How to behave during a crisis so as not to lose your job

If the business owner or general director, cutting staff and salaries, acts harshly, treats employees as cogs, demands to fire people quickly and in large numbers, take it for granted. Don't try to prove to your boss that this is difficult to do and that it is inhumane. This is not the time for discussion.

And the boss is not a child, he cannot be changed. Otherwise, during the fight with the general director, you will become psychologically overstrained and fall into the category of people who do not stand up for the safety of the business.

Quiet for a while. do not propose large and expensive HR projects

Reduce activity, reduce training costs and its scope, do not hesitate to improve the motivation system and introduce new benefits for certain categories of employees. All this is inappropriate now, and if you start talking about large, expensive HR projects, the CEO will be very surprised and will think that you are far from understanding the laws of business and the situation. But if expenses for something cannot be excluded (for example, for training of certain categories of employees), defend them.

Don't trust that HR work is well organized

Let’s assume that over the previous years of working in the company you understood what the structure of the HR service should be and how employees should interact with each other. And, it would seem, everything is going as usual: newcomers appear, people are motivated, training is going according to plan. But all this was done to work under normal conditions, and not during a crisis. Be prepared for the fact that management will no longer appreciate this. Consider which of your past experiences is useful and which you can discard.

Offer optimization ideas to your boss

Think about how you can save money without sacrificing quality, and make suggestions to the head of the company. It's okay if he doesn't accept them. But he will see that you have ideas.

You want to support a company during a crisis. Feel free to abandon what you did before, say, a corporate university or an assessment center. This is expensive for a crisis. Better introduce mentoring. Don't think that the main thing is to minimize the budget. It's more important to bring in new ideas. The management is waiting for them.

Don't be afraid to go beyond your budget if you see a benefit.

Yes, of course, the budget must be respected. But this should not interfere with the search for new opportunities to optimize costs and business processes. If you have discovered a new HR method or an idea that will simplify HR management while saving money and increasing employee productivity, take action. Tell the CEO about the method, spend money to attract the right specialists. But only if you are at least 80% sure of the result.

Look for an alternate airfield in case of dismissal

Unfortunately, dismissal cannot be ruled out. So that it does not come as a surprise, look for either a company that you can move to or an activity that you can engage in. Now foreign consulting companies are leaving the Russian market, so you can replace foreign consultants. If you have an alternate airfield, you can consider dismissal as an opportunity to take a break, rest and gain strength before work.

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Nowadays it has become especially difficult to choose a job that you can count on in the long term. However, there is a solution to this problem, the correspondent found out.

When career consultant Al Stewart gets a call from a client asking how to secure a sustainable career, the founder of Business Mentors can't help but smile.

“Long gone are the days when you could work your entire life at IBM and get a Rolex watch for your hard work,” Stewart writes in an email. “No profession is immune to constant change, restructuring, global competition and obsolescence.”

Instead of investing all your energy into studying a specific field, instead, it makes sense to develop various skills and work on your strengths to gain a competitive advantage, says career experts.

Focus on the future

Even if you don't have a magic crystal with which you can predict the future, you need to focus on the future, says Al Stewart (his company has offices in Atlanta and Paris). “You must be prepared to retrain, restructure and act around, sometimes taking risks, in order to cope with unexpected turns in your professional life,” the expert is confident.

Sometimes this means agreeing to a venture that you are not sure will succeed. Deloitte & Touche LLP partner Monica O'Reilly remembers a call early in her career. It was a Saturday morning and the caller asked her to go to Korea on Monday to lead a complex six-month project. O'Riley enjoyed leading a team, however, she knew that the move would force her to step far outside her comfort zone.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption The more you know, the higher your chances

The project was ultimately successful and many other opportunities subsequently became available to O'Reilly as a result of her accepting the offer. "It was important to view this as a fantastic opportunity to learn new things and grow professionally doing what I love - rather than just thinking about how much work I’ll have to do, how far from home I’ll be, and how different the local culture is from what I’m used to,” says Monica O’Riley.

Don't relax too much

Employees with extensive experience, sometimes spanning several decades, often make the same mistake - they believe that their work will not escape them. This is pointed out by Kathy Caprino, a career consultant in Connecticut who specializes in working with executives. “I have seen countless executives, men and women over 50, who have been asked to vacate their positions. It is like a sobering shower for them: they realize that they never built their own support system, did not pay enough attention to developing their skills, did not follow up "and weren't keeping in touch with activists and lawyers who could help them," Caprino wrote in response to a question from BBC Capital.

The end of "work for life"

People need to get used to the idea of ​​having 10 to 15 jobs in their lifetime, says Maity Baron, director of The Corporate Escape, a London-based careers consultancy that helps frustrated employees become business owners. "There will no longer be a job or career for life. Previously, it was believed that one should choose "safe" professions, such as an architect, an accountant or a lawyer, but now this is no longer relevant. For example, the jobs of junior lawyers are under threat - "More and more of the research work they once did is now being done by software."

One thing is certain

As for her future career, Maity Baron is absolutely sure that the main thing is to constantly improve. “Whether through on-the-job training or your own training program, you must take responsibility for developing your horizons and flexibility of thinking, which will make you attractive to potential employers - and without which you are unlikely to get a job in the first place.” she believes.

Where to look

Stay away from jobs that involve doing work that can be automated. According to the 2014 Australian Industry Report, almost 500,000 jobs in Australia alone could disappear in the coming years due to automation and the development of artificial intelligence. In addition, according to data published in 2013 by researchers from the Oxford Martin School (the publication is called "The Impact of Future Technologies"), over the next two decades, computers could replace 45% of jobs in the United States. “It makes sense to focus on areas where robots and software are unlikely to dominate in the near future,” advises Baron. “These are professions where human interaction plays an important role - trainers, doctors, software developers or, say, robotics specialists.” ".

Prepare properly

If you're looking for a job with long-term growth prospects, don't wait until you're hired to get a feel for the company culture you're interested in. That's the recommendation of Ed Fleischman, head of the New York recruiting firm ExecuSearch Group. “As early as the interview process—and on social media and Glassdoor, where anonymous reviews of companies are posted—look for evidence that your potential employer is training workers and is interested in their professional development,” he writes in an email. You should use salary as a guide if you don't think you have any prospects for growth, or if the organization's culture doesn't fit your needs." If you have to choose between multiple offers, “choose the company with the culture that best suits you,” advises Fleischman. “After all, the more satisfied you are with your employer, the more motivated you will be to seek opportunities for growth.”

Take care of the future

Build professional relationships online and in person. On the business social network LinkedIn, you should make 10 new connections every week, recommend people, confirm the professional skills of your friends, join informative discussion groups, and share your own opinions. Go to conferences and attend meetings to share experiences.

Don't lose your qualifications. Take classes, take exams, speak at events, follow new trends in your field through the media, watch TED talks.

Go to interviews. Regardless of how satisfied you are with your current job, interview for potential positions at least several times a year. This is necessary to understand your market value, your value to other employers, and what exactly you can offer them. Find out how other companies' cultures work and which one would be the best fit for you.

Develop yourself in many ways. Build connections with a variety of people who contribute to your growth and your success.

1. Audit time.
A crisis is the right time to review your own skills, successes and self-worth. Until recently, when the situation seemed stable, many employees allowed themselves to relax, rest on their laurels, and therefore stopped growing. It’s too late for many people to think about how not to lose their job. In order not to be among those fired, impartially evaluate all your strengths and weaknesses, remember all the mistakes you made and try to draw the right conclusions.
The more honest you are with yourself, the more chances you have to fix something. For example, it’s time to admit your passion for being late, your love for long smoking breaks to the detriment of work, and similar sins. When you clearly identify the problem, it will be easier for you to find a way out of it. If you continue to turn a blind eye to your own mistakes, there is a high chance that your boss will notice them, and this will mean inevitable layoffs.

2. Labor optimization.

Another step towards a calm life without fear is labor optimization. Maximum productivity is the answer to the question of how not to lose your job during a crisis. Make a work plan every day. Let it include everything - negotiations, meetings with clients, drawing up reports or maintaining current documentation, coffee breaks and everything else. You will find that some things take too much time, for example, endless conversations in the smoking room. Reduce them to a minimum, and divide the resulting time into those things that you did not have time for. For example, now you can finish writing a report for management, tidy up your workplace, or think about the future strategy for the development of those projects that are within your competence.
Planning and strictly following your goals is a great way to get more done while optimizing your time.

3. More responsibilities.
Don’t let them pay you extra for helping a colleague complete a task, for negotiating a printer fix, or for bringing the boss coffee. Even if these are not your responsibilities, but you perform them, which cannot but go unnoticed. During a crisis, the rule that employees try to do as little as possible for a lot of money does not work. Only those who demonstrate their willingness to work beyond the requirements will survive.
While your colleagues are puzzling over how not to lose their jobs, you can do small but necessary things that everyone has been putting off until later. Management will try to save on everything; employee salaries are one of the most serious expense items, so make every effort to ensure that the savings are not on you. Don’t give up on offering new ideas; even in a crisis, the company needs to develop. But offer ways of development that do not require large expenses.

4. No conflicts.

Now is not the best time to sort things out. Many companies experience so many difficulties that they have no time to solve additional problems. If you are a constant source of trouble, if it is you who initiates quarrels with colleagues or superiors, then they will try to get rid of you first.
It is beneficial for management that the team works as a single whole, but does not cause any trouble. Therefore, put aside your grievances, forget about demanding extraordinary leave or additional benefits from your bosses. Try to bring as much value as possible without making special demands. Good relationships with colleagues and management will help you make a choice that is not in your favor when the time comes to decide who will be the first to leave your friendly team.
So gossip, intrigue, absenteeism and tardiness should remain a thing of the past. Counts. That in difficult times it is difficult to resist trying to undercut a competitor. If you really want to know how not to lose your job, then you should give up small and large scandals in favor of a quiet life.

5. No matter what.

Many things during a crisis have to be done despite, not thanks to. Development is one of them. It is necessary to improve your professional level, otherwise someone more resourceful will definitely surpass you. Nowadays it is difficult to undergo training, attend courses and seminars, since most companies and employees simply do not have the money for it. But there are free ways to gain additional skills and knowledge. Self-education should temporarily replace the usual methods of professional development - books, magazines, the Internet and communication with more experienced people - this is the way out of this situation.

Many people worry that their situation during the crisis is very unstable. Not everyone knows how not to lose their job in a difficult situation. Sometimes no amount of effort will help if the company goes bankrupt, but basically there is always a way out. You need to become the best specialist, an indispensable employee and just a pleasant person. At a time when no discounts are made for past merits, you need to try to prove that you will still bring great benefit to the work of the entire company, and not just to yourself. And how you perform during a crisis determines what position you will occupy when stability returns.

Office romance is becoming a common occurrence today. Modern man is forced to work more and more and have less free time. If a guy has ambitions and the desire to become a rich man, then he spends all his time at work. But this does not cancel the desire to find a soul mate. That's why romances at work are common, and they can be both beneficial and harmful.

Immediately after school, every guy begins his adult life, even if his studies continue at the university. – this is an opportunity to declare your maturation, independence and success. The sooner a guy starts working, the faster he will adapt to adult life, which may not always be happy and carefree.

Spending all his time at work, the guy does not have time to meet girls. Here the guy is forced only with those candidates who constantly surround him. At work, he meets female co-workers, and at school, he meets his classmates. By and large, the guy has little choice. You have to choose from what is available. And here two negative factors arise:

  1. The guy chooses from what is offered, not what he wants. If there is no “his dream” girl at work, then he has to be happy with what he has.
  2. The guy deprives himself of the opportunity to start dating the girl who will be interesting to him. At work he will know about 5 girls, and at school - about 20. But the world provides him with at least a million beauties with whom he can meet and choose the best among them. 25 and a million – the difference is significant.

But if a guy is shy, lazy or simply doesn’t want to take time off from work, then he will choose what he has. Let’s not say that it’s impossible to meet a good girl at work. Lucky are those who found their love in the same place where they earned their millions. However, this rarely happens.

Why start an office romance?

Office romance is both a game and a need. On the one hand, a person needs love. No matter how much he works and earns, his other areas of life also need satisfaction. The need for love, female affection, praise, admiration, courageous actions and simply in a relationship is not excluded, even if the guy thinks only about work. Sometimes thoughts concentrate on love.

On the other hand, a guy may understand that the girls represented in his team do not correspond to his desires. And here he simply plays, satisfying at least his basic needs.

Cases when an office romance turns into a serious relationship and even marriage are becoming rare. This is where love really arises between partners who find each other at work. Often, an office romance is just a game of satisfying one’s needs, when there are no more options, and one really wants to be a representative of one’s own gender.

Romance with the boss

The situation when a young specialist starts a relationship with his boss is not that uncommon. The boss, who is already tired of the same faces, especially if they are all her age, will be interested in those who are ambitious, energetic, handsome and charming.

In fact, winning the favor of your boss is not so difficult, especially if she herself is ready for a love relationship. There are so-called “iron ladies” bosses - it’s better not to try to have anything with them. However, there are bosses - “cold queens” and “fun girls” with whom you can have a relationship. In the first case, you just need to melt a cold heart thirsty for love. And in the second case, the heart itself reaches out to the guy, throwing out various hints.

Should you have an office romance with your boss? This choice is up to the guy. However, it should be understood that in any relationship conflicts arise. Sooner or later, your candy-bouquet period will pass, and certain difficulties will begin. If your woman mixes work and personal life, then you can definitely lose your place.

When you start to quarrel with your lady, she may start to “put a spoke in your wheels” at work. And for this she has many levers. She may even fire you simply because she is in a bad mood. This fact should be taken into account if you do not actually fall in love with your boss, but simply sleep with her.

Romance with a subordinate

If you yourself are the boss, then everything is much simpler. Subordinates in the person of young beauties may even throw themselves on your neck so that only you can start a relationship with them. It is much easier to be the boss yourself, which is why your subordinates will want to ring you in order to move up the career ladder through you or receive a higher salary.

The saddest thing here may be that the girl with whom you started a relationship will not love you, but your capabilities. She will sleep with you only to then ask you for something: an increase in salary or position. If this doesn’t bother you, then you can start office romances.

An affair with a subordinate can only be dangerous because the young beauty may divulge your official secrets to competitors. You don’t need to give her access to the secrets of your company, then she definitely won’t become your enemy. Even if your romance fails, you have nothing to worry about.

Also, don’t forget that there will always be women at work who will make up legends about you and tell all the beauties who come to your company. If by chance you get a girl with whom you really fall in love, it will be difficult for you to win her over if she constantly hears stories about how you had affairs with all your employees.

Romance with a colleague

It is much easier to have an affair at work with a colleague whose position is practically the same as yours. Here, of course, there are also disadvantages. However, they have little impact on your ability to work and pursue your career.

Sleeping with your co-workers is entirely possible. The only way they can ruin your reputation is by spreading gossip. If your bosses don't like you sleeping with company employees, then you may be fired.

It’s not uncommon to start an affair at work with one colleague. There really is an attempt to build a serious relationship here. However, relationships can fall apart, which leads to certain consequences.

If you broke up with a girl who works with you in the same company, then:

  1. There will be discomfort when you see it. She will look sideways at you, you at her.
  2. There will be a desire to leave work so as not to suffer at the sight of your ex-girlfriend. This becomes especially unbearable if you really fell in love with a beauty and have not yet cooled off towards her.
  3. You won't be able to concentrate on work until the stormy breakup leaves your thoughts.
  4. You will be jealous if your ex-passion starts dating someone else at work.

You can start a relationship with a colleague at work. However, you should be aware of how uncomfortable it will be to see her after you break up.

What to do if an office romance doesn't work out?

How to work with a work colleague if there is no loving relationship between you? How to continue working with your boss if the office romance between you has failed? It is not uncommon for people to have romantic relationships in the workplace. People usually respond negatively to office romances. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the fact that you can fall in love with your work colleague or boss (or subordinate). The point is different: people then don’t know what to do when the relationship breaks down.

You can start a love relationship anywhere. Office romance is a normal phenomenon. There is nothing reprehensible in this. You often spend time at work, and it’s good that there was a person there who became interesting to you. With the same success, you can meet your beloved partner in entertaining places where you usually like to relax. Is it really possible that now that you have separated, you cannot visit these establishments?

You wouldn't have met if you weren't in the same place at the same time. And work is one of those places. Therefore, office romance is a normal phenomenon.

The question is: what to do now, how to interact and collaborate effectively with someone with whom the relationship did not work out? It is important to understand one thing here - your emotions and feelings are interfering with you. You can continue to communicate effectively and normally with your colleague (who was your loved one some time ago), if only you remove all your grievances, complaints, dissatisfaction, jealousy, etc. The only things that hinder you are the emotions and feelings that remain after the relationship . If you remove them, then you will calmly react to your ex-partner.

People make a tragedy and a problem out of a failed office romance. Well, the relationship didn’t work out – so what? Why not let it go? There is nothing stopping people from continuing to work at the same job, except their own grievances and dissatisfaction that they carry with them after an unfulfilled relationship. It is better to work on eliminating your own emotions than to look for a new job or avoid your ex-partner. Nothing prevents you from continuing to work together, except for those feelings, negative emotions and thoughts that you yourself carry after breaking up.

Should I end up having an affair at work?

Some people realize that they don't want problems of any kind at work, so they ignore any opportunities to start a relationship. However, there are people who don't mind having fun. Whether to have an affair at work depends on the wishes of the guy himself. However, it is worth remembering only one thing - it is better to work at work and remain a professional in your field, but to deal with relationships outside the office.

Cuts are coming at work, and you have doubts that you will be the loser? What to do to avoid being laid off at work: a conspiracy against layoffs will help you! At the moment, we have a difficult situation in our country! There is a crisis outside, there is a catastrophic shortage of jobs, crowds of people are subject to constant layoffs.

Salaries are falling, vacancies are disappearing, and the situation seems hopeless! How you want to secure a bright future for yourself, with stable income and pleasant work! Fall asleep in the evenings with confidence in the future! And don’t think that one day you will come to work and they will tell you that you are being laid off, and again everything will start from scratch. Where to look for work? What should I do? What to live on?

What to do to avoid being laid off at work? Is it worth trying the white conspiracy for this trouble? Try it!

In such situations, a person seeks help from higher powers! There are special conspiracies for this! They have appeared since ancient times and help people keep their jobs. After all, sometimes it is so important to have at least some income so as not to be left on the street without a penny in your pocket! And especially when you have responsibility in the form of children, parents and other family members!

Below are the main most powerful conspiracies that help avoid reduction.

Option 1 “At the mercy of your immediate superior”

Conspiracy at the mercy of the boss on paper

This is a fairly simple conspiracy to favor your boss on paper; it will undoubtedly be able to help you in a situation where your position depends entirely on the opinion of your boss.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down on it all the bad qualities your boss shows towards you.
  • Then place the leaf on a saucer and set it on fire.
  • When the paper burns completely, scatter the ashes into the wind while saying:

    “Like paper burns,
    So your anger (boss’s name) will burn away.”

  • The wind, the wind, carries the ashes and dispels all evil plans (name of the boss).
  • Then spit over your left shoulder three times.

If you want to avoid being laid off, this procedure must take place without prying eyes! No one but you should be present at this ritual! And no one should know about it! Remember, secrecy and mystery give all rituals the strongest magic! Now you can calmly go to work and not be afraid of aggression and injustice from your boss.

Option 2: “For fir cones from contraction”

If necessary, the previous ritual can be repeated several times. It depends on the aura of the leader. If it is very strong, then you may have to use the following ritual: To do this, you need to come to a pine forest or park, preferably so that no one is watching you. Find two cones of the same size there.

You must glue these two cones together with plasticine, while saying

As the cones are glued together, so am I with my work!

I can disconnect when I want.

Everything is in my power!

Bring these cones home and hide them away from prying eyes. Better put it in some box. When you decide that you want to quit, just separate these lumps and throw them in the garbage chute.

Option 3: “Water from conflicts at work”

The following conspiracy is to help protect against problems and conflicts; it is necessary in order to smooth out disagreements with colleagues, thereby winning over your superiors and avoiding layoffs.

  • Pour warm water into a plastic bottle and place it in your bed, near your feet.
  • Sleep like this for three nights in a row. Then you need to quietly bring this bottle to your work!
  • It is important that no one sees it, and especially no one drinks from it!
  • At work, go to the toilet, wash your hands and face with this water, saying

“I have walked here and will continue to walk here. Here I was and here I will be. Amen"

This conspiracy will wash away all your troubles at work and help you improve communication with colleagues.

Option 4: “Plot to cut wages”

Strong conspiracy against reduction

It often happens that management does everything to ensure that you quit yourself, so as not to pay redundancy payments. They demote you, cut your salary! There is another good and proven conspiracy for this!

You need to take a five-ruble coin, put it in your shoes, under your heel, saying

My road is woven from money,

Benefits are glued to your feet

You have to do this all day long with a coin! After this, we put the coin in our wallet and under no circumstances spend it! From now on, this is your money amulet! Having lost it, the ritual will have to be performed again.

By following these simple rituals, you can ensure yourself a stable job and good relationships with your superiors! The most important thing is to use these conspiracies, not tell anyone about them, and believe in them!


Comments from site visitors

    An excellent plot in my opinion. Otherwise, you go to work, and every day you think and are afraid of every call to your superiors - “what if there’s a layoff.” I’m already tired of being afraid of every rustle or whisper. I’ll try to make this spell now, maybe it will help. Because sometimes you start to go crazy with the thought that they will make you redundant, but now there is a crisis, and I have a family - children and a wife, so what should I do? Every day and every penny counts for us... They will make you redundant, but looking for a job will still require time and money, this is cost and stress... I heard that conspiracies have helped before, so let’s try.

    My mother used this spell. At first I was against this. On the other hand, I understood that this was all from powerlessness. She is a pensioner and because of the crisis she was put on the black list of those who are being laid off. She was very worried about this. She did it almost a year ago and so far so good. And she stopped worrying. Thank you very much for calming my mom’s nerves. Good luck with your site. Maybe I'll try something myself.

    My grandmother told me that an interesting incident happened during their youth. She just met my grandfather, everything was great, airy. But then my grandfather (then a young man) was warned that they would be laid off and perhaps many would be fired. This was unexpected and very inappropriate, because I wanted to impress a young and beautiful girl. My grandmother found out about the cuts and took advantage of the conspiracy. Now they laugh and remember those times.

    Today there is a crisis in the country. This conspiracy comes in handy for many people who want to avoid unnecessary layoffs at work. My mother constantly uses these spells, and she advised me to read this site. So I also decided to make this plot, now we are planning another reduction, I wouldn’t want to fall under the hot hand. In general, I believe in all these conspiracies and in their magical powers. It's like magic.

    I think many people now have a fear of losing their jobs. This site was recommended to me by a friend. He works at a factory. A large number of people were laid off in his department, but he read the plot in advance and was left behind. Well, I’m in limbo right now. I trust my friend, so it's worth a try!

    The article is somewhat similar to this one. But nevertheless, there are new interesting conspiracies that will help. In a women's team, it is very easy to encounter incomprehensible rivalry, envy and ill will. But I already had to turn to the conspiracy. Since then, intrigues have not affected me at all! I hope they won’t haunt me until I retire. Living in harmony with colleagues is worth a lot.

    The crisis has long ago receded, but no one guarantees that it will not return. Holding tightly to your place is very important. I would not like to find myself on the street without work, and, accordingly, without money. I’m not superstitious, I don’t believe in omens, but conspiracies are a different kind of thing. This is something that can really help any person in difficult times, the main thing is faith in your strength and your strength. I believe that there is a lot of mystery and mystery surrounding us, and it will never refuse to help