Cough remedy for children 7 years old. Review of medications for children and inexpensive but effective cough tablets with instructions for use. Folk remedies for wet cough

Although a cough may seem terrible, it is not usually a sign of a serious condition. Coughing is a technique that the body uses to keep the airways clear, rid the nasal cavity of mucus or the throat of phlegm. It is also a method of protection when a piece of food or other foreign body gets stuck.

Child's cough

There are two types of cough - productive (wet) and non-productive (dry).

Children under 4 months of age do not cough much. Therefore, if a newborn coughs, it is serious. If a child is coughing just terribly, this may be a manifestation of infection with respiratory syncytial virus.

This infection is extremely dangerous for babies. When a child is older than 1 year, coughing becomes less of a cause of concern. And often it is nothing more than a cold.

Wet (productive) cough in an infant

Its main cause is inflammation and mucus production in the upper respiratory tract. At night, a cough occurs because mucus drains down the back of the throat. A productive cough also clears mucus from the lungs during pneumonia or bronchitis.


A wet cough is an effective way to rid a child’s body of unnecessary fluids in the respiratory system. When an infant's cough is the result of a bacterial infection, the mucus and sputum produced will contain bacteria, which the pediatrician can detect through culture.

Older children may spit out the mucus. Younger children tend to swallow it. As a result, babies with a wet cough may also develop an upset stomach. The upside to this is that anything ingested will eventually leave the body through stool or vomit.

Dry and raspy cough

A dry cough is a cough in which no mucus or phlegm is produced. The cough reflex is provoked by irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

In addition to removing irritants, coughing also removes mucus. If mucus is produced in negligible quantities, this, accordingly, leads to the development.

If there is little sputum, the cough will be unproductive.

Even if the cough is dry, mucus and phlegm are still present in the lungs or airways. Most likely, their number is so small that they cannot expectorate when coughing.

Typically, the cough may begin as a nonproductive cough (dry cough). Over time, it turns into a productive (wet) cough.

In addition to certain infections, any irritation of the airways due to allergies, air pollution, cigarette smoking, and exposure to certain medications can lead to a dry cough.

Causes of cough in a child

Colds and upper respiratory tract infections

Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract is almost always accompanied by a dry cough. However, if the infection spreads lower to the bronchi and lungs, or mucus leaks, a nonproductive cough can become productive.

A prolonged dry cough is also observed after a respiratory tract infection.

False croup with stenosing laryngotracheitis

The hallmark of croup is a deep cough that sounds like barking and is worse at night. The baby's voice is hoarse. The patient's breathing during sleep is accompanied by a high-pitched and whistling sound (stridor).

Parents of a child who is allergic to cat hair, dust or other elements of their environment may feel like they have a cold that will never go away.

Allergies can cause nasal congestion or a runny nose with clear mucus, as well as a cough due to constant drainage. Children with asthma also cough often, especially at night.

When a child has asthma, he or she experiences difficult asthma attacks. Exposure of the patient to cold can also cause coughing.

If your baby starts coughing after running (exercise-induced asthma), this is another symptom in favor of asthma as the cause of the cough.

Pneumonia or bronchitis

Many cases of pneumonia, an infection in the lungs, begin as a cold. If your child has a cold that gets worse—a persistent cough, difficulty breathing, body aches, chills—call a doctor. Bacterial pneumonia often causes a wet cough, while viral pneumonia causes a dry cough.

Bronchitis occurs when the structures that carry air into the lungs become inflamed. This often occurs during or after a cold and flu. Bronchitis causes a persistent cough for several weeks.

When a child has bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis, they will need an antibiotic to treat the infection and cough.

When a child has a cough and runny nose that lasts more than ten days without signs of improvement, and your doctor has ruled out pneumonia and bronchitis, sinusitis can be suspected in the baby.

Bacterial infection is a common cause of dry cough. However, excessive fluid draining into the airways, coupled with infrequent coughing in a newborn, can lead to a productive cough as mucus accumulates there.

If the doctor determines that the child has sinusitis, he will prescribe an antibiotic. The cough should stop once your sinuses are clear again.

Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract

A cough that lasts two weeks or more without other signs of illness (eg, runny nose, fever, lethargy) or allergies is often a sign that a child has a foreign object stuck.

It gets into the throat or lungs. This situation is more common among young children who are very mobile, have access to small objects and like to put everything in their mouth.

In most cases, it is immediately clear from the child that he has inhaled some object - the baby will begin to choke. At this moment, it is vital for parents not to become confused and provide first aid.

Whooping cough

May cause convulsive cough. A child with whooping cough will usually cough nonstop for 20 to 30 seconds and then struggle to catch their breath before another coughing fit begins.

Signs of a cold, such as sneezing, runny nose and weak cough, make themselves felt within two weeks before the onset of more severe coughing attacks.

In this situation, call your doctor immediately. Whooping cough can be severe, especially in children under 1 year of age.

Read a detailed article by a pediatrician about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating this disease.

Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis affects approximately 1 in 3,000 children, and a persistent cough with thick yellow or green mucus is one of the most obvious signs that a child may have inherited the disease.

Other signs include recurrent infections (pneumonia and sinusitis), poor weight gain, and a bluish tint to the skin.

Environmental irritants

Gases from the environment, such as cigarette smoke, combustion products and industrial emissions, irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cause the child to cough. It is necessary to immediately determine the cause and, if possible, eliminate it.

Seek medical help if:

  • the child has trouble breathing or strains too hard to breathe;
  • rapid breathing;
  • bluish or darkish color of the nasolabial triangle, lips and tongue;
  • heat. You need to pay special attention to it when there is a cough, but no runny nose or nasal congestion;
  • an infant under three months has a fever and cough;
  • an infant under three months of age experiences wheezing for several hours after a coughing attack;
  • when coughing, sputum with blood comes out;
  • wheezing when exhaling, heard at a distance;
  • the baby is weak, capricious or irritable;
  • the child has a concomitant chronic disease (heart or lung disease);
  • dehydration.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • little or no saliva;
  • dry lips;
  • sunken eyes;
  • crying with little or no tears;
  • infrequent urination.

Cough examination

Typically, children with a cough do not need extensive additional testing.

Usually, the doctor, having carefully studied the medical history and other symptoms, can already find out what is causing the cough when examining the child.

Auscultation is one of the best methods for diagnosing the causes of cough. Knowing what a cough sounds like will help the doctor decide how to treat your child.

The doctor may order a chest x-ray if the child has suspected pneumonia or to rule out a foreign body in the lungs.

A blood test will help determine if a serious infection is present.

Depending on the cause, the doctor will tell you how to treat a cough in an infant.

Because wet coughs serve an important function in children—helping their airways clear out waste materials—parents should try to help wet coughs achieve their goal.

How to remove phlegm from a baby?

  • To do this, you need to make sure that the child drinks a lot of liquid, which will not irritate his throat even more. For example, apple juice or warm broth. You can also give honey to your child over 2 years of age as a natural cough medicine. Naturally, in the absence of an allergy to it.

However, if your baby's condition worsens or his wet cough continues for more than two weeks, you should consult a healthcare professional to review treatment;

  • If the development of cough is triggered by an allergen, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. If the cause is a bacterial infection - antibiotics;
  • If your child's doctor suspects a foreign body is causing the cough, he will order a chest x-ray. If a foreign object is found in the lungs, the object must be surgically removed;
  • if the patient's condition worsens, it may be necessary to use a bronchodilator through a nebulizer (a more advanced version of the inhaler). This will make the patient's breathing easier by dilating the bronchioles.

Treatment of cough in newborns takes place only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Treating a cough in a baby at home involves several steps:

Temperature in infant with cough

Some illnesses and coughs in infants are accompanied by mild fever (up to 38 °C).

In these cases, follow these steps:

  1. Children under 1 month. Call your pediatrician. Fever is not normal.
  2. Infant up to 3 months. Consult your doctor for advice.
  3. Infants 3 - 6 months. Give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. If necessary - every 4 - 6 hours. Follow dosage directions carefully and use the syringe that comes in the package with the medicine, not a homemade spoon.
  4. Infants 6 months and older. To reduce the temperature, use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.

Do not give both drugs at full age dosage at the same time. This may cause accidental overdose.

Thus, if parents know why their child coughs and how to treat a severe cough, various unpleasant consequences of this symptom can be avoided.

The question: “How to quickly cure a child’s cough at home” worries every mother in the winter. In order not to go on sick leave, we’ll find out how to quickly get rid of a cough at home using folk remedies, and more.

Each mother has her own methods, in my group on VK I conducted a survey and found that rarely anyone now uses mustard plasters and warming cakes; babies are no longer kept above the steam from potato peelings. Basically, to my surprise, they resort to antibiotics and, believing advertising, they give expensive syrups.

Few mothers know that there are approximately 200 types of viruses that lead to coughing. There are also completely harmless types of cough - to cleanse the lungs of dust, for example.

The most popular folk recipes and methods for treating cough in children have long been known. It is not uncommon for local doctors to advise mothers of babies to use natural ingredients as part of complex therapy during treatment. For a long time, our grandmothers knew and used home remedies for coughs, which completely replaced drug treatment. It is worth considering that modern viruses are usually so ferocious that in case of serious diseases (such as pneumonia) accompanied by cough, decoctions, infusions and other types of home treatment for cough can only be an auxiliary remedy.

General rules for treating cough in children

Most often, cough in children is associated with colds, so the general rules for treating cough at home can be reduced to the basic rules:

Drink as much fluid as possible. It is clear that not all children are water drinkers, and some have to be persuaded to drink at least a little water. Be cunning. My princess, for example, drinks little water, but loves milk with honey. Knowing the benefits of cranberries, I grind them with sugar and give my daughter a teaspoon of this “yummy.” Unfortunately, she refuses to drink fruit drinks. Organize access to fresh air in the room. In order not to jump ahead, I describe everything in order. After all, there is so much on this list.

How to quickly cure a child's cough at home quickly

The key word is "fast". for working mothers this means over the weekend. An integrated approach is important here. And it is important to combine drinking, external treatment in the form of rubbing, inhalation with a nebulizer (who has one), and even the air in the room itself should be healing.

I have a very popular article about how putting onions in your feet relieves fever and quickly cures colds. This method has been tested on myself and my daughter, it always works without side effects. In addition, at night I place chopped onions in the room right at the head of the room - even at night the treatment continues. I think that you can tolerate the peculiarities of the smell for a day for the sake of your baby’s health, so as not to ruin his tiny liver with chemicals.

Access to fresh air is very important, especially in winter. Moms underestimate the importance of ventilation. The heating is bad, it’s cold in the apartment, what kind of ventilation is there? And in vain, in such a room the air is filled with germs after coughing and sneezing, and your baby inhales it again and again. Take the baby into the next room and literally ventilate for a minute. no one talks about 5-10 minutes, it’s clear that it’s not summer. Let it be a minute of ventilation, but 3 times a day.

If you have central heating, then most likely the air is too dry, which can also be the cause of a child’s cough. If your lips are dry, this is a sure sign. Allow yourself the luxury of an air humidifier, because you can fill it with mineral water and even a decoction of herbs. If this is too expensive for you, then a few bowls of water will also solve the problem of dry air. It is important here that these bowls stand in places where your treasure cannot reach them. Under the sofa, on the closet, on the chest of drawers in the very corner, under the radiator (between the chest of drawers and the curtain).

I also received from my mother a miracle lamp that glows blue - an analogue of quartz treatment and a miracle thing for warming up the bronchi during a child’s cough. You can warm up your baby with it even when he is sleeping, the main thing is to maintain the correct distance so as not to overdo it and not burn the delicate skin.

Types of quick treatment for a child’s cough at home

  • inhalation
  • decoctions
  • external remedies for children's cough
  • Useful products against coughs in children, and of course, I will add you a video on this topic

Inhalation against cough in children

The method is good, but personally, my Anechka begins not only to cry, but also to struggle when trying to cover her with a terry towel and try to hold her over a bowl of medicinal steam. At the same time, I know children who even laugh and go through similar procedures with their grandmothers. I tried to persuade her, even using the trick that Simka from her favorite cartoon was sick and needed inhalation for a cough - the number did not work. I put a bowl, filled it with herbs, poured hot water, and let it cool a little. I’m waiting for my Anechka to start breathing over the bowl together with Simka using the game method. Naive mother. Anya handed me the toy, told me how it needed to be treated and ran into the room at the first attempts to cover it with a towel.

The simplest recipe for inhalation with soda for children's cough

Pour hot water into the basin, not boiling water (preferably enameled metal, it retains heat longer). Add a teaspoon of soda and 2 drops of iodine per liter of water. The baby should breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes. If you have a very little one, you can hold it yourself. The steam immediately penetrates the bronchi and thins out thick mucus, which then facilitates the process of coughing (removal of phlegm).

Medicinal herbs for inhalation against dry cough

A regular breast mixture is suitable here, but you can also buy separately such herbs as:

  • sage and chamomile
  • mint and calendula with eucalyptus
  • oregano and mother-and-stepmother
  • St. John's wort and thyme
  • oregano and linden

It’s great that all the usefulness of the resulting decoction immediately goes into the bronchi. Herbs and decoctions made from them are an excellent remedy for the strong immunity of your treasure.

Popular method of inhalation over potatoes

Personally, I don’t remember breathing steam from freshly cooked mashed potatoes. My mother did it simpler - she boiled a few jacket potatoes, mashed them with a fork, and I breathed. Most often, she simply poured boiling water over well-washed potato skins, and when they cooled a little, she added a pinch of herbs, and I covered myself with a towel and looked at how funny these potato samples were swimming in grains of herbs. At the age of 10, my mother began to say that after such procedures the skin of my face would be incredibly beautiful, this helped significantly.

The main rule is that after inhalation you should not go anywhere, but it is advisable to even wrap the baby warmly. An excellent procedure before a nap.

Cough decoctions

Nature has given nursing mothers a huge abundance of herbs from which they can prepare herbal decoctions against coughs in children. Useful infusions and decoctions should be prepared only strictly following the instructions. If you are preparing a herbal decoction for a child, carefully read at what age this herb can be given to infants. Many herbs are allowed for children only after 3 years of age.

Herbal decoction prepared separately can be added to tea by teaspoon. In addition to drinking, I personally make such concentrated decoctions and infusions in half-liter jars and on the cabinet, let the air in the nursery be humidified not with ordinary water, but with a medicinal decoction. It is clear that even if the dose is small, but when the baby inhales air, it will benefit him.

The most effective, of course, are various warming rubs, homemade ointments, and compresses.

External cough remedies for children

This is the most popular way among mothers and grandmothers to quickly cure a child’s cough at home. I noticed that sometimes only these methods are enough to cure an incipient cough in 2 days. What do I mean by external cough remedies for a child:

  1. Salt compress
  2. Mustard plasters
  3. Onion therapy (onion in socks at night)

Personally, having tried types 3-4 from pharmacy ointments, I settled on the rub in a jar from Doctor Mom. Even after a year of unpacking, it still warms up the back well and has not lost its aroma. Such ointments should always be in the house. As soon as the disease process begins, you rub the baby’s back at night and, in combination with other procedures, you will be able to quickly cure a cough at home, without going to the hospital. As you know, employers do not like mothers whose children are often sick.

Homemade rubs

If you have free time, then of course it is better to make your own homemade cough rub. Usually, badger fat is taken as a basis and mixed with cedar essential oil, or eucalyptus, pine. Mink oil is also popular. In the summer, you can simply buy washed leaves, grind them in a mortar to a slurry and mix it with fat and put it in the refrigerator.

The advantages of such homemade cough rubs are that they are completely natural and you know their composition. The disadvantages are that if the temperature is not maintained, the fat quickly begins to smell like old fat. By the way, I personally was also fed this fat, since I was always stuck with pneumonia. If anyone is interested, the food recipe:

  • Mom melted half a faceted glass (125 g) of fat in a steam bath
  • I added the juice of the bottom aloe leaf, ground and squeezed through gauze.
  • 5 tablespoons cocoa (for taste)

They shoved all this into me in the morning before school and in the evening before bed. It was difficult to swallow a tablespoon, so they gave me 2 heaped teaspoons.

Let's get back to rubbing. They are usually applied before bed after bathing, avoiding the heart area. After bathing, the body is most receptive to such procedures, which will allow us to get rid of a cough, even a very strong one, as quickly as possible. After rubbing the little one with ointment or your homemade rub, wrap it well.

Sea salt compress for cough

This salt compress is considered very effective. I emphasize that it is sea salt, rich in minerals, that is used. Dissolve 50 grams of salt in 0.5 liters of hot water. We wet a towel, gauze (cloth for a compress) and place it on the chest, again avoiding the area of ​​the heart, which is located slightly to the left of the center, and not somewhere in the left direction, closer to the armpit. This method is good for summer, since in winter you don’t really want phlegm.

Mustard plasters

Well, this method of fighting cough is known to every mother. You need to hold them for no more than 10 minutes, but the problem is that they can be held at a temperature no higher than 37.2, and also that if the baby is very small, it will be difficult for him to lie quietly and let his mother understand that his back is burning badly .

In my opinion, it is better to use mustard plasters for a child over 7 years old, and for those who are younger, make a warming mustard cake as an analogue.

Warming cough cake recipe for children:

A warming cake will also effectively help get rid of a child’s cough at home. It prepares more than quickly, considering that we have tiny children. All four ingredients: flour, honey, mustard, heated butter. No matter how strange it may sound, try the mustard for freshness. For what? To determine its future burning strength. Fresh is so oh-oh-oh, but you may not even feel the old one. We need to mix everything in a 1:1 ratio. Flour with mustard powder, then add heated oil to knead the flatbread, and at the end add honey. In the form of gameplay, all children agree to a similar procedure. Personally, I make this flatbread on my back before going to bed during the day, but I take a teaspoon of mustard, not a tablespoon, as in the original recipe.

As you can see, using onions in socks at night, herbal decoctions, air humidification with ventilation, warming rubs and that’s it... this is the answer to the question: “How to quickly cure a child’s cough at home.” Don’t forget to include apples and other vitamins in your toddler’s diet.
Black radish in honey is also good for coughs. Wash the radish, cut out the core and pour mustard honey inside. Our radish acts as a filter; it will give juice mixed with honey. A teaspoon three times a day.

Cranberries, grated with sugar, as well as black currants should be handy in the refrigerator, this is clearly healthier than any candy!

And here is the promised video

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Moms and dads worry when their children suffer from a cough; if they can’t cope, they rush to see a local doctor or call an ambulance. Having gained experience while communicating with pediatricians and therapists, parents roughly know how to cure a child’s cough at home with the help of medications and folk remedies. However, this symptom occurs in many diseases. That's why you should distinguish between the types of cough and know how to successfully treat it at home.

Common symptom of diseases

When germs, dust, or foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract, a sharp reflex exhalation occurs through the mouth. This is a protective reaction of the body that is useful for children and adults, saving it from infection. There are harmless types of cough that are necessary to clear the airways. Other forms occur with colds and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).

Warm cough tea for children with honey, herbal baths, compresses - these remedies and procedures begin an extensive list of home remedies for colds, respiratory viral infections, and flu. Most often, during seasonal infections, pediatricians diagnose children attending children's institutions with ARVI. There are about 200 types of viruses that penetrate the respiratory tract and cause the cough reflex.

If a child who is less than 2 months old coughs, it is necessary to quickly contact a pediatrician, get recommendations and begin specific treatment.

Features of cough in a child with certain diseases:

  • pneumonia - fever, cough, first dry, then with the release of mucous sputum;
  • asthma - dry, scanty, viscous sputum, wheezing, nocturnal attacks;
  • ARVI, acute bronchitis, bronchiolitis - at the beginning dry, sharp, then wet;
  • diphtheria - barking cough, hoarseness and difficulty breathing;
  • chronic bronchitis - shortness of breath and cough in the morning, bronchospasm;
  • reflux of the esophagus and stomach - dry, chronic;
  • whooping cough - spasmodic, paroxysmal;
  • cystic fibrosis - dry, whooping cough;
  • pseudo-croup - dry, barking cough;
  • pleurisy - dry, irritating.

If we treat a child’s cough at home, then we need to treat the underlying disease, combat its manifestations and prevent complications. For ARVI and weakened immunity in infants, the doctor prescribes antiviral, immunomodulatory drugs based on interferon. Derinat drops activate the child’s immune system.

A prolonged cough in infants is often accompanied by vomiting, because the contents of the stomach rise up from the lungs along with the shocks of air. In addition, a prolonged cough exhausts young children and depletes the body.

In case of a viral infection, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics will not help; symptom-based treatment is recommended. When a child coughs during acute respiratory viral infections and colds, it is necessary to thin the viscous mucus, soften the airways and remove sputum from them along with germs and toxins. At high temperatures, suppositories with paracetamol are administered or antipyretic syrup (paracetamol, ibuprofen) is given. The pediatrician prescribes antibacterial therapy for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Cough in a child - treat at home

There are a fair number of remedies and procedures that relieve one of the main symptoms of colds and bronchitis. With a dry cough, it is necessary to thin the mucus, making it easier to cough up. With a wet cough, effective removal of sputum is required so that it does not “flood” the child’s lungs.

Dry or nonproductive cough in children is treated with Sinekod. However, it is not recommended to take cough suppressants without consulting your doctor.

A safe and very useful remedy - eggnog for cough for treatment at home - is prepared from sugar or honey with the yolk of a chicken egg (or quail). You need to wash the shell before breaking it, make sure that the product is fresh, the white and yolk are free of foreign inclusions, and do not spread. Beat the yolk with sugar to obtain a homogeneous mass. Give the product to the child 3-4 times a day, one teaspoon.

A simple cough eggnog for children effectively eliminates throat irritation. A spoonful of the finished product is dissolved in half a cup of warm milk and given to the baby to drink. Honey is added if the child is not allergic to bee products. Cocoa powder is added to eggnog for children over 3 years old.

Adding honey to the beaten yolk improves sleep and speeds up recovery.

Cocoa butter for coughs for children is used as a massage oil - rubbed into the chest and upper back. To rub children over two years old, add 4–10 drops of camphor oil to melted unsalted lard or goat fat; you can add the same amount of honey.

After using camphor oil for a cough, the child immediately experiences relief. Rub the chest and back, cover with cotton napkins on top. The remaining product is removed after 3 hours with a cotton pad, and the skin is wiped dry. Compresses with potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese, as well as massage of the chest, feet, and hands have a calming effect on the respiratory tract.

Propolis is an excellent cough remedy for children

Honey, zabrus, propolis contain antibacterial and antiviral substances, vitamins, and mineral elements. For acute respiratory viral infections or colds, the child is given a lump of propolis or a honeycomb cap to chew for 15 minutes, if there is no allergy to bee products. Then they ask you to spit out the gum. The procedure can be repeated several times during the day.

To rub children, use an ointment based on badger or bear fat. Propolis is added in a ratio of 1:5, heated in a water bath until completely dissolved. Propolis tincture at home is prepared with 60–70% medical alcohol (1:10). Infuse the product for 10 days, filter, add 10 drops of the product to a cup of warm milk and give it to the child to drink.

Relieving a child's cough

Burnt sugar candies are easy to make at home. A small amount is obtained by melting sugar in a tablespoon over the fire of a gas burner. The liquid mass must be cooled and then given to the child for resorption when coughing. It is recommended to give young children melted sugar dissolved in boiled water (1:20). At one time, give a tablespoon of syrup after meals. In addition to the main ingredients, honey, juice of healthy berries and medicinal plants are added.

  • Home remedies used for coughs with viscous, difficult-to-discharge sputum: boiled still warm milk with Borjomi is mixed in a 1:1 ratio and given to the child to drink;
  • fennel fruits are infused with honey (1:10) for 10 days, add 1 tsp. a teaspoon in a cup of warm water;
  • turnip or radish juice, preferably black, with honey, drink 1–2 tsp. several times a day;
  • do inhalations and steam baths with chamomile or mint;
  • drink 1.5–2 liters of warm liquid per day.

Parents doubt whether a child with a cough can go to the bathhouse; they consider the procedure harmful for a sick child. Moist, warm air improves the condition of mucous membranes; steam with essential oils from herbal teas penetrates deep into the respiratory tract and thins mucus. Use bath brooms carefully when coughing; select plants with anti-inflammatory properties (birch, chamomile, oak, linden).

You cannot take babies under 1 year of age, children with high temperature, fever, or epilepsy to the bathhouse.

Herbal remedies for the treatment of cough and ARVI

There are many home remedies for an irritating dry cough without phlegm. In such cases, tea, juice, syrup or extract of marshmallow, coltsfoot, mallow, and plantain are used. The elecampane plant is suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A decoction is prepared from dried roots, which has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Herbal cough remedies remove mucus and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Tea with sage, anise and thyme, and inhalations with these herbs help thin out sticky mucus and expectoration. Anise drops are prepared at home or bought at the pharmacy. The drug has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect and is well tolerated by children. Anise-ammonia drops in pharmacies are made from anise oil, ammonia and ethyl alcohol. At home, dilute the product with boiled water, 3-5 drops per 50 ml of water for a child 3-5 years old.

Helping children with acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, and pseudo-croup is not only about solving problems, such as treating a cough or reducing the temperature. The main measure is to ensure optimal temperature and humidity in the room (18–20°C, 60%). Above the crib or next to the pillow, you can put a linen bag with lavender flowers, sea salt, sprinkled with infusion of eucalyptus, thyme or mint.

Homemade recipes for cough relief in children are complemented by other measures that do not require much effort. It is enough to raise the child's head higher during sleep to help the viscous secretion drain and better clear the airways. Place an additional pillow under the head and shoulders or a terry towel between the mattress and pillow. The cough can persist for up to four weeks, during which time the symptoms gradually disappear with adequate treatment.

Folk cough remedies for children are very popular among parents. Folk remedies are represented by a wide variety of recipes that use only natural, environmentally friendly ingredients. You can learn from this article about how to cure cough in children at home, what home remedies can be used in newborns, and how not to harm the child.

How to choose a cough remedy for children

The cough reflex is one of the vital processes of the child’s body. With its help, the lower respiratory tract is cleared of foreign particles. It is also a signal that some kind of respiratory tract pathology has probably occurred.

The reasons for its appearance may be ordinary physiological needs to cleanse the bronchi of accumulated dust and dirt, which is excreted along with mucus.

In this case, coughing can occur up to 10 times a day and should not cause concern if it is not combined with the appearance of pathological symptoms, such as:

  • heat;
  • sputum production;
  • increased frequency of cough in a child;
  • runny nose;
  • pain, redness, plaque in the throat;
  • lethargy, reluctance to eat, unmotivated whims;
  • dyspnea;
  • wheezing heard at a distance.

Among the pathological causes, acute respiratory diseases (ARI) and colds come first, followed by bronchitis of allergic origin.

With a dry cough, which has a paroxysmal, intrusive nature, whooping cough can be suspected. The appearance of dry wheezing and difficulty breathing indicates obstruction (blocking) of the bronchi.

Depending on the cause of bronchitis, traditional official cough medicines for children are prescribed:

  1. Antitussives of central and peripheral action.
  2. Expectorant reflex and resorptive.
  3. Mucolytics that make sputum less viscous.
  4. Bronchodilators, which dilate the bronchi.

You can treat a child's cough at home with expectorants. Their production, as in similar pharmaceutical preparations, is based on the use of medicinal plants.

Test: Is your lifestyle causing lung disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unfavorable health conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We carry out many actions or, on the contrary, remain inactive, without thinking at all about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we cannot live even a few minutes. This test will help you determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, and will also help you think about your respiratory system health and correct your mistakes.

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Time is over

  • You lead the right lifestyle

    You are a fairly active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and strong emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people; if forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing your hands and face, clearing your respiratory tract).

  • It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is required, or even better, start playing sports, choose the sport that you like most and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym, or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu promptly, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work on your immunity, strengthen yourself, and be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations; it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in advanced stages. Avoid emotional and physical overload; if possible, eliminate or minimize smoking or contact with smokers.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the functioning of your lungs and bronchi, have pity on them! If you want to live a long time, you need to radically change your entire attitude towards your body. First of all, get examined by specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist; you need to take radical measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations, radically change your life, perhaps you should change your job or even your place of residence, completely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such bad habits to a minimum, toughen up, strengthen your immunity as much as possible spend more time in the fresh air. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely eliminate all aggressive products from everyday use and replace them with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and ventilation of the room at home.

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 20

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

    • Yes, daily
    • Sometimes
    • Seasonal (eg vegetable garden)
  1. Task 2 of 20

    How often do you undergo a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

    • I don’t even remember when was the last time
    • Every year, without fail
    • Once every couple of years
  2. Task 3 of 20

    Do you play sports?

    • Yes, professionally and regularly
    • It happened in the past
    • Yes, amateur
  3. Task 4 of 20

    Do you snore?

    • When I'm sick
    • Sometimes
  4. Task 5 of 20

    Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

    • Yes, at the doctor's
    • No, it goes away on its own after some time
    • Yes, I self-medicate
    • Only if it's really bad
  5. Task 6 of 20

    Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

    • Yes, I wash my hands all the time
    • No, I don't follow this at all
    • I try, but sometimes I forget
  6. Task 7 of 20

    Do you take care of your immunity?

    • Only when sick
    • I find it difficult to answer
  7. Task 8 of 20

    Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

    • Yes, parents
    • Yes, close relatives
    • I can not say for sure
  8. Task 9 of 20

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

    • Yes, I live permanently
    • Yes, I work in such conditions
    • Previously lived or worked
  9. Task 10 of 20

    Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?

    • Often
    • Rarely
    • Almost daily
  10. Task 11 of 20

    Do you have heart disease?

    • Yes, chronic
    • Rarely, but it does happen
    • If you have any doubts, you need an examination
  11. Task 12 of 20

    How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

    • Constantly
    • I'm not there
    • Previously was
    • Rarely, but it happens
  12. Task 13 of 20

    Do you often get sick with acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections?

    • I'm constantly sick
    • Rarely, no more than once a year
    • Often, more than 2 times a year
    • I never get sick or once every five years
  13. Task 14 of 20

    Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes?

    • Yes, I have
    • I find it difficult to answer
    • Yes, with close relatives
  14. Task 15 of 20

    Do you have any allergic diseases?

    • Yes, one
    • Not sure, needs testing
    • Yes, even a few
  15. Task 16 of 20

    What kind of lifestyle do you lead?

    • Sedentary
    • Active, constantly on the move
    • Sedentary
  16. Task 17 of 20

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

    • Happens sometimes
    • Used to smoke
  17. Task 18 of 20

    Do you smoke?

    • Yes, I smoke regularly
    • No and never smoked
    • Rarely, but it happens
    • Previously smoked, but quit
  18. Task 19 of 20

    Do you have air purification devices in your home?

    • Yes, I change filters all the time
    • Yes, we use it sometimes
    • Yes, but we don’t monitor the devices
  19. Task 20 of 20

    Do you often use household chemicals (cleaning products, aerosols, etc.)?

    • Often
    • Rarely, when necessary
    • Constantly, that's the job
    • I don't use it at all

How to treat children's cough at home

When choosing folk cough recipes for children, it is important to know that the basis of their use is not to remove the symptom, but to soften it and make it effective.

There are dry and wet coughs. In the second case, a small amount of sputum may be coughed up, then it is considered unproductive, in the opposite situation - productive. It is in order to make coughing effective that folk remedies for coughs in children are used.

In order for the cough to quickly become productive, use the following remedies for dry cough at home:

  1. Bananas 2 pcs. Peel and mash with a fork to a paste, pour a glass of boiling water over it and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 2 table. l. during the day.
  2. Pour 1 cup of sugar into a small saucepan, add half a cup of licorice root decoction (you can use sage or eucalyptus leaves), half a teaspoon of ginger powder. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the juice of half a lemon, stir. Quickly pour the caramel into molds or pour onto parchment or silicone mat, pre-greased with vegetable oil. Let cool. Use for resorption 3-4 times a day in children over 3 years old.
  3. Mix 50 ml of fresh carrot juice with the same amount of boiled hot milk and tea. l. honey Leave the mixture for 4 hours. Drink warm.
  4. Boil a glass of wheat bran in 1.5 liters of water, sweeten with burnt sugar. Drink the entire decoction throughout the day.
  5. Crush the peeled hazelnuts (100 g) and pour in the same amount of liquid honey. Use per teaspoon. l. mixtures, washed down with warm milk or a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  6. Grind dry plantain leaves and add to a glass of hot water. Leave for half an hour. Take by the table. l. three times a day.
  7. Mix dried anise and fennel fruits with thyme, taken 1 tablespoon at a time. spoon. Mixture in the amount of 1 table. Fill spoons with cold water. Leave for 2 hours. Place the infusion in a steam bath and heat over low heat for 3 hours. Strain the cooled broth and give a dessert spoon 4 times a day.
  8. Thyme 2 tsp. l. pour half a glass of boiled water and evaporate in a water bath to half the original volume. Strain the extract and give 1 teaspoon. l. 3 times.
  9. Spread a mixture of crushed garlic on your feet and cover with wax paper. Wear cotton and wool socks on top. Leave overnight.
  10. Mix by teaspoon. l. leaves of coltsfoot, plantain and primrose. Table. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture. Wrap and leave for half an hour. Give the strained infusion one teaspoon at a time. spoon 3 times.

Folk remedies for dry cough in children can be used in the form of steam inhalations. This is especially true if the unpleasant symptom is caused by laryngitis, pharyngitis or sinusitis. For the procedure, you can use decoctions, essential oils and extracts of chamomile, sage, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, calendula, juniper.

Water vapor thins mucus, facilitating its better removal, and medicinal plants help mitigate the manifestations of the disease.

It is important to consider possible contraindications and follow safety rules when using a steam inhaler.

How to relieve cough in infants

Treatment of cough in infants with folk remedies should be carried out with great caution. In children, methods of treating colds such as inhalation, rubbing with various substances, warming compresses, and the use of mustard plasters and cups are limited.

Infants have thin, delicate skin, rich in blood vessels. Therefore, various rubbing and compresses, especially with alcohol-containing compounds, can lead to chemical burns and systemic poisoning.

Due to their anatomical and physiological abilities, infants cannot effectively cough up sputum. Therefore, when giving folk remedies for cough to children under one year old, you need to be sure that the baby will be able to cough up phlegm.

Considering the fact that the mucous membrane of the baby is prone to drying out quickly, the basis of treatment should be hydration and restoration of nasal breathing - a saline solution is used for this purpose. To prepare it at home, you need to mix 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of boiled water. l. fine salt and baking soda. You need to instill the saline solution 5-6 times a day, 1 drop into each nasal passage. After the mucus gets wet, it needs to be removed using suction or a syringe.

In order for phlegm to clear well, it is important to increase the proportion of liquid in the baby’s diet. These can be juices, children's herbal teas. During the baby's illness, there is no need to introduce new complementary foods.

In infancy, the following recipes can be used to treat cough in children:

  1. From 4 months, rose hips can be used in infusion. Chain. l. pour crushed fruits into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes. Give a teaspoon every hour.
  2. Marshmallow root 1 tsp. l. stir in 200 ml of water. Leave covered for 15 minutes. Use in infants from 6 months, 1 teaspoon. l. 3 times.
  3. From birth, the baby can be given a chamomile decoction. Pour 250 ml of boiled hot water over the flowers (1 tablespoon), heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Apply one teaspoon at a time. l. every 2 hours.
  4. From the age of one month, you can use an infusion of fennel and anise, which is good for wet cough. Mix the crushed dried raw materials 1 teaspoon. l. Take tea mixtures. l. and pour boiling water (200 ml). Leave for 30 minutes. Give by teaspoon. spoon between feedings.
  5. From six months it is allowed to give the baby an infusion of licorice root 3 times a day. For this, 1 tsp. pour a spoonful of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.

In order to provoke a cough reflex in the baby, you need to gently press on the root of the tongue. By irritating the vomiting receptors, a reflex activation of the cough center occurs, which is located near the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata.

For home treatment for colds, a large number of traditional medicine recipes can be used. Such products are practically safe and well tolerated by children of any age. Before using this or that recipe, you need to be sure that there are no contraindications to its components. In order to correctly determine the diagnosis and understand how to treat a cough, you need to show your child to a pediatrician. Only the attending physician will be able to determine which traditional methods will be safe.

Test: Which cough medicine is best for you?

0 out of 6 tasks completed


A test that will allow you to determine which cough medicine is best for you.

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  • Syrups:

    Bronholitin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in children (Average cost in a pharmacy is 100 rubles)
    Paxeladin syrup is an analogue of the above product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 250 rubles)


    Stoptussin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)
    Sinekod - excellent tablets for dry cough for children (Average price in pharmacies 200 rubles)
    Glauvent is also a very good tablet for cough treatment (Average price in pharmacies is 250 rubles)
    We also recommend that you read the article on choosing cough tablets for children.


    Inhalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray for children (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
    Faringosept is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 110 rubles)

  • Syrups and drops:

    Stoptussin syrup - perfect for treating dry cough in adolescents and adults (Average cost in a pharmacy is 150 rubles)
    Sinekod drops are also an excellent product, but in a different price category (Average cost in a pharmacy is 350 rubles)
    We also recommend that you read the article on choosing cough syrup.


    Mucaltin - excellent and inexpensive cough tablets (Average price in a pharmacy is 50 rubles)
    Sinekod - this excellent drug is also sold in tablet form (Average price in pharmacies is 150 rubles)
    Solutan is also a very good cough tablet (Average price in pharmacies is 200 rubles)
    We also recommend that you read the article on choosing cough tablets.


    Inhalipt is an excellent and inexpensive cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 60 rubles)
    Hexoral is also a very good cough spray (Average price in a pharmacy is 170 rubles)
    Tantum Verde is an excellent drug in the form of a spray, in a high price category (Average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles)

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

    Task 1 of 6

    Please indicate your age (your child's age)

    • From 6 to 12 years
    • From 12 to 18 years old
    • Over 18
  1. Task 2 of 6

    • Up to 100 rubles
    • From 100 to 200 rubles
    • Over 200 rubles
  2. Task 3 of 6

    In what form do you prefer to take your cough medicine?

    • Pills
    • Syrup
    • Spray
  3. Task 4 of 6

    What type of cough is bothering you?

    • Wet
    • Dry
    • Barking
  4. Task 6 of 6

    Whose product would you prefer?

    • Domestic
    • Foreign

Coughing is the body's natural way of expelling unwanted particles from the respiratory tract. Our children are most susceptible to the disease because they are very sensitive to weather changes. Coughing attacks can be triggered by many reasons: allergies, pneumonia, croup, asthma, etc. Side symptoms of the disease include breathing problems, sore throat, fluid accumulation in the chest, vomiting, sneezing, hoarse voice, runny nose and even headache. Continuous coughing in children disrupts their normal activities and very often leads to sleepless nights.

Try using effective natural cough remedies that will relieve your baby's condition without causing side effects.

1 Give your child plenty of fluids

Although coughing is a natural way to get rid of excess mucous, its frequent attacks have a negative impact on the baby’s health. One of the easiest ways to eliminate it is to drink warm water frequently. This will soothe the throat muscles and reduce irritation while breathing. Hot chicken and vegetable soups, milk and broth can also be used to treat a severe cough.

2 Use honey

Natural bee honey effectively eliminates attacks of the disease. Doctors advise giving ½ - 1 teaspoon of the product several times a day. You can eat a little honey just before bed, but it should not be given to children under one year of age. The bee product will soothe an irritated throat and prevent night coughing attacks. Make sure that you use pure natural honey from trusted manufacturers.

3 Inhalation of steam

Steam inhalation is very effective in treating severe cough in children. Take your baby to the bathroom and run a hot shower. Keep the door to the room closed for best effect. Stay in the steamy bath for 15-20 minutes. The inhalations will gradually soften the cough and allow the child to breathe freely. You can turn on a humidifier in the room to reduce your baby's coughing at night.

4 Lemon tea

  • Fill a cup (200 ml) with warm water.
  • Add 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar (to taste).
  • Mix well and then give the baby a drink.
  • Repeat regularly as needed.
  • This procedure will help relieve a sore throat and clear excess mucus from the airways.

5 Treat yourself with oil inhalations

Essential oils can be used to relieve coughs, colds, bronchitis and other breathing problems.

  • Mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil with any oil, such as olive oil.
  • Massage it into your baby's chest.

Do not use the oil on the face of infants or small children.

6 Saline solution and drops

Salt drops are very effective in clearing fluid accumulation in the respiratory tract. Using this solution before bedtime will allow your child to sleep peacefully at night.

  • Add a teaspoon of salt to a container of warm water.
  • Mix well and place a few drops into your child's nostrils. Ask him to hold them for a minute and then let him blow his nose well.
  • Gargling with saline solution for 5-7 minutes several times a day gives good results.

Do not use salt that contains iodine, odor, coloring or fragrance.

7 Give milk with turmeric

Drinking warm milk with spiced turmeric is another effective remedy for treating cough in children. Avoid added sugar. This composition soothes a sore throat and loosens phlegm, reducing the intensity of cough. The drink does not taste very pleasant, but is very effective in treating the disease.

8 Sweet treatment with lollipops

Special sweets or lollipops can relieve a sore throat. Children over 6 years of age can suck on flavored hard candies. Avoid giving these sweets to babies as they may cause choking.

9 Treatment with ginger

Ginger is known for its antitussive and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking ginger tea is another useful home remedy for cough in children. Crush 2.5cm of ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water. Simmer gently for 1-2 minutes. Let stand for 3-4 minutes. Strain the tea and give it to your child 2-3 times a day. Add 1 tsp. a spoonful of honey to make the drink tastier, otherwise the child may refuse to take it.

10 Treatment with onion juice

You can try to relieve your cough with homemade syrup made from onion juice.

  • Slice a medium onion into rings and place it in a bowl.
  • Add 1 tbsp there. honey so that the onion releases its juice faster.
  • Leave the composition for 5-6 hours.
  • Give the patient one teaspoon of homemade syrup several times a day depending on the frequency of cough. The presence of sulfur compounds and quercetin (flavonoid) in red onions will help reduce allergic and asthmatic cough.

11 Other tips for treating cough in children

  • Regular rest and frequent drinking of liquids will help cope with the problem if your child has a runny nose, coughing and sneezing.
  • Make sure your child is away from smoke and people who smoke, as this irritates the airways, which are already inflamed.
  • Place a humidifier in the room where the patient sleeps. Remember that the device must be cleaned regularly to avoid further infection.
  • Raise your child's head higher when he sleeps; in an upright position, you can avoid attacks of illness.
  • Nasal drops for nasal congestion, list of inexpensive, non-addictive ones. Symptoms of whooping cough in adults and treatment at home
    Why does my chest hurt and it’s hard to breathe when I cough?

The respiratory system in babies older than six months is still imperfect. Children of this age easily become hypothermic; the immune system does not provide complete protection against infections. The result of such imperfection can be colds with cough. A 7-month-old child has a cough without fever; the child’s parents should definitely know how to treat it.

Possible causes of cough in a 7 month old baby

Coughing in children is a completely natural response of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is caused by any substance or object that is in the throat, trachea, bronchi or lungs.

If a foreign body accidentally gets into the baby’s respiratory tract, the body will try to get rid of it by coughing. In addition, possible causes of cough may be the following:

  • allergic reaction;
  • accumulation of sputum as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • dry air;
  • physiological characteristics.

If the cough is physiological in nature, then it does not require special treatment. A small amount of mucus may naturally accumulate after a day or night of sleep or during feeding. After all, small fractions of food cause irritation, and the child coughs. Salivation, characteristic of teething, is also the cause of physiological cough.

When the room is too dry, this is typical for rooms in winter with working radiators, then humidifying the air will ease or completely eliminate the cough. This can be done using a wet diaper placed on top of a hot heating device.

An allergic cough will disappear without treatment if the source of the allergy is removed from the room. If inflammatory processes cause a cough in a 7-month-old child without fever, how to treat it will be described below.

Main types of cough

Several types of cough are typical for an infant:

  • unproductive or dry - it occurs in cases where thick mucus accumulates in the baby’s respiratory tract, and the child cannot cough it up on his own.
  • productive or wet - the sputum has lost its viscosity and part of it can be coughed up well.

These main types of cough most often accompany inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. They can be caused by a viral or bacterial pathogen. Therefore, it is impossible to cure a cough without eliminating the causes that cause it. In the case when parents begin to treat a baby’s cough on their own, it is still advisable to show it to a doctor after 2-3 days.

Once the diagnosis is clarified, treatment will be more effective.

Treatment of cough in a child at 7 months

Treatment of an infant for cough begins with changing the climate in the room. To make it easier for your baby to breathe in the room where he sleeps or plays, you need to:

  • reduce the air temperature to + 20 degrees;
  • wipe off the dust and wash the floor, it is advisable to do this 1-2 times a day;
  • humidify the air in any way;
  • regularly ventilate the room well;
  • remove carpets and interior items made from natural wool and down.

Even if the cough appeared as a consequence of a cold, you need to regularly walk in the fresh air with your child; it is very good to take walks in a park area, in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir, especially by the sea.

A 7-month-old child has a cough without fever; the pediatric doctor decides how to treat it depending on the diagnosis. The specialist puts it on the basis of:

  • examination of the baby;
  • parent survey;
  • laboratory tests;
  • other studies.

The main treatment is as follows:

  • taking medications to thin sputum;
  • taking medications to relieve coughing;
  • in inhalations;
  • in a special massage;
  • in the use of traditional medicine.

Cough syrups for a 7 month old baby

The simplest solution for treating a dry or wet cough in a seven-month-old child is to purchase cough drops or syrups at the pharmacy. To treat cough in a child of this age, you can use:

  1. Lazolvan, a syrup based on ambroxol hydrochloride, is recommended for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies, and has sputum thinning properties. It is recommended to give 2.5 ml twice a day to children aged 7 months.
  2. Bronchicum, a herbal syrup based on thyme, has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is recommended to give 1/2 tsp twice a day.
  3. Gedelix, a syrup made from ivy leaf extract, is recommended for the treatment of prolonged dry cough. Can be used for both acute and chronic disease; the child can be given 2.5 ml twice a day.
  4. Linkas, a herbal syrup made from 10 herbs, primarily violet, licorice, and marshmallow. It helps not only in liquefying and removing mucus, but also relieves inflammation, relaxes smooth tissues, and soothes. Seven-month-old children are given 1/2 tsp three times a day.

If cough syrup treatment is started without a doctor’s prescription, it is still necessary to show the child to a specialist after 3 days. If parents are opposed to pharmaceutical drugs for children aged 7 months, then perhaps traditional medicine will help them.

Folk remedies for cough for a 7 month old child

The simplest folk remedy for treating cough in a baby aged 7 months is increasing fluids in his diet. This is not difficult to do, since at this age the baby’s diet already includes tea, compote, natural juice, and fruit drinks.

At this age, a coughing child can brew linden, chamomile, berry or mint tea. During the day it is drunk in small portions. These teas are great for thinning mucus and making it easier to cough up. The volume of tea per day can be 200 or even 300 ml if cough treatment occurs in the hot season. To prepare tea you need tbsp. l. raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Before drinking, the tea is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cough can be used externally. Gives a good effect in treating cough in infants of seven months wraps. The simplest wrap you can make using warm vegetable oil. This procedure does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergic reactions.

For wrapping you need to take about 100 ml of vegetable oil, regular sunflower oil will do. In a water bath, the oil is heated to + 40 +42 degrees. Soak a piece of diaper in it. Wring it out and wrap it around the baby's chest. Cover everything on top with film and wrap it in a warm diaper. You can keep this wrap for an hour to two. After which the child’s skin is cleaned of residual oil. If the baby does not have a temperature, then you can even bathe him.

They give a good effect in treating cough in infants rubbing with rendered fat of wild animals. If possible, then for these cases you can buy a jar from hunters bear or badger fat. You can rub it on a coughing baby twice a day.

Doctor Komarovsky, video about cough

Currently, many parents listen to the opinion of pediatrician and television presenter Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky. This specialist considers cough in children at 7 months to be a completely understandable physiological phenomenon. After all, as Komarovsky explains, the video confirms his story, at this age the intensive growth of baby teeth begins. This process not only causes slight discomfort, but is also accompanied by profuse salivation. This is what causes coughing attacks. The doctor does not advise rushing with drug treatment. His recommendations include walks, changes in indoor conditions and special massage.

After watching the video, parents can get answers to their questions related to cough in infants. What to do if a child has a cough for 7 months without fever, how to treat it, what procedures will alleviate the baby’s condition - all this is in the recommendations of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky. Much of his advice may seem ambiguous. Here, each parent chooses what, in his opinion, is useful for the child.

Save the information.

Colds are the most common group of human diseases. People are faced with ODS and acute respiratory infections from the very beginning of their lives. Respiratory tract infections become the most dangerous for children in the first year of life. Thus, a cough in a 7-month-old child, if not properly treated, can develop into a chronic form of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

If a baby develops a cough or snot, prompt treatment should be started.

Why does my baby have a cough?

When a child is 7 months old, his immunity is not yet strong enough to resist infections, and the desire to “taste” objects with which he has to come into contact leads to the entry of pathogenic microflora into the oral cavity. However, not only infections can cause a wet or dry cough, snot and other cold symptoms. They are often the result of allergens entering the body.

Good to know! Coughing is a normal reaction of the body, which allows you to remove irritating elements from the respiratory tract. Thanks to this, allergens, microorganisms and mechanical particles do not enter the lungs.

Finding out the causes of cough and snot in a 7-month-old child is the only opportunity to select effective medications and avoid complications. According to pediatricians, more than 90% of cases of cough in newborns are associated with the penetration of viruses into the body. Doctors call the most common of them adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, influenza and RS virus.

In some diseases, the temperature rises to critical levels for the child

They all differ in symptoms and course, which allows doctors to identify the type of ARVI without laboratory diagnosis:

In addition, a newborn may develop a runny nose and cough due to an allergic reaction. The temperature does not increase, and no stool disorders are observed. Additional symptoms help identify an allergic cough:

  • lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyelids, lips;
  • itching (the child may constantly rub his eyes and nose);
  • rashes on the body.

A cough caused by an allergic reaction may also cause watery eyes.

Regardless of what caused the cough - ARVI or allergies, it is necessary to call a doctor at home so that he can examine the child and prescribe appropriate medications.

Important! You should not engage in amateur activities and try to cure the baby, following the advice of friends or relatives. The medicine that cures one child may seriously worsen the condition of another.

Methods for treating cough in seven-month-old children

There are not many ways to cure cough and snot in children in the seventh month of life, because for this age the list of approved medications is relatively small. In addition, most first-year students experience drug intolerance. That is why treatment should be entrusted to a competent pediatrician who can take into account all the features of the disease and condition of the baby.

A doctor must prescribe treatment

When figuring out how to treat a cough in a 7-month-old child, you should only listen to the doctor’s instructions. There should be no deviations from the recommended doses and dosage regimens, or replacement of drugs with analogues! It is also worth following the recommendations regarding the daily routine - they will help facilitate the cleansing of the respiratory tract and will contribute to a speedy recovery of the little patient.

Regime and hygiene are the basis of effective therapy

To prevent complications from ARVI in children under one year of age, as well as to alleviate symptoms, pediatricians recommend:

You should not limit your child's drinking. The more water enters the body, the softer the sputum will be. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids will help the body cool itself (relevant for cases with elevated temperatures). You can give the patient plain water, chamomile decoction, or regular tea. He should drink twice as much as before his illness.

Fresh and humidified air is beneficial in treating coughs

Important! Pacifiers, bottles and toys must be cleaned daily to prevent infectious agents from remaining on them.

Medicines for cough, snot and fever

Several medications are used to relieve symptoms. Some will need to be taken as a course, while others can be given to the baby periodically as needed.

When coughing, doctors recommend giving a seven-month-old baby herbal preparations in the form of syrups. It is advisable to add them to drinking water, since the taste of medicines can cause rejection or even vomiting in a child. At this age, it is better to use the following cough remedies:

  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • licorice or marshmallow syrup.

The presented remedies will help with coughs in seven-month-old children

If a child has a debilitating dry cough, doctors recommend using Pertussin syrup or Mucaltin herbal tablets. The latter should be diluted in a small amount of water (a teaspoon of liquid per tablet) and given to the baby in the morning.

Note! It is not advisable to give mucolytics to children under one year of age, as they often cause severe side effects!

You can eliminate snot in a 7-month-old child using herbal nasal drops with natural Pinosol oils. In addition to a delicate vasoconstrictor effect, they have the ability to relieve inflammation and moisturize the nasal mucosa. If your baby is allergic to herbal ingredients and oils, you should use baby nasal drops Tizin, Galazolin or Nazivin.

Remedies to combat a runny nose in a child

Pediatricians recommend bringing down a high fever in children aged seven months with drugs based on NSAIDs - ibuprofen and paracetamol (Panadol, Nurofen). They are produced in the form of syrups with different flavors. The dosage should be checked with your doctor.

The absence of fever against the background of a typical clinical picture of ARVI may mean a weakened immune system. Such children are advised to take antiviral drugs - Anaferon, Viferon, Cycloferon. Only a pediatrician should select the name of the product and dosage!

If a seven-month-old baby starts coughing and has snot, you should not delay calling the pediatrician. Even a slight cough can result in difficult-to-treat diseases such as pneumonia and asthma. They can only be avoided by timely prescribing medications suitable for the child.

More information about the runny nose and its treatment in the video:

Any person faces such an unpleasant moment as a cough. And when the baby starts coughing, adults are doubly worried. After all, this condition exhausts the little one and prevents him from sleeping, eating, and playing normally. The question immediately arises: how to cure a child’s cough?

It is clear that any disease in a little person should be treated under the supervision of a doctor. After listening to the child’s lungs, he will select the necessary drug. But there are many traditional methods that are safe even for the youngest patients and can significantly alleviate coughing attacks.

How to choose a folk remedy for cough for a child, are there any contraindications, how to correctly use the wisdom of our ancestors, we will consider further.

Why do you need a cough?

Such a different cough

Cough itself is not a disease. It is one of the symptoms of any disease. And there are a lot of such illnesses, which are divided into non-infectious and infectious.

  1. Non-infectious causes of cough include: getting something into the respiratory tract, poisoning, allergic reactions, lung cancer, disease of the digestive system.
  2. Infectious causes: common acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Depending on the cause of the cough, it can be wet (productive) or dry (irritant). A dry cough is considered unproductive because it irritates the mucous membrane and does not lead to improvement. A wet cough is considered productive as it helps remove excess mucus and bacteria from the body.

If the disease concerns a little person, the best way out is to call a doctor and follow his recommendations. It is not recommended to treat yourself; you can very easily harm the child. Depending on the cause, the doctor will select a cough remedy for the child. It is necessary to treat the cause, and depending on the cough, drugs are prescribed that enhance or suppress it.

So, if the disease is accompanied by the formation of sputum, it must be removed. For this purpose, mucolic and expectorants are prescribed. This medicine will help thin mucus and cough up effectively. But in the case of small children, you should be careful and stick to the indicated doses. As soon as the effect of the medicine is achieved, it is discontinued.

For a dry cough, which only exhausts and prevents the baby from sleeping, drugs that suppress cough receptors are prescribed.

Also, depending on the child’s condition and illness, the doctor may recommend physiotherapy and massage.

We are treated with folk remedies

In addition to the medications prescribed by the doctor, you can also use folk wisdom. The main thing is to remember that not all products are so safe for babies. Many things can cause an allergic reaction or bronchospasm. Therefore, before using any of these methods, it is better to consult your pediatrician. It can be noted that children love and tolerate many methods very well. Therefore, the question of what to give a child for a cough is sometimes decided in favor of delicious folk recipes.

Recipes of folk wisdom

There is such a delicious recipe using grape juice that helps your baby cough up.

  • A glass of juice, a spoonful of honey and a few drops of lemon are offered to the child as a tasty medicine.

In addition, you can offer several more recipes that no child will refuse.

  • Black radish and honey. Honey is poured into the cavity of the radish and placed in a cool place. But don’t get carried away with this remedy, it is very strong and effective. It is enough to use it for no more than three days, a spoonful three times a day.
  • Honey and onions. Grind the onion, add a tablespoon of honey and take it three times a day. This is an effective cough remedy for a child, which also helps fight viruses. It should not be given to children under one year old.

  • Dry cough can also be relieved by honey. To do this you will need half a glass of lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey. Take a sip throughout the day. But keep in mind that cough honey for children can only be used if you are completely sure that the baby will not have an allergic reaction. The same goes for onions and lemon.
  • Carrot juice, mixed in equal proportions with sugar syrup, softens dry cough very well. The baby should be given a spoonful no more than 5 times a day.
  • For children, we can recommend a decoction of viburnum berries. Fill the viburnum with water, boil for 10 minutes and add honey. Your baby can drink this delicious compote up to 4 times a day, half a glass.
  • Children under one year old can be offered this recipe. Add 1 glass of water to 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of anise seeds, add a little salt. Boil everything, cool and strain. Give your baby a small spoon every two hours.

Putting mustard plasters

Our grandmothers also used a cough remedy for children called mustard plasters. They do not treat coughs as such, but they create warmth and a distracting effect that helps relieve attacks.

Due to their age, children have very delicate and vulnerable skin. Therefore, mustard plasters can only be applied to children who cough through a light cloth. Otherwise, there is a high risk of causing skin burns or inflammation. This method of treatment is not recommended for children under one year old. Children after two years can use it with caution. When children cough, mustard plasters are placed on a diaper, then covered with another diaper on top and covered with a blanket.

Mustard plasters are placed on the back between the shoulder blades and under the shoulder blades. The location on the chest is the same. But you should definitely avoid the heart area.

The procedure time varies depending on age.

  • 1-3 years. Mustard plasters are left for no more than two minutes.
  • 4-7 years. The procedure time is 3 minutes.
  • 8 years and older. You can keep the mustard plasters for 10 minutes.

Treatment should not be carried out more than twice a day.

Contraindications to the use of mustard plasters:

  • Any skin diseases and damage.
  • Allergy to mustard or other components of mustard plasters.
  • Temperature above 37.5 degrees.

Or maybe we can put some cans?

If we treat coughs in children at home, we immediately remember another grandmother’s method - cupping. Surely each of the parents has experienced the effect of this method of treating not only a cough, but any respiratory infection. Yes, cupping used to be one of the popular home methods. But now they have been proven to be ineffective, and moreover, harmful. This pseudo-treatment severely damages children’s delicate skin and does not prevent coughing. Therefore, you can forget about banks and turn to more reliable methods.

How to quickly cure a child’s cough without causing harm? Try dry potion.

Dry cough syrup for children

The instructions for this medicine state that it can be given to the baby from 6 months of age. Let's see what is included in the dry mixture:

  1. Marshmallow root extract contains pectin and amino acids.
  2. Bicarbonate and ammonium chloride help thin mucus and remove it.
  3. Anise oil has an excellent expectorant effect.
  4. Sugar gives you your favorite sweet taste.

You can purchase dry medicine in bottles for several uses and in disposable bags that are convenient to take with you.

The medicine has a sweetish smell and taste, very attractive to children.

When can you take dry medicine?

The remedy is given to the child if he cannot clear his throat. You should not stuff your baby if he already has a wet and productive cough. In addition, the mixture has a pronounced anti-inflammatory character. As a rule, the effect is visible after three days, coughing helps to cough up mucus, and after five days you should stop taking it.

Dry medicine is given to a child for diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis. In this case, the use is justified and gives a good result.

Rules for taking dry medicine

Even for the smallest children, dry cough syrup for children can be used. The instructions say to dilute the powder in 200 ml of water and then offer it to the baby. Take the medicine after meals four times a day, 1 small spoon. Be sure to shake the finished mixture before each use. It is usually recommended to give the medicine for 7 to 14 days. The effect occurs after three days and very noticeably relieves the baby’s condition with congestion in the respiratory tract.

Be sure to monitor your child's condition while taking the medicine. The components it contains may cause side effects such as rashes on the body. If such signs are detected, use should be discontinued.

Contraindications for use:

  • The baby is less than 6 months old.
  • The presence of a disease such as pyelonephritis.
  • Simultaneous use of other cough medications.
  • Allergy to components included in the dry mixture.
  • Diabetics should use it with caution due to the presence of sugar.
  • Do not use more than 5 times a day.

Attention: kids!

Parents of children under one year old are especially worried when their child has a cough. And for good reason. After all, such little ones cannot clear their throat at all, they cry and refuse to suckle. Therefore, the doctor may recommend cough syrup for children for such babies. It is better not to use folk remedies containing honey and onions for up to a year. But the syrup will help the child clear his throat.

The main thing is not to rely on the advice of girlfriends and friends. If a medicine helps one child, it may harm another. Only a doctor, having determined the causes of the disease, will prescribe cough syrup.

For children under one year old, there are many options for such products. They consist mainly of one active ingredient, but can also be multicomponent.

Syrups based on plantain extract are especially effective and safe for young patients. It has the property of reducing the viscosity of the mucus that forms, and the baby can easily cough it up.

How to take cough syrup for children? Instructions are included with each drug, but the main points must be remembered:

  • Do not give more than the recommended dose unless otherwise prescribed by a physician.
  • Stop taking after 7 days of use.
  • Use the measuring spoon included with the product.

Warmth will help with cough

It is useful to know how to quickly cure a child’s cough if the child develops a viral infection. One effective way is a warm compress. The action of the compress and its effect is due to increased blood circulation in the place where it is placed.

All compresses can be divided into types: cold and hot, alcohol, oil, water and dry. Here are some good folk recipes that will not harm babies and will help get rid of cough.

Boiled potato compress

Boil 2-3 potatoes directly in their skins, then add 1 tbsp. spoon of alcohol and sunflower oil. From the resulting mass we form two flat cakes and wrap them in gauze.

Thus, we place these cakes on the chest and back. In this case, the area of ​​the heart should be avoided. We wrap the baby and leave for 1 hour. After the compress, we dry the child and change him into dry clothes.

Apple cider vinegar compress

A vinegar compress relieves coughs in one-year-old children and older children. To do this, take three parts water and one part apple cider vinegar. If you are not allergic, you can add a spoonful of honey.

The resulting solution is moistened with a cloth and applied to the child’s chest and throat. A plastic bag and dry cloth are placed on top. The procedure time is 20 minutes.

Oil compress

When a 3-year-old child has a cough, traditional medicine will also tell you how to treat it. You can use an oil compress. Before this age, this treatment is not recommended.

The idea is to heat sunflower oil in a water bath, dip a cloth in it and wrap the baby. Cover the top with another cloth. After 1 hour, remove the compress.

Inhalations will help you cough

When a baby is sick and suffers from coughing attacks, the question arises: how to cure a child’s cough without causing harm? One of the ways to alleviate the patient's condition is inhalation.

Children under one year old cannot do inhalations on their own. There is a high risk of developing bronchospasm. The procedure can be carried out using a commercial inhaler. But the best way would be a nebulizer. In any case, if you don’t have either one or the other at home, you can use the means at hand and simply breathe, bending over a decoction of, for example, potatoes. But be extremely careful and do not leave your child alone with a bowl filled with hot broth.

If a cough is observed in a 3-year-old child, how to treat it and whether inhalations are needed, the doctor will tell you. If your pediatrician recommends, you can breathe over hot water with iodine. This treatment helps thin the sputum and remove mucus.

The baby is coughing. Basic Rules

  • The most important thing is that when a child has a cough, give him a warm drink. As you know, the blood and mucus in our body becomes thick due to lack of fluid. If the baby drinks little, it will be very difficult to clear his throat.
  • Before deciding what to give your child for a cough, consult your doctor. Let the pediatrician listen and examine the child and decide how and with what to treat.
  • It is not the cough that is treated, but the cause that caused it.
  • If the child is one year old, fever and cough greatly interfere with the child’s life. After all, he is still small, and it is difficult for him to clear his throat. Therefore, be sure to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.
  • If you apply mustard plasters or decide to steam your baby’s legs, do not do it when the child has a fever. This will only make the situation worse.

When help is needed immediately

  1. Cough with blood.
  2. The cough appeared unexpectedly and suddenly and does not stop.
  3. Occurs only at night in attacks.
  4. The baby wheezes so much that it can be heard even without listening.
  5. When coughing, greenish sputum is released.
  6. The cough appeared as a consequence of ARVI, but even after recovery it does not go away.


Prevention of any disease begins with hardening. Don't wrap your baby up, wipe him with cool water and let him run barefoot in the summer.

Regardless of the time of year, you should take your baby for a walk. Even if the baby is already coughing, you need to walk with him. The main thing is that the child feels well and does not have a fever.

Never smoke near your child and avoid crowded places during viral outbreaks.

Be sure to have good nutrition and sleep and rest. The baby needs to eat right, go for walks and go to bed on time.

If a cough appears, do not try to suppress it immediately. Remember that this is a necessary reaction of the body to help remove mucus and bacteria.

There is no cough medicine as such. All remedies are aimed at intensifying the cough and, as a result, thinning the mucus and releasing it. But for a dry cough that is persistent and unproductive, a specialist may recommend antitussive medications. They directly inhibit the receptors that cause coughing attacks.

Children, especially children under one year old, have not yet fully developed their own immunity. Therefore, they are very susceptible to colds. They are almost always accompanied by a cough. If a child is sick, he needs to be treated correctly.

Onset of the disease

At the first symptoms of a cold, you should contact your pediatrician. The child is very small, and he himself cannot say what and how it hurts. Therefore, in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment, you need to consult a specialist, and in some cases you should undergo tests.


A cough is a forced exhalation that occurs due to muscle contraction due to irritation of the receptors. Or in other words, it is a protective reaction of the body designed to cleanse the respiratory tract of bacteria, viruses and mucus. The cough can be “dry” or “wet”. With a dry cough, sputum does not come out, it is characterized by paroxysmal character, sometimes with a whistle, and mainly appears at night. A wet cough produces sputum. Usually, with colds, sputum begins to disappear only after a few days.

Before you run to the pharmacy to buy cough syrup for your little child, you need to determine the type of cough, “dry” or “wet.” The choice of syrup and its effectiveness depend on this.

Treatment of cough in children under one year of age

Since a child’s body is different from an adult’s, when treating with drugs, it is necessary to take into account the dose and contraindications. Since not all medicines have been tested on children, the instructions indicate age restrictions.

Syrup or drops

Many cough remedies for children come in two dosage forms: drops and syrup. Their active ingredients are the same. They differ only in the presence of sugar and the amount consumed at one time. A one-time dose of syrup is 5-15 ml, and drops are 3-15 drops. Parents themselves choose what is more convenient for them to drink for their children.

Baby syrups

Herbs are considered safer than synthetic substances. This is because they are natural. It is better to start treatment with them, the only thing is that some herbs can cause allergies. But there are many synthetic medications for the treatment of cough in children, which infants can safely take as treatment.

If your child is allergic, you need to be careful when choosing herbal syrups. To begin with, choose monocomponent syrups or those that contain no more than three herbs.

Their range is very large.

For dry cough:

Doctor Mom

Gedelix (can also be used when wet)



For a wet cough:

Licorice syrup

Lazolvan for children (used from 0)



Effective cough medicines for children

A child's illness is always fear and anxiety for parents. It would seem like just yesterday your baby was running or crawling merrily, but in the morning he woke up hot and cranky. The main problems in this case are faced by mothers whose babies do not yet know how to speak. After all, the baby cannot yet complain of a headache or sore throat. But if a child develops a cough, then, of course, it is immediately visible. This childhood symptom cannot be confused with anything, and in most cases it needs to be treated. How good and effective the treatment will be directly depends on how correctly the children's medications were selected.

Cough medicines for children: in what cases can you do without special drugs

Newborn babies often suffer from a runny nose in the first months of life. This happens for various reasons. Some of them have cleared airways after the mother's womb, while others have congenital narrow nasal passages, which eventually become standard size (by about six to seven months).

In this case, cough medicine for children is not required, because this symptom occurs due to the fact that the baby cannot blow his nose on his own and does not allow the mother to thoroughly clear the mucus from the nose. As a result, the secretion from the nasal sinuses partially enters the pharynx, thereby irritating the cough receptors. At the same time, baby's breathing becomes whistling, wheezing and bubbling, which is very frightening for inexperienced mothers. It begins to seem to them that a child’s cough is accompanied by wheezing from the lungs.

Effective good cough medicines for children up to one year

The most difficult test for a mother is the illness of a baby under one year old. Firstly, because she is very worried about the health and well-being of the baby, and secondly, because, to her great surprise, there are no suitable medications in pharmacies. Medical experts recommend treating cough in children under one year of age with antiviral or antibiotic drugs. They should only be prescribed by a specialist after taking tests and identifying the cause of this symptom.

If you still decide to give your children medicine for dry cough, purchase Tantum Verde at the pharmacy. According to the instructions, this spray should not be given to children under three years of age, but some pediatricians allow it to be used for infants, reducing the minimum dose several times. Of course, you won’t be able to accurately measure the required amount of medication, so you can spray a small amount of medication onto a pacifier and give it to your baby.

If you are looking for a cure for a wet cough for your child, use Gedelix drops. You should also consult your doctor before using them. The antiseptic “Miramistin” also helps in this case, as well as chamomile tea with a small amount of dried plantain leaves.

Effective medicine for children from one to three years old

If the child is over a year old, Lazolvan, Ambroxol or Ambrobene can be used to treat him. If your child's cough is wet, these remedies will help thin the mucus and remove it from the lungs or bronchi.

In this case, it is extremely important not to self-medicate, but to visit or call a pediatrician at home. An experienced specialist will use diagnostic and laboratory methods to determine which disease caused this symptom and prescribe the correct treatment. So, for bronchitis or pneumonia, which develops very quickly in children if not treated properly, in addition to antitussive expectorants, taking antibiotics is also indicated.

Good children's cough medicines are nebulas for inhalation. These are Pulmecort and Berodual. For this procedure, a special device is required - a nebulizer. Inhalations with these medications can be done with saline solution or alkaline mineral water. If you don’t have an inhaler, you can hang a bottle of juniper, eucalyptus or tea tree oil around your child’s neck.

Effective children's medications for dry nonproductive symptoms in this case are also practically absent. Among them we can highlight “Sinekod”, which suppresses the urge to cough.

Good and best children's medicines after three years

It is much easier for children aged three years and older, as well as teenagers, to find good medications to help cope with this symptom. Most medications according to the instructions can be taken from this age.

For a wet cough, you can give your baby expectorants, for example, Bronholitin, Suprima-Broncho, as well as Gerbion and Doctor MOM. From the age of three, the baby can also take mucolytics, which actively dilute sputum and remove it from the lungs. These are Lazolvan syrup, Ambroxol, as well as Mucoltin and Bromhexine tablets.

For dry non-productive childhood symptoms, Sinekod and Codellac NEO are prescribed.

Pediatrician Komarovsky, known to many from his programs and Internet videos, has his own opinion about the effectiveness of one or another method of treating children’s cough. He believes that excessive use of medications at such an early age is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous, since it can seriously undermine the baby’s immunity, which will subsequently take a lot of time, effort and money to restore.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends treating children's coughs with herbal remedies. They are sold in pharmacies everywhere, but in most cases they cost a lot. Meanwhile, the components that make up these miraculous medicines for childhood illnesses grow almost throughout the entire territory of our country, therefore, it is considered advisable to purchase them in dried form. We are talking about violet and sage. And also pine buds and plantain. Using these ingredients, you can make your own medicines that will help cope with children's cough.

Dr. Komarovsky also draws the attention of parents to the fact that there is no cure for this childhood symptom. And there are various diseases that accompany dry or wet children’s cough. Therefore, before looking for effective children's medicines at the pharmacy, you should definitely visit a doctor. After all, a child’s cough is not always associated with respiratory diseases. It may indicate problems with the brain or central nervous system. In these cases, there is no point in taking cough medicines, since they either will not help or will alleviate the condition for a while. At the same time, the child’s body can react unexpectedly and contradictorily to the senseless use of these drugs.

Antitussives and expectorants for dry coughs

Cough is a protective, reflex reaction of the body that removes pathologically altered bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when foreign substances are found in the trachea or bronchi.

Cough is not a disease, but a symptom, so it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of medications that affect cough depends on the individual characteristics of the person, the type and clinical manifestations of the disease.

The effectiveness of basic treatment of any disease accompanied by a cough increases significantly with the rational use of antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants. We will look at the causes of a dry cough and the medications used to soften it and transform it into a productive, wet one.

What is the best medicine for dry cough?

The choice of drug primarily depends on the nature of the cough and should be agreed with the doctor:

  • Cough is dry, painful, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to disturbances in appetite and sleep, choice - antitussives or combination drugs.
  • Productive cough, but with difficult to clear, thick, viscous sputum, choice - mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with sputum, and it is not viscous or thick - expectorant cough medicines are the choice.
  • Mucolytic agents should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

Dry cough - causes:

Most often, a dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as when inhaling various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the case of a severe attack of dry cough, inhalation is accompanied by a whistling noise between coughing impulses. This occurs due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to difficulty breathing. Before an attack of dry cough, pain may be felt when taking a deep breath.

Causes of dry cough:

Read also on the topic:

  • Dry cough without fever in adults - causes
  • Barking cough in a child - treatment
  • Chest cough pack - instructions
  • Treatment of dry cough in children and adults
  • Why does a dry cough not go away? Causes of a dry cough
  • Herbion for dry and wet cough - instructions
  • Sinekod - instructions for use
  • Causes of dry cough without fever
  • Inhalations for bronchitis and laryngitis
  • Allergic cough - symptoms
  • Antibiotics for bronchitis
  • Laryngitis in a child - treatment
  • Viral and infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • Allergies - allergic rhinitis, allergies to dust, chemicals, may be the initial sign of asthma.
  • Bronchospasm – spasm in the bronchial tubes
  • Medicines that reduce high blood pressure – enalapril maleate, caproptil, lisinopril.
  • Reflexive reaction to smoke, cold air, pungent odor

Severe dry cough - how to treat it?

What is the best treatment for dry cough? The use of antitussives is considered advisable only in conditions where the cough is severe, frequent, dry (debilitating) and only as prescribed by a doctor.

If the cough is dry and unproductive, it should first be converted into a wet one, and then mucolytic or expectorant agents should be used. And also for non-productive coughs, combined drugs that have both an antitussive and expectorant effect are effective:


Sinekod - instructions for use

Dosage form: Tablet form, for children in syrup and drops for oral administration.
Pharmacological action: Sinekod is an antitussive drug that has a direct effect on the cough center. It has expectorant properties, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator effect, and improves spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of various origins.
Contraindications: Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women. Children under 2 months of age are contraindicated; children under 3 years of age should not use syrup; only drops; tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.
Side effects: Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
Price: syrup 220 rubles, drops 320 rubles. Analogue Omnitus syrup 150 rub., table. 190 rub.


Gerbion - plantain syrup

Dosage form: syrup
Pharmacological action: Gerbion is a combined medicine of plant origin, has an antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Contains extracts of mallow flowers and plantain herb. The drug softens and relieves dry cough.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to herbal preparations, fructose intolerance. Take with caution if you have diabetes.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Price: average price in pharmacies is 220 rubles.

Codelac Phyto

Dosage form: elixir, syrup
Pharmacological properties: Codelac Phyto is a combined antitussive agent. Contains codeine and extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice. Has an expectorant effect.
Contraindications: bronchial asthma, cannot be used by children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, with respiratory failure and hypersensitivity to the herbal components of the drug.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation. With prolonged use, drug dependence on codeine develops.
Price: 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: tablets, drops for internal use
Pharmacological action: Stoptussin - combined antitussive and secretolytic effect. The composition includes Butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effect, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.
Contraindications: Children under 1 year of age and during pregnancy in the 1st trimester cannot be used.
Side effects: Allergic reactions, rarely - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache.
Price: drops 70-80 rub., tablets 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: syrup, elixir, lozenges
Pharmacological action: Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effects. The syrup and tablets contain thyme herb extract, and the elixir also contains primrose root extract. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry and wet coughs. At the stage of the disease, when the cough is dry, Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transforming a dry cough into a wet one. Then, with a wet cough, it facilitates expectoration of mucus, helping to remove it from the lungs.
Contraindications: The syrup is contraindicated for children under 6 months, and children under 6 years old should not take lozenges, patients with significant impairment of liver and kidney function, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects: irritation of the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions.
Price: 270 rub.


Dosage form: syrup
Pharmacological action: Broncholitin is a combined drug with antitussive, bronchodilator and bronchoseptic effects. The composition includes Glaucine hydrobromide, which has an inhibitory effect on the cough center and a weak anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Basil oil has minor sedative, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminating swelling of the bronchial mucosa.
Contraindications: heart failure, children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use.
Side effects: tachycardia, tremor, insomnia, drowsiness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, rash, increased sweating.

Price: 60 rub.


Dosage form: tablets
Pharmacological action: Libexin is a peripheral antitussive agent. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, and its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause addiction and has no effect on the central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: diseases with abundant bronchial secretion, use with caution in childhood, not recommended during pregnancy.
Side effects: dry mouth, temporary numbness of the oral mucosa, mild sedation, skin rash.
Price: 260-280 rub.

When the cough is no longer so dry, you can use this herbal preparation.
Dosage form: Brown syrup, contains extracts of 10 medicinal plants - marshmallow flowers, onosma, hyssop, violet, alpinia, long pepper fruits, licorice root, adhatoda leaves, etc.
Pharmacological action: Linkas is a combined drug of plant origin, reduces the intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has a mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: It is not recommended to use for children under 6 months, if hypersensitive to herbal remedies, use with caution in case of diabetes.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Price: 130-140 rub.

The attending physician should prescribe and determine the duration of taking the listed medications and expectorants for dry cough. There are cases when medications do not help with a painful, debilitating non-productive cough, and simple methods of traditional medicine, such as mustard plasters, cupping, steam inhalations, warming ointments and creams bring significant relief and quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.

List of medicines for dry and wet cough for children. Cough medicine for children from one year old. Expectorants for children

It’s strange, but when a cough occurs in an adult, he ignores this phenomenon, saying that he feels fine. But as soon as the child chokes, restless mothers immediately begin to stuff him with syrups, tablets and all kinds of other medications.

But why not accept the idea that the child is completely healthy, and a cough only indicates that foreign particles have entered the respiratory tract?! Let's take a closer look at its nature in children, look at the list of medications and identify an effective cough medicine for children over one year of age.

Does a cough always signal illness?

Cough occurs due to foreign particles (mucus, dust, pollen, food) entering the body, which irritate the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and pleura. In fact, this phenomenon is a physiological reflex even during illness, when the patient coughs up sputum.

In what cases does cough in children have a physiological cause, when there are no symptoms of illness and the baby is absolutely healthy?

  • Morning. After a night's sleep, your child may have a slight cough. This is due to the fact that mucus accumulates in the bronchi overnight.
  • Grudnichkovy. For infants, coughing is a typical phenomenon, since the baby may choke while crying or feeding.
  • Artificial. Babies, competing for the attention of mom and dad, can cause themselves to cough once, noticing the worry on their faces.
  • "Dental". During the period of teething, children experience increased salivation, which can contribute to the cough reflex.
  • A defensive cough occurs when small objects or food crumbs enter the respiratory tract. In this case, you need to remove the foreign body, most often requiring medical assistance.

In these cases, you should not give expectorants to children. Cough medicine must be selected wisely so as not to worsen the child’s well-being. A harmless cough differs from a cold by its short duration and episodic nature. It does not affect the child's health.

Character of cough during illness

If the cough becomes a consequence of the disease, then the baby does not sleep well, eats, plays, begins to be capricious, and cry. In this case, the disease leaves its mark on the cough reflex:

  • with colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, the cough intensifies over several hours or days, turning from dry to wet;
  • laryngitis causes a barking, dry, painful, hoarse cough, accompanied by wheezing, difficult breathing;
  • with tracheitis, a loud, “chest-like”, deep and painful “thump” appears;
  • pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough that occurs due to a sore throat;
  • bronchitis “thumping” is similar to tracheitis, only it is painless and accompanied by sputum production;
  • pneumonia can cause a wet, deep, chesty cough with pain in the ribs if the disease is caused by bacteria, or a dry, paroxysmal, loud, painless cough if the cause of the disease is chlamydia;
  • with the flu, the cough is strong, dry, painful, worsening at high temperatures;
  • measles in the first two days causes a dry, weak, painless cough, while after skin rashes it becomes rough and hoarse.

In this case, even expensive medicine for children with dry cough will not help, since the treatment must be comprehensive.

Allergic cough

After a cold, children may experience an asthmatic or recurrent cough. It lasts more than two weeks and constantly recurs after illness. This may be the cause of obstructive bronchitis, then along with a cough, fever, sore throat, and rhinitis appear.

If coughing is not accompanied by signs of a cold, but is caused by allergens, cold air, or physical activity, then the child may develop asthma. This cough occurs as a reaction to allergies (wool, fluff, pollen, dust, foods). It may appear during uneven breathing, for example, the child ran, took a deep breath or swallowed cold air. An allergic cough usually appears before dawn as a reaction to difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

Observe your child: most often, sneezing, watery eyes, skin rashes, redness, and itching appear along with allergies. Do not under any circumstances seek advice on the forum, do not read reviews of cough medicines, and do not experiment on a child, since everyone’s illness progresses differently.

Be sure to seek pediatric care. And if the child’s well-being stabilizes after taking bronchodilators, then we can talk about the appearance of bronchial asthma.

How can parents determine what kind of cough their child has?

If your baby has the described symptom, then you should not panic, call a doctor right away or look for medications. Please note the following points:

If children do not show signs of illness, then coughing has a protective physiological nature, so there is no need to look for a good cough medicine for a child. But if the phenomenon persists, consult your doctor; there may be other reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

If the cough is a consequence of an illness

Your actions:

  • to measure the temperature;
  • examine the throat, tonsils, ears, eyes, nose;
  • check with the child where it hurts;
  • see if there are any rashes on the skin;
  • listen to the cough: dry, barking, intermittent, paroxysmal, wet, hoarse, with sputum;
  • Call a doctor.

Monitor the child’s well-being, the nature of the disease and the type of cough. For example, with colds, the “thump” from dry can turn into wet due to an increased runny nose, while with the flu, coughing occurs without acute rhinitis.

However, a cough without fever, runny nose, or sore throat can be a consequence of roundworms in a child, allergies, diseases of the digestive tract, and even cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, if the described phenomenon lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor and express your concerns, rather than giving medicine for a severe cough uncontrollably.

Prolonged nighttime “thumping” may indicate diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis. In this case, children experience white and green discharge from the sinuses and severe nasal congestion. Be sure to consult an otolaryngologist!

Basic and auxiliary medicines that eliminate cough

If you ask a pharmacist for advice on which cough medicine to buy for children aged one year and older, you will get dozens of names in response: “Codeine”, “Demorphan”, “Sedotussin”, “Sinekod”, “Libexin”, “ Gelicidin", "Stoptussin", "Bronholitin", "Lorraine", "Gerbion", "Mukaltin", "Ambrobene", "ACC", "Lazolvan", "Bromhexin", "Sinupret", etc.

  • drugs that prevent the cough reflex by affecting nerve cells in the brain;
  • medications that affect the bronchi and their mucous membranes;
  • medications that reduce sputum production.

Some of them can be harmful to the child’s body, since they contain narcotic substances, while others are ineffective, since the body does not perceive them. Therefore, after an examination, the pediatrician prescribes his treatment.

  • Babies under one year of age are prescribed syrups, inhalations, ointments, essential oils, and less often sprays.
  • Older children may be prescribed tablets.

Inhalations are most effective, as the child deeply inhales the vapor of the drug. But check with your pediatrician for the duration of the procedure and the proportions of the medication with saline solution. In any case, when a dry cough appears, the doctor’s task is to prescribe a drug that will transform it into a wet one and then help remove phlegm from the body.

What medications are given to children for dry cough?

1. Libexin tablets are best used when cold symptoms appear. They act on nerve receptors, inhibiting the cough reflex, but do not depress the respiratory center. Tablets can be given to preschoolers.

2. The herbal preparation “Linkas” in the form of syrup has an expectorant, antitussive, bronchodilator, and antispasmodic effect. This is a cough medicine for children over one year of age who do not have diabetes.

3. Bithiodine pills have a peripheral effect on cough receptors and do not have narcotic components or any side effects. Therefore, they can be prescribed to children.

4. Stoptussin tablets are antitussive drugs and have a mucolytic effect due to butamirate and guaifenesin. They have a number of contraindications and are prescribed to adolescents over 12 years of age.

5. Bronholitin syrup does an excellent job of coughing, reducing sputum production and dilating the bronchi. Suitable for children from three years old. Despite its wide range of uses, this medicine has a number of contraindications and side effects.

What medicine for wet cough is given to children?

1. Gerbion syrup for wet coughs has an expectorant effect. It has a peculiar taste and smell, so not all children drink it.

2. Thermopsis tablets enhance the removal of sputum and make it more viscous. This drug is contraindicated in infants who will not be able to cough up the resulting sputum.

3. Syrup-like “Lazolvan” - a medicine for a wet cough in a child, stimulates sputum production, but does not suppress the cough. This medication can be produced for inhalation, which allows treatment for infants.

4. The drug "Ambroxol" in the form of tablets is aimed at increasing mucus secretions. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

5. ACC tablets can be prescribed to young children for the treatment of wet cough. Thanks to acetylcysteine, sputum thins and leaves the body. Despite the advantages of the drug, there are many side effects, so treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

What types of expectorants are there?

Cough medicine "Sinekod" in the form of syrup is used against dry cough and during whooping cough. Has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects. It is used for no more than 7 days in syrup for preschoolers over three years of age; for infants it is sold in pharmacies in the form of drops.

Gedelix syrup perfectly removes phlegm. Herbal medicine produced in Germany. It does not contain dyes, sugar, flavorings, or alcohol, so it can be used from infancy.

The drug "Doctor Theiss" in the form of syrup is manufactured in Germany. Effective in combating wet cough. Facilitates breathing during night sleep and removes phlegm. Cannot be given to children under one year of age.

Herbal medicine “Doctor Mom” in the form of tablets, lozenges, syrup. Allows you to transform a dry cough into a wet one and remove phlegm from the body. Prescribed for children aged three years and older.

Bromhexine tablets and syrup increase sputum production, making it viscous. Great for children over three years old.

An effective cough medicine for children over one year old

As you can see, there are a lot of medications for dry and wet cough. Moreover, in each category there are subgroups of medications that have a wide range of effects due to combined functions. Such medications include “Stoptussin”, “Bronholitin”, “Doctor Mom”, etc.

Try to treat coughs in young children with rubbings, mustard plasters, ointments, inhalations, herbal decoctions and syrups. For infants, pediatricians can prescribe medications such as Doctor Theiss, Lazolvan, Linkas, Gedelix, etc., but everything will depend on the individual tolerance of the medications and the nature of the disease.

In any case, parents need to remember two things:

1. Before buying the drug, check with the pharmacy about contraindications and side effects. If you have any concerns, you should immediately return to your pediatrician and clarify the method of treatment.

2. If your doctor has prescribed you a new cough medicine for children over one year old, monitor your baby’s reaction.