence of psychopathological disorders.
Anorexia nervosa (anorexia nervosa) is a complete refusal to eat or a sharp restriction of food intake in order to lose weight or to prevent excess weight gain under the influence of overvalued or delusional ideas of the corresponding content. More common in girls.

There are two types of behavior in anorexia nervosa: restrictive - the patient voluntarily limits food intake and does not eat to capacity, and then provokes vomiting; purgative - the patient overeats and then provokes vomiting or abuses laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
Mental anorexia (anorexia psychica) - refusal to eat due to severe suppression of appetite in depressive and catatonic states or under the influence of delusional ideas of poisoning.
(symptom) - The term anorexia is widely used to describe decreased or loss of appetite. This symptom is very common: it occurs not only in mental illnesses, but also in many somatic diseases.

A report about the life of American girls who are being treated for anorexia in special rehabilitation institutions "Renfrew", which are located throughout America.

Shelley stands near her home in Salt Lake City, 6 months after finishing treatment at Renfrew.

A therapeutic session where girls eat popcorn, sweets, pies and then share their feelings.

Melissa, 23, at her daily weigh-in. Before she entered treatment for eating disorders, she weighed 23 kg.

Quince, 16, Atlanta, Georgia, eating lunch in the cafeteria. Renfrew residents are required to follow a daily meal plan. A special doctor, after eating, checks the trays and plates of the wards.

Here many girls find new friends.

Katie, 48, Syracuse, New York, holds her own jaw in her hands. She has been anorexic for 33 years and recently weighed almost 31 kg.

Stephanie, 14, Brownsville, Texas. Her eating disorders began as a result of an argument with a friend about which of them would look thinner.

Kara, 31, Batavia, Illinois. In two months I lost 27 kg.

Quince, 16, Atlanta, Georgia on her first day in rehab. At the start of treatment, she weighed 35 kg, which is 69% of her normal body weight.

Quince in 10 weeks. This is her last day in treatment.

Brittany stands next to the drawn outlines of her body in a graphic therapy room. The picture clearly shows the difference between her body during illness and its normal state.

Melissa, 23, Ann Arbor, Michigan, was admitted to the clinic weighing 23 kg. Due to the disease, the muscles in her legs have atrophied and now doctors believe that she will not be able to walk.

Sharyl, 35, Kansas City, Missouri, learned to “eat healthy” at age 10 from her anorexic sister.

Ata, 26 years old, New York, New York. This is the seventh time he has been undergoing treatment. After the end of the previous treatment, she weighed 43 kg.

Queen, 14, Maintland, Florida, entered Renfrew weighing 35 kg. Now she weighs 50 kg, after 5 months of treatment. Before this, there were 4 suicide attempts.

Shelley, 25, Salt Lake City, Utah. This is her first day of treatment. She arrived at the clinic with a tube surgically implanted in her stomach. Shelley eats through it. It can’t be any other way.

Chantelle, 28 years old. A former model with hundreds of self-cutting scars on her body. Tired of being exploited in the fashion industry, she deliberately cut herself in order to “lose her marketable appearance.”

One form of treatment is wearing swimsuits in public on the beach.

Now there are other models performing on world catwalks. Some of them are more susceptible to the disease, some less so. All the same, the impression is depressing.